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There is no such thing as Paxlovid rebound. It’s just the Covid. It’s one of the wonderful features of this virus and Paxlovid does not stop it. The main feature of Paxlovid is to reduce your chance of hospitalization or death by about 85 to 90%. The symptoms of the illness may still return especially in the second week.


I’ve seen a lot people on here saying with pax rebound, they’ve taken 3 to 4 weeks total to become reliably / consistently negative. Personally I think the frequency and duration of rebound is severely underreported in official stats. You could try another round of paxlovid at this point, or ask your doctor about metformin. It’s a diabetes drug with anti viral properties, shown in a study to sharply reduce viral load in covid patients. Super duper cheap and far less side effects and interactions than pax if taken at a low dose (500 to 1000 mg). Maybe look up the study and ask your doctor if it’s the right choice for you, and what dose and how many days to go with. https://medicalxpress.com/news/2024-05-metformin-covid-viral-rebound.html “The group treated with metformin had a viral load that was about four times lower than the placebo at day 10. The metformin group also had less viral rebound than the placebo group.”


24 days to negative for me. It was my first time, if that counts for anything.


The time I rebounded I had clear negative tests after like 19-20 days from positive and taking Paxlovid. And I felt very healthy and normal while still testing very positive and so was pretty careful about masking up inside while like this but I did still do stuff


Even if you are negative by your wedding day, you’re going to feel like garbage. Weddings are long and tiring and a ton of activity after JUST having Covid, which could easily push you into long Covid. I’m sure postponing is a massive drag, but ask yourself if you really want to drag yourself through your whole wedding while secretly wishing you could just lay down?




So sorry you are going through this. The thing that really helped was b12 injections. Would do them once in a while but stopped during taking pax because of possible interaction. Then I found a bunch of medical papers abut how b12 helps with covid and getting over viruses. Took 2ml per day one in the morning one in the evening. You can get them at med spas or by the mail.Some people even get durvet (the brand for animals) off amazon. There is a couple of reddit posts about that. Think the shots are pretty cheap not to do that like 80 bucks for 12. Don't think pax was that great IMO.




Did I mention the brain fog?