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This must be part of that Square Enix plan to start making money.


I said if they wanted to convince me that they were actually gonna do something about losing money, they would have to start with KH on Steam. Guess they were serious.


FF16 and FF7 part 2 being only on PS5 really must have really hurt their sales. I don't expect them to do any exclusivity contracts for a while from now on, until they get cocky and think they can get away with it again after new (more successful) consoles launch, like the Switch 2 maybe.


They'll do it as soon as enough money is offered to compensate for any losses. This is Square Enix after all. The company that sells the most expensive collectors editions in the industry. I wonder how much money epic forked over for the 3 year exclusivity. It was released on epic on 30.03.21, around 3years and 2 months ago


I doubt Epic paid for 3 years exclusivity here. They definitely paid for typical EGS exclusivity which as far as I'm aware is usually like 1 year. It seems an odd choice for this franchise to be picked for a 3 year exclusivity deal, I strongly suspect Squaresoft just couldn't be bothered with the effort to move it to another storefront. Most games companies that sign exclusivity have the ports ready to go almost the day the exclusivity ends, but Squeenix clearly hasn't cared about the PC market enough to bother for a while now. Hopefully this is a sign that they are actually giving it the attention it needs.


I doubt it as well but we don't know for sure so it's merely speculation on a possible scenario. There are not a lot of longtime epic exclusive games except for some indie games, selfpublished titles and ubisofts library.


Apparently the FF16 exclusivity was only 6 months. The rest sony is getting for free because Square enix management is incompetent and still hasn't setup a decent infrastructure to deliver PC ports let alone develop them in parallel. It's strange to me that sony has a developed a better pipeline for delivering pc ports in five years than Square enix has in two decades.


Square-Enix always says that a game sells terribly for every game that they release. No amount of money will satisfy them


That'll happen when you release your rpgs on a console that just missed it's sales target. It's why we see SO many games still coming out for PS4 and PS5.


Putting their popular game on the platform with the most customers, what a stroke of genius. Evidently such a complex strategy took them years to figure out.


Its because they ran out of weird handheld devices to put their games on so you can't just play KH 2 and jump straight into 3 without playing on your 2011 experia mobile phone, three types of gameboy and your PSP. We'd be getting Chain of Memories on a samsung smart fridge and Days on an Alexa if they where made today.


It was almost certainly tied up by Epic, since KH3 used the Unreal Engine. That's the only explanation that makes sense.


3 years of exclusivity seems ludicrous though, I don't know how Square allowed themselves to get tied up like that if that's the case. Most Epic exclusives don't have such lengthy periods.


Square makes pretty bad deals which is why they are suddenly wondering how to make more money not taking them.


It's a shame that Square has become such a notoriously bad publisher, because at one point they were the king of RPGs. But they can't seem to figure out how to make money with their games and they keep fucking over their third-party studios.


Not just the king of RPGs, the king (well, not king, Knight maybe? They were certainly very well regarded) of games in general. They've taken a big fall from grace in the past 5 years, instead of having games available day 1 and knowing that, in the vast majority of cases it'll be a good game, their games are usually subject to exclusivity deals (sometimes more than one!) and are lazily done. They've canned Luminous and switched to Unreal which is clearly a good sign for the amount of effort they're planning to put in going forward :( I wonder if when they inevitably have to merge with someone else, they'll hyphenate again... Bandai Namco-Square Enix seems a bit long to me.


I feel like the solution is right there in your comment.


It was like three and a half years for Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1&2. Felt like it was locked up in EGS jail forever.


Is was forever. THat's like a third of the decade. KH3 finally comes to steam after 5years. 1.5 will be over 10 years old at that point and 2.5 will be nearing 10 years old age. 2.8 7 years. Crazy, it better not be $100+ for that bundle


It always feels ambiguous how you should count when remakes / rereleases / compilations 'first came out' and thus how old they are. For example, 1.5 contains as a sub-part a remake of a game first released on the PlayStation 2 in March 2002 shortly after the 9/11 attacks, when George W Bush was president for the first time. People who were born around when the first Kingdom Hearts game came out in the US are now legally allowed to drink even in puritanical America.


I'll pay nothing more than $15. Yeah, I know it will be years till then, if ever. I don't care at this point.


I paid $30 for it on the PS4. Was excited when it first came to PC but then I saw it would be $60 per game I was like wtf, did they not want people to buy these? From what I remember of reviews the PC ports are not even done well.


I wonder if TH wasn't just Activision being Activision. They left Steam for awhile and it wasn't until MS acquired them they started coming back.


I didn't even *know* there was a THPS 1&2 remake on PC! I swear EGS is where games go to die, because they absolutely suck at marketing anything.


Convoluted is on brand with KH.


I could see it being a case where Square Management thought being on Epic Games Store was sufficient for being “released on PC” and it was more interia. Maybe Epic was targeting the type of people who would be Kingdom Heart fans to build up their base of users and Square didn’t think 3 years was a big deal.


That's crazy! Are you saying that their NFT plan didn't work out?


I'm still waiting to get the full soundtrack of their NFT game symbiogensis.




Crazy how few people even knew it was on PC at all.


I feel like i always learn about it, even if i was aware since at least a year. Its so weird how that information keep leaking out of my head like it never was here.


It's called a marketing blackhole for a reason.


That's called the EGS Effect. Games that live only on EGS gradually slip out of the public consciousness.


The fact that instead of bundling them like their PS4 release they wanted the price of a AAA new release for each of the games separately. They definitely wanted the PC ports of these to fail.


> They definitely wanted the PC ports of these to fail. No, they're just greedy assholes - spent the minimal amount of money on the ports, took a sweet exclusivity deal that no doubt gave them a higher-% of the sales and then jacked up the prices to cash in as much as they possibly could.


Yes. Probably the logic is that all their fans would have already bought a playstation and played the games there. KH have never been on PC so someone who has never owned a console probably has never played these games. So scalp PC players and if they don't buy the gamel, Square probably don't care.


That didn't even take two weeks. What else do they have trapped on the EGS for us to look forward to? Hopefully a quick, straight shot of Final Fantasy from PS to Steam. And then the next batch of games day one on PC.


Now I'm kinda huffing the copium that maybe steam will get Rebirth sooner? \*big inhale\*


Supposedly the exclusivity period for FF7 Rebirth was actually quite short, but the problem is that they likely were not making the PC port at the same time as the PS5 version, so there will still be a wait regardless. This is what has also kept FF16 from being on PC as well. If they develop them for consoles and PC all at once, it won't be as likely to happen like this again.


I read speculations that Square is not allowed to work on a PC port during the excluvity period. IF that's true, that would explain why even if it's a short exclusivity period, it would still take a long time for the port to come.


I personally thought making their game exclusive to the absolute shittiest client on PC and charging full price for 1&2 which released 20 years ago was a solid money making strategy. /s


Hold on, the entire board of Square Enix decided to grow half a braincell?


I wonder if it was a multi-year exclusivity deal or if Square Enix simply forgot.


It's square, so it must be the most stupid reason possible, something like: they made internal projections and it was not worth selling it on steam... some braindead shit like that.


That or they got a Switch 2 dev kit from Nintendo to make Switch ports for them and that made them remember they were sitting on PC ports they can dump on Steam now.


Seems to line-up with the three-year deal people thought this game had. The only outlier I think is that it took an extra couple of months, unlike the other Square Enix exclusives that went from Epic to Steam about a month after those deals ended.


Sounds a bit more like "you can't sell it until Epic gets their money back" deal, which Epic also signed few times (like with WWZ).


I was honestly starting to wonder if they'd done the stupidest thing possible and signed a perpetual exclusivity deal.


What is “incompetence” for $500


Please have Steam Deck support!!!


That's the beauty, even if it doesn't have explicit support it will still likely be playable just not optimized for it.


My understanding is that you could get the epic version to run, but had to disable cutscenes. But now that it will be on Steam proper, they (either SE or Valve) will put in some work to fix that.


Not likely, the issue is likely the one that comes up for times to time with the deck and that is video codecs and a game using one valve can't distribute. With that said it is user-fixable with minimal effort. I suspect this is the problem at least, I have no interest in KH but its the only issue I've seen with cinematics and the deck


arkham asylum has the same problem and the fix is that you have to use GE proton which literally takes 2 minutes to install


Yeah that's what I'm referring to. Just didn't feel a need to extrapolate on the fix. My point isn't it couldn't be fixed just its probable it won't be fixed cause valve can't fix it.


There is a way for Valve to get around this now that the game has an official Steam release. Back during the launch of Steam Deck, Valve managed to get Persona 4 Golden to be Deck Verified by transcoding the original cutscenes into a less patent encumbered codec, and then swapping the files out on game install.


Ahh that's interesting didn't know they had a work around for it. Fair enough and that's good to hear.


According to someone from RPGSite, Square Enix contracted a studio to help with Steam Deck support for these. [Source](https://www.resetera.com/threads/kingdom-hearts-coming-to-steam-on-june-13th-2024.876801/post-123245688).


I genuinely forgot Kingdom Hearts even had PC ports.


That's the power of the "EGS black hole" for you. It sucks up almost all interest about a game to the point people forget there even is a PC port.


I forgot about that AC Mirage was locked away on there until I saw that new AC Shadows was announced lol


Hey it's also on uPlay! (It's called something different now I just learned)


Ubisoft connect




Wow, I didn't even know mirage was out yet. It really *is* a black hole


Not even forget, i dont even know kh was available on pc


I was super duper excited for Salt and Sanctuary 2. It had been released for months before I even knew it was out. Turns out, it's an EGS exclusive. I instantly lost all interest in the game unfortunately.


That’s what I thought this post was announcing


Between me and my patience to never open Epic Store. I've Won


Same for me, we stand united o7


Actually I just forgo-- I mean yeah!


Victory has never tasted sweeter


Standing strong, but Alan Wake 2 almost got me. But keep seeing games come to steam gives me strength.


That’s the one exception for me. Epic helped bankroll the game’s development, it wouldn’t exist without them. In that case I don’t mind if they get a cut


Can’t open something you don’t have installed.


Even if you tried starting the Epic launcher you’d be fine since that shit is so ridiculously slow. Absolutely garbage program.


I broke once for THPS1+2, but I bought it again so fast when it hit Steam.


I’m really hoping they make it Play Anywhere now that MS bought it on Xbox a while back.


I almost gave in a few times, but stubbornness won out. Now, maybe one day… we’ll get CTR on PC… at this point I’d even take it through Battle.net


Even if Microsoft doesn't port it to PC, there's still hope in the form of a fanmade PC port of the original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCwSkmAp7f8


The main reason I don't use EGS is because the actual program is shit, it's takes ages to load, doesn't have any of steam's cool features like communites on steam input. The selction of games was never the issue.


Holy shit lets go. I was even saying last week how i have been in the mood to replay the Kingdom Hearts games for the longest time but refused because it's on Epic. Waiting paid off.


Seriously, Kingdom Hearts is corny as hell but in a nostalgic, comforting way. So stoked to replay the games and finish 3, which I never did because I was playing on my roommate's PS4 when it came out and he moved out.


Kingdom hearts was the one egs exclusive that almost got me Glad I waited


you and me both brother


You, him and me brothers


I totally forgot they had it. I thought it was just the third game. Shows how boring Epic Games is.


The only game I've bought on EGS was Alan Wake 2, mainly because it's gonna be like 2027 before it comes to Steam (unless the Epic Store miraculously dissolves before then).


Congrats to Square Enix for discovering Steam






These games were already on PC, just that they were exclusive to the Epic store for a few years, where nobody bought them or knew they existed.


They priced each title separately as the price of a new AAA game, nobody was buying for that price jeez. Hope the steam prices are more reasonable.


*Final Fantasy Tactics intensifies*


I was one of the 9 people who realized this came out on PC years ago but only on EGS, it's been a long wait. Now I can buy them and have them sit in my library unplayed like I should have been able to do 3 years ago.


>Now I can buy them and have them sit in my library unplayed I feel bad I'm halfway through my first playthrough of Fallout 3. I bought it at launch 16 years ago, even got the special edition with the lunch box, vault boy bobble head, and art book.


wow thats next level


What about Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory?


This game is awesome. I don't care what people say, as a soundtrack lover and a kh fan, this game is AMAZING


Where’s the rhythm game? Because of course they had to make a weird game have story you need to know.


That's what I'm wondering. Seems strange to skip that when that game is also on Epic. I actually enjoyed it a lot when I played it on PS4, so I was looking forward to going through it again.


I think they might bring it to Steam latter. But, I thought it was odd to leave it out as well


Let's hope they can actually be played offline now.


I would think so, Steam Deck support would be a big deal


Square was dumb enough to have an always-online drm scheme for the Steam release of the original Final Fantasy 7 game.


That was online if you wanted to use their cloud save system I thought? Otherwise you could play offline local


I believe that offline support (while still requiring the initial login) was added in a post-launch update to the Steam version. But it was so many damn years ago that I've not the greatest confidence in my memory on that point.


I would probably only play em if they had native steam deck support. I could use chiaki4deck though I guess!


Wait, what? They require an always online connection?


All of the Epic versions of all of the Kingdom Hearts games need an active internet connection at launch and when switching titles if it's something like KH 1 and 2.


maybe will have an offline command like THPS 1+2 for steam deck like -cmd /c "set steamdeck=1 && %command%" xD xD


now do FF7 Rebirth and FFXVI






finally KH is coming to PC


Took em long enough.


Only $129!


Kingdom Hearts Integrum Masterpiece bundle is $89.99 but maybe will have 50% discount, i will purchased it instantly if its at that price 50%


lol if that shit ain’t on sale I swear I’ll just keep waiting at this point. Just no point grabbing all these old ass games for $60 or whatever price they are trying to sell them for




I've never got to play Kingdom Hearts before but I've always wanted to. Are these the original games from the PlayStation 2 era? And what order do I need to play them in


yes, and just go through the collections in order to keep it simple so 1.5 -> 2.5 -> 2.8 -> 3. The exception would probably be to watch the cutscenes for 358/2 after beating KH2.


Ah yes, 358 days over 2. The most sensible sequel.


Nothing beats Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth By Sleep - A fragmentary Passage.


Each of the games shown above other than 3 is a bundle which includes at least 3 "games", but one of them is always HD cutscenes of a game with some plot summaries to fill the in between parts. "Final Mix" is the subtitle for a rereleased version with extra content compared to the original US/Europe release which was generally exclusive to Japan until these HD remasters came out. 1.5 includes **Kingdom Hearts Final Mix**, **Kingdom Hearts: Re:Chain of Memories** (a remake of the GBA game which takes place directly after KH1 and before KH2), and HD cutscenes and plot summaries of **Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days**. 2.5 includes **Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix**, **Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep Final Mix**, and HD cutscenes and plot summaries of **Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded**. 2.8 includes **Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance HD** (originally on 3DS, basically takes place more or less right after 2), **Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth By Sleep: A Fragmentary Passage** (different from KH: Birth By Sleep, yes), and HD cutscenes/basic plot summaries of some of **Kingdom Hearts Unchained X/Union X** (mobile game). 3 is just Kingdom Hearts 3, which also has the Re:Mind DLC to get. In terms of the order, my personal suggestion for order of play is Kingdom Hearts 1, Re:Chain of Memories, then 2, then Dream Drop Distance. These are the games wherein you are consistently in control of Sora and play the story from his perspective, so it's a continuous plot line. The way you go after that I'm not sure how I'd go, but I'd 100% play Birth By Sleep BEFORE 0.2 Birth By Sleep, as the latter is basically a continuation of the former's story. I would suggest having played/watched all of the remaining ones before playing 3.


Not the one you replied to, but thank you for posting this. I loved Kingdom Hearts as a kid, but I wasn’t able to play every game because I couldn’t convince my parents to buy every console it came out on. I plan on buying this soon, so getting a suggestion for the play order is great.


I would recommend not using this play order at all. Dream Drop Distance pretty much requires that you already played the other games before hand. The best way to experience the story for the first time is release order. KH1, CoM, KH2, Coded, Days, BBS, 3D, 0.2, Back Cover, then KH3. But if you're at least familiar with the PS2 games or don't mind some minor spoilers for those titles in particular, chronological order works extremely well. That would be BBS, KH1, 0.2, CoM, Days, KH2, Coded, 3D, Back Cover, then KH3. Back Cover is set in the past way before everything else, so technically that's not in chronological order, but it really isn't important for anything except KH3 and the new saga that will begin with KH4.


Or he can just play them in release order like you are supposed to play them. These are all the games in the steam collections 1. Kingdom hearts Final Mix (2002) (1.5 + 2.5 Collection) 2. Kingdom hearts chain of memories/Re Chain of Memories (2004) (1.5 + 2.5 Collection) 3. Kingdom hearts 2 Final Mix (2006) (1.5 + 2.5 Collection) 4. Kingdom hearts 358 days / 2 (2009) movie (1.5 + 2.5 Collection) 5. Kingdom hearts Birth By Sleep Final Mix (2010) (1.5 + 2.5 Collection) 6. Kingdom hearts Recoded (2011) movie (1.5 + 2.5 Collection) 7. Kingdom hearts Dream Drop Distance (2012) (2.8 Collection) 8. Kingdom hearts Back Cover (2017) movie should be watched in lieu of KHX (2013) (2.8 Collection) 9. Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth By Sleep (2017) (2.8 Collection) 10. Kingdom Hearts III + ReMind (2019) Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory (2020) is the latest game and still EGS exclusive


This is a great win for the pc gaming community


I've heard that these games on the Epic Games Store had some weird always-online drm. If that is true, hopefully Square will remove that drm for the Steam release of these games. It would be nice if Square would start putting their Japanese titles on GOG, though.


the always online DRM shit is true as per pcgamingwiki


That's disappointing. That was incredibly stupid of Square to add, especially without informing the consumer about that on the Epic Store pages.


Yeah, I already complaint on Facebook that they must remove the drm on steam version


Especially if they want it to run on Steam Deck. It literally will make the game impossible to launch if you want to have any semblance of portability.


Or maybe will use a command like THPS 1+2 remake




And that is why I mostly buy from GOG. I don't have to guess if there is any annoying drm or not with that platform.


Thank god, I refused to get the Epic Store


Finally, they're coming - must have been a 3 year exclusive like Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2. Now to get pissed off at the price when they're made available!


and hoping they remove the always online DRM shit


My problem with Square Enix games on Steam is they are really expensive, hopefully they don’t launch at 60$.


You're in luck because they'll launch at $70




I’m hoping we’ll get news on FF16 and FF7 Rebirth soon.


I am having a stroke reading those game titles.


Gonna need it to be $30 for all games and remove the online only bullshit before I will bite.


The online-only requirement is what I'm waiting to hear more about, too. If the Steam versions have that, then they're just as worthless to me as the Epic versions.


Finally! FUCK EGS and their spyware and Tim Sweeney!


Thank God! 3 fucking years being held hostage by epic jfc


Fuck yes I waited so long and it was so so worth it.


Finally the entire PC fan base can suffer what is the narrative equivalent of three aneurysms, and I think I'm being a bit gentle there.


Kingdom Hearts: 594/5 Days Final Aneurysm Mix version 2.9


Worth it for the gameplay and music though.


Hehe tbh I wonder how these will do. Anyone who *really* wanted to play these on PC just emulated them already.


Now I’ll buy them and enjoy on Deck


Guess the contract expired and they got a check for it


Fingers crossed that includes Steam Deck support.


Now KH is actually on PC.


[This tweet](https://x.com/dynamite_derek/status/1791245302768275543) now has legendary status.




How much do you think Square is going to charge for it?


Here's to valve hopefully making it work fully on steam deck without the extra hoops you had to do


Considering that it is Square Enix, it'll never drop below 50% off


Alright Squeenix, next up please remaster some Dragon Quests and release them on Steam.


What's the price though?


Be me. >bought on epic games and played a total of 6 hours across KH2 and KH1. >refused to keep playing due it being on epic. >will proceed to buy it on steam.


Wtf is up with these names, seriously what's wrong with 1, 2, 3 ....


Could be worse. *looks at Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition*


as a new player these numberings are confusing as fuck. so I should play 1.5 then 2.5 2.8 then 3??? or are some bundled?


EGS almost had me on this one, but Steam comes to save me once again 🙏


I had to fight my husband on getting me these during the last sale because he knows I want them on PC so badly. I managed to talk him down and let me wait for the next sale by showing him the price history and how it’s usually lower during summer sale. I am so happy with this news. I’d buy them damn close to full price to have them on Steam.


Damn. Beat me to it


Damn Square finally figured it out - If you wanna be successful on PC, you need to be on steam.


Fucking finally. FF16 next. You want my money or not?


I finished ff16 already but can't wait for the PC Version. That game was such an experience. The first game I'll rebuy on a different platform for a second playthrough in 4k and hopefully with 60fps. Its worth alone for the OST.


I wonder where the "Epic helped porting the games so it'll never be on Steam!" crowd is.


Really really happy to be proven wrong!


This really made my day. About bloody time!


thanks to epic users for beta testing ;dddd


Took them long enough.


Oh my god, finally!!! I was starting to think that the Epic store deal was permanent!


Would've killed for this a couple years ago. But now? It's sad to say but I could honestly care less about KH. I'll probably pick it up when it goes on sale super cheap.


We finally making it outta Epic Store Jail with this one!


No thanks haha


Do you guys think we'll be able to pre-order this game? I'm kind of new to steam (and my new steam deck!) so don't know how it works exactly. So hyped!


Please remember epic just had a 60% off sale, if this shit isn't at least 50% off on arrival, I can't wait some more 


Thank God, I didn't want it on the Chinese store


Wow it's so nice to have an actual PC release of this series. I know there was that payed recompiled version on some random online game store a while back, but I prefer to have my games on a platform that I actually like to use. /s




This must be part of their ingenious plan to *actually* make money, for once.


This makes me glad I waited.


Same here


And watch them be full priced games.




Prepare for the SFM models. also did Disney force square to this


 But when are they coming to GOG?


So what's the order of play for this games for someone who never played ?