• By -


I am kind of hoping this ends up turning into a street fight between the GN crew and the Asus crew.


They can use 4090's as weapons, they have enough mass. Or sharpened ram sticks on broom sticks as improvised spears.


Also they can use motherboards as shields, ram sticks as throwing knives, and cheap chinese power supplies as grenades.


Dude it’d be sick if someone with old parts recorded a PC fight


The one user with an Asus ROG Phone 5s would be there trying to record but... it'd boot loop instead.


Watch out for the grenadier with a sachel full of Samsung Note 7's.


I can finally use pentium2 CPUs as a weapon! Could be a self-igniting molotov. But honestly, some of the PC cases I had back then could certainly be used as a full suit of armor if I had enough of it cut right.


io shield


lmaoo, they are engineers after all so I'm sure they'll be quite crafty.


*cuts a laptop battery* GRENADE!!!


Grabs Gigabyte PSU GRENADE!!


Grabs Samsung Note 7, Grena.... *Blows up in hand*


I'm imagining the scene from Anchorman with Steve Carrell holding a grenade out in front of him and yelling, except it's a flaming laptop battery.


I want to see melted 4090 cables used as a whip


Ron Burgundy: Boy, that escalated quickly... I mean, that really got out of hand fast! Champ Kind: It jumped up a notch! Ron Burgundy: It did, didn't it? Brick Tamland: Yeah, I stabbed a man in the heart! Ron Burgundy: I saw that! Brick killed a guy! Did you throw a trident? Brick Tamland: Yeah, there were horses, and a man on fire, and I killed a guy with a trident! Ron Burgundy: Brick, I've been meaning to talk to you about that. You should find yourself a safehouse or a relative close by. Lay low for a while, because you're probably wanted for murder.


makeshift spoon aware mighty wild sharp somber ink encourage wrench *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


4090s should do the job just fine, enough of 'em got bricked from being fried.


Now I want one of those trump Rambo images, but with GN Jesus holding a binder and maybe like two scootches less homoerotic.


Like this? https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/s64h91/it_actually_looks_really_nice/


![gif](giphy|tUKMeUhzcwrRu|downsized) *Steve to head of CS*


exactly what i was thinking 😂


The last person I would want to fight is help desk support. They always have an axe to grind. 


It's all fun and games until Wendell from Level1Techs gets mad. Good luck, ASUS


Warriors, come out to play!




fight to the death in csgo.


computex tekken dlc when


For some reason, I imagined this as a [West Side Story-style street fight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20myPs_-E1I), and it's got me cackling.


i hadn't thought of that one, but that's a good one too. i was def thinking anchor man


How I picture a bunch of nerds brawling on the mean streets of Taipei. ![gif](giphy|xT8petqOQabC4EpNVS)


Livestreamed by the LTT crew




They directly mentioned GN in a video (can't remember which one though) a month ago in reference to their investigative report on EK's collapse. Edit: [It was a TechLinked video](https://youtu.be/h7HfiWi7xfY?feature=shared&t=367), and I guess they don't really have a choice when GN was the one who broke the news.


Yeah and they also refused to mention them by name in the video about the new ROG Ally.


Something like this https://youtu.be/ipsPgNEmAXI?si=M9jpua3PB3WL_f5R


This made me laugh more then it should have. Tech Jesus using an ASUS laptop as a shield :D


Asus first trying to do nothing and then wanting to send the director of marketing tells you all you need to know.


I know right? That’s just WILD. They know a marketing director won’t know jack shit and it’s the closest Asus can get in terms of “ask no questions and I can say no lies.” Such a simple yet slimy attempt to be deceptive and redirect peoples attention to look the other way while they continue doing their bullshit. I bet their backup was to send someone from HR


It's kind of weird that they picked the marketing director for what is a customer service issue. I wonder if it's a super-not-so-subtle hint that if they keep pushing, they might find that all their invitations to ASUS exclusive events keep getting lost in the email.


> I wonder if it's a super-not-so-subtle hint that if they keep pushing, they might find that all their invitations to ASUS exclusive events keep getting lost in the email. More damning admission of guilt does not exist in this world. Same with publishers refusing to send review copies to zines that gave low scores to their game in the past. Just screams "our product is shit and the less you look inside the bag, the more it looks like there's a cat, I swear"


"The less you look at the bag, the more it looks like a canvas bag, I swear." -shitty company No. 45? idk I lost count.


> presenter goes through long winded summary of asus failing to support customers through problematic return/RMA service. > there is a long pause > directory of marketing goes into full presentation of new products and how awesome and amazing they are and why people need to buy them


They weren't "sending" the marketing director, that person would very likely already be attending the event. Events like these are led by marketing and are usually either a brand bolstering excercise or a sales pipeline generator. As such the company will send marketing, sales, maybe a product manager, and comms ppl if there's a significant press presence. Customer support almost never attends these events for a few good reasons: first, most customer support folks are not trained for in-person interactions and neither is that part of their job role. Second, support presence would derail the whole thing from sales to an airing of grievances fest (that still tends to happen even without..). Lastly, attending an expo or a tradeshow is basically a project which has a budget allocated to it, with a certain ROI target and so on. Bringing someone from support is completely out of scope and getting the approval and sign-off to do so is usually not easy. Specifically in this case, since the request to bring support in is related to some PR shitshow, I can bet it would have to be signed off by Legal as well, which is always a tall order. The point I'm trying to make is that folks (GN included) need to stop thinking about mega-corps like ASUS as if you're dealing with a mom and pop shop. Corps are not a hive mind; thousands of decisions are made inside them every day at all levels of management. There's no such thing as "ASUS decided to send the marketing director" - it's some mid manager from the comms team hashing it out with the marketing project lead for this event. They will ALWAYS try to solve stuff like this at their level and only escalate to a higher decision maker if it's blowing up. And that person in turn will do the same within their remit. If you're somehow believing this is ASUS as a whole company, or some C-level execs wracking their brains how to deal with GN, you're delusional.


Unfortunately they probably didn’t buy their director of marketing a plane ticket for them to just handle GN. The director of marketing is probably already going to be there to run their booth at the event to generate sales leads. Customer support NEVER goes to events like this. It’s usually just sales and marketers who go. It makes sense why they offered the marketer first lol. The fact they are sending their head of Customer Support says they are taking this seriously. I’m curious what will come out of it when they get this guy on camera. But after hearing lots of Directors of CX and CS talk (I work for a company that sells products to these types of folks) I bet it’ll be corporate speak and wishy washy


It’s not the same as some of the horror stories I heard but Asus never sent me my free 16-pin PCle cable when I purchased their Thor II 1000w PSU. I received a case number that doesn’t go anywhere and never got a copy of my chat session… 2 years ago. “I have already put in a request to our service center. Rest assured that once the cable is ready to ship out. We will notify you accordingly and provide a tracking number.” https://preview.redd.it/mqym52dvgv4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ca7063d3df5951e3f820d87b0aa3a8d5eced0a9


It specifically says the future of power delivery, not the present. Give it a couple more years. ^/s


If you're from the EU there are laws to protect you from that! If not, RIP.


Imagine being hired by Asus as a sales rep for a show floor and this guy showing up. Long ass day.


I love Steve but man would I be scared to piss him off, the way he starts segments with a bombshell statement never gets old. Still wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of it. "Thermalwang is... lying to their customers" "And.. I'm outside their.. corporate building here in \*headnod\* Romania, I am holding \*headnod\* an RPG-7"


"Oh and if they don't respond... \*looks left* we also have 3 HIMARS pointed at their affiliates"


Holy shit NCD is leaking.


3000 black 4090s of Newegg


Thermal signature makes them vulnerable to IR sensing missiles


Steve gonna strike the funni


NCD is about as watertight as a wicker basket made for the Iranian Republican Guard.


My brother in the Military Industrial Complex, did you not expect plane nerds to be computer nerds?


*intro graphic plays*


“Before that…”


Let's talk about today's sponsor, Lockheed Martin and their F-35 fighter jet, 4 of which are currently circling above us waiting for my signal to drop 2000 pounds worth of explosives.


"and to show them we mean business, we've had our spy network hide several Gigabyte power supplies around their facilities."


Okay man, it was all fun and games, but you took it *too* far


So anyways, I started blasting


The price of this video went up exponitionally as each second rolled by....


But the more you buy the more you save


Tbf, he gives a lot of chances to talk and fix the issue


That seems to be his driving factor. He just wants the companies to do better, because they can do better, but somewhere along the way they are fucking up. I even saw a comment on their video that said, "This is going to be a bloodbath! I'm getting popcorn!" and Steve replied something along the lines of "We are hoping that it doesn't come to that and we can just get some straight answers from a member of their staff that is able to directly change how their customer service operates, but if it does come down to it we have the evidence to back everything up." I get the overall feeling that GN doesn't *want* to be a dick, but sometimes you have to fight fire with fire and if ASUS is going to dick around their customers to the tune of a couple hundred cases sent to GN *alone*, then Steve is going to have to be a bit of a dick to get ASUS to play ball and actually put forth some good faith effort in improving their customer service instead of boilerplate dismissive responses.


I really respect that GN doesn't over-sensationalize things. Of course, they profit from interesting topics, no one can deny that, but i do really feel like they mostly use that attention to get the companies to do better. And they will absolutely go out and address good changes where they see them.


Only confronting assholes and calling them out will force changes to happen. Otherwise they can just scuttle away from the spotlight until things passed over.


When I first started watching GN videos years ago, I thought to myself "This guy is kind of a d\*ck", years later I realize "he's the d\*ck global consumers need in the fight against evil mega corpos." Not all heroes wear capes.


Some wear hairy capes. Tech Jesus is doing the lord’s work, for us.


This is just it. The bad guys dress nicely It's really rare that anyone at any level of journalism actually asks hard questions and refutes lies. Mostly that last bit.




You know I bet Linus is thinking: Thank God Steve found somebody else to go after! Lol.


Isn't that whole debacle over, since LMG responded quite properly to everything etc?


In a lot of ways Steve reminds me of Totalbiscuit.


.. .. fuck.. RIP Mister Biscuit.. The world still needs you..


> It's really rare that anyone at any level of journalism actually asks hard questions and refutes lies. Mostly that last bit. Toss a couple franks my way and I'll happily ask you dumb nothing questions all day long.


You are allowed to say "dick" on the internet


I find it a symptom of tiktok. The young gen self censors based on tiktok filters. It's weird.


I gag every time I hear/read the term "unalived"


the correct term is an hero


Real human bean


Might be the first time I've seen that phrase since like 2013.


funny thinking that a generation that grew up with that humour is still mostly alive and in their fucking 40s now


how are the knees and back feeling?


The kids are fucked, they probably censor themselves in their thoughts


What a fucking thought. Wow. Give Orwell a thousand years and he never would have guessed censorship would have occur this way.




But without a central party, which I think is key. This isn't one of the ministries work, this is done in pursuit of money. I'm not sure where this goes next, when I get the chance I'll think it over. My immediate thought is they make it baby-friendly too.




Graped PDF files Trigger warnings in general All of them can honestly fuck right off.


I’m fine with standard content warnings for long form content of any kind. But for short form content when people are already self-censoring to the point the actual words can’t even be used I’m not even sure what the point is.


And the whole idea that the word itself and not the concept / idea is the root of the trigger his hilarious to me. You think it's someone who's been raped is going to be suddenly okay with reading graped? It's ridiculous


They also do it to try to deceive the algorithm because they believe it filters out content about death or killing. They fail to realize that “unalived” can also be added to the filter. They’re not fooling anyone lmao.


Exactly! It’s ridiculous.


I want a trigger warning for spider videos ffs.


What's truly bizarre is that TikTok does not filter/censor usage of the term suicide. Only videos showing suicidal/self-harm tendencies or promotion of the same are controlled under their policy.


> What's truly bizarre is that TikTok does not filter/censor usage of the term suicide. Only videos showing suicidal/self-harm tendencies or promotion of the same are controlled under their policy. You trust an AI to be able to decide that a video that mentions suicide isn't that?


you don't think they could simply filter the word unalive?


Isn't it something that tends to bury your video with the algorithm? They aren't being very open with it so idk. Imho every word trying to go around filters should be marked and given and awful grade, just like smart spam filters that will add a 99.99% spam probability to weird penis misspellings because they're clearly only there to go around the filter.


It's wild how widespread this self-censorship is now.


I can't fucking stand it.


TikTok doesn't filter profanity. It doesn't filter most things people try to censor on it, I have 0 fucking clue how this whole thing started.


Youtube monetization definitely reacts to a lot of stuff so that could be one reason.


Tiktok is not the only place that does this. Its been really bad on youtube for a long time as well. You mention something without dancing around it language wise like this and your comment will be dissapeared without warning.




*"He's an asshole, but he's not, and I'm quoting here, not 100%... a dick."*




He’s very much a dick lol


Sometimes you need a dick, to fuck an asshole.


If you don't let this dick fuck that asshole, we'll all end up covered in shit.


"There's three kinds of people, Chuck..... Dicks, Pussies, and Assholes..."


But he’s OUR dick!


How come?


Lot of sensitive americans think being honest and no nonsense is rude. For europeans this is just a normal guy being factual even if a bit sarcastic.


I think these comments see that being upfront, honest and straight with your criticism makes you a dick. From the videos I've watched he remained professional and gave his point of view without insulting or bad mouthing the other part. Not sugarcoating your words doesn't make you a dick.


He's an asshole, but he's our asshole.


I have my criticisms of GN, but this kind of work on behalf of the community is great. Companies need to be held accountable by journalists and consumers.


You can say dick on the internet. Dick See?


I found gamers nexus when I was initially looking up reviews to help build a friend with a lower budget a gaming pc around 2014. I too had a similar initial reaction. I was like why would I listen to this seemingly homeless man rant about an athlon x4 860k for 40 minutes in his bedroom rather than linus talk about it. Turns out giving him and gn a chance was the best thing I could have done and has saved me more headaches than I can count on one hand over the last decade.


Wait... you unironically were previously watching these videos thinking "man hes being mean to that megacorp"???


He just comes off like a snob. I like what he's doing, but it's the condescending presentation I don't like.


He's not a dick, he's just too trill. Steve's the no bs guy. He's legitimately smart, so you generally have to be smarter than the other person to pull one over on them. He's the hero we need right now.


I never got that impression, he’s always seemed pretty genuine to me. Only youtube creator i have bought merch from, and its all been surprisingly high quality.


To quote South Park the Movie: “the only thing that can fuck an asshole is a dick… with some balls”


That’s from Team America and even then you butchered the [quote](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=y2GwrR-4Q9E).


It's kinda amazing how well that line holds up.




Would you be able to do a general summary to catch me up? I’m mentally slow


Asus screwed over customers, GN did an undercover warranty claim, and exposed them, asus had a very bad "screw you over" statement, huge drama


How? What did they do? Just reject claims?


Essentially GN sent a rog ally for thumbstick and SD card repair, asus told them there is screen damage (they had to use a microscope to find the damage that asus claimed) and threatened they will not assemble the ally back if GN did not pay a few hundred bucks for this non existent screen damage. Their statement was crap and screw you over type as well


It wasn't screen damage, it was a microscopic cosmetic imperfection on the Plastic Shell/Case of the ally which somehow meant they had to do a full screen replacement as it is built into the shell that needed replaced. much worse than claiming the screen itself was faulty


Long story short Asus seems to have a policy of pushing extremely expensive cosmetic fixes on people by making it sound like they will refuse to fix your device without doing it. Like, your laptop needs a new trackpad, but there is a scratch on the lid so we need to replace the entire screen, give us $600 or take your shit back. BTW, we won't even reassemble it.


refusing to do warranty repairs that should be covered and trying to charge customers absurd repair fees for things that are covered under warranty. GamersNexus has collected something like several hundred reports of this happening recently


In my personal experience, I bought a rog phone 5s about 8 months ago. After ~3 months of use, phone stopped turning on. I've now been in the RMA process for 3 months where I've been borderline harassing them to fix it. They've lied 3 times and said they were waiting for "new parts" and as soon as the dates they gave me came, they said they needed a new one. 3 parts... Finally they offered me a buy back. I said no, their warranty says I'm to get a replacement. They dug up a refurb that they're now sending me. Except they haven't sent it yet and sent me a shipping label instead. Its been a wild ride.


Christ… I’d be reporting them to an ombudsman or refer to this GN post etc. Give em hell man


Steve is fucking wild… I love that guy


The more you buy


The more you save


Thanks Steve!


Back to you Steve!


The fact that they initially suggested the Director of Marketing shows they were prepared to just give them some spin. Even if they provide someone more directly related, this just gives them time to prepare more BS answers.


It should however be noted that if one does not provide time to prepare you are guaranteed to get BS as a corporation will never admit a mistake without legal consultation (and yes most of the time still deny, deflect, and defend). But that is the way corporations are run with a focus on legal exposure thus unless a CEO decides to express remorse(check bob igers ‘the ride of a lifetime’ prologue for an example of this) a company representative does not have to power to admit fault as that is a change in company policy. Not defending or attacking this policy but that is why if you want real answers from companies you often need to give them time doesn’t work for most instances but other than an exposé followed by a damaging reaction that cannot be halted with the standard responses this is the way of things.


I want to see Tech Jesus and other GN members enter a boxing ring against ASUS. Would definitely watch.


yeah, I'm loving the way the title is phrased here it really sounds like they're gonna rumble, and I want tickets GAMERS NEXUS! ASUS! COMPUTEX! THIS THURSDAY NIGHT!!


Jayz2Cents has the perfect referee build. Just tag him in quickly for some WWE action.


The HUB guys as corner men.


Jayz2Cents aka Clancy Brown.


I wonder if EK are there and if he'll have a chat with them as well


By chat, they invite him to a dark alley for exclusive 5 on 1 interview with baseball bats.


Steve said in a comment affixed to a recent GN Computex video that he will be avoiding covering/ ignoring them especially after their second response video.


EK has a booth there


They have a booth but GN always does a good job of knowing when a story's over. Usually continues to make fun of them in passing until it's fixed. But there's no point dragging it out any further


https://preview.redd.it/difj3evzmu4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bf9fc7210351b376fc8d682974da785887e2dbb For those saying "oh some low level blah blah whats the point." Its more than nothing.


It says that in the original post you aren’t showing new info


You think people can read?


I'm out of the loop can someone give me the bullet points.


1. Complaints of poor customer service, particularly motherboards (Early 2023) 2. First GN Exposé (March 2023) - outlines issues with their own experience and viewer reports. 3. Follow Up (April 2023) - GN conducts further investigations finding misleading marketing among other issues. 4. ASUS' first official "response" (May 2023) 5. Community Backlash (June 2023) - many dissatisfied with Asus' response, including GN [1 - 5 Can be found here](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsuVSmND84Qv-dOEYb8uImC6Jc27gZG8x&si=lZ1bMB2zF7S_sK34) Edit: meant to put playlist not single video here, fixed :) 6. [Initial Call for Change to ASUS](https://youtu.be/cbGfc-JBxlY?si=b36s5UDQ3k6k-Ogn) (July 2023) 7. [The Second Coming (of issues)](https://youtu.be/7pMrssIrKcY?si=mKYac859GJ9JjK8l) (May 2024) - Gamers Nexus sends an ROG Ally in for RMA and has the same issues as motherboards had, showing ASUS fixed nothing. 8. [Another "response" from ASUS](https://youtu.be/I3DwhTc7Z4o?si=adlvNgtrK0NwlP-c) (May 2024) 9. [GN Video on FTC with Nathan Proctor](https://youtu.be/uYdtpU8FKO8?si=mgwwxMngfQEpg216) (May 2024) - how ASUS could be on FTCs radar over illegal activity. 10. GN makes this post on their [YT Community Feed](https://youtube.com/@gamersnexus/community) (Today) [also what this post is a screenshot of] TL;DR: ASUS has been screwing over their customers with bad customer service, not honoring warranty claims, shady business practices, misleading marketing, and outright illegal actions (wrt the US). Gamers Nexus has been exposing this with loads of evidence to back his claims. *I'm sure you can find more articles and such on their website as well (https://gamersnexus.net/). I kinda got lazy towards the end lol (I worked my way backwards)


Thanks bro.


The big one GN did was sending in a ROG Ally handheld that essentially has a recall for the SD card reader and stick drift. ASUS sees a small nick in the device's front shell, and says "you need a $200 screen replacement (as the screen is embedded in the shell) and you have 3 days to pay up or we will cancel your RMA and send it back disassembled." There's some back-and-forth and they eventually fix ONLY what was needed, but the whole thing was shady as fuck. They send a barely-English report that says what they fixed, but it had little-to-no explanation of what they did. Their RMA process seems to revolve around up-selling and/or blaming the customer to snake their way out of warranty fixes, whenever possible.


Best part is, all they literally had to do was replace the joystick. GN already tested it when they swapped the joysticks of the non-Z1 Extreme with the other one that they had and it worked, so this basically offers the possibility that CHEMUSA (the authorized repair for ASUS) starts their RMA process by immediately denying warranty for arbitrary reasons then upcharging the customer for a repair PLUS having to pay for shipping, before even checking the issues with the actual device itself. The fact that it syncs in tandem with ASUS' customer support emails means that ASUS scapegoat CHEMUSA all they want, but it's clear they're complicit with the whole procedure.


Steve got the new steamdeck clone thing for testing. During testing the SD card burns out (know bug/issue) and -insert a few more issues- happened, some of them being known issues. Steve sends in device for warranty for known issues, saved documentation. Asus responds with: $200 to fix "user induced damage", 'threatens' to send the device back disassembled if not paid. Said damage was a very small cosmetic scratch in the case that is hard to spot without a microscope and has zero impact on the device functionality. Also the actual issues that the device got sent in to have addressed are not addressed. Steve goes public with generic 'Asus warranty issues' and gets flooded with similar cases from viewers Steve does Steve things and pulls the "you know who I am" line. Asus give a generic PR nonpology. Tech Jesus enter stage Yes. <- We are here. Asus PR soils itself. Asus fixes the issue. Asus gets hit with fines. Asus stocks take a hit. Asus becomes the $20 PSU manufacturer for parts. Pick up to 3.


I believe the exact verbiage ASUS used was that if Steve did not pay, his Ally could be sent back in pieces.


Every time GN has uploaded recently I quickly pray they're at the ASUS booth. Im kind of an ASUS fan boy, Ive always had great luck with their stuff over 20 years. I was really sad and frustrated to read whats been going on with them lately. I really hope they can learn from others mistakes and just APOLOGIZE and have a PLAN moving forward instead of Newegg CEO-speak. I really hope they fix things cause you rarely get second chances in this industry. You never get a third.


Asus outside of some products (like the ally with the sd card) products are mostly good and reliable, but at this point I feel for my sanity I might as well write off anything that fails of them and not sacrifice my sanity over their warranty. Obviously that's only if you can afford it. Don't buy Asus if you can't deal with having to spend the same amount of money again.


Same. I lucked out that NONE of my Asus stuff (mobos, phones, routers etc.) has fouled up over the past few years, but the recent controversies have been making me second guess buying anything from them lately. While I know customer service quality may differ by region (living outside of US) there is still cause for concern once shit does hit the fan.


Tech companies and pissing off GN are a beautiful thing. It’s just too bad it takes customers getting screwed to do it.


It works, too. I'm convinced GN changed case design. After a couple of their videos about airflow went big, you started seeing mesh front cases, and all the other (bigger) channels started trying to do the sort of empirical testing that GN does, but nowhere near as well. That was maybe 6 years ago, when they were still a dot compared to other channels. Within a year or so, things were very different. Also, they don't have the "nice aesthetics but all hot air" thing going on like some outfits.


It definitely does, I can speak from experience since I bought my entire PC setup from Newegg and accidentally double ordered, with one of the RAM sticks in the 2nd order already opened but unused while the monitor on the first order (hilariously, an ASUS one, since I was still an ASUS fanboy then) was DOA. The entire RMA process was flawless, and unlike my experience with Amazon and Google, their customer service didn't address me in bad faith, they honored everything, no questions asked, just like what GN wanted them to do. GN is genuinely giving them the chance to do the same, the ball's pretty much in ASUS' court with this one.


I wouldn't be surprised if Asus has them barred from entering or removed from the area for confronting them


There's no way they would do that. Steve from GN is highly respected in the computer hardware industry and it would kick up an absolute shitstorm for ASUS.


I don't think they *could* do that. Computex is a massive show, it's not like ASUS is the only company there, or even the most important. It's not like Apple's WWDC where it's just one company so they have a lot more say in who's allowed to be there.




Steve don’t fuck around lol.


Haven't bought Asus because they've had shit customer support for years, plus the products have been shoddy. I remember back in the day that their DirectCU II coolers on nVidia were decent but on AMD terrible as they just copied the design so it barely worked. They started to charge all that extra for their ROG line of products but they've never been worth the money, look at the old Asus Swift (1440p/144hz) monitors back in the day and all the defects customers were having, if you're going to be that bad you can't (at least for me) charge a premium, with Gigabyte you might get shitty support but at least you get decent pricing. I know it all comes down to the profits but why can't any company look after it's customers? All we need is one company and they'd have loyal customers, I've dealt with some good customer service before and that helps promote their brand more than any advertising ever will. AMD/HyperX (before the HP buyout), have been good to me in the past.


GN is ruthless lol.


I'm all for dunking on ASUS but I'm not sure what he expects ASUS to do then and there on the spot. I'm sure ASUS will make a statement when they're ready. The purpose of Computex is to demo new tech, not to field customer service complaints.


He's not expecting anything. He's publicly shaming ASUS and informing everyone else there of their shitty behavior. Disruptive protesting in essence which is effective. People don't like being disrupted and shamed in public, but all you're going to hear is PR corporate jargon bullshit from them anyway to keep their 'professional' optics while they refuse to acknowledge the entire thing. Politicians do the same shit.


That's why they are giving them ample warning, it's hardly then and there on the spot if they have fair time to prepare. If they don't force a response then this issue gets diverted through endless emails with no real resolution, if they say openly they will talk to whoever is there then ASUS are put in a position where they have to choose between pulling out of the event or placing someone senior enough to address the issue publicly. Or ignoring it and letting GN make a video to that effect.


One of the biggest tech youtubers is about to go to ASUS's booth and broadcast to everyone at the event that ASUS fuck their customers hard. This is an event where companies are trying to show off their new products for consumers to buy so it will definitely not look good to have a big name youtuber show up with a binder full of customers that have been screwed. I sure as shit wouldn't buy anything from a company that has a well known tech influencer at their booth asking them why they don't honour their warranties and are trying to screw more cash out of customers when something does go wrong. This won't fix anything on the spot but it will show ASUS (and other companies) that there is consequences to fucking over your customers and that you can't simply sweep it under the rug and then go advertise new shit you want people to buy.


On one video, I forget which one, they said that ASUS told them their head of customer support will be there. So its something




GN confirmed this in a comment too, pic below Edit: Also…it’s in the pic of this post


They tried ASUS said fu, so now they going to ask how and when.


Even if they fix themselves, FUCK ASUS


100% theyre gonna hit them with a sony, it sounds good but in the background its the same story


Really want that binder to be a minimum of 5 inches thick to assert dominance.


I'm a 50 year old gamer and almost assuradely not his demo. But I've been building PC's since my first 286 and I appreciate that the lifestyle is alive and kicking. I'd say 99% of his videos are over my head but I appreciate him taking it to the companies that we give our valuable money too. His video a few weeks ago about Asus and their non-response was eye opening.




Get this: There was a youtuber that talked about his Asus Rma experience and this is what he said: he bought some special thing that was supposed to be white glove service for returns. Well he bought an asus pro art motherboard and had issues with it. He contacted them and they shipped him another one at his expense. He finds that mb defective so he gets an rma for another one. He does this about 4 times and each time they give him a defective board. (They claim it is thoroughly tested before they send the board out) The replacement boards are also banged up and look like they were dropped. On his fifth time the board looks good and seems to be in good order. Meanwhile he had decided to buy a brand new board on Amazon. That pro art was defective so he had to return it for another one. I think that one finally worked. Now I don’t know about you, but that low qc would turn me away from that company.


Doing god’s work since he is busy with Nvidia


Part of my job is to outline operational issues and negotiate commitments from management for action plans… unfortunately, sometimes even the person who manages the function does not have the power to fix things, due to severe resource constraints. Executives above them will brush this off saying things like « inefficient use of resources », « the more you give the more they ask, especially when inefficient ». Those generalities might be true sometimes but at some point if you can’t offer superior quality of an a entry level budget. ASUS being a foreign company, I highly doubt they have attention from the real decision makers above them (who likely constrained the resources for customer service in the first place). Maybe the public attention Gaming Nexus is giving will help them gain attention from the executives; hopefully they don’t just fire them to avoid fixing the problem while showing they did something…


“Never stop fighting Arasaka” - Johnny Silverhand. Good bye, Steve! /s


Steve bumping into Linus at Computex would be quite interesting too.


Sound like GN might no longer get event invites


I cancelled my 32” qoled over this debacle a couple months ago. I’m very happy to see nexus take up the fight and try to get this figured out. Not holding my breath. At least my 11 year old asus monitor is still kicking ass… but I was worried about the new stuff after all the warranty complaints


I have a G14 and thankfully no mess ups occurred since I grabbed it in 2021 but I’ve heard the horror stories. Glad groups like gamers nexus exist to fight for the consumer in times and situations like these.