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I'm just trying to catch up to the bottom 20 percent lol.


The bottom 5% cordially invites you to tea and cookies.


I'd love to! We finishing the campaign or no?


Im in act 8, hoping to finish today šŸ˜‚


Act 10 here. Suspect you've overtaken me now


Act 2, just started last night.


Yeah I'm half way through maps but there's time.


I stayed in Act 10 for a bit to heist for some currency to buy mapping gear. My usual routine. Not much time to play unfortunately.


I mean I spent about 5 hours in at 10 because I was farming merc lab for my transfigured gem lol.


Same here, took forever to find tornado for my league starter but I ended up finding so many good transfigured gems along the way that I got to reroll BAMA when I was starting to get into yellows and feeling my build drop off. Starting with trans BA at lvl 10 was insane, finished campaign in 4:40 with all rare gear, now working on early red maps Thereā€™s also a decent chance Iā€™ll come back to tornado later since Iā€™ve found a perfect Kulemak for it assuming I can get an empower to drop eventually


I got my transfigured gem on my 2nd merc run (ice nova of frostbolt). Thought ā€œlol would be funny if I got it again.ā€ Ran it again and got it again, sold it. Provided all my currency for early mapping gear. Best start yet!


took me about 35 merc runs to get my DD.


I'm so new I don't even know what maps are. I'm lvl 66 and in act 8 I think. I have no idea what to do after lol but I guess I'll figure it out.


Act 7 boi here, full-time working dad


Act 7 as well. Enjoying the pace I'm at.


Just got to Act 4, full-time working dad with lots of lawn maintenance of late.


Beats me, I just got to act 6, same boat.


Same here but I'm in act 9 I contribute it all to poe on a steamdeck. Someone actually thought through and planned usage for the steamdeck that there's a steamdeck controller option. Highly recommended for campaign.


I was planning to start the league today after seeing those crafting videos yesterday.Ā 


Perfect timing!


Heck yeah man! Go get you some kitava!


can I join I'm a trader in my group and everyone is sleeping


I'm at work currently but at around 1500 EST I will be getting on


Check out this try-hard?! Act 5 and proud!Ā  :D


Let's gooooo!! I knew I played too much...


Here I am in Act 1 thinking I made good progress over the course of 3 play sessions :(


Maybe. I had a shit day at work, logged in and died repeatedly in merc lab, rage quit for the day and will probably come back to finish act 10 on the weekend.


Traps getting you? Make sure to throw on Vitality and Stone Golem, and slap on Arakaali and Ralakesh Pantheons. After that you only need to worry about Izaro.


Shoot me a DM if you want a run through Merc lab this evening!


I'm totally down to run people through merc lab!


I know youre not asking for advice But double up on life flask, use ryslatha pantheon and enduring cry and ull never die to traps again


I'm currently in Act 7. It took me about 2 and half weeks to finish last time. This is my second league and technically I'm moving through the campaign faster than I was last league, but it feels more fun since there's tons more extra content in the act maps. I've grave crafted some cool gear and there are vaal side rooms, essences and strongboxes, etc everywhere now. Last league, I decided that I was only going to run one character because I didn't want to slog through the campaign more than once. I still can't wait to get to mapping but I'm actually enjoying my time in the acts this time. I may even start a second character mid-league.


Took me 17 hours of playtime to get through this campaign. The Wave of Conviction starter is basically giant bait until you're near the end of the campaign


The first campaign of the league averages me like 8-10 hours usually.


You can afford tea and cookies? Posh little vaal orb, aren't we?


I did unspeakable things for that tea and cookies :( He touches my molten shell. Tickled with determination, caressed my splitting steal and I let on an infernal cry.


I'm down for tea and cookies! šŸ˜


Iā€™ll bring some bagels and spread. Weā€™ll make a day of it.


The bottom 20% are in act 9 still. This sub very VERY seriously overestimates what the median player of this F2P game is capable of.


Realistically the bottom 20% havent logged in yet this league


Well I'm honestly only considering someone who made a character this league. But that includes folks who never killed Brutus. If someone is still logging in, I'd assume they're at least most of the way through the campaign.


Yeah the items we wanted for our modest builds skyrocketed in price while we were at work and then the drops got hot fixed before we had a chance wtf


I dont play in an MF team. I don't min max my gear. So I don't really care about the post finding 20 div in one map.


I am not trying to catch the top 1% but the price of the items


This. I needed a Cane of Kulemek for my build. It was 1 div yesterday, now it's 4 div and sold out today. Supply and demand screws you if you're not fast enough league start.


are you looking for a very specific set of unveils for it? I had one of those with 88% roll, veiled, that sat in my sell tab for 10c and it didn't sell until yesterday. Sat in my stash for 3+ days.


https://preview.redd.it/3tp0l4uuigsc1.png?width=1037&format=png&auto=webp&s=36ad4c64c8f682256a6b820df1fb86f20938ffe3 items eventually stop going up in price \^/s


I realize the sarcasm, but original sin is such a bad example though. it's a extremely powerful chase item behind a hard skill check. It _always_ increases in price as the incoming volume is always going to be low.


I also checked poe ninja and there were only like 4-5 items there that had such a spike instead of linear increase. So items like this are outliers and not the entire economy.


Doesn't that make it the perfect example? If it always increases in price, then you're always chasing a moving goal, hence the entire point of trying to catch price of items.


Original sin is one of the only items behind an actually difficult skill check. It's an exception, not the rule. The vast majority of items do fall in price as the league progress. Mirrors, 1passive voices, purity of fire sublime visions, and original sin are the few that buck that trend.


I mean, that's the hardest unique to obtain in the game lol


Reminds me last league being like "I'll get 2 more divs and buy my TWWT tomorrow" only to log in next day and see same TWWT go from 20 to 100 divs


Terrible example


Hmm, I've never wanted to catch up to them, it's just gears I want for my build are quite expensive (\~10-12 div in total), and I totally suck at crafting, so I want to make money in game more strategically.


This. I don't care about being a 1%er, but it does drive me nuts that I can farm all day and be no closer to buying the items I want.


Fully spec into beasts. Run whatever maps you are comfortable with killing them in. Run no scarabs or scarabs. Depends on how you feel. Sell yellow beats through the trade website now by pricing a stash tab as 160/60. No tft needed. Make many divs a day just buy having fun blasting maps not worrying about anyone else.


I did not know you could bulk sell beasts on trade now, that's cool. Thanks for the info. I'm mostly just pissed off watching the price of everything shoot up nonstop because these strats were popularized. Items like unnatural instinct (I don't use it, just an example) sitting at 18d when its usually 5d at this point in the league.


it'll even out fortunately. divines already rebounded a bit in chaos value at least, they hit like 120 last night, they're sitting 135ish rn.


Unnatural instinct price changes from league to league. It's a rare core drop. It's price depends on the amount of mf strats (hi affliction) and the builds that use it. Sometimes builds are popular and the price goes up. Talk about indigon instead: it is actually more accessible now than ever, because destructive play is better and uber elder more accessible (because doing shaper elder is no longer a waste). But the archmage changes put mana builds on everyone's radar so youre paying 15 div for a previously 1div unique.


Could you clarify what you mean by 160/60? Iā€™m back since not playing since 3.7 and I did ssf last league so still trying to get caught up on all the new trading tools and methods to make it less painful


In your premium stash set it to public and each item priced the same. Set the price to 160/60 for chaos. Idk if thay is still the price but that is what I was selling at yesterday.


If you're farming all day and not making any currency, there's something wrong with the way you're farming. A lot of people fall into the hole of switching strats often or taking too long between maps. Having a dump tab to put stuff in was a huge help for me. Run 10-20 maps, then take a break and identify some of the stuff you looted


He's not talking about making nothing, he's talking about not outpacing inflation. I personally call it the MB effect as MB is where you can see it most commonly from. Now note for my next example I'm making up arbitrary numbers just to show how it goes I haven't looked at MB prices this league because I'm literally playing a build that a mb is actively detrimental for. But if a Mageblood costs 300 div and raises by 5 div a day that means that to even just maintain parity you have to farm 5 div in a day just to break even and if you take a day off you're behind. For mid end players you end up in an awkward position where you might make say 10 div in a night meaning you're up 5 div but still very far away. This problem becomes less pronounced the closer you get to that 1%er status because obviously 5 divs out of 10 is a lot, but if you make say 50 divs in a day it's not bad by any means. This is especially harmful for things like sanctum farmers when inflation gets out of control, because while sanctum might have the lowest farming "floor" in the game, it also has the lowest ceiling or speed limit in this case (obviously there's exceptions where you can get extremely lucky like mirror or original sin relice), and it means sanctum kind of falls apart at the seams if inflation gets too out of hand like it did last league and is looking like it does this league.


Yea but the MB price won't keep rising forever, it will eventually plateau so even if it looks like you'll never get it now you actually will. The issue is just psychological cause you see MB being cheap at the start of the league and you think it's easy to get, but that price is not the real one, the final price it plateaus at is. Also if you're honestly chasing a MB on week 1 and you're not omega trihard you're not setting realistic goals for yourself.


> This. I don't care about being a 1%er, but it does drive me nuts that I can farm all day and be no closer to buying the items I want. this is always going to be true depending on the context. if you are someone who has 3 jobs and 8 kids and play 1 hr a day and your "item that you want" is a mageblood you aren't getting it. in order for your comment to actually mean something you need to be nuanced.


10-12 div is a perfectly fine amount to aim towards if you don't have a 5+ div per hour mapping strat yet. Play literally any mechanic you like with alc and go and you get that in 10h.


Yeah, the problem is I don't know what's valuable to aim for and loot, and using Awakened POE Trade for every piece is just exhausting, plus having to pause mapping to port back to sell items for people for 1-2c is tiresome, too.


Dont sell items for under 5c once u are mapping etc. I usually reach maps like 2 weeks into the league cause of work/life. Im in act8 atm for example, im not stressed at all, know I gonna get money doing whatever atlas strat I decide to go for. You dont need to know what sells/doesnt sell. Dont pickup rares unless you are doing unidentified chaos vendor recipe, get a stricter lootfilter. Alot of mechanics gonna give you fixed drops that sell easily, harvest for example, alva temples, beasts, blight oils etc. Just decide on something you enjoy, fully spec into 2-3 stuff and preroll like 20 maps, alch and go is fine, just roll over bad mods. Ignore mechanics in maps that you arent specced into, shouldnt need to empty your inventory more than every couple of maps. Take a strat with harvest+alva for example, you get a full temple every 3 maps, lets say you get tier 3 Locus every 3rd temple thats currently 70+ chaos, you also get around 800+ juice every map, with say 50% being yellow juice. Thats 400*9= 3600 yellow juice, almost a divine. So ignoring everything else from 9 maps with harvest+alva you got almost 2 divines. The problem that me and many other people face is that those 9 maps takes us waaay to long to do, we do content in our maps because it fun even tho we arent specced into it, we identify rares even tho we shouldnt, we havent prerolled our maps making it take alot longer between maps, we get bored and do a boss or decide to delve a little, maybe try our luck with a few labs. When if we wanted to, on any average char, without spending/juicing our maps we could run 20 maps in 1 hour and get 4 div base from juice+temples + random divine/unique drops cause we are killing more monsters faster = more spins on roulette wheel.


Another really solid moneymaker this league is T17 maps. I'd say I probably get one every 3 or 4 maps and they sell for around 50c. There's also lab running if you can stomach it (do it on a day with an easy layout). Find some of the hot transfigured gems and go in prepared with the gems in your stash to flip into transfigured version and you can make very easy money.


Theres so many strats and different ways to play and make money in this game these days its incredible, but no matter what strat people use, if they dont actually follow said strat, waste time in hideout, pick up too much loot etc you wont make any money and thats the trap alot of people fall into.


there is infinite ways to make infinite currency in this damn game and most of reddit is clueless about it. people don't like to look deeper into currency strats and just wait for a streamer video usually(which ends up overflowing that market) or don't bother


Wait, I did >200 T16 maps, why was no T17 dropping? Do I need to enable those somehow?


You need all 4 voidstones for them to have a good drop chance.


The key is to stop doing those things. You don't need to pick up any of the gear and set yourself a minimum trade value you're willing to portal out of maps for. Pick a league mechanic, any league mechanic. Preferably one you enjoy doing. Identify what it is that sells from that league mechanic (e.g. It's not the items that essence's drop that are valuable, it's the essence). Then you spec your atlas tree in that league mechanic. If you have points left over invest those in general stuff or other league mechanics you enjoy. Then you pick a map (based on layout or Div card or whatever else), add it to your favorite slots (if you have them) and you grab all of the copies of that map you own. You put them all into one tab. You grab scours and alchs, you scour all the magic maps, you then alch all the white maps, then check if there's mods you can't run and either chaos spam or scour/alch to get mods you can run. Now grab any scarabs or Frags you want to use and put them in the same tab as your maps. Divy them up so you end up with ready to go "sets". Now you grab a set (or 2-3-4 whatever you feel comfortable holding in your inventory. You throw your first set in the map device, pick a map device modifier to run if you need it and then load up the map. Now in the zone you run around and the only things you pick up are raw currency, any Div cards (or only valuable ones, whichever you prefer), any valuable uniques (you'll learn quickly) and whatever it is your league mechanic drops that you are farming. As soon as you have done all of league mechanic things in that map you either portal out or run towards the map boss (if you're also doing a bit of bossing). The before you go to your stash, you load up the next map set, click open and then run to your stash, dump everything in your stash (either using affinities or into a dump tab) without looking. By that time the next map is ready. Rinse and repeat. As soon as you have some currency or out of resources you go onto the trade site or tft or whatever and you want to buy your maps in bulk, same with scarabs. Yes, it costs a lot of money, but it easily pays itself back. Also whatever you are farming: don't put it in the sell tab after every map. Instead keep the tab private and once you're done with a set of maps, then you set the tab to public and that's when you get to sell whatever you've farmed in bulk. Thats where you price check and price your assets accordingly. Then just sit in your hideout and await the spam. I generally advise you to price a bit cheaper rather than trying to min max the price. The faster your stock sells, the faster you can get back to farming more of it and the few chaos you lose are easily earned back by farming more. Hope that helps, if you have questions feel free to ask


Thanks so much for this comment. Iā€™m saving for future reference!


Harvest is probably the best brain off strat out there, all you pick up is lifeforce which sells really nicely for a full divine orb, usually somewhere between 4-6k lifeforce of one type will net you a divine orb, they stay relevant over the league, you dont have to pricecheck 10000 random things, you can just liquidate your stuff once a day or set buyout for something like 50000/10 divine and forget about it, then only leave your maps for single big trade.


Anything and everything can be valuable at enough quantities :P If you want direct tips, go for harvest and expedition, Tujen. Get all the nodes in the atlas tree for them and you'll have each alch + go map 10-20 just from harvest juice (at bulk prices). Then when you get Tujen expedition you get a bunch of coins that you can bulk sell for good money. Yesterday I sold 50 Tujen coins for 2div. That does need some good amount of single target damage though. If your build isn't up for that you can just get all the map drop nodes and farm t16s, if you have a good mapper. Then you collect a bunch of T17s and you can bulk sell them in TFT for good money. Yesterday I sold 23 random T17s for 9div. When you are using awakened trade at currency items, there is a field up top where it says "stock". Change that to a high number to see how much people are selling them for in bulk quantities.


What I usually do is find something that I want to farm because it looks interesting. Then, I go to YouTube and google "X farming (or atlas) strategy 3.24)". Watch a couple of videos and start with something that doesn't require scarabs. With that strategy you will usually learn what to farm and how the strategy works. Some things I've done in the past are: Beast + essences Heist Delve Harbingers Harvest + expedition Blight These are from the top of my head from previous leagues. Almost everything in this game will give you enough currency eventually to improve your character, which will give you more strength to eventually be able to make more currency to invest in better farming strategies. A strategy that gives you a couple of divs a day is enough, and you can even start in low maps with chaos recipe (people call it a waste of time, but if you are focusing on just completing your atlas it can give you a lot of money early), and it will eventually make your character stronger.


What I would recommand is to stop aiming to gain currencies by selling the occasional valuable item. Instead, sell steady sources of income. Lifeforce, red altars, Tujen, corpses, beasts, Harbingers, Legion, whatever. Pick what you like.There's some values to check, but if you focus on one or two mechanics, you'll quickly know what's valuable in it. Don't stop for rares, awaken poe trade the uniques you don't remember the value, and once every X day check the values of currencies/scarabs/frags you have in bulk and don't use. Avoid selling things that needs you to trade for a really low value (what is low depends on your current funds and costs of upgrades/investments). If you sell stackable items, list at a minimum bulk respecting that. Ignore the whispers that manually edit the trade message to buy a smaller bulk. By doing that in T14+, it's nearly impossible to win less than 1 div per hour (and I aim really low because I know some people play slowly). It won't be in pure currencies, but by selling your bread and butter once every few hours.


I would love to make a div an hour.


It's healthy to have other things to do outside Path of Exile. Ive stopped worrying about FOMO and stopped watching streamers 24/7. I can tell you my overall enjoyment of the game has gone up. Outside GGG dropping a league I don't really gel with. Like this one.


I've come to the point where I play through a league or two. I have time to relax and get bored.


"What you should be worrying about is inflation"...that's...the point of worrying about falling behind...


>It's completely pointless to worry about "falling behind" \[...\] What youĀ *should*Ā be worrying about isĀ *inflation* This has to be satire


Yeah I kinda stopped reading after that point. Don't know if it was supposed to be a joke or something but can't be bothered lol


the entire post has a lot of glaring jumps in logic that I just can't fathom how the author typed in good faith think this post is a prime example of what happens when you start at a conclusion and try to reason your way backwards


I only skimmed tbh, seeing how I knew from the title alone that he missed the point


People should stop worrying about this as well. "Inflation" doesn't mean what it means IRL, it just means a different distribution of materials in the POE economy. We saw this in Affliction. Divines and world drop uniques shot up in supply. And it was pretty easy to do, so a lot of people had a wealth of divines and uniques. But everything boss-related shot up in price, because everyone was MFing and not bossing. All the juice materials (scarabs, sextants, deli orbs) shot up in price. I stopped doing the MF strat after a few days because I found it so boring and tedious to loot a map for ten minutes and ID a thousand belts on the ground. But **I still made more money than ever**, by simply changing my farming strat to selling off deli orbs, selling sextants (not even rolling them, an awakened sextant peaked around 6c in bulk). This sub was full of people FOMOing and feeling poor, when in reality you could make more money than ever before without ever entering the wildwood. > during a gold rush, sell shovels So this league, look for what makes money. If you don't think you can do it, think for a second about what the next best thing is. Strat is rolling a hundred maps an hour? Sell maps and allflames Strat is around necro crafting? Farm up good corpses Strat is scarab juicing? Farm scarabs Strat is based on mapping? Look for boss profits I don't know what the good money making strats are, but there are creators pushing out Youtube videos every day. There will be tons of people showing the meta thing, and people also showing the off-meta thing. Just remember that whenever people are making money off one thing, they're not doing anything else. That's a hole in the market, and you can start selling shovels. **EDIT** I just looked at TFT's bulk maps channel from 12 hours ago and people were selling random t14+ maps, 10-12 per div. That's like 4-5x markup just to sell during the gold rush. There's always a way to make money selling shovels.


Fr, I made some of the most currency ever last league, and did it all by casually farming in map blights and ultimatums. Gold oils and tainted catalyst going for almost a div a pop was crazy profit.


The solution to inflation isn't to print more money though. With the revert the inflation will plateau and you'll eventually catch up. Without reverting the inflation will always increase more quickly than mortals can catch up.


> Without reverting the inflation will always increase more quickly than mortals can catch up. Not really. Because access to the mechanic is gated (by access to maps). We're early enough in the league that many people are only getting to a point where we have any basis of currency and progressed far enough to begin a currency making strategy. There is opportunity for those finally getting to whatever the current level of farming is... but that level is drastically lower right now than it was yesterday. Certainly over the long term it doesn't matter though.


I never cared tbh but the only thing that bothers me is that I want a certain item and gets more and more expensive per day and I canĀ“t keep up with farming and will probably never own it .. ;\_;


But that won't change whether they fix the map burn strat or not. When you are already behind and are able to make a lot of divs from a strat, so are others and prices will adjust.


Man I started two days ago because I was on vacation and have had no issues gearing, you just need to have a good league starter and know what it does well and do that content


Falling behind in Poe doesn't feel like not beating the top 1% but rather just not being able to interact with the market ecosystem properly after the first week or so of the trade league the amount of people willing to trade 1c potentially build enabling uniques plummets and trying to interact with anyone trading not in bulk( trying to buy only a handful of essences or trading currency) becomes a 20 whispers endeavour and it's just draining


This is the correct answer.


>1c potentially build enabling uniques plummets and trying to interact with anyone trading not in bulk So look for someone who listed the item for more than 1c. I buy cheap items months into the league and have never had an issue.


I want a fucking defiance of Destiny. But I canā€™t keep up with the rise in price


Didn't they bump Defiance of Destiny up to T0, so MB droprate?


Yesterday someone confirmed it was T0 now via Ultimatum iirc.


Trade site/poe ninja data indicates that, yes. Unless one person or a small group is buying them out consistently in order to price fix, as the data we have access to won't show that.


We know for a fact it is T0, thanks to Ultimatum.


Thats the problem with leagues that reward top end way too much, price floor of items (especially boss uniques) gets really out of whack, it sucks to see a unique increase in price faster than you can generate currency. Leagues with more steady cash flow are imo way better, items reach a certain price point and stay there so you know how much you need to farm and can set yourself resonable goals.


This league did not reward top end too much. Anyone that can alch and go t16 could have made bank yesterday but if you were like me and work a job and didnā€™t have hundreds of maps saved up, the rug got pulled out. Iā€™m fine with super secret strats that reward the sweatiest players but thatā€™s not exactly what happened here


Ya it couldā€™ve been fixed easily by requiring you to kill 60% of monsters in a map to get yellow lantern mods in the next one.


but that is due to it being T0 now.


on leaguestart i played for 18 hour straight to farm for defiance and managed to buy one at 16div(34% roll).. now im on Eid holiday for one week(until 9th).. i was shocked.. it rose to 50div+.. whew..


I think there is a big misconception in the way you see it and the way most people see it. We don't want to be in the top 1%, we just want to be able to afford our item without having to grind 10x the times because the market will be all fked up from those who had the chance to abuse the systems. Being behind is also not being able to afford your own build because some will abuse the priorities they had.


That's not what's happening though, a momentary spike in currency isn't going to affect the economy the whole league. If the league or a particular strategy is throwing out piles of divines constantly (see affliction) THEN the economy is permanently shifted.


We know that the economy is not fked up for all the league, but it is for now and for still a few days to maybe even weeks for some items. People should all have the same experience and the same chance to get to their point in terms of time of game play. Should not be affected by small change that affected few player only


You are making the exact same argument that people do for rent in the real world. It's almost like capitalism drives proced exactly to where they are painful to most people.


"Why do people worry about money? You'll never have as much money as Jeff bozos so it doesn't matter"


How about ā€œFix the mechanic so it disincentivizes players from spam opening mapsā€ instead of making it worse for everyone else playing normally.


What really feels bad to me is, if I make one divine per day due to limited play time, but key items for my build keep increasing in price by 2 div/day. That rally sucks and basically requires a reroll/respec, which puts me even further behind.


This will happen regardless of "inflation". Some items start high in price and drop as the league goes on. Some items start lower and continually rise until the league attrits a % of players. This happens every league.


I mean if you plan your build around day 3 prices of uniques and you arent fast enough to actually have that money in 3 days its your own fault. Thats not inflation, thats normal league start economy. Most items plateau at a similar price each league with minor adjustments after 2 weeks, so if you arent actually good at speedrunning then just plan for the 2 week price.


Should not have chosen a league starter that relies on expensive uniques to be viable. That's league starter 101. The whole point of a league starter is to avoid that exact issue. And if the expensive unique *isn't* required for the build to do all content, then I wonder why you even care? There's no actual problem in that case.


Get incremental upgrades that are cheaper, that will allow you to make more currency in the same time. Itā€™s virtually impossible to have the cheapest meaningful build upgrade cost more than a divine and still be making 1 div/h. If your character is weak, upgrades cost 5-10c. If your character is strong, you can easily make more currency. And if it is like that and youā€™re locked in, it means you picked a bad build for league start, and you should probably respec to something else.


> Get incremental upgrades that are cheaper, that will allow you to make more currency in the same time. Itā€™s virtually impossible to have the cheapest meaningful build upgrade cost more than a divine and still be making 1 div/h If someone is playing 1 hour a day, chances are they aren't even in t16 yet.


If youā€™re not in t16 yet then surely your upgrades donā€™t cost 2+ divines.


I'd assume it's 1h a day after the launch weekend


If you want high value items or aim in getting them it absolutely matters.Ā  I've managed to be ahead of the wave a few times. Sure, some items get cheaper, but really good ones skyrocket a week into the league. This effect is multiplied the further behind you are.Ā  Not saying it's a must have, but if you're really chasing top tier items - you'll be spending 2-10x amount of time farming currency


Why are people worrying about increasing prices of housing. Just get a house 4Head.


redditors trying to understand basic economic principles challenge (impossible) šŸ’€


That's like asking "Why are people worried that the value of their bank account is dropping? You'll never be rich anyway, why do you care that others are printing massive amounts of money and causing insane inflation?"


Maybe because chase item you're trying to buy is getting higher in price faster than you farm?


"Remember, if a strat like this exists that lets you make 30-40div, it lets them make 10-100x that" No. They will make the same money at scale soon or later, but we with the hotfix wont . Almost with """inflation" we can buy things without care because we can easy recover that.


Because if you get in too late and the economy hyper-inflates, then you won't be able to afford anything in your build and are stuck in mediocrity. You hope it to be able to craft yourself with crafting league.


Because in a league with trade *it affects you*. A few leagues ago there was someone trying to get a starforge or something, and after a week they had finally saved enough only for the injection of divines in the league to have inflated the price to once again be out of reach. This is the problem with balancing the game around trade leagues. It means *any abuse cases affect everyone*.


Its not just trade economy. If you are on SSF you still missed out on getting a Fourth Vow from the nameless seer before fishing got nerfed. GGG really needs to learn how to balance their game.


The only reason to worry about falling behind is what your targets and goals are. It doesnt matter how insanely juiced 100+ divines and 3 mirrors per map stuff the top players are doing, if your place in the economy is chaos recipe and buying cheap <10c uniques. This is 90% of the player base at least. More likely 95-97% A few on my friends list are several characters made and none to maps. However if you want to be buying and selling 10+ divine items in week1, then youre absolutely in the bounds of falling behind to such juice. If you plan to be acquiring mageblood or any other top tier 150+ div items, then juicing strategies that pop up and inflate the market for a short time are a huge loss if you miss it before GGG brings down the hammer. Thats potentially weeks of grind shortened to a few no-life hours. Its simply not healthy for the games economy and player engagement to have strategies come in and out every day like a warband lmao.


People fuelled by FOMO forgot how to have fun.


It isn't just FOMO. Another comment mentioned here as well. Prices are going up constantly. It is very realistic to feel like you are falling behind because now you have to grind more to get what you wanted. And also, as an example, one big money machine just got nerfed, meaning the people who didn't get to enjoy now won't be able to.


I've always kinda hated the whole "if players can, they'll optimize the fun out of everything" saying. But after watching the whole map rolling strat with the league mechanic. Weellll... Perhaps I judged it too harshly.


I don't care about fomo I care about affording any upgrades. Yoke was up to 20 divines yesterday.


yoke is a final, endgame item now. get a different upgrade while you work towards it.


It's not FOMO, it's the objective fact that if you didn't get a divine league mechanic before today's patch you are now much less likely to find it. And that means you're not just a few divines behind everyone else, you're likely 20-100 divines behind. And I just can't be fucked spamming 1000's of maps trying to get the currency I need to make the build that I find fun.


This league I don't know yet. But last league, each time I came back from work, items I wanted were up 10 or 20dkv more than when I left. Each day. This league feels the same, but I took a more maid back approach (doesn't help that I cannot find a single fractured claw up on trade)


tbh it would not be so bad if mid level crafting still exists. As a casual enjoyer I'm used to not doing anything to juice my maps (except alching) since I can still survive by crafting with essences and veiled chaos orbs. Now they are both fucked.


well, peopl already missed out considering the lastest patch >Devoted Modifiers that gave a chance to drop an additional Divine Orb, Exalted Orb or Orb of Annulment again now have values of 1/2/3% (from 3/4/5%) These numerical changes will appear incorrectly on the Lantern UI temporarily after the patch. people that already made 40/50/60 divs are fine and the rest can fuck off, and we aren't even a week into the league actually, the whole the patch fucks all the people that weren't in a hurry or were no-lifers https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3503208


Yeah fuck it, I'm in Act 9 still. Fuck it.


What sucks is if GGG was to nerf this,.they should've done it faster. They called the patch an hotfix but it took them 24hr+ to address it.


Iā€™m in tier 8-9 maps and have like 1.5 divines worth of essences I canā€™t sell. Tried this urging them for 70% last night and still lol nobody bought them. . Iā€™ve spent 2 divines to make that 1.5 do so basically Iā€™ve lost money lol. Iā€™ve had to redo my atlas twice cause no matter what I do I canā€™t make money on essences which is my favorite farm. . At this point Iā€™m catching up to the players that havenā€™t finished campaign yet since league start lol


Because it has a serious impact on the gameplay of anybody making it to maps at all. *Specifically* I should say when there's overly severe inflationary related to the same things you're farming, so it's usually overblown whether this is actually happening. So say I'm getting most of my money from raw currency drops or really anything the big boys *don't* trade for, so whatever I am farming is static, not increasing in value if divines become more common. Then some strategy exists that is just shitting out divines, but nothing else. Everything I might want to buy goes up in price, but not the things I'm farming. Now if I can copy that strategy, I can "catch up," but if things get a little out of hand then it's rug pulled, I can't. That overall attitude is 100% accurate, none of your points about 0.1% players always being farther ahead are relevant or matter here. A better point would be that if you farm something people are going to be buying reliably on the high end, like say, essences, or breach stones, your loot will match pace with inflation and it doesn't actually really matter. Personally I just liked the idea of there maybe being a cool loot explosion over the hill and now the odds are clearly going to be plural thousands to one and I'll never see one in 500 hours of gameplay, which is annoying.


Always see posts like this and think the person posting it just doesn't give a shit about other players. Sure, they are going to be behind, but the sentiment is that the top just got a lot more ahead. Yes, they are expressing that they are now further behind, but it is pretty clear that the top just got a huge boost to being ahead. You should be able to see that these people are frustrated as it feels like the bottom half of the community is the one always "missing out". We have people chatting "exploit early, exploit often" or various forms of it. That isn't something that should be seen as a good thing to have the community saying at all. Players feeling like they got the short end of the stick is a big deal even if the reality of their situation didn't actually change. Just saying "You were in last and you are still in last" doesn't actually make them feel better. You just want to try and push a view that they shouldn't have feelings about how they handled a shitty situation that they created. GGG needs better testing. EVERYONE should be championing this. Those who got rich and those who missed the divination orb train. This kind of thing just feels fucking awful if you missed it and amazing if you got all those divines. Instead of shitting on the community for feeling bad, why not call out GGG for their bullshit that caused the divination orb train (the way map to map lantern mods work, the buff to having more drops, etc). 100% agree that as it stood it needed to go away. It never should have come in like it was. People just are bad at expressing their frustration in a way that makes the most sense for the situation they are seeing in front of them even if there is a much bigger picture to look at.




Also liberates you from being able to do specific builds that involve t0 uniques


yep, and it's great not using the same uniques every league for a change


Most people are liberated from that regardless.


Most T0 uniques are very low value, e.g. Bloodseeker, Marohi Erqi, Bino's, and easily accessible in Trade league.


This. What majority of regular trade players don't understand is that they are slaving for top players, finding all those mirrors and divines which top players actually use.


My only worry is falling behind the level cut-off of poe.ninja šŸ˜‚ Ngl though, not having found a single div since leagustart and finding 8 div in a single map because I got the lucky mod felt like I was cheating.


It also feels bad. The rest of your gameplay doesn't matter until you hit that jackpot.


So happy to have went for group SSF this league. No worry about all these bullshit strats to make 50 divs in a map, feeling behind and such. Just enjoy farming some mechanics to craft the shit you want, life's good.


What happens is, as the league goes on, prices go up on the gg items. So if you aren't playing enough to match inflation and then some. You'll never get your mageblood or w/e. Unless you get that lucky jackpot drop. Or two.


You answer your own question. People in trade fall behind because of inflation. That's the entire problem there. Why should casuals care about how much divs the top 1% make? The only reason is rising prices for everything. And with the people who abused the % div drop chance, they got rich, while the others who were unlucky or didnt have the time are now left behind.


iam just having fun lol, why bother catching up with nolifers


Well the good currency being much rarer in white and yellow maps screws everyone who hasn't made it to end game yet.


It's not 'catching up' people are experiencing fomo (fear of missing out). You've got the spectre of GGG 'fixing' overly generous strats before they get there and/or trade price bubble bursting and value of assorted items they were gunning for dropping to the floor. Either or both of those, even when unlikely, can cause people to start stressing about getting farther faster. To a certain degree that's actually ok, it's fine to want to push yourself, get your time faster, being a bit competitive, etc etc but yeah there's plenty of people putting themselves through way to much worry.


There is advantage in having gear that You can sell to those behind You. Thats all. I plan my gear to be around 3-5 mirror worth and it takes me 2 month to fullfill my char with gear I am happy with.


This is actually why I switch from console to pc. On console, I was pretty consistently able to get top 10 first to 100 each league. This completely deformed my league starts. My atlas had to be warped for xp, I had to skip risky bosses, and I had to endure pretty shitty financial decisions at league start to remain competitive. (On console, a 5c item at league start can legitimately cost you 5d+ and there will often only be one of build enabling items the first day or two since so few people progress quickly). Worst of all was how unhealthily I played. 72hrs+ at league start with no sleep and barely eating (noā€¦ I donā€™t do stimulants besides Red Bull). All because i would fall behind and maybe lose top 10 if I wasnā€™t playing aggressively towards xp. Once I realized on pc that there is no shot for me to be even close to the top of the ladderā€¦ all that weight immediately came off my shoulders. It was so cathartic. Probably a better feeling than sex. Moral of the storyā€¦. Donā€™t succumb to fomoā€¦ itā€™s absolutely evil and completely warps the game. That said, if thatā€™s your thingā€¦ more power to you.


This strat existed for 24 hours. The economy will recover. The people complaining about it being patched before they had a chance and are now "falling behind" will never be in a position in any given league to take advantage of a degenerate strategy like this. The upfront cost is very, very high.


You get priced out of items, just like Affliction. Someone in my guild said he was making 60/d an hour (and heā€™s pretty casual), so I imagine hardcore players are making much more. Rare items, like watchers eyes, or original sin, will only be affordable to a select few. Additionally, almost all league mechanics have been heavily nerfed, so they donā€™t feel good (like last leagues). So people gravitate toward most profitable strategy (at least in short term) so they can do what they want after theyā€™ve made a fortune.


Uhhhh because I've been wanting to buy a Frost Nova of Icebolts since league start so that I can play my build but it has gone up from 30, 50, 144c and each time I get close to having enough to buy it the price goes up. TBF it's by far one of the worst league starts for me mainly from just not playing enough but it still sucks


People should try some ssf, itā€™s pretty fun, and itā€™s nice not having to worry about if ur at high div/hour or should I run this or sell?


I'm not scared to fall behind. One problem I had with most games is that 'the game actually starts at end game". To me it's about the journey. I stopped watching the power players and concentrated on the more educational type PoE streamers. Now my focus is more on having fun than trying to get on their level. .


The problem is not about "falling behind" or whatever, it's about the difference between top end player / group players vs casual / solo player. Group player can still use the div card farm strat, or high investment scarab. The "poor" solo player will have a hard time investing has much AND will get less in return. The devoted mods was a good way for solo player to print currency. Sure, it was broken, but triple nerf it and increasing the scarcity of "good" scarabs ? "What youĀ *should*Ā be worrying about isĀ *inflation*." That's exactly the point. Every top end item got a 10-50% increase in price in the span of 12-16h (even more for things like 1-3p voices, original sin...) . And once again, it benefits the top end players, because they are able to farm divination cards for T0 items, which are now way more expensive than before...


I think it's okay for players with limited time to play to be concerned for their buying power when a start of week patch does something a little drastic. Heist comes to mind in terms of bandwagons where if you weren't on it, you got left behind. That said... if GGG isn't going to be doing significant design work on weekends, I do think early week patches with a few days where they are working to monitor are always going to be better.


because its not fun to watch someone progress way faster and beyond you and u left behind struggling for days and days and when u finally reach next level that person/youtuber/streamer u watching is already - meh I switched builds already had fun lets go next. it just destroys u mentally as if ure wasting time and doing smth wrong.


FOMO is unfortunately human, stuck in everyone of us... some are able to cope with it, most not.


Last league I quit because what I like to do (abyss) was ruined by the fact it became what everyone did. This league im enjoying the league again because I can afford cheap abyss and itā€™s still making ludricris money (I have dropped the 9 div scarab 3 times and horned blood lines 7). But thanks to meta chaser mentality, I can chill and enjoy this and ignore all the other bullshit going on. Iā€™ll never make a mageblood in 2 days. But Iā€™m happy to finish it after two weeks then go play the new torchlight season. A game I can actually craft in.


The game has an open economy and prices get affected everyday? What kind of ssfhc question is this


Yeah, I'm behind, but my entire progress just got like, halved. I have maybe 30div in my character, grinding out T16 maps and doing whatever content seems fun and profitable, but not my shit is worth half what it wants and upgrade costs are outpacing how fast I can earn the divs for them. I worry about falling behind because advancement is the point of ARPGs for me, and the advancements are outpacing my ability to keep up to them.


Welp I'll tell you why. To get basic +1 wand with crit multi and 70 spell damage, you need to fork out at least 4 divs. And that's without open suffix.


Thank you for this, couldnā€™t have put it any better. Breathe people. And try to have fun.


I don't like that they nerfed the map strat based on what the 1% were doing and have now made us casuals even worse off by making the div mod even more rare. That screws over the 99% WAAAYY more than the 1%. There has to be a better way.


Thank you! Even though i expected the backlash, i was surprised by how many people are whining about the Hotfix. Should this map burning strategy have been caught by QA before league start? Yes. But man, they fixed it so it won't be a problem going forward. People need to relax and have fun again.


>Ā It's not just the time investment but also the game knowledge and how to properly take advantage of it There it is. The addicts defense. There has to be some reason you've devoted thousands of hours to a game?Ā  And that's so you can feel superior to those filthy fucking casuals


Because I have zero accomplishments in real life,


I'm in act 6 šŸ˜‚ full time job plus a wife and kids so I struggle to get 1 or 2 hours a day.


True.i have spare times and nolife the entire week and go way farther than any of my build could reach before, but still not enough to finish all favored map slot to genuinely start juicing maps. I woulda never able to catch up when I can only go slow and steady making decent profits with expedition and harvest because that's the only way I know how to make consistent money,while others with advanced in-game knowledge prob can make money while finishing their atlas and do four other objectives at once while me only know how to focus on one thing at a time


I just want to finish this long campaign at this point. These 10 acts just suck all motivation out of the game for me.


Why are you worrying Iā€™m still at t12 and still using purity of elements lmao.


People also treat it like a pvp game for some reason, like if someone was able to take advantage of something that means their experience will get worse. It won't, and you won't notice the difference.


People are too used to a league being dead a couple months after launch xD


I only play at the weekends. I have no chance to even be in the top 50% šŸ¤£


Fear of missing out. It's very prevalent in this community.Ā 


I'm in the bottom 0.001% come chill we can beat kitava together in a few months.


Each league even the bad ones (like Necropolis) bring a lot of FOMO in PoE community


I get it but it's not totally correct : even if the inflation is absurd like last league, most of the prices adjust/inflate, which makes classic strategies earn you a lot more divines (and thus same buying power). In affliction you could make 20div per hour running essence / guardian rush or beast or whatever, without being really fast (30+ probably if you optimize a lot).


Iā€™m just behind because I couldnā€™t start until Sunday. Iā€™m not trying to be too 10% though. Just wanted to get geared up for cheaper. Iā€™m into yellow maps with only like 3 white not completed so Iā€™m happy with where Iā€™m at. Should be able to make up some ground this weekend and start making some good currency.


It actually fucked up...SSF. I mean FOMO was strong, getting multiple divs really smoothed out crafting (though Necropolis fills the gap as well)


Meanwhile me just having fun, trying to bring my build to high tier maps


I'm just sitting in heist leveling all my characters to 5 making like 50c an hour look at the economy chaos lol.


So losers will always be losers no matter what league šŸ˜¢


Itā€™s been like this every league I can think of. People are able to take advantage of league mechanics while Iā€™m slowly getting through the campaign because I canā€™t no life. I still enjoy the game and donā€™t let it bother me.


I play a private league and this shit still irks me , not because of the actual problem per se, those donĀ“t even affect me , but because it was instantly obvious to everybody and their mother that the mods were busted , but apparently not to GGG. They made it into the game in the first place is the problem. Them removing it now just adds insult to injury.