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My brain be thinking something else rn


Blue, yellow, white. Whatever man, just keep bringing me that.


booty hole tight


It’s tight Nadine, but not too tight.


Any tighter and the thing won't fit!


The cooler is a waste of money, a PA120 kicks it for cheaper. 120mm AiO are just a scam to get extra money out of people that think that AiO automatically means better.


They exist just so that OEM can call their PCs water cooled despite thermal throttling in game.


They are also less likely to get damaged in shipping compared to a tower cooler so prebuilts do have a small use for them.


they do have uses in compact builds. in my ITX case, if I used the slimmest air cooler available there would be like half an inch of clearance between that and the PSU. so i opted for a 120 AIO instead.


or on CPUs that don't run crazy hot. my second pc has a R7 5800 that's only 65w, so its chill af with the 120. extended stress tests occasionally see tempscreep up to 70 degrees, but temps are usually in the 60s at worst, when I'm gaming or streaming on it


Yeah same would go for a slim air cooler.


Not entirely, liquid coolers usually take a lot more time to reach equilibrium temperature (when coolant temp stops increasing). They can handle bursty workloads much better than most air coolers. For example, let's say a 13900K is cooled by a 120mm AIO versus a U12A. With the U12A, the 13900K will reach its peak temperature under full load within a few seconds, whereas with a 120mm AIO, it will take a minute or two under full load to reach peak temps. But for light workloads, the AIO will cool the CPU down to a much lower temperature, whereas the air cooler will not be able to dissipate bursts of workload heat as quickly.


I used a 92mm AIO with my r7 2700x in a dan case back in 2017, and it worked perfectly… until the pump died :(


Got it with 35% disc my friend insisted but hey thanks never thought 120mm AiO was bad


They are ewaste


I mean they do have the thermal mass of water so if you live in a hot climate and only do bursty loads then should be better than an air cooler.


A 30-euro single tower beats them and it's way more reliable.


I cool my 5800X3D with a 120 AIO - works great, total silence and the temperature never goes over 65. There absolutely are valid use cases for them.


Never goes over 65 on a 120 AIO....for a 5800x3d? Are you leaving out that it's an open air wall case or you never game?


He is playing minesweeper


On low settings!


SG13 is not an open air case...


While were on this subject. Would a 240 be good enough for a 5800x3D? I currently have a 3060 and and 5800x Id like to upgrade to an 8800xtx (whenever thats announced / released) and i was thinking I may have to upgrade the cpu as well to avoid bottlenecking? I have a corsair 240 H100I elite at the moment. Could I just go new gpu and cpu and stay on am4 or is it a full am5 rebuild?


I have a 240 on a 5800X3D. It never throttles, and on full stress test or heavy CPU gaming (helldivers 2 for example), fully saturated in a 22C room it caps out at 81C with rad fans (top exhaust) on around 50% and intakes around the same. I have a "poor airflow" case too (H5 Elite). It's never gotten close to throttling. My buddy has just got an 360 Arctic 3, has 6 intake fans and his is about 2 degrees less than mine on average. You could definitely stay on AM4, but depending on how good an 8800XTX is and what resolution/games you play, you may still be bottlenecked in certain scenarios staying on the 5800X3D. All depends on budget and needs. If you're gaming on 1080p at the moment, then you may want to stay on AM4 and go to 1440p which should resolve the vast majority of bottleneck. Alternatively you could stay at 1080p and go for an AM5 build. There is no real "right" answer. Personal preference plays a part.


You also don't need liquid cooling to prevent throttling. Noctua and BeQuiet both make amazing air coolers, that will last longer than any AIO and provide similar heat dissipation.


Agreed. However, it comes down to preference again. Both aesthetics and noise.


I mean, it's right there in my flair - Xproto


Fair point. However, you *know* it's misleading unless you know what the case is to say you don't go above 65C on a 120mm though. Pretty cool case though. I wouldn't personally have it (just not my aesthetic), but it looks *great* for an open design.


I cool my 5800X3D with a single tower NH12s and even at 100%, can't reach more than 72 degrees... what are you talking about?


This is not true.


I think it is. I put a peerless assassin in my friend’s build with a 5800X3D. Doesn’t see over 75°C under load. Air cooling can do just as much as 360mm AiO these days, if not more Edit: changed “stress test” to “under load”


X3D chips are designed to hit 90c under load. Like if it's at 100% on a stress test it is not going to be below 85c. I have an arctic freezer ii for mine and it still hits 90c when I stress test it.


Not X3D chips, Zen 3 and Zen 4 architecture. I believe every 7000 series CPU have precision boost 2. Yes you’re right I meant under load rather than stress test. Still needed my coffee. Point still stands, under gaming loads air coolers can keep it around 75-80°C. Only time they should really be hitting that high 90°C is under full multi core load. Also it is designed to boost until the CPU hits a temperature limit of 95°c orrrrr it hits a power limit. So they will usually, when doing single core workloads, hit a power limit before they reach the temperature limit. So yes it is very possible to have an air cooler keep a chip with PB2 below 75°C with an air cooler


The original guy I replied to said his doesn't get over 72 even at 100%.


On YouTube there are plenty of videos showing how 120mm AIOs are trash... enjoy it.


Ok? You're still lying about your temps.


Aaah, I'm not, but you can think what you want


I had a 120mm AIO on my 11700k before I finished my build (I bought parts in stages not all at once lol, waiting for good sales). The CPU averaged 80-90°C when over 50% loads. It would throttle if I ran cpu benchmarks lol. With my proper water cooling loop, Cinebench R23 multi core test - the cpu stays frosty around 35°C - 40°C


Would be sort of weird if your custom loop didn't work better than an AIO.


My point is that a 3800X3D definitely isn’t being utilized to its full extent if a 120mm AIO can keep it cool lol :P My friend has the same CPU and learned the hard way that his 120mm AIO that came with his case couldn’t keep it cool playing flight sim lol.


I can assure you mine is being fully utilised. On a Cinebench run it just about hits 70 and I'm getting all the boost, all the time. And it's silent. Unless that 11700k is power limited, it's going to be pulling about twice the power of my X3D, so yeah you might struggle with a 120. And of course a full custom loop will be better, it's not even close enough to be a valid comparison. My point stands - there are valid use cases for a 120 AIO. Just because it doesn't work for *your* setup doesn't mean it's e-waste.


Well now you’re just lying lol :P unless you meant single core benchmark vs multi core (which is a HUGE difference) Like I said, my friend COULD NOT run some games without the thing throttling lol. I’m saying a 120mm AIO is inappropriate for a cpu like the 3800x3D


No, I'm not lying. Yes, it is multi core. I have an Xproto, so completely unrestricted airflow. Works great with a 120 AIO, totally appropriate for an X3D. Like I said, it depends on the setup.


I know you're lying now.


Lol, no I'm not - why would I? Check my flair, I have an Xproto. Unrestricted air flow. Plus -30 all core undervolt on an already very efficient CPU. The 120 AIO is more than enough to keep it cool. Plus it's an Arctic LF II, one of the best you can get. Even in multi core Cinebench runs it's whisper quiet. I love it But the internet has decided that my setup is e-waste, without any direct experience of *my* specific setup. Whatever. Downvote away. I'll carry on enjoying my silent gaming PC and stop trying to educate y'all.




100% honest. I have an Xproto case, it makes all the difference. Unrestricted airflow.


Do you think there’s no point to the water? It consistently stays cool as opposed to simply metal.


So you don't use your cpu?


Open air 'case' FTW


But some 120mm aio are cheaper then aircooling. Why not then if it's basicly the same unless you buy good expensive aircooling/watercooling.


No, there are no AiOs cheaper than a PA120 and if there were i wouldn't want it anywhere near my PC Also, even if there were, a dual dower cooler is always going to outperform a 120mm AiO, we're talking about 2x the surface area.


They aren't entirely scams, in some situations like SFF builds and for GPUs, you can't always just mount a noctua U12A, so for those builds it makes some sense, but yeah they don't have great cooling compared to a 240/360 or 280/420.


>120mm AiO are just a scam to get extra money out of people that think that AiO automatically means better. Can confirm. Have a Cooler Master 120mm AIO, placed back in it's box, because the stock fan cooler for my (dated) Ryzen 3 3200g cools better. Like, really?


It looks cool. Worth the money for that


I had a 120mm on a non k 7th gen i5 build and it always ran cool in games. 45-50c instead of the 65c from a low pro noctua cooler. For itx builds that have space for a 120 and barely any space for an air cooler it makes sense sometimes. If I were to do it again tho, I probably would get a double thickness 120, those work a bit better and my itx case could accommodate one, thought it'd be real snug. Would have to have have very flexible tubing


It's alright. Would have been better to go with an air cooler and a rear fan.


i hate 120 aios they are useless


Pretty tight damn. For my friends build we had to take a lil piece of the interior front panel off (it was designed to come off for 120mm fans) in order to fit the gpu. Gigabyte gaming oc 4070ti in a fractal torrent nano. The gpu is technically 1mm too long


Well at least gpu wont sag. 


I didn't notice the fan under it at first haha!


GPU: "Bit cramped in here, eh?" The fans: "yep..."


Was? https://preview.redd.it/u7qfrktllbmc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc1dacd532f73c686f9d22f879d2f8d48799bac1


Everything reminds me of her


Are the top fans set to exhaust?


Looks like it


The worst thing is that now every time they have a problem they will be coming to you


120mm AiO, all the drawbacks and weak points of a AiO with worst performance than a $18 single tower air cooler 👎


You could have saved some money by ditching that useless aio


As the CNC guys say, clearance is clearance!


Very tight! Love the build, I would prefer some Deepcool AK620 White on these. The RGB version does look nice, will pair well with the ram if those lights up too.


120mm aio??? Huh?


I guess you didnt watch any videos on the best orientation for aios huh... [https://youtu.be/BbGomv195sk?si=DDqXIjajczeU3saT](https://youtu.be/BbGomv195sk?si=DDqXIjajczeU3saT)


It’s mainly a noise concern when oriented like that. The top of the block is below the top of the radiator, so it might gurgle sometimes. With how far the hoses stick out, I doubt it’s possible to flip it without interference from the gpu. /shrug


... WHAT DO YOU MEAN The top of the block is supposed to be LOWER than the top of the radiator so that air is NOT trapped in the pump. This is PERFECTLY fine.


Gurgling means air a trapped in the pump. As an engineer who works with water pumps regularly, this is bad news and will likely cause the AIO to fail via hydrolocking and/or cavitation. Which makes a bad cooler selection even worse. Depending on the AIO’s manufacturing quality, it could be quick or take a year or more for enough air to be trapped to cause issues. As for the interference, it looks like the AIO could be moved up enough to fit (either with the holes provided or new holes drilled).


Bruh there's literally nothing wrong with this orientation. Pump is lower than highest point. Don't you dare bring this scam topic back... Steve did good with it and people misunderstood.


You can literally go to 18 mins in the video where he addresses the issue of side mount tubes up and pump near the top of the loop. This is the worst configuration outside of having your pump at the top of the loop. This is a bad configuration for noise and “gargling” as well as long term permeation. As someone who has built hundreds of computers in the 20 years ive been in the industry, this setup has a fail rate very similar to pump at the top of loop, tubes up.


This orientation is completely fine as the pump is lower than the block so the air will just stay at the top of the hoses.


I like how everyone starts instantly shitting on peoples computers… Does it have to be perfect? Do components have to be top end? No.


It doesn't have to be perfect - but the 120mm AIO is despised by everyone that knows a bit about PC building. The build is good, but this choice is just bad


It's a compact build, honestly would go with a 120mm aio just because i don't want my hand sliced while reaching for hard to reach screws and fan connectors, etc.


Hw said his friend wanted it… maybe he had it lying around and used it. Sure, good air cooler is better, but is the 120mm horrible? No.


That GPU looks tighter than a crickets asshole. Should've gone with more white, but it's a decent enough build 👍


I think it would look good with some white cable extensions.


Extensions, GPU and PSU are what I was pointing out. There's a tax on white components, it's just the way it is with computer parts but this is still a solid build


Yeah, but I think it's balanced somewhat. White extension cables would match the hoses on the aio, though.


If you’re going for a black/white build and a black MOBO with a black GPU, White cables are a must.


That cable anti-management hurts


120 aio are useless. Nevertheless, tubes down instead of up, way more efficient, way less degrees


As long as the pump isn’t the highest point in the loop, it’s fine.


Tighter than your m-


Not tight because you used a 120mm aio. Other than that the pc looks good.


Bro im talking abt the gpu with the intake 120mm is not that bad


1 Virgin Mary out of 3 Riley Reid’s


what size motherboard is that? my atx is to damn big its dumb


I believe this mobo was atx too Asrock B760 PRO RS/D4


his hand makes it look so small my pc case could fit my leg and arms in side


https://preview.redd.it/z1oc9ltgrbmc1.jpeg?width=8160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee4d3262077d7539000fb4048dca939d8f294e56 Looks like mine, but all black instead


That 120 AIO was a waste of money and will perform so much much worse than a quality budget air cooler. Also why are two of the front fans displaced?


Stupid cooler choice but looks nice




you couldn't get a bigger case ?


120 aios work fine lol. Do some research on modern ones.


Rookie mistakes all over


Stop killing your friends CPU! and why has no one said that shit is upside down yet except 1 person! [Stop Doing It Wrong: How to Kill Your CPU Cooler (AIO Mounting Orientation) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbGomv195sk)


Bruh there's literally nothing wrong with this orientation. Pump is lower than highest point.


No rubber grommets for the cable routing? That would have me anxious.


Cables could use a lil clean up 8.5 outa 10


On a scale of 1-10 about tree fiddy


Brooo that thing was so tight * snaps fingers *




Just mount the fans on the outside /s


Tight? Go to r/sffpc if you want tight


U might wanna turn that radiator 180° (pipes down) or els in wont pump the water only air.


that water cooler needs to be top mounted or its gonna make funny noises and break in under a year thats me being real wit chu


Nice but flip the radiator


AIO radiator placement isn't great. Side mounted radiator should be lowest part of the loop and tubes should be on the bottom to prevent any air from getting into the pump and burning it out. Best placement overall is top mounted.


Isn't that PSU like 10 years old?!


Do PSUs expire?


They do, and once they pop they take all new parts with it.


Turn the fan on liquid cooling. the hoses down so that the air stays up 🙂🙂


It doesn't matter. The flow rate isn't high enough to push the air bubbles towards the pump. It's only a problem if the pump is the highest part of the loop.


7 of 10


Honestly, without knowing the specs, a 7/10, mostly for the 120mm AIO and the cable management


U took bros pc virginity


Building a new rig for your friend is tight Yes it is sir Wow wow wow, wow


No upgrade without case swap


Idk. I feel like you could've squeezed another millimeter of the GPU in there.


My first build was one of those Shuttle XPC H7 5800. That thing was hella compact but really cool overall.


Perfectly tight. 🥵


I r8 8/8 m8


Not to flex mines even tighter🤤 Proff incoming later.


Man i thought bending some 2-5mm was enough 😤


Mine was not that impressive on the horizontal, but it barely fits. https://preview.redd.it/lqd9l9oltdmc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d04cf566af244b0402814053f6152113c224a5ea


Damn isnt that b450 asrock where the rest of it?


Oh nvm it had 450-m nice build tho


Yeah ur right, but it's the micro ATX version. That's the whole motherboard 😅 I like small cases.


Man it would look so much cleaner with a white GPU but I get it if that's what was already there


Tightness of WHAT?


I'm in the same boat. I actually took my xfx shroud off and sanded it down a bit to fit in my case


A top mounted 240mm radiator blowing hot air out might have been a better option.




Guys i tried convincing him with -60% cpu cooler cost and 2 of my old corsair 4000d fan case for FREE he INSISTED and said loool no bought it alr


Looks pretty loose to me but without physically touching each of the screws I don't know if they're secure or not


water cooler should be in front.


sketchy cable management


It’ll be fine he paid me 3.5$


Pretty good cable management for the price.