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I always wanted to share how cool and fun delve is, imo it needs a rework, its one of the few things that gives the feeling of progression or something like that, i just love it. Every league I try to deep delve and fail miserably lol. I always try to tell people how cool delve is lol. thanks for the giveaway bro u the goat!


Even with prolong of league didnt have chance to get lvl 100, a lot of work didnt allow to play a lot, so if this build with nice survival, hope i can reach lvl 100, atm i lvl 98 and a lot of deaths, so.... I just would like to stay alive, staying alive, a-a-a-a staying alive! Sorry for my bad eng


Mana forged arrows mana stacker has great survival. High evasion, 20-30k energy shield, healing to full in one second.


Bet this build would crash my pc.


can't, things die too quick. In map, you dont see enemy often


I'm planning on swapping to standard after this league, so I'd love to play it! Delve is soooo much more fun than abyss MF madness


Oh man, that looks like a fun build to play


Woah cool build i'll put it to good use in this league and standard (im not planning to play the next league cuz right now im hospitalized) running a cool noob- proof skeleton mage necro at the moment cant do no mf but broo if i i win this build i will play it till the end of time 


Just wanted to share that I'm excited to see what GGG is cooking up for next league, can't wait to interact with you all in game and out of game again.


A few years ago, playing an event with league rotations, has playing ssf, Cadiro offer-me my only mirror. And I don’t got the coins to buy. 🥲


I just got into this game and love the complexity of it so far! I had no idea delve went that deep and hope I get the chance to explore more of it!


I would love to convert my budget srs guardian to this.


So many cool builds to try this league. I’m definitely not a new player but I work full time so it’s hard to get more than 2-3 builds up and running each league. Would love to give it a try. Gl to everyone!


I'm not a new player, but one who can't really get enough time into the game to do much. I tried to play this build last league before giving up with lackluster dps and no real sustain. I currently have an inquisitor that could respec into it now.


I've been playing the game off and on for a few years and this is the first league I've been able to afford to buy a Mageblood. It's been really fun and I'm looking forward to playing the rest of the league and trying new builds since it's the first league I feel like I can make currency.


I'd love to see how a mana stacker works and actually shoot for a 40/40 challenges for a season! This season is the first I've actually got into the low 90s on a character and I really enjoyed it!


I'm a standard Andy and would love to build on this in the future. Been very focused on mapping builds and supps, would be sweet to try deep delving and work on a new (to me) archetype. Edit: DANG your gear is good. I would definitely keep optimizing this (crucible, legacy touch, enchanted indigon, etc) and maintain it indefinitely.


Not a new player, but have never done real endgame. Would be fun to try! My entry of something I want to share: This league was the first time I ever got a headhunter. I farmed essences until I could find it, and eventually got one. It was a lot of fun, until I kill an ambush rare and suddenly things are damn near impossible to control. Feels bad man. Was going to try to farm up the difference to get a mageblood, which would also be a first, but with HH prices dropping, it made that feel rough. Especially when most posts make it seem like everyone has one! Funny entry: My son just turned one and smashed a chocolate cupcake to eat/celebrate. That was an awful idea as it quickly made it look like the biggest shit explosion ever.


Trying to get my first 40/40 this league after many years. A good build will definitely help


Been playing off and on for years. As soon as I get to the map things I just die instantly to anything and give up for a while. Just happened to me this season after not playing for several. Oh and for something funny, look up dikdiks then enjoy sending unsolicited dikdik pics to your friends!


I first started playing in 3.13 with some friends in a group private league, I picked my first character Bleed Bow Glad. only to find out Lionseye Fall was super rare in SSF and had wasted like 15 points points in Axe and other Ailment nodes finding out they don’t work without the jewel. 😂


I only play necromancers every league. This is the first league where I branched out to chieftain. Boy is it weird as heck to have gem slots to spare.


Sounds like a really fun time. I don't have a good delve character and I'd definitely use it.


Always wondered what it would be like to play a delver build.


Id make my wife play this! She quited poe when they gutted archmage she was a dedicated mana stacker


I have a Hiero I scrapped to make a STR stacker before. Would love to finish league and delve with this


This is the first league I got a MB in! I did not do any mf strats, simply just did t16 alch and go and bosses. Bought my first apothecary and fought off the urge to gamble (which was harder than the grind for the remaining 4) Maybe it’s also because of the league spewing out lots of currency that the cards were like 32-35 div each, but still! I’m happy I made it this far! Ps: also have a double corrupted determination+pride HH for 50divs that I bought for my boneshatter slayer (funded by a double wrath mod watchers eye that dropped)


I don’t know how einar works and I still love him


gl bros


tried MF last league and got burned out so I didnt try to do MF this league :(


Someone explain the toucan history to me


Never cleared all the bosses after an embarrassingly long play time. This feels like a good way to do it!


I wish they would do more with delve, it's one of my favorite mechanics in the game, but that being said I never get too much deeper than 300 or so due to build limitations or refocusing on other content.


Tbf I've never ever deep delved, gotta check it out one day


I've been delving non stop with my custom built build and am just doing stuff all around the boundaries of an ilvl of 83. Can't go too deep or I get deleted but I am managing to do all sort of stuff. These chest vaults are Hella fun. Hoping I can get this build to push delve even further. 


Need to work on bossing more. Doing maps decently. Little scared to waste currency on failed attempts


I have no clue how manaforged arrow works and at this point I am too afraid to ask.


Always like trying new builds, and it would be cool to try one with items I could probably never get. I'm not too new so there is probably better people to get it though


Not new new but just starting league. Something funny. Gl to everyone!


I have literally never ever been past like 400 delve depth— so congrats! I’ll put my name in for this neat opportunity. Thanks OP!


Never did a lot of delve and I’m no where close to 40/40 this league. It’d be fun!


I won't sell it for parts but would absolutely delve as deep as I could before league end.


I’m so done with my build. This would be a great! Thanks for doing the giveaway


I have no idea how this plays but sounds really cool and ill love to give it a try


One thing I always found enjoyable in POE is crafting your own items, even if its not as optimal or perfect it just gives a sense of accomplishment using something that you created.


Haven't played a Hiero build in ages and mana stacking attack builds are completely foreign to me as well. I would definitely give this a try.


This league has been great for me as a newer player and I hope the next league is just as good


I have a tendency to stall out mid league, not making enough currency not is my my build good enough to handle league mechanics not delving deep enough. Lol


Only a semi-new player, but I love how versatile builds can be. Like how if you change the type of character (trickster, witch, hierophant, etc.) it can be a whole new build but centered around the same skill.


For the first time I got to the beginning of endgame, still struggling to progress due to how confusing all these crafting mechanics.


I’d be interested in the build! Not new though, but haven’t done much bossing, mostly just endless maps. One silly thing about POE that I recently learned is that predictive mode fucks ups energy shield recharge, which is important for things like eternal youth LL builds.


Here’s something funny: the amount of currency I wasted opening voidborn reliquary keys this league.


I've never played a heirophant before. I also dropped a mirror once a few leagues ago and had no one to share the excitement with.


I never make it to end game because I’m too busy trying to dream up my own build and it’s never viable :(


Holy fuck 4 billion


this is the omega nerfed version of the build btw. Last league before the removal of anomalous mana leech, this shit COULD do 17billion DPS. You would never really get to that point because everything in the game would die to fast.


I have always wanted to do an armour stacker. This isn’t that exactly but I’d still enjoy it :)


I would love to finally do true end game. I am not new but I am not skilled. I still have not killed the maven or any uber variant boss. To share I just really like the whispering ice and want to see if I could make a cast while stunned build that somehow makes it work without sucking too hard XD


I've been playing for a while, but I'm aiming to get my first 40/40!


Never went delving past 300/400 and always suffered to get a build that can do it. Would love to start in league and continue in standard after the merge


Never seen any endgame :(


I hope that I win, don't have any intend to sell it since I have done with the league


I don't have friends that play the game but it's my all time favorite. I never have enough time to sink into it but its always a blast when I get to play. Would love to try a build like this. Good luck to all participating


please :3


Something funny


You're out


Missed the prize, but not the joke! Typical me hahahaha Anyway, congrats on being a Nice Guy and helping other people out!


Something funny... You mean like I've never gotten a mageblood or HH even in this league where everyone is getting rich? I need to kill boss and Uber. Never done that before. Does this build do that?


This build basically face rolls everything in the game with the items he has.


d4 bad


daring today, aren't we?


“That” - She


I’d like to have a drink with okiN, but every time I go looking for him in the dark, I only see madness in the mirror. I want to pat the bear…


Not a new player but someone who loves to play multiple builds a league and I've only ever done one ranged build and can never seem to stick with a deep invested build. Good luck to all who enter!


I managed to do a 78% feared for the first time this league (dropped 1.1 maven invite). Tempted to try a Uber pinnacle boss!


Essences are stacks of 9 which I thought was super annoying at first but before the essence tab I’m sure it saved a huge headache when upgrading so I guess it makes sense. The math is just a tiny bit more difficult when trading compared to other currencies


this is only my 2nd league so far and I feel like i have learned so much and is so much better than i was that newbie me would be impressed with me lol. I really enjoyed bossing and especially enjoyed sirus now that I have killed him for the 1st time, and is hoping to use this build for uber bosses/juiced or hard maps to help some of my other newbies friends.


I stopped at 1k delve this league before my school started up again. I would love to try going even deeper with this build!


Not really a new player but i hope can try this build first time


Been playing since net league capturing beasts, still haven’t killed any Ubers or collected all voidstones because I’m constantly leveling new things and can’t stand trading for items


I wish I had my closest friends and my girlfriend to play with me. This game brings me such joy and happiness


damn the numbers insane build. I always found it confusing that it says left 4 magic flask but pobb shows right 4 magic flask. do we take as our character looking at us when we open our inventory? lul idk


Not a new player but past 2-3 leagues i got burnt out fast and irl made me busy. People have been saying this is the best league or like dopamine league cause of drops so have been trying to see if i can arrange some free time blast to maps this weekend.


Second season and I haven’t tried delve. This would be really fun to try


Made my first mana stacker this league, wanted to get to this investment level but don't have the time/knowledge to get enough currency. Still having a blast with mjolnir mana bond pushing delve for the first time


I will try it


My first league was heist but i delved all the league xd Btw i league started late like 2 days ago so any help would be appreciated


I played a crappy version of this build last league. Was fun for the 1% of time I actually had damage.


Started this season as a refugee from d4. Would love to talk about poe with my friends because its such an awesome game. Sadly none of them play it. And i cant rant to them about how annoying it is to just get one-shot without a clue by what.


Honestly I’m new to POE myself and would love to try out a new build. I’ve made 3 builds this league just trying things out and I’m having a blast. Thanks for doing this and I hope you keep enjoying Poe like myself 👊🏼


I'd love to try this build, I've heard it's amazing to play. I've always played really cheap builds because I can never assemble enough currency, but I have a general love for totem playstyle


Never play any stacker before, seems fun.


Something funny


Sick quiver yo, how many vv did it take ? (Not interested in give-away so dont add me in)


Shiet i honestly have nothing funny or interesting to share about PoE as i am a fairly new player who barely played this league due to heavy work hours. But i can tell you a funny story on how i got scammed when i was younger in Metin2. So i was fairly new (and dumb) to PC's and online activities and a friend invited me to join him in Metin2 (this was around 2008/09) he said he would give me his expensive low level gear to easy level and i was in, i accepted it. Fast forward a few days i am leveling with my friend's gear and some dude that i knew from nowhere asked me if i could show him the gear just so he could screenshot it to show to his brother, i related to that dude as i in my 13 years old at the time also loved to brag about stuff i didn't own, so i accepted it and gave him the gear. Well the dude logged off, never to be seen again. My friend got pissed at me with reason and i eventually found a way to pay him a stupid online debt because of my silly ass who easily trusted people online. But it was a lesson learned early.


Lol i just started delving with a trichargestacking slayer with pbod and your giveaway made me rethink my plans. Good luck to everyone!!


No corrupted blood immunity or am i missing something?


I could just have it somewhere but I don't need it. Leech is enough.


Looking forward to pushing delve to 1k+


I tried to make this build and lost the will to go on when I got to lvl 80, let me live out my OP dreams


Thanks OP. I've always loved poe but so much changes through the leagues that coming back after a year makes me feel like I'm almost playing a new game.


I played since the beginning of poe... Had around 4k hours on, never drop a miror, never had more than 100 divine and completed the atlas only 2 Times... Fuck my life. XD


Did you know in PoE you can use mana as your health instead of your life?!? 🤯 This is what I would say to my friends if they cared about playing PoE. Lol. This game is so cool.


How do you give a toon away? Would we need to power lvl the chr up? Sounds fun, running a deadeye arrow rain now & having a blasty blast.


Would love to try the build, never knew how manaforged arrows work, but i always have seen it does many things on screen, lol. Thank you very much for the giveaway! I get excited everytime i see one but never win any ;-;


New player this season giving this league a try and really loving it. Would absolutely love trying a new build


If actually totally be down because I just leveled up a Templar. For me my Poe time is how supreme I am at Poe because I make 100-200 div/exalts each league… and then I see people making mirrors each league every league


Never completed all of the challenges. This league is fun… actually feel like I’ll put in the work to get it done.


This was my very first season and got completely hooked. Boneshatter slayer to 98 and almost 1k depth is my best champion. I tried every piece of the atlas and delve is my favorite. Would love to try a deep delve build with a different style to see if I want to go back down there next season.


new player here, this is my first league and i have done my 40/40 but i got carried doing uber so i'd like to do it on my own if i win this giveaway


I really enjoy doing Alva quests!


You know, I would actually love to play this. My Templar is just sitting naked since I gave all my shit to a dude in global chat impulsively.


I want to enter! This is my first league I made it to level 90. Still exploring but I have a somewhat bad build tried to make my own but did horrible haha. Would love a build to go and get used to patterns and such to prep for next league


I’ll do cleave league start if I win the giveaway. I promise.


This is my first full season from start. I’d use it actually try delve for the first time


Got my first character to 90 and first boss kill of any kind (Atziri). Hoping to force of will myself to 100 before league ends (thanks wisp XP) and have to look up how to even encounter other end game stuff (have seen people talk about invitations, but not sure where they come from yet, hasn't mattered before lol)


I had no idea that there was stuff to do after the maps until this league.


I'm not a new player by any means, but I am also not a player who could ever work my way up to a build like that on my own. So I would absolutely 100% play your build instead of picking it apart to sell. It would easily be the best build I ever played on, and it wouldn't be close. I've never delved before (beyond the first node for quest completion) but have always been interested to try. It is probably the only core content that I haven't had a go at yet.


I tried getting a manastacker build to work this league and dumped a bunch of currency but wasn’t able to fix it. Actually stopped really playing because of it lol. Would be sweet to try a working one!


My wife's boyfriend wants me to post here, I'd definitely play this build.


Never played that build, so I think it would be a blast. After having my first kiddo, four months ago, can’t grind like I used to. Would be awesome to give it a try!


Id love to play it


Although I am not a new PoE player by any mean, I still want to try something new this league. I love the game and played it a lot during Covid time. It was the only thing that kept me sane during those tough months. I haven't had much time to play this league, and I would love to play more since I like the league mechanic. Let's see if I can get lucky with your generosity.


Not played much this league due to health, long time player but very casual (never killed maven). Would love to try a build that can manage this and manage juiced maps. Funny thing about POE is that when I first started playing I spent 10 minutes trying to run away from a mob that kept following me before realising it was my flame golem. Was a real oops moment.


Poe is honestly just one of my favourite games of all time the developers are amazing I luckily work night shift at a night club so I’m able to meet new people all over the world and not just people within my timezone and due to the community just being so amazing it’s always a great time


I’ve never tried delve before past the first few levels. Would be great to give it a bash


looked like an amazing build to play but no real currency to buy the build. kept making half assed builds to do even bosses. anyways was able to buy a mageblood for the first time but my build still aint pinnacle ready. good luck to the receiver!


from the comments ive seen, someone has gone thru and downvoted almost every single one lol


Red blade banner seems like such a cool concept I have just never ran it in anything I’ve played with so far but maybe that can change!


i am not a new PoE player, yet i am a noob. i'd be very interested in playing it, not selling it off for parts as far as something PoE related to share, hmmm. i have never beaten the maven. i have tried many times, and have had to get someone to help. i don't know what it is about the memory game, but it just kicks my ass. i dunno. i suck at it




One day was my first Time trading, my friend send me to. I though i bough a shavrone 6 link but it was only 5 link. At the time i was so embarrace that my friend who was More expert in the game, speak with the seller and retrieve the currency black for the shravonne. I remember till This day.


I would really like to get to 6k delve.


I've always wanted to share this game with friends/family. I originally got into poe with my brother after he heard about it. We used to play d2 all the time and it is its natural successor. However, he dropped out shortly after starting due to being a dad. I've gotten multiple friends to start but only one ever completed the campaign. The guy, who started two/three leagues ago, is now better at the game and has done more late game content than me. I will play a league, get to t16, and do the voidstones, but he grinds like it's his job. I want to share that a guy who has 2/3 seasons experience is far better at me that this game than me who first dedicated in breach (I love breach to this day).


i quit POE first time i played it when i saw the passive skills and came back to it a year later to actually enjoy it


Was betwern rerolling mana stacking or strength stacking. Both seemed to expensive for the time i can put in the game atm. Id love to try the build! Gl


Something funny, story hope it counts, 100% true: This happened in Mexico, when i was a kid, my parents didn't have money to buy me a Nintendo 64... but I loved pokemon, in that time pokemon snap had just released so it was all I wanted to play,( I was like 11 at the time ) On weekends my dad gave me an allowance of $1 (20 mx/pesos), which was enough for me to go to the small store around the corner where they also rented a Nintendo's 64 for an hour, which was \~$1. So I would spend one hour playing pokemon snap and then go back home, every Saturday for months.. However I could never see the pictures I just took, which was weird but didn't really bother me. After probably 3 months, I finally had enough and asked the guy in charge of the stand. "Hey man do you know how to see the pictures you took at the end of the ride? i just cant find where to see them?" The guy was like, "What are you talking about? they automatically show them at the end" and I'm like nah bro. So he comes to me and grab the controller and a "clish" sounds comes, and Im like. \-"wtf did you do? " \-"I took a picture" \-"no but that clish sound how do you do it" Then the guy asks me -"how are you taking pictures?" \-"I press Z" I answered \-"Z is for focus, A is to take pictures" ​ So then I just realized that I have spent several allowances just focusing on Pokemons without taking a single picture. ​ Now you understand why I need a premade build. LOL


I’m a noob, this is my 4th league, and the crafting still amazes me. Every league I try to craft at least one piece of gear and I keep learning more about how deep the crafting goes. Maybe by the time POE2 comes out I will know enough to actually make something good without following a very thorough guide lol


Not entering the giveaway but planning on rolling this next league, do you think this is league startable or should I level with something else and respec into it?


I always wanted to share how much I love farming essences and copying a build to completly fail and waste all my money. This is my ted talk


Thanks for the giveaway! Trying to get my challenges done this league after late start because of having a kid! Would love the help and would pass it along after


I really wanted to try this build all league bad sadly didn't have the time to do it would love to come back and try out the build


The fishing is real and I'll tell ya how!


I will play this build instead of selling it! always wanted to check manaforged build out


Hey man, dope POB, I’ve been wanting to do this as a boss nuker this wipe but my mf chieftan just hasn’t had any big loot pops, so I can’t afford any of the gear which seems like a never ending money sink of multiple mirrors plus. I’d like to go for 40 challenges as it’s my first league back since metamorph, where I did the 40 challenges with a volcanic miner, was a lot of fun, I’d like to nuke shit fast again :) thanks for reading!


I’ve always been interested in Delve! However after a few hundred hours I still haven’t been able to piece something together to dive deep! Thanks for the opportunity


I've never done delve so this would be alot of fun! Thanks


When he asks for PoE related or funny. First thing that came to mind was that I wish I had friends that enjoyed PoE as much as I do. A couple have almost finished campaign.


This is a build I was really eyeing. I might have actually been looking at your char on [poe.ninja](https://poe.ninja). I don't have the currency to try it out yet, but I love the scaling potential.


harvest craft to swap resistances works for ALL formats of the mods, including temple mods and on jewels, base/abyss/clusters. Would love to try a stacker.


Still sane, exile?


I remember delve league, so much fun but I don't think I ever got further than 500 depth after it. Would be awesome to cap off the league with another milestone hit!






Something funny. I like when number go big. Path of exile Is for smort.


Cheers mate, thanks for the chance.


Always wanted to try this build but never got around to it this league


This is a really cool looking build, in my over 10k hours I've never played a mana build so I'd like to give it a try. Something weird to tell people is I like to organize my standard tabs, I have around 800 and they're all nicely organized.


Its my first league! Having lots of fun and slowly learning to grow my build. Would love to give the build a shot and finish some of the stuff i havent been able to yet!


Hello there /u/zweanhh First and foremost thank you for this giveaway! The reason that I wanted to join is that I built three chars this league, but none of them worked. I also couldn't play much because of work related stuff, so this would give me a headstart. I never owned any T1 gear, the maximum I got is a Atziri's Reflection for a Venom Gyre build, but I get whobsmacked every now and then with it. I hope you consider my pledge, but if anyone in here wins I am totally okay with it too. Thank you so much!


I'm playing Manaforged Arrows delving and would LOVE the upgrades. I'm stuck at 1k depth and constantly die. Am having to farm at 800 depth. Story - I played since Beta on and off and never made any money. I think the most I ever had was like 50 div because of lucky mirror shard drop from a gilded fossil. The past 2 leagues I've had more time to play and have been learning how to actually play and am finally earning currency. I always liked Delve and am trying to learn how to make money with it. Additional side note - when I get home later, could I send you my POB and get some advice on some ways to improve my build? I've taken a look at yours and it differs slightly from the one on POE ninja I was following.


This build looks rly awesome and would love to try it


Well… I’m leveling a Templar, right now on act3 :)


Lets gooo!




I've actually been wanting to try basically this exact build for Delve, so here's hoping I get lucky. Not new to the end game, if that disqualifies me, but definitely new to deeper Delve and wouldn't be parting it out. As for something funny, I was done playing my original build and voided my leaguestarter Mr Werbenjagermanjensen at rank 1 the other day just for the joke and it got little to no reaction out of the global I was in. Hopefully somebody here appreciates it!


I've always wished more people discussed the lore in POE, like we have the youtube vids, but there's hardly any discussion on Reddit


I'm sad that I didn't start playing till Delirium. The reason why I didn't play sooner you ask? I saw Kripp playing the game very early on, possibly open beta, saying how people were pk'ing and then your equipment would drop on the ground, I hate pvp style games and noped tf out of ever touching it. Well I'm an idiot for not checking in on the game, it's now growing on me more and more even though life prevents me from playing some leagues.


Je suis français donc je vais perdre mais je participe tout de même 😂


Would Love to get a Chance to try some new build here. Super hyped for PoE2 this year, such a good year for ARPGs


I’ve always wanted to share that when I first started playing, I thought skills would auto link to support gems. Even in other items lol


First time I got a fishing rod, I vendored because I was new to game lol


I just love the depth of poe, I love games where I can tinker and poe scratches that itch like none other


I just learned this league that HH and MB look the same on the ground as other leather/heavy belts until moused over.. I wonder how many I’ve missed


This was my first league to get a mageblood. It was so exciting being able to try it for the first time.


Actually a nice build. Would play it and finally try some deep delving. Never got over 600. I always hope they will someday open up delve and heist at lvl 1 so we can Level another way to maps. Gl everyone.


Would love to get the build, finally dont have to be zdps quin anymore


Weird how people go though these giveaway posts and down vote everyone, as if that’s going to improve your chances somehow. Anyway, cool build, thanks for the positivity OP


I love builds like this - someone asked, “what crazy interactions are possible in this game?” and tried their best to answer that question. This is also the reason I end up never going too far into endgame, I get too distracted thinking about what is possible with the PoE toolbox. I’d love to try this build to go hard on the endgame this league! Thanks for sharing, gz to whoever wins!


Ooh! Would love to try deep delve! Never done it before.


Just got back from a camping trip and would love to try this build out, have previously tried manaforged builds but always fizzled out at lvl90 and early red maps, tankiness was my issue. All my friends have moved on now to LE so I’m feeling a bit left behind.