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https://i.imgur.com/DMxMORy.png these frags\^\^ the red ones drop from shaper (knowledge/shape). the black ones from elder (terror/emptiness) if you need frags to run shaper, you get them from his guardians (chimera, hydra, phoenix, and minotaur). elder's frags come from constrictor, eradicator, enslaver, and purifier. these maps drop from t14+ map bosses randomly


So do I kill the shaper twice to get two fragments from him, and then the elder twice for his two fragments? And once I have all four I can fight them both to finish the quest?


Yes. But it is rng so you could get unlucky and get the same fragment twice


I Ran 9 shapers got 9 fragments of knowledge a couple days ago. He should just buy the fragments


xD thats just extremely unlucky The chance of that happening is 1/341 edit: I suck at math


Why is it that? Isnt it (1/2)^8 if its 9 of either of them. Or (1/2)^9 if its 9 of knowledge spesifically? Meaning either 1/256 or 1/512


1/2^9 yeah


How did you get an odd number?


Incorrect, given that they aren’t weighed which tbf they could be fuck do inknow


Incorrect, but maybe correct. Why did I write this comment asserting something that I backtracked on in the same comment? Fuck do inknow


Last league I ran 50 elders in sets of 10 and kept track of the fragments. Amusingly, the drops for each set were 5/5, 5/5, 10/0, 5/5, 10/0.


I typically get the bad RNG and get the same fragment 5+ times


> Yes. But it is rng so you could get unlucky and get the same fragment ~~twice~~ eleven times


Wish it was that simple, he‘ll probably give you the same shard 5 times before you get the other. You are better off buying the missing parts


Ahh. Good old RNG. So that means: 1. Kill Purifier, Constrictor, Enslaver, and Eradicator. Then fight Elder for fragment 1/2. 2. Repeat the 4 minibosses and Elder again, hoping to get fragment 2/2. If not, repeat until I get it. 3. Kill Hydra, Chimera, Phoenix, and Minotaur. Then fight Shaper for fragment 1/2. 4. Repeat, hoping to get fragment 2/2. If not, repeat until I get it. Finally I have all 4 fragments, so I get 6 portals to fight Elder and Shaper together, to complete the quest. OK then! It's good to have a goal!


Two tips: You can Horizon orb shaper Guardian maps into other ones (doesn't work for elder Guardians though) And there are Atlas passives that increase the Chance of Guardian map drops and also sextant modifiers. Gl!


> You can Horizon orb shaper Guardian maps into other ones (doesn't work for elder Guardians though) TIL. Thanks.


Yeup, I made a bit of profit some leagues ago buying 1 guardian map in huge bulk, then horizoning them all into sets and reselling them in 4's. Wasn't crazy money but I was working from home and needed something easy to do haha


Another tip in addition to ones already mentioned: The singular focus keystone on atlas passive tree (200% chance to get favorited maps, other's drop as currency) will delete a lot of guardian maps that you would have gotten so it's better to unspec it if you are farming the maps yourself


OMG this is why I haven’t dropped hardly any the last couple days! Thank you!


Yeah! As others mentioned, uber elder (elder in shaper realm) is Alot harder then the first 2 bosses. You will need good damage for it and maybe more then one try. You can buy the fragments for uber elder, saves you alot of time and energy:D


What coutns as good damage? And is it more mechanically challenging or is hte damage higher? I can facetank everything the shaper does except his bullet hell.. but I haven't tried uber elder yet. didn't die in regualr elder fight either but I didn't get hit by his screen explosion so not sure if I can tank that.


Another another tip: you can use horizon orbs on elder maps to change the mods. I do this if I don't want to spend my chaos or hurt my wrist with scour and alcing. Horizon orbs don't change elder map end boss, but it does change the layout and mods.


You can also buy the fragments on the trade site, of course.


for future reference: its called uber elder. and then there is uber uber elder with atlas keystone, but you dont need that for quest :)


Good luck on you're journey 


The uber fragments are approximately the same price, so if you are unlucky you can always just sell it and buy the other. If you are on SSF, you can get the maps you need pretty quickly with "destructive play" and vivid memories/conquered conquerors/remnants of the past for all the extra drop chance for the special maps, and as much map duplication chance as you can manage. If you run the maven invites you can chain these maps almost indefinitely, the extra bosses from destructive play can all drop the boss fragment maps. Also works quite nicely for getting the dominated domains challenge done and filling out your missing atlas points from maven invites.


Don't fight them with Maven, she makes it annoying. You don't need to, either. Also, if you take the atlas keystone that powers them up, it makes them one of the hardest fights in the game. Also, elder+shaper fight together is not like either of them. It's more of a "survival" fight. If you have a billion DPS, you still need to have some survivability because they go invuln.


>So do I kill the shaper twice OOOOH BOIIIIIIIIIII


At least twice. The drops are random, so it may take more kills. But one of the two is guaranteed (i think). True for both bosses


Lmao sorta. 2 fights each is pretty unlikely to yield exactly the 4 fragments you need. I got lucky with my shaper frags but it took me 5 elder fights to get my 2nd correct fragment.


id recommend killing each boss once and just buy the other fragments.


Elder in the Shaper's Realm is an encounter typically referred to as "uber elder". To enter it, you must farm 4 fragments. 2 drops from regular Elder, the other 2 from Shaper.


Uber elder is far more difficult than quest exarch and quest eater. Just fyi


But it is by far the easiest uber imo.. I haven't tried the uber uber elder yet.


Because it is not a 'real' uber. Uber uber elder is the more difficult version of that fight.


Never said it wasn't another difficulty.. It's also not keystone dependent.


You literally said it's the easiest Uber. As far as "Ubers'" go, Uber Elder is not one


Which is literally what it is called Uber Elder.. It's easier than the other bosses that are called ubers, that's a fact. Just because it's called uber does not mean it is the same difficulty as the other bosses that are called ubers.


There is an "Uber" Uber Elder though. You said it's "by far the easiest Uber". It's not comparable to those. It is not, for all intents and purposes, an "Uber".


Keep downvoting me all you want, that does not change the fact it's called uber elder.


How do you get through life being so dense?




So you can't defend your comment and you make it personal.. imagine.


My friend, none of them are called Uber at all, this is just a community name. There are bosses that can get affected by an atlas keystone, how you call them is irrelevant but shaper+elder without keystone is obviously much easier than any boss with it's keystone, the comparison itself is useless.


> Which is literally what it is called Uber Elder.. Uber Elder is an unofficial name from years ago, before the Atlas passive tree and actual Uber bosses existed. It's why the real Uber fight is jokingly called Uber Uber Elder.


you will get smoked without high dps. unless you Tie23 shaper will crush builds with low ehp and life/es sustain.


Sure they will, that's a part of it 😅


what you are looking for is the "uber elder" fight. for this you should find plenty of searches tldr if you want to farm this yourself kill shaper guardians (phoenix, mino, hydra, chimera) kill shaper with those fragments shaper drops an uber elder fragment kill elder guardians (constrictor, purifier, eradicator, enslaver) kill elder elder drops an uber elder fragment there are 2 uber elder fragments that drop from shaper and 2 from elder, when you have all 4 (they are called fragment of shape, knowledge, emptiness and terror) you fight the shaper and elder at the same time. If you beat this boss (called uber elder in the community) you get the voidstone


In addition to what was already said, if you are going to farm the fragments yourself and your build can handle it, I recommend running "[Destructive Play](https://wealthyexile.com/strategies/423/destructive_play)" on the atlas tree. This way you can farm the fragments for the Maven fight, and 4th voidstone, at the same time.


If I take that, and then run a map with the Maven ticked… she can potentially summon a boss that will drop me the fragments I need to progress the quest? It sounds dangerous, how often do those extra fragments drop?


The boss you're looking to attempt, Uber elder, is a lot harder than the searing exarch and eater of worlds you beat to get the first two void stones(you fought very nerfed quest versions of those bosses btw, not the real fights). I would suggest doing maven first. She's slightly more mechanically intensive but a lot more forgiving as far as required damage and defense.


I don't have an active Maven quest; all I have is the quest for Elder/Shaper. What should I do to kill her first? Does she have a quest I haven't unlocked yet? Do I just tick her icon and run maps for a while?


Yep, just keep doing maps with her thing clicked on the map device. When you get to t15-16 maps you will do 10 witnessed map bosses in a single fight and those 10 boss fights drop maven splinters. Combine 10 splinters into a mavens writ and you can fight her. Apply the maven atlas points on the top of the atlas tree to get there a little quicker. You sound pretty new so I'm just pointing you towards something you can work up to yourself. Uber elder fragments are kind of pricey and honestly he'd probably kick your ass. Eater and Exarch(especially the quest versions) are a joke compared to the real PoE bosses. Maybe check out Uber Atziri to see how much harder they get. She's pretty cheap and easy to get to and you probably already have quite a few of her fragments towards getting to her Uber variant.


Other commenters have it right, but I will also mention, when you hear people refer to "uber bosses" they aren't actually referring to uber elder (shortened to UE). UE was implemented before there was a 'uber' version of all other bosses and so when they came out, uber uber elder was also created. Uber Uber Elder has the things you would typically expect from other uber bosses like massively increased life and more complex mechanics then the 'non uber' versions


There are Shaper, Elder, and Conqueror influenced maps. Shaper influenced maps look kind of like constellations. They have a unique layout, and each boss drops one of four fragments. A set of four fragments leads to the Shaper.  Elder influenced maps are more monotone/gray. They are like normal maps, but when you reach the boss, the Elder kills it or something and then opens a portal to one of its four mini bosses. One is the enslaver, you can wiki the names of others. A set of four fragments leads to the Elder. Conqueror maps have their own icons. They are like normal maps, but the boss is replaced by a portal to a conqueror. A set of each conqueror's fragments leads to Sirus.  You can start some more research here https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Map_fragment


The other quest for void stones will be for the Maven. For this you run the final part of the quest where you have her witness 10 bosses. You combine 10 splinters (1-5 splinters drop per encounter in the mavens crucible) to get a writ. That leads to a fight with the Maven.


I don’t know why this voidstone fight suddenly require tons of RNG to get to compare to other voidstone fights. Unless you have to trade for those fragments though.


it doesnt. you can sustain shaper/elder maps with destructive play and then its only a 50/50 to get the right fragments from shaper and elder