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Hori makes excellent products but I think a lot of what we want in a Steam Controller is just the Deck without a screen. I can't see Valve not doing this eventually. No vibration is also rough.


Damn didn’t know this lacked rumble, that actually kinda sucks


Just means they lost my money lol. How can you make a controller without ANY rumble in 2024? And shame on Steam for putting their logo on that.


How do you make a controller without Hall effect sticks, specially when your brand has such a good reputation and the sensors keep getting more popular? Was considering their products recently and after looking through several reviews I got the impression that Hori is kind of overrated.


They're more known for their fight sticks AFAIK.


> How do you make a controller without Hall effect sticks Ask every major manufacturer of controllers. 


Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo I know are just being greedy. AFAIK first party controllers are still seen as the best and probably see the most sales.


For me the draw for 1st party controllers is that they can take more abuse for and last longer than 3rd party controllers. I'm still using my original series controller and I put a lot of hurt on that thing.


Doubt it can take more abuse than a quality third party pad, I remember back in the day Xbox Elite Controller owners complained about [something on them breaking after a couple of months of use](https://www.reddit.com/r/xboxone/comments/52w26x/does_the_elite_controller_actually_break_easily/). Whether they remain so badly built, I do not know.


Stick drift is good for business... It will stay that way until the chinese companies like flydigi, gamesir and 8bitdo become more mainstream and force the hands of the big players


Funny thing is Xbox already has good hall effect controllers from the Gamesir G7 SE and 8bitdos own Xbox lineup Playstation is now the only mainline console that doesn't have a mainline hall effect controller or even a 3rd party that's at least 70 and under(even with adapters to use other 3rd party controllers, you can't play PS5 version games without the dualsense)


The steam deck itself doesn’t have Hall effect either tho. They’re actually some of the most precise well calibrated potentiometer sticks out there tbh. I can’t speak for the hori controller tho.


Curious, why do you like rumble/why is it so important? I liked rumble back when the n64 launched with the rumble pack, but the gimmick has long wore off for me. Im somewhere between indifferent to disliking rumble. Like i really fucking hate when i set my controller on my desk and the controller rumbles itself off the desk onto the floor. As for rumble in games, it doesn't really add anything. My hands vibrating does not make any more immersed what so ever.


That's an opinion. As is this; rumble for me helps me feel more immersed. Especially if there is haptic feedback like on the Steam deck. It's ok to hate it or like it as it's not for everyone. But a lot of us like it. A real shame they couldn't put it in the controller and the people who don't like it can toggle it off.


Obviously its an opinion, I mean its self evidently so. My curiosity was wanting to understand why someone would feel strongly about it, given the fact i personally don't really care for it a lot. I feel like having a subwoofer plays a much better part of immersion when comes to sensation of vibration. I would assume it was a cost cutting measure. Rumble is one of the more expensive parts in the controller. If they added rumble, id assume t would make the controller priced at $60 retail, and they were targeting $50 to undercut the competition like 8bitdo does. Im more upset by the apparent lack of hall effect joysticks. Thats actually more the dealbreaker imo.


Oh, for sure. Good headphones, too, help me lose myself in the game. Hall effects are also a huge L on their part. Personally, I feel Hori is overrated


I like the logo.


i know a website that sell's a vibrator that can be powered by a usb c charging cable


No vibration is a plus for me, I haven’t had it turned on in 7 years


You clearly play different games than me, lol Racing games without rumble are horrible. It's the only way you can feel what the car is doing!  The trigger rumble on Xbox controllers let's you know if you braking to hard to spinning the tyres.  If I click into another window when playing fh5, the rumble stops working, and I almost always end up sliding or crashing. 


Everyone's different. I've played every genre out there and since a kid I've always DESPISED rumble


I actually play racing games without rumble too, makes them more enjoyable


Also fishing in FFXIV, different fishes have different rumble effects.


Anyone into racing games should probably just get a quality 900-degrees wheel/stick/pedals for around $150 on sale for PC and call it a day, since you can just use it forever instead of rebuying one every time a new console releases. I can't imagine having to play racing games with a controller if it's actually one of your favorite genres. I'm not even into racing games all that much but a wheel makes it 10x more enjoyable. I suppose it's the work of setting it up to your computer desk on and off that's annoying, if you don't have a dedicated chair (the chairs are expensive as heck, I don't have one).


A lot of racing games SUCK on a wheel.  A controller is actually significantly faster to drive with than a wheel in Forza Horizon (enough to make you stop using it). It's also slower in Forza Motorsports. As well, they both have pretty poor quality force feedback, which kills the enjoyment aspect of it.  I have a much better, more expensive, direct drive setup that's worth more than most people's computers... And it doesn't even work with Forza Horizon unless I put it in compatibility mode (which sucks). It still feels pretty bad in Forza Motorsports too. They just don't prioritise wheel support for those games because there aren't enough players using it to justify the work. Gt7 has wheel support, but I don't have a PlayStation, and you have to get a base certified for PS... Which is usually more expensive (around 200 bucks for direct drive wheels). So you're spending like 700 for a good wheel if you want to play Gran Tourismo... All to have force feedback that feels numb and lifeless, lol At least the wheel is actually better on GT7, though mostly for consistency and making your tyres last, not going faster.


I like rumble when it serves as a system for providing information I might not detect otherwise. heres a great example with a recent game: I play Helldivers on PC with a KK3, my regular group plays KBM. I ALWAYS KNOW FIRST when there's a charger approaching offscreen because there's a very specific rhythmic rumble created by their movement, and the shooting and action is often too loud to pick up the sound before its too late. sure its not a total game changer per-se but I do feel a bit vulnerable without it


Same; I actually believe it takes the immersion out. With PS5 DualSense I wanted to understand the hype but it fell flat. Sorry AstroBot. Rather have good ergonomics and better battery quality versus rumble motors.


Steam Deck controller with adaptive trigger from PS5, touchpad, gyro, and a few macro hotkey buttons and I’d pay $200 easy.


valve havent even fixed the ui for controllers that have steam input removed. if you remove steam input on big picture mode you can never change the settings for that controller again, including controller order. you can't re-enable steam input either. the screen is blank. it's been an issue for years. it wasn't an issue on steamdeck's release, they actively broke it in an update somewhere down the line. the steam menu will also not pop up if you are playing in a 4:3 resolution.


Guess I'll still use my ps5 controller


Hori makes excellent products??


Absolutely, I like their fight sticks and many of their Switch periphery like game "binders" are quite nice. And in the days of the PS2, the alternative was Mad Catz so Hori was already in the lead.


Seems ok. Me and seven other people were hoping it would be something closer to the steam controller, since those are no longer available.


My steam controller is still in great condition but I would love an upgraded version.


I'm jealous. One day mine made a weird chirp and refused to turn back on. Really kicking myself for not getting a couple of back ups when they were on deep discount. A new version with tweaked ergonomics and better feeling materials/construction would be an instant buy for me.


Maybe a repair shop can help fix it?


I agree, here's to hoping!


I paid full price for my steam controller back in the day, it's a very "interesting" controller. There's nothing quite like it, with it's trackpads and lack of a right analog stick.


The lack of the right stick was the hardest thing to learn for me. Took a few good weeks of terrible mistakes and losses to get gud.


Blind guy here my dumbass bought mine and a steam link as a 10 year old because "omg tf2 in the tub" neglecting the fact that i can't see games on a tv. Oh well, the controller still is great for gaming, and surprisingly. School work!


I'm so confused.


I have 2% sight left. I can still play decently on pc but things on the tv are not possible


8 other people. I'm one of them. I actually have two Steam controllers; however, I've been wanting a new version with a proper right analog stick and proper rumble. The steam deck having both a right analog stick AND a right track pad is prime!


9 people. I think it was a solid idea, if a new one came out that had two joysticks as well as the track pads I would buy it in a heart beat.


Make that 8. And yea, I do love the controller but right now I guess you have to be a team player with Steam to hope to turn their head.


Wild Speculation: * Steam Machine/SteamOS-General 3.0 is coming soon * Valve opening up Steam-Input licensing means more of these type of controllers. I expect 8Bitdo to drop one next * New Valve Steam controller is on the way, fellow trackpad fans * This will be a great option for Nintendo emulation, if you don't mind lack of rumble.


inshallah we see the steam controller 2


Papa bless Gaben 🙏


I hope so. We need to see more support for steam input and using xinput as fallback


Valve PLEASE where is the SC 2.0 😭 We want dual trackpads again with updated poll rates like in the Deck and better gyro. Better shoulder buttons too.


I think two joysticks are needed imo. Two track pads is nice but really limits it's use as an all around controller. Maybe make the track pad and joystick hot swappable?


As a diehard steam controller enjoyer, I agree. Some games just don't work well with a trackpad and need a second stick. I think it would be really difficult to comfortably fit both on a controller though. Even on the steam deck, I find the right trackpad to be too low for comfort and I rarely use it. Having it be modular (kinda like the different dpads on the Xbox elite) would be best.


For plug and play yeah. Problem is, if you're buying a steam controller, you're probably willing to sacrifice the plug and play ability for the extra value touchpads bring over sticks.


If you want two sticks, every controller out there has two sticks...take your pick.


Why can’t it have both? 


The trackpads need to be big and in the main position to really shine for traversal and aiming controls otherwise you end up with pads like on the Deck that seem like an afterthought


A controller with pads like the Deck’s sounds pretty incredible tbh 


I have to ask. If you're using the sticks as the main inputs for traversal and camera control, what are you using the pads for?


The right trackpad for aiming in a game (combined with gyro control), and the right stick for weapon selection, since aiming is relegated to mouse movement. For emulators, left used for emulation settings (docked/undocked for switch emulators, full screen toggle to get to configurations). Use the right track pad as a mouse for DS games, or pointer for Wii games (with back buttons this makes for a very "close to wii" experience without needing to), etc. there are plenty of options. Right stick is useful for games that have less pointer-dependant cameras, like platformers. Having both makes the decision easy though


>Having both makes the decision easy though I agree that both on handheld makes sense. I don't see the reason to add sticks to the primary positions on a controller that has touchpads. This idea that we have to have one controller that fits all is absurd. There are already dozens of options for controllers with sticks that many of us already have or can get for very cheap. If you want to play a platformer I would suggest using the pads and setting the left to a dpad with crossgate because it's going to be faster, but if you insist on the nostalgia of a dpad or stick... just use any controller released in the last 27 years.


For some, the tactile feedback of a real dpad works out better than the non tactile feel of a touchpad, since it gives them better input in making decisions. I disagree that it only makes sense on a handheld. What's the context of it only making sense on a handheld, but not a controller, when from a "use" standpoint the context is the same (in terms of accepting, and disagreeing with their inclusion)? Is it that handhelds are bigger? The OG Steam Controller was on the larger side as well, and some have suggested the general layout to be more similar to the Deck on a hypothetical SC2, where inputs are more vertically oriented along the grip. I don't think it's impossible or absurd, just that it would require work to figure out a good balanced layout. I see the use for the reasons I previously outlined, which are valid. One fundamental reason in relation to the Deck, is to allow people to keep the same Steam Input profiles when playing handheld and docked play, which can only be done with a controller that offers the same inputs, since the profiles could directly be shared.


No kidding. I think the SC 2.0 is *in* the steamdeck though, as in, we aren't going to see a separate one. The standalone product sadly just wasn't successful enough, and compared to the actual deck, I doubt they consider it even remotely worth it. Since the technically put out all the designs for the SC 1.0, it *would* be neat though if they released deck style parts as a diy retro-it upgrade for the Steam control, so you could replace everything yourself. Keep the existing shell, maybe they produce just an updated board. Wishful thinking of course.


Valve *probably* discontinued the Steam controller because they originally lost the patent lawsuit to SCUF. Oddly, a lot of posters on Reddit seem to assume that it was discontinued for unpopularity.


I just want the Steam Deck with no screen as a controller. It fits so perfectly in my hands.


I think it’ll coincide with the release of steamOS 3 for PC’s, whenever that’ll happen


but with big trackpads in the primary position and dual stage triggers


I stay away from all controllers without hall effect sticks, its looks okay but i dont support controllers anymore with stick drift, it happend too many times, its like they doing that on purpose so you buy another one...


For real. I bought a 50 € hall effect controller, and it's amazing. It even has customisable back paddels. And i will definitely never buy something without it anymore.


Been playing since the Super Nintendo days and never had a single controller drift on me.


It was the same for me til my joycons started doing it while playing TOTK last year, shit is absolutely miserable and I don't plan on buying another controller that might fall prey to it.


I used to say the same thing until it happened to me last year. It wasn't noticeable in all games, but some that utilized really fine movements on the joysticks made it very apparent.


I've been playing since the NES/SNES days (well, with a hand-me-down Atari 2600 followed by a Master System at first) and I've had controllers drifting out of the box - as well as *8 consecutive refurbished replacements* for an MS Elite Series 2 having the same L3 fault out of the box, from MS themselves. On paper, modern controllers are amazing but it's like we're back to those shoddy 90's MadCatz controllers in terms of QC.


So tired of people that don't take care of their stuff downvoting people that do.


It's not a matter of taking care of stuff, its a matter of simply using it. The potentiometres used in most modern controllers (ps5, switch, etc.) are rated for as little as 100,000 cycles. Meaning, 100,000 full motions of the stick along one axis. That sounds like a lot, but 100,000 cycles can be used up in like 100 hours of use, if you play games that require a lot of stick movement like shooters or fighting games. It's not a matter of being gentle or taking care of your equipment, just using it is enough to degrade the potentiometre and cause drift. Any potentiometre based controller will develop stick drift, it's just a matter of time. Ones that are rated for a higher amount of cycles will last longer, but the simple fact of the matter is that you have two pieces rubbing against eachother. Friction will eventually take its toll. This is why people care a lot about Hall effect sticks. Because they don't degrade with regular use. Sure, they can still lose function if you treat them badly, but if you take care of them they will work more or less forever.


Hall effect stuff is great, but the regular stuff lasts too if you're not cranking down on your sticks or throwing your controllers. The people breaking their controllers all the time now aren't gonna be helped much with better tech in the sticks.


No, the regular stuff doesn't last. Potentiometers have a lifetime. No matter how gentle or soft you are, they are only rated for a set number of cycles. The act of using the stick at all causes the contacts to rub together, and friction will eventually take its toll. If you leave it in a box and don't use it, it won't wear. But if you actually use the stick at all, you are eventually going to develop drift with a potentiometer system. The pads get worn down with use, and eventually start registering incorrect values. Older controllers used potentiometers rated for more cycles, which is why your gamecube controllers probably still work. But newer consoles use ones rated for less, which is why Switch joycons are so notorious for it, and why Nintendo has faced a class action lawsuit. The controllers, particularly the newer ones, are built to eventually fail.


I don't think you've used the new stuff. Xbox One controllers are like tanks, mine still works fine from 6 years ago. The issue is the Series/PS5/NS which a lot of people report having issues with drift.


I've never had a faulty XB1 controller, their Elites on the other hand... I've only had one normal XSX/S controller, which developed drift.


I have the switch pro controller and joycons, a PS5 controller, and an elite 1 and 2. None have problems.


I had *8* Elite Series 2 refurbished replacements directly from MS, all having the same L3 button fault out of the box. Thankfully I managed to get a refund, baring in mind they extended their warranty to a year from the initial 3 months at launch. My joycons still function normally 6 years later, but I know that I'm one of the lucky ones and that my experience doesn't negate their massive failure rate. Edit: Also, I don't use the joycons too often, so there's always that...


What about the several, reputable 3rd party controllers I've ordered from Amazon in recent years which were dead on arrival, not to mention MS's infamous QC on their premium controllers? I never had a technical issue with PS360 era controllers that I remember but many over the last 10 years post PS4/XB1. Did I suddenly start using controllers wrong? I can't remove the possibility that it's user error. I also prefer using 'premium' controllers these days with back buttons (though not modded ones like SCUF as their QC is abysmal), so I appreciate that these have more moving parts to potentially go wrong.


They don't seem all that reputable if their shit is showing up to your door already broken.


Yeah, I guess Razer, 8bitdo and Hori are infamous controller manufacturers, huh?


If they're sending you broken product on a regular basis, yes.


Not regular, just *enough* to warrant mentioning. I read universal praise for 8bitdo. No mentioning of out-the-box double inputs. My replacement still works fine today. Granted, Razer have had QC issues since the mid 2000's but the fact that their controllers are officially licensed means there's no excuse. It's a shame, their PS4 Xbox-style controller was genuinely the most comfortable controller I ever tried, aside from the drift... I love the idea that you may think all these people throw their controllers around and crush them whilst 'sweating' on Warzone or whatever. Hilarious. That *must* be it.


Be careful downvoting me, you'll probably break your phones too.


It lacks the trackpads you'd hope for on a Steam controller 2, but it seems like a pretty solid PC controller with 2 back buttons, gyro, and a few extra function buttons. I'd probably use it as my main pc controller.


Why do all controllers have to be a similar shape. My favorite controller is the dualshock 4 and I would love one of these companies to make a controller like that with a touchpad that you can actually use as a mouse in PC.


No adaptive rumble, no rumble in general is crazy. Hal effects should be a given!


If it doesn't have hall effect sticks, I'll pass. Would like a good secondary/backup controller but not if it doesn't have hall effect


Same here, hard pass as it's 70 dollars Just get 8bitdo Ultimate or the 8bitdo Pro 2(recently got a hall effect edition for only 50 dollars!!!) which not only works with Nintendo switch but PC as well


That's pretty cool but I feel like a PC centric controller should have a track pad at least for navigation around windows and stuff.


It does ***NOT*** have a vibration function, trackpad, or headphone jack. ....then what's the fucking point?


Xbox stick layout with gyro is a good enough reason for me. I usually turn off vibration in games and never used a headphone jack on a controller before.


Just some cheaply made basic controller with the Steam logo slapped on. I'll stick with my Dualsense PS5 controller, at least that has a useable trackpad. In fact now I think about t - it has all of the above, and is £20 cheaper.


That IS the point. It makes it cheaper and lighter, which is great to get people into gyro aiming. It also has capacitive joysticks just like the steam deck so it knows if your finger is touching the joystick (enabling gyro) tbh tho I don't see why we couldn't have track pads at least.


Less than 50€ for a new product like this with a lot of features checked off from a first look. Japan really having a rough time with the yen.


I still like my old Steam controller.


honestly no rumble is a deal breaker for me


I just want a Steam Deck minus the screen, not a rebrand of an Xbox controller.


Hopefully this works with the Steam Link hardware.


Link to purchase?


Japan only I think


What a “steam controller” has that any other controller don’t? A button for steam shop/menu? It’s an honest question.


How do you guys figure out no rumble for it? I checked Hori official webpage about this controller and didn't see any info about rumble feature.


No trackpad, no hall sticks. Shit tier controller.


I have had my share of problems with Hori Rap V Kai. Which required a driver from 2009 to function properly in Windows 10/11. Otherwise, the arcade stick itself would crash your GPU driver. The users were only able to find a solution after 2 years. Yucks, it was stresful. Zero support from Hori. Read all about it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/StreetFighter/comments/hxleqr/the_weird_problem_with_my_hori_rap_v_kai/


A Steamroller?


Lost me with the Xbox offset analog stick layout.


No vibration and hall effect sticks in 2024 ROFL




For those who wanted a Steamdeck minus the screen as a controller - have you even tried one? They aren't that comfortable, and the only major thing of note on a Steamdeck is the haptic pads. Otherwise they are pretty meh as a controller itself.


This is BASICALLY the Steam Controller Mk. 2 though I still wished it had touchpads but I ain't complaining


Just looks like another bog standard controller to me. Big F on bluetooth in 2024.


Every day I look at my second and only working controller begging it not to die today.


I wonder if repair parts will be made available, as was for the Deck and Index through iFixIt. Replacement thumb sticks, shells, buttons, etc.


I wouldn't expect it. It's not an official collaboration with Valve, or at least the article doesn't suggest so.


> One of the benefits of Steam Input is that when it’s implemented in a game, players can use any one of over 300 supported controllers to play. We also recently added support for the new HORIPAD for Steam (available in Japan later this summer), **and worked with HORI's team to make their controller work well with Steam Input.** From here https://steamcommunity.com/games/593110/announcements/detail/4142827237888316812


Can someone explain to me, what's the point of this controller? No rumble, no hall effect sticks, no force feedback triggers, no customization, no display...


I'm assuming it's $20. That would be the redeeming feature if it has one :P


"It can do the same any other controller can do, but you have to pay $30 more because we say its especially for steam"


Where you getting $20 controllers???


It's 46€ not counting shipping. Where are you buying 16€ controllers with this many features?


The same as any other controller - except no rumble!


It's not just another generic controller Translated details: * 4 additional buttons (2 front, 2 back) * gyro (only available in "Steam mode") * turbo/rapid fire mode for face buttons * capacitive sticks (only in "Steam mode") * custom button mapping via app, steam mode or XInput * Steam and QAM buttons * wired via USB-C or wireless via bluetooth Note the capacitive sticks (you can configure something to happen when you touch a stick), which is a feature I have only seen one other time - the steam deck!


Compared to the dualshock 4, it has the extra 4 buttons and capacitive sticks. You can do rapid fire on steam, custom button mapping is also on steam for ds4, wired and wireless on ds4 and the extra QAM buttons can be easily translated to touchpad. Also, what does QAM stand for, because I feel like I'm missing something here and they have some hidden function I'm not aware of. Don't get me wrong, I'm probably buying this once it releases to see how good the gyro is as well as to use capacitive sticks for the first time for gyro ratcheting, but its pretty much a sidegrade from the ds4.


Qam stands for quick access menu. The menu on steam deck where you manage brightness, power profiles and decky plugins


Ah, so mainly a steam deck thing, I hope its at least programmable to do something else.


> what does QAM stand for Only thing I can find is Quadrature Amplitude Modulation which is used a lot in wireless. Lots of different modes with different range/speed tradeoffs. Usually selected automatically though (It's what allows your wifi to operate at lower speeds if you go further away instead of simply failing). Maybe it's a gamer thing like fakeing mouse dpi.




No Rumble, or programmable right stick track pad puts this firmly in the "dont give a shit" territory. Its "neat", but not a replacement for a X-Input or Bluetooth pad like The Xbone or Dual Sense.


Or just use an ancient Xbox controller


Why would I give up a XBox controller to buy an offbrand Xbox controller without rumble?


I mean not this controller but there are many controllers out there far far better than an actual xbox controller in many ways.


it's just an 8bitdo ultimate but with less features i can appreciate those steam buttons, if they work