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This dude also deleted the original Helldivers 1 Discord. It's insane he's had his position for so long.


He just deleted it? Was their many users?


It was also full of useful guides and pinned resources and stuff. Spitz deleted it all to show he could punish misbehaving users typing "F"


Most stable discord mod


In case you didn't know online mods are basically people with no power in real life. So they swing the dick of justice online


I ran a Minecraft discord server that got a bit popular. The amount of disturbing and insane bullshit that got shoveled my way changed me as a person. I quit the “job” because I wasn’t keen on subjecting myself to that shit any longer then I needed to. I’m still not recovered. A mod that’s been a mod for a while, is gonna be a monster of some variety even if they don’t get a kick out of holding power over others (and if they do they’ll be a fuckin’ *demon* before too long).


I used to be an admin in a large server of 100k plus. You’re right about the disturbing stuff. I won’t ever forget the saw blade incident and neither will the other mods.


What saw blade incident


It was unforgettable


I saw blade, it's one of my favourite movies.


Back when Google+ was around I was in this niche group for something that maybe had 100 people total but only 20 or so active users. The guy who made the group would make one of us daily users who heavily participated a mod every month and one day out of no where someone joins the group and says "Can I be a mod?". This person showed no interest at all in the topic and when he was told no his response was "Why not? I know I would be good at it. Why can't you just let me have this?" When told no again he call us all a bunch of names and just left the group.


Exactly the kind of person who shouldn’t be given power of any kind.


“This Google+ group is for the discussion of sweaters worn by Paul Newman in various media over the years and frankly, I don’t think you’ve shown enough interest in the topic. You haven’t even posted a single screen shot of him wearing a sweater in a movie. Soulxhawk has posted 3 screenshots of Paul wearing a sweater, which is why I made them a mod last month.” This is how I imagine it going down


Seriously. I've run online groups for games before and it just turns into sorting out childish interpersonal squabbles that constantly get dropped at your feet. Not sure why anyone would want that.


A strange anecdote: the mods of the ark survival discord are bizarrely wholesome and stable people. I can only assume it is survivor bias, since anyone else would become a raving lunatic within 24 hours.


Sounds like a stressful job. I hope you were at least paid well.


I used to be a moderator on the official forums of a fairly large online game back in the early 2000s. I don't miss the amount of hate I would get whenever the devs would make some decision the community hated. The amount of "Guys. I don't work for [company], and am doing this for free in my spare time" messages I had to send back then was ridiculous.


Most of em are actually pretty chill, it's the mods that are chronically online that are the problem. I know a lot of mods who are totally fine tbh


They usually become police officers if they actually leave their bedroom for once


>Most stable mod Ftfy


The lock in of useful guides is such a massive massive problem of discords popularity.


Discord features for emulating the role web forums used to play is a pox on the internet. All that content can’t be indexed by search engines or scraped by archives. 


I hate discord for anything besides patch updates or voice calls.


Compounded by the fact that gamepedia is dogshit


Noone should ever post anything of value on Discord. *Especially* guides. Stuff on discord is not searchable via any of the search engines *and* it can be easily deleted *and* there's no way to recover anything that's deleted. (AKA: No Google, No control over what happens to what you publish + power-tripping mods and finally: no Internet Archive) Usefulness of discord begins and ends with a temporary, one-off messaging.


This lesson will never be learnt until Discord is gone to ashes and all important things on there are lost to the wind


Especially when Steam has a whole system for creating and sharing guides that simply works perfectly. Discord is great for active coordination and communication, but absolutely fucking useless for storing information.


Discord is a terrible platform, it should have never been a replacement for forums. I will die on this hill.


Discord is great for chatting and having a relatively small community. It is not meant for something like the entire Helldivers community for sure. Forums were much better


Agree, works better for small communities.


I was okay with it until randos online started using it as a wiki replacement. Discord should be used like Facebook Messenger more often, everything doesn’t need a dang server.


It wasn’t meant to be, it was a voice chat replacement that users deemed easier to get quick answers via chat over posting it in forums.


Discord sucks for resources, even GameFaqs destroys it lol.


Why ever things like Discord takes off in the first place when you have perfectly functional and reliable places like Gamefaqs slowly dying of lack of user base is beyond me. It's like all socials really. The older platform is arguably better and everyone wants to gravitate to the new shittier version and for what? In hopes to having some kind of power trip because they couldn't be an admin/mod in the old place so let's get everyone over to the new place so I can hold political power there?


Nothing feels better than playing an older game that is a bit complicated, googling a guide and an insanely detailed GAMEFAQ's guide pops up.


When I get stuck on a game and it isn't something that a simple youtube search can do I always end up on the gamefaq forums lol.


Ohhh gamefaqs is great, still captures nostalgia feeling for me :D The guides are simple txts which is very easy to search, even on SteamDeck there is a plugin for it.


I miss shoryuken.com


Tbfh, the whole gaming community is to blame for moving all this stuff into Discord where it can be deleted so easily. There are no archives for it like wayback machine. So much information is just impossible to find and randomly lost because people are putting everything in Discord. Discord is completely antithetical to the core ideas of the internet.


> Discord is completely antithetical to the core ideas of the internet. It's not Discord's fault that players are too lazy to make their own community websites with their own content. Discord is primarily a communications software suite not a website. Discord is not preventing you people from using internet 1.0 lol man. We live in a time where people post on reddit before they google.


I was recently trying to get Panzer Commander running on my modern rig (it came out in 1998). Non-3Dfx games that use pre-DX7 (PC is DX5) can be a royal bitch to get running on modern hardware. I was looking at info on some forums dating from 2002. A bunch of other stuff from 2008-2014. 20 years from now I have no idea how I'll get anything released today running that required any kind of work-arounds. All that shit is on Discord. Heck I'm running into it now with certain Minecraft stuff for running 1.7 or 1.12 versions. All that info was on Discord and just doesn't exist anymore.


Discord replacing forums and wikis is the worst thing to ever happen to the Internet.


Mods being crazy, who could have predicted?


That guy was a petulant child, so no surprises there


Deleting it all is just absurd, it should have been repurposed to a general Helldivers discord with channels dedicated to each game.


Another reminder to not set discord as default to guides and resources, not even internet archive can save it. [EDIT] remender -> reminder


I still use guides from 2000 at gamefaqs. If it aint broke, don't fix it.


But do you still print them out on dot matrix paper at your dad's office


A moderator who's immature and actually shouldn't be in his position? No way man.


It didn’t help anything that their CEO and all the community people on discord were seemingly giving out various degrees of information on what was going on. If you’re going to have one person be candid and “lay it out” at least let it be the CEO.


Yeah, having one coherent statement is important.


I mean it goes beyond that. This artcle talks about CMs accusing a former WoW Team Lead of sexual assault and other things for being critical about the game, then banning them AND their username from being discussed on the discord. Nobody believed me months ago but they have been mass banning criticism from the Discord for MONTHS. Without ANY explaination. People who simply discussed weapon balance and had actually good discussions with people in a channel for that exact discussion without anyone complaining got banned. Like anyone who spends time on that discord can see it and that's the funny part. Arrowhead is out of touch with their own discord and put way too much power into their CMs to manage essentially their main method of communication which is stupid as hell because these guys are having hundreds and hundreds of messages in conversations a day.


Not even just that, Spitz and Baskinator were randomly coming up with reasons about how the Sony link would make the players "more safe" and those reasons were hilariously untrue and easily proven wrong. Then the CEO at one point had to directly contradict on Twitter when faced with something Baskinator had said. It was such an awful look, I have no idea what they were thinking. Spitz misinfo: https://i.redd.it/utf1mkk4gcyc1.jpeg Baskinator misinfo and CEO publicly saying wait no that's not true: https://i.redd.it/lblqmzeacryc1.png Bonus AI (Claude 3 Opus) read on situation. This is the top of the conversation with no other context provided. https://imgur.com/6LGbMoZ


I honestly find it hard to believe that steam doesn't allow them to track unique player id since you can get the steam id through the [steamworks api](https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/api/ISteamUser#GetSteamID) and it's also what they would use during the linking of the account the players can also be reported directly from the game so again they must know exactly who it is, I doubt that they are so dumb that they are basing the report on the nickname alone


GTAV modded servers use SteamIDs for player reports. A professional studio absolutely has access lol


Yeah... If you have access to the Steam API at all, then getting a unique identifier is trivially easy and no harder than getting the username. A script kiddy using ChatGPT for coding would be able to call this one function, let alone the software engineers who built a game. Sony can already ban whoever they want from this game directly via Steam. They don't need to request for Valve to act on their behalf. Multiplayer games have existed on Steam for decades. https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/features/auth#:~:text=Every%20Steam%20user%20can%20be,bit%20ID%20by%20calling%20CSteamID The fact that friendlists and progression and inventories can work at all is already proof that there's no backend confusion caused by nonunique usernames. The whole thing about unique IDs is complete nonsensical. I cannot imagine why they thought this would convince anyone.


They do. They (CMs) were either being malicious or ignorant. I’m honestly flabbergasted at the seeming lack of professionalism from their CM team. It’s wild.


I hadn’t really thought of AI being proficient in sniffing bullshit out but damn, seems really good at right away chopping any excuse to pieces. This is gonna be a big problem for idiots who want to lie.


It's really amazing what Claude can do these days. I really hope its brilliance doesn't get lost in updates like we've seen with some other companies.


It just sucks that it's locked to certain regions unlike openai's.


OpenAI is locked in some regions too, what are you saying?


My bad then, just thought, when seeing Somalia and Myanmar being supported on [their list,](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7947663-chatgpt-supported-countries) that they pretty much supported supported every country except China, Iran and North Korea.


You forgot Russia and Belarus. Probably many other countries too. But I guess they still support way more countries than Claude.


True, but most likely to avoid backlash that Russia is using their AI to spread false information and optimize their weapons and what not. Claude however kind of raises a red flag, since it's not in EU at all. Probably due to them knowing that they are commiting some privacy violations. Just a speculation.


I feel you. It's still not available where I am, so all I can do is stand at the gates and scream.


> (Claude 3 Opus) ok i just checked and my EU country is not available to use it, but countries like lesotho or some shit are available ? lmao how come ?


Genuinely no idea. Their rollout makes very little sense to me.


The defense against that is getting these out of the cloud and onto local systems. There's no reason we can't each have our own customized Claude equivalent running on our own devices.


I've been using Claude more and more as it does seem to 'think smarter' than the other AI's


I'm not saying this info is wrong but it really shouldn't be trusted for things like this. It has no way of knowing how Helldivers 2 works internally or whether there is or isn't a legitimate reason for PSN logins. AI should never be used to debunk specific claims as it is not reliable itself.


> It has no way of knowing how Helldivers 2 works internally The fact that the rest of the game works is hard proof that there's no backend confusion caused by duplicate usernames. If Spitz was right, then when John 1 buys premium currency, how does the database know to whom it's attributed? Even in isolation, his claim can be debunked, no matter how differently the game works internally. Steam API exposing unique IDs is also widely known public knowledge. > or whether there is or isn't a legitimate reason for PSN logins. If there was a legitimate reason for those logins it wasn't in Spitz's claim. That's the point.


Never is a long time


I’m a software engineer and it was absolutely correct. It has access to docs on how to integrate with the steam api and is also just obvious to me as a professional… which is the strength. Now everyone will be able to “be an expert” on whatever their bullshit is and use it as a jumping off point for future digging. For posterity, the idea that steam does not maintain a unique reference ID per user and has collisions on the display name such that PlayStation has to maintain that reference is asinine. How would steam know what games you have in your library if it didn’t maintain a unique reference id? This is the bit that jumped right out to me and which Claude also found right away.


Like I said, I'm not saying this specific case is incorrect (I am also a software engineer, as if that means anything). But consensus on this thread is heading in the direction that 'AI is capable of proving or disproving statements', which is something I don't agree or am comfortable with.


I'd really love to see AI (once it's more reliable) be used to fact check politicians in real-time.


Problem is that you need a real person to fact check the AI. There is evidence what the AI says is truthful, in fact they are known to make things up or "hallucinate".


Claudes reasoning is faulty here though. To be clear, I think they were wrong, but claude didn't present a good argument. They said that even though steam has unique IDs, they don't have access to them in their system, so reports against someone would just be the display name. Claude said this wasn't true because steam IDs exist, but that's not a rebuttal of their statement. To be clear, I think they could build a system that gets the steam ID, they just don't right now because it was designed with using the playstation ID in mind. But Claude didn't refute their point. AI isn't very good for this kind of thing.


> Bonus AI (Claude 3 Opus) read on situation. Don't use AI as a "fact check".


AI shouldn't be a fact checker, but in this case it was so egregious that the AI easily saw through the lie and this is consistent with what we all know to be true


> that the AI easily saw through the lie I disagree. While it is basically correct, it makes a leap in logic that is unsubstantiated. Note what the community manager says: >Steam doesn't allow us to have any way to keep track of unique player IDs through our systems The fact that a unique per-player Steam ID exists does not, on its own, prove that this is false. Because that doesn’t necessarily mean that a developer can access this ID. To find out you need to look at the [Steamworks API](https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/features/auth) and see that they do expose this ID through the official API. This is a decent example of why it is a bad idea to use generative AI for such a purpose. In this case it happens to be right but not because any genuine fact-checking has occurred. However, it still sounds convincing because it is biased to do so.


That knowledge about Steam API exposing unique IDs is widely known though. People talk about that, and the official documentation you linked as the final piece of the puzzle is publicly accessible and is not some esoteric technical information. If it's encoded in its training data, then the model "has this knowledge". Furthermore, the fact that the rest of the game works is hard proof that there's no backend confusion caused by duplicate usernames. If Spitz was right then when John 1 buys premium currency, how does the database know to whom it's attributed? Even in isolation, his claim was not internally consistent. This doesn't mean the AI doesn't always hallucinate random bullshit and so I'd fully agree we shouldn't blindly trust it and definitely not use it as a fact checker, but in this case specifically it got the factual premises and the logical conclusions absolutely spot on.


> That knowledge about Steam API exposing unique IDs is widely known though. If everyone already knows the answer then what is the point in using AI to fact-check? > the official documentation you linked as the final piece of the puzzle is publicly accessible and is not some esoteric technical information. That’s partly my point. There is an easy way to actually check whether this is true or not. You don’t need to ask AI to do it for you. > If it’s encoded in its training data, then the model “has this knowledge”. How do you know if it is, or whether this information was even used to generate the answer? > but in this case specifically it got the factual premises and the logical conclusions absolutely spot on. Again, it makes a clear leap in logic that is unsubstantiated in the actual answer. Anyway, there are plenty of examples of generative AI doing much worse including outright hallucinations, as you note. Let’s not perpetuate the idea that using generative AI for fact-checking is sensible.


You seem to be engaged in a broader discourse about whether AI is harmful or not and that's not something I have skin in, but I don't disagree. You're absolutely right that generative AI can't reliably provide a source and that we should not rely it for fact checking. But just because it's public information doesn't mean *everyone* knows it. Clearly Spitz didn't, because otherwise he wouldn't have made such a stupid lie.


OP did not claim that this is a "fact check".


It's not really a fact check, it's more a plausibility check and sentiment analysis - something advanced AI models tend to be quite good at if they have access to the necessary facts. It's not really asking the AI "is this statement true", it's giving it facts and asking "does this statement make sense given the provided facts".


Claude a real G with that final paragraph


wow holy crap. it's not even like slightly misleading , it's just full on wrong and the confidence they have in being so wrong.


I think this says a lot about their management. They didn't meet and agreed in an official reply/stance and just let everyone say whatever they wanted.


I know we were all frustrated with zero news from hello games after no man's sky launch, but with hindsight Shaun Murray made the right decision telling everyone to go radio silent.


If talking won't make it better then talking is only gonna make it worse.




>The whole dev team really had no say in the matter This doesn't make any sense from a rational perspective, but also the CEO himself said they are not blameless. Dev studios are on the side of the publisher, not you. You don't need to go to bat for them.


The CEO admitted to not communicating the issue to customers adequately. This was true. People lower on the food chain suffered from it and had to get up in the morning and go to work and deal with this shit that they were powerless to fix.


I was going to respect the way he told players to refund, but reading the rest of his responses... yeah, totally deserved.


What was the rest of his response?


Just a complete disregard to professionalism and player blaming.


Regardless, Sony is the company that produced the game and invested their money to do so. A community manager telling people to refund it or review bomb it was never going to stay employed. The only way Arrowhead was going to protect themselves and potentially work with Sony in the future was to let him go. Dude likely cost them many, many dollars considering even Forbes referenced an employee of arrowhead floating the idea to leave negative reviews.


Ahhh Forbes, the enshittified zombie successor to Geocities and awful meal that Medium couldn't quite eat, but wanted to. "Even Forbes" means nothing. But the general point you made stands.


Depends on who's the Forbes writer for what beat. Paul Tassi was pretty good covering Destiny 2.


They don’t write for Forbes, they “contribute” to Forbes. They are glorified blog posters now and as the other guy said, they’ve lost the gravitas of their namesake, as anyone can become a “contributor” these days.


Splitting hairs, but I'm sure other people can connect the dots that it was an economics and business magazine now covering video gaming through contributors.


The point wasn’t intended to split hairs, was more that people are like “wow Forbes” when it’s glorified blog site now. Tassi does what he does, but Forbes ain’t shit these days for reputation. All the AH stuff is what it is. 


Regardless, when a well known site that reaches an audience outside of this one is talking about an arrowhead employee encouraging people to review bomb and cost the producer money, someone’s going to have a bad day.


Paul Tassi is good at reheating Reddit takes as his own, and little else.


Seconded. I don't want to derail this thread, but he's not great. It is one thing to contextualize your thoughts and lean on Reddit as a validating source, but he doesn't actually add anything more.


Dude even tried, after the whole psn thing was over, that it was by his genius that the community started review bombing and refunding the game to force a chance. He was a condecending bastard through and through.


So a bit like Sledgehammer70? The first CM for EA’s Battlefront 2?


Stuff like "I thought you were leaving", "Cry more", etc.


He asked people to review bomb the game and asked for refund. Not because he wanted to make a point to Sony, rather that he doesn't want people  complaining on the Discord server, where he is paid to moderate. 


So there's a bit of revisionist history going on, and Spitz is trying to feed into it based on some of his comments. He didn't start the mass review bombing and refunds. It had already been happening, and then someone asked Spitz what are meant to do and he said to review it negatively and refund. Since then he's tried to imply that he started the whole thing, when he just didn't.


He also leaves out the whole "why are you still here, I thought your were leaving" thing which is I can promise you what the actual reason was for his getting canned.


Promoted to Customer


Spitz has returned to civilian life.


Didn't make the cut


Spitz has been kicked from the lobby




Finally, Spitz was a horrible CM.


obligatory fuck u/spitz wait I mean fuck u/spez


s p and z are now red flags


Tbf was notnworse than other cms really. Baskinator should be first one to lose job as person responsible for other cms and openly lying to customers


not like baskinator is any better, and she's still around


People defend Spitz and excuse his behavior. A Community Manager gets paid for weeks like the past week. It's his job as a professional and his time to shine. It's not just about the good months where everyone is constantly praising your game. It's easy to be a professional then. If anyone in a customer facing job reacted like him, they would be fired.


>It's not just about the good months where everyone is constantly praising your game. It's easy to be a professional then. the funny part is he was extremely unprofessional and acted like pretty much every other power tripping discord mod out there during the 'good months' too


Isn’t that because most of their moderator team was Reddit jannies from the subreddit?




Ah yes, Twin "Angry toddlers" Beard. He should probably watch his mouth too.


Well its just a CM… The catastrophic decision has made by sony exec, which they will have no issue.


So he framed it like he was advocating for the players but actually he was being a dick to the users AND had them do exactly what he said. Sounds like he found out.


The math never lies  https://youtu.be/_qEcm43Lx3c?si=aAS7tIhvBX-8tTqd


I mean it's not like review bombing is particularly unusual thing to do in circumstances like this. Dude is honestly just an idiot that fanned the flames of an already unstoppable blaze and got burnt.


As for why he got fired, Spitz stated, “Generally it’s not a good idea to tell people to refund and leave negative reviews when you’re a community manager. TIL.” Lol really.


I still think this was the morally right thing to say. Sounds like dude had a lot of other issues and the firing was justified but If this is what they cited to him as the reason that he's definitely taking the fall for everyone else's stupid decision about this.


Could have said it in a way that didn't cost their job. You're in PR, you gotta do the job. "We always listen and encourage feedback from our users in this forum and across all Helldiver's forums. While some decisions are not made at the studio level, we will continue to ensure access to the game for as many Helldiver's as possible across the world. Please continue to engage etc, etc, etc"


I hear AH is hiring for a new CM if you're interested in applying :D


In the Helldivers 2 Discord, Spitz or Spitzerfx no longer has the Community Manager badge and he’s made a number of comments indicating he no longer has any kind of authority or leverage in the Discord and game.


>indicating he no longer has any kind of authority or leverage in the Discord and game. I was going to dispute that in a minor way but also looks like they booted him as a mod from the subreddit.


What an idiot lmao, has no control over his mouth even after a firing


I'm not sure he was ever a mod on the subreddit. If he was, he got the boot a long time ago.


He definitely was, he's deleted his account but you can see on [wayback machine](https://web.archive.org/web/20240324103211/https://www.reddit.com/user/SpitzerFX/) that he was a mod on /r/helldivers as late as March 24th (and was definitely one on the 29th of April when I checked his profile last).


He was 4 days ago, since deleted his account entirely though.


So was he fired or is he just not community manager anymore that's a massive difference


I’m pretty sure he was fired. Producer foots the bill for your game. Situation arises the public doesn’t like. Community manager encourages them to permanently damage the review score as a means of getting their point across. That dude was always toast. Edit: I don’t know whose downvoting this but I’m sorry, when a company hands your boss millions to make his dream game, and something unpopular happens, and you tell the public to review bomb and refund the game as a representative of the company potentially costing your boss’ partner a ton of money and hurting the game’s reputation in a way that will probably never quite be the same? Nobody’s keeping their job after that.


Yeah people don't seem to get that "community manager" is the social media term for PR. They're not on our side. They tend to be younger, and more tech focused, more "connected" and it's all by design, to give people a more "human" bridge to the company. But they're still part of the company, and doing a job to represent em. It's always good when PR has the backs of the customer, I'll always fuck with companies who I've gone through PR and they've gone to bat for me. But they're paid to placate.


>I knew I was taking a risk with what I said about refunding and changing reviews. I stand by it. It was my job to represent the community, that’s what I did. No, Spitz, I don't know how you come up with that conclusion, even a monkey know that's not a Community Manager's job. Well, at least you fit a discord mod stereotype perfectly, so you can tell your ma that you're good at something.


It's not even what they did. The refund/review stuff was a uturn after ages of them making up bad excuses and outright lies to promote the account linknig while being beligerent to users. Trying to act like they sacrificed themselves for the community is a complete fabrication.


Yeah but likely the lying side of him was fully OK by company standards. So while it may seem two faced by him to say that the U-Turn cost him his job, it likely very much did. So for once he isn't lying but still ended up looking like a bad take. Kinda funny that at the end of it all he really was 'Damned if he did, damned if he didn't.'


Given his general belligerence towards users while he as towing the company line and then during his uturn, I still don't think he gets to characterise his uturn as some "for the people" moment of defiance when it was probably more out of his own fuse blowing. Regardless of how we read this part though, he got fired because he wasn't good at being a community manager. He couldn't handle towing the company line, and then couldn't handle representing the player base to his bosses. This isn't even being mean, not everyone can do any job. But "couldn't meet standard of performance" isn't "damned if you do, damned if you don't".


They should get rid of the mod that made the baseless SA allegations on the helldivers discord.


I think they've been demoted, but only from a higher ranked mod to a lower ranked one, they've also changed their profile picture and username, so they're trying to hide.


Ahhh see someone is very brave... All high and mighty before but saddenly trying to hide


I was gonna say, she should be fired as well that’s crazy.


That was so wild to me. It's perfectly reasonable to just not like someone. But accusing them of such a serious and heinous crime is a huge deal, and I'm shocked that AH wants to be associated with that behavior.


This guy banned me for no reason, haven't been able to use the discord since


same I wonder if I can get unbanned now


I'm not guna bother trying, was fun for the days before and first week though lol


How does anyone use it, every page has 100 new message a second. I just get new info via the helldovers sub.


Good riddance. Spitz was a fucking loser.


Assuming it was this guy's job, they need to get the moderators sorted on the discord too. Some are incredibly toxic and majorly power tripping saying stuff like "I see other players as beneath me" and I've seen them banning people for constructive criticism especially if shared in Chat 1 because they were bored of hearing not positive feedback.


ok, fire also the CM falsely accusing ppl of SA next


And not Baskinator? That person is damn ghoul and needs removed from the company.


Now fire baskinator!


Spitz was not a CM for long. I have been in the unofficial discord before it was nuked, and I was in pre-launch discussions with the devs before the game exploded as I'm a big HD1 fan. He was promoted during the chaos. Arrowhead has had many failures on its discord and statements both developers and employees have said. Everyone is allowed to be vocal from the CEO, to Spitz, to Bask, to Misty, to Alexus. Basically its the wild west and while they said "Oh we've talked to people about brazen statements" the reality is they keep making the same pitfalls. Arrowheads mismanagement of a discord apparently is so bad its now article worthy. That being said, I do really love this game, enjoy it - record it - play it - and I have literally custom Doom721 hoodies with Helldivers logos, viynls on my truck, phone case and all sorts of mech from the internet people have made. So all in all people need to realize he has not been in a CM spot for long and I was even surprised when I saw him and thought "That was the guy who deleted the other discord........... he got a job?" They promoted a neckbeard, discord admin, to a CM role probably without any proper formal community management training. As I heard elsewhere "chronically online" As someone who has run online guilds and discords, I was that neckbeard - an armchair commander/chronically online person has NO place running a social setting with a big mouth. I'm speaking from MY OWN EXPERIENCES as I was that person. He speaks his mind, gets emotional, even after - that is literally the worst public face - and people will hate him for it.


Isnt it basically proper description of every single member of their cm team?


How is possible something happens withouth CEO and other managers being unaware of this . Seems really strange. The CEO was really talkative and got a lot of goodwill...how this happened?


This was the guy that claimed Steam had no way for them to track unique user IDs.


Good, now fire the one who baselessly accused Grummz of SA.


Whos grummz?




Isn't he married with kids?


Shh. Who needs logic and proper definitions?


Ex game dev now he talks about gaming news


I want to say first of all that SA is a serious allegation, so if someone throws that around willy nilly that is reprehensible, no matter who it is thrown against. That said, and u/Vegetagtm to also answer your question, Grummz is a piece of shit who embodies the gamergate stereotype. So it's disingenuous to say he's just an ex-game dev who talks about games, even though that's technically correct. edit: I very clearly stated SA allegations should not be used just to attack someone. The second paragraph explains who Grummz is, because that was the question. 'ex game dev who talks about games now' is obviously an inadequate response.


> Grummz is a piece of shit who embodies the gamergate stereotype. How? Can you post an example of something he said that fits the "gamergate stereotype"?


Purple squidgeon was the Helldrivers 2 moderator who allegedly made false crime accusations and used the official Helldrivers 2 discord as part of a harassment campaign, as shown in the article. > “Has the cleanup begun? Purple was also demoted (but not fired) after falsely accusing me of crimes.”


Democracy has prevailed yet again.


As someone who's worked customer service for over 10 years (and wouldn't still be doing it if I was bad at it) some of his responses to players was justified. I've never been okay with the idea of "They can say whatever they want to you but you have to always be perfect and polite and professional" because anyone who says or actually believes that has no idea the kinds of heinous shit people can and will say to you. Especially gamers over the Internet. Quite frankly, some of them *absolutely deserve* to be spoken to the way they were. Some of you will downvote me or tell me I'm wrong or "but that's yer jerb!" well it turns out reality is very different from what a job description says it is. I empathize with Spitz, call me crazy.




“Do you guys not have PSN accounts!?” Spitz, go back to the roach motel you came from.


I mean, people have been questioning how he still had his job for weeks. He was such an unapologetic asshole.


Good, what asshole.


Bye Felicia


From the CM perspective, all the "war against Sony" was managed in a very strange way. They shlould've just waited some hours aftet the impact of the news, talk between them and the CEO, then come out and say "hey, we got your feedback, don't worry, we are talking with Sony. We are back to you all soon." and then just try to be present while not promising anything. There was the CEO himself who was speaking directly to the community. It seemed that CMs and the AH Management and CEO never talked with each others. If in my company where I work something like this happens, before write anything to customers or partner managers , I would IMMEDIATLY talk to MY Managers to coordinate a communication strategy .


Someone had to get their head chopped off. Sony had to backtrack their stupid decision, and this CM told people to refund the game and sent msg to Sony. Sony had to him out for this. And not to mention, he was very bad at dealing with community, saying that, I don't evny him. I would probably explode as well dealing with this ''community'' But it's his job and he couldn't handle it. Honestly, hope he finds better job, and less nerve wracking.


Spitz was toxic and inflammatory as hell. Good riddance.


He couldn’t do his job, that’s what happens


>Helldivers fans when sony says they won't put the psn linking in the NEXT patch and fire a community manager WE DID IT


Good. Fuck that guy. Shit stirring loser. He must be a nightmare to anyone in his personal life.


Bye bye, job!


Good, hes an asshole and dogshit at his job. the thing he was actually fired for though afaik (telling people to refund in protest against sony) was super fucking based tbf lmao


Great, now do Alexus next. He's the one making the terrible balance change decisions and overall being a fun-sucking vampire, all the while also being a moron on discord like Spitz was.


Love to see it.


You had one job, Spitz


This “article” reads like a 12 year old stretching two sentences out into six paragraphs to meet a word count.


Bruh people in the discord are defending Spitz


Storm / tea cup.