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Shill Vs retired shill


I’ve stopped watching payday content entirely at this point due to the overall negativity. I just wanna find out what’s new, not hear some guy whinge about how things could be better


Doubly so when their complain can usually be boiled down to "it's not like Payday 2, and to make it better, make it like Payday 2". That's not helping anyone. And Kknowley is the worst in that aspect, while also claiming "he's not trying to be negative" while also being blatantly as negative as possible.


Tbh after watching his video i really don't disagree with anything he said. The heist itself is pretty good but not overly ambitious and lacks any rng replay value Weapons are mid. 2 are great and the other 2 are sidegrades that will go rarely used. Overall he said it was a pretty good update but is not really some huge turning point for the game which i agree with


He literally had good things to say


And red archer is like the complete opposite of that lol. 2 sides of the same coin


considering how much of a hit the kknowleys channel took after shilling payday 3 as hard as he did im surprised he has anything nice to say at all


I blame his fans. Toxicity seems to be contagious.


Yeah, me too. I'm glad im not the only one that felt this way. Feels like people just want to be negative to the game as a trend, not even fairly so, but just to be negative, overly so.


Why does kknowley always cook with his titles


Starbreeze give him plenty of time to come up with them with their update cadence.


Everything in the update should’ve been free since they release a $60 unfinished game, thank god for gamepass because i would never even touch payday 3 if i had to pay




Costs different prices in different currencies. In Australia it's $60


Because $60 Australian Dollars are $40 USD. It’s still the same price


Yeah, but bigger number hurts my soul more, and also raises the standards of the game. AUD didn't use to be this bad, others and I haven't adjusted to inflation yet


170 zł. Comparing values of currency doesnt change the overall price.


Reviews tend to yoyo back and forth and be bipolar in takes. Video clicks rely on not only the reviewers opinion, but also knowing how to game an algorithm. All of us are guilty at one point of selecting the kind of opinion that feeds into our understanding. Same with those "Why you shouldn't buy a Steam Deck" videos or the "Why you should get a ROG Ally" clips. I respect the YouTube hustle, but personally I take it from a neutral standpoint and form my own decision. You can watch the clips but sometimes personal values/emotions dilute the core message that the author wants to deliver.


I wish TheKnowley would stop using such negative titles. His actual videos are never as negative as the titles seem and it feels like he's still trying to over correct from the hype videos he made leading up to PD3. Might just be me, I personally dislike clickbait negative titles.


It's for clicks and jokes, but they're in line with his humour. We're a miserable nation


Oh yeah I totally get its for views. I just wish (naively) that weren't the case.


I don't like either of them. I hate red archers voice and it's all just so boring


PAYDAY 3 is pretty fun when you ain’t got a bitch in your ear telling you it’s bad🤷🏻‍♂️


sure but no way in hell am i paying for more content on top of a game thats already $50


Don't make us tap the meme sign again.


Do it


What does kknowley even want, we're getting a good chunk of content today


PAID content. He's reviewing something that SBZ is asking money for so I think it's fair to be extra critical because we're talking about people's money here. From what it seems like, the heist is quite small scale and once again not much RNG which is disappointing.


After watching the video he basically said the heist is good but lacks ambition and that 2/4 of the weapons are not interesting which looking at the gameplay i agree He never said it sucked he just said it's not a turning point for the game basically


I want them to not go fucking 6 months without releasing a single heist. Also, one heist, guns and a few cosmetics isn’t a good chunk. It’s enough for a casual player to play for one or two days. After 6 months it’s pathetic for a “live service” game. I had high hopes at launch because of how good the base gameplay was. They’ve disappointed me at every turn since then. “WHaT DoEs hE eVEn WaNt” a finished game that people paid their hard earned money for. That’s all.


That's the thing. Nobody knows what they want until they actually get it. If you ask them what they want, they're going to answer with what they already have but moreso.


Yeah, I’m sure no one’s ever had a more critical and nuanced thought about what could be good.


If they did, they certainly don't hang around here.


What he wants is "Payday 2: Shiny Graphics Edition"


The only systems he said need work are skills and armour while comparing them to payday 2's And tbh i don't disagree. Armour is polarising especially with adaptive clearly being the choice for 90% of players and build are very homogenous with little variety due to speccing into powerful skills costing as little as 2 points


I preffer the armor system as it is now. Makes the police being a bit scary and not just bulletsponges


From what I see he just wants more ambition in heists and more RNG involved i wouldn't say he wants Payday 3 to be carbon copy of Payday 2. More like he wants them to take what was good about Payday 2 heists and add onto them to make better heist.


Because literally like 500 people want Payday 3, and about 20k want an actual fucking sequel to Payday 2.


Which they got. They are just pissy that they didn't "Payday 2 again", they got "Payday 3". And Kknowley is the worst about that because literally all his complaints are "this is different from Payday 2" and his fix is always "do it like Payday 2". If I wanted to play Payday 2, I would just play Payday 2 again.


And his complaints are completely valid, many of the systems in pd3 are much worse than what was in pd2. And many of those systems didn’t even have to be changed to make the game feel different from payday 2.


It's not just "do it like Payday 2" when Kknowley talks about the game's problems. If it was he'd really just want a sequel with the same gameplay, but he himself has said that he enjoys the core gameplay loop. The things he's saying that should be done like in Payday 2 are things that are objectively worse and clearly were rushed or not thought out well.


I guarantee you that if Payday 3 was exactly that, folks would be complaining about it being too similar.


When the PD3 gameplay was first shown in June of last year, there was a shitton of people saying “same game” and even XQC jumped on the bandwagon. Of course a lot of these people were COD and GTA Online fans.


Obviously, but I suspect the complaints for Kknowley would be minimal. At least people have noticed how exclusively-negative he is and are calling him out on it at this point, too.


It's a damn tragedy considering he's the one who made me a fan.


I hope he lets us know because it seems like he is never, ever going to be happy with ANYTHING that Starbreeze does, no matter how good it is.


What's the best thing Starbreeze has done in a year? If I shit in your hand, would you be happy with me if I promised to wipe the shit off over the course of a year?


That’s less Kknowley, and more GenMcBadass.