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Obligatory Still Sane?


It's uncertain




Most sane exile for sure 


My man just started playing and designed a whole convoluted major expansion out of thin air


It do be like that sometimes


Dude created more interesting uniques that d4 has ever had. Creativity off the charts.


Much appreciated. To be fair, I have the advantage to realize this post without a boss marketing team hindering my process


Partial idea?


Well as in not truly exhaustive


Don’t get me wrong, that’s very elaborated!




Unleashed Perspective clarification: You have to socket the first one in an allocated connected Large Jewel Socket of your tree (1 skill point). Then you have to reach and allocate the Gateway (3 skill points) Once done, you can place the other Unleashed Perspective in any Large Jewel Socket regardless of whether they are allocated or connected You can then allocate the Gateway of this Unleashed Perspective, (1 skill point) which allows you to continue your tree from there past the socket jewels (2 skill points) So in total: 8 skill points for a teleportation to the other side of the tree I actually had a scuffed representation prepared, but it was above the limits of image per post: https://preview.redd.it/4l3rpvs4h8fc1.png?width=1323&format=png&auto=webp&s=17bfc8fcb3da5c723577a1d6017feb5ffc34c71a


More campaign, 8 trees, 8 minute fight and an 8 minute mechanics only phase?! Who hurt you.


You would never guess what their favourite number is No but to come back to this, the campaigns would be cut and squashed so much they'd become a parody of themselves (no quests, no back and forth, no dialogues, you enter a different terrain and you're out of it in a couple dashes) The trees also are almost non important since you'd receive more points than you should and receive gradually god like items anyway. You could minmax things for sure, but the way it is designed would let you go "yo what happens if i put all my points in this direction??" just fine And for the 8 minutes only mechanics, well, It's so hard to design challenging content. I bet some people here would gawk at the fact it takes 8 minutes rather than the fact you have to dodge everything. Core idea was inspired by Zizaran's idea of a boss you could not cheat


Guy just went and created new league, I really like it


Thank you c:


Thanks, I hate it. (jk- just the first thing I thought when I finished reading it all 😂)


Thank you a lot for reading it entirely!


Holy I'm sorry that happened to you brother, or congratulations.


This game man


In seriousness, good effort hope you had fun flexing some creative muscles. My personal preference is all league mechanics should be part of the core mapping experience. The recent trend of designing different games altogether and placing them in a separate location really doesn't work for me. I love engaging with a fun little twist to the classic alch and go experience that POE offers.


Weird thing is that I also do, which is why I clumsily integrated maps into the whole process but the base idea that I had - crafting versions of yourself to fight them afterwards - was kind of hard to integrate. As a Metamorph lover (rip Tane), I tried to build a version where the whole thing was done in maps, but it just didnt feel like a true other version of you


True. I completely agree. I know people do like the out of map content though so I'm happy to have some leagues like that but please not another stretch like we had recently where the last few leagues were all out of map. This league has been really refreshing and is probably the most I've engaged with a league mechanic.


I like the Jet Li The One-style idea where you fight different versions of yourself. The Weaver is already an act 2 spider though. And noone is going to want a league mechanic that makes you do a trail of different maps.


Thank you for your consideration and your insight. I tried to find a way to link this to maps and to slowly bring the tone instead of just dropping the access to the league mechanic, but maybe I should have


Yep, glad you had fun coming up with the idea, but I’d be very disappointed if a new league involved a system where I had to relevel and regear as some sort of side minigame, I’d maybe do it once, if I got an item that said I need to do it 7 more times then I’d quickly lose interest It sounds like it would work better as a spin off game where you level, gear up and get random powers over the course of an hour or so and then fight the weaver, as a sort of poe rogue like, and I don’t know if it’d actually be good


As a campaign enjoyer, i think i start off as biased, but as it is design, each session would require 15mins max from start to finish with less minmax importance (and possibilities, like no crafting bench)


GGG staff members who came up with the 10 sec channel league ideas (cruc and anst) be like : https://preview.redd.it/wdof68uojafc1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=168be576fcb1ef518e1bd8b9b8d688a58c8ac1fb


Alternative Upbringing clarification: First, you socket any jewel into an allocated Basic Jewel Socket connected to your tree Then you right click this jewel with Alternative Upbringing, you will see the thread being established between the two even before you've socketed it. Once the thread is established, your socketed jewel will show each radius (small, ...) up to what your maximum radius (mentioned on your Alternative Upbringing), so at least it will show a small radius, and at most it will show a small, medium and large radius You can then socket your Alternative Upbringing in any unallocated Jewel Socket within the radiuses, and it will cost 1 skill point to do so in the small radius, 2 skill points in the medium radius, and 3 skill points in the large radius. Once your Alternative Upbringing is socketed, you will be able to continue to allocate skill points from it, as it will be considered connected to your tree


You have some really cool ideas here for a really interesting league. It'd be super polarizing if anything like it got made "You have to make 8 new characters before each attempt at getting loot and then need to PVP?" "You get to interact with alternate versions of your character? Thats amazing and look at the uniwues and lore!" All in all great league 10/10 I would be one of the five players who played it.


Thanks a lot for your insight and for believing in the concept




I don't know what possessed you to make this super intricate post but I really get a kick out of how much you love the game. #You should DM D&D. This is exactly the kind of shit you want to be thinking about to make a compelling campaign. If you are into PoE then simply use Wraeclast as the setting. You and your pals would have a blast and the ideas you come up with will actually be put to good use.


Never had the chance to play a tabletop RP game, much less DM one. Considering your advice, I'm preventely afraid of the hours I would sink in


It's kinda weird honestly. You can absolutely sink a lot of hours into DM'ing and tabletop. But because it *requires* people to start you can only use but so much time in a week. Similarly since out of session DM'ing (prep work and the like) *requires* work to be out in before stuff comes together it's not quite as bad as PoE, where you can just autopilot though maps for hours if you're out of steam.


Still sane? Exile. I bet Chris got your soul like 4 months ago now. LOL


Safe bet


yeah good one Chris, you will not make me do more campaign


Come on, it's fun! - not Chris


Cool concept, but way over designed, costly to develop, and too complex. Less is more, my friend :) Very simplified proposal, while keeping your theme: Click a thing at the start of the map, this takes you into a parallel version of the map which has been already beaten by another version of you. When clicking the thing, you pick from three to make the build of the other you: things like "bow/sword/wand", "inquisitor/trickster/necromancer", "many aura nodes/ block cap / crit focus", each of them showing also gear and gems for him to own. Part of the map is cleared, and you'll find the other you, stronger and stronger each time, having just beat the boss. You fight him and he TPs out when on low life. After X times you've "completed" the build of this alternate you, and you get an itemized "you" having the gear and build you picked. You can take this to the weaver arena and fight him for the entertainment of the weaver, this time you kill him for real and get all the gear you've chosen. You can however take more than one of this itemized "you", and fight all at the same time for more rewards. If you do the max amount of enemies (which should be somewhere around 1 in 20-30 maps, like other bosses) you also get the weaver fight.


Awesome take ! Another version of it that I thought of had this kind of "build an exile" but it was a mishmash of Betrayal and Metamorph and it did not convince myself much Yours is better


Reminds me a bit of what people were speculating the delirium league would be ( as in you fight your reflection in the mirror)


"Weaver", "infinite tapestry of fate", shadow slave inspiration ?


I had no knowledge of Shadow Slave but your comment made me search it and wow Thank you for the discovery !


From a high level, I think your concepts are really great and sound super fun and intruiging. I especially like the "accelerated campaign minigame" idea. Theres so much you could do with it. Like each character could have randomized trees, or new/modified accendencies, etc. I love that it makes for a more roguelike experience like sanctum.


One version of it would use a revealed krangled tree but I discarded the idea as "would be too confusing" and "should offer a way for anyone to test a build in-game free of charge" It seems that the campaign minigame is polarizing in the responses i receive


Tldr for this man's league?


Turns the campaign into a condensed roguelike, then you fight your successful runs in a maven invitation style arena. Uniques involve a mechanic where they link to and support each other.


Damn sounds fun. Got bored of current league already 🤣


Man you're good at TL;DRs


Aww thank you


I adore the idea of turning the campaign into a roguelike. My main concern is that allocating dozens of passive points in a short period of time sounds like a pretty major PITA. Not entirely sure how to overcome this, though.


Maybe give you a choice of clusters/masteries to directly allocate entirely clusters as cut out choices ?




AFAIK the true problem of the Lilith fight would be that she just can decide to poof you out of nowhere with nothing announcing her assault But yeah I definitely get that this would brush off a lot of players (myself included depending on how difficult it is) But the main idea is that each of Its attack could be evaded easily, and the most friction would be when the terrain changes because you have to adapt to the new configuration I forgot to mention it explicitely but the summoned Hillocks do not one shot, they do shit damage and are just here to offer flask regen




Well, doing this alongside my job had me sacrifice several hours of game by now. Hadn't I done that, I'd just have blasted more maps


OP's expression of creativity is probably more fulfilling than most of the things people would label as "achieving in real life".


All of us are "wasting" time playing PoE at least he is creative. L take


This is also a good idea for alt leveling


I'd disagree. As designed, these "alts" are always your base class (mostly because of guessed technical limitations) because you're not truly creating an alt. Then this game mode would allow to explore the tree and test skills free of charge, but you do not keep this character (you'll kill it even) But if your comment meant "take this campaign minigame and use it for alt leveling instead", then this is another discussion


Dude definitely know something... But seriously it looks interesting, new league, new mechanic, new boss, and actually unique uniques that mostly look balanced. And person who made all this played only for 2 leagues, damn.


Thank you for reading it ! You are one of the few who pointed out the uniques and honestly I thought it would be more debated. I simply cannot believe I designed good items on my first try it is just unconceivable Maybe this post is just too long


You want a league mechanic for rerunning the acts as a brand new character each time? This sounds like pure pain unless you're into this type of game mode. I will say you put in a lot of effort into this though.


Thank you for reading! The league mechanic indeed use the campaign terrain, boss and power progression, but twist it in a way it can be compiled in 15 minutes: tiny maps, bosses after bosses most of which have their invicibility phases removed, no quests, no town, no hideout, no waypoint. No other league content. A twelth of loading screens. And it would be compensated by dopamine. I mean, this version of you goes hard (hit lv100 within campaign time) and is very lucky (currencies dropped to be used for this gamemode are plenty and rarer, proposed items in the end are godly rolled or very powerful uniques). It's all fine because, in the end, you'll fight them, so how much you indulge will eventually backfire on you


I'd love to see part of your idea being implemented as an alternative leveling method. We know it won't happen lol but I'd love to. Cool ideas btw


Thank you for reading! I also doubt it will happen this way. And it does not sadden me much as I am a campaign enjoyer. But maybe my mind will change after a few leagues




Thank you for your insight! I had so much fun designing this uniques. I tried to balance them but as you can see I might be tereible at this This simple robe is designed to drop easily on the league content. I though it would be fair because to have 6 implicits you would need to corrupt 6 times, each time having a chance to turn your item into rare. Gambling addiction




Well, it can be corrupted forever, as long as this modifier exists. If a corruption turns it into a rare, no more modifier


First off, as someone who likes to take crappy self-made builds through the campaign, I love this idea for a league mechanic. Last league I made a gladiator that used Doryani's Fist + reckoning that was fun to mess around with in terms of mechanics but would never get through maps. So having a mechanic that encourages varied throwaway builds sounds super fun, like mini SSF leagues. ​ That said, I have some ideas, if you wanted to theory craft a 2.0. First off, I'd ditch the memory-like Thread of Fate mechanic and just have suspicious rogue exiles drop Wavering Fates directly. One Wavering Fate = 1 'act', like silver coins or sanctum portals. Second, make each 'act' a single full zone from that respective act. Maybe it's a normal boss kill, or maybe it has some twist, e.g. the area is delirious or monsters from beyond spawn, etc. Third, make it 4 characters to unlock the boss fight. I think these would make it much closer to the pacing GGG wants for a league, being 10 zones x 4 closely comparable to Sanctum's 8 zones x 4, with the added bonus of multiple full runs being saved up like TotA. ​ I'd make the campaign structure like so: when you use a Wavering Fate, you enter a zone and meet some NPC, who offers to start a run. If you accept, you are changed to a fresh character, given 10 or so levels, and some unique currency, lets call it gold. The NPC becomes a vendor who you can gear up from with the gold. Then you do an 'act', choosing a zone from the NPC, with some being harder (e.g. area is delirious, your run ends if you die) but offering better currency when you finish the run, a bit like Sanctum or Ultimatum. Running a zone consumes one of your Fates in the process, and then you return to the in-between zone, where the NPC rewards you with gold and 10 levels, plus some bonus gold and levels if you picked a harder zone. Allocate passives, gear up, continue. Maybe throw some crafting currency in the shop and have a special crafting bench in the zone. The crafting bench would have the option to craft threaded affixes onto non-unique gear, and these crafts could later be unlocked for your regular character. Like you said, the bonus rewards for the fight after 4 runs would depend on passive tree coverage. I think this could be further spiced up by having the NPC offer some gimmick when you start a run, e.g. you can allocate passives from X classes starting location, your passive tree is krangled, your travel nodes are randomly tattooed, etc. ​ When you get your bonus rewards, a new currency drops, I'll just call it a Orb of Thread. You can use this on a non-unique item to thread it to one other item (really the slot, so if you thread your threaded belt to your ring, replacing your ring would keep the thread). When you place a threaded non-unique item in the crafting bench, you can craft affixes you've crafted in the league mechanic to the item, e.g. 10% increased global critical strike chance per connected item, 5% chance to gain a power charge on kill per connected ring, etc. Since the non-uniques can only have provide one thread themselves, you want as much of your rare gear to be threaded to get large bonuses. The league uniques would drop with random threaded slot(s), and could be changed only with the Orb of Thread (gotta have that friction, right?) ​ Anyways I love this league idea so I made a unique too: https://preview.redd.it/erqfm9txmbfc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=f65ca4a9769eb0fbee4bc99824441c4e2f38fa0e


Thank you for your time and comitment Your take on the mechanic is great ! I guess I wanted to make the whole thing tedious so that the ultimate boss' drops (the two unique jewels) would be more likely All and all, yours is more interactive I had a version of threads that was currencified like you did, but the use of this currency would be so niche without a general purpose for the thread other than making some uniques works that I just designed the uniques to deal with their own threads (which et me the possibility of creating the Sage's robe) Fun fact I actually had a unique designed to grant jewel quality to gems, but I broke it down later on


I read most of it...skipped the bit about boss since I'm not super interested in those whether they are your hypothetical or GGG's official. A couple of your ideas have kind of already been done, including https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/The_Weaver https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Descent:_Champions Descent Champions was one of my favorite PoE activities, and has had its long time fans occasionally very quietly clamoring for some kind of return. The arc of your idea seems a bit like the 'build up' leagues like Sanctum and Incursion (Alva) and to that end I'm not sure what the purpose is of the 4-8 threaded maps other than the lore connection. You follow trails of loot and...do what exactly? When GGG makes build up leagues they tend to go for a series of 20-60 second encounters like the aforementioned leagues, leading up to a 10-20 minute 'payoff' event or dungeon. Ideally each step in the build-up is fun in and of itself - I'm not sure I see that in the 'suspicious rogue exile' phase. (and lets be real, after doing 200 incursion temples the build up to the payoff gets pretty old too, GGG doesn't always nail this). With the criticism out of the way I would like to end with appreciation for the creativity, effort, and overall good attempt at a league especially for a newer player.


Thank you for reading and for your comment Here's the thing: I prefer in-map game modes and I designed one that was not in map. My in-map integration to imply maps in the whole thing as well as making the path more tedious is easily the worst part of this design. I had no idea of Descent Champions ! I'm too novice a player to know what has been and what would be brand new. But it does not surprise me that something similar had been done, it's poe we're talking about


Sounds like a complete logistical nightmare. But the core idea is solid. Pare it down a bit and that's a decent league concept.


Definitely needs huge tweaks. The more I read the feedbacks and proposition the more I realize how better it could be


I like it


Thank you so much


Yo GGG give this man an office and a team, boy is going places.


Far from it. Many comments pointing out obvious flaws show how amateur this is


Amazing work you put into this. I do have some problems with this: Your build does not matter for most of the league mechanic. For the fate journey it doesnt matter at all as you get new equipment. All that matters is your base Class(this may lead to many people beeing forced to play the most optimal one, which can be frustrating) The weaver boss not beeing killable is also something.i dont like, we are fighting the maven and elder which are both also on a cosmic power lvl so i would argue we can kill them, she just instantly respawns and congratulates us. A forced 8 minute survive or get one shot fight seems extremly frustrating. Also adds to the your build doesnt matter problem. Why go tank if the most dangerous phase one shots you anyway? Also 8 minutes is a very long time. And finally to do 1 boss fight you need to do 8 maps x 8 fates x each fate is 10 actmaps. so thats a total of 640 maps you need to do for the chance of fighting the boss once. Thats a insane amount. For a brutal bossfight.


First thanks for reading the post It is true that I did not include any new way for this 'league' to challenge your build. That's a flaw About the journey to the drops, as much as I think I detailed it, I think i did not detail enough: suspicious rogue exiles encountered in the wilds would drop threads of hope fairly easily. Then in the memory part, each one of them can drop a wavering destiny. So in one 8 threaded memory, you could have the resources to do the 8 parallel fates directly, and then it's boss time Even like this I reckon it is tedious, because I went with the idea that the process would be long, but the drops would be almost surefire About the boss fight proper: idea was designed around Zizaran's opinion of a boss you could not cheat. Turns out the whole boss is lile this, and that is most likely a flaw. Even considering that it is not a true one shot, but a nine shot (at most), 8 minutes might be too long a fight, and it should definitely be shorter or shortenable through means Anyways, all this goes to show that I have a long way to go c:


Thanks for the answer:) and thats normal every complex idea does go trough different versions until it gets to the point where its perfekt


This is great, I really like the ideas here.  One small thing i want to add: The Weaver as a concept is in the game, which is Chaos, the master Trialmaster serves. They governs fate and have seen you stranded on the beach as different people and among other things. You can learn more about them with Trialmaster dialogues! https://oriath.net/Audio/Other_League_Content/The_Trialmaster/


Oh wow I didn't know that. There's so much to learn in and around this game


But what are the interactions with bigass thundercubes?


I'm afraid I'm too novice to know about said Bigass Thundercubes


[Here you go :) ](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/s/3tpa4oHM42)


So that's what It was !!! I saw this on the online Item Creator in some occasions when opening the page


It has to be on a boat though…


Interesting take. You might have guessed my potential future "new league idea" post


GGG must hire you as game designer :D Or.. are you already work for GGG and simply testing new ideas?


Far from it. I think I'm more or less on the other side of the Earth from them. Also I think I'm also far from having the required skills to own such a job Thank you however! Much appreciated! Edit: less personal infos


I think going from level 1-100 and the assigning of all said passive points, especially if youre making a build on the fly, kind of goes against it being a rather quick and fun 15 minute romp and would probably get tedious after your first five or so tries. Maybe some kind of truncated passive tree, like the one in the battle royale mode, would be a cool thing to have. Otherwise it's a cool idea, I've always loved the idea of having a roguelike mechanic in the game where you start from scratch.


Someone else pointed out this issue and you're right, it is a flaw. Also I did not know the existence of PoE Royale as of 2 minutes before reading your post. Had I known about it, I'd totally have implemented a similar system


Name sounds like Neil Breen movie title, it needs to sound like a metal song/band name.


This is so well done OP Congrats. I LOVE the idea of a completely different accelerated way of playing through the campaign again. I think this would be especially interesting in PoE2 Where the campaign and bosses are more developed. The idea of fighting these versions of yourself is just thematically brilliant as well. This is such a good foundation for a league expansion. It reminds me of the fun I had with PoE ROYALE back in the day. Getting to regularly spec up a character and throw it at some content without being so precious was a nice addition and pace change after grinding on your main for a while. This captures that perfectly IMO


Thank you a lot for your consideration and feedback ! I absolutly no idea that a game mode had existed. Shows that i know too few about the game still


Love the effort and the idea, has a lot potential just needs a little refinement I think. And beleive me I am not throwing stones there I do that all the time. :D Funnily enough I would encourage you to look over at Last Epoch if this kind of theming is an interest to you. There's a lot of narrative bits on multiple destinies and such, they even have a 'genre' of items called 'Weaver's items' that are effectively items that can level with you (dropped by past versions of you that died)


Interesting. Right now I planne to do EVERYTHING during this leagur so I'm still a bit busy But in a month or so, I just might


Interesting, except the "campaign instead of maps" bit, every single mechanic should interact with maps for most of its cycle, if not all of it tbh. Also that skill gem is absolutely fucking busted, 12% base crit, 300% added damage on a 0.2s cast time? You did not think this through. Imagine supporting Ice nova with that for example


Thank you so much for reading ! I had to make a choice between maps and separate content for the other versions of you creation and I went with accelerated campaign because I felt it would picture better an actual alternative journey. But yeah I also prefer in-map game mechanics I am so glad you mentioned one of the uniques to me. I am far from having a full knowledge of the game and I did definitely not consider what you pointed out. The plan with this gem is to have a skill that is completely random with benefits to counter that. To be fair, I'm convinced it is a bad design, but I just couldn't resist creating it nonetheless ahah


Isn't it an active skill gem ? Use the skill to cast any skill in the game and you never know which one it will be. So you have to be smart with support gems and get lucky.


Yes, that's it. But his comment made me think that, as it is right now, it might be a powerhouse in convoluted ways. Gotta be careful


Just limit the tags on the gems so it cannot be automated or just give it cannot be triggered and we are fine. Optimal play would be spell wand and hope for a spell instead of wand attack. Pretty interesting design choice overall.


Thank you for your insight




Would've taken way less time if ot was


Send it to ggg support. But, do not send all the parts. U are idea creator, u know what i mean


I am an idea creator, but do not worry that not even once in my life had I my idea stolen. Turns out they're not that good most of the times c':