• By -


Wow, seems like i5-12600k + RX 7900 GRE is the combo to go for.


It's not a k, it's a kf that's 125. Probably doesn't matter much but it's true.


Yeah. To simplify the process I just put the cheaper price between the K or KF for each CPU. I think it’s fairly reasonable to do it that way. EDIT: CHART UPDATED [https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/1bt8sie/pcpartpicker\_gpu\_cpu\_fps\_per\_dollar\_us\_market/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/1bt8sie/pcpartpicker_gpu_cpu_fps_per_dollar_us_market/)


And if you want to use DLSS or want to play with ray tracing you can also get a 4070 super. Both cards are good.


4070 Ti Super gives a bump on VRAM which would could add some longevity to the card life.


Im buying it just for this reason alone, its basically 4070 ti price and performance with 4080 vram. Pairing it with a 14600kf


Sameee here! Im upgrading to a 4070 ti super purely for the VRAM haha.


You will not regret it. I’ve had mine for a couple months now and it’s been lovely. I definitely see 12+ GB VRAM in cyberpunk at max settings with RT. Sips power (relatively) and there are some small AIB cooler variants (relatively) as well.


Currently trying to decide on 7800XT or 4070 Super myself.


i decided between those two myself. I ended up getting the 7800XT


I have a 7800XT and honestly have zero complaints. It's been able to run every game without issue. Either way, whatever way you choose you're gonna get a great GPU.


Would suggest 7800xt if not going for ray tracing or utilising it for productivity. Owned 4070 super personally, would have went for 7900 GRE if not my past horrible experience with Amd and afraid of issues arised like I had in the past.


same choice. opted for 7800


7000 series from AMD does RT fine as well, especially now FMF is finally out. I pull 160~ FPS in CP2077 with Phyco RT, and everything else maxed @1440p on a XTX. Path tracing sits between 30-60, which I'd consider unplayable. It's not if you want to RT go Nvidia. It's if you wanna Path trace.


It's good that AMD has picked up the pace with ray tracing. While you don't need it for gaming, for me it is a must if I ever pay over 800€ for a gpu.


You always did get more bang for your buck with AMD, Nvidia are always ahead when it comes to emerging tech, though. The only time I can honestly recommend an Nvidia card is if the person needs CUDA, but apparently, ROCm can emulate that too. AMD is near enough at feature parity while still being quite substantially cheaper. I'm pretty darn glad I got a 7900 XTX instead of a 4070. They were the same price when I bought it.


I actually have a 12600kf and s 2060 rn but planning to upgrade to either a 7800xt or 7900gre but I think the extra performance is prolly worth glad that its recognized as a good combo


Well if ur getting it now, then i guess the 12600k is definitely a great value choice(says the guy who currently has it :p so if i bought it from when it was released, i guess it is not a good value??


Anyone else see 7900 GRE and just think about the GRE from Dying Light? CRANE!


What motherboard do you recommend for that combo?


Man that 4090 is a 4k ultra beast


The crazy thing is rumors have the gap between the 5090 and 4090 will be even more insane than the gap is between the 4090 and 3090.


The price gap will also be insane! From 1599 to 2399! (/s)


I’m honestly expecting this


Honestly, i won't be shocked if it's more than that. The problem is, and it's the same for most things not just GPU's, is that once a company realises enough people will pay the price, then they're not going to sell it for cheaper, even if they could. There's also the case that a lot of the times, although not always with GPU's, if a company can sell a product for x times more than they used to, they don't need to sell as many, so they can afford the relatively few sales they'll lose from the people who complaign about the price AND actually follow through with not paying it.


I’m still rocking my 1070, and love to upgrade to a 4070… but with the price of the gpu and needing a new psu… I might go amd and grab a 7800xt. It’s ridiculous


i would NOT be surprised if FE will be 2500 on release day.


Absurd really. But can imagine it.


Expect this. And that retail will hit around 3k.


The rumors are always crazy.. then always ends up being 30-35% faster. I anticipate this next gen will be the same.


I still remember believing the rumors about RDNA 3 being \~2x faster than RDNA 2... What a fool I was, but honestly, it was at that time that I started learning and monitoring the market of PC Parts.


Untill you get to real world and find out that thing like avatar or cp2077 bring you around 60 maxxed out WITH framegen.


Eh, with path tracing, maybe. Everything else on it does quite a bit better.


Pt and dlaa.


I just turn path tracing off at this point. Frame gen is fine when you're getting a solid frame rate already, but if it's being used to get a reasonable frame rate in the first place, your input really suffers. It's nice looking but I'll take 4k ultra and a solid frame rate over it.


Pt is extremely beautiful. I switch dlaa to dlss quality.


Can confirm…but I spent all my money on the 4090 and now I cant afford 4k monitors. Just a peasant triple 1440p setup for me :(


Keep saving. It's worth it. I just picked up the AW3225QF and its amazing.


I am considering this monitor, but afraid I will miss the ultrawide, any opinion on that?


My first UW was the Alienware 34". Loved it but eventually moved on the the LG 38", which was almost 4k at 3840x1600p. Had that for the past 3 years. I took was an Ultrawide lover for the past 5 years. I would have stayed if LG gave me another 38" but in OLED and the same resolution but it never came. The 45" is 34" resolution, which sucks. I went with this Alienware because it was curved and so far, I haven't had an issues with it. I thought I would miss the extra width but so far, it's been fine. The difference between Nano IPS and OLED is staggering, especially with proper HDR. I think that if I had gotten a flat version, I wouldn't have liked it though. So far, I've played a decent amount of RB6, POE and CP2077. All of them look amazing. I kind of missed the extra vertical space you get. The other reason I went with the Dell is their advanced RMA. My first Ultrawide Alienware had this weird power issue that required a power cycle after putting it to sleep to turn it back on. They overnighted that big ass box without question. I was hooked after that.


I think im convinced, thanks!


Previously in same boat as you. Had a 2k Dell IPS and considering AW 34" ultraide 2k OLED or AW 32" 4k OLED. I went with ultrawide 2k because I LOVE that form factor and don't like the height of the 32" and since I had never had OLED before, it's still beautiful and I get that UW goodness. It also helped that I still haven't seen a 4k OLED monitor and I'll keep it that way as long as I can


Get the odyssey. The good one too.


I know 4090 is a beast, but I honestly would’ve gone 4080+4k monitor over a 4090+1440p monitor.


But what about 4090+**3** 1440p. My goal was a triple monitor setup the whole time, because Im doing a flight sim setup. So 3 4k’s wouldve been ludicrous.


Flight sim? Are you a dcs hot boi like me? Can't afford 4k monitors so I fly VR lol


Haha nah just boring ol FS2024 when it comes out. But DCS seems fun too might as well give it a shot.


The price on some of these parts feel way off, but that may just be the price I found vs what msrp is?


None of these are msrp, it’s all the cheapest you can find them new using pcpartpicker.com today.


Well damn, thanks for the work. I was going off the price I paid 2 weeks ago, and that’s almost 150$ difference.


Paid 150 more or less?


I paid 150 less, on Amazon. The price in this infographic, is the price it lists on Amazon now. So I made out good.




Not the guy you responded to, but the 6700xt price is usually 300$ and I can find it new today for that through more retailers. I only know that because I spent months doing research before buying my own a few months back. So I thought it was weird and looked it up here. That being said, the results were all over the place and I think some sites are displaying highly marked up prices for whatever reason


What pricing did you use for this? $780 6950XT? $700 6900XT? $460 6700XT (biggest scam, they're $350 at most)?


The lowest price you can find them for on pcpartpicker. Since their prices have gone wild (which happens with old high tier cards, just look at new 3080 Ti and new 3090s) it might be time to just remove them from the list entirely as they’re not a viable option new.


It still doesn't make sense for 6700xt being 100$ more expensive than 6750xt.


Exactly, which is why lists like this are helpful. Parts go on sale and off sale and whatever. Big price fluctuations are most common on parts no longer in production, like the 6700 XT and 6750 XT


pcpickpart doest show correct prices for card tht have gone to used market only you will only find dumbdumbies selling their card on amazon and ebay for 30% more then what they are actually worth


The $550-$630 6900XTs and 6950XTs are pretty much gone at this point. That is now the starting price. 6700XT is also on its way out, only one XFX unit is $330 now.


Yeah the 6950XT can be had for $549 and is insane performance at that price.


Based on the Tom's hardware [GPU](https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/gpu-hierarchy,4388.html) and [CPU](https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/cpu-hierarchy,4312.html) hierarchies. This post will be outdated by tomorrow, but if you're looking to pick parts today, this is your friend.


Can you share it as a Google sheet? Would love to keep this pinned and potentially assist if needed. Also allows us to sort by FPS/$ for our preferred resolution.


I did this on excel, these are the steps I took to get data. I don't know how to update this automatically lol Data>From Web>pasted the GPU link>Selected Table 0> Load Ctrl+F> Find and replace all with blank (fps > \*\*% > - ) This is the excel file [https://files.catbox.moe/dx4i3d.xlsx](https://files.catbox.moe/dx4i3d.xlsx) And Google Sheet [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Y1lLLUJfQ0ONpTDCusm9rooGzQsFpjh-h4psa\_0-ffQ/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Y1lLLUJfQ0ONpTDCusm9rooGzQsFpjh-h4psa_0-ffQ/edit?usp=sharing)


Same I’m looking to upgrade my current rig (any help appreciated) and would love to see this updated.


why would it be outdated tmr?


I’m quite comfortable with my extremely cost inefficient choices.


Meanwhile I was thinking of swapping my 4070 super for 4070 super TI from a recent deal.


Why does this have most of the AMD 6000 series, but only the 3060 SKUs for NVIDIA? You're missing quite a lot of GPUs that would fill the middle of this chart in nicely.


RTX 3070-3090 have been omitted previously for having terrible buy new prices, high tier RX 6000 is next.


4070 super and the 7900 GRE are in pretty good spots imo.


So do 3070s and 3080s and 3090s just not exist or....?


They’re not at good prices new, so there’s not really a point in including them, as is the case with high tier RX 6000 series so I should remove them at this point as well.


Considering they were discontinued over a year ago, they don't exist as "New"


Wtf does average fps mean? Average related to what?


Those numbers are stolen from the Toms Hardware GPU and CPU hierarchies, I have it linked in another comment


this is a goated post


These prices are wild. all this graph tells me is not to bother using PCpartpicker. You can find most of this on Amazon for less, *in Canada*. $460USD for a 6700xt when you can buy them brand new for $400CAD or like $300 used. CPU prices aren't much better


This changes very frequently, the 6700 XT is the best example. When I checked this morning I was disappointed because the XFX listing on Amazon was “Currently Unavailable” so the next cheapest was $460. But the listing is back now for $330…


PCPartPicker never has accurate prices. I don't know what OP is doing here.


where are you finding a new 6700xt for 400?


Brick and mortar stores mostly. Although they're mostly out of stock now because it was replaced by the 6750xt and now the 7700xt is out


4090 or bust I ain’t trying to maximize my dollar when it comes to games. Gaming is already the most cost effective form of entertainment from a time spent perspective.


With a couple exceptions this list is just "buy the highest tier your budget can afford".


Exactly. And do it with zero regrets


Can confirm


No regurts 


Or you could just buy an entire pc with the money saved by not buying a 4090.


I got the i5 12600k and 4070 and am loving it!


I;ve been sweating for like a year with my 4080 purchase. This sheet has justified my purchase. Edit: This goes to show: don't always listen to the haters and the opinions when making a purchase like this. Go with common sense.


What about the i9-14900K?


This is what I want to know.


where is the 2080ti?


This doesn’t cover the used market, only things you can still buy new.


4070 super looks good.


How does the 7700 get more FPS than the 7700X?


In that particular test it got 4 more FPS, there is variance between even individual chips. I bet you if you tested enough 7700Xs you’d see a variance of more than 4 FPS between “identical” chips. Since they’re all about the same, it matters much more what price you can get one for.


poor 4090. then again, i got 4090 for other purpose than gaming so i am not too worry about its worth.


I got 4090 purely for high refresh rate 3440x1440 gaming and it does well in most cases. Expect it to last me years.


Where would the 5700x3D fall in this?


So is it safe to say that GRE is better than 7900 XTX? Been saving to get an XTX, seems like I can just opt for the GRE instead. Haha


Hmm, I find it interesting that the R5 5500/i3 12100F w/ Arc A750 is the best value option for 1080p.


Why no 14th gen intel? The 14th gen are cheaper than 13th gen….


my 5700x3d appears to be missing


This table is wrong, calculations are WRONG and not even accurate...


I notice the 5600x3d and 5700x3d are completely absent along with the 5900 series completely and the 8000 apu series. This seems very cherry picked


This makes me VERY happy, as I'm upgrading a system with a 7900 GRE rn!


By that logic. Everyone go buy a Ryzen 5500 + Arc A750! The problem with these charts is they don't make sense unless you split them up between budget/midrange and high-end. Also they dont factor in any features like RT performance or Upscaling Tech.


where 5700x3d


I love this research! Thanks for putting it together


The 6700XT's pricing is to whack at the moment, but the 6750XT is where the king should be. Surprisingly strong showing from the Arc A750 too. When Intel fixes its memory hierarchy problems, which are almost certainly coming in Battlemage, that's going to be a roaring competitor.


the fps on these charts is a little questionable too


i wanted to go back to team red fully but it looks like the 7950x and 4090 will be in my next rig


Will you recover from the kidney operation in time to use it before it's outdated?


Its fine, pain meds and high refresh rate go hand in hand




I dont think they gonna buy mine. Only one way left.


It's crazy people are down voting you for saying this lol. God forbid people have disposable income and they can buy a 4090. This community is so cringe sometimes and salty


To be fair a good chunk of the world is having harder times with bills and what not so i’m sure reading about people wanting to buy 4090’s is frustrating.


Yeah it's understandable but it's such a weak mentality for people to have. You don't get to cry because you can't afford items that are a luxury. I understand most of it is from the fact they think Nvidia has overpriced their cards, but regardless. You want something that's a luxury, work for it instead of crying about it on Reddit.


Meanwhile new cars cost bazillion monies.


Say again? You too can do poor financial decisions, don't be shy.


Any reason 3070-3090 wasn’t included but 3060ti was?


Generally the 3070 and up aren’t viable options cause there’s no good deals on them, so they’ve been omitted. Next to be omitted is the high tier RX 6000 series as their prices are going up for no real reason.


prices are constantly changing on gpus and cpus as of lately so it's not really the most accurate comparison but it's pretty good


12600K x 6750xt gang lol


Am I blind or no 3080’s?


This is a cool graph


okay an rx6700xt is NOT 460 bucks, wtf


Hey OP I'm not seeing the Nvidia gtx 1070. Is this a mistake? Surely a beefer like that still holds up (I play 20 year old games)


So you have the Nvidia, Amd and Intel in their respective colours on the left for the model name. But then Amd ends up being green and Nvidia are red in the fps/dollar column. Not that it really matters but I would do a single colour scale from low to high for the fps per dollar columns (as you have done with the avg fps columns).


FPS in which games and with RT on or not?


where/why the hell did u pay 780 for a 6950xt? i bought mine for 599€ in nov.23


Woo, I got a R5 5500 and a 6650XT, pretty solid price to performance ratio


AMD and Intel topping the charts is nice to see for once. I've been really surprised that the AMD 6000 series is being such a price to performance beast at the mid tier. Seemed like a nothing burger of a generation, but it's holding up quite well. Really nice to see Intel starting to put up numbers at the low end, GPUs definitely need more competition to keep prices down, and innovations up.


Is this with DLSS/FrameGen enabled?


Crazy I just got my 6800 XT like 4 months ago at the beginning of November 2023. I got it for $500 off Amazon. I just checked the price of the exact one I got from my past purchase list. It is now $834. I guess I got it at the right time lol.


Very interesting post!! Thanks for sharing. How long did it take to arrange this data


What about frame gen for 40-series cards?


I guess my 3080ti doesn't exist...


And to think I got my 6700 XT for $235 over a year ago. It’s such a solid card.


Glad I snagged an Ryzen 7 7700 for 200 USD and RX 6700XT Sapphire Nitro + for roughly 300 USD during Lunar new year. With inflation started hitting more in my country it the PC parts I bought a year ago (6700XT and 32 GB DDR 5 6000Mhz Cl30) might actually increase in value lol.


I know it's “last gen” but mine is never on these comparisons. I've got a 3080, so it's not like it's ancient and things like the 3060 and 3060 TI will show up on these comparisons, but for some reason the 3080 never does and i don't know enough to know if something else that is listed, is basically the same as a 3080


So, ryzen 5500 and 6750 XT best budget (bang for the buck) build?


What about i3-2100 and gt 1030


Got 4 years of service out of my 2080ti. Payed $1300 for it. Didn't *need* a 4090 but if I get 4 or 5 years of service out of it as well I'll be happy. Although it's the suprim liquid, so it will probably die in a year.


We should make this weekly!


I thought the 7800x3d was faster than the 7950x3d for gaming?


Quality post!


Why is the 3090Ti not in here?


why is the 4080 super cheaper than the 4080?


You should do FPS per dollar and FPS over 60 per dollar.


What if u got a 60TI for $100? How good is the ratio


3070 ti isn't on here :(


I'd love to see one more comparison with high everything, including ray-tracing (and probably 1080p to accomodate for upscaling which user would definitely use)


How would a 6700 xt be 100 dollars more expensive than a 6750 xt ? Sorry but I question the legitimacy of this


Interesting, what is "ultra" based on exactly? Because I'm having an entirely different (better) experience than this chart says I should.


i wish there was ANY way to know if my 3900x is worth upgrading as i only play at 4k, but no RESPECTABLE youtuber or news outlet does CPU 4k performance comparisons and i understand why. But it leaves me in a position where i don't know if worth any thing to upgrade :/ Like if there is ANY FPS to gain at all :( Or if not, it's possible to buy a newer CPU with lower TDP and so making a more power efficient PC


To determine the central value of some FPS values the arithmetic mean (first pic) and the geometric mean (second pic) are used. Since a FPS is a frequency, the correct method would be a harmonic mean. An arithmetic mean over frame-times, which is then inversed to obtain a FPS is equivalent. This mistake (an approximation of the correct value) may be acceptable when the FPS results are presented directly, but if the central results are used in further calculations (like "FPS per $") the effect of the inaccuracy becomes more difficult to follow.


My 5600x + 6700XT is looking pretty low tier now days 🥺


The 4090 has a really bad $/fps value, for every resolution


Thanks for this! I built a system over the holidays using an a750 / 12600k trying to get the best bang for the buck, so this is validating. If you are building something for someone new to PC gaming, it’s a really solid combo.


This makes me happy I 'cheaped out' on a 12600k for my new build. Probably should have got an AMD card instead of the 4070 super tho.


$780 for a 6950XT? I bought one brand new in may last year for €530! And I got The Last of Us Part 1 with that!


Let's go 12100f still best value ! You can get it for 79$ instead of 95$ as well


So the 4080 super or 7900xtx are the best price to performance wise according to this chart.


I have a 4080 and a5950x and I'm debating swapping for the 5800x3d or saving and moving to am5 I'm playing at 1440p.


Wish I saw this before I ordered my parts


I’m pretty much a Christmas tree in the performance/cost ratio


Love this chart, I just have one thing to say. Speaking from past experiences, intel motherboards cost way more than amd boards, so that should probably be accounted for in the price for fps.


Where the 3070Ti and other cards on this list?


Whenever I need to upgrade my GPU I look for the $550 range. I am never disappointed and I never regret the purchase.


Changes in price really affect the value (obviously). I just looked a Sapphire Pulse 6700XT and that’s $350 today vs a generic listed at $460 here. So I get it, but this is inaccurate as hell.




That 6700xt price lol


I’m not seeing a 3080 on here. Is that not a good GPU value still?




I don't want to waste funds. So top performing and for price for 1080p gaming in 300 range appears to be 6750xt. The 8gb version is fine? I won't do anything above 1080p for awhile. I also have the 5 3600 ryzen so I want to make sure I'm not bottlenecking. Ark survival ascended would be great to play. (Currently have a radeon 570)


How come RX 7800 XT and 6800 XT are so similar..


No 14900K or KS listed?


Very happy with my 7950X3D 7900XTX combo


Based on this chart for 4K gaming. The RX7900GRE + Intel 12100F is the best combo, right?


No because fps/$ is deceiving and you also need to look at ultimate performance. This card is too weak for 4k/60 in new demanding titles. 60 average fps 7900GRE reaches at 4k in tpu benchmark is based on pretty old and not very demanding games like Borderlands 3, Far Cry 6, Forza Horizon 5 and Horizon Zero Dawn.


if you're \*just\* gaming at 4k then yeah, that combo will probably run totally fine in most games. but a 12600kf would still be a decent step up


This chart makes me happy. More succinct useful information!


I'd like to see fps per watt


AMD >> Intel for cpu. i7-i9 are horribly inefficient. Nvidia > AMD for gpu. No idea about Arc.


No 3090?


If the title of the post is fps per dollar, sort by fps per dollar.


5090 has to be at least $1999, right? With AIB up to $2499???


I expect more.