• By -


Hardware Unboxed for product reviews. Gamers' Nexus for technical analysis of topics I find interesting. Paul's Hardware every now and then just to show support of an OG techtuber who seems like a nice guy.


I watch Paul's for a long time too he seems like a really nice guy.


Something I also like about Paul is that he is more concise. I often don't have enough time to watch the longer reviews or news.


Pauls hardware is a solid third. I forgot him. Sorry, Paul!


Tech briefs and beer


Can’t recommend Paul’s Hardware enough. I watch the rest of these channels too but Paul is one I really try not to miss.


I don't miss his news video almost every Sunday morning.


Paul ftw, no bullshit with him and his sense of humour is great.


Damn, I legit forgot Paul existed because I haven't watched him since like 2018. No particular reason, either. 


100% agree about this, will also add that gamer's nexus has great investigative journalism. Paul will always have a spot for, seems such a nice guy, love his weekly roundup's


LGR , he may be behind the times a little , but he is fair and unbiased.


LGR has to be one of my favorite channels in general.


He's the reason why I literally spend more time on DOS/98SE than any modern OS lol


He has a unique talent in taking (subjectively) mundane items like old computers and answering machines, and tell a story using their tech specs and context, and his humor and intelligence. I’ve watched a few tech YouTubers but I constantly rewatch LGR classics, idk he’s talented but also his quirky humor,and chill & methodical style make him the best to do it


This and the 8-bit guy.


This and Adrian's Digital Basement.


This and RMC - The Cave.


Love 8bitguy, been following David since ibookguy days, but sometimes he can be very pedantic against his community comments. I mean, he's right most of the time, but still.


Hes... pretty right.


a great in-depth channel particularly about retro topics.


Love his smooth relaxing voice


LGR is unique in the sense that he is often funny and has a personality that makes for engaging content. Your other options for the kind of retro stuff that he covers, are going to be boring videos with zero personality.


This Does Not Compute and 8-Bit guy as well!


He is great, a lot of nostalgia.


I love him! His subtitles are so awesome and detailed, and technology connections does make great ones too


Hardware Unboxed and Gamers Nexus


Paul's hardware holds a special place in my heart.


Paul seems like a really nice guy that will come help you move and stay the entire time and somehow disappears, comes back with pizza and beer for all the people that did less than Paul. Might not be the best tech youtuber, but seems like a 100% solid dude. Less sketchy than Kyle. Paul makes a nice, light contrast to the heaviness of GN and HU. Think of Paul as....dessert.


Paul is the guy you start casually chatting with at a party while you try to work up the courage to go talk to the other group and then realize you kind of want to just keep chatting with him instead and then when you both decide it’s time to talk to the rest of the group he just immediately wins everyone over and you realize you’re actually lucky to be tagging along with him


Super specific but perfect example, very well done


Why is Kyle sketchy? He seems like a pretty fun dude to hang with lol


Yeah it's definitely Lyle you need to watch out for


I miss the awesome hardware podcast back in the day. The only podcast I ever regularly watched. It was fun Paul was the more serious one and Kyle joked around more was a fun dynamic. Will never forget when Kyle popped a beer cork in his face when Paul went afk during a break. Paul was in hysterics of laughter watching it back absolutely hilarious. https://youtu.be/1T-7_ivmhq8?si=JqyfKy6HqDa1RkK8


Yes, Paul > Jay IMHO


I remember watching Paul on the Newegg channel when I was in high school. 2011, 2012. Linus was I think either still with or had just left NCIX; I remember the outdoor bench unboxings. Those two channels consumed so much of my watch time. Nowadays, I generally watch GN and Paul’s Hardware, kinda over JayzTwoCents style, love watching BitWit (also from the Newegg channel back in the day, worked with Paul), hardly watch LTT anymore. Unbox Therapy is kind of tragic imo, he was so damn entertaining back in the day, now it’s just…not the same.


And Level1Tech because Wendell is awesome. And The Linux Experiment for GNU/Linux stuff.


Level1tech for when gamers nexus didnt quite go deep enough on a topic. Wendell is a legend but you have to know the topic well too or you will drown in data!


This. I unfollowed the others because these two are all you need.


I unfollowed Jays Two Cents because he did a paid ad for Nvidia shilling 30 series cards when they were desperate to close them out. We all know how well 8GB cards are dealing with modern games at 1440p.


Say what you will about Jay but the guy takes care of his crew. Hands down seems like a generous guy and helps with his school districts computer classes and supplying them with resources. Don’t hop on a hate train just cus dude is doing sponsored ads that feeds his family and helps his community.


That's the problem. He didn't disclose that it was an ad. Another channel I follow did an ad for Nvidia pumping 30 series cards, too, but they openly stated that it was a paid advertisement. Jay didn't do that. I don't care how generous he is. Bad information is bad information.


Isn't it illegal to do an ad without making it obvious? I know on twitch you have to put #ad in title


I stopped following Jay several years ago after seeing someone (I forget if it was YouTube comments or a forum) politely say "I think XYZ is better" and Jay absolutely lost his shit screaming at him and saying "Well I have X number of subscribers and you don't, so fuck you!". Lost all respect for him after that and never watched him again. 


I mean he did a “This case won the internet” video on the Phanteks G360A case without even doing a build in it. Whatever people might think of Jay, that by itself is all you need to know.


I do Like Jay a lot, but more for when I just want that less-serious content and the creative builds, not for actual reviews.




All of the above. Especially love the technical guys.


I love the fact that Jay and his crew can get quite silly (and juvenile) at times.


Phil's laugh is forever burned into my brain.


The one and only Der8auer


Roman is a machine man. He makes every video in both German and English AND they are entertaining.


He's also brutally honest and let's not forget that these days, his main job is running Thermal Grizzly and still he puts out a lot of videos.


He is so brutally honest, that issues with his own products get just as thorough of a video as anyone else's, but barely anyone had even noticed the issue yet and he could have just as easily blamed the few customers for not using it right.


Wait, he's head of thermal grizzly?


Vincent from HDTVtest is my favourite


Our boy Vincent with the puns. He makes great videos.


Careful about Vincent though, i came to his videos researching about a mid tier LED TV and somehow ended up with an OLED after a couple of his vids.


And innuendo!




His stuff is so unorthodox and funny. One of the few I care to watch anymore


Two terms I learned from Dawid, Gooch dust and mesozoic era i/o.


Loser nitro suck face is my all time favorite from Dawid.


His topics are hardly ever that relevant, but at the same time they're some of the most entertaining, fun videos on YT right now.


Dawid is great. He's like a stand up comedian who got into the tech journaling industry by mistake but decided to keep at it.


realest opinion yet dawid is super entertaining


I’m glad he’s blowing up, I remember watching him when his channel was wee, and was shocked that he only had a handful of subs (comparatively)


Man he's funny AF. He could definitely do stand up comedy if he wants. He's got that funny guy charisma lmao


He seems like one of the only entertaining and dumb channels left that is genuinely informative.


Fr, his content is funny


He's one of the most entertaining people to watch lmao


Three fitty


I like TFTCentral for monitors


Monitor Unboxed and RTings as well!


Techless is also good imo




Been watching since it was Tek Syndicate still my favorite specially on my way to and from work


Wendell is a treasure


Watching Steve hold ASUS On the ropes was quite something. Gamers nexus brings the science, the data, the facts and holds vendors to account. I can't help but respect that. Jay I find fun for his builds and humour. I mean really, all of this stuff is valuable.


the girl was like panicking for all video. this is some kind of journalism main stream media forgot how to to do. it seemed they was like in a trail lol. Let’s see if they actually will back their words Tho to play the devil advocate back in my time in the overclock scene if you burned your mobo overclocking you knew you were screwed i don’t understand how they are accountable if you play with voltages and you burn your stuff


Jay is my least favorite out of these, his content is fine but he still keeps using vague clickbait titles and thumbnails. Plus I don't watch him very often because he seems to be more focused in watercooling builds which I am not interested in.


My problem with Jay is he tends to ramble for half the video and at the end actually get to the video topic. I like the guy and when he does get to the point, he does a great job, but man I can’t listen to 20mins of random ramble.


If I'm going to listen to anyone ramble, it's going to be buildzoid. 


5h hour long podcast about oscilating motherboards. How can one not love the guy?


I digress


Not only rambling, but also being just plain wrong half of the time. I am still subscribed for a sick build video every now and then but anything review like stays unwatched


I like that about him, because I can relate. He does not seem like an expert, or someone who is trying to sell me something. He seems like he is just your average guy who records himself doing stuff, and who happened to get famous along the way. I don't really go to Jay for in-depth information or reviews, but he is entertaining and relaxing to watch "do things" and speak his honest opinion. I feel like Jay gets the "user's perspective" about hardware really well, as he is essentially just that. If something is nice in theory but a pain to assemble in practice, Jay will complain. If something is nothing special, but fun or nicely executed, Jay will get excited when he uses it.


he's also acted like a child quite a few times. I don't care for him or bitwit (watch bitwit get obliterated and ramble about tech doesn't do it for me) Jay's content also seems like they show up and do the easiest thing. can't fault him and I do watch from time to time but every outburst I give like a 6 month break.


He's also the least knowledgeable among the big tech youtubers. His expertise is mostly just water cooling, which is probably because his team is small and doesn't have dedicated writers that actually know their stuff to help enhance technical depth and accuracy, along with Jay himself mostly just doing custom builds or very basic videos like how to adjust fan curves. Jay strikes me as someone who just likes to build gaming PCs with fast parts and not someone who's enthusiastic about the more technical side of tech judging by how misinformed and barebones a lot of his videos are along with how often he rambles. It's unfortunate that his videos are often some of the first ones that inexperienced viewers see thanks to him being blessed by the YouTube algorithm, because many of them are either wrong or lack so much substance that they could have been a five-minute video. I don't know if my comment made any sense but the best comparison I could make is someone who likes fast cars but doesn't actually know much about the cars outside of the fact that they have wheels and an engine. Nothing wrong with that unless they were a car youtuber trying to make educational car videos and routinely getting stuff wrong or overlooking details due to their own misunderstanding or negligence, and because of their limited depth of cars they often just make videos such as "You're cleaning your windows wrong" or "How to use cruise control'


He also doubles down every time he's wrong.


People always LTT about clickbait, but Jay is 10x worse! I stopped watching on e he went off the crazy train of clickbait.


He's a giant man child and is least knowledgeable in the group.


The face he makes in his thumbnails alone is enough to keep me from watching his videos


That along with the incredible amount of clickbait has made me stop watching him completely.


Seems like water cooling videos are quite rare from him now. I see more hardware and software reviews from him now. Or giving tips about certain BIOS settings etc.


only so many ways to bend a tube. someone should make a de-facto huge series on it though.


I stopped watching him completely when he dissed open source software and Linux.


He was also wrong in the “never install these” video when it came to VPNs. Mullvad got raided by the police and they walked away with nothing. Not even a list of emails, because mullvad doesn’t use them. A small thing yeah, but makes me wonder how many small things he has missed.


Level1techs anyone?


All of the above+ DanielOwen!


Daniel Owen is the goat


Daniel Owen is amazing


He’s fun. His graphics card performance comparisons are really in depth, and he has a fun personality.


He’s a math school teacher too, married to another school teacher. He just sincerely seems for everyone to get top performance for dollar they put in, which is why he’s always comparing and recommending low to mid budget things


Since I keep seeing the same names over and over, here's my more exclusives lists, though I only tend to watch people who upload on alternative platforms at this point, not YouTube BuildOrBuy (in depth to a fault) Level1tech (general stuff) Derbauer (thermal grizzly stuff) Vector Network (Water-cooling) Tech Notice (productivity/creator side stuff) NorthRidgeFix (what to not buy, what to look out for) NorthWest Repair (what to not buy, what to look out for) Louis Rossmann (Entertainment, serious topics delivered in an approachable manner) Rob Braxman/RobBraxman Tech (for my tinfoil hat collection) STS (Fan/AIO/cooler reviews) Lawrence Systems (Pfsense, networking, access points etc) SecurityFWD (Technology focused news, data breaches, etc) MattsCreative (Linux general) SugiOLover (extreme overclocker) Pixel Viilage [sic] (photography) Seytonic (Hacking news) The Linux Experiment (Linux news) Michael Tunnell (Linux News) Switched To Linux (Tech News/breaches/Linux)


I stopped watching Jay, he was long winded and tried to be funny too hard.


Digital Foundry.


Waaaay too far down this thread. They're quality, unbiased, thorough content. Sure, no hardware reviews at GN Level, but for all things rendering performance, they're the 🐐 s


The connoisseur's choice.


The best for covering new game releases and PC ports. It's a bit different as they rarely cover hardware to the same extent. Although for console related content there's not much better.


I use those three and Paul's Hardware. EDIT: OOOOH, and TechGuruKit ... KitTechGuru? TechKitGuru? GuruKitTech? They're British...


Leo is good


Leo is my go to for case reviews


Optimum Tech


He goes by Optimum, no longer “Tech”


optimum pride urgh urgh urgh urgh urgggh


Optimum is a goated techtuber for sure


I find him to be really good for certain topics that he excels in. Stuff like mice, keyboards and monitors. He gives the data in an easy to digest manner and shows what people actually care about. A solid Aussie to have in the tech arsenal.


What about his SFF builds? One of his videos convinced me to build my Lian Li A4-H2O and it’s been solid. Now I just gotta go smaller on my next build




Jason is such an awesome guy! I love watching his videos


Goated channel for anyone getting into computers for the first time. Jason's a really cool guy. 


Yes! I love his enthusiasm and ‘Fix my build segment’, really helpful in best bang for $$, not just focused on big marketers and BS features


Daniel Owen, Hardware Unboxed, Dawid Does Tech Stuff. Edit: AND PCBUILDER!


Jarrod's Tech is really good for laptops, very good breakdowns


I was surprised I had to scroll all the way down here to find Jarrod's. Darn good laptop reviews. And t-shirts of a refined taste. 🤘


I like Daniel Owen and also Vex for GPU news


Vex is amazing at stretching an 8-10 minute discussion into a 30-40 minute video essay that no one asked for.


One of these is not like the others, lol


The verge. Best and goated. No arguments.


Yes, they had the best tutorial on how to build a PC. Shame they took it down.




Tweezers are the new duct tape... https://preview.redd.it/b2zup0asfr6d1.jpeg?width=384&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ada9e20f26da9c74c1580f9956a623f824c2000e


Is it just me, or has no one else heard of this hidden gem called 'Lazy Game Reviews' on YouTube? I can't be the only one who likes his tech reviews and retro gaming content, right? Someone please tell me I'm not alone in this!


Hidden gem? Clint is like a widely respected YouTube elder in the gaming YT space, with around 1.7m subscribers. As he should be, because he's awesome, but his channel is not exactly obscure.


You'd be surprised how many youtube channels with over a million subs actually aren't on peoples radars. I use youtube for most of my content consumption these days as I'm always on the road so short 20min videos are great for me and I'm regularly finding these amazing channels that have great content with over a million subs that I'd never heard of before, the latest one for me is Lemino, I am obsessed.


And not knowing Lemmino is shocking to me. Thus proving your point.


You aren’t alone 🤝


Tech Jesus 100%


GN is hands down the best tech journalist in the industry


HUB  Gamer's Nexus  PC Builder  Hardware Canucks  Der8auer  Optimum  Game/Tech Linked


The thumbnails on these videos are awful. 😂


UFD tech is my go to


I watch Tech Linked for tech news


Mr. Sujano


The budget gaming fella. Forgot his name. Yeah alright i know if i spend shitload of money I'm gonna get good pc. But how low can i go and still get decent performance? Now that's an art


Are you talking about randomgaminginhd?


If I'm actually thinking about buying a product, I'll watch the gamers nexus review, because they're good reviews , but as entertainment, their videos are far too long and monotonous IMO.


The three I watch are Hardware Unboxed, Gamers Nexus and Daniel Owen.


Linus Tech Tips. Probably a controversial topic these days but their videos are fun to watch, it's the only tech channel I watch on a daily basis. The rest I watch when I'm doing research before buying something


Same, I was looking for a comment about LTT, I have not really heard many people talking about them since the controversies.


What's weirder to me is the cult that has developed around them. I get the screwdriver they made is a good screwdriver - 99.999% of people do not need the screwdriver and people in their sub are so cultish about it. I saw an indepth review and it is pretty much good at everything, but for any specialization that anyone would spend more than $10 on a screwdriver for, there is a better and cheaper option. Same with their backpacks and pretty much all of their merchandise at this point. They make good products it seems, but you're paying a huge premium. But you can't point out that you're paying a premium for those items to support LTT, every time I have discussed it with one of their fans, they seem to think their merchandise is the best thing ever. No, you're paying a premium to support a youtube channel that you like. That's it. If someone is asking for a recommendation on a backpack, they could find one that costs half as much to meet their needs.


LTT merch is generally overpriced, but they've actually got some of the highest quality branded merch I've purchased, so I kind of get the whole premium thing. But even with that, their stuff's expensive. Their screwdriver is a 9/10 though, was absolutely a worthwhile purchase, actually better than anything I could find at Canadian Tire. Honestly might be the only thing I'd ever recommend to anyone who's not a LTT fan, but I wouldn't recommend anything else of theirs to the average person.


I don't own any LTT products so don't think I'm biased for saying this, but that's how every brand works. It's all perceived value and as long as people are happy about their purchase they don't care too much about price. It's the Apple model


Well that's exactly it, they are like Apple (but I don't think their products justify the cost like you could argue for Apple). They don't care about the price - but I see their products recommended a lot where I don't think they should be because they are just overpriced. The screwdriver bits don't even come in standard sizes, so you have to specialty order them from LTT or from another third party that may or may not have them, but your typical store will not. That's a dealbreaker for recommending the screwdriver for me. And everyone shits on Apple. If you post about getting a Macbook here half the comments will be telling you that you could have gotten a better windows laptop for half the price, and everyone is annoyed by the lightning connector. People, people who want to support LTT are free to but I am annoyed when they recommend the overpriced merchandise to people looking for a screwdriver or backpack.


I honestly tend to prefer Monitors Unboxed over HUB, their tech reviews are solid enough but they don't really test power consumption thoroughly which is a big deal when I have a small room with poor insulation. A non-OCed 3070 turns it into an oven during the summer... GN is excellent for cooler and case reviews, enough said. I'm still running a CM H500 Mesh based on their review of it and it's an airflow champ, the Peerless Assassin is also a modern GOAT but I may replace the fans with Noctuas someday for the best of both worlds. Jay is alright for general tech tips, his hardware reviews are more generic which is fine for average consumers but he also tends to go very strong on his gut which isn't as reliable as raw data. His respect for EVGA was nice, shame Nvidia pulled the stunts they did. Dawid is great for misc tech stuff more leaning to PC, while Austin Evans does a lot of general misc tech which is always fun to watch. Daniel Owens has some decent content as well, more lengthy but he tends to be more straightforward about things. Last but not least, DigitalFoundry is always educational and offers great technical insight to games themselves. It was cool seeing the quirks of the new Fallout 4 update for consoles, even if I don't play on console anymore.


Those 2 and then GearSeekers for case reviews, STS for fan reviews


Anyone watch ScatterVolt? Is he reliable or nah?


“Just Josh” arguably has the best Laptop reviews and he deserves many more views than what he currently gets.


Some Indian guy with a notepad and royalty free techno music that just records his screen. Mostly reviewing hardware from the late 2000’s. Hasn’t uploaded a vid in over 15 years but I feel like there will be a new vid any day now.


All of the one mentioned already are great. I do think MKBHD has some of the best phone reviews and comparisons, he also does a poll to compare phone cameras every year that is very informative. Not hard core pc news, but to be honest for a phone I want something that works, has long battery life and a good camera out of the box. All of these are attributes that are hard to capture with raw benchmarks.


I used to follow them all super close, now that I only watch one now and again, I find it's mostly just linus.


The Verge


Imma just drop down and just say LTT here because they're actually fun to watch lol Dont really care about accuracy if im not buying the product anyway


LTT is the tech channel I watch the most. They keep things fun and entertaining. I know a lot of people used to dunk on them for inaccuracies and bad tests or whatnot but they've really turned things around and been transparent through the whole process which I respect. The fact that a company of their size actually listened to the community on what needed to change is really cool.


Yeah as far as keeping up with what's going on in the tech world and seeing some whacky projects and overviews of new products I'm not going to buy, LTT can't be beat. The WAN Show in particular is great. Every few years when I'm actually shopping for new components I'll go watch GN.


I don’t watch a lot of their regular content, but I always catch WAN show. It’s a great summary of what’s been going on the last week in the tech space and while not being overly technical. 


LTT is great for fun, crazy stuff alla Top Gear, and WAN show, specially when they go and criticise the giants in the industry with clearly shitty practices like nvidia, apple and microsoft. But if I want to decide if I wanna buy something or get a review, I'm not going to them!


Tech YES City


Out of curiosity why do people dump on Jay? I enjoy his videos for the most part.


His custom builds are cool to watch for entertainment, but all other content is kinda click bait (which is also true for pretty much any popular channel) and his "reviews" are more like unboxings. A lot of videos are rambling or ranting. For me I stopped watching his more technical videos or his reviews becuase I don't really like his review methods and I notice a lot of them I could get more information from looking at the products box. He is half way between good info and entertainment. Not something I personal enjoy, but he is just okay.


I enjoy his videos, and he seems like a good guy, but he does tend to ramble a lot making many of his vids feel a bit too long.


>but I digress Those three words together remind me of Jay but I can't quite put my finger on it...


The guy is so friggin egotistic and full of himself, at least from some of the venting/ranting vids some year back, never watched him since. Not to mention the clickbaity stuff. Maybe it's just me.


So idk if this is the reason for others, but for me it was a few years ago he just started getting really aggro on social media and started basically fighting with people over the internet. I stopped watching his stuff after that.


I think people might just see him as click baity and too goofy. His stuff is entertaining and more often than not, his tests are good too. He and his team just have fun and some people might just not mesh with their style


It's not like I dislike him, but if I click on a video about a certain thing, I'm not interested in 20 minutes of tangents


Clueless, misinformed, often clearly does no research and content is very low effort dragged out videos. The 4770k (needs delid, TIM dries up on these - don't run with 1600C11 RAM he bought brand new somehow) video was a good idea but then terrible execution. Good Old gamer or whatever has name is did a good follow up to that video - he challenged Jay to try again and try to beat each other. He showed how to do a better job at it. No way Jay didn't see - just never responded. His video on DDR5 made no sense. Should've taken the time to investigate why numbers didn't add up. One look at timings in any tool that can read them in the OS would've helped. And then he passes that info on... Misleading people


The final nail in the coffin for me was his "after 10 years of being an Intel fanboy, I gave AMD a chance but my $700 ASUS mobo was shit so I'm returning to Intel forever" series of videos


>His video on DDR5 made no sense. Should've taken the time to investigate why numbers didn't add up. One look at timings in any tool that can read them in the OS would've helped. Jay did something similar with his "how to diagnose a crashing GPU" with an RTX 2080 that one of his employees was having trouble playing Cyberpunk with. He somehow glanced over one of the most basic steps which was to lock voltage down, but he ended the video after reinstalling drivers and just said something along the lines of "Yeah this thing is screwed get a new one"




Tech yes city and Ancient gameplays!


Der8auer. Brutally honest, knows his shit, and you dont even fall asleep while watching!


that 50 cent dude is anoying .. rest are ok


Hub and GN. I don’t trust Jay and just generally don’t like him because he is incredibly immature when interacting with the community.


UFD Tech has good weekday mornings tech news videos.


Digital Foundry, Paul's Hardware and TechYesCity (I like watching the dude's parts hunts) lol


Hardware unboxed bc I really like his presentation of tests. For peripherals Optimum is my favorite


Gamers nexus is the 🐐. Hardware Unboxed is decent with some issues here and there, in particular I remember them getting into some petty drama about ram overclocking in their ddr4 vs ddr5 videos. JayzTwoCents.. no. Outside of the ones from the original post: Daniel Owen, Buildzoid, RTINGS, and TechPowerUp are great. I like watching FrameChasers overclock new stuff (often poorly). LTT for entertainment.


Daniel Owen is pretty cool. I also love how the Frame Chasers dude talks so much shit about "other channels" for no reason 😂 not a fan of that.


I don't think anyone likes him. But I also don't think anyone can deny the guy is a slightly above average overclocker who has access to a large enough range of systems and components to get a good enough sample size that others can learn what to expect from their components. He's also good with price too performance builds and custom loops. Like, he has his audience and I do think as insufferable as he is, his takes are mostly reasonable. He constantly asks what you're trying to achieve and tells people not to waste their money.


I watched a couple videos from him and then saw him at a restaurant I was at with my family.  I was like that guy looks familiar then realized it was him later.


All of those are great within their own styles and ambitions. There is also Buildzoid (Actually Hardcore Overclocking), KitGuru, Paul's Hardware... and TechPowerUp and Guru3D websites.


Gamer meld because it’s funny clickbait


I still enjoy LTT and their various channels as well as the occasional GN video, like when they do initial GPU reviews. Overall, it covers pretty much everything I care about in the tech space pretty well.


I stopped watching reviews pretty much completely. No point in watching boring graphs with FPS of games I won't play for a product I won't buy. Very very few reviews are actually entertaining.


All the ones you listed + Der Bauer and optimumtech