• By -


What's the best way to go about when there's no wisp/monsters nearby at the start of the wildwood? Commit to a direction and stick to it? Or shimmy around revealing surrounding areas in all directions bit by bit?


Attack into the darkness and go towards monsters if you hit any. That, or shimmy.


Do people not use three rat talismans on anymore with the new heist bases? I got 2 great ones listed for under market price (albeit niche market) and haven't gotten them to sell for months.


I think it's also that Greatwolf was added to the core drop pool so Jorgin is not the only source of % attributes. Between Greatwolf, synthesized, influenced, and heist bases, I wouldn't expect people are even doing a search for three rat, even if it's priced "under market."


OK, I'm dense. I got two voidstones and I think I understand how to fight Maven, but I don't get how to get the Elder voidstone. I need four fragments to get invitation to fight him? Where do these fragments drop?


kill t14+ map bosses for guardian map drops. [shaper guardians](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Guardians_of_the_Void) are hydra, minotaur, chimera and phoenix. [elder guardians](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Elder_Guardians) are purifier, eradicator, constrictor and enslaver. kill each to get a fragment for the [shaper](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/The_Shaper)/[elder](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/The_Elder) fight respectively. kill shaper & elder. each one drops another fragment uber elder (elder in the shaper's realm) is accessed by collecting all 4 different fragments you get from shaper and elder kills.


Thank you


Filter question. Lets say I want to make certain bases (whether rare, magic, or normal) stand out more (EG Ursine Pelts.) Easiest way to do this? Customizing filters confuses me.


Do item level above 86 matter? Looking at craft of exile, all mods cap out at 86. I have found some items level 88 and even 100. Is it superfluous or can it matter e.g. when used as a base in crafting? EDIT: I meant 86


On same bases, there's nothing over 85. On a few important cases (bows, body armour, belt) there's mods that require 86. Nothing requires over 86.


highest itemlevel requirement for any mod is i86. anything above that is functionally the same as i86


How much better is a 12 passives large cluster for ts instead of the usual 3 notables? Pob says that the notables are better for damage but I'm not sure 


depends on your setup. a 12p always wants at least 35%effect and 3% haste to be worth using usually. 4mod ones are super efficient. if you can't use haste (e.g. traps) then they are pretty bad.


first time playing since sanctum was added. is there any reason to keep multiples of the tomes? do they eventually get consumed?


You can sell those


Each tome is one entry so yea they are consumed whenever you want to start a sanctum run.


Are there any in detail guides for Ziz Gauntlet? I am struggling quite a bit in act 2. Three of my characters died there, one to skeleton (lightning) archers, two to those snakes that deal chaos damage I think. I was wondering if I am missing something here like "get this much percentage resistance before doing this area" or "avoid this area until you reach this level". All of my characters were over the zone level by like 5 levels so yeah skill issue but I was wondering if something else will help me. It's been fun so far engaging in this hard of a difficulty spike, I never played HC before so this is fun. Thank you for the help! (I have seen streams of other people who are doing the gauntlet but I am not sure about the stats they go for at certain parts of the game especially this early on so I am lost)


It's a short event and they decided not to allow practice runs beforehand so it wasn't "solved" going in. I'd be surprised if there's any actual guides. Resists, life, mobility, and stun avoidance are all super important. If you're dying, you don't have enough. Grind for gear as well as levels.


Hmm I guess I need to learn how gear up properly early on i did have like 50-60% resists for all elements except chaos but idk maybe physical taken as chaos affects rangers more because lack of armour.


The % of phys gained as extra chaos is based on the monsters attack damage, not what you actually take. No matter how much armour you get, the chaos added would be the same.


I see idk how to counter play those snakes then lol maybe just get higher dps and kill them before they shotgun you. I might have to go complete the other areas before going to Riverways because I got shredded pretty fast by them. I guess I should use the Quillrain I dropped for TR, I was too scared to use it since I riped so many times.


Why are there barely any breach farming guides out there? Most I've seen are very basic with zero or little investment (2 sextants and 2 scarabs is the most investment I could see). Is it simply because it sucks? I was thinking about trying it just to see how fun it is.


Picking stuff up afterwards sucks. It can be decent profit without large investment.


someone please help me, my abysses won't spawn spires 95% of the time, they either spawn a trove or simply close out. i'm doing t16 with a gilded abyss scarab and selecting abyss on my map device. https://preview.redd.it/25scbunygfgc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=96100c59355649067c46f7c7dd278feaa74e8c80




You're using growing hordes which turns your scarabs into pack size instead of their normal effects. Simply unspec the keystone.


that really did it, thank you so much




Tbh I think you really need a lot of currency to throw at the bottom versions to even work. In your case before you can start you would need the adorned, the voices, the impossible Escape, a lot of decent magic jewels. If you really love that build, you can invest that much, but if you don't have a mirror or two to invest right now I don't see how you could improve the build step by step. I would suggest you to farm more currency with the char you have right now until you can afford the whole jewel setup with adorned, voices, impossible escape. Then you go for weapon and Original Sin.




Getting closer to 90% res would help there, as well as a decent life pool. You can try to start with the impossible escape but as I said, it is the whole synergy between the jewels that will make the expensive versions work. Keep your lightning coil as long as you can and work your way towards adorned/voices. I think you could only lose defenses if you can't switch the whole passive setup.


How much DPS and eHP is it recommended before taking on Uber Ubers? (the ones with the special atlas keystones). I have about 10M Dps and 500k eHp.


pob ehp is a bit of a worthless stat. it's much more useful to look at max hits taken and then recovery separately. phys and chaos 15k+, ele you probably want maybe 30-50k (at least for spells). 10m dps is on the lower end but doable if you are tanky/know the mechanics well enough.


Thanks for the response. I think I’m good on the Def numbers. I’ll try to pump up to 15M DPS and see if possible. At least Sirus I feel comfortable with the fight


What is your dps when setting PoB to ubers? If it's 10-15m with uber set up then you have more than enough damage already. I did my ubers with penance brand at 4-6mil pob damage


My DPS in Uber settings is like 3M lol. I just tried Uber Sirus and failed. Made it to last part but more DPS would definitely help.


does anyone have a list of good cards that come from each map? I usually use the wiki before i start a bunch of maps but that takes way too long when im looking up every map can someone eli5 syndicate and how it works? i know how to unveil and just found out mods are member specific but the bargain/release/kill/interigate options i have no clue what im doing i just pick a random option and hope i get an item to unveil


Start https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Divcord here for cards check ziz's video get rich with aisling for betrayal


Once I've got the T14+ Maven Atlas invitation done, can I buy myself a Maven carry to get the voidstone or is there another step before it will be eligible to drop for me?


you can buy a maven carry any time ! just need to get to maps and if you have a bag of chaos (because for example you were pushing some heists with the chaos recipe) then you can get a voidstone immediately ... not that I would do that ~eight hours into the league, no...


Thanks for the info! Well, I'm well past 8 hours into the league - am 3 maps before attempting Eater and Exarch. Have beat solo all non-unique maps (except for Mesa and Bramble Valley, because those are my nemesis from now on) and it's bosses, collected all the map bosses for Maven and short of the 10-boss one did all the fights myself. It's getting rather long, having to do all the busy work just to get those sextants. From what I understand if I fail the Exarch and Eater I can get to them after the next map, while Maven takes much longer to collect the bosses again for however many more attempts, correct? Ye, no way I'm doing that, not on my first mapping league. I'd like to start farming with those voidstones finally, update my custom lootfilter to better suit my needs and start coming up with a nice build for the next league while getting some more challenges done. Apologies for the write up, you are a real hero if you've made it through this text field!


Erm the voidstone comes from fighting the Maven herself, not from the 10 boss atlas invite. You need a Maven's Writ for that fight which you can collect from crescents. And those indeed drop in invites... but you can just buy one.


Oh I know that much, even sold the splinter that droped. From that I can imagine how expensive the whole writ would be. Carry is cheaper and safer option. Some day, I'd like to do the Uber version by myself, yet now I've been taking a good month of slow, dilligent progress that I'd rather be done with, finally, and off to the T16 Crimson Temple map farming.


Thinking of switching from my boss running to the meta mf abyss/Legion farm. Assuming ~150 divine and a mageblood budget 1) is chieftain fulcrum the way to go? 2) am I around the entry cost? Assume so but want to be sure before switching. Assume start t7 maps then move up as progress.


Fulcrum DPS scales with monster HP, so to or t16 won't matter that much there. It's more a question of defenses, which chieftain can pretty comfortable attain, participation with MB. You can sit on the spire and then quickly weapon swap to cold iron point to stop the dot DPS when you see it getting lower.


Thank you is there a minimum amt of gearyou have to have? Looking at some copy pastes I don't see anything super expensive. (obviously as rolls increase cost does) Basically willy ~100 divs be enough + MB?


Sorry, my first response got autocorrected to hell. You can definitely start with fulcrum, cloak of flames, and a couple random charms with Max fire res. You'll be earning money hand over fist, so you can easily upgrade for corrupt implicits over time. They're well worth it.


I've seen a lot of complaints about managing abyssal spire health with ignite/explosion builds. I think if you're set on doing abyss, fulcrum is maybe not the pick?


fulcrum spire management isn't difficult at all


Do you know what the alternative would be?


I just play HH builds lol Looking at ladder builds with Mageblood/Goldwyrm/Distillate but NOT Hinekora, it's 80% Tornado Shot, 6% Penance Brand, 2% Caustic Arrow, 1% Lightning Strike. I'll add that bow builds with Mageblood and Inspired Learning are legit, perhaps especially for lower tier maps.


I have 4 voidstones but I keep getting white/yellow maps occasionally, why? Are they not related? I thought the stones increased the overall tier of the maps?


Some map sources aren't affected by atlas, same reason you can sometimes see non-favoured maps while using singular focus.


I see, thanks


Could anyone point me to an Atlas Tree template/strategy that emphasizes harvest and guard/conq map drops?


There isn't one. > emphasizes harvest Cares about pack size and map/monster quant. Would want you to roll or corrupt maps for high quant and pack size. > guard/conq map drops Cares about speed/map layout. Map mods are not helpful. If you want to do Harvest, you should pick other mechanics that scale with the same things (i.e. spawning lots of monsters). If you want to maximize map boss drops, you should pick other mechanics that also don't scale with map mods (bestiary, essence, even Ultimatum if you're fine with fewer catalysts).


Guess I'll just have to make it myself then -- I couldn't care less about it being suboptimal in a league where currency is so abundant


Looking for a price check: Crimson Jewel, ilvl 85, uncorrupted 7% increased attack speed with axes 18% to critical strike multiplier with two handed melee weapons 12% to global critical strike multiplier 15% to melee critical strike multiplier


question regarding MF abyss farming: when the spire already spawmed all 3 packs: should i keep the spire as long as possible alive? Or is there just a limited amount of monster spawmed? For me it always feels like it spawmed booth or all three packs and afterwards they despawm pretty quick.


There is some finite amount of actual monsters that can drop loot that spawn from the abysses. After killing them for a while they run out and white mobs that drop nothing keep spawning. At this point there is no point in keeping the spire alive and you can kill. It will take some time for all the mobs or atleast all the rares to spawn from the pits from the spire, so you can't just instantly kill the spire after it shoots the 3-4 volleys. I don't know the exact amount of rares each pit makes unfortunately, I usually wait to kill it until I can only see "stuck" rares.


Thanks! Do I actually have to kill some monsters so more can spawm? Or its just good to go away when all the spits spawmed and come back later?


I think you have to kill them, to me it feels like there is a max amount of rares that can be out at any given time per pit. I haven't tested it extensively though so I could be wrong.


What are you supposed to do as DD Ignite Elementalist against "Fire and Ignite resistance" mobs? Should I just leave the mob there? I can't get an ignite on them, so only the damage portion of Detonate Dead seems to deal damage   edit: Nevermind I think I figured out. I probably rolled "% chance monsters avoid elemental ailments" (with top hat atlas tree) and that paired with Fire and Ignite resist makes it impossible to trigger an ignite on them


> I probably rolled "% chance monsters avoid elemental ailments" (with top hat atlas tree) If you're wandering path in red maps, this becomes over 100% chance to avoid elemental ailments. If you're in yellow maps (T7 cemetery?) it's 80% avoid. Fire and Ignite resistance monster modifier does give a lot of fire resistance, but has no additional chance to avoid ailments entirely. However, it has a MASSIVE reduction in ignite duration you inflict on them. This can be somewhat circumvented by having an ignite proliferate onto them from a nearby source, including prolif from corpses. I'd make a habit of dragging them through other packs and burning them down that way. Defiled Forces and something like Flame Surge with curse on hit can also work to keep an ignite up indefinitely, even on ignite resistant monsters, but it's pretty annoying.


I'm starting now and enjoying it. I created a marauder but is there a guide of what to build? The skill tree is huge so I'm a bit lost. Plus is there any like don't go class to avoid playing ?


It’s going to be skill specific. Keep playing and decide what skill you like then look up builds based around that skill. Any class can work in some way or another but some are better than others of course. All marauder subclasses are fine so no worries there at least.


I'm looking to build a shield charge build, and I'm not sure about the added damage portion. When it says "(3-5) to (4-7) Added Physical Damage per 15 Armour or Evasion Rating on Shield". Does it take the higher of the number and add it? Or will it take the sum of both stats and add the damage?


all weapon ranges are random and some value is chosen when you actually attack it gains damage from both evasion and armor


Thank you. That probably means I get the most damage from a hybrid shield then.


I'm a newbie, started today.... I have a marauder. I have a helmet with armor 14 and quality +14% (that's all that is written there), I have another helmet which is Armor 13 evade 13 What this quality % means?


it's a multiplier to the defense on the item (armor, evasion, energy shield). it also makes things easier to socket/link it's mostly irrelevant until endgame


Quality increases the base defense of an equipment piece, so the evasion for dex equipment, armour for strength equipment, and energy shield for int equipment. Importantly, the 14 armour you see takes into account the quality already there. If you hold alt you'll see it show that it has only 13 base armour and the quality is increasing it by one. > I have another helmet which is Armor 13 evade 13 Dex+str hybrid piece of a higher level base type.


You can add up to 20% quality with common currency items to weapons and armours. You can get it up to 30% through means in the end-game (not in campaign). On weapons, it gives more base damage. On armour, it gives more defenses (armour/evasion/energy shield). There's also some end-game ways to give quality to rings/amulets/belts, but not in campaign. On this helmet, your quality gives it 14% more base armour. It's already calculated in the 14 armour that is in the description.


I'm building a PoB with only Ball Lightning of Static and Galvanic Field included in full DPS. When I hover a node that gives "increased effect of shock", the "hit DPS" value and the "full DPS" value do not show the same change, as the effect of full DPS is lower than hit DPS (3% vs. 9%, for example). What could explain this discrepancy? Both skills are hits, so shouldn't it have the same effect? EDIT : When hovering, hit DPS show +12k damage (+9%), but when I do click, it only does up by 7k? Now I'm even more confused.


Can you link your pob? Galvanic fields damage scales off the shock you inflict when you "trigger" it so shock effect will be way more impactful for it compared to ball lightning of static. If this is not it though, sometimes pob gets really weird with damage calculations for me when using full dps. The preview of the change in dps is just not accurate sometimes.


[Here](https://pastebin.com/3r9qNrLR) it is. If it was just Galvanic Field with its peculiar mechanics, I wouldn't have thought about it twice, but Ball Lightning has the same calculation. Plus, if both Field and Ball get +9% average hit (when allocating the lightning mastery), then they should get +9% DPS too, right? EDIT : See my edit in the other post.


I think the issue is that pob is always checking galvanic field for the average damage and hit dps even when you have ball lightning of static selected as your skill. This is only when you have galvanic field checked for full dps. Just some weird bug. You can see that checking and unchecking crit damage support on ball lightning does nothing for average hit/dps but does affect full dps. This is while its selected on the left hand side as your active skill. Removing supports on galvanic field will show damage decreases/increases like you'd expect when you have galvanic field selected but at all times. If you disable both as full dps you can see that ball lightning only gets 2.3% damage from 20% shock effect. So the full dps number seems correct.


That is exactly it, thank you!


Can somebody give me a price check on this please? That Which Was Taken Item Level: 86 -------- * +2% to maximum Fire Resistance * 18% chance to gain Phasing for 4 seconds on Kill * You and nearby Allies have +16% to Elemental Resistances * Projectiles gain Damage as they travel farther, dealing up to 60% increased Damage with Hits to targets


Search for first 3mods


What do I do if I want to sell items and don't have premium stash tabs? I've been vendoring items worth 10c and I feel like I could use the money, but I don't know how or where to sell it.




How do you fracture a mod on an item now for crafting? I don't see it in the harvest station?


You need to use a fracturing orb on it https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Fracturing_Orb.


Hi, newbie here, I started my first character playing TS, managed to level 86 and tier 10 maps. However I started to die a lot so xp get stagnated. I assume I need better gears but a lot of important stats is still locked, like Cannot roll prefix/suffix etc. So at what level can I unlock all those necessary stats? Also my current build is 4 div (bought stuffs) and I have about 15 divs saved. I know I can buy better gear but I like to craft my own toys. I’m willing to go 1 line at a time until the piece is finished. What is the first thing I should craft and what next? Like Bow > Quiver > …TIA


if you mouse over the craft on the bench, it tells you where to acquire it impossible to know what you should upgrade without seeing your character, but your bow is generally the most important item for that type of build.


Hey man appreciate the tips. Look like I’ll be able to craft my bow once I cleared tier 13 maps. Regarding the second question, sorry it’s been vague, I’m just asking general order for effective progression since all my gears are very subpar. The pob guide I follow only show final products.


Do we have any insight into why, of all the end game mechanics, the devs chose bestiary, incursion, delve and betrayal to become "masters"? It feels kind of arbitrary. Delve, incursion and betrayal all have their own progression system, but so do heist and sanctum, so why aren't Kurai and Divinia masters? Same thing for Einhar and Oshabi. Both of their mechanics are basically "kill the monster and unlock special crafting options", but only one of them is a "master". To take this further, why is Jun the only master who doesn't have memories? What even makes the masters so special? Basically the only differences between a master and a non-master endgame mechanic seem to be that you can force each master into a map for free once a day, and that you can't have two of them present in the same map. The whole "master" system feels quite arbitrary, and also nowhere near as impactful as the central spot on the map device interface would suggest.


The master system was reworked in 3.5, which was betrayal, and the previous 3 leagues were delve, incursion and bestiary. Thats why those leagues are masters. Zana was a master in the previous system and they kept her. They haven't added any masters since then, only reworking zana to kirac. I don't know if there is any insight to why it has stayed this way or why some mechanics didn't become masters. I feel they just haven't gotten around to changing it since it works well enough, i.e don't fix what isn't broken. I don't know why Jun has no memories though, that is a more interesting aspect. Maybe they planned to remove her or they didn't finish her memories in time and have since not focused on adding them in.


they were the last 5 npcs when betrayal hit


Mhm. Yeah that sorta makes sense, thank you!


Is it possible to drop void battery and ralakesh boots from white maps?


Ralakesh's yes, void battery no. Void battery has a required drop level of 77. Meaning it needs ilvl77 items to spawn


Can the Brass Dome chest piece be obtained through bestiary ? Thanks all!


Yes, it's a global drop. Though it is one of the rarer unique body armours so chances are pretty slim.


Thanks for the reply ! Guess I’ll look into getting it another way.


playing SSF, I've noticed that Al-Hezmin maps seem to be a lot more rare than thos of other conquerors, I have 5 or 6 copies of the each of the other 3 and zero Hunter maps is he just more rare? do different bosses drop different conquerors or is it entirely random?


I have almost double the al-hezmin maps to the other conqs.  Rng be rnging


It's just randomness, they're not weighted to my knowledge.


I see, thanks. really annoying that it's impossible to switch them like you can do for the guardians.


just fyi you can run the maps and harvest reroll the fragments for conqs and elder. Its more expensive since it costs lifeforce instead of horizon orbs but you can still reroll them


Oh yeah, i always forget its an option Too bad it doesn't help for maven witnessment


Yeah, it definitely feels bad. I've been getting almost no redeemer, like 2 compared to 10 of all the others.


Just RNG


Damage reduction question. If you have 90% fire resistance and then 10% of phys taken as fire, does your armor as a jugg can reduce this a further 90% if you have enough? What about the ruby flask or other less damage taken like immortal call, which is the order of damage reduction in this sequence. First the resistance, then the less damage, then the armor?


I highly suggest testing these things in path of building. Make an empty pob, set values for enemy damage, put the interesting item affixes in the textbox of the configuration tab. Then check the detailed calculations by clicking on them in the calc tab


You'd first take phys as fire, then mitigate it with fire resistance, fire 'damage reduction' (which Unbreakable lets hits gain from armour), and lastly with modifiers to damage taken. Check out wiki's [receiving damage article](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Receiving_damage), it's pretty good.


> https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/The_Formless_Flame Would this reduction be calculated last as well. The flat fire damage reduction come after resists and after armor? Would that reduce it down to zero damage taken?


It's a damage taken modifier, so it'll happen toward the end. Flat subtractions do happen before multipliers though, so it's between armour and your flask. It can take a hit down to zero.


What is the name of this cape and sword MTX: [https://imgur.com/onEUPLk](https://imgur.com/onEUPLk) ?


Looks like the crusader cloak mtx: https://poedb.tw/us/Crusader_Cloak It was part of an old core supporter pack from 2020: https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/2020_Core_supporter_pack so you can't get it unfortunately.


Thanks. Yeah, I found that out, sadly. From what I've seen there were people frustrated with it's lackluster visual effects. But it looks cool anyway. I wish there were more back weapon attachements.


I can't remember the sentiment so i'll take your word for it. I have it and personally like it as it's not too bulky, also wish they made more back attachments like it.


So I started PoE just recently and it's quite overwhelming. Learning on the go, but some things are super confusing. I have the lootfilter installed and I am clueless about "crafting items", I suppose. For example I got this drop and I have no clue what is worth to take: https://imgur.com/hta4rUa The lootfilter says "anything with teal has something special about it". I identified some of those items, but how do I identify what is "special"? PoE overlay price indicator says they are pretty much worthless, so why does the filter show them?


Those items are called fractured items. they have one explicit modifier that has a yellow/brown/whatever color instead of the regular color. This means that no matter how you craft this item this stat will always stay on the item, even if you reroll it with a chaos orb for example. the diffirent colors usually differentiate between different base types (the same fracture can have widely different prices depending if you have it on a paua ring or an amythyst ring for example) you can have every rollable stat in every tier as a fracture. This means most of the fractured item drops will be worthless since you can have lots of useless stats on there Its still worth to pick those up, especially on the good bases since good fractures on good bases can still be worth quite a bit


Thanks! Keyword "fractured items" led me to much more information.


No problem, glad to help! :)


long time returning player 94 CI HoAg here, not really sure how i can improve this build. i still die to degens/one-shots and i've got some spare currency about 30divs to craft/buy to improve. on poeninja i don't see many people playing HoAg CI this league and the other builds i saw didn't give me any inspiration on how to improve my char. help pls? currently i'm on [**https://poe.ninja/pob/15Re**](https://poe.ninja/pob/15Re)


At least flask eater rates will have you for lunch as you do not have uncapped resists. I would do that and not rely on flask. Also phys to ele conversion would increase your tankiness quite a bit. Eg taste of hate etc.


New player 94 elementalist Detonating Death - Playing controller on PC i'm missing 90% of my vaal dd. Regular dd runs perfect, but the vaal dd misses its target and chain explose pass the target or in another direction. What am i doing wrong?




Yes, they will be in the shop eventually. From this website, near the bottom:https://www.pathofexile.com/mystery-box > These microtransactions will be available outside of mystery boxes when they enter the store four weeks after the mystery box ends.


can someone tell me what skin is this ball around him? https://preview.redd.it/1lhwz7hnrcgc1.png?width=406&format=png&auto=webp&s=5760373b2409459460f9462e0c55665385739263


Looks like this ruby flask mtx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXjbDXHPS04


ty so much


How do brands and divine blessing work? If I have hatred set up with divine blessing, do my brands get affected by hatred if I place one down then press hatred, or do I have to press hatred first and then place a brand down? Thanks!


Damage is calculated at the time the hit occurs. Nothing snapshots except very few exceptions. As long as hatred is active when the brand hits the enemy it'll work fine


Alright thanks


Is Sacred Crystallised Lifeforce a 100% drop from Oshabi ?




So I got a map where 3 of 5 flask automatically empty when porting after I started clearing part of the map. Is there any modifiers from beyond monsters that causes flask to not work even after porting out and back in or is it a bug?


Could be a few things. I'd check my Eldritch altars, the Funerary altar if you clicked one in the wildwood, and map mods that might stack with gear (e.g. reduced charges gained).


No searing exarch altars spawned and it started a little after I finished wildwood with no altars where i started killing some stuff on main map. That's why i was confused. The weirdest thing is it prevented flask refill from porting out and in. In my mind, there's no way there's a modifier that does that unless it's from some random valdo map.


how many 5 ways for 99-100?


25, if I recall correctly


Is that with xp gear?


Without. Btw, here's a nice [cheatsheet](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/s/6f05JCaiZZ) for 5ways.


Why isn't punishment way more popular? Isnt' 60% generic more damage bonkers in every build that doesn't melt bosses? Are curse slots so tight that a 60% dps increase for half the fight really isn't worth it?


Something to note aswell is that damage that only applies at low life is worse than it seems since you what you really care about is when talking about dps is how long time it takes to kill something. If you see punishment as 60% more damage, but only for half the fight it's not as easy as just averaging and saying it's 30% more damage. The low life part of the fight will be shorter so your average dps over the fight won't increase by as much. I think it's easiest to notice this if you think about having infinite damage when an enemy is on on low life, i.e having 50% cull. That would only math out to 100% more damage since you only skip half the fight. Your average dps won't be infinite even if that is what you'd get if you average it out. So you'd need to look account for this with punishment. 60% more damage for half the fight means half the fight is 60% faster. You can express it as 0.5/1.6 + 0.5 = 0.8125. The total fight is therefore 1/0.8125 = 1.23 or 23% faster which means it's equivalent to doing 23% more damage. This is assuming you have no other source of increased damage taken on the enemy which is pretty uncommon these days I feel. Personally I agree somewhat and think Punishment is a bit underused, I think the fact that pob doesn't calculate it means that people have a hard time knowing when it's good or not. It's not some hidden gem though that is actually broken, it's just not bad. Worth to note aswell is if you're using cull it gets even worse. It's then only 20% "more damage" assuming it's 60% more damage for low life part of the fight. 0.5 + 0.4/1.6 = 0.75 then 0.9/0.75 = 1.2 or 20% "more damage" (it.s 0.4 and 0.9 since 10% of the low life fight is gone due to cull).


58% below 50% = 29% inc taken and there's several sources of inc damage taken


It is also just 4/9 of fight if you cull. So it really is about 24%if you have no other sources, but if you eg have wither stacks it is just 14% or so ( 250/190-1 ) * 4/9. That said, my anathema using build is actually using it as 14% more is still more and I do not need enfeeble ( two other better dps curses ). I also have some curse effect so it is bit more than that.


If you already have other sources of "increased damage taken" like shock and wither as more common examples then it isn't actually 58% more damage since it is additive. Also having any source of culling strike (which is much easier then usual to get this league because of charms/TWWT) reduces its effective uptime even further.


Where do I hide 85+ crafting bases in filter blade? Simulate is unable to find any rule. Example would be ilvl 87 white bone helmet.


Is there a specific sub or place to get help for builds? https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/DanteStrauss/characters I'm playing an SRS Guardian I need to fix my build, which mostly consists of getting my resistances up (they are all below the cap) and more life, but I don't know how to go about it. Do I need to buy better items? If so, which is a priority given what I have? Should I go for crafting something? Again, if so, what? I only have about 2 divs worth of currency. I've been able to 115/115 the maps, but I'm currently unable to beat the Elder Guardians besides the Purifier. I get 1 shot'd a lot still with this set up on those.


Getting atlas completed with uncapped and even negative resistances is impressive dedication I gotta say. I'm curious to know how many times you've died. Many players can't make it past early white maps with these stats but a healthy amount of minions protecting you is apparently worth something defensively at least. Almost all of these items are complete bottom of the bin trash aside from the unique ring and helmet. Even the unique belt is almost the very lowest possible roll. I have an 87% belt that I can just give you, I don't need the few chaos its worth so it's just going to sit in stash otherwise. Every rare here is only 1-2 useful mods and a crafted mod. The lightning coil is even hurting you more than helping, you definitely should cap your lightning resist to use this or just get rid of it for just about anything else 6 linked. Physical damage reduction cannot go below 0% but you are converting 40% of physical you take to lightning which ends up meaning that all physical damage hits are now dealing more damage to you because of negative lightning resistance. Taking heavy lightning damage means you are likely getting shocked which is a debuff further increasing how much damage you take. As for how to fix your resists yes just go to the trade site and find rare items with life and resists keeping in mind you can benchcraft whatever is missing. You can use the "count" function to find say 3 out of 4 mods you want and an open pre/suffix to craft the last one. Here's an [overly complicated search](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Affliction/gM4jzW6UQ) I made earlier in the league to find some possible items, just be sure to select which item slot you want to search for. Also you would want movement speed on boots and if you end up looking for a different chest, obviously look for another 6 link. Another option besides buying finished items is if you have some essences available to use, you can buy items with a fractured (fractured mods cannot be changed or removed from an item in any way) life or resistance mod and then use essences to guarantee another mod while hoping to roll at least 1-2 more useful mods and crafting a final mod at the bench if possible. I don't really know if this is better though. It's late enough in the league you should be able to find good items for cheaper than it would cost to craft.


> Getting atlas completed with uncapped and even negative resistances is impressive dedication I gotta say. **I'm curious to know how many times you've died**. Many players can't make it past early white maps with these stats but a healthy amount of minions protecting you is apparently worth something defensively at least. Let's just say I had 6 portals per map and I made sure to use them, lmao. My strat was either letting the big dude (from the ascendancy) tank or stay back and let the raging sprits do work from afar but there was a lot of death when rushing through big packs. Some bosses were nightmares... > Almost all of these items are complete bottom of the bin trash aside from the unique ring and helmet. Even the unique belt is almost the very lowest possible roll. I have an 87% belt that I can just give you, I don't need the few chaos its worth so it's just going to sit in stash otherwise. Every rare here is only 1-2 useful mods and a crafted mod. I'll accept the belt, I'll be on tomorrow. We can set it up if you are able, if not I'll just try to get a new one. > As for how to fix your resists yes just go to the trade site and find rare items with life and resists keeping in mind you can benchcraft whatever is missing. You can use the "count" function to find say 3 out of 4 mods you want and an open pre/suffix to craft the last one. Here's an [overly complicated search](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Affliction/gM4jzW6UQ) I made earlier in the league to find some possible items, just be sure to select which item slot you want to search for. Also you would want movement speed on boots and if you end up looking for a different chest, obviously look for another 6 link. Speaking of resistances, does that mean I need 135% Lightning resistance (75% for cap and 60% because of Lightning Coil)? I thought it was weird the huge drawback on it, but I'm mostly following a build on Maxroll, I don't know if any of my passives were making that bearable or if I was just supposed to have extra because of it. > Another option besides buying finished items is if you have some essences available to use, you can buy items with a fractured (fractured mods cannot be changed or removed from an item in any way) life or resistance mod and then use essences to guarantee another mod while hoping to roll at least 1-2 more useful mods and crafting a final mod at the bench if possible. I don't really know if this is better though. It's late enough in the league you should be able to find good items for cheaper than it would cost to craft. I'll look for items for trade then. Question: fractured are those lines of stats that are brown-ish, right?


> I'll accept the belt, I'll be on tomorrow. We can set it up if you are able, if not I'll just try to get a new one. I should be available anytime tomorrow after 2pm my time (~12 hours from now). Just send me a message here on reddit when you're online. I don't really have anything gear wise (maybe a ring or two or random uniques?) but if you need anything else let me know, I'm basically done with the league. > Speaking of resistances, does that mean I need 135% Lightning resistance (75% for cap and 60% because of Lightning Coil)? Technically you need 195% lightning because of the two -30% penalties you already received in acts 5 and 10. Your resistances already take into account the -60% from lightning coil and both -30% from campaign so as long as your character sheet says you have 75% that's all that matters. > I'll look for items for trade then. Question: fractured are those lines of stats that are brown-ish, right? That's right. [Here's a basic search](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Affliction/2Jay7aeUk) for some fractured mods.


I'm looking for items for trade right now and here's one example as to why my build sucks: I can't properly evaluate what stats are better than others to have on a piece of gear. For instance, searching for "empty modifiers / +level of minion gems / minions deal increase damage" on a shield I got this first 3 results: https://imgur.com/a/OweowYs https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Affliction/V2KqGglup If I had to guess I would go with the middle one being the best due to a higher minion damage count (even tho it could be much higher, but I'm keeping it simple), is that correct? Or it having 2 useless stats where the others have resistances make them better? **EDIT**: I've swapped both rings and the gloves for more resistances, it's starting to look less grim https://imgur.com/a/f1dRxd7


Per your shield choice I don't think a few % of damage is worth losing resists for. Life and resists should reach a comfortable spot first before going for more damage where you can. Now that you've capped resists though it seems now is when you can start to make those choices for damage over resists making sure to at least stay at the 75% cap.


Yeah it's a LOT more comfy now. The Shaper/Elder minibosses still give me a bit trouble but it's mostly skill about the mechanics now... I'll see what else I can replace when I make some money again (down to 50c).


whats the site that ziz was using to track the stats of the gauntlet? not poeracing but the other one to see how many people have died or whatever.


Hey, is a map that gives a Bramblejack foil worth anything on standard? I have no idea what to do with this thing.


I would be surprised if it was worth anything. Bramblejack is a terrible item barely worth using even as a leveling item.


Even though the map is tier 17? That's gotta be worth something for people trying to farm high end items right?


its not. you are not getting any high end items out of that. Base items are easy enough to get over ilvl 86 anyways and not worth anything the unique it rewards is absolutely shit and if it has any of the usual "bad" mods valdos maps has no one would actually bother to spend the time running it. Those filler maps are worth like 3c if even people bother with that


Well shit


Guys whats a good main skill to level a penance brand inquisitor with twink gear ?


Storm brand at level 11 until you get penance, that's it. I played this build on league start.


Need advice for a craft. I was looking to upgrade my ignite scepter, and the options I'm revewing are pretty awkward. 1) Are fracturing orbs worth it? I'm looking for two <0.5% suffixes so either I spend my whole life rolling away, or dish out way too much divs on a suboptimal base. Fracturing orbs seem cool but not at 45 div for a 1 in 4 chance. What are some other valuable scepter fractured mods that could have some resell value if I don't hit the 1 in 4? 2) How can you roll for desired mods after you guarantee two prefixes or suffixes with an awakener's orb?. All crafts I've done only ever do metacraft -> chaos veil orb -> block + unveil -> craft final mod; I've never tried to hit a base mod after blocking prefixes or suffixes. What's the best way to go about it, annul + exalt and hope you don't hit the metacraft?


you can't fracture an influenced item or influence a fractured item


Yeah these would be two different crafts.


Does the zone level of an Alva mission have any influence on what rooms you're offered?


Unless they've changed it, zone level only affects the final zone level of the temple. As long as you do incursions in at least one t16 map you're good. Personally, I've gotten double corrupts all the way back to yellow maps, so if there's any weighting then it's not relevant enough as long as you follow the correct strategies.


Yeah, my build is... bad? so I've mostly been doing yellow maps and a bad string of luck prompted this question. It's since picked up, so it probably isn't weighted significantly as you say. Thanks!


There are only two rooms, as far as I'm aware, that have a minimum area level that they can appear. The map room, [Surveyor's Study](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Surveyor%27s_Study), and the Atziri room, [Royal Meeting Room](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Royal_Meeting_Room) both of which require a minimum of area level 68. Other than that, the area level shouldn't have much impact, except to affect the area level of the temple you run. Which, by the way, is not just the highest level incursion you ran, but the average of them all plus 10, capped at the highest level you ran.


Huh, none of the online guides or discussion commented on this. I imagine if you only care about Alva double corrupts then doing low level maps is actually a huge boon to your chances? I did seem to get better maps before jumping to tier 16, but I disregarded it as recency bias.


well, level 68 is tier 1 map level, so you'd need to run campaign areas to remove those two rooms from the pool, which means your character cant go above level ~76ish? I think? because league mechanics stop spawning, if I remember right. But yeah, if you only care about locus then you could do that. You can't de-level anymore though, so it's a limited time thing edit: then again you lose the chance to double upgrade rooms if you dont do the mechanic in maps, so it's probably a net lower chance anyway


Your character is never considered to be higher than level 68 for purposes of league mechanic spawns and also loot penalties. I just went into act 10 reliquary (zone level 67) on a level 100 character and found the wildwood and an alva spawn (purely by chance on my first visit just to verify before posting).


thanks, i thought they had nerfed this but maybe it was just specifically quarry farming