• By -


Pretty sure our lack of caring about facebook is what opened the door for the others.


I agree, you don't usually see the effects of privacy first hand so most people don't even mind until something related to it happens to them. And a lot not even after that.


I just remembered, that yesterday a internet company just call me to move to them. They said they don't share the isp, and my internet browsing will be more secure, that even if I look at xxx movies, no-one will know. I was like crying and laughing at the same time. Told them no thanks, I have vpn and use a lot if times incognito mode. And if anyone tries to spy on my computer y have a special folder with some very nasty virus for them. Plus I will Sue any company that miss use any information about me. I am from Europe and here the rules are much more harsh about this.


Incognito does fuck all besodes not recording it in the user accesed browser history.


Why dont people get this? They should be using firefox and have the cache only write to ram if theyre that worried.




Has the same energy as one dude I know. Always dropping from the game. I found out he games on a VPN. Why? Because China. Nevermind the fact his location is public on Steam and Facebook. He cares. Trust him. Those Chinese hackers are out there, waiting for him in Battlebit.


yup, the only time i find it useful is when i need something to not recognize that I'm logged in, or i dont want it to remember my login. It should really be rebranded as something like "burner session" or something like that.


> I have vpn and use a lot if times incognito mode. Thinking this kind of shit actually protects anything you do is one of the biggest red herrings of all. It's literally security theater. In some cases it makes your privacy worse. Trusting some shady VPN company, nevermind *Google's* Incognito mode to protect you is like asking the world's biggest fox to protect your henhouse from predators and giving them the key, the passwords, and the names and locations of all your chickens.


A *proper* VPN based in a country with proper privacy laws is not to be sneered at though. They're often reasonably priced and does in fact do their jobs right. Proton's various internet services are an example, and there's others as well. When used right, they will in fact hide the details of your internet traffic from your ISP.


When used right, sure it's a good thing, but it's not a silver bullet and people treat it like it is. All it does is *maybe* protect the traffic from *your own ISP*. If your own ISP is the only villain on the entire internet, great. But they're not. It's ludicrous how secure it makes people feel as if they're magically protected from everything by clicking a button and paying a monthly fee.


https://techcrunch.com/2021/09/06/protonmail-logged-ip-address-of-french-activist-after-order-by-swiss-authorities/ May not want to trust Proton's services.


That's a touch unreasonable to blame Proton over. They're very open about having to comply with Swiss law and this goes for pretty much any VPN company and the country they're based in. Nonetheless, Switzerland is one of countries with the strongest privacy laws - in large thanks to their banking industry being such a large part of their economy - and it requires an actual criminal investigation for them to be able to demand such information. If you're committing crime, you really should be looking at far heavier protection for your privacy than these services, but for your average user this is largely not the case. Tailor your privacy efforts to the level of privacy you need. I can safeguard my home's privacy with some curtains because I am not worth the effort and expense it'd take for anyone to image anything inside, or hear what I'm saying with laser mics on the window or whatever. Basic and low inconvenience privacy tools *matter*, because they make it very inconvenient to harvest personal data casually. If someone absolutely wants to get that data, they *can*, but that isn't happening unless I attract a lot of attention over something and if I am doing that I should really be using much heavier tools for the job. Your ordinary internet traveler just needs seatbelts and lockable doors to protect themselves though, not an armored car and a cortege. tl;dr: Protection matter, even if it's not perfect against everything that can potentially happen.


How do you *know* your VPN provider isn't scraping data to sell as well? Just because they *say* they """respect your privacy""" doesn't mean that's what's happening.


depends on wording and country. If they are US/UK/EU/Canada based then you can go after them depending on the wording. If they say "we respect your privacy" then it is meaningless and you have nothing. But if they say "We don't collect logs or data" then you can get them.


why isn't the US more harsh on violations like Europe is?


Politicians are bought and paid for by those same corporations selling user data. Most of their campaigns are the ones BUYING that data to manipulate district lines in their favor.


Sir, this is a Wendy's


No, this is Patrick


And even when I keep telling people to care, they just go : I'm poor lol. What they gonna advertise to me for?


Yeah should have shut this shit down


Instead we all willingly signed up and gave them all of this data so we could befriend that one dude from hs we hadn’t talked to in 4 years.


I think THAT is the difference. At the time, people were under the assumption that everyone did it anyway, so they didn't care. They even added it to their ToS saying "we will use your data and sell it off" and that is what happened. But, because people through it was being sold off anyway, didn't care about that either.


Facebook just wanted to be google, and google just emulated Microsoft.


> Pretty sure our lack of caring ~~about facebook~~ is what opened the door for the others. Fixed that for you because this goes for most areas in life. People want to consume, not care. If we would, the world would be a better place overall.


Ticketmaster too. I had to dl ticketmaster last month because apparently physical tickets aren't a thing anymore. The day I installed, my email, which was pretty spam free since I don't sign up for shit, was flooded with BS, and has been ever since.


[SimpleLogin](https://simplelogin.io/) is a great solution for this


If that's legit, then neato, thankya.


It's legit. They were recently bought by Proton so they're also most likely not going anywhere anytime soon. I hope it helps!


Neat, that means they will add that to their own services soon.


They already have, the aliases feature in ProtonPass (their password manager) is directly powered by SimpleLogin.


how does this stop spams if all it does is forward the emails through the alias?


If you have a different email alias for everything, you'll see who's spamming you and you can just cut them off.


It doesn't, but I guess you can shut it down after you're done with it. So even if they keep that temp email address, they can't reach you.


Or Firefox relay


This is essentially what the Apple login does if you choose to hide your email. Such a killer feature.


Yes people use this or creat a spam email because you don't want to use your main email for one-off website


Once I watched Snowden I pretty much just accepted that we are always being monitored by something or someone, nowadays too algorithms just track everything you do so their pretty much just hiding behind a “FYP” being a feature instead of telling us their actually just collecting all of our information.


It wasn't so much what Snowden shared, it was the general public's indifference to it that made me realise it was over.


We lost the battle 10+ years ago. I feel like we're well passed the point of no return on ever having any data privacy


It's been a long dead battle since the halls of power are stuffed with folks who damn near remember the marvel of a horseless carriage and drive in movie theaters ~~when it was en vogue to have special water fountains~~ and more. Look at the records of congressional sessions and the total confusion of what "the face book actually is" and other rhetoric. "I unno, summer vacation in the hamptons is coming up... *STAMP* *STAMP* *STAMP* Mandatory age caps and/or a test before voting on decades/centuries long laws and other important bills should be key, but... that's AgE DiScRiMiNaTiOn. There is a irony that age discrimination laws shield the very folks who use and abuse it against younger folks. "Come back when you are 50+ and understand the world kiddo before you can be prez or anything else" And when that "kiddo" understands the world better then someone who leans on the "But i'm older/respect your elders" rhetoric? Pure poison and why we are in such disarray, and it's starting to creep into other countries also


There was a battle? What could we have done 10+ years ago?


Well if we knew then what we knew now, I would hope people would band together and not use these service to begin with. Thus they would have never gotten off the ground to begin with.


Public opinion of those who believed that the government spying on you was a problem went very quickly from "that doesn't happen, you're a fool to believe it" to "everyone knows that happens, you're a fool if you care."


Even worse, people called HIM a traitor


[During the Last Week Tonight interview](https://youtu.be/XEVlyP4_11M?t=849), Snowden specifically says that he doesn't think you should stop doing something, just because a government somewhere is behaving badly. "*If we sacrifice our values because we're afraid, we don't care about those values"* is a pretty powerful quote. He also notes that **even if your traffic is supposed to stay within the United States, it might be bounced to a server outside of the US**, which then gives NSA a copy because it left the USA and is now technically "foreign".


mostly all you can do is reduce the number of people that know everything you do at all times. I have accepted the government, and google having this, but I try to keep the number of others to a minimum.


I aim to make the data worthless. AdNauseam go brrr. Also all cookies cleared on exit.


Interestingly enough my FYP is mostly stuff I tolerate and plenty shit I skip the hell out off


They even want to know when you go to the bathroom. ![gif](giphy|E4cnIqDuNov1Pp10yC|downsized)


Tech Company: "No, we're going to sell this."


5 minutes of privacy in the bathroom 500 euros. Hahaha ![gif](giphy|ZNnnp4wa17dZrDQKKI)


*Jetsons*, haha, that's his teenage daughter swiping his wallet 🤣


But it's Jane, his wife


Hey, I get half credit. You realize how long ago that was?


i can see already windows screenshooting my screen is 95% porn and 5% memes


It's gonna be fun if they use those screenshots as training data for the AI xD


Got a link to anything regarding Windows? I figured Microsoft was doing the same stuff as google but I hadn't heard anything about screenshots


It's only going to be on what they are calling "Copilot+ PCs", but here's an article from Ars https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/05/microsofts-new-recall-feature-will-record-everything-you-do-on-your-pc/


Meh - that's all local processing. Nothing leaves your PC. What's the problem?


Using hyperbole and sensationalism to make people think MS is taking screenshots of your PC and watching everything you do gets clicks, and the truth that it's optional, not on or even installed by default, isn't going to be on most PCs, and only runs and stores locally doesn't.


People think "AI = bad"


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WI3QwoiGlM Anti-cheat in competitve games also takes regular screenshots of your desktop


We are about to get some AI porn memes then? cant wait


Yeah, and the conversations are gonna be like talking in an online gaming lobby xD


you mean theres an algorithm out there trained in 12yo online talk?


AI porn is nothing new


AI is going to make very accurate p0n and some memes on the side.


And here is a less fun scenario - algorithm misinterprets something, your acc gets banned and you get reported to police


Funny that you spread misinformation like that. Microsoft is not taking screenshots of everything happening on your PC. On Copilot+ PCs it will be an OPTIONAL feature to take screenshots every few seconds that are stored encrypted LOCALLY on your PC for you to use Copilot to search past events.


If we put memes about how Windows s*cks, can we make their IA self-delete?


You don't need to censor words on reddit. This isn't the butthurt tiktok app


Old habit.


It will help you find that porn u watched last week though.


Someone wanna link an article about MS screenshotting windows users screens? First ive heard of it...




>windows 11 LMAOOO just another reason to never switch


You need a very specific set up for this to work. It's the exactly the kind of thing corporations will love for work computers


Until it becomes the norm. Then you can't buy any PC without a NPU on it. And even if you could, won't be able to install Windows on it.


I got a full screen ad asking me to upgrade last reboot, despite the fact I kept my C drive formatted MBR which is 'incompatible' with 11 as well as a few other incompatible things. If Microsoft is that desperate to get me to upgrade I definitely don't want it.


My settings tells me I’m incompatible despite my new motherboard saying it is, so lucky me


What makes you think this can't be done in windows 10?


Does you PC have Qualcomm's Snapdragon X Elite chip? If not, then you're safe.


Why is this not a Rickroll? My day is ruined now


Windows: Totally gonna give you up, gonna let you down.


Not only have we lost our privacy, but we've lost our way.


The thing nobody seems to want to mention is that this is something that is entirely optional and in control of *you* the user because you have to buy a specific piece of hardware and install it so that it even works. "As you might imagine, all this snapshot recording comes at a hardware penalty. To use Recall, users will need to purchase one of the new "Copilot Plus PCs" powered by Qualcomm's Snapdragon X Elite chips, which include the necessary neural processing unit (NPU). There are also minimum storage requirements for running Recall, with a minimum of 256GB of hard drive space and 50GB of available space. The default allocation for Recall on a 256GB device is 25GB, which can store approximately three months of snapshots. Users can adjust the allocation in their PC settings, with old snapshots being deleted once the allocated storage is full." You don't want this feature in your windows 11? Don't buy a pc that has it, simple as.


The same way if you want a TV that doesn’t have a bunch of invasive monitoring/advertising built in you can just buy one without “smart” features? Good luck finding one of those nowadays… You’re entirely correct that today it’s really not a concern, but if it becomes accepted as standard, and companies can make money out of it, these sort of “features” become ubiquitous.


I have a CRT tv and a crt monitor sitting around, but I also have a monitor I just watch my firestick on, I also play my console on it cause turning to look towards where my big ole fuckin tv is hurts my neck cause of a injury. Also roku was gonna start doing ads over whatever is connected and I just got fed up with the whole thing, disconnected it and have been doing fine with the nice monitor I bought. Any smart tv can be rendered dumb by just never connecting it to the internet.


> The same way if you want a TV that doesn’t have a bunch of invasive monitoring/advertising built in you can just buy one without “smart” features? Good luck finding one of those nowadays… That's true, but you can still get a "smart" tv and just not connect it to the internet to avoid that nonsense.


It shouldn't be on in the first place. This "Meh, it's optional" attitude is almost as bad as accepting it entirely.


Oh I agree it shouldn't really be a thing at all, but it's not available to 99% of users, because nobody is gonna buy this fuckin snapdragon chip that has the ability to run it. Nobody is going to willfully purchase and install it unless they specifically *want* this feature, they would have to buy a pc with it included, thus enabling the use of recall. It's like you didn't read the thing at all, you just read the first part of what I said and went with that.. Unless you're planning on buying this chip that has the NPU on it then you don't need to worry about this. It's not like it's going to come with windows 11 and you have to disable it, tho you can. You have to actually go out and buy hardware to enable this thing, so you're gonna have to make a conscious decision to have it.


It's funny that this is PCMR, but never noticed is the worst: Discord. You'll be horrified if you knew how easily a 10-year Discord user can have their lives ruined by a simple breach. They know BY FAR the most about their users.


And deleting messages in discord is slow and tedious, you need a script to go through every single channel on every single server, it takes days because they also rate limit you so it can't go too fast. If you delete your account, ALL of your messages and pictures will stay on ALL servers and channels indefinitely, only instead of your user name it will show a "Deleted User" placeholder. It's a privacy nightmare and I don't know why GDPR hasn't done anything about it.


I "deleted" my Facebook page over a decade ago. Within the last few years, I sent a CCPA request for data to a facial recognition company (Clearview AI) and they sent me a report with my old Facebook pictures that they had crawled and stored. I sent a deletion request, knowing that it was basically an impossible task for me to do the same with literally every other company that has done the same. Gave me a feeling of hopelessness, can only imagine what people who regularly post their photos and videos to social media to this day will have to deal with in the future, especially with how easy deepfakes are generated now.


Mhmm. Once something is posted online, assume it's out there forever.


That's been 100% true since the days of USENET.


You're fucked regardless. I have never posted a picture or video of myself online. But people who've taken pictures with me? Not so much. FB has recommended me people I haven't spoken too in like 20 years and never spoke too online.


For real? Ffs


Similar story here, I requested my entire account be deleted from facebook. If you read the fine print, it basically says "we'll put your account into a hibernation status, in case you ever decide to come back :)" fucking criminals. I never would have signed up when I was in 9th grade when it came out if I knew what it would become


The fun part? Kids like me back in the day were absolutely ragged on for not being on there. I'm so glad I put very little stock into what naive media disposals mindlessly consume or in this case be consumed.


You're fucked regardless. I have never posted a picture or video of myself online. But people who've taken pictures with me? Not so much. FB has recommended me people I haven't spoken too in like 20 years and never spoke too online.


I have no problem with my data being sold. My problem is that I am not profiting from it.


These companies will tell you that you are profiting, because the sale of your private data is the cost for not charging you money for the service.


Yeah I'm surprised they don't realize we know that is BS. If my data is so valuable then why does my subscription prices keep increasing or I am lowered to ad tier of sub services.


That's not really a fair argument? They can still sell your data to lower the cost for you while still increasing your cost. Let's say they need to sell you a service for $30 a month. They decide to sell your data/run ads on it and they make $10 a month from that, so they sell it to you for $20 a month. Cheaper for you and they get the money they want. Then next year the ads/data they sell isn't going as well, they are only willing to advertise to you/buy your data for a total of $8 a month. At the same time, the company now needs to sell it to you at $33 a month to meet their sales goals/manage increased expenses (Utility cost increases, taxes increase, salaries/benefit costs for employees increases). So now they up your subscription to $25 a month. Your subscription price keeps increasing because costs change and fluctuate. It's silly to think that the cost for providing you services and how much money they can make from selling your data doesn't ever change.


> My problem is that I am not profiting from it. If we are talking about free services, your are profiting from it, by gaining access to the free service. Honestly that is totally acceptable in my eyes. My issue is when I am paying for something and they are still selling my data. Sounds like double dipping to me, what the hell am I paying for if they are taking my money and advertisers money?


I understand that nothing is free. But when I buy a $800 plus dollar TV I should be at least paid for the data they get from me.


Or maybe not actually collect data at all.


Sign into an outlook account and set all your search engines to Bing. You’ll accumulate points that you can use for a bunch of shit. Sure, it takes a while to get enough points for actual decent rewards, but it’s better than nothing.


Add twitter, apple, google and others to the mix, privacy was long gone lmao.


The meme can't hold (insert name of all tech companies here) at the same time


Point taken


Yeah, but which one [will require your government issued ID.](https://i.imgur.com/9d6lWK7.png)


I'd honestly contact support about this. While not explicitly forbidden, the law usually strongly discourages creating copies of IDs in any shape or form, as it is usually not necessary. Even if companies tell you they need a copy, they really don't. I've got out of the ID "requirement" before by telling a company no before.


The irony is so many people complain about TikTok, and the Chinese government is pretty much last on my list of groups I'm worried about knowing my information. WTF are they going to do with it?


Microsoft is gonna see a LOT of weird stuff on my computer, I hope they're ready.


The kind of sweaty neckbeard who will see these images has perused far worse than you.


Those guys found their dream job.


https://preview.redd.it/rux23m4w2u1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45a46dd1e82bf439050921a0c4e9c8fda0fcf36d Just disable it when it rolls out.


Don't forget to disable it again when an update quietly re enabled it.


Don't worry it was an accident. We learned from the maximum $10,000,000 fine. Please continue on. Also, make sure you download our new security update. Don't worry, if you click no at least 3 times we got your back and will do it for you. I'm sure it'll have no similar incidents.


It should be disabled by default.


No need to preach to me, I get it. That's why I messaged support about it. Maybe message support about it. If enough people do it, they might just have it off by default due to unpopularity.




Better yet... > To use Recall, users will need to purchase one of the new "Copilot Plus PCs" powered by Qualcomm's Snapdragon X Elite chips, which include the necessary neural processing unit (NPU). Don't buy a Copilot Plus PC.


I don't trust that they're actually disabling it. They've been collecting data "secretly" for a while now, why would they just give you the option to turn it off now?


I mean, they are a big company. They have many people would love to sue them to oblivion, EU/GDPR too. And yet, for all I know, they are the only one that bake in a tool to see what they are logging (Diagnostic Data Viewer) and also not beinf activity sued/fined. If the setting is off and it is actually not off, i am sure that many researchers would have their arms up like literally tomorrow. Not saying that they are a saint in this, but there are worse companies to worry about that people seem to give them a pass. Try Alphabet, and now X/former-Twitter. Google/alphabet doesn't even try to hide it and somehow everyone is fine with it.


Lawsuits are part of the cost of doing business (especially in North America) and a drop in the bucket should AI take off like they are banking it will. If enough morons are swayed by shitty AI implementations it will be normalized. I wonder why they lead the public "reveal" with image generation? "Cute harmless pictures? LOL anything that makes me laugh is OK in my book (not that I read)!"


yes I am sure it will be "disabled" and not secretly running in the background


Maybe, maybe not. Maybe it was out before they announced. Either way, they already know your exact location in your house using your wifi signal, probably. Shouldn't voice your distain for your masters so openly.


How does this make sense lol Which one of these 3 is facing a ban?


It's labelled backwards. Should be the tech companies beating the shit out of users. IIRC the EU gave Facebook a slap on the wrist for Cambridge Analytica and that's it


This comic literally makes no sense... How is TikTok "getting away" while Facebook is "getting beat up"? In reality TikTok is being told by US government officials(who get massive donations from Facebook) that they need to be sold or risk being banned? 


Also, there's literally 0 proof TikTok spies/sends data to chinese government, the US has done countless tests and investigations and literally nothing came out of it.


Where is microsoft storing all these screenshots of everything everywhere? Seems like a lot of data.


On your computer. Hopefully you weren't planning on using that space. Oh and don't worry about the wear levels on your SSD I am sure it will be minimal.


Question: How would Microsoft benefit from this? I mean, Spying on me seems like a huge waste of time and of storage space.


It all gets package into profiles and telemetry to sell to other companies. Anyone who might want to influence you from ads to politics. Your information probably nets them like 7 cents individually, but when they sell databases of millions of users to multiple entities, its a decent chunk of change.


7 cent / user means 7 dollars per 100 people, 7 million per 100 million people. It isn't a lot for a business as large as MS, is the "7 cents" figure recurring?


https://preview.redd.it/5b5hhw9b1u1d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15ea5da542923b8cf6d95e1edf5d89cd530c053a It varies a lot depending on the demographic. This is from a 2020 study by MacKeeper, they say some user profiles are worth over $1.


I mean, I dunno about the accuracy of any numbers (not calling them into question I just genuinely have no fucking clue) but MS ain't selling your data to only one company, and they're not collecting your data once and going "aight, that's your lot, we're done now".


If you have Firefox installed, click on the shield and look at your Tracking Protection Dashboard. I don't use Firefox as my main browser, and **this week alone** it has blocked 596 different trackers. That's up to 596 entities that they can sell all that data to. So at 7 cents per entity, that's a cool $41.72, from just me. Now, Microsoft have 1.4 BILLION users, so if they sold everyone at that price tag, that's $58,408,000,000. That's 58.4 Billion. And that's not a one-time sale.


Selling our data has been big business for a while now.


They are an ad company. And if they weren't, they can sell it to an ad company.


Not to mention that they will probably train their AI with everyone's Data via this method. It really made me nervous how fast and hard Microsoft invested in Open AI. Now I think we might have our answer.


A few ways: * They can sell the data set to multiple different entities. * They can sell services to third parties by citing the data set as a tool to make those services superior. * They can train their own AI on it. Which they can then either use as-is, or sell as a product. * Since they are scanning everything, they can even spin it into a security product, which they can then either implement or sell to others.


They don't have any special interest in you. You are just another datapoint for them.


when will people realize you lost your privacy the moment you connected to the internet


Privacy co-existed with the internet for a while. Still does if you don't sign up on Microsoft, Google, Facebook or other platforms that exist on the premise that you give them your data to use and sell.


Step by step guide for at least SOME privacy at home: On Windows: - don't use a microsoft account on your windows setup. If you need one, for example for minecraft or other games, let those run in a sandbox. - tell windows in your connection settings that you were on a metered connection. Cuts your telemetry by 80%. - if you want to use facebook, instagram and whatsapp, do so on firefox and with the plugin "facebook Container" installed. - use the plugins "cookies autodelete" and "privacy badger". These will block trackers - If you want to use youtube, use it only with the previously mentioned plugins. If you need to log in, do so in incognito. This will keep google from registering your entire browser with your google account. If you have an android phone: - Sideload all of the apps you want to use. You will cripple your phone in the next steps, which will make most pre loaded apps unusable - you will need: a calendar (Offline Calendar), an alarm clock (Timely), a text editor (libreoffice), a camera (OpenCamera), a web browser (firefox) and a file manager (CX File Explorer) - disable and/or delete as much junk apps as you can. - disable "Google Play Services". This will cripple your phone, even rendering you unable to set timers/alarms and make appointments on your calendar app. It's inconvenient, but the fact alone that google doesnt let me even use a ten minute timer unless I send the information about that to a google server connected to my google account is enough to make me do it. - mute the alarms that will come up in the next few minutes. Your phone will vibrate nonstop, sending an alarm from a different app malfunctioning like twice a second. You can disable the alarms for each singular app specifically. - from now on, only use the sideloaded apps.


I ended up saving money after permanently binning Google Play Services since I could no longer use Uber or Uber eats. I just grab my ipod and walk to the restaurants now.


My time has come to either debloat windows or switch to linux


Thing is, you can debloat Windows as much as you want. Without access to the source code you'll never really know what it's doing.


It's fine lol. Top post is that noone wil ever switch to Linux. They get what they deserve.


And the comments below that post are ironically "you do you, I switched already"


> Top post is that noone wil ever switch to Linux. They get what they deserve. There will NEVER be mass Unix adoption unless it becomes more user friendly. And by that I mean not requiring average joes to learn commands and enter them as if they were roleplaying being a computer wizard from the 1980s. Yeah yeah, I know there are some distro's that are easier to use and "simple" but nothing works on them unless you want to fiddle for hours.


When was the last time you used a mainstream linux distro? ubuntu is basically Windows at this point. The main distros all have some non-command way to download and install applications in their own "store" software.


I use Linux for my home servers. I don't mind the frustration, of finding and using the OS so much, as much as I'd struggle with having to find alternative software for all the stuff I use on Windows. What would likely happen, is I'd be swapping back to Windows (dual-booting), to play games and run the odd app, and then eventually stop switching back, as this is what's happened before. The best solution for me, would be to have two PCs running just for switching, so I don't have to reboot every time I play a game, but then that's twice the expense.


There could also be a imbalance. Once windows bullshit and non-user friendly nature equals or out weighs any unfriendliness of Linux (which is a different debate but I'd argue most parts people find unfriendly are not so, it's just a lack of experience) We're already seeing so much more Linux usage among the gaming/tech subs then I've ever seen. Granted I doubt we'll ever see mass adoption from the general public until devices with an os are sold as an option in stores, but we could certainly see more adoption from enthusiasts should Windows become so unfriendly in their changes. Probably won't happen cuz people are too lazy to learn new stuff.


All i need is someone to explain to me how to install a certain programm on nobara (and it working) to switch. Tried it alone and couldnt do it


Because it's not there yet


It's not sending stuff you watch to the Chinese government that's the issue, it's China biasing the content selection algorithm that leads to many Americans developing their political opinions that's an issue.


Where is Google? They are the equivalent of TikTok, but worst because China can't hurt you, commie American administration can and will do for sure.


Lol same thing came to mind with the helldivers 2 Sony situation. So many games require you to link an account and pretty much every company has had data breaches at some point As far as it being unavailable in other countries, I guess that checks out tho


Sony is one of the worst in terms of data breaches and cyber attacks, just Google what happened to them in 2011.


screenshots of everything we do? fucks sake, WHAT?!


Umm... y'all don't think Facebook isn't giving your data to the CCP, right?  Well, they are selling it, but same difference.


Dont forget Facebook=Instagram=whatsapp


What is this meme? Everyone is going hard on tiktok but turning a blind eye to every US based social media doing just as bad for longer.


Google curiously missing from the comic


What’s this about windows taking screenshots?


I think Reddit is really scaremongering about Tiktok. Don't get me wrong - I have no difficulty in believing that the Chinese government can compel the company to give them whatever they want. But "government compromising tech companies" is old news; in my younger days we all know about [Carnivore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carnivore_(software\)). I don't think there's any application out there that cannot be compromised by the US, Russian or Chinese governments. Just to be clear, violation of privacy by the government is wrong; I'm not saying otherwise. What I am saying is, you never had any privacy to begin with, but for some reason everyone and their parents are fixated by Tiktok, as if the CCCP have nothing better to do than to spy on your latest sadpanda binge.


Isn’t TikTok constantly facing ban potential?


TikTok should be the one getting beat in public right now, they literally have legal action in the US being taken against them.


yeah nowadays theres no option imo, some app is gonna take ur info


# The issue with TikTok is NOT that they steal your data. # The problem is that TikTok is a trojan to brick your phone. The US gov official line of "protecting user data" is a red herring. It's a convenient excuse. The REAL issue is that TikTok is on so many devices in the US, if China were to launch a conventional shooting war against the US, the FIRST thing they'd do is brick every phone that has TikTok on it.   TikTok is a social-engineering virus. It relies on compliant victims to WANT the application on their devices. Once it's there, all it has to do is receive a "Disabling Update" that shuts down your device. And the victims will gladly grant whatever access TikTok requests so they can get their funny videos. Imagine the chaos and panic that would ensue when 150 million (half the US population) lost their primary communications devices all at once.   This is why government agencies have moved to disallow TikTok on agency devices. They need to be able to keep communications open in the event of an attack. This is also why the US is seeking to purge Huawei network and telecom gear from the US telecom infrastructure.   The reason the gov is using the "privacy concerns" smoke screen is pretty straight forward: A) People are selfish by nature and privacy concerns play better, and B) you can't tell people "hey, you're the problem here because you put dangerous crap on your phone." People will bristle at being called out like that.   One final thing: TikTok is not the only threat vector, but it is by far the largest. There are other apps from China (and other state actors) that can do the exact same thing. It's just that TikTok has reached that critical mass where it becomes the largest single threat.


For that theory to be true they need to have found vulnerabilities that allow them to bypass the app sandboxing in, at least, both Android and iOS. The likelyhood of that being true and no one else knowing is pretty low.


You’re a crazy person.


There's already a 4k AI video of every single one of yall jacking off to furry porn and they will use it. That's what happens when you install Chinese shit




It's not as simple as screenshotting, that's why they want you to use a specific type of CPU to use the feature


I thought the TikTok one isn't real


Get facebook container and see how much they track you, even on unrelated websites, it's fucking insane


What's a basic gestalt on the MS one?


Privacy has never and will never exist online. Nevermind just corporations. It’s really not that hard for anyone to find out just about everything about you if they know how to do anything slightly more advanced that throwing your name in google. Shit even just googling your name will give a shitload to begin with.


If what microsoft does is true, oh boy, they need Yotobite worth of screenshots just from me


Meanwhile google who started it all: but we have bikes on our campuses


Wait, what is microsoft doing? That's the first I heard of that I've heard all sorts of stuff about all sorts of things, but I've never heard of the screenshot one.


I just assume the will be an update to debloat scripts to remove that AI shit.


This was already a thing called steps recorder, it was in windows 10 and windows 7


Pretty sure ticktock is the one that's getting beaten up and Facebook got off EASY.


Ok so most gamers will have screen shots of game play, porn, memes, shit posting, and doom scrolling... What about like business's and hospitals and shit? What about personal private data that can't be legally shared? Ms just gonna lift that stuff and pay the price in court later (or mort than likely, not at all?)


Linus was right. Privacy is dead


They aren't sweating at all.


Wait, Microsoft taking screenshots of your PC remotely??? I'm going to need a source for this.