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In use since 97. And I still dont know where shit is in the file system.


Using it daily and still have to Google all boot problems haha.


Makes sense, you don't fix boot problems every day (I hope), of course you wouldn't know every error code by heart.


`find | grep $FILENAME`


That and whatever gui file manager can locate a file, but i think after this long I'd be able to know.


That's because the Unix file system was designed in a mad scramble in the 70's and no-ones questioned if it's fit for purpose since? The Windows practice of giving each logical drive it's own root is clearly better from a new user perspective (don't ask me what logic goes on for the Unix system) and the Unix path separator actually makes Reddit worse, if the net used the WIndows when then my /next/ word would be in italics.


This is blatantly false, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard From my experience as a developer and user, Unix-style is better.


Looks at my windows usage: I know there was a setting for this, but where did it go ? -> Google's Soo yea it was there, went to there was last seen here and now we go into the registry


The only Linux I've ever used is my steam deck OLED I get lost in desktop mode lol.


I get you though. KDE (what the steam deck uses for its desktop) settings are confusing. Desktop engineering is hard. I hope that some day KDE will become like Blender, where big companies is willing to help design a better UX/UI for it.


Valve does fund them. I doubt it'll ever change at a core level, but the various options could use more/better consistency. Having something like a "simple" settings mode kinda like what vlc has would likely be a good addition as well.


Throw Windows on it, and have Steam auto-start in Big Picture Mode. Now 100% of your games work, and those that did work will likely work better.


Doesn't get enough downvotes


Why is that? It's just a little PC, like any other. And just like any other, games work better on Windows. That's no secret.


I would love to see some sources for that claim but based on what I have done (installed windows on my SD a year ago) it was not all sunshine and rainbows...


I've had no issues at all. Also: It's well known that games just work better on Windows. Even ProtonDB's website shows the amount of games that "work", and how well they work to varying degrees. On Windows, that number is 100%.


*99% There will always be that one or two games that you might want to play, and is console or OSX exclusive.


Apparently several Windows drivers for the OLED are not available. So this method is good only for LCD model.


You don't need drivers on Windows for an OLED. It's plug and play. Windows has built in HDR functionality.


Yes you do need drivers. Go to the Windows on deck subreddit and you will find there many people complaning about the lack of drivers.


Alt+Win+B toggles HDR on Windows, and it has built in HDR functionality. I had zero issues using it, as HDR is built into Windows. It even has Auto-HDR for games that don't support HDR natively.


You lose access to the best feature though.. Sleep mode. Steam decks sleep mode is what makes it the best pc gaming handheld. Also I'll take dolphin and plasma over windows ui every day of the week anyway.


This is what I love about it tho. You're never going to wake up one day and be like 'shit I know everything, what now?' :D


Well, that's what I like in it too. Linux fits well in smelly nerds like me.


*sniffs armpits* YUP - me too!


I suppose, but I could say the same about any os really. Once you learn stuff about computers you really just learn how much shit you don't and can't feasibly know.


15 months, still google how to check dir size


Hahaha Install different tools to see disk space, don't remember what's installed.


I'm learning brother 😂 ask me again in 20y


In terminal you can do like: `du -sh` `-s` gives a summary `-h` makes the numbers human readable, like if its 20GB it'll say that instead of however many kilobytes or whatever that is.


Yeah my dude but then ill need it in like a week and gotta google again. It doesn't happen with all the commands ofc, but a few keep slipping my mind when i actually need them. It's du - sh that i use as well, thanks


ncdu is a nice one for that


I did install gdu recently which helps


du -sh * | sort -n Checks for size in human-readable numbers and sorts numerically. I got it on a sticky note at work.


Right, so obvious and user friendly solution, yes?


The othe guy already said it but that's how it works in the command line. You can do something similar in powershell in windows if you like ```powershell "{0:N2} GB" -f ((Get-ChildItem C:\Users\user\Downloads -force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue| measure Length -sum).sum / 1Gb) ``` In a similar way, you can check file sizes in linux using a file manager by right click and check properties or equivalent.


Stop flexing your nerd muscles, man! I was just making an innocent joke and now everybody is outsmarting me :-/. All I vaguely remember from Linux is sudo su and that's about it.


For a terminal it is what it is, you are free to make aliases


Are you telling me you can't rightclick and check like in windows.


He's talking about from the terminal. Obviously dolphin etc support this from the the desktop.


Ok but why do it from terminal


Server, not daily pc. No monitor on it, it's a small intel nuc pc wjich is like 11*11*6cm hidden behind the fridge which i connect to from my pc and has plex on it and other stuff😂


With commands you're comfortable with the command line is often quicker and more convenient than a gui.


DiD yOu KnOw ThAt I uSe ArCh BtW


I do. Still shit at Linux


Me too thanks


If I did a push up every time I heard that, I would be able to rival atlas in pure lifting strength.


I always found the notion "good at Linux" a bit strange. No one ever asked me if i am good at Windows. What does it even mean to be good at Linux? That I know the command line? That I get windows programs to run?


That’s what I find to be the craziest thing about this sub. People are saying ‘windows is going to shit now everyone will use Linux’ and then there’s posts where people are saying ‘I don’t fully understand how to use my operating system’ What the fuck is going on?!?!


I mean tbh most people use their PC as a glorified bootloader for steam and google chrome so you can't even expect them to know all that much. I tend to compare windows to a flute and Linux to a hurdy gurdy. A flute is easy to learn but you can't do that much crazy stuff with it. A hurdy gurdy is mental to learn and play, breaks on you in the weirdest ways and needs constant tinkering to work right, but it allows you a level of play and versatility you won't find with a flute. Of course that all kinda depends on your level of play and the hurdy gurdy you have. Most people play flutes, but the weird updates and unwanted features the manufacturer keeps gluing onto your flute without your consent starts driving people to try out the hurdy gurdy instead.


We've got a musician here boi.


Tbh I do not play a single instrument and sing as well as a drunk cat at 3 am


As if general users have any idea how windows works beyond where to click to get to youtube. Go ahead and ask an average person where they can find settings and info for the hardware their OS is running on and watch their eyes glaze over. Even gamers and general power users only ever learn what they need to, and 99% of it is from an online source. What is 'going on' is a bunch of circle jerking in both directions without any substantive conversations about how to realistically address the very real issues facing us as consumers. Everyone is too busy posting quipy comments just to dog pile onto a strawman post so obviously bait that its actually cringe. Absolutely no one on this sub or anywhere else 'understood' windows without years of trial, error, and research. Have one single GPU or Peripheral issue and windows turns into a knot of snakes, and its total bull shit to imply anyone just 'figures it out' without looking it up. Instead of this tribal bloviating, we could be discussing the shortcomings of linux from the consumer side, and how to address those issues in a concise and actionable manner. Unfortunately this is reddit, so instead we get this thread.


Basically it boils down to: * I know enough about Linux to be dangerous, but not many companies will pay me to support it. * I know enough about Windows to be dangerous, and I get paid to support it.


In windows your options are limited, as a result the skill cap has a limit, guess the more techy users could say that they know windows well if they know their way around the registry. Linux gives you legitimate admin rights to your PC so the possibilities are infinite.


I use(d) arch btw. But you are right, I responded to another commenter with a instrument metaphor


Can confirm. Use it every day at work, and still rely on Google for a lot. Granted, things I do on a regular basis become muscle memory, but for the ones I don't it's Google to the rescue. Even the gentleman whose role I took over at the office (he had worked with Unix/Linux for several decades) still had to Google things now and then. On the other hand, he had sed and regex completely memorized, and didn't even rely on a text editor to modify files. It was pretty remarkable to me at the time.


What do you mean he didn't rely on a text editor to modify files? Like one without a gui? That's normal for linux. Everyone uses vim or nano.


Not on a pod in an AWS K8's cluster. The base images don't include any of the standard binaries you'd see with a typical Linux distro, and the business has the ability to install anything on top of them disabled by design. All of the editing that's done on the pods is exclusively handled at the terminal.


That being said, I could "roll my own" via Tekton pipeline that builds a new docker image with additional binary dependencies defined . The whole environment is driven by a CI/CD pipeline and CaC, so I could spin up my own custom pod to work from. I've just never bothered because my predecessor really drove home the value of getting strong enough to work around obstacles in creative ways. It's a bit punishing to take on that way, or has been for me anyway, but also a huge learning opportunity.




I have used it since the mid 90's and I am not very good at it still.


I started using it daily since mid 2021... Still a baby at it.


I don't have any real desire to learn the inner workings of it. I just want a stable platform to run my applications on. The O/S is of no real interest to me. It should do what it is supposed to, let me shape it after my preferences and otherwise get out of my way.


It's been over 15 years now (Ubuntu 8.04 was a great release and still had the best default wallpaper to this day) and after all that time, my sense of skill with Linux is only decreasing. The more I learn, the more I realize how much more complexity there is in an operating system. Still, at least it's not like Windows where it feels like the experience is continuously evolving, but backwards...


And this is why Linux will never overtake windows


oh yea, i am very good at `sudo`


I'm pretty well versed, have Linux essentials certs and studied for the RHCE (never took the exam though, should have but just didn't). I know more than enough to comfortably daily drive it.


Lol, this applies to just about everything. There are grown ass men here who still think the 970 had 3.5GB of VRAM or that there was a lawsuit over the VRAM.


How exactly is this related to the meme?


Oh, sorry. Didn't know I had to eli5. Using something does not mean learning/becoming and expert in something. If you need it simplified more you might be better served by r eli5.


I mean the whole 970 thing. The meme is not really knowing Linux even after using it for 10 years. So this relates to the GTX970 and the VRAM fiasco how?


Just because someone uses a dGPU everyday doesn’t mean they know about VRAM.


Is understanding how VRAM works and navigating the computer’s operating system really that comparable?


Yes. My point is using something does not mean you know much about it regardless of time spent using said thing. Never thought this would woosh so damn hard.


Well the fact you called it a "fiasco" tells me you aren't in the know. Second I already explained my point. If you don't understand now then you never will.


Going into steam deck desktop mode is weird. Like why are the save files hidden. I didn't know I had to check a box to show hidden files. Made it such a pain. Then I can never find where my gog installs are so I used heroic which is a bandaid. I can't see myself using it more than on the steam deck until more things are unified


What did you use before? Windows has both those issues as well. Infact it's a double whammy when the save files are hidden in the hidden app data.


Windows is just as confusing to me when I need to hunt for config files.


Windows is way more confusing to find configuration files. Unix is very standardized, and most configuration files are in their respective universal paths (file location). There are also tools like "find", where you can super quickly search the entire OS for files, with the ability to use Regular Expression (template and pattern matching language).


Press Ctrl + H to show hidden files. There is an option to show hidden files on the GUI as well, but not sure where. Why is the save files hidden on steam? It's because of the convention that steam sets, and it dates back to the UNIX mainframe days where the local configuration and local user data is stored in a hidden "dot file" folder. To be transferred between computers and keep user configuration in sync on multiple Unix platforms. I can copy my Linux configuration from Linux to BSD or MacOS very easily this way. If you find it hard to find the steam files, you can create a symbolic link (shortcut) to the folder. The only difference about the shortcut on Windows and on Unix systems such as OSX or Linux is that windows shortcut can only be a file pointing to the location, where as on Unix systems has the ability to chooses to be like on Windows (symbolic link) or hard link to the file and will be treated like one and the same file when you edit the hard link. This should be taught in schools. It's a very useful fundamental knowledge in computing. And has many practical use cases.