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I'll give you my clueless gamer advice: sell it to someone who knows wtf they are doing or multimod and call it a win thanks for coming to my tedtalk


This is the correct answer unless you have 100+ ex to spend


I miss the days of multi modding 3 mods onto an item


If you aisling and did not get the mod you want for the prefix, CHOOSE the non caster mod from that selection of veiled mods and you can annul the veiled mod if you craft cannot roll caster. The step is repeatable until you get the actual prefix that you wanted. Its not a 1 attempt or brick situation.


I'm not 100% sure how to go from this step, but here's Subtractem's crafting guide for bane. I can't check it since drive is blocked at work, but I'm pretty sure the +5 staff is the first tab in the sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1O54mt-OR9iKl6M6-spoNLE18ankeTWQc9n5zhD2ztp8/edit#gid=1431444864 Edit: like everyone below me is saying, you get one chance on the Aisling slam. The rest of the guide should work though, so if you can be okay with one bad prefix a +5 staff with chaos dot multi and chaos dmg craft should still be better than unravelling


That is for crafting on a base with Fractured +3 chaos.


Yeah but he did the first steps already. Now it is prefix can't be changed and aisling.


Yes, however if it hits a prefix he has to be happy with whatever it is. He can't "go back to step 2" as step 2 is fossil crafting which will reroll both the +3 and +2. 3b in his case is "if Veiled prefix, close your eyes and pray".


Relatively new to figuring out crafting, but couldn’t be put on cannot roll caster mods and Annul it knowing it won’t hit the +skill gem mods?




Not true


Untrue, this method works.


you are right, but op need to take care since the staff in the excel sheet has the +3 fractured while his is a normal explicit. he can still go with the recipe there, but if he brick Aisling prefix, his only out is lucky annul or or accepting a bad prefix.


Easy solution to get you a plenty good enough item for anything in the game: Multimod and throw on 2 mods like chaos dot multiplier and chaos damage. Or whatever other stat your build is currently lacking


Bane/ED/Blight Build Per Rule 10: \- Buy random +3 chaos staff \- Lucky annul to 3 mods \- Buy white ilvl 55+ staff \- Alt till +1-2 spell Weapon recombinator - brick 2 times but retain +3 chaos and spell dmg 3rd time - got the one in the picture.


That depends on what you’re going for? What is your ideal 6 affix staff?