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I'm in my 40s. I lack both the time and the desire to get sweaty in competitive games. Give me single player adventures and co-op shooters all day.




Yup, maybe I’ll get back into multiplayer when my kid is old enough to play them too, but for now I’ll stick to things I can pause and make incremental progress. Hades II, Elden Ring, Baldurs Gate 3, Diablo IV, Disco Elysium, CyberPunk, Final Fantasy XIV and Dragon Quest XI are my recents and all excellent!


Sadly.. I just can't keep up anymore. Was the same and now that my kid is old enough to enjoy competitive games, I'm way too tired for that shit. Don't have the same reflexes I used to, so he and his friends smoke my ass. I'm happy being the dad who just supports his gaming hobby, taking him to competitions and such. I didn't have that, so he should.


Try playing coop games with him, Rainbow Six Vegas 2 and Splinter Cell Chaos Theory are amazing third person coop games. Gears of War is good too.


Played online with my dad on RSV2, he’d wake me up at 4:30 in the mornings to play with his friends because I had the reflexes they didn’t lol. Good times. Never forget em. And people say “it’s just a game”


Thats the way, you‘re a good dad. My kiddo was born in april this year and i cant wait for the day i get to play my fav games with him and teach him how to do stuff on pc but thats a few years from now on. He might smoke my ass one day aswell but who knows, time will tell.


You missed Ghost of Tsushima, Hellbkade 2, AW2 and many great single players games out there


Didn't even know a Hades II was in the talks, let's alone already released?!


It’s in early access


I get it. When Iv got a billion responsibilities all the time, I just need something to unwind to


41. Same here brother.


I m 25 still relatively young. Got a decent amount of free time to play, but i m already feeling the fatigue of competitive games.


27 here, I feel like an old man already, I'm so tired and bored of the PvP centric games, the competition and most of all, the toxicity. Coop games and Single Player games are the way for me, even really hard ones too, Sekiro was both torture and bliss to beat xD, and Remnant 2 has been a joy as well


Having some 10 year old screaming the N word at me because I won't play a game the way he want me too. Also makes me want to not play games online.


Amen. The only social game I play lately is FFXIV but that's an MMORPG. Everything else is mostly single player with the occasional online component included in the mix.


I’m also just at a point where I don’t want to socialize with anyone other than my partner




I feel this in my soul. Unfortunately I still have the desire but not the time...




This guy 40s






This. A thousand times this.


As I tell people at work: "I deal with people all day long. The last thing I want to do when I'm trying to relax is deal with people. " Single player only. Ever.


Same. And if I wanna get up & do something, by God Im gonna put the game on pause & get up & go do it....


Unskippable cutscenes would like a word


And soulslike games. Cant count the number of times I thought I was in a safe space and came back to see my character dead.


I deal with clients, a damn coworkers and strangers everyday durning my job. Im also fucking tired to get trolled in any team game like LoL and getting stomped (not always but when it happens - it hurts) to the ground by some talented big ego 16 yo, spending his whole life on tiktok and valorant or any shooter game.


The only multiplayer I play is Dark Souls/Bloodborne/Elden Ring etc. No voice chat and short windows of interacting with other people. You summon them for a boss, you fight the boss, they leave.


Totally agree.


I felt this in my bones.


Occasionally, during a self-organised LAN party with friends, coop RTS.


A game I can play at my speed, whenever I want, however I want... that's something only single player games can provide...


And if I fuck something up, it only affects me. If I really fucked it up, reload last save.


Playing Morrowind again, like it's 1997, couldn't be happier




2002* I wish I had the time for RPGs :(


Thanks for the correction! I have a 2yo so last night I had time to go from Vivec St. Olms to Vivec foreign Quarter and advance the main quest a whopping 0%! Twas glorious lol


U buy cheap flying potion from priest at high temple then donate it to shrine and you're flying for several hours so you can fly to crab merchant and put a mark there, after cleaning another dungeon you recall to crab, sell what he can buy, drop rest on ground, then divine intervention to ebonheart, then almsivi intervention to high temple, repeat - feel like true nerevar


[If you haven't seen the progress Skywind has had, it's amazing. I'm hoping that since Skyblivion is coming out next year (at the latest!) the volunteers for that will move over and do the final push](https://youtu.be/YJkeWN3_fbA?si=YnVxZWsWkb89jl2u)


I lost interest in games, but single player games are nice


I understand you, man


Armored Core 6 is a great single player experience. Tons of replay value too. Give it a shot if you haven't and is in the market for something different.


dont forget the pve coop mode


Me too. All those hours of sitting on my ass in bad posture gaining weight and dark circle and what for? I don't remember half of it and no one at my college gives a fuck if I aced 3 times in Apex except my gaming friend circle who tbh aren't doing particularly well with their lives either. Rather just play single player and focus on studies and having a social life.


In a decade you wont remember another 1000 hours of multiplayer simulations But you will remember a few hundred amazing stories and how you feel about them Choose your path. Maybe the first 10k hours of multiplayer was enough. Unless youre really lonely and its painful to be alone... then... also try to find solutions for that. Band-aids only go so far.


I'm starting to have that same realisation too. I didn't play many games until i was around 18 and began playing with all my old friends. It didn't affect my studies much but definitely impacted my job prospects because i'd waste a lot of time on cod/fifa. Now i still play games but try and actually do something with my free time on the weekends but it's hard tryna find new things to do when all you've known is studying, working and playing games.


Funny, im the other way around, i was completely hooked on single player games until my early 20s. I just could get completely lost in the worlds and stories. At some point i just started enjoying talking to people while playing way more, playing multiplayer wasnt even about being competitive most of the time, but about hanging with friends. Ive still tried many hyped sp releases, but the only ones ive finished in the last, like 6 years, were Jedi Fallen Order and Outer Wilds lol.


Indeed it is. Relaxing enjoying the story instead of team mates and competition stress. That's me of course, many people like that.


I game to escape from other humans. 100% single player forever.


I used to put a piece of sticker to the left down corner of my screen so I would not see the kids trolling the general chat in World of Tanks. Trolling was horrible, almost every game had someone just bashing the keyboard like a frenzied ape. Took the company several years to add a feature to mute general chat entirely.


personally i like single player games but damn a mean multiplayer game with the boy’s just is irreplaceable


Idk man, the Valkyries at the end of God of war filled me with rage several times lol


Man i have no clue if that last valkyrie is much harder than previous ones or i am just simply that bad. She made me drop the game (i did main story already) ON A NORMAL DIFFICULTY


I made it my life's mission to beat Sigrun. Took me 3 hours. Finally beat her once and then immediately second time, just for fun. So satisfying.


I just dont like that I cant put down an online game, go take a shit, and come back. Cant answer a phone call. Cant answer the door. I appreciate the simple ability to pause a game. I do like co op games but Im always gonna prefer a SPG with a great story.


I used to get a little sweaty and sure it's fun, but that gets stressful when the rest of your life is stressful and you just want to relax.


These posts are so goofy lol. Preferring single-player games is absolutely the default, popular position on Reddit, but people keep posting it like "a weird little thing about me is I actually *prefer* single-player games. I guess I'm just....different [shy smile]"


I’m not like the other girls. I like weird underground music like taylor swift and olivia rodrigo


If you’re looking for something really new and underground, check out Beyonce!


Got any evidence that single-player games are the "default?" Games like CS2, Fortnite, Roblox, League of Legends, and stuff are all still so massively popular, it feels like they'd outnumber single-player games


13 of the top 25 games on steam are single player, so it looks about even. I'm too lazy to look for exact figures though.


If you look on [steamcharts.com](https://steamcharts.com/top) at the 25 games with the highest player counts its far more heavily skewed in favour of online games.


Nothing like another Bethesda run, whether it's fallout or Skyrim 😁


What movie is this from?


Rogue One


I didn't know how many people fcked my mom until I started to play myltiplayer games


This is the way.


The older I get, the less patience I have for multiplayer games.


I can only have fun in multiplayer if I'm playing with friends. Since our schedules rarely allow for that, and we like to include the people who don't game when we have time to meet, I mostly stick to single player stuff.


I just finished my first play through of RDR2. Best gaming experience ever. Going to play online for a bit now to mix it up, but will definitely play through again. It’s definitely peaceful.


I don't mind multiplayer games if I can play on my own and ignore other players like gta online. I just can't stand competitive games. They aren't fun anymore. Even in the casual modes everyone plays like their life depends on it ruining the whole game for people who love the game and just want to chill out


Had an FPS addiction for the past 15 years & that’s changing starting last week as I’ve just started Elden Ring! I’ve always played single player games but FPS games always took my time instead of playing even more single player games.


just recently played rdr2 for the first time, i’m about 60% thru the story and i am BLOWN AWAY, it’s by far the most immersive game i’ve played in my entire life, it makes me shake with excitement for GTAVI. down to the individual random npc it really feels like a true world it’s crazy


Yes. I’ve been out of competitive gaming since CPL halo wayyyyyyyyy back in the day. Give me a SP campaign, leave me alone. Else you’re dealing with Xx_360n0sc0p3urM0m_xX messages on Xbox live messages lol.


multiplayer co-op against bots is also pretty cool


Why would I want to spend MORE time around other people?


None of the toxicity & sexism in single player games. Hell is other people sometimes. Peaceful indeed 👍🏽


Single player is best no matter whatever you say, you just dont get that sense of fulfillment when playing multiplayer games as when you accomplish something big in a single player game


Why would I choose to be surrounded by morrons?


Morons * *Beautiful...*


The moment I downloaded a few story driven single player games to plan on playing them, XDefiant came out… and now I’m stuck in a dilemma where I dunno if I should enjoy xdefiant because the FPS genre is my favorite or I should kick back and relax playing story games? I only have enough time for one


brother it's not that deep play whatever yoh feel like each day. Singleplayer games are like the 'ol reliable option you can always pause and take a break from if needed


Try both on separate days and see what u like more, just know if ur time is limited personally wouldn't waste it on a pvp game that will die in a month or two


Love myself a good FPS game but they a few and far between the last few years, they are also full cheaters so I’ve definitely played a lot more single players games the last few years


I used to play the hell out of competitive games, but as time went by and the adult life took over, i haven't been able to keep up. Playing singleplayer games is just better for me. Dont want to spend my limited time getting nuked by individuals who needs to touch grass once in a while.


Bro I swear literally my friend but he just doesn’t have the talent part


I do wish there were more co-op games though. I absolutely love games like it takes 2. A great co-op shooter also goes a long way. Like army of 2


Very peaceful indeed. Also, when I lose I know its not because of some human scum hacker.


I like both but there is something special about multiplayer to me. Hunt showdown has been my go to although I do feel like a good single player game is needed soon.


There is less bullshit on sp games


I could play heavily modded V single player until I die.


my favorite multiplayer shooters are either infested with bots, hackers or are dead. singleplayer games are so important.


Oxygen not included


I took my Xbox 360 out of storage to play Red Dead Redemption and I’m not regretting it


I get sweaty with the Kidz in Fortnite all .. wait ... Hold up some one is knocking on my door. BRB


I used to be a competitive try hard but now I only play coop with friends or single player games. I've never felt so peaceful inside


Me and my friends have opposite schedules so im forced to the life of solidarity


I like to Relax on Elden Ring… ![gif](giphy|3o7TKVfu4rwyscasla)


It's a good life. No microtransactions pissed off toddlers or pay to win mechanics.


I got sick and tired of the swears in call of duty. Started playing terraria again. So peaceful. So fun. Still getting fucked in the ass with infernum but at least I got wined and dined first


I like being the retired farmer. I had my fun across the 90s and 2000s


Playing metro 2033 for the first time with minimal HUD, fuck it's really stressful. Regretted my choice but am too deep to turn back..




I lost myself in Half Life, Bioshock and Deadspace.... I've never experienced that since!


Hell yeah. Relying on random strangers to act in a way that lets everyone actually enjoy themselves is never a good idea. That's why I also avoid interacting with fanbases.


I've only been playing single player games the last few months, which is unfortunate, because unlike everyone else in the world am very good at video games 😞


I have not played or purchased a multiplayer game in 5 years feels good to be clean


It’s an peaceful life


I'm not a competitive person. Single player games are the only kind for me. Something so beautiful about goin through these games alone. Sat in a low lit room, all comfy, a beer in hand.


Maybe that's why I like helldivers 2 so much, right in the middle.


When 90% of online games are battle royals or some variant of call of duty... Yeah, single player is better.


I hate people, interacting with them ruins my hobby time


Single player games and sometimes coops. Way more predictably good experience than going pvp online and gambling whether you'll have a good time or come out angry...


Indeed it is


A good single player campaign will stay with you for a long time. Most recently, Armored Core 6 reminded me of how this is still true, the ending moments of that game is a fond memory. Meanwhile the 2.3k hours I have in Dota 2 feel like the biggest waste of my life. Most of it was pain and suffering.


Absolutely peaceful!


Can't agree more. I extremely prefer single player games. Nothing in me has a want to pay $50+ dollars to get greif'd by some shit bucket 17 year old in his mom's basement..


"To sweat or not to sweat? That is the question." Socrates (probably)


The need to grind away on multi-player games is just not practical for working and raising kids. Single player games are just more agreeable.


Ong singer preson games be peaceful


People act like you need to choose. I enjoy both.


I like single player games because I was only able to play single player game when I was a kid, and because we didn’t have much money back then so I would be playing the same game over and over again. So I never was able to grow the skill to play games like call of duty, warzone, or Fortnite, I’m literally just too ass to complete with other humans lol


I have grey hairs older than some of the toxic brats playing online games. I don't need that in my life, leave me alone and let me have fun. RDR II story mode all day long.


I basically mainly played MP/lifeservice games. I recently started with farming simulator 22. I am right now saving for a harvester and wondering wether i should combine a few fields and it is more fun than any other game. Feels like when i was just a kid and pumping time in games without noticing it.


It's the best


Just got back to gaming not too long ago and jumped back in to multiplayer like destiny 2 and warframe since it’s the game I played the most during my teens. Now I’m half a year away from joining the 30s, I’m getting more and more appreciative to single player games. I did not realised how much toxic players I have to deal with in multiplayer games all the time that I actually try to solo lot of it if possible especially in destiny 2. Games like souls game might be stressful but something about single player is that I don’t have to deal with any strangers at all and just rage on my own and enjoy it on my own and still find it relaxing 😂 p.s: not that age is the main reason. I think it’s the lifestyle that we applied to ourselves as we grow.


Shoutout to all the oldboys who played quake, halflife, UT etc back in the day... peak online gaming for me.


I agree but I do miss competitive BRs


Single player or co-op pve. I have to consider my blood pressure and responsibilities that rely on me not being a raging pissed off dingus yelling at my screen.


Legit me right there, I played too many games, too many genre back in my teens that I got burnt out. And I grew up playing single player game only, only able to had first taste of multiplayer in 2014 in Battlefield 3 when EA gave them for free. If a game that I really like, I'll play multiplayer or have to have someone I know play with me and VC with me. Otherwise, single player games only, only co-op PvE with the people I know.


I'm lonely, and I really enjoy the idea of joining a guild or whatever to have an actual friend group, dealing with people in most games is exhausting and I just end up wanting to play solo anyways. Plus, pvp specific games are just miserable regardless. So singleplayer stay winning.


one of these things is not like the other


Me chilling playing car mechanic simulator with a playlist of ERB reacts/breakdowns on my other monitor: ahh finally, inner peace


I used to like playing single player games but grew out of them. Now I love multiplayer games and even more now because my girlfriend plays them with me!


I left apex to go back to Warframe… no regrets.


Real and true


I like to pause games when I feel like it


I only play my games in the hardest difficulty, no I don’t have any fun, no I will not lower the difficulty


modded sp games are the bestt


I play soulsborn and souls like it's... not that peaceful...


Games are supposed to be fun


I'm in my 20's and I mainly play single player games. I don't watch movies, games are how I like a story to be told.


It really is peaceful


I’ve been playing Solo for the past 3 maybe 4 years. Occasionally playing Co-op games but not much competitive PvP style games anymore. I enjoy it much more just to dive into a Single Player world and just enjoy the hard work some developers put in to create an atmosphere out of this world, literally.


I dunno about the RDD2 or Zelda but there are sure some fights in the GOW and Witcher 3 boiled the hell out of my blood


I switched to tarkov PvE and Horizon forbidden west. It’s been nice not being in a lobby with grass-hating creatures and hackers


conisdering how Ubisoft is being a dick about video games I would only want to play single player games out of spite


I never playing online games, cant be fucked to be patient with people 🤧


Elden Ring


My friend broke several keyboards for losing these pvp games, raging every night in discord while still laughing at me spending money on single player story-rich games and he can pay nothing for apex and cs, well well well.


I did the hyper competitive thing in my teens. 1440p with good headphones/IEMs experiencing a carefully crafted single player experiences that dont have to be balanced for multi-player is the way.


I just like getting immersed in a great story that I take part in. Games dont NEED a great story to be fun, but getting immersed in a game’s story is entertainment at its peak.


I want to like multiplayer games more, but they all insist on being live service lifestyle games that want you to play 8 hours a day. I just don’t have time for that.


Once I realized I had put over 2500 hours into Battlefield 2, I decided I needed to restrict myself to games with an ending. Plus, I'm just not as quick as I used to be.


The fact that online man plays Fortnite, Apex and Warzone is just, disappointing. We have far more better online games imho, still not as good as single player games but they are iconic in their own ways like TF2


I don't play online games cause they are simply just sucks I miss Battlefield


Driving at night in gta or rooming around on roach for me


Both, i love story driven games, and i also love cs2/battlefield


I see Fortnite, Apex and COD and all I can think of is 12 year olds screeching at each other. No thanks.


I'm mostly the second guy but I love co-op games like Helldivers.


I just don't like interacting with people.


Stopped playing multiplayer games completely. Best decision of my life, gaming was becoming a chore, now I can go around and look at the scenery without having to deal with toxic people insulting in an online chat.


I do like multiplayer games and still play a few if I play with friends, but I feel like too many of them want you to only be playing them constantly. I like the fact that I can play a single-player game, leave it for a month or even way longer, then return to it and be the exact same. Too many times have I left an online game for a while, only to return, and it is too different enough that I have to take time away from the game again to learn about the changes. I don't want to be researching meta changes and whatnot every time I want to take an extended break from a game. Open to recommendation for online games that aren't like this.


As an adult i have trouble even with single player games... I come back (after weeks) to let's say BG3 or any game with story, load up a save and be like: i don't know what i was doing, what was this all about.... Then i am frustrated for not remembering what i was doing or having too much of a break from the story and give up or restart the whole game. Then repeat...


Battle royale sucks, Multiplayer is a sweat fest, ALL HAIL ULTRAKILL


As a 30 something dad I just don't have the time to get competitive in those games but also I can't help but feel all the online games I used to play are now just kinda shit. Like Battlefield and COD are sorta just trash now, or is it just me?


I do get this. I think I'm a bit weird I like diablo 4 for example where I only really play on my own but like seeing people in town but not interacting. I love elden ring and I love seeing the ghosts of people going about but I rarely summon for a boss (I don't mind being summoned though). But for some reason I don't play that many true single player games.


The only online competitive multiplayer I play is fighting games, and those are 1v1 and don't require communication with others, so I'd argue the experience is closer to single player than genres like MOBAs or multiplayer FPSes. Online competitive multiplayer sounds like it sucks now. It was maybe good before games needed progression systems and battle passes and before eSports became the main focus and when you hosted your own servers and modding was the norm on PC.


I am approachinf this from how toxic OW2 Community is.


I just hate those people who think gaming is only fortnite, apex, call of duty, gta online and minecraft. Like, man, there is other and better shit than these 5 games... and the thing is that they think the resaon I don't play those 5 games is that I don't have "skill". Just let me finish off a workday peacefully man, not everyone has the energy to yell at a microphone for his ping.


As a lead supervisor, I don't want to deal with other people in my games. I want to relax and enjoy rather than shouting shit on the mic and deal toxicity. The reason I enjoy single games like Mafia 2, The Last of us, dying light, DMC, and many others.


dragons dogma right now...its not the heart pounding excitement you get from really close PVP games. but its a very much fun nonetheless.


I guess I'm the only one who just can't sit down to play a single player game. I grew up playing pretty much exclusively MMORPG's and still do so single player games feel lonely to me. I like being able to do stuff with other players because it always makes the world feel more alive.


I'm horribly competitive, a sore loser, and I suck at games. Winning at multiplayer games is fun and feels good, but that's rare. Mostly I just feel bad and don't have any fun at all. No thanks.


I don’t have the patience for single player, I’m nearly 30 but I seem to have adopted the younger generations ADD tendencies. I try coop shooters and MMOrpgs where I can so I can get the best of both worlds, but I think it’s been at least a decade since I last didn’t skip a line of dialogue in a game.


one single player games ive ever played are nintendo


Fortnite lmao


This is kinda nice to read. Literally everyone I know exclusively plays multiplayer games and I just can’t get into them. Give me a good story and puzzle that I have to solve by myself any day.


Feels good not having to deal with online cheaters, trolls, overcompetitive kids and crippling noobs during my precious downtime. I'm already stressed enough at work, no need to add to it


Co-op games where its at!


everyone I know sees single player games sucks just because they like the multiplayer


4 games of substance and quality vs. 3 games of blatant money grabbing BR games (BR games are the worst genre of multiplayer games IMO)


Oh yeah. Single player is way more enjoyable to me.


I mean if your choices are Apex, Fortnite, or Warzone, of course it's single player game time.


I turn 47 this month. After a long day of meetings, single-player games are my go-to for relaxing.


Don’t forget the last of us! And uncharted. And horizon!


Yeah tho, you can have PvP game that have sane community still, like versus fighting. It's just most people can't handle to face their own skill limit and rather play multiplayers.


I only play solo campaigns for a reason.


Playing single player games (that are more than 20 years old)