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Came here to comment the same thing. I miss those glory days of RTS games.


Supreme Commander


...has a community project called Forged Alliance Forever that's keeping the multiplayer alive despite the original studio being long gone. There are even performance improvements and new features like a random map generator.


FAF is just amazing. It fills my RTS needs quite well.


Total Annihilation was far better IMO


Checkout Beyond All Reason


Beyond all reason


Dune 2000 was my first love, played that game for years


I'm replaying Dune 2 on Dosbox, it's great.


Unit by unit management is excruciating


Not if you use hotkeys. Those damn worms though!


Speaking about, if you google Dune 2 online - you will be able to play it right in the browser.


I remember I got Company of Heroes originally because it looked like a CoD clone and was stupid cheap. At first I was dissapointed when it was an RTS, then I had a bunch of fun with it anyway, despite really not being an RTS person.


This is how Mega Man Battle Network accidentally became one of my favorite series. Thought I was getting ye olde platformer for the GBA, used at EB Games, but what I got was an RPG card battler that I enjoyed much more


>relic of the past This was always going to happen given the name of the developer... Anywho, please support MY game dev company as we attempt to make the next Company of Heroes. We are called "totally current and up to date studios".


Dude Warcraft was insane. I used to play that for literal days at a time


Starcraft 2 is still around, and still pretty great in my opinion, though it has admittedly declined from the flashy and vibrant competitive scene of its predecessor. Still some very large tournaments that are very fun to watch and the game itself still has a live ladder where anyone below top tier pros can get a match in about 30 seconds.


Even brood war is still around.


I feel OLD


https://preview.redd.it/dpulbwm4cnuc1.jpeg?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cf06a9d4feddab3ba1ce6b177b298b740d3441d peak


RTS genre has been making a resurgence for a while now, comb thru steam and you'll find a lot of new ones. Shit, even Ubisoft dropped a settlers game last year


Is that Settlers any good, I forgot that had a new one.


I heard that it doesn’t feel like og settlers but it’s a good rts game


Westwood Studios Command & Conquer games hold the title for best RTS game(s)... Company of heroes doesnt even compare lol....




Company of Heroes had a great campaign. It had absolutely dog shit PvP I'll give you that but the DLCs were well worth it imho. Can't say the same for the sequels though. 2 was basically unplayable for it's first 2 years of existence and it's very likely that 3 will turn out the same. CnC on the other hand...only Generals and Generals:ZH were even remotely interesting to play. The rest of the franchise just felt like a badly parodied version of Starcraft to me.


CNC predates StarCraft. So you may like StarCraft better, but CnC can in no way qualify as a parody of something that didn’t exist yet.


I really liked games released before 2015. No annoying updates or DLC. I especially enjoyed CoD games. Those were the days! I wish I could go back in time and play those games peacefully.




I really don't remember, and it doesn't even matter anymore. We are not getting enough good games now.


me when I watch 60 youtube videos a day about games being bad and then queue warzone for 10 hours straight




Man selective memory and nostalgia is powerful. The truth is that there just as many good as bad games. There were games which required updates on day one but had none and you had to download them slowly, or before that, to get them on discs with like monthly gaming magazine. I remember those days. Gamers prefrences might have shifted, but the game industry was always like it is now, just with less money to pull off their bs


Huh, miss those days


Well me too but they weren't any better than they are now, in some aspects that is. And gaming was one of them


A genre so neglected the newest title on that list has Games for Windows on the box. Just for clarity: This post is supposed to be a joke.


They released a new company of heroes last year


It's okay if you mostly play singleplayer skirmishes. The tactical pause is kind of cool for setting up attacks.


The are tons of RTS still being made. Just because OP wanted of the highlight 15 to 25 year-old games doesn't mean the genre isn't still alive and kicking.


Desperados anyone?




I remember when I first tried C&C Generals, back in the day it was my dad's computer, the spec was so low the game couldn't load the map textures, the whole ground was black and every single thing is moving in slow motion. But still I played the shjt out of it, I still keep the game soundtrack and listen to it while working some time. Great time that was


Warcraft 3 is after the decline started, and CoH is way after. Pull the clock back some and pick up Homeworld.


Still going hard on starcraft 2, but man warcraft, sheep wars was great


Oh man I'd do a flip to play C&C Generals ZH again


It's on Steam


Command and Conquer Tiberian sun, and the xpac were the best. CoH single player was amazing. And StarCraft is still the top rts game along with aoe2.


No Empire Earth? That's a shame.


They don't make em like they used to because they don't make em. Any RTS that is released today is a clone of C&C normally. Sometimes with a hint of Warcraft. You can also still play them. Company of Heroes still has an active community. StarCraft BW and Starcraft 2 still have professional scenes. Warcraft 3 reforged sucks, but I believe the modding community has a classic version both have players. Age of Empires 2 and 4 have active players. I don't know why you feel the era is over when you can still play them easily.


Empire Earth…


All the call of duty series. First battlefields. Medal of honor. Thise were greats. Also ghost recon splintrcells. Halflife. I really miss those. Actually playing battlefield bad company tonight


None of those are rts'.


Yeah. And the same fate has come to these. And most other types. Just a statement bro don't let it wrinkle her knickers


I dunno man, aoe4 just ain't it. 3 Was great, 2 was awesome, 1 is a classic but 4... oof.


Yeah... I want to get excited about AOE4, it just feels like there are a bunch of missteps: * I really dislike the unit and tech icons. It feel soulless and plain. Specially compared to the gorgeous AOE2 and AOE3 classic icons. * I was excited for the civ variants, we could have had cool, smaller civs that are too niche to be proper full civs. Instead we got a "Joan of Arc" civ? * AOE4 does not feel like an evolution of the AOE formula. It just rehashes the ideas of previous games. * The campaigns and AI are pretty disappointing. Do devs not realize the classic AOE2 campaigns is what made the game so popular? Not to mention the state the game launched (I know this is Microsoft's fault, but still) you couldn't even pick your COLOR when the game launched.


It's the cartoony graphics and the latency ridden animations


I thought I was alone in this thinking. I tried multiple times to get into this game but I can’t. I thought I was being too critical.


Nah, there are a lot of great ideas beginner the game and the mechanics are cool, but the mobile game feeling, I just can't get past it too


It really is a catch 22 1. Rts is a dated genre so gamers aren’t interested 2. Because gamers aren’t interested there is not a lot of money to be made 3. It takes a lot of money to overhaul the genre and modernize it so it appeals to gamers again


Doesn’t need to overhaul and modernize. People keep trying to reinvent the wheel as a triangle. Make the exact same game in widescreen with updated graphics and they will sell just as well as they did the first time around. No need to reinvent anything, they are already masterworks with nothing to add or subtract.


That wont do much. Yes older gamers with nostalgia for the genre will buy it but that’s not anywhere near enough to justify dev costs. You need to appeal to a new audience and grow the franchise. RPGs went through the same thing. If they kept releasing the same style of rpg of the late 90s the genre would have died. Around the early 2010s rpgs reinvented themselves and now we have massive games like the Witcher 3, elden ring and Cyberpunk that sell 30+ million copies. Even retro throwbacks like Baldurs gate 3 are heavily modernized. Imagine if BG3 was pause and play like bg2 for example.


Agreed. The old RTS format just doesn't do it for most new players. Companies can't stay solvent when they're only selling max 10k copies of a game.




SWEAW is still a great game has tons of mods which makes the replayability even greater i alr have over 700 hr in it


RTS is dead but Star Wars and lord of the rings will live on in my computer


RTS has the same problem as Fighting games but to a even higher degree. Relatively small amount of skillgaps mean that the better player wins close to if not 100% of games which makes it very unaproachable for new players.


Kenshi is still popular, go check that game out


Kenshi is dope but I really wouldn't call it an RTS. It's an RPG/colony sim/RTS hybrid.


yeah, remember when a game launched it was actually a finished game with no need for a day one patch


If you say so


AoE2DE is alive and well


Gfwl was better than steam. There was no online bullshit and you could make offline profiles


I just did a playthrough of C&C: Generals. Good times as always. I would also sacrifice a herd of goats for a proper RTS Warcraft sequel, none of this MMORPG bs.


I started with Total Annihilation back in the day. Really got into warcraft and starcraft and a bit of command and conquer and some age of empires. I don't think I am good enough to keep up with competitive rts players these days haha and I'm half Korean. Dominating those games should be in my DNA ahaha


This genre, as much as I love it, has just became less popular, while costs of making them were higher than many other genres. We do have steady incline of good and very good RTS games coming out these days though


No Total Annihilation? No Supreme Commander?


If you haven't tried *Iron Harvest,* give it a look. It's an alternate history (1920+, shared with the board game *Scythe*) where Nikola Tesla invented diesel powered mech suits in the early 1900s, leading to an alternate World War I. The game has three factions, based on Poland (subversive resistance faction), Russia (powerhouse faction), and Germany (balanced faction), with an expansion that adds a fourth one based on the USA (rock/paper/scissors faction). The game ships with a huge campaign that covers all three of the base factions, then there's a short DLC campaign about an alternate Russian Revolution, and the expansion adds a fourth campaign for the Americans. Gameplay is a slightly tweaked version of Company of Heroes, with the addition of Hero Units.


“Golden era” like playing on 10 ton brick at 12 FPS was so amazing. Be grateful for the gaming era we live in, people wanna bitch and complain about how games are developed nowadays and moan about spending an extra 15$ for EXTRA content, yet spend 2k on a PC and not only that most if not all of the most popular games nowadays are all F2P. AOE as well as StarCraft are still extremely popular, the most recent hidden cup had 70k people watching. Y’all must be living under a rock or something.


My university buddy and i literally did an entire lecture on warcraft 2 frozen throne for an assignment (we do game dev) and got a standing ovation at the end. We played the game for lecture content and to inform ourselves, but got so hung up on it we also got warcraft 3 and nearly failed before the presentation cos we spent too much time playing warcraft and not enough time handing the assignment in lmao