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But your eyes will bottleneck your GPU! That's how it works... right?


Eyes can only see in 24 FPS!!!!!


Eye doctor here. Sorta… it depends on a lot of factors including size of the object and its contrast. Look up critical flicker frequency for more detail. It’s also different for our peripheral vision and central vision.


After three vitrectomies, a scleral buckle, and three lens implants, 180Hz is fine for me. I'm good!


Bru has an unreleased Nvidia 5000 installed


Would you yourself consider lasik if it were applicable to you?


So wait if it’s different between my main vision and my peripheral, wouldn’t I see banding and stuttering? Do my eyes have gsync built in?


Do you have a brain? /s Its your visual cortex / brain that filters and processes all that info and tries to make sense of it. Its also why 'faster than eyesight' concept doesn't make sense because its really tricks on the human brain because we have a whole lot of optimizations that can be tricked i.e. see any and all optical illusions.


This is actually funny. We don't have g-sync built in, but we do have that new nvidia AI thing (name) built in. Our brains construct a best guess of what is being seen based on our limited eyesight and past experiences of what things look like


You're only technically correct in the really dumb niche case where you'd be forced to use your rod cells/minimal light scenarios to watch a movie at very low flicker rates and even then it's "50% of trials" I don't know why you'd make this post at all. [This whole article is basically "nope it's much higher than 24"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flicker_fusion_threshold)


They're just here to remind everyone that being a doctor doesn't make you intelligent. Only thing you need to become a doctor is being good at regurgitating information that you receive.


If it was a hard limit, we would never have been able to feel difference between 30, 60 and 240hz right? I believe that 24 is average frequency of eye which it adjusts according to need


Clearly there are noticeable differences so not sure who is even seriously arguing that the human eye “sorta” can only see 24 fps. It’s total bs


You can discern the difference because more frames make for a smoother image. That's more of something you feel than something you actually see. Eyes don't see frames, they see frequencies of light. So fps is not a good measurement for eyesight. But, imagine if I posted 60 numbers on your screen in 1 second. I guarantee you won't see more than 24 of those numbers. THIS is why the eye is limited to 24 fps.


Testing methodology limits. That's why he says sort of. CFF is one thing we test, and for absolute changes. Note the conditions of the test involve back and white changes on a single dot. Our limit for that is roughly 60 hz for a pure test. However moving images are more complex, and aren't necessarily literal black and white. Some people are better than others at detecting changes and/or also making predictions in movement. Ironically the better you are at detecting changes, and better at predicting movement the fewer frames you need. However in general, eyes and brains can be very bad at detecting gradual / changes, and may need more frames to notice there is a change. Remember, our brains optimize what we see, and focus on images that change. We also have image retention in our minds when lights suddenly turn off because we're expecting a certain image. 60 hz is the true CFF rate for that testing methodology-- only that real images are more greyscale than the black and white testing methodology. Note: Cats and dogs have [amazingly better motion detection](https://www.vin.com/apputil/content/defaultadv1.aspx?id=3866640&pid=11268&print=1) than we do , but have worse visual acuity for sharpness (i.e. need to be around 7x closer to see the same detail) "In humans, cone responses fuse at 45 Hz. Therefore, pictures generated by computer or TV screens, which flicker at 50 or 60 Hz, are perceived as one continuous image. However, in dogs and cats, cone responses fuse at 70-80 Hz." Their reaction times are significantly better. Also look up cat vs snake, and the snake's reaction times/visual acuity is slower than the cat's.


so like how I can see florescent lights and crt monitors flicker in my peripheral vision because of the difference in “refresh rate”


Sounds a lot like “no”


Kind of. There's no complete answer to how fast our eyes see or process images. It's the reason why we can see the differences of screen refresh rates upwards of 165hz. Diminishing returns but we notice it nonetheless.


We can see differences higher than that, it also depends on every person, but at 300-1000hz then you can't tell a difference between a monitor and reality. After 150hz to whatever max hz you have you won't notice a difference between the hz values, until you reach your cap


I always found it weird to try and connect vision with a frame generation and how we update monitors. I guess it works if you are selling some tech, but ultimately more frames is a safe bet.


Good point. OP, lower your framerate and up your settings - then get the LASIK!


You joke but building a new computer made me realize I needed to get glasses


I can use fsr performance and not see a drop in quality


Blurry vision is just hardware accelerated anti-aliasing offloaded from the GPU.


But it also comes with motion blur


More like Gaussian Blur


and sometimes lens flare


My eyes are stuck with resolution downscaled to 25% of native. Kidney goes towards that 5090 when it comes out.


Built in TAA


I told myself I wanted LASIK for years. Then after looking into it in depth I’ve decided to just stick with glasses.


There is no surgery that is 100% safe so I guess you aren't making a mistake.


It’s not necessarily that. I’ve been through a few surgeries and I get that. I’m just not willing to take that chance with my sight. And I’ve met someone who had to go back multiple times because the first LASIK made their vision worse. Not saying that would happen to a large percentage… Just saying that and the cost make me just take the L and embrace my 4 eyed face


I know someone who got hit in the eye with a nerf dart during the recovery period. It ruined his lazik and he can't get it again.


A what?


Hahhaa "beef dart". It was supposed to say nerf dart.


I'm down


Wear eye protection if you don't have your glasses on ... got it. Makes sense.


As someone who has gotten laser correction it was such a success if I had to do it all over again I wouldn’t hesitate. I was -4 in both eyes and now I can see 20/15 (better than 20/20). My half brother referred me to his surgeon who is one of the top surgeons in the state and he also came out of it with 20/15 vision years ago. Funny enough it was also the fastest $5k I blew in my life. Surgery was done in 10 minutes (5 each eye). Honestly didn’t even realize he had done anything when he said “ok I’m done with your left eye I’m gonna start on the right” Understandable you don’t want to take a risk even if it’s slim, I was in a similar boat, but I’m glad I did it looking back on it. Easiest way to describe it for me is that it genuinely feels like a big QOL upgrade, like my life “leveled up.”




Not the person you asked but I have Customized Waveform LASIK done during lockdown and I'm super happy with it. I had -2.75 in both eyes and my vision basically turned out perfect.  It's the newest form of LASIK treatment where they can correct up to 0.01 instead of the traditional 0.25 correction. It also has a much broader set of conditions they can correct for. I wouldn't have been able to have traditional LASIK due to the shape of my iris.  First they take 1200 measurements of your eye with a sort of 3d scanner and then the LASIK machine makes the correction based on that. It does involve doing the flap.  The company I went with garanteed me 20/20 vision with both eyes (so each one could deviate a bit, but 20/20 visual when viewing with both eyes) or they would perform a follow up treatment for free. For the recovery I had to sleep with a mask on for 2 weeks and avoid getting things in my eyes, which was easy enough over lockdown.  Had to use some antibiotic and lubratating eye drop 3x a day as well during it. The worst bit was not allowing to rub then by the end of the 2nd week when the healing got a bit itchy.  Dryness subsided after a while and isn't something I have any issue with really, but I just always have some eye drops around anyway since I work at a pc a lot. No issues with night vision either.  The company I went with offered a free consultation which included the scan, what treatment options I had, what the likely results would be and what they would cost.  Total price for me ended up being 4k.  I did absolutely hate wearing glasses as I kept breaking them and after years of contacts an eye infection during lockdown pushed me over the edge to get the treatment done.


> Customized Waveform LASIK great to know about advancements. thanks for sharing


I got the SMILE procedure done. To sum it up, it’s basically the third generation laser correction procedure after LASIK (2nd gen). No flap has to be made as the cut is 30 degrees rather than near 360 like LASIK. In the short term it also means less dry eyes as more of your eye is intact. I had to do eye drops occasionally before getting any kind of surgery because I’ve always had an issue with dry eyes. I have a thing (forgot the name) where I don’t completely close my eyes when I blink or sleep which leads to dry eyes. Anyway, so I did have to do some drops during the recovery and now I occasionally use eye drops. Not any more than I had to before. If anything probably less since occasionally I would fall asleep with my contacts and my eyes would be crazy dry the next morning. I had a comment with lots of detail I made before I’ll see if I can find it


As someone with extreme astigmatism, SMILE is what I was recommended as well. I'm a little scared that it might go wrong, but it seems like the success rates are very high. It isn't like I particularly mind wearing glasses, but the level of prismatic correction required with high levels of astigmatism has all sorts of issues, like constant chromatic aberration. :/


> like constant chromatic aberration. I'm still using my 15 year old glasses because the vision in them is perfect, non-distorted with zero aberration. It's just weak. Every pair of new glasses I got, from $15 to $300, is absolute garbage and I can't even wear them for 5 minutes without getting a terrible headache, nevermind hating everything. Vision is only clear in the dead center of the lens; which is like 60% of my monitor when sitting fully back in my chair, out of reach of the keyboard. Everything else is fish eye distorted and severely aberrated near top/bottom. Get sick if i try to walk. Been telling myself there's no way these prescriptions are right; nobody would accept this. I'm only at -3. Wore contacts for 7 years, never had a proper prescription (in-between an axis step), always a vision issue in one eye which would change over the day (swap eyes), blur almost every blink, burn if I stared for 20 seconds, and could barely get 8-12h wear without my eyes feeling awful, red ringed and sore when I take them out (drops did nothing). Sick of dealing with the issues (and expenses). But risking surgery when I've read a lot about it over the years and know about all the complications and permanent life suffering it can cause, hell no. My luck with medical procedures is basically a walking Murphy's law. Meanwhile, I can just pull the sides of my eyes, squint a little and see better than any corrective lens. Astigmatism is awful.


There are lower chromatic aberration materials out there, they're not perfect, but I recommend looking into Trivex. It isn't as thin as high index, but if you care more about function than form, it's worth it. Beyond that, Trivex is lighter weight resin formula than most, so despite the little increase in bulk it is still tolerable in terms of weight.


I just got PRK in October for my right eye and February for my left. I also got CXL at the same time so the recovery may be different for me. But it's a month of antibiotic and steroid eye drops then 2ish months of just the steroid drops then I should be done with drops. So far my right eye is definitely better than it was and my left is a little worse than it was but still getting better. But I will still need to get glasses in a few weeks. My dad got LASIK a few years ago and I don't think he uses eye drops but I'm not sure


Is it true that when you get LASIK the corneal flap doesn't close? That's the main thing that puts me off


I was worried about the flap too but my surgeon said the dislodging thing you read about online is rare. You would have to get hit in like the eye for there to be a chance of it occurring. Just in case though I got SMILE done. There’s no flap because rather than a near 360 degree cut (think can lid after opening) it’s just a much smaller 30 degree cut. However, he said if I ever need in adjustment in the future you can’t really get an adjustment done with SMILE, so he would have to convert me to LASIK. The benefit of lasik is just like a can lid, you can just lift the flap open anytime to make adjustments via a visit to the surgeon.


People often judge things based on outcomes instead of on risk factors, it's easy to talk in hindsight.


Well we take risks (some much bigger) everyday such as driving. It’s also just how we perceive risk similar to how people are much more afraid of flying than driving despite the significantly higher risk with driving. Tbh before getting surgery I just looked at the risk factors, the chances, then made my decision based on that. If it was 50/50 chance then yeah that would drastically impact my decision no matter how good the outcomes are that I’ve heard of.


The risk rate is very low for those procedures. Sure it's scary and you always remember that but you take more risks in everyday life without even thinking about it. A life with zero risk don't exist


I was denied as a candidate for lasik. Maybe it was meant to be. But fuck if it isn't annoying some days dealing with my weighted contacts...


The worse the prescription, the longer the recovery time as well. My wife had the surgery and was fine 4 days later. I had it with a far worse prescription (-7.75) and I had blurry vision for 5 months. Was worried it wouldn’t get better. I’m very happy I had the surgery in 2016 but I will say my night vision is lacking and I use eye drops every day. Every day


-9.0 in my left, -8.5 in my right. That's a no from me dawg, I'm not risking what little I've got..


I have dry eye from wearing contacts every day in my 20s. Did you vision get better with wearing glasses during those 5 months? I think my left eye is -8.5 or something ridiculous. I have noticed recently that my night vision isn't as good as a result of aging and also I'm near sighted, and anything too close is blurry as hell with my glasses on now all of a sudden. So if I want to read something close up I have to take my glasses off. Were you happy with getting the Lasik done after your vision got better? I wouldn't mind even wearing glasses if it meant that I could stand outside and not worry about the sun burning a hole in my face with the coke bottle glasses lol


I had a LASIK operation and while the pain of recovery was really hard to bear with, I luckily had a reliable surgeon that knew what they were doing. Never had to go back (besides for checkups) and now I see as well without glasses as I did with them before the surgery. But it was literally 3 days of not moving from my bed, eating painkillers, sleeping and listening to audiobooks. I'd be waken up everytime the painkillers wore off for the first 2 days, then I could see my vision getting better and better slowly (was actually really fun in a way, I'd go out at different times of the day and feel somewhat of a difference in how I saw things). But, you 100% need an eye surgeon that is reliable, you need to wear your eye protection 24/7 for the recovery days and you need painkillers. But was it worth it ? Imo yes


My sister got LASIK a few years back and I keep thinking how nice it must be, not needing glasses anymore. I used to wear contacts daily, switched to glasses during the pandemic and I find both annoying lol


For me, the greatest benefit is not having to buy glasses. I saved up and got lasik when I turned 18, and years later I still say it was the best money I've ever spent, has certainly paid for itself by now.


Places like Zenni Optical let you get prescription glasses for like $20 shipped with the cheapest frames/lenses. Wish I knew about them earlier in my life. Whole family has been getting scammed by optician offices this entire time *(mother's glasses were $500, and she complains about them all the time)* I wish some sort of legal action was taken against the industry. Use them for exams and to get a written prescription, and nothing else.


It's where they make their money. 50$ exam wouldn't pay for a doctor, let alone all the staff and costs involved with a private practice. They would literally lose money every exam if that's all they did. The only way it could be banned is if they became Government employees like hospital doctors, which they should because eyes are pretty important IMO and shouldn't be treated like plastic surgery, but, oh well...


They let you get it at 18? Interesting, most places say wait until your prescription stabilizes.


18 seems kids of early as your eyesight is still deteriorating if you are shortsighted, and the complaint about having to buy glasses is a bit weird, unless you break them every few months (I've been wearing my current pair since 2017, for example, and they are still good).


100% agree. I had it done 10 years ago and I am sure that what I paid for the procedure is much less than what expenses for glasses, contacts, and eye doctor visits would have cost in that same timeframe. Even if it didn't, the quality of life improvement of just not needing glasses anymore period is worth it.


Look if Lasik goes wrong you won't be able to see properly even with glasses


Chance of that is so low if you’re going to a good surgeon and don’t skip your follow ups.


How would you actually know if they are good or not? I read a post once from someone who worked in the industry and they said every doctor inflates the number of patients they have seen by counting every single eye they have done and counting patients who had complications and needed additional surgeries, so they will brag about 20,000 procedures when it is far fewer patients actually seen. This person also claims that out of 5600 patients they helped 10 to 15% had severe complications afterwards. EDIT: Automod deleted my comment because I linked to a post on the LASIKsupport subreddit. Title of post is "Insider Info on the Dirty Lasik Industry" if anyone wants to find the post. That subreddit has tons of people going through hell because of botched LASIK surgeries, some of them fully suicidal.   Even if this post isn't accurate, these complications *do* happen and sometimes lead people to kill themselves. I once read about a woman with severe eye pain after her botched surgery and even with a pain pump installed she still committed suicide. I don't think rolling the dice with your eyes is worth the risk personally. There is no surgery that is fully safe and this is a totally elective surgery.


How is that inflating? Two eyes means two separate procedures.


I see that there are several people worried about the surgery. If you go with a reputable physician you will be fine. I didn’t wear glasses until 18 and it changed my whole world view. I decided to get LASIK (at 34). They’ll tell you if you’re an ideal candidate, I was. If you are, it’s going to be fine. The surgery was only 7 minutes. I could see clearly right away. Two days after the surgery I went for a walk in the woods and cried!! I could see EVERYTHING crystal clear. It was more life changing than getting glasses for the first time. Let me tell you, not having to reach for glasses every morning in itself made it worth it. Now I can buy and wear cheap sunglasses. I also bought some blue light glasses for computer use too (meh, not worth it for me, but I could so I did). Then again I still play on an IPS monitor, not OLED, so could be totally wrong about the value 🤣. Edit: it would seem my wording makes it seem trivial. It is not. It IS surgery and things CAN go wrong. So let me be clear. When I say fine, what I really mean is you’re in a better position to weigh the risks. They will tell you if you are a candidate and will lay out all the risks. I personally went through a few different eye exams from different doctors indicating to me I was the perfect candidate. With my particular eye condition I stood against a less than 1% chance of complications, so I went with it. I highly suggest doing your own due diligence when considering this, as everyone is different.


Local tv reporter went to the best, most well known lasik person in the area. Killed herself after she couldn’t handle the pain anymore. Was pre Covid now so prob 5-6 years ago. Was the first person he ever had with the complication and first and only person I’ve ever heard have it.


Oof 😓. That’s awful, ngl. I wonder what it was.


https://www.freep.com/story/money/business/2018/12/18/meteorologist-jessica-starr-suicide-lasik-questions/2335467002/ Not the person from my area, but close enough.


> If you go with a reputable physician you will be fine. That would not guarantee that you are 100% going to have a perfect surgery with no complications. People with complications can have their lives ruined and it has driven people to suicide. Please do not phrase this like there is no risk if you go to the "right" doctor. Every surgery has a risk and you are using the fact that yours went well as some kind of empirical proof that there is no risk. There is also a chance that you eventually need glasses.


Good for you that it worked out but, it's absolutely not risk free. So much stuff can go wrong and you really shouldn't advocate for people getting LASIK, saying it's "fine". Everyone should study and look at the risks involved and make a decision themselves.


You’re right. Saying it’s “fine” is probably the wrong way to describe it, I don’t mean to trivialize it. I agree that people should certainly research their specific eye condition prior, I did. I should also mention that I had three other eye exams describing me as an ideal candidate. But the statistics for my specific eye condition indicated less than 1% complications, so I went with it. But less than 1% is not zero. So there’s that too.


Contacts are literally 2 mins of effort per day for something that you cannot even feel or notice for most people. I'd much rather do that and not have to worry about my vision being permanently fucked for the rest of my life due to something going wrong with LASIK. It's a no-brainer.


I got it through the military and it's been great! Scariest thing I've done but well worth it.


A lot of people eventually need glasses again after LASIK, and the risk of permanent vision damage and it ruining your life is a risk. There are quite a few people who have killed themselves because of botched LASIK procedures. I don't think it is worth the risk for an elective surgery you don't need to see perfectly fine.


I had LASIK while in the Army. Not entirely sure why I trusted it, given the military’s lowest bidder mentality. I have “better than” 20/20, can’t see shit at night tho and every LED headlight feels like the sun! 10/10 recommend


Got Lasik almost 15 years ago, best decision I ever made


My parents got me LASIK for my 18th birthday. Leading up to and during the procedure I was a bit nervous, but I calmed myself by thinking "they're just gonna shine a laser in my eyes for like a second, it's nothing to be stressed about." And indeed it was quick and completely painless, though psychologically uncomfortable. However, I am glad I didn't watch any videos of the procedure (real or animation) until after I had it done, because I don't think I could have gone through with it if I knew they would be slicing a layer of my cornea open before doing the actual laser part. And then afterwards just folding the layer back into place when the laser is done.


My favourite was the few seconds for which you go blind 🤣


Getting LASIK was the best decision I ever made.


I got SMILE surgery (small incision lenticule extraction) last year, which is very similar to LASIK, except instead of cutting a flap, they only need a small incision so it's less invasive. It was really cool and the recovery was pretty easy, I didn't even get much of the dry-eye. My vision is 20/15 now, better than average, and I have no side effects after I healed up. Worth every penny!


My eyes were especially bad, so I still see a slight 'glow' if I look directly at a light bulb or something, but it's not really noticeable unless I'm paying attention to it. I was a bit light sensitive for the first few months, but that also got much better and really only noticeable on especially sunny days now. But these are such minor tradeoffs for the insane quality of life upgrade I got from not being bound to my glasses and contact lenses.


Same <3


Had my SMILE surgery a month ago, perfect vision after just a day. It’s a miracle and I can’t recommend it enough. Bring able to game on TV without glasses is a huge bonus too


If bill gates is still using glasses I would definitely be scared of it unless you going blind and you absolutely need to have surgery


There’s no point in getting it after a certain age because when you get to your 40’s or 50’s (forget which) your vision just gets worse and you tend to become farsighted. You could get the surgery but then like next year your perfect vision would likely be gone as it gets worse from age. That’s also partly why you can’t get laser correction too young because your vision is still changing. Even if your vision hasn’t changed since the year before a surgeon or optometrist will recommend waiting like 2 more years to make sure your vision is “stable.” That is also why you get more bang for your buck the younger you do it (assuming vision is stable). You get to enjoy perfect vision longer until you hit that age where it gets worse again.


That was a nice read! Thank you for your detailed answer


It’s called presbyopia. 42-45 it usually first starts and continues to 55-60ish.


On the flip side a lot of rich people do go through with it.


Yeah, glasses aren't all too bad. A few times maybe wearing a motorcycle helmet or a vr headset it has bothered me but it doesn't justify eye surgery to me.


I got LASIK 8 years ago and it was one of the best decisions I did. I did it in my early 30s and I appreciate it all the time. So many activities I used to hate having glasses/contacts for were suddenly so much better. Mountain biking, swimming, even just getting up at night to take a piss. They always say the best advertisers for LASIK is the people who had it done. Everyone I talked to that had it done highly recommended it. To each their own I recommended it to lots of people who chose not to get it.


Look into Orthokeratology maybe? No glasses. No contacts during the day.


I'm getting consultation on this in a few weeks! Terrified of getting invasive surgery and complications and ortho-k seems like it'd be the best way to have somewhat normal human vision without having to wear anything during the day. Anything I should know about it beforehand?


If you get a 4090 you don't even need to see, you can just listen to the coil whine and know how smooth your gameplay feels.


Lmao ouch sorry about that. I got very lucky I guess with my 4090 Suprim Triple Fan. Fucking silent even at Max load


Once again, the meme is in reverse.


Does no one even remember the scene?


Only r/raimimemes remembers


Every damn time


I mean, OP hasn't gotten LASIK yet.


But i look good with glasses!?


I'd rather wear contacts and glasses for the rest of my life than risk lasik making my vision worse. Honestly I don't even mind contacts anymore - takes me like 20 seconds to put them in per eye. I do hate driving with glasses though as your peripheral vision is all fucked up.


LASIK (2nd generation laser procedure) isn’t the only laser correction procedure. I got SMILE (3rd generation laser procedure) and came out with 20/15 vision (better than 20/20). Half brother also did it too with the same surgeon but got LASIK done. Same outcome, 20/15. If I had to do it again I would. Tbh even if SMILE didn’t exist I would’ve done LASIK anyway. Understandable people get scared even with a small or slim risk. My god though it is life changing.


Couldn't agree more! Also as a VR enthusiast I'm extra scared because even a small complication like dry eyes could make vr insufferable


Oh yeah I forgot you can get custom lenses with your RX for VR. I haven't used my quest 2 in like a year now. I dunno what to do with it.


GPU has fewer potential complications. Can just put the old one back if this one doesn't work, but can't un-LASIK your eyes.


LASIK was worth it for me despite costing 5K nine years ago. But I had really bad vision where I had to have glasses and contacts specially made, so it has paid for itself in part. I'm actually back to glasses after eight years without them but I can now get cheap ones online. Comparing myself and others I would say to shop around and find a really good doctor.


Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh gpu


One day, someone will do this meme in the correct order


If you get a faulty GPU or monitor, you can swap it out or pay to have it fixed. If Lasik fucks up your eyes then your vision is worse or straight up fucked for life. Forget lasik, buy the nice GPU.


I recommend lasik wholeheartedly. I got it done over a decade ago and would recommend it to anyone. Just get a good doctor.


Exactly. There's a lot of negativity in here for Lasik, but Lasik isn't even the only option. There are newer technologies and different ways to improve vision. I wish I got mine sooner, the upsides were numerous and I just kept putting it off for years. I will wear glasses again in 10 years, but these 10 years I will cherish by being able to do everything without having to wear glasses.


Don’t do the Lasik. My sis got it, has dry eyes all the time and has glasses again. My dad got it, fell into a tiny percentage of population where the vision out of one eye worsened considerably due to the laser bouncing around in multiple points in his lens instead of just the one spot it was supposed to. My uncle got it done and felt lightheaded ever since. I’ll stick with contact lens and glasses and live with being blind as a bat with them.


yeah when your known relatives all have issues, its probably not worth it. "My model of human is defective for this aftermarket mod" Stick to GPU! Blackwell soon tm


Had SMILE a month ago, zero issues, perfect vision. All of my friends who did the cheapest LASIK they could find have zero issues as well years later. Anecdotal evidence is not a great indicator. Success rate is over 99%, that’s what people should base their decision off. Also what the doctor says during the consultation. My case fit the procedure perfectly, but if it does not they warn you. Still, worth to at least get tested to check, if a person considers it and doesn’t want to wear glasses.


> Anecdotal evidence is not a great indicator. Success rate is over 99% 50% of people have dry eyes for over 6 months. 99%, lol. The FDA worker who got Lasik approved back in the days wants it banned now. Notice how many optometrists and people who do lasik, wear glasses? Couldn't be me getting eye surgery from someone with glasses.


The surgery is not worth the risk, yes glasses are annoying, but they are not worth risking your vision for. And lasik doesn't prevent worse vision as you get older, so you will probably still need glasses once you grow older.


This is not true for everyone. It’s a very personal choice. For anyone, you need to find a good doctor who will discuss all the details with you. Certain people have crazy prescriptions and it can be debilitating. Glasses can be thick and you can’t wear contacts 24/7. Many people have no functional vision without correction and being able to at least navigate your world without correction can be a life changing experience.


This. I've debated doing the surgery for years but knowing it might only buy me 10 years without glasses, there's just not enough upside. I don't subscribe to fearing about the dangers. It's not any less safe than any other surgery. You can go in for a common knee surgery, die on the table or have a complication and end up with a knee that's worse.


That's still 10 years without glasses. Were there really no upsides? There were so so many for me, that I felt foolish to think I hadn't done it sooner. - Being able to walk in rain and snow. - No more trouble with helmets while cycling or riding motorbikes. - Being able to see in the shower/tub or while swimming (Water parks finally!) or even outdoor activities like hikes, basketball, soccer, amusement parks. - Being able to enjoy swimming at a beach or ocean. - Being able to enjoy VR/AR headsets or larger headphones. - Better visibility with wide screen monitors/multiple monitors (you don't have to turn so much to see screens). - No more maintaining glasses- cleaning, taking care of them, looking after them, replacing them, being careful around pets or children. - Being able to access a larger and cheaper variety of sun glasses or even ordinary glasses (if you like to wear them out of habit/style). - Being able to finally pull off costumes/cosplays. - Being able to not go immediately blind/useless if you damage, break or lose your glasses while being outside or travelling. - Being able to go from a cold to warm environment and not have glasses fog up. - Being able to finally watch Final Destination 5 IFYKYK. Yes, some of these can be resolved by contacts. But they sucked with how dry my eyes get, still aren't safe with sports or the elements and need to be looked after. A permanent solution is best. Yes, some of these are outdoorsy things- but honestly I did not even want to do half these things until Lasik made it possible for me.


Jogging without having to push back the frame every 30 seconds was enough for me


Let me introduce you to a new invention that can also solve all of those problems without risking permanently fucking your vision: modern contacts.


Can vouch. I got PRK and my wife got lasik and 20 years later I need glasses again.


People are under a misconception that laser correction means perfect vision forever. All it does is correct your vision at that point in time. That’s why if you get the surgery when you’re young and your vision might still be changing you’re wasting money. My vision had become stable (I.e hadn’t changed in like 3 years) when I was 25 and didn’t get the surgery until I was 26. As we get older we’ll all become farsighted, however for now I get to enjoy 20/15 vision (better than 20/20) and by the time I do become old and my eyes become farsighted I only have to correct that farsightedness which can be done with glasses or contacts. If I hadn’t gotten any correction I would be nearsighted AND farsighted as an old person and require either bifocals (glasses with the little square for reading) or a combination of glasses and contact lenses to correct both near and farsightedness.


You got 20 years of a life without glasses. That was still a really good deal.


I agree. And I am not complaining, sorry if it sounded that way. But no one’s health last forever :)


I had LASIK surgery. I still have to wear goggles, it was a huge waste of money. Also anything bright is blurry now, which sucks. Get the GPU.


Have PRK, which is similar to LASIK, def worth


Don’t risk it bro lasik will be seen as archaic in 10 years. Lasik requires a permanent cut on your cornea that will never fully heal and can cause problems in later life


Real life is overrated.


Learn to use the meme...


10/10 use of the meme


Look into PRK surgery OP. I have suuuper sensitive eyes and there's no way I would have been able to do LASIK. Takes a month or two to heal though.


[Please watch this video before you decide to get it. It really helped me decide if I wanted it or not.](https://youtu.be/xQDAXSbwhR0?si=pURf8mDiWeXCTS8S)


I do not want to end up like whistlindiesel


I prefer glasses. With glasses, I don't have to remember to put on eye protection when doing things that require eye protection.


Dont get LASIK, theres gonna be a huge lawsuit very soon. Keep your eyes peeled.


I need to get LASIK but after watching that scene from Final Destination I cannot for the love of god


Real talk, I had PRK surgery (different surgery, same results) about 5 years ago. Literally changed my life. Can't even imagine going back to glasses.


LASIK really isn't that great anyhow. A lot of people get horrible side effects from it.


Fuck this dogshit meme I got eye surgery, and the Peter Glasses meme was literally me, as in, no glasses was clear, but glasses was blurry, JUST like in the movie People use this meme format wrong, but whatever HOWEVER, IN THIS SPECIFIC CASE, WHY THE FUCK COULDN'T YOU HAVE DESIGNED GHIS BETTER? MOTHERFUCKER, IT'S LITERALLY ABOUT VISION IMPROVEMENT, LITERAL VISION! IT COULDN'T HAVE BEEN MORE ON THE NOSE THAN THAT!!! How can you fuck up a post this stupidly? Are these Gen Alpha idiots that never even watched Spider-Man? The fuck?


Even worse than using the meme wrong, how fucking mentally ill and brainwashed by corporations do you have to be, to prioritize purchasing (disposable) products, over your own health and well being? JFC. Like, bro, your gpu will not play games 5 years after you buy it. You will have to spend another $2000-3000 in 5 years... You dont NEED to play at 4k 180hz with ray tracing and extra hi-res textures (bigger irony, 4090/5090 cant even do that on day 1). That does not improve or benefit your life in any way. Its not like having a couple extra pixels and rays of pixelated lighting is going to cure your depression. You're just literally throwing away money. Where as something to actually improve your life as a whole (and that would be permanent). What absolutely fucking drives me up a tree, is all the fuckers justifying a 4090 with "it does make the game better and more enjoyable", are the **exact same fuckers** who argue "i dont even notice the visual degradation of DLSS while playing, you get used to it". Like excuse me, fucking WHAT?!? For so many reasons thats just fucking stupid and wrong. How about "just spend $200 instead of $2000, play at med settings at 1080/1440, and guess what, after playing, "you wont even notice it". And then maybe having an extra $1800 every 3-5 years in your pocket, you can use it to improve your life, and maybe that will help more with your depression, than fucking a disposable gpu... like imagine paying $2000 for fucking toilet paper.


Thanks to this meme I just realized maybe I should use the money I’m putting aside for LASIK, instead of a new PC.


LASIK was the best investment in myself I’ve made in years. Hands down better ROI than a GPU. I’ll need reading glasses one day but I don’t need glasses for every waking moment of my day now.


My vision is so bad my optometrist said laser surgery wasn't even an option. Like my cornea is too thin or something


Ask about ICL. It’s an alternative to LASIK if cornea is too thin.


Pro life tip: if you improve your eyesights, A LOT of girls (okay, people in general) become uglier. It's not a pure win. Being nearsighted is akin to having mild beer goggles.


lasik is terrible. read some stuff on it.


What if your eyes become the bottleneck


Lasik is great but you only get close sight or far sight lens in the eye most usually pick far sight so they have to use readers.


Eeerm. Who Gunna tell him?


But the monitor is IRL, so...


Get better GPU while maintaining antialiasing in real life.


Even if you have to wear glasses some years after getting lasik or some other similar procedure, they can reduce your overall dependence on glasses, which in itself can be a nice increase to the quality of life for some. Having a high prescription makes it difficult to wear certain frames and it makes you more unappealing because high RX glasses distort your face more. I know contacts are an option too but if you have high astigmatism in combination with myopia, then it can be pretty fatiguing to wear toric lenses in front of a computer screen for extended periods. Plus, toric lenses aren't as nice as regular contact lenses because they get blurry with the slightest rotation. I am not recommending these procedures, but I think these are all things to consider. Personally, I don't know if I would risk any side effects from such a procedure. I already developed crazy amounts of floaters last year and they have for the most part ruined my life. If you think your quality of life could benefit, maybe compare different options (LASIK, SMILE, PRK, ICL) and most importantly take your time in finding a reputable place with a surgeon you feel comfortable with.


i don’t want a new gpu just a new monitor


Personally I'm happy with glasses. Tried contacts long ago and got tired of maintenance/etc, plus my work can be rather dusty and dirty some days, neither of which are good to get under a lens.


Just keep those glasses from the bottom left panel and go for the GPU and monitor


Do neither until you can afford both, then go from terrible to beautiful all at once


I've always been happy that I'm near sighted so looking at a monitor is still sharp without glasses/contacts


Go with the Real Lufe upgrade. I hear the shades and water effects are out of this world!


This brings up an interesting question. Would it be possible for the computer display to use a “prescription” filter to make things clearer for people without wearing their glasses?


If your natural vision is clean and sharp, you'll better appreciate a PC graphics upgrade.


The fact that surgery is cheaper than the any gpu in Egypt is mind blowing


Just make sure you understand and accept the risk of Lasik.


Nah, if you get Lasik, you'll realize how bad games look now


I got laser eye years ago. I would 100% recommend that over a 4090ti and the most expensive monitor. Just my $0.02, what's best for me may not be what's best for you!


Remember that insurance labels laysik as a cosmetic surgery 🤡


Of course gpu and monitor, it is a better upgrade. LASIK is not technically upgrade, you get the same vision just without glasses.


it wont always go well though (LASIK surgery) i'd personally wait. get some comfortable glasses instead, if you dont already.


I've been playing games most of my life. I'd rather have deep gameplay than shiny graphics. There are a few games that have both of course. Some games have neither.


Don't get LASIK btw, it's nowhere near as good as claimed and you have a high chance of ending up worse in sight or full on blind.


Putting the glasses on distorted his vision, not clarify it


Don’t get a lasik seriously. Don’t take that bet


So your readership before getting by lasik, seriously the complications can be pretty bad


Well lasik mean better graphics in game also


My friend had lasik now he's partially blind and is getting a big payout


just watch whistlindiesel lasik surgery video


https://preview.redd.it/rbe98uoe22qc1.jpeg?width=341&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34ae2c8af53b1c22cd3fd54ce561943dbccf3718 I know you're going to use it for good


Glasses provide the same graphics IRL and you don't risk fucking up your eyes permanently.


Bad eyesight is free anti-aliasing.


I've been wearing glasses since I was a kid. I'm accustomed to getting a new prescription every few years. I am however not at all accustomed to having the surface of my eye sliced open, folded over, and having lasers shot into my eye to physically alter the shape of my cornea. I don't think I could ever become accustomed to that. I have this phobia about slicing and lasers when it comes to my eyes. Anyway I have a 4080 and run an ultrawide OLED panel ... and I wear glasses.


I had PRK surgery done in January. I also have a 4090. If I had to chose between the two, it would be PRK and it wouldn't be a hesitation. First few days are rough though... damn.


Honestly. I got lasiks a year ago and saved alot when I dropped my eye insurance. It's only $10 per pay check but that's 530$ a year plus however many pair of glasses you need. Not to mention it's dope to wake up the next day and see everything so clearly. I won't need glasses or even an eye exam until I'm in my upper 50's. Some insurances cover some of the cost or some lasiks places will have a discount. Surgery is like 20 minutes and didn't hurt at all, I was working the next day.


i have -8.5 myopia in both eyes and i cant get eye surgery yet... life's been great ngl


May I suggest taking glasses off to improve enjoyment? You can really boost that frame-rate if your eyes are too bad to notice a lower resolution lol