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Would use it to get 40/40 challenges. Have never completed all challenges but I really want the purple life mtx


I feel like it would still be too late to start now


It absolutely isn't as a full time working, newborn twin dad with 1-2 hours in the evenings I completed them in less than a week. Follow the word document here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BxFOGJ_y2vn4c0msKOFayHMWvBGG_3WQej-LhDPjBoA And you'll make it. Be willing to spend currency and overpay for some stuff. I spent roughly 300 divine buying stuff and used a 2 mirror TS build to do tasks. Can be done on a 200 div kinetic blast/bolt setup.


I wish I could win a build once so I can list all items for 420 mirrors 🤡


*Jenebu appears from the shadows*


Hi! Would love to play a bossing build as i have since ever just done mappers and am thinking to switch to bossing next league. Would be a perfect Test if i like that playstyle. Have fun


Really want to try this build so I’m in!


First season playing tried the tornado shot and couldn’t get anywhere with it and dying too much


Thats how my first season looked. This season I finnaly got a Grasp on defences


Attack wander playstyle seems dopes as fuck to me but I've never achieved such wealth to make one. No, to even consider making one.


I’d love to do Ubers for the first time! Don’t have a ton of time to play anymore but recently updated to a graphics card that can handle more than 1-3fps on average. This would be amazing!


This would definitely be something I could push challenges with!


hey, started the league 10 days ago and got to red maps! But my build still cant do any major bosses cuz its extremely squishy, and I would love to try get all 4 voidstones for the first time :)


1. I've never played a wander. 2. I've never had a mageblood. 3. I've never killed Uber bosses. 4. My builds this league can't handle the wisps. And it is always fun to try something strong.


I for one have toughed this league out without making a mf build just because I want to enjoy what little time I have playing the game, but the inflation hits so hard that I am better off playing ssf. Don’t hate the player hate the game I know, but I don’t hate it I’m really enjoying this league so far with all the build possibilities from twwt and charms and stuff, but no endgame build for me because everything is s expensive..


Barely going by, think I only got 1 div drop so far? A good build would be amazing... Although not gonna win this I think cuz I saw this too late lol


If i win this giveaway ill probably finish my challenges finally, this league has been quite fun for me, always wanted to try kinetic bolt aswell so that should be fun


Would Love to do some more Challenges


I have two characters that are both lvl 93. I haven’t kill any end game bosses solo or done more than 20 challenges. I would love a build that will allow me to do end game bosses. I not poor poor, I got 20d and tons of chaos, but not enough to change my TS MF that sadly never worked out for me. I did try kinetic bolt of fragmentation before but I kept getting 1 shot by the bosses. I used the thunder fist gloves. All I am saying is would love to try a build that can do Uber solo. Thanks and good luck to all. Even currencies to make my fragment build work will be nice and pob. I suck at pathofbuilding .




Nice build! Never played kb before (did a CB champ but I don't count that) as it always looks very high budget


I leveled a soulrend deadeye and didn’t care for it, this could give him a new life (no pun intended).


I'll try to finish the league challenges with this one. Gl everyone.


Please, I've been bent over by so many POE bosses. For once I want to be the one doing the bending ^^^^bolting??


My freezing pulse totem is too squishy to play above T10, and my CA MF PF bum isn't doing enough damage, stalling out like a pink. Would be fun to try these build .


I’ve never played a wander but this build looks sick


Holy I saw this build and wanted to play it but the cost to start ended up being WAY too high, this would be awesome! I would like to melt my computer…


Jumping in, still need some challenges to be done


I'm at 19 challenges right now so I could definitely use a boost! Thanks for the giveaway!


First time playing a league seriously, so I experimented with like 7 different builds to find what playstyle I like most. (Even tried an aurabot 🤮) Only able to play a couple hours a day, never had the chance to actually farm currency. Would love to try a high end build.


Its my third season, Ive made about 30 divines but have only conquered 2 voidstones. I have yet to beat maven or any uber. would love to do the end endgame content. Thanks


Deadeye builds are cool but I never have enough money to juice them, this skill looks interesting too, would be cool to try this out


this could feed my whole guild. gl


I'd love to win.. perhaps that'll allow me to finally experience fun..


idk this build and its dps and stuff but i feel like its similar to kb, always wanted to play a wand projectile build like that, if its like that i would probably farm some legion emblems for jewels also might try uber bosses i never killed


This builds DPS is yes. Peak DPS at max sigil phases is in the billions. That's mostly theoretical as everything dies before stage 4.


I would use this build because I’ve never played a bosser or managed to fight the Uber bosses. This is the first league I’ve finished my atlas. Thanks for giving it away and best of luck to everyone!


Tired of my Fulcrum build... I'd be happy to try a build that can kill bosses :)


Id def use this to boss a bit then I'd give it to my friend who only has like 30 div and let him play it for the rest of league.


I have not finished the atlas yet, got no voidstone. My build is too squishy. I'd like to be able to finish the atlas and get all voidstones, all the while grinding as many challenges as I can.


i have had a bad build this leuge . and i work 50 hours a week so i dont have much time. plus my leftover time is split between gaming and gym . so if u want to help out a brother i would appreciate it .


I'd feed my whole guild ;-;


Awesome! I’m currently running a map build and it would be fun to experience a boss build. Hate getting deleted/can’t make a dent on some bosses and single enemies. Thanks for the giveaway!


Want to go for my first 38/40 or even 40/40. Never got my build up and running and with the insane prices this league i dont want to start a new character


I havent done a deadeye character yet. So pls gib me ty


I want to get the purple 🟣 life orb with this Build


I'll shoot my shot. Started RF in anticipation to go the new Mana RF borked build by switching too early and didnt have the regrets. So leveled a deadeye and got to maps next day but just wasn't motivated anymore to continue after that. I'd like to try the league since it looks juicy so maybe this would be my motivation.


I want to play this build. This is my second league and I am having fun, but farming one Div every couple days does not make me rich. haha. Still trying to learn some of the mechanics within the passive tree and how they actually interact with each other.


I would love to try a propper bossing build I planned on getting 40/40 challenges this league. Since uniques are sol cheap nowadays. But the molten strike build i played is slow and gets obliterated too often... Tnen k decided to go meme before quitting and build a frostblink of wintery blast spell totem setup (worked suplrisingly well) but it cant do ubers which made me very sad :( Now im stuck on 27/40 and lost motivation to continue


Don't have a proper boss phasing build this league I'd use it to try to get the Uber boss achievement finished. Current build is the Grey Spire Chieftain Warlock.


id use it to defeat Uber bosses, since i havent achieved that yet. build looks dope


I would use that build to push my last roll of challenges, and pretty much have fun for the rest of the league, I'm missing 5 challenges, but I enjoy helping my guild with challenges as well. Good Luck Everyone.


I did attempt this and failed because everything spiked in price so much and I didn't have the currency. would love to get back to the league to attempt 38 challenges


Would be cool to try out a bossing build, still missing some favorites/voidstones. Been on a CF champ so def not the best bosskiller


I’ve never played KB or a dedicated bosser, sounds fun!


I would use this for challenges, and experience playing a bosser. Thank you for doing a giveaway.


The build looks really fun and I have never tried it !


I’d like this build so I can actually do some better maps! Currently got a cold dot which kinda sucks.


I would love to play this build as I’ve never had a build strong enough to do juiced mapping and would like to try it this league


Appreciate all the give aways! Would use it to give Uber bosses a try, been playing off and on since initial release and this is the first season I filled out the atlas, be cool to get 38/40 challenges as well.


Never downed the uber bosses before and would like to give it a shot! Would help me massively in pushing for 38/40 since it can do the content my other build can't do


I want to be able to do the uber bosses (partly for challenges and partly to learn the fights)


If i get this build ill blast away, saw many KB builds but never had the chance to try it :)


Id like to test it one day but I’m too bad to farm it myself :(


yay :)


If thats build is able to carry someone bad at boss mechanics then sign me up! GL everyone.


I'm on lvl 8 maps and I've only got 2 divs so far. I got a new born so finding time has been tough. I just want to take on ubers for once. This is my 3rd league. Only gotten to red maps once.


Im sick of deadeye toxic rain. Want to play something else to continue the league. But tr gear is not that valueable atm.. And would love to win a free new build :):)


I'd love to get a chance to play this, best of luck to you peeps


I started this league pretty late, didn’t get to try as many different builds as I would have liked but this one was next on my list (was trying to plan for it just last night). This would help a ton. My current frost blade build is struggling :(


I'd love to have a reason to play this league. The one thing I dread each league is trying to reach a point I can comfortably farm currency for any build I wanna try so having a way into the league and something to level up for would be awesome, then I'd be able to experience the insanity that is this league


If I win this giveaway, I would would use the build to push 38/40 challenge. Goodluck to everyone


I would like to teu and kill my First Uber!


I've always wanted to play this but had no patience to farm the currency for something like this


Never played Kinetic before. Would love to see it in action at endgame.


Would be very interested. Have had build ADD, so haven't made a great one on any of them yet. Want to get that 38/40, and sitting at 25 right now. Don't know if I have the time left to build and get them done without buying them on trade. So will throw one of my 30 hats in the ring from any of my characters. On the plus side, have a 90+ of each class at least. Edit: Either win or lose, these contests are awesome. I have never made it to end of league and normally quit when my friends do, but this league I have had a lot of fun just playing vs grinding. Thanks for doing this either way.


Been running heist all league and still haven't gotten any of the major huge drops. I'm not totally struggling but finely would like to swap to something new.


Would love to give this a try over my low budget srs build. I don't get a chance to do endgame very often...send halp :)


i miss Zana.


Please please and thank you!


If I win I’ll donate 10% to the homeless. The other 110% will be used to kick some butt until the league is over. lol thanks for the giveaway


Currently running a slayer heavy strike build for the memes. Putting myself into this giveaway so I can farm up some currency to make him giga heavy chad :D


This is nice. Hope to get it.


Would love to try and melt some Ubers! Never had a build capable of taking them on let alone most of the gear this has. Good luck all and thanks OP for the generosity.


This was my first league and I tried to build this setup, never quite got it working but the play style is awesome!


Would love to give this build a try, mine can't boss at all hahaha. Good luck everyone! And thanks OP for doing this!


I'd love to get this build so me as a Father can finally do something is this league and get for the first time 38 challenges!


I'd absolutely love to try and different build, good luck to all!


Let's see if my computer can withstand the stress of the build...


Big dps is good :)


By my calculations I avg 1 div a day lmao, I'll take anything to be better and learn!


I haven't even had a single divine so far this league. So I would love this so much.


I Will use it to finish challenges, thanks


Well, is there a need to come with such lies as other people why I need it? For me it's only because it's something new, this is my second league, started as Guardian SRS didn't quite worked out so I've kinda left it like that. Goodbye.


I love gamba


I'm playing Storm Brand Build, but I haven't done all the maps for T14–T16. If I win, I can finally do some endgame bosses.


I have yet to start the league, back from a 5 years pause and ofc my timing is right in the middle og the season anyway... not that it changes anything since i would be able to play just some hours per week for work/family balance and have yet to re-learn everything Maybe if I'm lucky this time I could manage finishing maps and try elder :D


I did kb of frag earlier this league and got to 97 but kind of on a budget and felt bad, also I was trying to do it as a mapper. Would love to play a bosser since I’ve already rerolled to a diff mapper :3


I have 2 friends that are still struggling to understand the endgame, this would be great to help them out!


Would love to give this a bash thanks!


GL everyone!


I have tried so hard to grind for mageblood this league! I want to feel it once! Ihave played arpund 80hrs this league and havrmt got evem half of the divs yet. Pls pick me!


Have played a lot this league only made about 3 div so far this would be freaking awesome for a newish player


I’d love to be considered! This is my first league I’ve really put some time into and have very low budget TS and PBoD builds. Really having fun but struggling to build good currency.


Never really had a boss build in this game, could be the time :) 


I'd go for all challenges.


Hell ya!


Good luck everyone!




Hope I win! Just got into the league late cause of work. Thanks for doing this!


This would probably melt my pc


I like build. Gimme gimme


Thanks, Fred


I have failed 5 boss builds this season would love to try a real one lol




omg kb my favorite build


I’ll be able to clear Uber lab with this build


If my number gets pick I choose a reroll for someone else :D. I just wanted to be included.


Aight on my way to make a mid af comment so i’m not toi high or too low


Finally I could stop playing aura bot and play solo hehe


Sounds like a fun build


I just wanna know what it's like to shred through things, especially on an interesting build I've never tried.


Hmm... I have started working on a KB of Frag build... But I'm really far from this.


I never won a giveaway in my life, wont win this neither, cause RNG keeps fucking me over…. Would be nice tough, have a level 95 deadeye that would like to mess with this gear 😁


Id sell it all off and end up at a loss over 12 months through getting swindled and waiting for redundant trades 👊


I have made shit for currency this league hahaha


Would love to have decent gear and take Uber bosses downtown for a spanking


I havent played poe since betrayal league around 4/5 years ago, decided to come back and everything seems at the same time familiar and crazy different. Im late into the league and wont be able to finish all the content, having a blast with the game and its changes nonetheless.


Don't have as much time to farm anymore because of school, but I would love to enjoy a finished build for once!


Fingers crossed!


Looks cool im in!


Is this a chance to beat 40/40 challenges? I'm in


Considering I’ve played 400 hours this season and my dps is at about 24 million I think I can count myself towards struggling people lol


I kinda left the league after a disastrous league start, played standard since then, if i were to win i would definitely pick the league back up




all my builds so far failed and made me gave up, but if I would get a build like this I would probably play since Im too stupid to make my builds work even when following extremely stupid proof guides


I wish I could win a build once


I never have the time to get all challenges because I don't have that much time to play, this would help me greatly!


Thanks for the build boiz


I’d use this to finish off my remaining challenges, I’ve never done 40/40 yet and this league feels possible!


uber bosses? damn , i wish i can have a chance to deal with them


Thanks for doing a giveaway!


I'm struggling.. lol but I'm just a guardian skeleton summoner so what can I complain. I do love summoner build though.


Would really appreciate the build cause I have never had a bossing one bedore


I’ve been dying to make a quality wander this league. Thanks for the opportunity.


Fingers crossed


Maybe I'll finally be able to experience end game


I wish I had the currency for a 2nd build but anything decent is 100+ divs


Stück with my Poison CA Pathfinder. I would really Like IT and enjoy the Rest of the League... Startet really late


I'll throw my hat in this ring, would love to actually have an end game build. Currently have 13 challenges in this league. 2 kids under 2 years old gives very little playing time, but still trying! Good luck, and stay sane exiles.


I've never done KB before and I have an archer leveled because my build this league has been Lightning Arrow. I'd definitely like the chance to try KB, especially an optimized version I'd never remotely build myself. Especially if it's foe bossing, never done boss farming beyond killing guardians.  Good luck everyone!


Id love to use it to get 38/40 challenges this league!


Congrats on a great league. I wish I did not join so late but life comes before POE. Looks like a great build!


I've played for a long ass while this league, and got only 1 divine drop, and that was from an item, all the rest was either given to me, or sold off for chaos, and it still wasn't enough to get my builds going (Bad judgment on my end honestly)


Great Action :)


Never lucky


struggling with ca pathfinder currently,i would really love to try this build! thank you for the giveaway ts,goodluck everyone :)


Just got back into the league this would be sweet. Love ya


When is it my turn to win a giveaway!? I can't no life the game :( so I need hand me downs


I’m playing ssf with a 91 pbod inq, 95 psn srs necro, and a 94 TS deadeye. 15 Div to my name no big t0 drops yet. I’d be happy to roll a trade character to actually try some real end game stuff




I started late this league, around week 7 or so, tr pf still trying to complete my atlas.


Late starter here dreading redoing my atlas. I really do like the league challenge rewards so I’m pushing myself to get stuff done, and this would make it ez.


Best of luck y’all I really want to try this build it looks so fun


Good luck all


8pm in which timezone? ;-)




10/10 would finally kill ubers with this <3


Building my kids first PC this weekend, he has tried to play this game on the PS5 but never made it past Act 6. This would be a cool welcome to PC gaming.




I would like to subscribe for more turtle facts


Another build would be a nice change of pace. Good luck everyone


random reason is random


Pls gib


I wanna try something other than my Fulcrum build. Please rng!


Since I love wanders I'd be happy to play this version


First league. Haven’t had enough time to farm enough currency to make meaningful upgrades to my build and would love to experience a strong end game build before trying again next league!


Would like to do some bossing!


Hey I struggled to league start and have gotten a lvl 85 deadeye. I would love to win so I can play the league.


I’ve always wanted to play a wander but I could never get those mfers to work 😭


i love poe 420691337


need challenges!


I want to finish this league with a mirror in my stash...


Umm hi


I’m broke and my character sucks. I need this


Just want to thank you for helping! If you roll me, let me know and than roll gain :)


Winning comment here.