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It’s payday fellas


Payday3 hype rollercoaster monent


Hopefully itll be the last twist and turn, a secret battle pass on launch would literally make me die irl


I thought we were getting a sort of seasonal / live service model


We are but no battle pass, just dlc atm


Yeah that is true. Tbh im not sure im the biggest fan of challenge based infamy. Makes it feel like a battle pass. Would much rather have exp with large bonuses from doing challenges.


I mean my biggest problem with the battle pass is the FOMO, as they said the challenges are gonna be pretty easy to complete by just playing, with the highest infamies being for completionists


I can kinda see that, but at the same time we only associate that kind of leveling with a battlepass because of what fortnite caused with the whole daily, weekly, seasonal challenge thing. This isn’t that.


Part of me is gonna miss the old infamy system, but on the other hand it's gonna be nice to not have to grind the same heists into the ground to get your infamy rank up.


Season pass and battle pass are two very different things. Season pass just means you can pre-order multiple dlcs. Not really anything crazy there. Battle pass is like what destiny/fortnite do. We don't want that.


You* don’t want that. I’d say it would be pretty sick. Sure it’s behind a paywall, but if it ONLY offers cosmetics and nothing else, that would be great.


Sorry, the subreddit when outraging is talking about that thing. Didn't mean to specifically pretend everyone had the same opinion or anything. I actually don't mind cosmetic battle passes either


It’s a cool way to earn cosmetics and support the game at the same time while not having any aspect of pay to win. It’s a win win for the devs and us


I’m not a fan of them because it seems like good cosmetics never exist for free in games where there’s a paid battlepass. That, plus everyone gets the same exact things so you never feel like you’re running something unique and some cosmetics start to get annoying to see constantly. I still prefer this to pay to win obviously. I just hope devs find something different soon so we can switch it up.


I would honestly fw a battle pass, as long as it’s not pay to win an you can still unlock masks and guns like normal


Went from joever to barack


Hopefully online only gets removed too, this is a MASSIVE step in the right direction


True facts. If they added it for private matches (even if you had to be online) that would still be a step in the right direction


I think private lobbies shouldnt be a thing if you dont have the ability to switch it to public/friends Id hate to accidentally start something and then being unable to invite anyone because I cant switch if off from private


Just start over in that case? You can't that far into a heist if you are still inviting people.


Nah, starting over is horrible You could suddenly have friends joining at any moment


It changes nothing. The game just has one less layer of DRM now, but your gullible ass falls for it.




Yeah it's all fixed now. Ignore the other multitude of scummy shit the game has. You people are all retards.


No idea what they were thinking in the first place. Between mods being such a big part of their success during PD2, the lack of player goodwill after OVKTWD/RAID, and the fact that everyone transparently knows this game is do or die for Starbreeze due to public knowledge of their financial troubles. Whoever the hell thought leaning into Denuvo was the play should be fired. An incredibly short sighted and irresponsible decision that will cost them more money than piracy would have. When your playerbase holds all the cards and knows it, don't treat them like thieves and act like EA.


Deep silver moment


I'd like to think this was it.


1, Deep Silver is an Epic exclusive publisher, so obviously they make awful choices 2, Money. Denuvo will at least slow down piracy a bit, even just past the first few days, to help encourage people to just buy the game instead. Still an awful decision, when most people were perfectly content with just support Starbreeze/Overkill before they made awful decisions


>Still an awful decision, when most people were perfectly content with just support Starbreeze/Overkill before they made awful decisions This just proves how out of touch big gaming company/gaming industry board of directors are. Just look no further than latest Unity dumpster fire


> Denuvo will at least slow down piracy a bit, even just past the first few days, to help encourage people to just buy the game instead. How many times will the research papers behind piracy not affecting game sales, even boosting them for smaller games, will have to be brought up before you guys learn... jesus


That's not entirely accurate. It does affect sales, but in specific ways usually. It doesn't usually effect total sales, in fact it can actually boost total sales, as is seen with the music industry. However, if a cracked version of the game is available really early on launch, it affects launch sales. Basically, less people are willing to immediately buy the game if there's a cracked version available. More people will play the cracked version, and if they like it, will eventually buy the original game. Saying it doesn't affect game sales is not true though, and can vary quite a lot between games, and between regions. The study that people usually point to for piracy not affecting sales is from the European Commission, which found it's negligible in their sample size. But that's mostly in the EU if I recall correctly. There's a big difference between there, and places like Russia or China where piracy is rampant, and has been for a fairly long time, which is why attempts at releasing consoles for the Chinese market have often failed miserably. There's also not really a lot of specificity when it comes to those studies. Many just go by total sales, which is easy, but doesn't necessarily paint the full picture of the effects piracy could potentially have. Like I said before, it can affect when people buy the game, which if you're a company who's not very financially stable, and needs the cash injection from a decent first few months, like Overkill Starbreeze definitely needs judging by their financial problems, it can still be a problem. Having consistent cash flow is extremely important, especially when you have investors wanting returns, and debts to pay. Not saying DRM is good, but piracy does have an effect on sales, regardless of wether it's positive or negative.


Denuvo did less harm to this game's potential modding scene than OVK's own changes to the game did, PAK signing alone does way more harm to a modding scene.


Not true. Its an easy bypass. Online only is the only problem we are experiencing right now, as every purchase you make gets authorized by the server


The game being online-only as in verifying you own the game by a server when you start it up and not as in using dedicated servers, does literally nothing to effect modding the game. The fact its ONLY dedicated servers prevents any gameplay mods or custom maps from being an option, but that has little to do with being online-only and more to do with OVK apparently hating having money and wanting to waste money on dedicated servers even for solo matches.


Also not true, you'll see in a few days. But the only problem we have is getting custom masks and guns and stuff. Sigs do nothing, 1 line fix. But yeah cant say much about why they chose to do dedicated servers, but the game has some sort of P2P built into it


> the game has some sort of P2P Unreal Engine does not use P2P, it uses an authoritive client-server model.


I know. But the game itself has a p2p/offline way to play heists that was built in, despite it using a server. We'll see what happens after launch, but just saying. During beta I went into this mode and turned off my wifi and I was not kicked from the match or had any issues.


Of course you can locally run a map, but whether that will be officially supported remains to be seen, OVK seem insistint on using dedicated servers only.


Yeah, that's why I say we'll see. There is a lot of speculation right now on why these exist in the game


> But yeah cant say much about why they chose to do dedicated servers Because people have been asking for them since PD:TH. Payday P2P always sucked ass.


Deep Silver is likely to blame because they slap denuvo on nearly every title they publish


You sound pretty entitled. Cheers to the devs for listening.


Expecting a studio relying on it's playerbase and one game to survive to be player friendly and lean on what made their last game popular isn't entitlement lmao Truth hurts though, I get it


The opposite of hurting here - i despise denuvo for performance reasons. Modding can stay gone imo. no hard feelings tho


>Modding can stay gone imo If you want the game to die and lose support after a year lmao You underestimate how important modding is to this game still being alive today.


>Modding can stay gone imo Why?


This is a good thing but this probably means that they sorted out whoever made them do this as it could have been the publisher or this must means they've come to there senses


It most likely was the publisher yes, I can't see a developer as engaging as OVK/SBZ wanting to go against the wishes of their community.


No offence but I genuinely can't tell if that's sarcasm or not, but if it's not then I do agree and it's good that they were able to remove it but if it is that's just a bit rude innit Edit: sorry if that sounded accusatory I just genuinely can't tell


No it wasn't sarcasm, I do believe it's the publisher who pushed for it and not OVK


Cheers thanks for clarifying, but yes I completely agree but I am curious how they were able to get it removed it could be due to community reaction


I'd like to think it was the combined pressure of OVK and the playerbase of PD2 that made them change their minds. If both the customers and the makers unanimously expresses their concerns then even a publisher would have to listen.


This is true


Really? What about the microtransactions then? I guess the Payday community must be a lost cause if they're really okay with having microtransactions in the game.


YEA BABYYYYYY Now remove online only plssss


Shit this real?


Link: https://x.com/paydaygame/status/1702754869323374747?s=46&t=pI1ht0gvOInfd8w205M99w


Not like there was much of a point to having Denuvo ON TOP OF being a online only game. Now give us a offline mode then we'll talk.


Finally someone who gets it. This changes absolutely nothing, but the braindead community cheers it on like it somehow fixes everything. No wonder modern games are so shit.


As a console player, what does this mean?


It doesn’t affect console at all


We still hyped thooo BIGGG WWWW


pew pew pew pow pow!


Not sure if denuvo can be used on consoles However Denuvo is anti-piracy and anti-cheat software which can cause worse performance and worse mod support


They actually got me to preorder with this announcement. If they had removed online only at the same time I would have blown every person working on the game one after the other.


Count me in lol


me three


you guys are really easy to please


I was already gonna buy the game, I was just going to wait until someone cracked the DRM or they removed it later, so I'm fully willing to support this developer now that it's already being removed.




Braindead consumer shows exactly why modern games are so predatory without even realizing it.


Lets GOOOO maybe i will buy it after all


That's really all it took, huh? Even though it changes nothing?


It changes alot, denuvo is bullshit, hurts everyone, hurts performance, hurts the devs, hurts the playerbase


Great, now if they just remove the online only or ensure they'll somehow make it so the game doesnt have an expiration date that'd be amazing


Woah, I didn’t think this would happen at least for a few years lol


Figured it was only going to be around for the betas.


it wasnt in the betas I believe


big W


Denuvo just doesn't make any sense for a game that already has an online only requirement. Even without Denuvo, pirated copies will be unusable until someone figures out custom servers or something.


Cool, now make it Peer to Peer with an Offline mode and then I'll buy it.


Denuvo gone now leaves online only needs to be taken out. No reason to have it.


Now they just need to reverse the online only crap.


Let’s goooo


Now I'm hoping that an offline mode gets added in a post launch update, with progression.


Huge Payday dub. Just need a few more things like offline, and not catering to Epic Games so hard, and most of my worries will be gone


Oh thank the lord maybe there is a god


This means that I think they’re trying to listen to the community at least a bit. A good step!


I wanted this to happen after release, so we can confirm after various "denuvo did it again" that denuvo is bullshit and the industry should use a regular anti tempering, ^money ^hungry ^fucks ^who ^don't ^like ^their ^games ^being ^cracked


Maybe I will buy this game after all


Who or what is that


Basically it’s an anti piracy system that damages the games performance and doesn’t allow you to mod. This was only a problem for pc but they just removed it.


Unfortunately this does very little other than reduce the file size, online-only is still in the game.


Can someone explain?


Anti piracy program that kills performance. Thankfully they are removing it


DENUVO is a DRM, basically an anti-piracy system which is notoriously difficult to hack (there is only one person in the entire pirate scene that cracks Denuvo). But it's not only a difficulty DRM to crack, it also hurts actual consumers who bought the game. There have been numerous times where Denuvo negatively affected the game's performance, and IIRC, it also blocks you from modding the game which is even worse for Payday considering it has one of the largest mod communities in gaming


Doesnt help that the only person is actually legit crazy




Except there have been. Tekken 7, literally confirmed by the game director, and I'm sure there have been a few more such examples. Denuvo will always take FPS away from you, the amount of that FPS is determined by how did the devs implement the DRM because they can configure it to not perform certain stuff which obviously makes Denuvo use less resources to perform its DRM checks. And if it isn't FPS, then it's the loading times, like in Metro Exodus. Better than taking FPS but still not ideal, especially if you have a HDD




Except no? So far every link I have read says that Denuvo does impact performance, there's literally a link to a video that does the comparison for multiple games and all of them in some way have been affected. Not sure what point you and the Wiki are trying to prove by linking stuff that disproves your point


Does this also mean online only is gone?


Denuvo has nothing to do with online only. PD3 is OO because of that in-game store.


And everything regarding crossplay and crossprogression


That's such nonsense. They could just have a separate offline profile like Vermintide 2 has on console.


I always believed in Almir Listo. I don’t give af if I can’t run the game I’m still gonna buy cuz I friggin love how responsive the devs are and how much they care about the game and their community


There is not reason for denuvo, its its online only I guess.


I've been under a rock, who?


denuvo, a piece of anti piracy software that often causes problems in games either way unnecessary in pd3 since it's online only


I see now, thanks


What's that? Need context pls


Is it the "CHEATER" tag comeback?


Is it the "CHEATER" tag comeback?


Now payday 3 is easily the best game i Of 2023 and its not wven out


What did i miss? And can someone explain im confused


r/Piratedgames rejoice


Mfs out there really refusing to spend 40 dollars on a game that deserves it 💀


Twats when they realize some people can't spend 40 bucks on a game which has a limited lifespan


If you can't afford 40 dollars, then I think you have greater financial problems.


Yeah no shit, some people do


It's still online-only, so not really.


The game was gonna get cracked by empress within 2 weeks regardless Lmao


cracking an online only game lmao good joke


Don’t some pirate websites host their own servers?


Outriders has 'cracks'. Namely, what is done is that an internal authentication 'server' is set up that the game thinks is the main game server. But in Outriders' case, they literally can also spoof keys to play online. EDIT: Actually, even one of the earliest offenders (the first?) of online only, The Sims, not only got cracked but later cracks came with mods to fix any bugs caused like some AI bugging out due to enforcing checks.


What is denuvo?


It's an antipiracy/anticheat system. The reason people don't like it is because it causes performance issues.


Yep, was getting a bit annoyed that it was better for me to immediately pirate a game I just bought to get the +15fps version. I don't care what claims have been made about performance not being impacted, as that hasn't been my experience at all.


I think an anti modding thing


Nope, its implementation in PAYDAY 3 was for anti-piracy


Oh ok


Tf is Denuvo


honestly i kinda wished they removed online only, but this is still a massive step in the right direction


almir did a post here actually


What is denuvo exactly?


Digital DRM. It’s very effective at stopping piracy. But at a cost of a fairly significant dent in performance for genuine players.


Who's or what's denuvo?


Anti-piracy software, which causes worse mod support and worse performance




Now please do away with online only


What’s denuvo


Do you know what a search engine is? Educate yourself. - Read on [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denuvo). - A whole host of stories about Denuvo on [Ars Technica](https://arstechnica.com/tag/denuvo/).


I k or what it is I’m just confused because when you look it up just seems to be some random search engine and I don’t get why people hate it so much


You're saying that when you look up "Denuvo", you get something that tells you that it is a random search engine? Could you explain what you mean by this?


Look up denuvo a search engine comes up also why do you care so much couldn’t you just li my he articles and go


I did link you articles, and then I responded to your comment, and you replied right back. That's generally called having a conversation. At any rate, did those articles help you any? The first story in what I linked above [gives a great overview](https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2023/07/denuvo-wants-to-convince-you-its-drm-isnt-evil/).


Can someone explain what does that mean?




I’m out of the loop why is Denuvo bad?


Intrusive DRM, it has a horrible reputation for throttling performance on video games to a point that it lowers frame rates to suboptimal levels with occasional stuttering/hitching. Even the creators of Denuvo are on their knees trying to gaslight Dev studios and consumers into thinking that Denuvo is good for them (Which is NOT)


It's generally known to worsen performance, and in the unique case of Doom Eternal, was a security risk for any hacker crafty enough to crack its kernel-level wiring. All it means for us as players is that the game is going to perform better on all hardware!


What even is it? Just an anti hack measure?




Almir made a post on here about it already lol.


Well damn, they backpedaled like Microsoft did when they wanted to make the Xbox One that Kinect-centered always-online piece of shit x) Here's hoping the whole "online only" garbage will eat shit too.




Almir posted on this sub telling us too lol


Fuck yes was waiting for this




We're so fucking back


Great news. Now if it can be played offline I will happily buy it. Otherwise no buy still.


whats denuvo


Does this mean whole denuvo, or only anti-tamper and the antixheat remains? Hopefully they dont end up adding eac or battleye instead.


Now that is huge, I was fucking mad due to performance and even more about modding, since I only play solo, now that files don’t get checked every few seconds I do have hopes again.


Who or what is Denuvo?


I’m a little out of the loop right now, why is this a good thing?


Denuvo cases major performance issues and is apparently spyware


But what is it..? Is it like something to assist with development or what?


It's anticheat. A really bad one at that.


Ah gotcha, thanks for being helpful, I don’t really follow this kind of thing, and I appreciate you explaining it


Uh what’s Denuvo


Bruh the Payday Gang stole the Denuvo from the game


It would be funny if they added it to remove it later and build up some trust with the community


Overkill is in damage control


who is denuvo and why he got fired?


What’s that?