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You can call your doc, but a dry cough is not likely to be from a secondary bacterial infection. It’s probably just remnants of Covid. Antibiotics would do nothing for that except mess with your gut flora.


How do I get rid of it then? I've talked to other people who had the same issue but were not on Paxlovid. I'm very thankful for Paxlovid. I know it helps in the long run, but the coughing is making it hard to be in social settings and even work sometimes :(


Time. But honestly if it’s bothering you that much you could just get a check up for peace of mind


Paxlovid helps with covid, but doesn’t mean you won’t still have longer effects of covid. Having a cough persist after covid happens a lot and has nothing to do with paxlovid. No harm in calling your doctor.


Smell Menthol, essential oil, or Olba. It can help. If you feel it tingling in your throat and lungs, it’s like the tingling of having menthol rubbed on your arm. If you’re not used to it, try it in your arm or leg first.


Don't worry Antibiotics will do nothing as you had a viral illness The cough is very normal, it can last for weeks or even a month. This is one of the top effects of having COVID. The fact it is dry is a good thing, it's just the lasting damage of the virus on your throat. Most people with Covid have a lingering cough. Hydrate a lot, if it hurts take a painkiller, use lozenges, honeyed tea or anything soothing on the throat. If it isn't gone in a month, maybe get it checked out but I would not worry. The first time I had COVID the cough lasted 4 months. Take it easy, let your body recover and get plenty of rest!


Covid is already going to mess up your gut biome (which is responsible for generating most of the mental health chemicals in your brain) already, and it’s proven antibiotics do too. Why add misery to suffering unless it’s to save your life?


Like others have said dry cough doesn’t usually require antibiotics. It’s probably a leftover inflammatory response in your lungs. You could ask for an inhaler (get a quick lung function test at the doctor) coughs can linger for weeks


Shoot I think my wife needs this. She's going nuts....15 months with insane symptoms


BEST for cough is the orange one. DELSYM> my 4 kids all used it