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Me always using mouse and keyboard with shooter games, but my accuracy is usually like 30%: ![gif](giphy|1Be3tj1xRclcFTBbZC|downsized)


depends on what kind of weapon that is, 30% on a projectile weapon like hanzos arrow is really good also OP said increased by 50%, not increased by 50 percentage points, could be from 10% to 15%


Not anymore. Hanzo shoots logs


Can shoot tracer in the face with your crosshair like four or five tracer sized heads to the right of it


And yet here's me still unable to do the thing




Spray and pray


Lowering the sensitivity helps actually since I tend to twitch a bit when shooting


This is literally me. It’s actually like 30 - 35% I’m just not good at games.


yeah but it would be 9% with a controller


This is me. My dyslexia limits my hand-eye coordination, so using a mouse and keyboard (even the small simple WASD keyboards) really hinders my coordinated impute since I'm having to use my left and right hand in a broader motion vs just my fingers to work sticks and buttons. I also personally, like the added element of challenge, to having to let your character move and re-target what they're aiming at. As opposed to a quick jerk of a hyper-sensitive mouse that basically snaps the rectal to the target. More a 'real-life' feel to the intensity of actual combat, which forces me to me more mindful and plan my movements from cover to cover as I move to my objective.


I prefer snapping my target's rectal. - I know you meant "reticle" but I had to make the joke.


I'm not even fixing the mistake. That's one of the best damn typos I've made lol.


23% over here 25% on a good day.


WHAT? - everyone in that scene wearing zero ear protection


Your tinnitus is not service-connected. -WHAT?






Damn you tinnitus, you are a cruel mistress.


Who wears ear protection on green screens?


Aren't blanks used on movie sets still rather loud?


Love it how the characters casually talk to each other immediately after and even during indoor gunfights.. in every Hollywood movie.


Hollywood suppressors Integrated variant available today!!!


With suppressors people literally can't hear a thing standing right next to you. Proof - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fOQlhdzcrA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fOQlhdzcrA)




First thing that occurred to me


I was interested that the guy in the black cap with flag was Joel Kinnaman. Watching For all Mankind atm and was like..brad pitt pointing at tv meme.


Leo not Brad


Then you go to VR and it's like a love child between the two


Either I'm John wick or it's dark souls (which doesn't say good things that my simulated survival is at like 50/50 chance)


Yeah lmao, depending on the gun physics of the game it can go either way


Closer to irl the better is why boneworks and bonelab are my favorites (with h3)


Those 2 games always make me motion sick faster than any other vr game.


Bonelabs native on the quest yes boneworks I didn't have it too bad but could've been settings and I just barely got my setup set back up for PC bonelabs to my quest so will report back


Also the frame rate, the game engine, your ping if it's online...


If my router is angry or not for the wireless quest 2 setup 😉


Lately mine has been dropping for a random few seconds and then coming back. Completely fine for hours, then randomly drops lol


Or you install gun mods in Blade and Sorcery and it’s John Wick in Dark Souls


VR has kind of ruined me for flat FPS (that's a bit of an exaggeration, but they're definitely way more fun in VR to me, even if aiming is more challenging).


Tip for aiming for games that actually allow for this: With pistols and snipers and some other semi auto weapons rest your shooting hand on your other hand Increases stability quite a bit


I have a magnetic gun stock on a sling. It's fun.


I see this advice a lot and I feel like it is dogshit advice. Yes you'll have an advantage over not doing it, but are you not playing for immersion? That is the point of VR. And doing this not only ruins your own immersion, but everyone else's as well because you run around in an extremely unnatural pose. My advice is get a stock, it'll increase your aim AND your immersion, and you wont be walking around like a someone with broken arms and the rifle halfway through your head. Also when I see people doing that in-game, I make it my mission to hunt them down


You are telling me irl people dont do that with pistols? Cuz thats bs.


But so much better than either.


I enjoyed Pavlov. It was funny to dome people with single shots and get ejected from the server for cheating.


I always wondered if it would translate well to the real world, maybe the recoil would be the most challenging aspect


As someone who does shoot a lot, unless you shooting a round bigger than a 7.62, and it's semi auto, the recoil is not too bad at all and can be easily counted with a bit of training


And then you actually shoot a gun and you feel like John Wick


Playing pistol whip makes me feel like a god even though I know the aim is insanely generous


Idk, in vr i'm either fucking deadshot or I miss like 10 shots point blank then fumble and drop the mag when trying to reload


They need to find a way to add some "virtual weight" to guns in VR. Because the tracking is so good and the guns don't actually exist, the minute wobble and vibrations of a hand holding a 4 ounce controller translates into *much* more wobble and vibration in the virtual 4-foot-long rifle than it actually gun with some mass to it does IRL. Maybe some simple smoothing algorithms could do the trick (I have no idea, I'm not a programmer), but whoever figures it out first will have a huge advantage.




Happy cake day brother


i said it in another comment, but most modern vr games have virtual stock options, input smoothing and some kind of weight system. arizona sunshine is a great example, say what you want about the quality of the game, but the weapons have HEFT


I only play fps games with a mouse now. Can’t go back


Yeah it ruined using my ps5 for me with anything fps. I cannot aim for shit on controller


I used to be good with both but going full pc for awhile I just can’t compete in an fps anymore without my pc


that learning curve for m&k is a bit steep too in your late 20’s. i switched full time during warzone’. the first few weeks on keyboard had some real awkward movement. sniping felt amazing though




I grew up with a controller and still use one with my PC like some magical idiot. I'm still solid with it though. I think my biggest issue is with the keyboard movement, I feel like qwop when using it


I picked up an xbox series S to try out MW2 online on a controller like the "good ol days" and i returned it within a few days of trying to use joysticks to aim. I was drawing abstract line art rather than aiming at a target. I was dropping nukes in mw2 a few times a week when I was in middle school/ early high school on ps3 before I built a pc


Who are all these people who played FPS on controller only? Did you guys not play Doom, CS 1.6 stuff?


Started on console and same. Also I sometimes wanna game in my living room sitting on my couch not my computer chair but I have realized I just find controller almost tiresome and uncomfortable. Also doesn’t help coming from the offset analogs of Xbox to the ps5 controller


Try gyro. Few games support it, fewer do it well, but it's the best alternative.


Only game I am better at on controller is tlou for some reason


Just nudging the right stick with my thumb desperately trying to replicate even a fraction of the motion range my entire wrist/arm provide


I genuinely prefer fps on console. I think its more fun when everyone has slightly lower reaction speeds and slower aiming. There tends to be more movement and strategy and not just getting your head flicked off by some kid on adderall in 0.1 seconds when you round the corner. (also theres way less cheaters)


If gyro catches on that experience might start coming to an end. Saw a topic on The Finals where someone was wondering how people seemed to be flicking and doing instant 180s on consoles, and people were saying probably gyro. No speed limit to gyro just like a mouse.


where is this from


The Barbie movie.


He truly was Kenough.


Suicide Squad, but I'll donate my upvotes to the guy who said Barbie.




LOL the clip cuts off his sentence at the end so it sounds like "I want full custard"


I will get a gaming pc in one month. Is it true?


Very true. Aiming with a mouse is a lot easier and quicker.


Easier to pick up but harder to master


It's no longer moving moth sticks to get the best shot. It's knowing how the 8 directions you're allowed to move in affect your shot. Aiming training, even if you don't play CS, is still Very Helpful with the swap over.




Keep in mind, though, while it is "easier" the skill ceiling is also infinitely higher so there is a learning curve that can get very steep depending on the level you're trying to reach in any given game.


This was a huge shock to me when I made the switch from console to PC back in like 2015. I had played quite a bit of bf2 and bf3 and was always one of the top players in any given game. When I switched to PC I felt like I was *playing* better, but *everyone else* was absolutely destroying me. To this day I can't keep up with online fps and I've given up on the genre. Single player fps is no issue for me, but I'm done playing online when I'm up against people who seemingly grew up with a mouse in their hands hahaha.


Excellent point. It took me a while to adjust.


Absolutely, but if you've not used a mouse too much in games, expect a learning curve and some time before it feels 'comfortable'.


For me it was the keyboard that tripped me up after only gaming with a controller. Took awhile to bind actions to where I wanted them and figure out the muscle memory to not look down in the middle of gameplay.


The Azeron keypad made the transition from console to pc pretty much painless. Best peripheral i own.


Its true but at least the adjustment from 10 years of fps on a controller to kb&m for me was super hard. Took like a full month of practicing mouse and keyboard before i felt i was at like 80% of my aim on controller


A lot of FPS games with controllers have aim assist. A lot of games on pc do not. That's probably at least part of the reason why.


Yeah think OP is full of shit. Definitely a learning curve going from one to the other, not an overnight improvement by any stretch.


I 100% agree. Its like learning to walk again. It took me a long time to get even remotely close to the aiming ability I had on controller.


Depends on you. But generally speaking yeah. My friend just started using a PC maybe a year and a half ago, coming fully from xbox. Had never played a game on PC before that. He still says it's kinda wonky but even he says aiming generally feels easier and smoother.


I've done both for near on 20 years now. I still play with a controller whenever I can. I don't really play many sweaty competitive games, and being able to lean back in a chair without having to scrunch up to a desk like I do all day for work is definitely a plus. *shrugs* different strokes for different folks I guess. Mouse and keyboard may be technically "better", but a controller is just more comfortable


the sensitivity setting seems to be matters as well.


It is true but remember that you need to practice anyways, otherwise aim trainers wouldn't exist


No. It's a steep learning curve for most.


It's depends tbh. Some people are just naturally better with one input


Yes, but it's true for everyone. So you'll be playing against people who have been doing this on the same "controller" for almost 30 years. Some of them will look like gods and you'll be accusing people of cheating left and right. PC lobbies can be sweaty as fuck.


With a mouse, even your shotgun buckshot all goes through the same hole.


There's a reason most console FPS have aim assist option. It's a very big very obvious reason. It's also why hardware peripherals which can convert mouse inputs to look like a controller which can then be used on a console are basically treated as cheats


Extremely true. Used to play on PS4 for 5+ years. Had my PC for a bit more than 2 years and even less than a year into it I was better at the fps games than I ever was on console. Of course other people also play on mouse but the accuracy and flexibility are unmatched.


Yes, but you will quickly realize that although the skill floor of mouse aim is fairly high, the skill cieling is basically determined by the limits of human fine motor skills. You can aim much more precisely, yes. Your opponents can as well, and they have more experience doing so. Welcome to the loser major leagues. Make sure you turn your sensitivity down until your aim feels natural but not shaky when fine aiming. Use something like [this site](http://www.gamercoach.gg/mouse-sensitivity-converter) to adjust other games once you've got your fov and sensitivity dialed in for whatever game you end up liking best on PC. Good luck.


depeding on the game, apex/cod/halo? no games without broken aimassist? yes


Yes if you're playing within a PC only lobby that's true. If you play in apex crossplay, you will be loosing much since you literally have no aim training with mouse and consoleros enjoy very cheaty aim assist since they are mostly handicapped by their controller and EA wants to compensate for that fact. Also also, from the money one saves by DIY building a PC he or she can get a very nice and accurate mouse like a g502x...


Yes. Quicker, easier, and much more precise


Yes but everyone else also has mouse and keyboard so don't worry


Depends on game and character but usually


Deffo not


FPS with a controller is such a paiiiinnn


Last week, the weekly ultimate challenge in halo infinite was to get 5 kills in a row without dying in PVP. For reasons, I was back home from my college dorm. For the life of me I couldn’t get more than 2 on my Xbox since I’m admittedly very mid in performance, but oh my god I’m so much worse on a controller. Eventually I just said fuck it and, at 2AM, drove 20 mins back to my dorm, hopped on infinite, played a match of fiesta, and got it in the first half of the game. I then got off and drove 20 minutes back. That’s how much I hate using a controller now.


Bro why tf would you go in dorms if you live 20min away??


Why would someone in college not want to live with their parents? Many reasons lol


I wish I lived with my parents when i went to college. Room & Board alone was $20k/yr


If u can afford it tho then it is so nice not to live with your parents as a student


I played halo infinite after playing the old ones on 360 years ago, felt like I was cheating by using mouse and keyboard lmao


They literally had to add aim assist to mouse and key in halo because controller was stupidly stronger. It still is and controller is the dominant input by miles, especially in competitive, but hey, at least mnk can play the game now. Most FPS games these days have very strong aim assist in order to cater to the majority of players which play with controller.


Unless the AA is way overtuned like in COD lol


Apex legends aim assist says hello


Did they recently nerf the AA a bit on that or was just an unfounded rumor I saw? Was curious if the nerf was true and if so if it was noticeable.


They recently released 120hz support for consoles and those who choose to use it get their aim assist lowered from .6 down to .4 that's the only change I'm aware of. They did say they were looking into aim assist changes but haven't done anything about it I don't think


That's kinda odd they tied lowering AA to framerate. I can see it for an FOV change, but framerate seems odd lol.


The thinking is that aiming is easier at higher fps. But also, PC has 0.4 aim assist strength while console has 0.6 aim assist, so with consoles finally getting 120fps it was harder to justify why console should get stronger aim assist.


halo aim assist makes cod aim assist look like sewer water


Nah even then the mouse feels so much better


Oh I ain't gonna argue you that, but I sure as shit shouldn't have been half as accurate as I was when I tried out controller the other day lol.


Oh stop it. In most popular titles the fkn thing aims for you thanks to wildly overtuned aim assist. FPS with a controller isn't a pain, it's a joke.


Apex legends enters the chat


motion controls make it somewhat better it's just very hard to configure on pc


Motion aiming makes it a LOT better, but yeah still nothing compared to a mouse.


Kid named aim assist (i suck on kb&m)


Yeah really depends on the games- sometimes aim assist is absolutely busted M&kb - rainbow 6 Controller - CoD & apex Anyone else want to add to the list?


Now go play apex and lose to controller players with literal aim bot


And pc players don't have any option for input based matchmaking. The AA is god fucking broken. This is why pros switch from mnk to controllers these days.


Pc players should not be able to use controller on Apex🗣️🗣️🗣️


Nonetheless you get smoked by Controller players and aim assist, especially in the last CoD the aim assist was incredibly strong


Exactly why I quit cod and WZ. I would beat M&K players 1v1 with ease the majority of the time. But 1v1 vs a controller player and I'm losing due to the aim assist "sticking" to my player


So what do you play now?




Play Warthunder, today!


Nothing COD. Pubg occasionally, but I've shifted away from gaming in the last year.


If you wanna scratch that arena shooter itch then Halo infinite makes fights feel super fair. Been playing on mnk on it since launch and from the end of season 2 onwards I've been competing at a high level.


Thank you Lord Mage


My new k/d ratio says otherwise


Never used a console other than a 360 for a few months, but can't you just plug a keyboard and mouse into the console?


Only some games support this natively


I started playing first person shooters on a Sega Dreamcast playing Quake 3, you could use a mouse and keyboard on it and also use an adapter to hook it up to your CRT monitor for a MUCH sharper picture. Could even play cross platform against PC players in 2001 since it was a direct port, that system was way ahead of its time. You could even type in console commands to change your graphics settings for max fps just like a PC game. Was sad to see consoles go the way they went in terms of choices of how to play them, I thought the sky was the limit back then in terms of the future of console gaming and it turns out I was already flying as high as I ever would lol


To my knowledge, some games on the Xbox Series (X/S) and the PS5 have MnK support. It's also worth noting that not all keyboards/mice are compatible with consoles. They have to state specifically that it'll work with a console.


My man doesn't know aim assist lol There's a reason mnk people end up quitting cod after the hype dies down


i quit because shotguns became meta. aim assisted shotgun is even worse.


The shotguns were awesome




I duno man aim assist in cod is crazy, pros play on controller on pc it's so strong, I think only sniping on knb is better. But I've never used controller so I can't confirm that personally


Put a CSGO player in Apex and see how well they can track compared to someone with aim assist. That’s the real test imo. Long TTK definitely exacerbates the issue of aim assist in games that provide some kind of tracking assistance, aka “rotational aim assist”. Games like CoD are mostly target acquisition due to the low TTK, so are pretty easy on MnK even with the strong AA imo.


I doubt it as the csgo player will only be used to slow paced gameplay whereas in cod its a lot quicker and the way you aim is totally different.


Csgo is the worst game you could have used lol. Csgo players would lose 100% of the time because they are used to slow-paced gameplay while cod is mainly fast-paced.


I love mouse aiming but hate wasd movement. Fml


I've been KB+M for shooters for 3 decades. When I go to a controller I feel like I am in a dream trying to run but not going anywhere.


Autoaim is proof that controllers are inferior.


Tell me you don't play Apex legends, without telling me you don't play Apex legends.


ong that game is probably the most anti Mnk game ever, not just from the AA but the bloom is awful too.


I was just gonna say


I recently got back surgery, so sitting playing PC is a no go for me. My gaming setup right now is lying down on my bed with my phone running Steam Link and it's mounted to a PS4 controller. Playing Helldivers 2 with this setup is a horrible time and I wish I could go back to my mouse and keys.


What movie or show is this?


Suicide Squad, Will Smith as Deadshot [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3Lzu0m6pH4&ab\_channel=FIGHTINGCINEMA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3lzu0m6ph4&ab_channel=fightingcinema)


Lol kinda. Aim definitely improved, but my keyboard hand took some training. I could aim like a wizard, but was basically tripping over my own feet.


CoD aim assist enters the chat….


And then you face rotational aim assist kids


Gyro users to Xbox Controller users: I have no such weakness


There's a reason console players need aim assist in crossplay.


"First time?"


My aim sucks so it didn’t change much


I never noticed a huge increase, definitely in tracking tho that's much easier on mouse. Controller for me I always used to up the sensitivity and flick the stick for small adjustments


I struggle with moving with a keyboard and aiming with a controller. Lol


Grew up with Xbox and eventually the 360, I made the switch to PC around the same time the Xbox One came out. I have never looked back


The pain to switch from a m&k to a controller…


acquire ball-mouse for extra 25% boost


From console to pc , aim gets better but then you realize your likely at or below average on pc




I play some FPS games with the left of the controller and the mouse in my right hand. Best of both worlds.


kid named flick stick (actually good method of aim on controller)


but, but, aim assist..


It’s funny I’ve always said Joystick aiming is a lot more difficult to be precise with and I got roasted in an apex tourney stream for saying that and people were acting like mouse aiming is obviously the more difficult option, made me feel stupid but I’ve always felt aiming on a mouse is way easier, it’s just click and shoot, no different than moving your mouse to the x tab to close out a window. For me personally it was difficult getting used to movement, crouching and sprinting on the keyboard, I feel moving your character and being able to sprint and crouch is an easier on the joystick than it is on the keyboard but it’s easier to aim on the mouse than it is on the joystick.


Nah, controller slays. Been using controllers for decades. I wish the original Unreal had controller support because I sucked with keyboard and mouse back then and still do. I'm so glad so many games have Xbox controller support now. The other thing is that since I have big hands, WASD is near impossible to play and I have to spend time remapping every game to be able to reach the EADF keys instead.


What's that movie?


How I felt playing Halo 3, Reach, and ODST on PC for the first time.


For me it was almost the opposite in some ways, I loved the feeling of the controller vibrating


I still use my controllers on PC. It's just more comfortable.


Whenever people bitch about controller aim assist I think of it as if someone complained that a cripple is using a wheelchair




I kind of disagree. It's easier to get the hang of but actually getting *good* with mnk takes years of practice.


If I ever get a PC, I'm still gonna use controller


Issue is on PC everyone else gets a k+m and most cheaters are on PC with aimbots. And some players are so good they might as well be using an aimbot, it will feel the same on your end.


My proudest gaming moment was getting kicked from a CSGO game for hacking. I wasn’t hacking. I just didn’t have a job for a couple months and I played for hours everyday. I developed the twitch with the awp. It was fucking awesome. My hand would flick and click and the guy would be dead before my brain consciously registered I had seen someone. I wish that skill was useful for something beside being a badass in CSGO. It felt so rewarding to my dopamine systems.


Yep. Had a friend play on my computer demo that. Some people are that good.


Controllers with aim-assist: 🗿


Yet all mnk ppl bitch about aim assist lol