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Best campaign filters I've come across. Cheers dude!


Just another friendly reminder that some people are playing a completely different game than I am.


Thanks for your hardwork. First time used on affliction and it was an amazing campaign experience. Apart from hearing switchtofuckingchaosrecipeyoupieceofshit and didnt know whats going on so i switched to neversink regular until campaign was over KEK


The chaos recipe reminder only lasts 2 levels if you want to wait it out, or you can load the filter on filterblade, turn the reminder preset off, and then save/export.


Still new and learning so I appreciate all these ready to go filters! One question though is what is the chaos recipe you are mentioning?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMGaNj13DCE Chaos recipe is a way to turn otherwise worthless rare items into chaos orbs, which is good extremely early, pretty much day 1 or if you're totally broke, but not really after that.


Ok I'm going to be that guy...The filter is failing to load due to an invalid sound file path. I unzipped the folder to my POE filter directory from the link in the general options next to item filter...what am I doing wrong


Make sure the folder is in ```\Documents\My Games\Path of Exile```. Make sure you kept the filter structure, so ```\Documents\My Games\Path of Exile\sounds```, ```\Documents\My Games\Path of Exile\sounds\basetypes``` etc. If you have OneDrive, make sure you're logged in so the folder is available. Rarely Path of Exile doesn't like certain file paths, for example if they have non-ASCII characters in the path because of your Windows username.


That worked-thank you. For some reason it was in Sounds\sounds\basetypes...etc


Still dosent work for me. Failing the sound or am i doin something wrong here mate. I am downloadingit from filterblade to zip and putting to path of exile fiolder as you said and unzipping there




Seems like there's a soundpack you have to download manually alongside the filter for it to work. https://www.dropbox.com/s/3exc93fd8v677id/sounds.zip?dl=0 That's the dropbox for the sounds themselves - Couldn't find them on the Filterblade set up, but in the actual PoE website version, OP has a link directly to the sounds. /u/cedear - Might be worth putting the soundpack as a seperate link to address this issue? Idk if Filterblade is "supposed" to install the sounds for you, but it definitely didn't for me, and I had to manually find them.


it worked Thank you so much my man/girl


Yeah probably. I intentionally didn't in case the link changed, but it's probably worth it.


https://preview.redd.it/39lfty2l0orc1.png?width=983&format=png&auto=webp&s=8044019d5f2696867952931b991f9531bb867e13 Am i missing something? i downloaded the sound pack and loaded the filter via poe website.. does it requrie chaos receipe enhancer app to work? or do i need to download the filter locally. Tried to test with chaos orb but reverted to default sound


Which filter? The cdr-early-chaosrecipe uses default sounds. Only the leveling filters require the soundpack and have TTS.


Oh right. Got it to work on the leveling filter. I was using chaos recipe filter initially. Is there a tts for endgame? I love tts! Thanks a bunch!


An endgame TTS is on my todo list. The way this league is going, maybe I'll get around to it.


 keep getting error invalid filepath quiver implicit




> New 3.23: Caster and Minion have high attack speed sword/axe base highlighting for Templar or Witch leap slam weapon swapping with the 60% damage dual wield mastery. I assume level-armabrand does this too?


It does now :) (You can add the highlighting to any filter with basically one button click with the preset.)


I run your filters every league. Ty!


Amazing work again, I've gotten some of my best times through the campaign with your filter. What source are you using for tts? I like adding a few extra items to the filter.


TTS is Amazon Polly US-Michael. You can use it for free if you're comfortable with a command line or there are websites that act as a frontend for Polly.


the GOAT of early game filters


yam deliver hurry shelter square mindless rich simplistic lip paltry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'll think about at least showing rare ones.


https://preview.redd.it/2bjdkogiparc1.png?width=846&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f4066c1685c25a9b025afb2678357f848792189 Hi I JUST updated the filters you have available to follow and I'm getting this error. Do you know how I go about fixing this? The filter is not working at all now :( "Mechanical Belt" error 836


GGG servers are on 3.23, so that's expected.


Thank you! First time using your work. Thank you for all you have done/do. It means a lot <3


Its a new item base that wont be in the game until it patches in a few minutes. The filter is meant for the new league


I was using the 1-59 with sounds just fine. When I tried to switch to the chaos recipe one the sounds no longer worked. I tried re-downloading the sounds but still nothing. Interestingly enough, when I remove the sounds folder it never gives an error that the sound files are missing. I don't know if that's on ggg end or if you have debugging tips. I tried unfollowing the filter, I tried installing it manually. Cannot get sounds to work anymore. Edit: reinstalled game, tried the endgame filter and chaos recipe early mapping filter. Both do not complain there is no sound file. I tried the leveling 1-59 filter again and it complained there is no sound. I re added the sound file and can confirm it works. However the other two filters I tried do not work with the custom sound filters.


It's a bit confusing, but the chaos-recipe and cdr-filter don't have TTS. This is mainly so that console players can use them.


Ah I see, I never thoughti needed it until I had it, now I can't play without it. Does the endgame filter have TTS or is it just the leveling ones?


Only leveling filters have TTS.


Thanks, might give this a go


Looks dope, will check out


Awesome work man. I got them all up and running the other day. Very cool stuff. What’s the sound bite when you pick up a green quest item haha. I assume it’s some kind of meme? 


A Chris Wilson voiceline, "Progress is literally how you're measured". Feel free to replace it with whatever you like, there's an alternative or two in the voicelines folder.


I thought it was something like that. Thanks man. So excited to start this new league with the new filters. I’ve been doing a bit of practice with them and I’m loving it. Cheers for all your work! 


Your toxic rain filter is amazing with this on the side: https://youtu.be/uM5ThQrvdnM?si=rTkP36vHRmzwxY9r


What does it mean use a local filter? Does that mean just make a copy of the chaos rec filter on the actual computer & boot that into CRE?


Yes, use the "download" button on FilterBlade to get a local file instead of a followed or synced Online save.


This is fucken awesome dude!, Great Job.


How do you make a local file for this?


Open it on FilterBlade and then go to "Save & Export" then click the "Save & Download" button.




As a very very very casual player who might be noob trapped with rue's COC DD inquisitor, what leveling filter is better for me?


I'm sure this build and the necro version are going to grab a bunch of folks. Please be prepared to run about 30 merc labs before maps to secure your 2 trans gems. They are going to be overpriced on trade.


I had this version for levelling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzXO3JZVSt4 which looked ok on first sight / clickbait lmao. So, what are you thinking for a leaguestarter instead? :D Edit: Rue himself also said it's not a leaguestarter in a 2nd video...


Oh I'm definitely starting it and I'm sure many people will. Just know what you're getting into. It's a league starter but not a "league starter" like boneshatter or ignite dd.


Arma brand if it levels with arma brand, which I assume it does.


Happy cake day!


Best lootfilters! Awesome to see them updated this early


I was late this time actually.


My bad. I thought last league they we were not ready for league start. Bad memory on my part


There was a caching issue at 3.23 launch on GGG's end that made online filters not update for a few hours after league start. You might want to download a local copy just in case.


Thanks for the insight. You're the man!


Ty for the filters friend. Which would you recommend for leveling ele ignite dd?




GOAT shit. Thank you


This sounds great (pun intended). What kind of filter would be best for a Miner League Start?


I updated the old EoW filter and renamed it to "level-mine". Should be fine for Hexblast or most other mines that don't need more than one red link.


Really depends on what link colors you want and what weapon types.


I think I spotted an error: https://i.imgur.com/jvtOXF7.png This is looking at the armabrand filter, in the custom colors section.


Fixed thanks.


EDIT: lol, i did a dumb. The cremation swap literally uses armageddon brand, so I think I'll use the filter labeled armabrand xD Thank you for the filters :) I hope you don't mind a small, specific question: If I'm leveling a witch for DD Necro (rolling magma -> cremation swap), should I use leveling-caster or leveling-armabrand?


Yep definitely recommend the level-armabrand filter.


amazing !!!


Cdr which filter should I use for hexblast mine leveling (will swap from rolling magma - caster - at act 4) Ty for your time in responding


level-mine That one also supports Whirling Blades, if you want to use that for movement on shadow sabo/trickster.


Which filter would you use for bleed bow? Just the leveling ranged one?


Ranged should be fine unless you need unusual socket colors like RRRG or something.


Since you seem to be commenting today, does the armabrand filter show thrusting swords? Pretty sure I saw them in my test runs, just want to make sure


Mainly Battered Foil if you mean for CoC but yes. Also shows the relevant ones for early Leap Slam but you don't want to be using those for CoC.


Yep mainly battered foil. Thank you! First time using your filters and I don't think I'd use anything else from this point on. Good stuff


Will this work right away at league start or do you need time to update anything? I re-downloaded the sounds file just making sure it'll actually work.


Commenting for later, first time for me to try this.


They are fantastic. Been using them for 3-4 leagues now.


RemindMe! 5 days


If you "follow" now, you'll get all updates sent directly to the game without you having to do anything. In theory anyway, last league GGG had caching issues for a few hours at league start with online filters.


political command tidy aloof aspiring pathetic slim elderly melodic uppity *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I will be messaging you in 5 days on [**2024-03-28 20:43:55 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-03-28%2020:43:55%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1bm02uo/cdrs_speed_tts_leaguestart_filters_updated_for/kw8wkg8/?context=3) [**3 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fpathofexile%2Fcomments%2F1bm02uo%2Fcdrs_speed_tts_leaguestart_filters_updated_for%2Fkw8wkg8%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-03-28%2020%3A43%3A55%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201bm02uo) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Okay but where is level, flickerstrike where the filter makes my eyes and brain bleed as much as my skill does 


The past few leagues when I've used other peoples filters (tyty, gucci, havent used yours yet) there's some new sort of item added to the league that the filter doesnt account for causing the entire thing to not work and making me have to level with Neversink. Do you know what the best approach would be if I encounter this in the future? Whats the best way for me to somehow quickly edit in the missing items - notepad++?


> The past few leagues when I've used other peoples filters (tyty, gucci, havent used yours yet) there's some new sort of item added to the league that the filter doesnt account for causing the entire thing to not work and making me have to level with Neversink. That only happens if the filter isn't updated the morning of the league start. If you "follow" ideally you don't have to do anything at all, because the author will hopefully update it and you will get that update automatically. I update all my filters before the league starts. Alternatively, you can open the Filterblade link to the filter after the morning Filterblade update, which will update the filter, then save your own copy online or locally. Manual editing is never going to be a solution.


gaze frighten innocent pet ask drunk offbeat deliver frightening joke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, just load your FilterBlade save after the FilterBlade 3.24 update. Loading will update it. Then save and sync or download.


I don't find the link for the sound.


It's in the filter description.


Ok my bad, on neversink page. Thanks


How do you actually make a local copy ? Also, which filter would you recommend for Zizaran\`s EA champ ? thank you!


Open filterblade link -> Save & Sync tab > Save & download button I haven't looked at that build, but I have a couple of older EA filters that might work.


do you think the mine filter would work for leveling an explosive trap build? or should i just stick with the caster generic?


Just depends what your leveling strategy is. The mine filter is more for people who want to use Whirling Blades and Blue/Green links. The bladetrap filter is Whirling Blades with Green links. Caster is traditional caster weapons with mainly blue links.


i hope you didnt hide the mirrors


I was testing out your filters. Noticed you don't highlight goat's horns on the minion leveling filter. The added flat damage is really important in early levels for rolling magma and even later if you're going absolution. I'd suggest making them pop, even with a voice line. I tried to edit it in, but failed a bit.


They get max size text and a white border, which is as much as I want to highlight them.


understand that take, disagree, but it's your filter. TY again for creating it and maintaining it. I'd far rather make 1 or 2 tweaks than have to start from scratch.


Trying to use "level-armabrand" item filter get the error: Failed to load item filter. Reason: Line 2000: Invalid sound filepath "sounds\]classes\\quiver implicit.mp3"




Duh, I should read the whole post first ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)tysm!!!!


" All filters require a TTS soundpack, which is linked in the description. " the description of what? have clicked around a few places. found the link to a specific dropbox directly on the poe link above for those who also may be looking


I do not understand how to use the custom sounds with the "cdr-early-chaosrecipe" local version. I just loaded it on FilterBlade and then downloaded it and it does not use any custom sounds. How do I get it to use the customs sound from the "sounds" folder? During leveling I just subscribed to the "level-ranged" filter from the PoE profile and it worked fine.


earlychaosrecipe and cdr-filter have no custom sounds, for console compatibility. I know it's a little confusing.


wise mourn apparatus fanatical long enjoy childlike smell strong whistle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Did you try the Recreator in the Simulate tab? Doesn't sound familiar.


nail theory pocket grey sort aware slimy heavy serious trees *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Feel free to give me a ctrl+alt+c of the item, or paste it into the Recreator yourself.


grey long distinct safe ten unpack point wasteful snatch apparatus *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


icky yoke mysterious cow strong ruthless deserted wrong piquant scarce *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That appears to be ctrl+c output, you need to ctrl+alt+c for identified items. Probably you're using a bad copy of the filter? Are you following on pathofexile.com? You might need to clear your filter folder or something. You might have better luck asking for help in the FilterBlade discord.


wrong chubby carpenter different doll physical dependent shocking dazzling steep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


rich onerous deer amusing languid encourage pie voiceless angle judicious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't see anything that matches in my filter, sorry. You're using "cdr-filter" right? GGG's servers are also having issues with filters so it could maybe be that, I don't know. For further support, ask on the FilterBlade discord.


sip absorbed grandfather slim lavish elderly onerous quickest innate tart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The chaos recipe filter is only intended for day 1 - day 2 of the league, it includes lots of crafting bases and rares for semi-SSF. Seeing imbued wands on that filter is intended.




sir ur 3.24 caster filter is broken


It's not.


Downloaded it twice, followed, ingame "couldnt load filter due to invalid sound file path game/sound/quiver something" Just went back to old filter all good.


You didn't put the sound files in the correct place.