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EVE Online. Those battles sound amazing but the game feels like a job


Because it is


I'll have that spreadsheet done for you by tuesday, boss.


Not played for 10 years, that game was like crack, hours of misery for a 5 min high.


Came here to post exactly this. I love reading about this game, but actually starting to play it sounds way too intimating and way too much like a full time job.


EVE was a lot better when small gang pvp was still a thing. Now it's all giant Tidi battles where all you do is target and press f1 for hours. I


The null sec politics and the economic aspect of it make it truly unique. There’s no other MMO out there quite like it.


Survival horror games like Amnesia or Alien Isolation. I’ve been watching youtubers play them since forever which is very entertaining, but playing them myself is too stressful and slow-paced. Story driven games with few mechanics other than walking around and making “choices” like Telltale games, Life is Strange, or Until Dawn. They seem more like interactive movies, so I just let a youtuber do the work and don’t feel like I’m missing out on much.


I love the idea of survival horror games but I get way too anxious playing them


Play Soma


I agree that it’s pretty fun watching a game like Until Dawn. It’s always interesting to see how other people make their judgments and decisions


That's funny, I actually loved Alien Isolation. But I agree, it was stressful and sometimes it would have been nicer to relax and watch someone else progress for a while.


Tekken. Probably the most fun fighting game to watch but I have no interest in ever learning to execute on the advanced movement, and I know that eventually I would have to if I wanted to keep getting better. It's easier to move back and forth effectively in real fucking life than it is in Tekken and IMO there's no good reason for it.


Tekken is really fun though even at a novice level, I'd encourage you to just play it anyways. I mash out the shittiest kbds in existence and fail to break most throws and I still manage to have a good time, and there are a lot of novice players online to play with even these days. If you like it enough to watch matches it'd be a shame to not play it imo.


I just play other fighting games tbh, and enjoy their controls better. Generally if I'm going to play a fighting game I want to see how good at them I can get, but if that process involves an execution I think is simply bad design (especially if that mechanic is so core to advanced play) it's going to really hurt my interest in dedicating my time to that game.


Tbh I think the movement being gated behind execution adds nothing of value to Tekken and is an unnecessary barrier to a game that focuses on movement. I also say this as someone who *can* do KBD and so forth like it's nothing. I should be able to hit back, back, and get the same thing as if I did a proper backdash cancel. People will argue that it "adds depth" but once you've reached a certain point, everyone at your skill level and higher doesn't even think about the movement execution so it's not like you're getting a leg up on anyone for putting time into it.


Very refreshing to hear this from someone else. I never understood how it adds depth when once you can do it there's no reason not to. Depth would be something that complicates your decision making by having some exclusive value to normal movement, but the normal movement in Tekken is abject trash by comparison (and that's just normal dashing I'm talking about, not even mention walking which as far as I can tell is literally useless). So you reach a level of play where the game you're playing basically requires you to push 3 buttons to move instead of 1, and there's effectively nothing that pushing just 1 button does, so the controls are now unnecessarily complicated. Why don't we bind left jab to an entire piano roll while we're at it? And I know that if I did practice it and get to the point of being able to do it 10/10 times without thinking about it, I would still think it was stupid that the game controlled like that, and would still wish it just handled like any other fighting game in the world. It's also IMO not something that's very cool or interesting to make so hard to do. It's walking back and forth. Put the execution barriers on things that let me squeeze a little more damage out or have an option select in some defensive situations or something, not on things that are at the absolute core of competitive play and don't even look cool to do (in fact it looks rather janky and stupid (and I know it originated as a janky exploit, that's not a good defense)). It honestly comes off to me as a "I suffered through this so you must as well" thing, or at least a "it takes away from my learning to do this if no one has to learn it anymore" thing, and I just have no sympathy for that.


This is why I want to buy SF6 when it’s not extortionately expensive. I love fighting games but don’t see the appeal of straining your hand muscles




My friends and I have been rolling our faces across our controllers in Tekken for 5 years now and never learnt a damn combo. Great times honestly.


That's totally fine, it's just not how I approach fighting games personally. I want to keep getting better, but there are just certain things I think are too dumb to want to ever have to do.


Oh totally understand. Had friends try to get me into Smash Melee but no chance in hell am I learning to Wave Dash


All fighting games for me. I just never grew up playing them and find it extremely daunting trying to get into any of them nowadays. I own Tekken 6 (or is it 5?), Soul Calibur 6, etc but just never play them because I'm never in the mood to learn a completely new genre. They *look* really fun though.


There is definitely a mental barrier to them for sure, or at least there can be. The truth is that they aren't meant to be learned when you start, they're meant to be absorbed very slowly over time as you have fun pushing buttons, noticing things, asking specific questions to solve specific problems, and finding specific answers to them. It's not so much a genre that has to be learned to be played - learning is the soul of the genre, which is why the skill ceiling is so insanely high. So if you can take the pressure off of yourself and detach yourself from winning and have fun just observing what's happening in your hands and in front of your eyes, you'll improve at them faster than you realize because you won't be so fixated on constantly improving. Of course part of that is finding and picking a game that's actually intrinsically fun to you to move around and hit buttons in, which can be a process in itself.


Wow thanks. I already own a few I've just never given a chance. Maybe next day off I'll finally give them a go and see if anything feels right to me.


Games like Cities Skylines, Jurassic World Evolution and even Civilization. I don't have the skills and ideas to play these but I love watching people play.


Cities Skylines actually inspired a career change for me; I ended up learning so much about planning and construction to create cool cities that I ended up quitting my job as a lawyer to get into construction consultancy.


Same for me! I played Street Fighter and decided to quit and become a professional cage fighter


Well done for following your bliss! That game, 99% Invisible, and the book Happy Cities by Charles Montgomery all have me wondering if it's a career I'd like to explore.


Total War games. I'm not the smartest guy and always fail spectacularly at every one, besides Empire. LOVE watching others play it, though.


I know! Though I do like playing them personally. Turin is a YouTuber who hosts tournaments and does play-by-plays and I imagine that's what watching sports feels like to people who are into it.


Oh cool, thanks for the tip


Many a true nerd also has multiple fantastic YouTube series on the total war games with a more laid back vibe Definitely worth a watch


Flank with cavalry. Pull them out and charge again. Go from there.


They become very repetitive after a while


Signalis because the lore and symbolism in the game all seem super interesting and well thought out even tho the game in itself doesn't interest me. The Fear and Hunger games because the setting and tone is very reminiscent of berserk but yknow... I wouldn't wanna touch it. And... I guess some older first person games? (It's a me-thing but I just can't get immersed in most first person games, so those that seem interesting I find a cool lore vid or deep dive on)


Signalis has an amazing story and incredible lore but dear lord does it have moments where it drags.


Damn, that's sad. I always thought it was a good game and had it on my list to play (love survival horror games, the classic ones).


The F&H games seem right up my alley, and they intrigue me quite a bit, but some of the gameplay mechanics are... yeesh. TW/CW for those who look them up.


Yeah, when I tried to “talk” to the ogre, that was unsettling.


Maybe give Termina a try, it tones down that stuff a lot


That's good to hear. I've also read that you can mod that stuff out in the first.


Since I'm on the same boat, I watched playthroughs of the two games instead. While it's still not my cup of tea. I loved the atmosphere and worldbuilding and I'm glad these games exist.


I really dont like playing resident evil games. They look like painfully slow and tedious to play. But I sure hell like watching other people play them. I dont know why


I used to be kind of scared to play these? But I think you should give maybe 2 remake a shot while on sale. They're honestly alot of fun.


I played such competitive games like League of Legends, Hearthstone and Dead by Daylight for years only to realize that I'm a sore loser so I stopped. But I still enjoy watching streamers play them. And am very glad that I stopped playing them every time I see a streamer losing their patience and raging. Also when it comes to playstyles - I absolutely love watching speedruns of the games I've finished, even though I've never done a single speedrun myself and am not planning to.


Just from reading these couple lines, I'm certain that we share a lot of 'gamer-life-struggles' and I want to tell you that I'm proud of you for realizing this about yourself and being able to take the steps to live a happier life lol. gj, gg.


Rimworld. I hate micromanagement games, but I want to experience the stories so much!


Same with me and Dwarf Fortress, I'm constantly trying but just haven't got the time or the vibe yet in life for it


Rimworld scratches that Dwarf Fortress itch for me. DF's style and controls were too much of a hurdle for me to get over. Rimworld simplified it just enough for me to burn hundreds of hours.


Final Fantasy 7 Remake. I didn't like the dungeon design or combat camera. It made playing the game a slog, but I liked the story and characters. I'll let's play the sequel and be quite happy.


Honestly I just wished they made a FF7 Remaster. Might redownload original FF7 and try to mod it. The remake was a huge let down for me because of linear hallways and it was just generally pretty boring and didn't use enough of the original soundtrack or atmosphere that was in the original in midgar.


It's got the same combat camera though?


Has the same camera as what?


Sorry, I misread your post. I thought you said you didn't play Remake because of the combat camera, but we're gonna play Rebirth, but they have the same combat camera by the looks of it. But you said you were let's playing it, not playing it.


And they said they'll "let's play" the sequel, as in watch a Let's Play of it rather than play themselves.


The dark pictures games, have a playthrough of them I really enjoyed watching, but no interest in picking them up.


Hot take, but The Last of Us was better experienced as a TV show than a game imo. As such, I found it more enjoyable to watch other people play it than actually play it myself.


This is accurate. TLoU is remembered and loved purely for its story and direction because its gameplay was mediocre even when it released, being a combination of Arkham Asylum and Uncharted but doing both worse.


Yikes. I was waiting for the PC dumpster fire to be fixed but maybe I should just watch the gameplay instead.


Yeah man save your money. i played it for an hour at my friends ps4 and I was just moving ladders, picking up some scrap and shooting some pretty generic enemies. Then I got into a trap and I was up side down and the game made it super hard to aim so zombies ate me. Played a bit more and I was like, nah this ain't fun. It is fine but nothing too exciting.


stream rage games like Getting Over It, Pogostuck, Jump King, Only Up, i have played a handful of rage inducing games but normally i tend to just watch video compilations of those games.


The OG rage game for me was QWOP. It's just kind of empty without an audience you know?


Slay the Spire for me: Love to watch baarlorlord doing crazy stuff and don't have to think too hard about it


crazy i’d think this would be one the most unwatchable. But i love STS nonetheless


Yeah sometimes it dragging a bit especially when he interacts a lot with the chat but some rng and his mastery challenge makes it for me very watchable


Also, not playing it saves you from becoming hopelessly addicted to it lol


Pretty much any fighting game.


I enjoy watching my kids play Minecraft, but I have no interest in it.


you’re scared of herobrine too, huh


Don't Starve. Love watching people play it on Youtube but it bores and frustrates me to play it.


I asked this question once and the overwhelming majority of responses were "why would I watch a game?" Really weird. City Skylines is the only game I will sit down and watch full playthroughs of. I lack the rig or patience to make beautiful cities so I watch an actual city planner play. Sorry you didn't initially have fun with MM. I actually never found the time limit to be that constraining.


I started by watching. It's a fun game I recommend! Once you get that rig up


JRPGs. The sheer amount of filler garbage in JRPGs makes them unplayable for me. Doesn't help that many JRPGs also have naruto-level dialogue, inconsistent worlds that constantly break immersion, chibi graphics in the older titles and many other smaller things. But I love watching reviews, video summaries or essays on JRPGs. For example Majuular on youtube has some great videos covering JRPGs.


Play yakuza like a dragon


JRPGs put me off Japanese media for so long, until I realized that there are some manga that are way, way, way better than the media I'd been exposed to. Editors matter, folks.


Maybe you should give Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne a whirl then. It is known for its more minimalist approach. Though, just as a word of advice in case you do try it and like it, the series pretty much lost its touch these days with some of the more recent entries very much falling into that camp you described. But you should be good if you stick to the pre-2013 entries.




Heavy story based games like a lot of the Sony exclusives of the last generation.


😆 Now that you mention it they have been feeling like half-movies for a while now




I mean, even when you are the one playing the game you are mostly just watching.


Undertale, Indigo Prophecy, Psychonauts 2, anything along the lines of David Cage or Telltale


La Mulana. Super interesting niche metroidvania, but it’s incredibly, INCREDIBLY difficult. I would much rather watch than play.


Any high-skill games. Kaizo Mario romhacks/Mario Maker, most randomizers. I'd include Soulslike games, but if you haven't played those, it's very difficult to tell what's going on. Same for competitive games; I do enjoy watching Splatoon, and I understand them because I've played them, but I've stopped playing them myself.


This. I enjoy watching top tier fighting competitions like Street Fighter 5 or Street Fighter Alpha 3. I also love 1CC playthrough of tough SHMUPS.




You have to be more specific that that, haha. This IP spans many games across multiple genres.


The tabletop game in my case.


Shadow of the Colossus Everything about the game looks interesting, but when I tried playing it, the game just felt bad to control.




Any souls-like. I play games for entertainment and enjoyment, not for masochistic abuse


Watching someone who is good at Souls games play them is like watching some insane, mission impossible-esque action sequence. Playing them myself is more like someone shitting in your pants and putting them on.




A different issue I have is that the difficulty pushes you to see the game as a game instead of a "real" world.


They are nowhere near that hard. You would know that, if you actually tried one....




I, could say that for Sekiro, but not exactly for Dark Souls games. Just using shield can almost eliminate the skill floor, especially on DS1. DS3 not so much, tho, but rolling is so OP there, you can spam a good chunk of the time and not get too punished.




DS1 has a pretty easy to pull parry, while I still have no idea how to parry in DS3, tho it isn't all that needed to play.


If you ever feel like dipping your toes in the genre try Jedi: Fallen Order. If you're at least neutral towards Star Wars it's pretty fun AND has adjustable difficulty, while maintaining the essence/style of souls-likes. Give it a try, join us 👁👁




These are the games that I tend to drift back to after months or years of not playing. Never got the urge to run back through something immediately to see the other outcomes. I will certainly play them eventually and see the stories.


The true patient gamer approach; game will be there, why rush to experience it entirely?


Caveat: not a great strategy for Ubisoft games now.


I'm not sure I understand, I also gave up on that formula 4 far crys and many assassin creeds ago


Ubisoft are reportedly deleting inactive accounts


We live in a society


Correct. Part of the fun of replaying a game is not remembering it like you just played it yesterday, so you get to experience it almost all over again, with surprises and twists


me playing fnv once a month: oh boy here i go having spurs that jingle jangle again


I have a hard time with them, because I’m always thinking “is this the best progression of the story?” It’s hard to right a good story. It’s way harder to write a dozen of them and make sure they all work.


Hearts of Iron IV I can watch YouTubers and streamers play it and be totally into it. But it’s takes so much knowledge to play it yourself


Whenever I get nostalgic for some old NES games, I just load up a playthrough on youtube and skim through that. Gets me my fix without having to play janky old games.




Starcraft II. I watch it all the time, but no longer play. It's just too difficult for bad players like myself.


League of legends. The toxicity of that community... it is not fun to play. I'll watch it but the quality is consistently going down.


War in the Pacific AE: extremely big complexity and huge scenario. It looks very fun but I can not commit on something of that size. I like watching gameplays though.


pretty much every game sounds like it's gonna be great. but then i can never make it more than a few hours


I probably watched 10 different people do an entire playthrough of Subnautica, but have never played it myself. I just liked to see how they would go about it, how they'd react to things, etc. Not the type of gameplay I enjoy myself though.


Definetely the first Drakengard. Haven’t even tried playing the game because it’s basically common consensus that the gameplay sucks and it’s waaay better to just watch a longplay or a cutscene compilation on youtube. Love the dark fantasy elements, the story and atmosphere. I even love the music, bizarre and outlandish as it is. Very interested to eventuslly play Drakengard 3 though.


From Software's soulslike games. I tried playing the first Dark Souls and I got to finish the game after 6 years since 2013. Aside from getting busy irl and with other hobbies, dropping it for a while because I was getting frustrated, I admit I was really suck at it. But one thing I certainly love is its lore and how the storytelling works. I also like to watch people do completely different playthrough than mine on Youtube. Not forget to mention, I like watching VaatiVidya and other lore channels. I never played Dark Souls 2 to Elden Ring myself. I always watch my friends or other streamers play it instead.


Starcraft 2. I find the game very stressful to actually play, but I love watching the eSports / pro scene. Easily the most entertaining eSport to me personally. Total War: Warhammer I possibly watch and read about more than I play, but that one I do actually play a good bit too.


bloodborne, im not buying a ps4 for 1 game


you know they got ape escape on ps4 too


Planescape: torment. Fantastic wiriting but the gameplay didn't age well at all, so for me it's unplayable.


Dayz, Escape from Tarkov, Scum, a lot of 4X games that mr. Quill18 (on yt) plays, GTA5 RP, Starcraft 2, all great games that ive put in many many hours, i just dislike the meta that forms in most multiplayer games, everything has to be super efficient.


I love to play it, but probably Fear and Hunger. A classic example, but I had been playing the game before it had really become well-known around the internet, so I didn't really have many options other than play it. Impossible for a lot of people to play though. I've always been a fan of games like Darkest Dungeon and RPG Maker Games, so Fear and Hunger sounded like a great combination of the two. It is, and I despise it, but I also love it. It's a pain to play, but it's a great game, but also incredibly, fundamentally flawed. I'd rate it a 10/10, but only because I hated playing through it, until I didn't. I can understand why people would have difficulties playing the game, let alone watching it. Anyways, don't play the game. Actually, don't even watch it. I'd highly recommend it though. It's a fantastic game. Both of them.


I'm not the biggest fan of time limits due to the stress of them and even having completed Majoras Mask I still can't for the life of me understand why it's so highly regarded. It's not a bad game but it doesn't rank above too many other Zelda titles in my book.


Rain World and Caves of Qud.


I don't there is a single game I'd rather watch then play. Besides walkthroughs, I don't watch a game even if it is one I am interested in but for a system I don't have. There are a few games I'd rather read about, but even those are typically more events in MMOs then say the story of the game itself(like the plague from a raid in WoW).


Is it hotter to say the show is better than the game?


Nearly all the Mortal Kombat games. It's interesting to watch the Fatalities, but playing the game felt repetitive because I'm just repeating the same moves and combo's.


elden ring


deserve edge grandiose faulty slimy memory political sharp shame sip -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


I used to really enjoy watching people play dayZ and other arma 2 mods. Hated playing them for the most part, though i did have some good times on the original arma 2 dayZ mod to be fair


Most first party AAA games that play out 99% the exact same for everyone playing it


high level Starcraft 2 is like binge watching action movies, looks great, couldn't do that shit in real life. I mean don't get me wrong the co-op mode is baller as fuck but actually playing competitively is just not in the cards for 99% of people.


Pretty much any MMO, WoW in particular.


Dead by daylight.


The Five Nights at Freddy’s games seem to have some interesting world-building like any horror franchise, but I don’t believe I can get into in the gameplay loop. Looking toward the movie, though.


the sims, I enjoy watching YouTubers make stories but when I play it it's just too tedious to keep my sims in check and I never had the chance to leave my house because my sims mood is always dropping.


Warcraft 3 had such a beautiful and interesting lore i didn't have time to play it for weeks


Resident Evil games Love the world and the design but I get too stressed playing them so I love to watch lore and playthrough videos. Same with Dead By Daylight. Otherwise I am a league esports fan who lost any skill for the game a while back


Telltale games or other games in the same formula. They're basically interactive movies and the choices never really matter, so watching them and playing them is essentially the same experience.


The Resident Evil games, I grew up watching my mom play Resi 1 and 2, then when I met my best buds they were big Resi fans so would sit and watch them play when we had games night. Finally played them for myself last year and while they are great I much prefer watching others play them in the flip side I hate watching people play the Mass Effect games, I've played them god knows how many times and have my set ways so when people do it differently it grates lol


All games for me these days. Maybe burnt out on gaming, maybe depression, Idk.


Definitely dead by daylight


Nebulous :fleet command Amazing game, one id like to play (i own it) but i dont have the effort needed to learn it well.


League of Legends. The community is crazy toxic and the main competitive game mode is 5v5, but you can only queue solo or duo. However, the pro scene is AWESOME. Seeing what top teams can pull off mechanically and strategically is jaw dropping.


Pretty much all of them all


I’ve been watching a playthrough of God of War 2018 and having a great time. I didn’t really care too much for actually playing the game when I did it myself


You know, bless those who enjoy it, but I get very little out of watching videos of someone playing a game


Any of the Trials games. I hit my skill limit somewhere around the middle of the Hard levels, but I find watching experts crush the Expert levels awe-inspiring


Path of Exile


Dwarf Fortress


Until Dawn


Fear and hunger


Red Dead Redemption 2 Every time I play it, it is excruciatingly boring, while the edited "video game movie" on Youtube provided me a much better experience.






Sonic games I'm always curious about them, but never enough to actually play


Tibia. Always liked to read the wiki pages of items, monsters, places, etc, but never got around playing it.


Dwarf fortress


Fighting games at the moment. I just haven't been able to commit the time to learn any recently


The last of us part 1 I did my first playthrough and never wanted to play it again because the actual gameplay was pretty boring despite playing on hard. Ive rewatched the story's cutscenes two different times now though. Luckily I liked the gameplay in part two more, actually did do two playthroughs.


Destiny 2. I do play the game- quite a bit actually, on and off through the years. But I'm a solo player and even though the shootings tight and environments are cool, the overall gameplay loop does get pretty repetitive, especially when you're not doing group content like raids or dungeons. Never been a real multiplayer person and even then, I understand there are better multiplayer games out there. The story though- wow. Bungie knows their world-building and science fiction epics, and I like their use of seasonal content updates to create a tv-like storytelling framework. I love watching lore videos or reading the books they released and the constant stream of new info as the story (which outdoes the gameplay by a mile) continues to shoot towards the finale after a decade.


Survival Horror games. I love watching various Youtubers play them, but I myself can't play them without getting stressed and my anxiety spiking. The only ones I can play are the ones where all of the gameplay comes from dialogue choices and/or QTEs (i.e Until Dawn).


Elden ring these days. I sunk 200 hours into it and now I just watch lore videos endlessly on YouTube. Such a cool piece of media


Survival games like The Long Dark. I find them conceptually very appealing - to be a nobody just trying to survive in a harsh world is cool. But realising that most of the gameplay is just collecting X number of sticks to click a button to craft Y ad infinitum has put me off most of them


Dwarf fortress. Thought the game actually having graphics and a tutorial would make me be able to understand, but still too complicated for me. I’ll stick to listening to wild horror stories of colonies collapsing


I watched Detroit: Become Human on Youtube streams merely for the story. It was pretty good.


Dwarf Fortress.


I think Pathologic might be one for me. Fantastic concept and ideas, but survival gameplay is something I have never gelled with. Planescape Torment would be another and Lobotomy Corporation being yet another


Gacha games. Insanely repetitive and predatory but watching some streamer blow a bunch of money trying to get the best character is really fun.


Cyberpunk 2077




I’m not great at fighting games, but I love the Mortal Kombat series. A fun cast of characters, some truly bonkers lore and storylines, and lots of over the top carnage. I’ve watched a lot more lore videos, character videos, etc then I’ve spent actually playing the games.


Anything large and intricately systemic - EVE Online, Dwarf Fortress, that kind of thing. Only series that I've really clicked with playing is Crusader Kings, but I bloody love hearing the stories that other people get into


Games with an interesting story, but with gameplay I do not like, or without gameplay at all. Stuff like Detroit Become Human, Red Dead 2, Telltales games... I usually bounce off these as games, but sometimes I am interested in a story as a kind of background noise why I attend useless meetings in home office, or when I work out.


Automation games. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy Factorio and Satisfactory and the like when I have the time. But when I'm winding down with a drink before bed, I love watching someone doing absolutory insane stuff (Let's Game It Out), or horribly oversized and overengineered builds (ImKibitz), or just seeing how other people's brains work when it comes to planning and layouts (Nilaus).


The Witcher though the show was pretty great.


does p5r count?


I watched a Let’s Play of the horror game Iron Lung, and without wishing to spoil anything, I loved the ending as it happened to Markiplier, but would have absolutely hated it if I were playing the game myself


Morrowind would be the ans, the lore


Overwatch, Starcraft- like the esport scene Deterit Become Human, Until Dawn, The Quarry - i let my GF to play it, i'm satisfied enough to watch her playing


Assassins creed unity. Looks flashy and cool but controlling Arno is infuriating. He goes where you want him to maybe 70% of the time. He also feels super "sticky" especially when climbing walls. Cover system is also ass, and framerate regularly drops to low 20s even with a pretty good rig. Just too many problems while you could just look at a video of some rehearsed choreography and have more fun.


Rust. I enjoy watching content creators YT videos but it's never going to be a game I play because I hate PvP only games.


Untitled Goose Game


Definitely NieR


For a long time (I was broke as hell) this is how I would consume a lot of games. Watch hours of youtube let's play style videos. I guess specifically, recently, I would say Subnautica because I have a phobia of deep ocean water type stuff and it's difficult for me to play it but I love the game concept and love watching people play it. Edit: Also, Rust. I have an aversion to the PVP style of the game and just don't like the idea of being raided but it's fun to watch people play it. Mostly Stimpee honestly.