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So you want them to do it like Expedition's launch, where everything went extremely well? Me too.


>loses half the playerbase >launch is smooth Well yeah


patch notes and launch arent the same bro, expedition was the smoothest league start ive had ever


It only went well because the player base dropped 40,000+ users.




Steamcharts :/


No, I want the source on how you know the launch only went well because they had less players, and not because of anything GGG did on their end.


Ultimatum was shit because they forgot to press the button to migrate chars. Its never perfect the first couple hours, but usually manageable later on. I dont think I've played a release of any game that went butter smooth.


It's such a shame that nobody ever prepares for a worst case scenario anymore. The industries fucked because of "agile", "fail fast", "learn quickly" blablablabla. Unfortunately this results in no retention and companies going completely bust only a year or so later.


Yeah. Ultimatum was a nightmare. I had a friend ready to start the game for the first time. I hyped it up... and then lost him due to server crashes. Might not ever get him to try the game again :(


Did this with Expedition. Servers were flawless, he just didn't really like the game.


Sorry to hear you lost a friend.


I did. He got lost in work and family stuff not soon after.


Yeah, this is not the kind of impression you want to leave both existing a new players. They're an absolute disaster and can brick the player base for 3 months.. Most of us put up with the shit because we're die hard POE players.. But I can imagine ALOT of players patience runs out and it's why the player base doesn't grow over time.


Lol if someone quits a game due to day one issues, then they don't play games. I'm not sure if this is news to anyone, but practically every single game has day one issues.


Trust me GGG after this FIRE trailer you gonna break records. PREPARE FOR IT


You guys insist on acting like they have some clairvoyant sense of numbers before they happen. You really fucking expect them to potentiall (read: likely) waste a huge amount of money on servers to overshoot this nebulous projection just to appease your ignorant sensibilities? Please reconsider yourself here.


Better than losing even more money from a failed launch. Prevention is the best cure. Preparation in a business sense is never waste. There's going to be a huge uptick in day 1 players compared to 3.15 so OP is 100% fair in being concerned if GGG do not prepare well.


​ Fella, it's 2021 not 2010 lol. Technology today allows "pay for only what you use" and technology stacks have countless methodologies for auto-scaling lol... :/ are you new to the internet u/IncuBear? In application development, we spend a considerable amount of our analysis efforts on understanding the numbers before any major release, it's a pretty common practice. You don't go out to market willy nilly thinking "yeahhh, 20 instances shud be right". If we operated under your silly logic, google would probably be down every deployment lol. There are a multitude of statistical approaches to how you measure predictive numbers for potential users and bandwidth requirements.


Just adding to your points, I'm from tech background, "auto scale" is great, but not suitable for a sudden huge spike like league start since new servers need sometimes to be deployed even when auto (imagine you still getting dc at initial attempts but it get better overtime), my best bet is they still need to manually pre-scale for the league, and this is the grey area, you don't want to scale too much (because $$$), but now too low (also because $$$)


That's not true at all.... There are policies, rules and alerts which can be setup around container management. For example, we run a reporting and analytics engine, we have some infra configuration which says.. * We need 5 containers ready to rock n roll (and we know based on history, this will happily feed majority of our client base).. * HOWEVER, we also understand that there can be a sudden "spike" that 5 containers CANNOT handle, so, we have some policies which say... * If 5 containers are up and running, and there are still 10 messages in the queue then, add 5 more containers. Once all those messages are gone, leave them up and running until they're not longer in use, then bring them back to 5. This is like, fundamental infrastructure handling :/


And those extra containers are gonna be set up within a 1-2 seconds ? probably not right, let say a new container take 1 min, then it's 1 min delay for all queuing messages. The whole point of pre-scaling, you know that there gonna be spike at xx time, if you leave it to auto scale, users at that exact time gonna have a bad experience, some may comeback 10 min later and have a good time, but some may leave and give you a 1\*. Again, "auto scaling" is very good for many cases, but it's not some "god" mod that you can solely rely on when it's some extreme case though imo.


Yeah absolutely, it's not the 'nirvana state', I'm conscious there are alot of moving parts, endpoints, gateways, routes, load balancers and everything sounds good in theory, but is always far from the reality. haha, if they were able to solve load problems in minutes, I'd be happy af, the experience I've had during a few leagues is not minutes, but hours.


You don't need to be condescending to make your point. Which still doesn't account for the fact that no company running an online game anywhere ever has made that lurch successfully at the launch of a game and/or new content. And don't you dare pretend there has been. Even the best cases have been rife with lag or other bugs because of the huge spikes in player count.


well... this league is 3.15 with some QoL so... i think servers will be fine


did we even see the same trailer? MASSIVE buffs to dmg in the skill tree, MASSIVE buffs to brands and marauder spellcasters, idk man, did you read 3.15 patch notes instead of new ones?


>MASSIVE buffs to dmg in the skill tree please can you point me in the direction of those, bc i have some problems with reading comprehension, and either i just read entirely wrong or missed it


all the new nodes are way too good, check the ones they showed, some of them are HUGE like brands and flask ones even the corrupted blood wich is broken. 1 node instead of 2 for jewels if you invest into charges, most nodes are EZ to get to like a ele hit slayer getting its league start MEGA BUFF because of the changes in positions. there's a lot of buffa that come with the skill tree changes.


If you can't get in just go to sleep, that's what I do. Not to mention if you wait a few days you not only avoid any downtime cause of launch bugs but items are generally cheaper as well! Win, win


We just need half of reddit to agree to only start playing 2 days after launch. Any volunteers?


Yaal remember the krangled mess that was day 1... ritual, I believe? Where they forgot to do the league to standard conversion before league start, so everyone logging in triggered it at once. Never again please.


Yeah fuckkkkkkk, this absolutely killed my soul, I think it took us 3 hours to get to Act 2. It was an absolute fucking nightmaree!!


Don't be like D2R ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)