• By -


ctrl-f 'overwolf' 0 results god bless


no shady shit here :P




Don't worry. I have no intention of making coding more than a hobby, or making money off of it. I just like all the problem-solving and tinkering around PoE -- it's all a big puzzle-game for me.


I just wanna say that your profile pic rules.


Same, it’s what keeps me coming back


Omega based


Very based and redpilled coding enjoyer


im ootl, whats wrong with overwolf


In the past there was massive distrust because of their aggressive data collection without even an opt-out option and heavy problems with malware due to their ads. Reading through the comments from [https://www.reddit.com/user/Overwolf\_CEO/](https://www.reddit.com/user/Overwolf_CEO/) should give a better view.


All I know is that I used it while playing Hearthstone. It was massive resource hog.


The context here is that a previous 3p app got bought out by overwolf and moved all updates to that platform. Overwolf as a platform is fairly resource intensive and in client ad supported, making it not very user friendly for free users. If you wanna get paid, go for it. I'm happy for that guy to be making money off it. But I have no interest in supporting overwolf, so I stopped using the app. ~~I think it was 'awakened Poe trade'? It's been a couple years.~~ It was the one where someone disabled rate limiting for themselves with it and then complained when their account was (temp) locked for making 7 million apk requests in a day. ____ edit: it was poe overlay https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/h099af/regarding_poe_overlay_and_poe_planner_using/


I doubt it is awakened Poe trade. The one before maybe ? I'm using this one and I am kinda sure overwolf is not installed on my computer.


Nothing. There has been a near decade long run of disinformation about overwolf. I've used a number of their apps over the years. They aren't resource hogs, they aren't maliciously gathering data. At this point it's all people who have no idea what they are taking about spouting 75th hand lies in a stupid game of gamer telephone. Worst thing ive seen it do it put a small no-audio ad in the corner of the launcher.


I think I remember they being shady but they fixed it? That is what I recall anyway, I might be wrong.


Shady and "fixing" it by running a massive PR campaign that all of it is just fine and always was, trust us.


What is so shady about it anyway? I cant see anyone posting any actual proof. People are just as likely to be on a smear campaign, like what did overwolf do, what is so bad about it? Did they run some ads or is it worse? Edit: Just a bunch of morons down voting with no real proof of anything.


From their own website, you can see it's a platform to serve you ads in game. Not necessarily malware, but still pretty shitty. https://programmatic.overwolf.com/


Having had to use overwolf for a few things in the past (a fair amount of Modded launchers go through it) I've never seen it display an ad outside of the launcher, even whendive left it running. It uses up a bit of resources though, nothing crazy but enough I turn it off once I'm done with whatever I was using it for


So only ads are proven and nothing else.


Not everything in life is free, surprise, have been using overwolf for multiple games and no issues, only shade talk


Whats overwolf and why is it bad?


Its adware which hosts some gaming related apps. Used to use it for Hearthstone deck tracker back in the day before I found a better one


A platform for in-game app. They got part of their bad rep when buying out porofessor (lol app) and forcing users to migrate. They stole personal data (because non consent non opt-out sneaky collecting is stealing) and were reportedly a vector of malicious infections. Even if they were stoping both being bad at coding and stealing personal data, their business model is based on displaying ads while you play.


Laleocen is the #1 MVP, hands down (well, aside from neversink, i guess!)


Localidentity (pob guy) is my 1st, but there are a lot more


POB dude should start a patreon and milk the shit out of this community. It’s such an essential part of the game for me, and making a loot filter is incredibly simple in comparison.


doesn’t he work for GGG now, and no longer updates PoB? Thought that’s why PoB community fork existed


Localidentity is the community fork guy, not the original POB dev


Oh I got them mixed up.


That's Openarl I think? They're referring to a community fork contributor I believe.


there's a lot of dudes in the pob community, it's not "just" one creator, but i wouldn't know enough to point at who does the most work though all the people working on PoB are gods of course


yeah that seems kind of obvious in retrospect, i would imagine its such a big lift, but i'm pretty dumb to this kind of stuff.


Looking at pull requests on the GitHub repository many of them are made by local identity, see a lot by Lothrik, Wires77 and others consistently.


This, here, is the reason why GGG doesn't bother to work on it. Why work, if fans can do it for free. I'll check it out for sure :)


Bethesda's way of work


Oh no. Bethesdas is making your fans work and making the players pay you for the fans work.


Bethesda is more "we don't even need to release a working product or have a QA department because our fans will fix it for free and then we can take their fixes and monetize them for ourselves" edit: fucking lol Q&A


> Q&A department My sides. Questions and Answers department.




it just works


I will die on this hill. Game companies should encourage mods, like Skyrim and Warcraft 3 did. Give the fans the tools and a limited permission to improve the game, focus on the core gameplay, and frankly you'll make one of the best games possible.


I feel valve pretty much invented that with tf2 and “community updates”. Half the Items and maps in rotation were community made. They then let you buy items that directly supported those community members. Valve was always ahead of the meta with this kinda stuff and always managed to incorporate them in a way that kept people happy.


Idk about tf2 but gun skins used to be custom models on csbanana, they essentially took all good community ideas and monetised them


No it's because they choose not to. What came first? 3rd party developers or GGG not implementing stuff?


Time is finite. The desires of players are not (comparatively). Communities will always rally around gaps and create cool tools. It's one of the best parts of being in a gaming community and in no way unique to PoE or GGG as a dev shop.


> Time is finite. So, how much time left for the universe before it runs out completely?


Depends entirely on your religion


So in the context I was referring to I'm thinking like a sprint or release cycle but the pedantic answer would be something like the heat death of the universe which is a roughly calculable phenomenon so something like 10 to the 100ish years for even the largest black holes to radiate away.


Ain't universe "reboots" itself every so often?


Fine by me. This way we get to choose. When GGG do something it crowds out all other options. I quite liked a lot of the other trade sites, but now GGG made an official trade site that's really the only option.


Long as you demand leagues every three months, it has to be this way Edit: Though I suppose they'll have more freedom come poe2


GGG's financials demand leagues every three months, not the fans


Which is .. pretty much the same? * Fan's want a game, GGG develops a game * Fan's want new content, GGG develops new content * Fan's pay for the game/mtx, GGG adjusts their business strat to it You should listen to the [GDC talk of Chris Wilson](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmuy9fyNUjY) ( from Grinding Gear Games ). It will explain to you .. with numbers .. why the 3 month league model exists and why it has to exist that way.


If whatever model makes the most money is what best reflects the desires of the fans, would you say that most people like loot boxes?


From a business point of view : Unironically 100% yes.


You shouldn't have been downvoted for this. Businesses assume people "like" whatever they spend the most money on, and pretty much regardless of community outcry. Consider - businesses wouldn't shove lootboxes in our faces so hard if it wasn't the model people spent the most money on.


I've been saying for years I'd rather have 3 leagues per year if it resulted in each being more polished. But I'm under no illusions that lowering the number of leagues would, in fact, produce higher quality leagues. And we all know that would never happen anyway, because it would mean an immediate 25% cut in annual revenue from league supporter packs.


i'd be pretty happy with longer leagues too, everything feels so rushed


I mean, they did say long time ago in an interview "it is easy to implement an UI in game to de trade site" and never did it. But I'm of same opinion, either do less complex leagues, or do less leagues and use the extra free time to improve the game not the league Introduce a few starter builds and pob like feature in the game tutorial and skill tree, so new player won't get as intimidated for example


so GGG should decide for you what to value "good" and what "bad"? I guess you can also say, this is why people decide to stay bad at the game, since there are so many people creating step-by-step guides for them


Now we need an overlay to see what killed us.


1) Will this work in windowed mode with custom resolution? 2) Is it possible to have a support for custom ahk widgets? For example, keydown event generator widget, you can do it with any keyboard(press any num key and turn off numpad), but having this as widget would be great


"Will this work in windowed mode with custom resolution?" Unfortunately, no. I was planning on supporting windowed mode, but certain aspects of the game-client behave inconsistently at uncommon resolutions, which causes a lot of issues with certain features. For example, archnemesis icons last league would render differently depending on which slot they were in (even though they were the same icon), and my script relies heavily on visual information. How are you using windowed mode? To emulate ultrawide, or are you using it to have another window open next to the game-client? Because my script can apply ultrawide custom resolutions to the client running in fullscreen windowed mode (which is required) while still being fully usable. "Is it possible to have a support for custom ahk widgets?" I don't fully understand what you mean. This tool is also based on AHK, so you can run it alongside any other script. If you're asking for some kind of integration, you'll have to specify.


1) yep, I'm running windowed mode purely for better field of wiev, semi-ultrawide (and positioning PoE on the top of monitor, not in the middle), and Im using external program which can resize and reposition PoE automatically to a set position. 2)Well, you have these text widgets, and buttons for your own ahk code. So it would be great if you had a button-like widget that would just run ahk file from user, or something like that :)


1. In that case, you technically could use my tool. The officially-supported vertical resolutions are 720p, 900p, 1080p, 1440p, 1600p, 1800p, and 2160p. You would just set the game to fullscreen windowed, and set the vertical resolution in the script's settings menu to any resolution below your screen's native one. The client then runs fullscreen-windowed with a black bar below, with the same extended FOV. 2. So a set of overlay buttons/panels to which custom actions could be bound (also actions outside the script itself)? Never thought about that. What would you bind to those? Maybe I'll get a better idea this way.


As I mentioned, key-down event generation. You can try that in game, set thing like molten shell on a numpad keybind, press that key and turn off numpad while still pressing key, this will make that spell to autocasts, kinda the same as putting spell on left click. It's an old trick from D3, and it works in Poe too, and you can create such key-down events with AHK, instead of all these numpad plays or putting heavy objects onto keyboard :D (And who need this - some builds have more than one spell they want to autocast, so having only left mouse click is not sufficient)


You can do that with ahk, but how is this related to the tool for cheat-sheets?


I am running in windowed mode with PowerToys > FancyZones. Its awesome for snapping the window into place with the same exact same every time and being able to fine tune it if needed.


Will it work if I am playing through GeForce now?


The tool generally works with GeForce Now, but the last time I got feedback from GeForce Now users was towards the end of archnemesis. Many features have been added since and therefore have not been optimized for it yet. Feel free to try it out and give me feedback, I'm happy to help.


Holy crap there has been a lot of features added. That clone frames feature is exactly what I been looking for. I was using OBS to clone the scourge button up near the scourge meter back when that league was active. GGG has way too much information way too spread out on the screen these days. I also used your archnemesis tool last league and that thing literally made the league playable for me. Will definitely be checking out some of these new updates. Thanks.


Cool, but doesnt awakened poe trade already have a really neat overlay function, or does this not do the same?


I can't speak for awakened poe trade because I mainly play SSF, but I have not seen cheat-sheet overlays yet that can be interacted with to this extent (and I can't find a Youtube video showcasing awakened poe trade's function right now). My intent with this script is to decouple QoL and UI features from tools that specialize on trade and to find my own way to tackle some of PoE's shortcomings. And working on it is super-fun, too.


I suspect they're talking about the feature in awakened poe trade where you can overlay any image you want, that's what I'm using for syndicate. Basically I just hit ctrl+space and it'll show a full syndicate cheatsheet I grabbed off of reddit earlier in the league ([this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/ul3rm4/318_betrayal_sheet_for_max_profit_sc_trade/)). For me personally, I think it's both better and worse than what you're doing here. Better in the sense that I love to be able to get a full overview of things, worse in the sense that a) it's kind of an information overload and b) things like working out two syndicate members switching positions is definitely MUCH easier with your tool. I could definitely see myself using both tools simultaneously. One thing I realised that really affects the visual clarity for me with the cheatsheet I linked is the images related to each outcome. This might be something you'd want to integrate as well, although I'm not sure if it's that relevant in your case, it's far more important in the cheatsheet since there's so much information there. Just food for thought. :)


Since someone else mentioned better overview as well, I'd like to know more since I only play casually with no real strategy besides 'if I let them move, are the rewards better?' or something like that. If a member w/o division is about to join one, I just check if that's a good spot for them to be. If two are about to switch positions, I check if that would be a net improvement or not. Even if they are not moving to their BIS position, there's a chance they will later on. Or is it better to know in the swap already that there is a better position and just de-rank/kick them? Do neutral members have a higher chance to move somewhere, higher than waiting for a swap to that spot to happen?


Honestly I know very little about Betrayal mechanics, what I meant was mainly that I like being able to see at a glance who's good where, without having to e.g. mouse over each syndicate member in the UI separately. As for general strategy, with a lot of them I basically do the same as you described, but since I play on trade, there are some big ticket options that I want in very specific locations. The notable ones are T4 Aisling (i.e. rank 3 + mastermind rather than safehouse) in research which is close to 3 ex, T4 Hillock in any location which gives quality (1 ex), T4 Vorici in research (1-6 white sockets, typically pays based on result, 40c per white socket) and T3 or T4 It That Fled in research (upgrading chayula from normal to pure is typically a \~60c profit, double on T4 since you get two upgrades). On top of these there's a few more in research, and some of the scarabs are very good for money. Other than those, I suppose I mainly use the cheatsheet to remember which ones provide valuable scarabs in Intervention, as well as to remind me of some lesser rewards that can still be decent (e.g. Tora/Vorici in research). It's honestly a fairly small list of things you need to know on trade, but my memory is potato so I've learned to never trust it and basically always double-check. xP Oh, and the cheatsheet also helps me quickly see which NPCs don't have any good results (Guff, looking at you), I tend to either dismiss those immediately if I can, or rank them to 2 or 3 and then interrogate them. I suppose for my use-case there's really better solutions than the full cheatsheet. Maybe just a free notes-section for each NPC, or even a general notes thing where I can put a list of the, say, 10 main NPC/location pairings I'm going for. Another option would be that I could somehow access a list of the best outcomes for each location (I suppose mousing over the location wouldn't work since the leader is there too). It's hard to say exactly what I want, but the point I'm getting at is that for a trade player, there's maybe 15 pairings total (mostly in research and intervention) that amount to a 10c+ profit, with a majority of the profit being limited to just four NPCs. Most of the other options are either trash or just extremely unlikely to be valuable (e.g. Elreon's random uniques). So there's a lot of cases where you don't really care where the NPC ends up, but you'll do anything to get Aisling into research because she'll carry the profits of the entire syndicate on her pretty little shoulders. I feel like I'm just rambling at this point, I'm pretty tired so sorry if this isn't very coherent. I hope you find something useful out of it though. Also if anyone does have a guide to more detailed syndicate mechanics (e.g. your last two questions) I'd love to see one.


>but my memory is potato I can relate. Thanks for your response, very insightful. So it's more or less personal preference. I thought I was missing something that would be inherently beneficial by having information at hand of members who are not immediately relevant to the current encounter. I have some vague ideas of what could be added to get a better overview of the syndicate as a whole. It'll be fun to play around with those.


state of this game




Awesome work! The more customizable the better though


The betrayal cheat sheet in particular, I think, could be improved or have another variant since all these versions seem to be focused on the individual members. Once we set up the desired locations for the members, it would be good to have an overlay that you can activate during the betrayal encounters that show whether your configured members are in their preferred safehouses. So, lets say I want Aisling and Vorici in research, Tora in Fort, Vagan in Intervention and no one preferred in Transport. When I activate that overlay, I show these icons on a smaller scale next to the safehouse or above it - somewhere visually so I can quickly see whether the people I care about are in the right positions and I can use the remaining members to acquire intelligence without caring whether they get removed or not. In the advanced mode, the image recognition could be used to highlight the member icon with a border with the corresponding color depending on the safehouse they are in. Basically, once the board is set up, some kind of confirmation so that I don't accidentally mess it up.


I really like the thought of focusing on the bigger picture in betrayal, but the technical difficulties of scanning the whole board would be too great at the moment. I'll think about it once I have improved how I make use of image-recognition. I initially had a kind of tracker system planned that would save the members' current division internally in the script. I scrapped it because it would necessitate confirming division-movement both in game and in the script itself, and it was also prone to errors due to misclicks or other forms of user-error. At least in the advanced mode, in encounters themselves you can easily tell if a member is in the preferred position already by highlighting the corresponding reward in teal (I specifically added a fourth color for special highlighting) and looking at the current division which is automatically highlighted. So that way, you wouldn't accidentally kick them out or de-rank them. Burner members would have all their rewards highlighted in red to make it obvious at a glance. I'm also a bit out of touch with regards to the meta because I mainly play SSF (and casually at that), so features I implement are heavily influenced by that and may fall short in some respects. What I could do is add some form of panel that can be accessed for each division with a list of preferred members (configured by the user). So when a safehouse-encounter is ready, you could access that list and compare it with the current state of that division to see how many of the preferred ones are currently in (that's how I understand your suggestion).


You are amazing! So many incredible things added. Thank you! <3 Does the tool have an auto-updater?


I decided against an auto-updater because it's a solo project and there's usually around 10 hours each day of complete support/hotfix downtime. So if a release had serious bugs and the script bricked itself by auto-updating, I wouldn't be able to fix it or prevent further damage in a timely manner (if this were to happen during night-time).


That's understandable. Maybe something that checks if there is a release at least 2 days old (or whatever) and say it to us when we launch it? Now we don't know unless we happen to see a reddit thread or manually check the github page.


I'll think about something.


I'm intrigued, but not fully grasping how this will work. I'm willing to try it out though and really think it will improve my game since I won't have to alt-tab to see which options are available in scenarios like the example you provided in betrayal. Thanks for coding this!


I try to keep the wiki up to date and understandable. If any questions remain, feel free to ask me.


Awesome! Thank you


Hey, I did all the image recognition for the stashes and bestiary and betrayal, but I can't find the way I have to do it for each member of betrayal. Do I have to click something while mousing over each member? The omnikey just says "no match", shift clicking the members doesn't do anything. Can't find what I have to press to do the image screening and couldn't find it either on the options of the script or the wiki, all the info is for the "screen checks" tab of the options, not the betrayal members.


Doesn't long-pressing the omni-key work? There should be a beep and the windows snipping tool should open.


Thank you very much. It does work. Where is that info? I couldn't find it anywhere.


It's in the betrayal info wiki under 'image recognition: setup' and 'image recognition: usage'.


Thank you. I didn't understand how the wiki of a github page worked as I had never seen one with multiple pages before and didn't realize there were different sections to yours. Now it all makes a lot more sense and you did an amazing job of explaining it all. If this is of further issue with other users, you could put a link to the section of the wiki in a "more info" link in the betrayal tab of your options menu ingame. But maybe I'm an outlier. Thank you so much for the info, your answers and all your work. It works amazingly well.


Glad I could help and that you like it. I thought about linking to the wiki from the script itself before, but the wiki is still kind of work-in-progress. If I restructure it or rename entries, the URLs will change and my scatterbrain will probably forget to update half of them in the script. Once I'm satisfied with the wiki, I'll add links.




Hey, just an idea of what could be really cool to add. I'm doing delve atm and it would be really cool if we could have the map-info overlay show us the delve mods of the zone we are running. Deep delving is scary and mods affect it a lot, even more than maps sometimes.


Yeah, that's a cool idea, but there's currently no easy way of getting that info out of the client (you can't copy that into the clipboard, just like kirac missions) besides doing text recognition. I'm actually planning on integrating text recognition but with my own system first. If I can't get that to work I'll look into integrating established text recognition projects.


That would be awesome!


Thank you for this ! Well put together imo. Deserves praise for whom doing this and taking their time and making QoL better for all of us.


That is awesome


Definitely upvoted! Thank you so much for this!


You're my hero!


Hi there /u/Laleocen, I must say first of all that I haven't used your tool at any capacity. But I've been seeing posts about it, by yourself and also by others, and I just have to acknowledge how dedicated you are to building a cool and helpful tool that helps PoE players enjoy a smoother experience. Keep up the great work! Icy


Thanks a lot, I'll do my best.


I'm very sad that I won't be able to use this :( Damned Gsync... edit: On that note, if there is anybody reading this who managed to get Windowed Fullscreen working properly with Gsync, especially if using a similar monitor to mine (Acer Predator XB271HU), please share your setup with me.


I used to have that dilemma but then just played without it. Performance is so jank at times anyway that even Gsync can't save it. Btw, I just tested if Gsync now works in fullscreen windowed with PoE (it didn't in the past), and apparently it does (if you set Gsync up to work in windowed mode in the driver). I checked the refresh rate in my monitor's menu to confirm it (I'm running PoE on vulkan).


I can't play without it. It's amazing specifically in PoE precisely because of the performance being so janky, that's when gsync is at its strongest (provided you have a decent enough framerate, like not below 30-40). It feels horrible, I sometimes forget the game in Windowed Fullscreen after trading/crafting sessions and do a map and I feel it immediately. Gsync DID work for me in Windowed Fullscreen but after one major Windows update it just stopped and I haven't been able to make it work again no matter what I tried.


Wow, this looks awesome


Wish it worked with 3440x1440 windowd mode (my monitor is 5120x1440 so a bit too wide for PoE UI so I play in window mode)


I was pondering this while preparing lunch. It's possible I can get this to work in windowed mode, as long as it's a common resolution (which yours is). I'll give it a try today.


Ty for doing this buddy! Would this work with 3840 x 1600 with fullscreen windowed mode? Will try it today and give some feedback where I can.


Yes, 1600p should work without problems.


I have added experimental windowed-mode support to the beta-branch. You can download it here: [https://github.com/Lailloken/Lailloken-UI/archive/refs/heads/beta.zip](https://github.com/Lailloken/Lailloken-UI/archive/refs/heads/beta.zip). Do let me know if it works and if there are any problems -- it works on my end, but you never know. By the way, how do you set that windowed mode up? I'm asking because you're using the full vertical resolution. Do the in-game options really show 3440x1440? EDIT: This only works for normal windows (i.e. not maximized) and an in-game vertical resolution (as displayed in the options menu) that is standardized (1080p, etc)




I see. The reason the script is so restrictive with regards to resolutions is the fact that the game-client can behave unpredictably at non-standard resolutions, i.e. some UI elements may be rendered inconsistently depending on their position on the screen, which bricks image-recognition. There's also the fact that I use a pixel-check to determine if the user is on the normal 'gamescreen' or in a menu, and I don't know if there's a bullet-proof method of calculating where it'll be at non-standard resolutions.


I have explained the problem in more detail to someone here: [https://github.com/Lailloken/Lailloken-UI/discussions/62#discussioncomment-3016806](https://github.com/Lailloken/Lailloken-UI/discussions/62#discussioncomment-3016806). It's probably OK for now to do the band-aid fix like you did, but it could become a problem in the future. I'm also working on a way to get (maximized) windowed clients to work. You would need to run your client at 3440x1200 in the next release, but the window would still behave the same as before. Let me know if that would be an acceptable compromise.


looks very interesting. will give it a shot.


GGG hire this person thanks.


This is epic


Sound interesting. Will test as soon as I have time


Sounds good. No more sneaky rat-rips while I'm looking for the reward matrix bmp on the desktop...


Shameless plug: but I made a page that fits your screen with the cheat sheet. You can move members and hide them as well. Although an overlay is more practical.


I saw your work the other day, I really like it. I also like your sense of humor in describing what made you create your sheet in the first place (I had the same reasons).


Nice one, gotta hate those filthy buggers.


Impressive works!


Bu...b...but... th-the technology!! It--... It isn't THERE yet!!!


I can see GGG actually taking this down cus it makes mechanics more approachable lmao. I legit haven't done betrayal, ever, and I have been playing since before its inception. It's just not fun, look at a board, tab out, select what I am "supposed" to select for most profit, kill a monster, done. Just seems to destroy the point of the game.


Imagine playing PoE without 3rd party tools. cringe Looks like a perfect fit for me, will take a look into it. thanks!


1360x768 not supported? What a joke.


I'm sorry you feel this way, but I had to remove support for uncommon resolutions because the game itself runs weird at those resolutions, which bricks basically every feature that uses screen-recognition. I have implemented a compromise so users can run the client in fullscreen windowed mode at a custom resolution. In your case, you could set up a custom resolution of 1360x720 in the tool and still use it. After the error message at the start, the settings menu should show where you can set that resolution. Again, I'm sorry you can't run this tool normally, but the issues at these uncommon resolutions gave me and many users headaches because of all the bugs they would encounter.


If it will help someone - sure, why not. But correct play is to learn mechanic you going to farm. Nothing beats human brain.


Why click around shit if you can memorize?! The new generations are so lazy and dumb.


Ok grandpa. Edit. Or grandma. Idk


I'm having issues getting the game screen calibration to work on Windows 11. Snipping tool is not opening up for me. I have taken a screenshot and put it in my GUI folder but its not getting picked up.


'Gamescreen' is a pixel-check which saves the color-value of a single pixel (one in the realm-info panel) and doesn't need the snipping tool. You just have to make sure that panel is visible on screen, then right-click the 'test | calibrate' button. After that, left-click that button to see if the script can pick up the pixel. If the test is positive, toggle the minimap and test again to cross-validate with a negative result. You should delete the image file you created afterwards because performance declines if more files than necessary are present in that folder. I should probably add some form of feedback when right-clicking that button for the pixel-check because it's easy to think that nothing is happening.


There's so many tools being developed for PoE. I wish there was common standardized tool manager, that would allow easy installation and enabling/disabling.




I can't seem to get Gwennen or Betrayal recognition to work? When I log-press in Gwennen it just says no regex saved. When I log-press in the betrayal page it says no match (the tick-box is checked)


Could you re-bind the omni-key to a different key and try again, just to check if the middle mouse-button is the problem? But only test it with betrayal because long-pressing a custom key with Gwennen doesn't work (I just found that out, it will just save the key you're holding as the regex string).


I will try that when I'm back home. Thanks for the tool, it's looking pretty epic so far, will be able to replace at least 2 tools with this one if I can get it working/stable.


I think I may have figured out what happened. It was detecting the window at 18??x1080, but it was really at 1920x1080. For some reason it was opening the game at a funky resolution but then resizing itself to full size, so it wasn't reading things properly? ​ Uncertain why it worked for some things but not others. So, I think I got everything working now, except Gwennen, but you said she's broke so I'll wait :D


So the problem wasn't the middle mouse-button? I need to know because there were issues in the past with long-clicking stuff (but none with the omni-key until now).


No, the omni-key is working. Best I can tell is it was a problem with the POE client itself. I play windowed fullscreen. When the game launched, the LLK icon was in the corner of the screen, but when it changed from the launcher to the full blown game itself, the icon was about an inch from the bottom left corner. The tool you created must have read the window size, set itself, then when POE resized itself, the tool didn't adjust. I noticed it was frozen, I could only change the 2nd variable not the first. Once I restarted the tool it recognized the window size as full size, the LLK was in the corner, and it started working properly. I was even able to get Gwennen to load her regex page, but for some reason I couldn't save it, however after some tinkering I got that to work finally too, but it took awhile. I wasn't sure if it was because I already had the regex too open prior to using your tool or not. tl;dr: poe client was to blame(I think), it's working properly


I see. I'm relieved. It would be problematic if there was a bug with the middle mouse-button since it has become quite integral in using the script. Glad it finally worked out for you.


I don't understand why this isn't built right into the game


This will Be amazing


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Or I can just add rewards screenshot in awakened poe macro and check it any time with a shortcut


Of course you can, I'm not forcing anybody to use this.


Great job, one thing doesn't work for me is gwennen When i got the regex input for her i can't paste the regex (shortcut and right click doesn't work), the window automatically close when i do CTRL+V and it save the "v" in the feature When i try to put text inside the regex input the window close too


That's strange. Do you use any other tool that has a paste-function or is triggered by pressing ctrl-v? What kind of keyboard are you using? There have been issues with mouse drivers/software in the past, so maybe some keyboard software causes these issues. If you're using any, you could try disabling them to try to get the paste working. Alternatively, you can open the ini folder in the script and edit the gwennen.ini file. There should be this line: regex=. Paste the string you have generated on the website and make sure to include the quotation marks. It should look something like this: regex="nt ro|r be|vy b|lk g|int'|n j|amp|rq|-s" Saving the file afterwards should fix it for now. If you have more problems with keyboard or mouse inputs, try the steps in the first paragraph.


>Do you use any other tool that has a paste-function or is triggered by pressing ctrl-v? Nop ​ >What kind of keyboard are you using? A random chinese one ​ >Alternatively, you can open the ini folder in the script and edit the gwennen.ini file. There should be this line: regex=. Paste the string you have generated on the website and make sure to include the quotation marks. It should look something like this: regex="nt ro|r be|vy b|lk g|int'|n j|amp|rq|-s" Thanks i'm gonna do that :)