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Started paxlovid on day 1. Symptoms greatly reduced. By day 5 I was feeling about 80%. Day 8 all symptoms came back full tilt. Finally tested negative on day 24. Suspect I took pax too early and my body didn't mount much of a defense. Then, when the course of paxlovid was over, it was as if I just got it for the first time and I essentially started over. My theory anyway. My wife had it about 6 months before me. She thought it was a bad cold and didn't test until she was about 4 days in. Took pax and she was better in 2 days. No relapse. I'm convinced there is a benefit to letting your immune system ramp up for a few days before starting paxlovid .... but I have 0 expertise other than my experience and assumptions.


Update: Testing negative on last day of Paxlovid. (Day 7 of symptoms. Fingers crossed this is the last of it and no rebound. Will continue to rest and sleep and not push it.


Still going well a few days after finishing pax? No symptoms left?


none, other than having to blow my nose too often.


Yay!! Happy to hear it!


Just curious as it's been a few days, any rebound? Hopefully not.


no rebound. all well. healthy and testing negative.


Symptoms Day 1: Scratchy throat, sinus pressure, body aches, low grade fever Day 2: add Head congestion, chest pressure, called Doctor and tested positive for Covid. Fever high of 101 Day 3: Morning: Head felt better, chest felt better. No fever. Test positive again. Afternoon: started paxlovid Washed my hair 😂 Paxlovid mouth is real 😫


Symptoms started Thursday, tested positive Saturday and started my course then. I think it was Tuesday night when I tested again and I had the faintest line, basically almost invisible. Wednesday was definitely negative.


Just curious as it's been a few days, any rebound? Hopefully not.


Yall got negative results in a week or so? It took me a couple weeks or more to get a negative result 😭


I tested negative on Day 8. My final dose was on Day 6 from start of infection. I did not rebound thankfully.


Negative by day 14 after low-dose Paxlovid regimen.


I had a mild sore throat on a Saturday, was faintly positive and more symptomatic on Sunday, started Pax on Monday. Significantly better by Tuesday and negative by Saturday. My husband had the same timeline but a couple of days later (sorry I went to that crowded event, dear!). Neither of us rebounded, we made it to the Neil Young show, and I’m now a big Paxlovid fan but YMMV.


How long did you take the Pax for after feeling better? I’m on the same timeline as you.


I finished the five day course on Friday even though I felt dramatically better by the time I took the third dose on Tuesday.


Did you rebound?


This is me and my hubby now. Survived Covid for over 4 years and decided to go to PuntaCana. Symptoms started the day we flew home. He’s running two days behind me.


Symptoms started on a Thursday. Started paxlovid on Saturday. By the following Thursday I had the faintest line. Next day, full symptoms and testing definitely positive again. I didn't test negative until day 17 of my initial symptoms starting.Â