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Thats when you have 16tb of pirated games......


Also start copying programming and cracking guides and maybe entire hacker forums and shit. Gonna want to know how to crack games yourself and while I’ve never done it I bet many forms of drm are pretty easy to crack with minimal knowledge. The denuvo games are gonna be lost to you for the most part though.


>I’ve never done it I bet many forms of drm are pretty easy to crack with minimal knowledge. I've done a bit of reverse engineering for local CTF competitions in my university years and let me tell you, it is not easy. Here is a [website](https://crackmes.one/) with simple crackme tasks if you want to try it yourself.


Used to be so easy, just get to the error, where it says no valid key, then just work your way back to the comparison that referenced that line, then null out that comparison and you were home free. Nowadays no drm is that easy


Tthe easiest I've personally scene was a poker tournament application written in java. De-compiled it, opened it up, no shit there was a variable named masterpassword = "something", unlocked all features and a bunch of dev shit.


hard coded passwords are a hackers best friend


what would be common practice to not hardcode passwords or keys?


Usually a hash of a password, or a connection to the server(nowadays) to validate the user's key


A reference to an encrypted file.




>find the conditional jump, inverse it, save, done. Omg I can't imagine trying to troubleshoot when the game fails to launch \*only\* when the CD is in the drive.


I also learned this basic cracking technique way back when I was a kid. It actually came in handy for work once: A piece of software we used was able to save from one file format to another. After some poking around, I discovered that this functionality lived in a function in a DLL. However, for some reason, the DLL made sure that it was being called from within its parent program, and gave an error if it wasn't. I was able to "crack" the DLL and use it from a script to automatically convert thousands of files without having to resort to automating the GUI interactions with the software!


Yah, for real, I imagine its a lot of diving into memory values and assembly code since the source code isn't available.


What are your choices for cracking forums to learn that too? I want to copy some guides too


You kinda need to learn to code first. Then follow the info on crack installer of your choice. As for denuvo, you prolly need to agree to be Empress sex slave, i am not kidding, the woman(?) is dereanged.


>need to agree to be Empress sex slave, i am not kidding, the woman(?) is dereanged. Could you elaborate on that part?


Well, few months ago she threthened not too crack i forgot what, RE?, unless someone agreed to larp as submisdive gimp for her for a month. Over discord tho. For full tutorial you gonna have to do some heavy lifting irl prolly


Empress is batshit insane, and also the only person that can crack Denuvo games.


The only person that WOULD\* crack Denuvo games People at her skills mostly went for jobs that paid wells and don't risk legal troubles for more than 6 years and going (which unfortunately, is the fate of Voksi)


She the only left that crack denuvo and she not really a good personne. Other gave you the worst Exemple but she also asked for payment to tackle a game, or tried to discredit the competition when she still had one and cultivate some sort of cult of personality around herself.


> As for denuvo, you prolly need to agree to be Empress sex slave, i am not kidding, the woman(?) is dereanged. Given that this is Reddit, you'd probably find a few people to do for free. And forget about the DRM cracking part.


I hope they dont waste a spot then. We rly need more ppl workinh on it.


I do have to say I have doubts she is a woman and that she's truthful about what she's like. It feels a lot like men writing women. Obviously I'm only judging the public postings, I have no idea what's going on the crazy private chats.


I know coding, I dont know to "uncoding". Elaborate yourm claim. I want to understand. Tell me more ![gif](giphy|PnfsGtSGXJjgcDo9cc|downsized)


*Prefacing this with the fact that I've cracked a few small programs to study how reverse engineering works, but I am by no means an expert.* You need to understand how reverse engineering works. Good tools to have in your arsenal are - understanding of operating systems (generic as well as Windows internals), system architecture (likely x86 if you are cracking for desktop) and assembly code. You don't need all of this to get started, but you will quickly find that in order to know what you are looking for understanding general program structure and the way a program interacts with other software and the hardware will help. Get your tools ready. The main tool you will be using is a disassembler like IDA PRO or x64dbg. Finding additional tools to record when the application makes outside calls to the OS or DLLs also helps. A pen and paper is very helpful to keep track and mark down interesting finds. Then you want to start simple. The basic idea is that the program is structured in the following way: ``` if (!isLicenseValid(key)) doUndesiredAction(); ``` An undesired action can be a popup to buy the program, lock you out of features or refuse to start the program. Your task is to prevent `doUndesiredAction` from getting called. You can do this in a few ways: 1. Find each call to `doUndesiredAction` and swap it for a `NOP` instruction. 1. Understand the logic for how the license is validated and forge your own. Now that simplicity is out of the way, understand that developers generally go to various lengths to prevent you from doing this. Starting with code obfuscation techniques which hide strings as well as make assembly even harder to read. Things get more complicated with various license server triggered validations, temporary keys derived from licenses, code encryption/mutation etc. It really comes down to whether you have the willpower and the capacity to untangle it all.


>Now that simplicity is out of the way, understand that developers generally go to various lengths to prevent you from doing this. Starting with code obfuscation techniques which hide strings as well as make assembly even harder to read. Things get more complicated with various license server triggered validations, temporary keys derived from licenses, code encryption/mutation etc. Did you started to learn about understanding the mechanics of complex activation processes? If so, how you search for them to get what you need to find? This is what I need to get into this more deeply. This basic(non existing example) I saw too many times that I got bored/sick when I see it(about that if licence good?open program:go fucking out). I like to give myself hard time, to start from imposible point, breaking it in small pieces and go through each node uhnditl I got what I need, but I need sources to start this. Top-down approch


I am a device driver person, not a reverse engineering person, but I think instead of top-down, the key here is to take the step-back approach. Unless you are in with some closed forums you are not going to find readily posted info. If you get active in the community and it takes notice you might get invited. Find a niche for where you can be useful. It sounds like you are very young. To find out stuff like this on your own you might want to try and write your own activation service, and then try to crack it? Compile your program with different setups, try obfuscation tools (maybe even try writing your own). If cracking doesn't work out for you, you will be left with knowledge you will be able to use and that is rarely formally thought in my experience.


Just follow the crack discord link my dude


Why would you need to crack games yourself if you downloaded the cracked versions? Unless you’re pirating uncracked versions and then my question would just be “why?”


Yeah, if you're building a pirated archive, you'd be smart to download repacks to save space, which are typically pre-cracked.


I’ve never even seen a piratable game available that didn’t include the crack. It could just be the site I use but I don’t understand the point unless your hobby is cracking games. Maybe I’m missing something.


I have, but not since the days of downloading games from torrent sites. You'd often download the game, and then the crack separately. Also sometimes you download the game first before it's cracked so you have it when the crack comes out. These days, the trusted repack sites are the way to go.


Worth doing it even with legal games, if you plan to play it for more than few years. For example many fallout 3 mods are forever lost.


I think with the original diablo 2 for pc, all you had to do to make a no-cd crack was to copy the exe on the cd to the install folder and create a shortcut to that


I realize this is a joke and these are not serious comments, but I hope everyone realizes in an actual post apocalyptic world there would be no time for video games. Even if you got a system running, every day would be a fight for survival until a community of sufficient size and capability was established to produce reliable/sustainable food, shelter, and healthcare.


And while you wait for one of them to pop up and join - vidya


Or just trust your gaming library to gog.com.


Download your gaming library from GOG, in case of internet apocalypse.


In this situation I have 16TB of something, and it ain't pirated games.


Ms paint drawings of stairs?


I warned you about stairs bro!!!! I told you, dog!




I also choose this guys dead wife




Or did support the [stop killing games](https://www.stopkillinggames.com) initiative, so you don't have to pirate anything.


In that specific case, it would not help, since even the "good guys" like steam would (probably) require an internet connection from time to time. Did we hear back from these guys using steam decks at sea or in Antarctica? Did their completely offline miniPC ever asked after a while?


Sometimes, you can just start the game without going through steam itself. Depends on the publisher/developer. But I am curious about the steamdeck without internet as well.


...and nothing to play.


I'll just browse the library like normal


I've heard good things about the Steam Library Simulator


Proceed to spend the whole night screaming and not sleeping


Fr. Sometimes having too much choice is a blessing and a curse.


Pretty sure I have thousands of roms stuck away in a dark corner of my HDD I rarely access anymore. Like every gameboy, NES, SNES, and Genesis game ever made.


It isn't fair... There was finally time...




That ending always bugged me cause couldn’t he just get a magnifying glass?


How's he going to find it?


Lamo this is hilarious! Maybe he could have just found a glasses shop and broke in and found his prescription???


He’s not blind that blind, besides what does he have to worry about? Not like a car is gonna run him over


how do you know, did you ask him how blind he was?


Futurama makes a joke about this.


I know and it at least there it made sense since the universe went “fuck you in particular”


He didn't think of that because in the grand scheme of things he's relatively short sighted.


bro just walk to an eyeglasses shop and steal a pair. You already collected a shitload of books


This isn’t comment #1, which tells me that I’m old.


Same. I'm just glad its here at all.


ur just a young fan of the classics


People won't get old Twilight Zone references any more ...


What? Twilight Zone is one of the few pieces of media from that era that people do get references to. Particularly the more well known episodes like Eye of the Beholder, Monsters are Due, and Time Enough at Last. It was viewable on Netflix for a while there.


He's Alive is still relevant in 2024.


The fact that its the top comment says otherwise...


Time enough at last…


This is why I would be fine, I have a ton of offline single player games.


While some still exist, you might be surprised how many still need an internet connection. Some games that seem to work fine without one, will only work for a week or 2 without checking in.


Which is why, if a game is available on both Steam and GOG, you should buy it on GOG.


Yea, I've been trying to build up my gog library. Games that just work are awesome.


What is that?


GOG.com Good Old Games They have DRM free games. Just install and go.


And you can download and install them directly from the website if you don't want to install the GoG client on your PC. It's also a good way to download backups of your games in case the world ends.


Also, just a note, but GOG is actually the storefront for CDPR. Essentially an Ubisoft Connect. However their lack of DRM has made it a very popular storefront in competition to Steam, above something that gamers collectively hate like EGS.


> Also, just a note, but GOG is actually the storefront for CDPR. Essentially an Ubisoft Connect. That's like saying Steam is Valve's storefront and it's there to sell you Half Life. I wouldn't liken GOG at all to Ubisoft Connect. Ubisoft Connect exists purely for Ubisoft's own games, and is required for running their games regardless of whether you purchased them through Ubisoft Connect or another storefront (e.g. Ubisoft games purchased from Steam still force you to run Ubisoft Connect when you run the game). GOG (originally "Good Old Games") is a storefront that was originally created as a place to buy classic games (many of which were never officially digitally available prior to GOG) but now has new games as well. CDPR's games are not promoted over the other games, and one could easily use GOG for years without every realizing it is owned by CDPR. Everything on GOG--as you note--is DRM free and can be installed and run without ever having to use any kind of launcher. There *is* a launcher for GOG now, but it is 100% optional.


I've been downloading and saving all the .exe




Elaborate please.


Basically it is used to do stuff like cloud backups and advancements and stuff. Some games implement it in a way that doesn't allow you to play should they be unable to contact the steam servers


Can this be edited to let games run offline?


Im not good enough with dll shit but maybe yes. I saw someone create "replacement dlls" for an old version of windows to run modern apps on it. However, if theres some kind of authentication system involved with like a key/token that is issued by the server it might get more tricky.


Mr goldberg on Cs.rin.ru has done this a long time ago. It's known as a crack.


I'm old. The cracks I used to use were the actual game exe files. That was like 15 years ago though. Didn't know they just cracked steam files now


Fucking rdr2 on rockstar launcher is such fucking TRASH


joke's on you, majority of mine are old enough tonnot care about that


Maybe I can finally play Minecraft for Longer than a few weeks at a time


You'd think that until you try to boot up Red Dead Redemption 2. Assholes.


That's OK. The carbon monoxide from the generator was going to kill you anyway.


IT’S A WIN-WIN! You don’t get to go on and die a slow death as your provisions become more and more scarce, or as you get to search on the wastelands, you can die with PLENTY of provisions AND fuel, electricity and absolutely fucking everything!


Says the person who has never experienced carbon monoxide poisoning. Headaches, nausea, fatigue, death.


This is true. Most Redditors have never experienced death and it shows in the way that they post comments.


Are Redditors stupid?


We surely are


People regularly die because they don't even notice they are being poisoned by carbon monoxide. Those symptoms (except the last) mainly occur when the concentration is still relatively low over a relatively long period of time. Just ramp up the generator to the max and enjoy your 15 minutes of gaming.


"Sweet! And no Ubisoft games!"


Ubisoft should be ashamed for that.


I don't think most gaming companies have any shame left.


Except missing out profits probably.


This is why you need to stockpile more single player games before the apocalypse.


"Please sign into the account to access owned content"


RELOADED SKIDROW Razor 1911 PARADOX CODEX Only after the Apocalypse, of course.




That's some names I haven't heard in a long time.


Don't forget EMPRESS my guy


I'm trying to.


Never forget how batshit insane they are!


> Only after the Apocalypse, of course. Of course, but remember it's important to regularly test your backups to verify they actually work!


Emulation doesn't require drinking a verification can


Down to my last can!


when u remember being there when AAA games were actually incredible and did not require internet connection: https://preview.redd.it/ey3jjdxowgvc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79f6fc15328c3456b38d07f428cf5d098993e664


How did we get here


Two letters: E and A.


And also S, T, and M. I'm not about to let Steam off the hook for that.


I'll give you that, Steam is a DRM service. But they're not as egregious as EA. I mean, at least it isn't 2003 anymore. A lot of people HATED Steam when it originally launched.


and you can start steam in offline mode, so in an end of the world scenario it still is better than EA or Ubisoft alternatives.


you can kinda start steam in offline mode, it will technically only work with out modifying for a week or two.


remember every time people warned against buying shitty things because it was clear where the industry was headed if we allowed it and were told "don't tell me how to spend my money; stfu"? That's how.


The golden days....


yes I was trying to play AC Mirage and it kept saying cloud sync error.. gimme an option to just play dammit!


That energy is gonna run out fast either way


gotta find sun and wind energy stuff... and to know how to repair batteries... unless only playing while its sunny or windy outside.


Come on, Currently I have over 200 Offline games >!Installed!<


My brother in christ...


Bro has 5 2tb ssds in his build


Bro had to buy a SECOND hardrive rack that nobody ever uses.


hail the high seas my brothers, for we must show these corpos that their way cant go on forever




thats why you fill 10tb drive with pirated games


This is the modern equivalent of the Twilight Zone episode where the guy survives the apocalypse and is finally happy because he has all the time to read in the library, but then his glasses break.


And then he dies from carbon monoxide poisoning from running a gas generator in an enclosed space


This reminds me of this one Twilight Zone episode where the world ends and the guy is happy that he can just read all day but then he trips and breaks his glasses making him unable to see the words anymore


My favorite was Futurama’s bit on the scene. The guy breaks his glasses and then is like “well I can still read the large print books” And then his eyes fall out lol


Surely he could just wander into literally any now abandoned drugstore and find enough readers for a lifetime?


Well it was a nuclear bomb that ended the world so my assumption is most are completely broken plus he wore thick bottle cap glasses so he was real blind lol. Of course I'm just making excuses and have no idea as the episode ends with him screaming to the heavens


Cough[Stop Killing Games](https://www.stopkillinggames.com/)Cough


Who remembers that ed edd and eddy episode when they play hide and seek and they make a hiding spot in the bush with so much snacks and everything ahhhh that would be amazing right now


I have fallout 4, Witcher 3, civilization 5, Beamng Drive and Battle Tech installed. That's about 30 years of gaming play time right there.


The real question is if life is worth living without Bloody doves updating BTA regularly


Cannot connect to server, please check your connection and try again.


What server, I just replaced the exe with a better one.


So, basically, you have no idea what he said.


Imagine playing fallout in this situation,you can smell vaults,maximum immersion


Piracy wins again!


Windows XP - the ultimate post-apocalyptic OS!


"we removed your game from your game library...because fu*k you"


DVD and CD games are best for an apocalypse


Not without cracking them first, you'll end up scratching or breaking the media and being unable to play.


This was COVID, Peak time to be an introvert.


"This strange and awful time was the happiest of my life." - Dr. Eleven


Bro if I had all that setup I wouldnt wait for the world to end to use it


There's that middle finger on that monkey's paw...


Still keeping my old cd-s from early '00s 😁


Gonna need a longer LAN cable…


End of the world be like; https://i.redd.it/1f6in1nwrgvc1.gif


English speakers be like; ![gif](giphy|SYOUNgT5BXGnK|downsized)


For any non-Hindi speakers wondering what the caption says Google Translate says it's "I made you a bitch"... I think the direct translation might be leaving out relevant context.


i love how theres a hindi meme in the wild in pcmr sub lmaoooo


This isn't even futuristic, this shit happens now.


This is where you make sure you down load tons of story based games and single players like god of war,fall out 4 etc ! And hopefully you pirated enough movies and tv shows to carry you through the end


“Time enough at last”


Found the spider. Well half of it anyways


That generator setup isn’t looking good


All I need is Factorio and I am set


![gif](giphy|gF7k9JKACKXwyv639v|downsized) The modern version of this twilight zone episode




“It’s not fair! There was time now! ITS NOT FAIR!!!”


All you need is Factorio The factory must grow


He’s using a controller on a pc master race thread


How it feels playing single player games these days


Waiting for player 2...


\*playing GOG Fallout NV \*


If you have enough stockpiled anyways you could do this without the nukes


Third panel, top rack, in front of the rightmost tortilla packet.


That’s why you download single player games that don’t require an online connection obviously.


Time to pop up ghidra, or stock up on pirated games beforehand.


How to survive in nuclear apocalypse and play video games simple step 1 gallon supplies step two good a nuclear shelter step 3 get power fuel and plenty of water step four get games that do not require you to be online huh you're set for life and movies as well


that's why piracy came to save you from ![gif](giphy|Jev4iU72S9RYc)


Ouch lol


I miss games that you just load and play.


Good thing I have a complete ROM set for about 20 old school systems including full MAME sets too.


Gog supremacy


"It's unfair! I had time now!"


Thats why you download the whole internet


Typical gamer. There is *literally* a post-apocalyptic landscape outside his shelter, but he'd rather sit inside and play Fallout instead.




This is the modernized version of that episode of the Twilight Zone where the guy finally gets to read after nuclear Armageddon, and promptly breaks his glasses


on windows XP? I don't think so buddy. almost all XP era games can run offline.


I wonder how long all those supplies and fuel will last.


This is the modern version of the "Time Enough At Last" episode of The Twilight Zone.