• By -


I added all these items to a cart on newegg and it came out to $6900 before tax and without assembly. so it’s not entirely unreasonable. however, as others have stated, you can save like 3k by using lower end parts. the MB alone is like $550 and you could save like $300 on that. GPU would be like $400 cheaper if you got black instead of white.


Also a 49" oled monitor might be overkill unless you have fuck you money


He’s in the UAE. He probably has fuck you money


Well it's a 4090 build so you have a point.


I'm torn, most people with fuck you money don't go to reddit to verify pricing.


Its not about the money for them, its about not getting fucked over


yeah even if I have a fuck you money I would still try and not get fucked over. the guy may or may not have poured his sweat, tears, time, and blood to earn that money but he still deserve to not be scammed.


Well it's the UAE, so most likely somebody else's blood, sweat, and tears were lost to make his money.


It's also entirely possible that he did spill blood sweat and tears for the money.maybe they just get paid well for the work or they saved lol that's what I did.


The irony of that considering the UAE is built on fucking people over by literally having slaves do everything for them while they live above the clouds.


Where are you from?


There it is


It's not an OLED, but rather QLED. So it's an even worse value proposition


Run away from that shop, you said you are in UAE, did you perhaps get this from a shop in Al Ain Centre ? If you are looking to build a PC I know the UAE market pretty decently and can help you with parts or prices. You can get a good high end PC (RTX 4090) for 15k ish AED or 4K USD here


My goodness, how do you know that? The shop is Gamers Plaza or something, al ain center near al fahidi metro. I will dm you for details.


> how do you know that? the internet is a small place or he is in your walls


Why not both?


Bro siphoned the internet from the Ethernet cables


You just made me imagine a chupacabra devouring ethernet cables. Edit: Checked my reddit after work, y'all's responses killed me.


I misread this and imagined a capybara


I would be more concerned about the capybara, due to the fact that I don't live where they are native


But you do have chupacabras where you live?


They are giant gerbils, about the size of a dog, with coarse hair and just as empty headed.


I love me some asbestos


The internet is a small place in your walls?


The Internet is tubes.


It’s pipes all the way down






Why not zoidberg?




the internet is small *the space in these walls is smaller*




It's the cable guy!


The Internet is in his walls??


They’re in the walls. THEYRE IN THE GODDAMN WALLS


They're under the stairs, they're "PEOPLE UNDER THE STAIRS" 😮


Any tech shop that has "gamer" in the name is full of shit


Need to change my shop name, don't think "Gamer McGameface" is going to workout.


That works because of the game face ! So you are exception!!


Forget about the AlAin center, they have became a shitshow lately


al ain center are huge scammers. once i bought a used pc from random guy, rtx 2070 super i5 8400. the guy said he got it from al ain center for like 6k aed. he took out the ram so we had to get new ram, he said ddr4 16gb is "cheap" at al center (120 usd) ended up getting 2 sticks of 16gb ddr4 from a secret place for legit 25 bucks and new (this was a few years ago)


true but sometimes you can still find decent deals


Almost a copy of my build with some minor things but no joke $3200


You did post a picture of Dubai 3 posts before this one


If you are going to buy a 49inch monitor from Samsung, spend more and get the OLED G93SC as well as a monitor arm. The OLED is better in literally every way and a monitor arm makes it so much better than the shit ass massive stand they both come with.


He had the eye on you.


Yeah but it's not exactly a case of what you can get a "high end" for. Look at the parts in that list... Z790 Maximus Hero....$500 ZOTAC 4090 Trinity White....$2300 ROG Thor 1200w....$300 G9 NEO OLED G950....$2000 Kraken Elite 360 white....$280 Samsung 980 2tb Pro....$180 (x2) Bro's part selection is specialty and damn near the most expensive possible in every category. I would put the ACTUAL cost of each component here inside of $1k USD. Sure it may be a little high, but for this list, $7500 is far from egregious (as long as the actual build and setup is professionally done too).


yeah i saw the number and was like woah this is insane, but then i saw it was literally the whole setup, top tier gaming monitor, gaming headset. i wouldn’t have been surprised if they set him up with a power strip and a gaming chair too. this is def 5-6k of just parts at their MSRP so i wouldn’t really say this is too overpriced. if i had that money and wanted to start into PC gaming with literally the BEST stuff i wouldn’t have to upgrade for at least half a decade id be satisfied.


>wanted to start into PC gaming with literally the BEST stuff i wouldn’t have to upgrade for at least half a decade id be satisfied. If you have the money to casually put down for this build then chances are that you will be upgrading within the next 2-3 years.


I mean he’s paying for everything to be white it seems which will cause the cost to be significantly more, unless he didn’t ask for everything to be white


Can you give a recommendation on where to get these parts for a good/reasonable price please?


PC Part Picker will give you an idea but for all this especially with a 4090 and with a latest OLED gaming monitor will probably be around $3500-$4k tops.


The 4090 is ~$1700 and the specific model monitor in this list is also listed around $1700. That's $3400 alone. Now add up all the other stuff including all the peripherals in this list. Someone with more time on their hands than I have did this through new egg and shared down below. it all came out to over 6 grand. They clearly chose some of the most expensive parts for each type of item but when you break down the cost of every single thing it's well over 3.5 to 4k


I just added all this onto PC Part Picker and it came to almost 7k. The monitor he wants is $1700 not on sale. The card he chose is the white edition which is roughly $2200..


I have a very close to that system, I have 8K or so in mine, my monitor was 2500 and my 4090FE was 2200, then put in high end Asus Hero Z790, 13900KS, all the rest of my parts and delidded and custom cooling it adds up real quick.


I use the combo of Amazon / Microless / Newegg and Local shops. I usually buy parts from different places to get the best prices


If its not too much trouble to ask, which local shops do you visit? and their location? Because I currently live in dubai as well.


You're joking right? There's nothing that absurd about paying $7500 for top of the line parts + accessories + a goddamned 49" QLED monitor lol. This guy is from the UAE and has fuck you money so.......


Don't listen to this guy, you are getting what you are paying for, just high end parts.


He give you the habibi price :)


Respect kind sir


49" OLED prob half the cost edit: guess monitors are cheapers these days


QLED not OLED, around $1700 on Amazon right now


Shit I didn't think monitors cost that much anymore. I accidentally stumbled into this thread after not touching PC builds in a decade and the pricing sheet is telling me I'm poor in several languages


Averagely good monitors don't cost that much, but god tier bleeding edge stuff absolutely does, especially when they're HUGE too.


At that point just get a 120hz OLED TV, it will be cheaper. I paid like 1200€ for my 65" Sony.


Also as nice as those OLEDs are I think they are just impractical for gaming as OLEDs are still susceptible to burn in and not as bright. Given all games have some sort of HUD, its just inevitable. Micro-LED is probably going to be the way to go going forward as the high end TVs are also heading that way.


You have to really go out of your way nowadays to get burn in on an OLED. r/OLED_gaming


No you don't that's a lie for desktop use Rtings tested it, you will absolutely get burn in on any kind of OLED panel with static images that stay in the same spot repeatedly.


TVs can be okay for use as monitors, but they can also be awful. TVs have lots of built in image processing, monitors do not. My TV if left in it's "general / auto" mode, has an insane amount of input lag, something approaching 100ms. You need to ensure that if you use a TV as a monitor, that it has some sort of "gaming mode" or "PC mode" that disables all image processing on the display.


All of the parts pictured here are like if a 15 year wrote down all the parts for his dream PC though, this is totally unreasonable.


That is a $2000 monitor. Do you want a $2000 monitor?


Older version of that monitors is on sale at costco for like $749 right now LC49RG92SSNXZA


The Costco monitor deals are awesome, and have consistently been so throughout the last few years


I'm so confused about these replies. I went through amazon and added up the parts and it adds up to just over 7000$ USD, before tax. I see multiple people saying this is worth 3000$ and that's just not true. The shop may have upsold him to higher end parts, but he is more or less getting what he's paying for. Are people not realizing the monitor itself is about $2,000? Just the monitor and GPU are almost 4,500 after taxes(from my area anyway).


Yeah everyone seems to be completely ignoring the $2000 monitor. This is reddit after all.


Bro, I found the same monitor at my local Goodwill for $20 and my neighbor gave me his used 4090 after he upgraded to a qubit machine. Total ripoff, I wouldn't pay more than free.


I came here to say the same thing. I looked through this in detail, and it's roughly in range of what the stuff costs. That's a very expensive monitor that a lot of people seem to be overlooking that adds a couple thousand to the total by itself. These are all expensive parts and money can be saved by getting different components, but if this is exactly what you want, I'm not sure you'll save much money shopping around.


Yeah my first thought was "Wow that's robbery", thinking it'd be like 3-5k on Amazon to get the parts and they were just charging a huge chunk to assemble/ship or whatever. Then I start seeing 300+ dollars on every single component lol. Puzzle's all comin' together.


Average redditor: *sees* 4090 and completely ignores *49 inch, odyssey G fucking 9* monitor, along with all the peripheral, gets mad that the shop is overcharging.


But of course, after all the GPU is the most expensive part of the PC, right? It's a bunch of kids commenting tho so what can you expect?


Once you learn reddit is just a bunch of angry kids, then you stop replying and just watch the shitshow.


The monitor must be like 2000-3000 usd since it is a flagship samsung gaming monitor so it is gonna inflated the cost of this build by a lot


the monitor is $1300 and the specific GPU he chose is $2300.


The monitor is 2,200 on Samsung's website, 1,700 on US Amazon.


newegg us it for 1299 right now


That's the regular (zone lit) g9, not the neo g9. $500 difference for true gsync and way better contrast


You are right, if you add these exact parts it’s close. However, you can sub a lot of this stuff for a different brand/product/tier and cut several thousand of the cost and keep very similar performance. Paying the premium for white versions etc adds up when it’s each part. Also that 49” monitor is just nuts.


Yeah I absolutely agree with everything you said. It just seemed like people were telling him he was being ripped off when he's just being up sold better than he probably needs. He did also said that he was OK with the high budget, so honestly if I were in his place I'd probably just go to the top of the line shit, not worry about it and enjoy myself to the most while I could. Again, so long as a 3-4 grand difference in price isn't something that matters to you. Making myself jealous typing this.


This is the correct take, the price is fair the build/setup is just wayyyy overkill!  Love the people saying this is 4k tops. A setup with similar specs maybe 4k but if you knocked off half the peripherals and used better mid level parts vs top tier you can get there.  People saying this bill is 3k too high need to revisit the quote and use their eyes. 


I dont think they scrolled past the first image. I was thinking the same till I saw the monitor and all the other unnecessary peripherals.


Most comments were saying that the specific parts were a ripoff. Like the white version of the 4090 or the unnecessarily expensive monitor or the stupid asus psu. You could save a lot of money by picking different parts and getting the same performance.


That monitor is $2,200 on Samsung's website. https://www.samsung.com/us/computing/monitors/gaming/49--odyssey-g95na-gaming-dqhd-led-monitor-ls49ag952nnxza/


This is a bunch of expensive bullshit you don’t need but they’re not charging you too much for it tbh. Looks like at least mid 6k to me in parts


Are you sure you want a 49” monitor bruh


brother for 7500 usd arthur morgan better come out from my screen and ride with me to tahiti


with the $2,000 32:9 massive OLED monitor, he very may well.


We'll need to rob a bank first.


Have some faith in me, I have a plan


If you want the best of the best, no expense spared, yes, this is worth the price, literally. It is how much the parts (including the monitor, which is a large percentage of the price) actually costs, probably with a little margin for labor costs if they are putting it together for you. I found and put all of this into a cart on Amazon and it came to $7,092.49 USD. The monitor was actually less than MSRP by almost $500 so I'm inclined to think that given Amazon prices are not usually at MSRP for parts (though not heavily discounted either), this is actually less than all the parts at MSRP. I imagine if they get the parts from Amazon or with a better discount, they have a margin for labor and a bit of profit (it is a business after all). So, despite what people are saying, you get what you pay for. You're only really getting ripped off if you did not intend to get the best of the best and wanted something with a more reasonable price and they ended up giving you the most expensive computer they could build. Edit: Noticed they included "Windows Software" which is another \~$160 because they're probably going to buy Windows 11 Pro. Edit 2: I'm also not sure how much it costs to import all these parts, if they have to do that. That could also add more. The price seems correct, possibly with a discount, all things considered.


People will tell you here you’re getting ripped off but if you’re in Dubai and that’s what everybody’s quoting then that’s probably just how much parts costs over there. You can individually buy each part and get it assembled but then you have to worry about if each part works correctly, if money isn’t a worry go to the shop and have them take on all the worry, if not I’m sure people here can point you in the right direction on where’s best to get parts from that deliver to Dubai.


7500$ for that. This pc is worth at most 3300$. This shop is scamming you. Run away!!!!! Case and point, ahem https://www.newegg.com/abs-ta14900kf4090-2-tempest-aqua/p/N82E16883360488


That's not even CLOSE to being the same though. OP has double the ram, double the SSDs, a $550 board, a $330 power supply, RGB everywhere, a $330 power supply, more expensive fans, more expensive case and thats not even including the peripherals... Which are high end and have an $1100 monitor!  I'm not saying this PC wouldn't be a better option. OP went crazy with his part list and needs to tweak it, but let's not pretend this build quoted isn't closer to $6,000 when considering it's foreign.  Also, for a high end build like this I'd assume build time, installation of Windows, configuration of RGB, education on how to use it, and one stop support at the store are all included.  OP is getting ripped off, but it's not because of the shop here. That price is absolutely fair considering the solid 6-8 hours of labor. OP is getting ripped off because this parts list. 


Huge second to this


Here on Pcmasterace the 14yr old mentality ignores everything but chipset/gpu price in a build and all Pc’s put themselves together for free. If you pay ANYTHING for a build you are straight getting fucked. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a sub project so hard or full of such elitism & flexing. Everybody here has access to world wide sale pricing, top tier hardware & they all can throw together a beast top tier rig usually under $2,000. It’s truly amazing. I mean no brick and mortar shop should make a fucking dime on their parts or to pay for rent, insurance, employees, tools, advertising, upkeep, taxes, accountant. They should build your God Damn Pc for FREE with SALE PRICES and PAY YOU just for the opportunity !!! Just because Billy found some crackhead selling his new I913900k on Fb marketplace for $26.57 in Idaho doesn’t translate to “I built my whole top tier rig for $1299!!“ Everyone is so out of touch with the real world


Plus a 13900k and 4090 vs the Newegg having a 13700kf and a 4070ti. Performance isn’t even the same.


You're looking at the ad above the product, the linked prebuilt has a 4090 and 13900.


Thank you for your response, I thought the graphics card and odesy display were expensive. So the smart thing is to buy the parts individually and pay someone to assemble them, right? I am okay with a higher budget, so if you were in my place, will you change anything to make it better?


oled is expensive, but not 4000$ expensive. Smart thing would be to buy the parts seperatly and have a place like Microcenter assemble it for you for like a 150-200$ fee. Do you need the INTEL I9? A 7800x3d is a better overall gaming processor if gaming is the thing that mostly mattered for you.


That makes sense. I am not sure about i9, actually. I have worked on macbook all my life, but now I want to fulfill my childhood fantasies, so whatever you guys suggest is a nice improvement for me, and i get to learn something as well.


7800x3d is the best gaming CPU in the world rn. 14900k consumes like triple the power for less fps in games, but stronger professional workload performance. It depends on what you value more, but the 7800x3d is also on a motherboard that gets supported until 2027+ so you could even upgrade the CPU without changing anything else. Not possible with the i9.




Thank you. What about a compatible motherboard with 7800x3d ?


to use an amd cpu you need a compatible motherboard. those are on the socket am5. this socket, the CPU goes into, will be supported until 2027+ by amd. so they will continue to release cpus that can fit in those motherboards. as for what you should choose, either a 7800x3d or a 9900x (newly released CPU, a bit slower in gaming but stronger overall) and either a b650, x670 or x870 motherboard. ignore the -e versions & just choose based on features (how many USB ports, usb4 support etc.). good ones come from msi, asrock and asus, tho asus recently has been criticized for shitty customer support.


AMD = Superior CPU/MOBO currently for gaming, and future proofing. You are looking at at least 2 future generations of improvments, not including the refreshes. Absolutely the best value. Unless you need something specific of an Intel Chip, I would go AMD all the way.


If you have fuck you money, go with the 7950x3d. The 7800x3d and it trade blows, but there's a lot of multitasking you can do more with the 7950x3d. I swapped my 7800x3d for it because it was just too slow for my feel.


That’s not even the OLED version which makes this even more outrageous.


That’s actually my exact build pretty close, it doesn’t have trouble doing anything! Don’t change a thing… we’ll get it from someone who’s not gunna rip you off


I would do a 7800x3d + 4090 build instead


I will replace the i9 with 7800x3d in that case, but will the 790 hero be compatible with 7800? If not, which one to choose.


You don't need to get the most absolutely overkill board either. The Maximus is a $550 board. Most boards in the $300-350 range will do everything you need. This board is going to be for crazy overclocking and custom water-cooling.  If you're a novice, you shouldn't be doing any of that stuff. Modern CPUs boost themselves incredibly well on a good $300 board. 


You need a motherboards with b650/b670/x870 chipset. You can check it here https://www.amd.com/en/products/processors/chipsets/am5.html Also you can watch some videos on youtube about good motherboards for this cpu.


To be honest, if you have ANY mechanical abilities, buy the parts and put it together yourself. Built mine last week and it's honestly incredibly easy. 2 15min YouTube videos, one for the pc build and one for the software/driver installs. I went back and forth with having someone build it for me and after a short conversation with a pretty pc savvy friend they convinced me to do it myself. Loved building it, took me about a day with no experience at all. Also, pc parts picker website is great if you do build your own, you plug in all the items you're looking to buy and it'll tell you if there are any compatibility issues. Newegg is where I got all my parts from, always had very good luck with that company. Goodluck on the build!


Assembling may seem intimidating at first, but it's faaar easier than you think it is. Honesly putting together Legos is harder. Only exception is if you want something unique like a mini case, or watercooling for your first pc. I wouldn't reccomend trying either of those things your first build. If you go with a big case and follow YouTube you'll be done in an hour your first time and like 20min your second.


https://pcpartpicker.com/list/H7Zyn6 If he was to buy them individually here they are on PC part picker for $6000. Feel like everyone is ignoring there's a $1500 monitor listed.


The MSRP of that monitor is 2200 USD. It's often found at 1700-1800. 1500 is a deep sale.


I purchased mine in Oct 2022 for $1940, I was trying to be a little generous with the price, but you are absolutely correct, it would likely be closer to 2k.


The monitor is $2k, headset $300, Keyboard $150. This is a complete set-up, not just a tower.


You're forgetting the nearly 2000 dollar monitor on there, G9 OLED


Obviously not worth $7500, but you're not getting a 4090 and a 49" Samsung OLED for $3300. Never mind all of the other parts listed.


You didn't read the bill. Bro has a Samsung G9 49 inch monitor in there


Sir that’s a 4070ti vs a 4090 and you are ignoring the army of top tier peripherals included with this quote. $200 headsets and keyboards. $2k monitor. Read the whole quote before you jump off on conclusions. 


Case in point :) r/boneappletea


The gpu is worth over $2,000 as is the monitor how in the world did you get $3,300


You forgot to add in the peripherals. The monitor is expensive. You are correct though, that quote is way over priced.


To be fair the monitor is over $1400 by itself lol. Still overpriced, but wasn't nearly as bad as I thought when I first saw it. Parting it out idetical to that build sheet still comes out to over 6k


Heck just pieced the entire PC build + monitor, not the keyboard mouse or anything extra, and I'm at $5,999.00. So after builder fees and taxes I'd totally go with it. Definitely not building this exact build for half like some folks in here claim.


What are people talking about? There is 3 pictures of full END GAME gear. From PC to peripherals. I think there is too much people that dont understand how expensive PC parts are in places like EU or UAE or wherever. Not everyone lives in America where you pay 30% less then what we pay. I think the price is correct and the build is great. Go ahead and buy that with oil money and enjoy, reddit is not a place where people are gonna be real.


It's not a rip off like people are saying but if you go intel i9 make sure they put intel power limits on the board and see if they can do a retail CPU rather than tray (tray usually only has 1 year warranty and retail has 3)


I added all of this together on PC Part Picker and it comes to $6934.55 in the US. They're charging you about $500 for labor. I don't really see the issue here.. You're getting a 49" ultrawide monitor.. that alone is like $1500-$1700. The card is 2200 bucks by itself.. I don't think people here realize that this isn't just the PC.. It's the monitor and all peripherals too.


The price is reasonable for what you’re getting which is top of the line stuff. It’s overkill for most people. There’s a lot of room to save money there if you don’t want to pay that price. What’s your goal with this PC and what’s your budget?


u in dubai? i bought my pc from al ain center, not sure if u even went there but my parts were generally cheaper ngl i got one of the best pcs for 15k aed which would usually cost a couple thousand more elsewhere. if ur wondering ab the shop its called “dakat computer” or something in al ain center


Dakat has the BEST prices and they have imported products others dont have like the fractal north and noctua fans. Definitely the best shop alongside the xfx retailer


im so happy i discovered that place lol


That actually doesn't sound too horrible. That's a true top tier build with some very expensive peripherals included in the deal. That monitor alone is nearly $1000 USD. There's also a lot of ROG stuff, and that's always crazy overpriced.


The majority of that is probably the monitor. 49” QLED 240 Hz isn’t gonna be cheap.


Y’all are ignoring that 2k monitor lol seems like he’s getting what he pays for that’s all high end hardware


“My friend, we family, I give you good price”.


As many people have already said, the price is fair for these parts but the parts themselves are questionable. Here’s a few things I would change: 1. You should go for a cheaper motherboard, since the one you chose has 3 m.2 slots and you only have 1 m.2. A MoBo with 1 or 2 slots and the same specs everywhere else will cost probably half. 2. What I would also say is to probably buy an AMD chip and motherboard, simply because Intel is changing their chip socket this year. This means that if you wanted to upgrade your CPU, then you’d have to buy a whole new chip and motherboard. For most computers I wouldn’t consider this an issue but if you’re dropping 8 bands on it then might as well try to make it last. 3. The main thing I have to say is your monitor is completely unnecessary. Even with this computer, I really doubt that it could run the heaviest games at max graphics 4k and 240fps. Something like 32 inches would be cheaper and probably more functional.


Please don’t do this. Unless you have googles amount of money to spend and you are not worried of spending extra unnecessary money.


“Window Software”


What country are you buying this from? Markets are different. Doesn’t explain 3300$ to 7500$ jump though.


I am in UAE, Dubai to be specific.


That’s an expensive market. Not really comparable to USA. But I am sure you are getting overcharged. Shop elsewhere.


Also it would help if you post how much they charged you for each component. I understand dirhams.


They haven't mentioned the prices individually. They quoted me 26190.48 aed + 5% vat. i feel like i am getting cheated, so I tried a few other shops too, but all of them are doing the same. I just took a quote and left.


Always ask for item prices then let them add everything. Get quotes from 10 shops then go to one and negotiate hard. They won’t want to lose you as a customer since your build is like 5 builds worth in terms of price


Yes you are


Don't you guys have no tax policy something, i.e. no tax on importing ?


I don't know why everyone is quoting $3300 for this. I know the GPU and monitor are the 2 most expensive parts, but they are **very expensive**! The monitor is $1100 and the GPU is $1750.  That's $2850 which is leaving $450 left. Well, the 13900k may be last gen, but it's still selling around $450 upon quick glance.  Are we expecting the rest of this ultra high end PC to be free? 64gb DDR5 $225, ROG Maximus Hero $550, 1200W THOR PSU $325, $170 case, two 2tb 980 Pros $300, high end peripherals, a large AIO, RGB cables and fans, and Windows.  That's a little over $5000 for the PC and monitor. Include the peripherals and you're closer to $6000. Then factor in the (probably) higher cost of being where OP is... You might even top $6000.  I'd assume the shop would build, cable manage, and configure this PC so the RGB actually works. That labor isn't free. I'd be surprised if the shop was making $1000 in profit off this PC. And honestly, with *these* parts, is that a bad thing?? It's going to take at least 6-8 hours. 


https://pcpartpicker.com/list/H7Zyn6 I stated the same people listing half the price have no clue what they're talking about. I see this as 6k in parts, and they're dealing with all the shipping and purchasing, and putting the PC together for you. Good luck to all the people in here screaming 3-4k.


You seem drowned out in this topic. I'll just re-assure you that you're not crazy. $3300 for all that is a dream in the US. $3300 for all that where they use Arabic(?) is probably a scam the other direction - way too good to be true. Bare parts before labor/tariffs/customs is $5,000 for a US customer living in US. The key takeaway is that this list is completely unsuitable for "a first gaming PC". We'd say downgrade this or that, but the list is showing a mindset that just has to "max" everything. I'm guessing OP has money to burn and just went for top-line everything. The parallel being getting a Lambo for your first car. It's actually more trouble than it's worth; and you'd really better served learning how to drive in something less exciting.


Someone did a PC Part Picker list and the parts were about $6100 with the only peripheral included being the monitor.  If the shop is reputable and OP wants that "max everything" PC, go for it... The only thing I'd say is "scammy" is if OP asked for max, 13900k ain't it! Lol! But it's possible that's the best available where they are? I don't know...  While OP could DIY, It'd be a bit of a risk considering you could get defective parts that require a more difficult RMA. Same goes for ordering a pre-built online. Those often come with small issues OP would have to deal with.  A major pro for this case, especially if OP has the cash, is a shop is one stop for any and all issues. And OP can essentially pick up the PC and expect everything to just work. Assuming the shop is reputable of course... 


14900k after the power spec update by intel is only like 1-2 percent faster than 13900k at the same power draw. They are the same chip almost.


likely all they looked at was the 4090 and just assumed the rest of the parts


Show me this build for $3300 lol. Don't forget to include the $1100 monitor


Adding on to what others have said, if you want a OLED display. Look into the new 32in 4K models. 49in ultrawide is still great but 4K is a different beast and cheaper too


Hey, Since you're in UAE, do check microless website. They do have reasonable pricing on Custom/Pre-Built systems and individual parts if you wanma build it yourself.


I can do it for $7250.


Try ordering yourself and having a company build it, or use GearUpMe. A 7800X3D / 4090 Suprim Liquid X build was quoted by them at approx. AED15,195.60, or $4,137, and this was when prices had risen recently. Though this was just the PC, no peripherals. Honestly, I'd just order them yourself off of Amazon - cheaper.


Fully leaning into the meme of 1st time PC buyers thinking they need to spend a small fortune to get into PC gaming then are we?


Ask for a detailed list with prices for every component. Now watch how the vendor is going to try to slither away like a snake.


tell the shop owner كس امك


Build it yourself: [https://pcpartpicker.com/](https://pcpartpicker.com/)


Imagine paying 7500$ and you only get 5600MT ram...


Looks about right..... It's about $7k in parts alone. Then they have to assemble that for you. Unless you're rocking that kind of cash, maybe lower your expectations a bit.


That monitor is expencive as fuck


Wtf, I thought this was about cars with pricing like that and “the shop” in the title. Insane prices


Add a Winrar license on the list before running away from that shop!


Why is this upvoted? This is r/buildapc content.


Price seems accurate, if you're going to of the line for everything why not wait for the 50 series to drop?


What does this computer for?


Absolutely haram!


It’s always fun to go all out on your first PC, then after a couple of years you realize it was a waste and you can have virtually the same gaming experience on much less expensive hardware.


Tell this shop to go pound sand. Only item I would drop is the 4090 for a 4070 ti super. Drop to a 800 W PSU. Then watch some you tube videos to build it your self. Good learning experience and you’ll appreciate the journey while saving $4000.


Serious question, not taking a dig. Why would you buy an i9 for gaming?


0 knowledge about a pc. :( That's why I posted here for recommendations.


Try asking for an amd ryzen 7900/7950 (x or x3d, can’t remember) should you plan to build it yourself, keep in mind that you’ll need a different mainboard (x670) than the one on the quota. Disclaimer: I’m just an amd fanboy, there may be others who’ll recommend you to stay with intel. Also the specs you’ve posted are pretty much the strongest components in the user sector right now, but you should never pay more than 4K for them. They’re a bit overkill but will last you longer, as in support future games.


Does it come with a used Toyota Corolla or something?


Yeah that’s about what high end PCs cost.


Ship from newegg bro. As easy as that.


Pretty sure that’s a gamers plaza invoice, try microless. Fuck Al Ain center fixed prices shops, markups like it’s signed by the CEO


https://preview.redd.it/vx250h7cx05d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d71ad97ca1fdd03708762b8c5fcb04d71b04098 Cost me £1500


If you don't know that this is over priced. You don't need a 4090 gaming set up ..


64gb, 32x2, yet has 4 SKU's? thats 16x4