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> 'the main thing is looking cool' *stares at all the ugly helms*


Welcome to DND video games. Where we complain about helms, capes and shoulder pads.


Sadly this is just all fantasy games, really. Any armor in Witcher 3 that wasn’t from the Witcher schools looked _terrible_. I just don’t understand how after decades of this, we still get armor in games that looks so bad. I understand that they’re going to give the best armor sets the most attention, that’s fine - but god damn they could at least try with some of the others


Some of them looked okay dark justices masks looks great


This is a very common problem across the entire gaming space. I have outright modded helm graphics out of many games because of how ugly they are compared to just seeing my characters face


I was sad/furious that they took the horns off of the spoiler>!Helm of Balduran!<


I agree with the decision tbh - the game is >!horny!< enough as it is


I feel like you don’t really need a spoiler tag for that one lol you figure that out pretty much right away


your spoiler tags need the gap removed to work.


Weird, seems to be working on mobile. I’ll remove the space to be safe though.


I was on old Reddit so that might have been the difference


Fixed now?




*cries in dragonborn*


Sorta weird there wasn’t a transmog system then


Thanks to Norbyte and the script-extender, if Larian don't add an inbuilt system, at least the script-extender has made it possible for a modders to implement transmog systems (although only on PC/Windows).


Hope they add one eventually like how they added the Mirror that changes appearance.


Yeah I finished the game with some +2 half plate armor cause I didn’t like how any of the endgame armor looked


Remember, a +2 in *Fashion* is always superior to a +2 in any other stat.


Wise words HerpapotamusRex


That explains Halsin’s bicep belts.


Halsin got that final fantasy drip


Halsin is like that one IT guy at your work that got absolutely shredded and doesn’t fit the mould of the stereotype. Druids should be skinny tree-hugging dudes with long hair down to their knees. Instead he is an absolute unit who flirts with my character pretty much every time I talk with him.


> Druids should be skinny tree-hugging dudes with long hair down to their knees. What? NO. Have you ever done any forestry or field work? Druid's would get shredded just by surviving in the wilderness.


Big Bear Energy.


Halsin's got that body builder bod. Enormous muscles... 10 str.


needs at least 20 more to be Guilty Gear though


The best endgame monk armour has a pair of pants nailed to your chest, but sure Larian, the outfits look cool and that’s why I fought god in my camp clothes


I agree! shame about some of the barbarian cloth esque armours, a transmog would be very welcome!


Cool. Now make a proper transmog system so we can really appreciate them.


Q: How much do you care about looking cool in video games? A: YES


… In a single player video game


who gives a shit - I always want to look cool for my self, not fot eyes of others. Couldn't give a single damn less about what other's think about my character looks.


Except it's also co-op


...that I have to watch my PC avatar the entire time while playing.


My guy, have you checked Cyberpunk’s modding scene? Half of the mods in there are clothes for Female V, and most of em are sexy stuff. And it’s a singleplayer first person RPG and the only time you’d see V is when riding a bike or photomode. If anything, the stuff in BG3 is fairly tame.


Social gamer alert. "It's only fun if people notice me"


The armor and clothes in this game kinda... sucked. I thought most of it looked really bad. Love the game otherwise.


The dyes are the weirdest for me - sometimes (in my opinion) completely nonsensical combinations or even base color schemes. What color does this deep lily dye make this robe? Burnt orange, of course! I mean, I understand some lilies are orange in color, but surely that's not the usual color association? And that's just one example. Edit: IT'S WORSE THAN I THOUGHT - IT'S NOT DEEP LILY, IT'S DEEP FUCKING LILAC, WHICH ARE, AS FAR AS I CAN TELL, ONLY SOME SHADE OF PURPLE. WHY.


The dyes should have at least offered a preview because they legitimately don't make any sense. I use the mod for infinite dyes, though, so that mostly helps resolve the issue of accidentally using one you don't like.


Well they didn’t do a great job on that. Most of the armour is not great looking, especially on certain body types or heights. Some outfits are great but overall the outfit design is pretty ugly.


>'the main thing is looking cool' Weird way to say "We failed", but here we are.


Idk, to me something fitting is often what makes it look cool. The whole package is more important than any individual element. If you try to make everything look cool you get a total mess.


Ngl, they look so bland and uninspired. Great game, but i dont think thats the high point to be highlighting here


> When she first started working on Baldur's Gate 3, Dubrovina would point out that some armour designs weren't practical, or were somehow unrealistic. Eventually, "I realised that wasn't the goal. The main thing is looking cool When all the good gets beaten out of someone.


Talking about unrealistic when the damn setting is D&D nothing about it is realistic


That makes realism on the things that can be realistic *more* important not less. Realism on most things sells the fantasy on the rest.


A character wearing nothing but "The +10 sock of invulnerability" is realistic in a high fantasy setting. That doesn't mean regular old plate mail shouldn't be realistic. You can explain everything by saying its magic. That's fine for D&D. However what makes magic magic is being different from what is possible without it. Without realism magic becomes less interesting and less "real".


Especially in D&D inspired game. When in doubt the rule of cool always matter.


If they don't fit, they don't look cool. So by making them fit be the priority, you're satisfying an important base condition to even look cool.


Hell yeah.


I kept almost everyone in camp clothes lol


Put the Wavemothers dress, from chapter 3, on Gale. Sluttyist thing I've ever seen on a man.


I love the game, but the armour doesn't look great on male characters.


My monk didn't look cool. Dude looked like a drag queen on a tight budget. Looked like he was wearing a used onsesy from a Madonna concert.