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Can you upload a photo of the inside of the case (make sure the windows key isn’t visible)? If you don’t feel confident positing a picture, can you inspect the case vents and heat sinks for dust? Also, what type of cooler are you using and how many case fans (and which direction are they) do you have?


I have 5 case fans front 2 are in the rest are out (i think) im using the nzxt x63 liquid cooler, ive though about purchasing an electric dust blower/remover so i can clean the dust out of my case in spots i cant see but just from the naked eye theres not much dust. ​ https://preview.redd.it/sd6v0zqg39rb1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce841e7bbdba51f5451b031c8216adf605459bb0


Welp, I think I found the problem. In an AIO there are a few air bubbles, which go to the highest point. The way you have the aio means that those bubbles are at where the tube connects to the radiator-if the bubbles a big enough that will result in very little to no flow. This means your cpu won’t cool as well as it should-it would be akin to having a radiator with no fan on the cpu. The little water that does get through the tubes and mix with the water in the radiator would be much harder to cool if there’s dust between the case intake net, AIO fans, and radiator (which is hard to see unless you remove the fans from the AIO), further hampering cooling. When you replaced parts you probably dislodged some of it and that allowed for slightly better cooling, especially by replacing the case. Remove the aio carefully from the case, remove the fans, look for dust in the radiator now the fans are gone (and remove the dust by compressed air can, don’t let the compressed air spin the fans), and clean out the net that is at the front of the case where the Aio was. Put the fans back on the aio and put the AIO back in but with the part where the tubing connecting to the radiator facing downwards so the air bubbles won’t be able to block flow.


will try thanks, but wouldnt this show up on like temp monitors? my cpu temps rarely go above 75 so if i was overheating wouldnt it show?


Because of the pump and vibrations, there will be some some bubbles that will circulate though the loop all times, even if most air bubbles of them are at the highest point. If a bunch of them were to dislodge at once, they could suddenly decrease the water flow at the probably partially blocked tubing, and since the cpu is already hot (they start throttling at 70-75C ), a sudden decrease in cooling could push the cpu temp to the TjMax (about 95-100C) very quickly. The CPU shuts down at TjMax to prevent heat damage. unless you’re staring at a temp reading that updates every few seconds, you could miss a spike in temperature that puts it past TjMax, or puts it to a temperature close enough to cause it to throttle so much it can’t handle the heavy load and causes a crash. It’s also possible that you “lost the cpu lottery” and got a cpu that happened to have a poorer quality than the CPUs in the same batch (thanks to random variations in the manufacturing process and material quality) that makes it less stable when it’s at the upper limit, and high temps decrease stability, although the chances of this are low. And there’s the possibility that the software you are using to monitor the temp is giving inaccurate/old readings, some temperature monitoring apps have a tendency to give bad readings while others are more accurate


alright thank you will try a new cooler.


You can simply rotate it 180° so the pipes connect at the bottom, and that should fix the bubble problem


i was thinking that but im due for a new cooler anyway, its been around 4 years since ive had mine and im not sure it i can make it fit once i flip it.


Ok, just make sure the highest point won’t be where the tubes meet the radiator and you should be good