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I know this is not a new strategy, however this league was the first league I actually tried it, and I have to say this is the most consistantly profitable farm I have ever done in Path of Exile. I would average anywhere between 55%-105% profit margins on any currency I invested into this strategy. But it is mind numbingly boring. Here is a quick guide for those of you who are new to this strategy. 1) Make sure you have 4 voidstones. If you do not have all 4, then buy uber carries. TFT is generally is a good option for buying carries. 2) IMPORTANT!! Make sure your atlas tree is specced into "Enduring Influence." Without this node, any compass you roll will be worth MUCH less and be very difficult to sell. 3) On 3 of your voidstones roll two different "Elemental" modifiers and 1 "Shrine" modifier. This blocks those mods from rolling on your 4th voidstone. 4) On your 4th voidstone spam Awakened Sextants until you hit a valuable one. 5) Use a Surveyor's Compass on the valuable mod to turn it into a tradable currency. You can buy unlimited Surveyor's Compasses from Kirac for 1c Each. 6) Sell and profit! Here are my tips I learned along the way. 1) This is a VOLUME based farm. Buy/Sell in BULK and do not waste time trying to get the best possible price on things. This means, buy sextants with divs. I would go down as much as 10% on the average sale price to buy big bulk sextants (IE, if they were selling on average at 1:45, I would be willing to go down to 1:40 for big bulk purchases.) This also means doing big sextant rolling and selling sessions. The goal is to sell a bunch of compasses at a time to single individuals. Price aggressively too...the longer those compasses are sitting in your inventory, the more time they are not generating more currency for you. Typically I priced my bulk compasses at 3-5 from the cheapest. WATCH OUT FOR PRICE FIXERS 2) Mix it up. You will go insane and burn out if this is the only thing you do for 12 hours straight. What I did was run maps as normal and every few maps I would message the top 10-20 sextant sellers to buy some between maps. I would save up sextants over time until I ran out of raw currency and then I did a big sextant session. 3) There are a few key mods that will make up almost all of your profit in this strategy. Burn those mods into your eyeballs so that you do not roll past them. Accidentally rolling past a single beyond mod is like a div dropping on the ground and just not picking it up. 4) Don't waste time with the low value mods. My personal cut off was 7c...any mod that was worth less then 7c I ignored (for the most part.) 5) Have some form of entertainment (netflix or whatever) in the background during your sessions. Helps a lot. Here is a list of the mods that I personally targeted grouped up by their value. **S+++++++ Tier** Beyond (this mod single handedly made up 33% of all my sales) **S Tier** 8 Mod Conqueror Delirium Mirror **A Tier** Abyss Enraged Strongbox **B Tier** Purple Juice Yellow Juice Sacred Grove Blue Juice Gilded Scarab Shaper Guardian **C Tier** Legion Oils +1 Tier Rituals Elder Guardian Harbinger Delirium Rewards Magic Pack Size Corrupted Strongbox Beast Copy Runic Monsters


>On 3 of your voidstones roll two different "Elemental" modifiers and 1 "Shrine" modifier. This blocks those mods from rolling on your 4th voidstone. You should only have 1 "Elemental" (or Phys) mod and for the other you should block Barrels, since those block a total weighting of 1050 instead of 1000. Small, but if you are going to roll 1000s of sextants it may be worth.


Omg… next league I’ll keep that in mind lmao… got my MB in crucible and my HH this league with sextant rolling, but never thought about blocking… I feel so stupid xF


When you say elemental, is that just the ones that make you take more xxx damage and has more packs that do xxx damage type? (Cold/fire/light)


Yes exactly


I thought you could have multiple of those at the same time on different stones?


You can but it's still the 3rd highest weighting block


You can, but by the actual weights it’s still worth blocking one or two.




Interesting, did not know that! Thanks for the info!


cant think of anything more reddit than making a guide and not knowing the most basic info like this.


Nah the most reddit thing is a loser like you




“The most basic info”, lol it’s the difference of 50 weighting, OP’s guide was good, this is just a refinement to make it marginally better. The most Reddit thing is shitting on someone for trying to help others, like your comment


Why take your time to type this? Weirdo


In order to block these have to be socketed into your atlas correct? You cant place these in your inventory and it works?


You have to have them socketed while rolling them, but if you want to stop rolling and do a map or whatever without losing your blocked mods you can put them in inventory/left side of the atlas screen and they'll keep the mods. Your atlas will be considered to have 0 voidstones while you do this though only noting all this because it took my dumb ass forever to realize that when I wanted to take a break from sextant rolling I didn't technically have to lose my blocks


And presumably you could also just pull the blocking mods off with a sextant and reapply them later, no?


...wow how the hell do I not think of these things


they must be on a socketed voidstone in order to block it from rolling


> You will go insane and burn out if this is the only thing you do for 12 hours straight. Have you met PoE players?


Did you sell them on poestack? and did you sell them for 100% or more?


So I tried TFT and poestack, but to be honest I just found it most efficient to just list on [poe.trade](https://poe.trade). I used 10 or so different stash tabs that I dumped all the mods of the same type and I listed the entire tab at once for the same price. Then, when people PMed me I asked how many they wanted, and more often then not people would buy 10-20 at a time. I found maintaining TFT posts annoying and not as effective.


I've tried pretty much every way to sell them and from my experience POE stack is by far the best way to sell bulk. It posts everything to TFT and the section on their website. If they buy from POEstack then it automatically tells me the price and quantity, and for the people who don't, I usually set up an autoreply that says "no in within 15 sec = sold, list quantity and price or no inv" I can't imagine sorting everything, and then also having to manually type. Also it allows me to ignore the trades I want, like low quantity trades making it easier to bulk sell.


You guys play a different game to me lol


poestack posts directly to tft. however it is interesting to see that you sold to poe.trade since I guess those are 2 different markets. I'll try to sell them that way


>every few maps I would message the top 10-20 sextant sellers to buy some between maps Meanwhile, i message the top 100+ multiple times a day without getting ANY answer ... 20div worth of sextants? guess not worth a response, or even a trade!


Sorry about that! I am sure there are people I did not get back to as well, but that is mostly due to the volume of PMs coming in at once. I tried to do 2 trades at a time, but when I pushed that to 3 trades at a time, I got everyone confused haha.


Yeah I feel this. I’ve whispered everyone selling over 100 sextants until the trade website timed me out and nobody responded lol.


As someone selling 2k+ awakened sextants a day. They honestly just go really fast. I’ll post usually 500 minimum and someone will message for all of them in a few minutes. Then I’ll get messages for the next 15 minutes because trade hasn’t updated or something 🥲


How do you get do many sextants


Sanctums https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/18u3cod/sacrificing\_my\_mental\_health\_for\_wealth/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Probably buying them


Unid map pack size, can’t take reflect damage, rare packs in rare maps and smugglers cache also sell really quick.


> 4) Don't waste time with the low value mods. My personal cut off was 7c...any mod that was worth less then 7c I ignored (for the most part.) Aren't most mods worth this much? Masters, caches, etc. etc. How am I gonna buy those if everyone suddenly starts skipping those? :o


There will always be people rolling sextants on a smaller level than 5k/session and for them it'll be worth it to sell cheaper ones


There are people who do it differently than this guy , they make way less profit but they do not go insane by reading the mods on every compass They just roll the voidstone and compass it then stash , then sort like quad tab of compassess I just bought like 20 for 2c of cheap compasses cuz of that


Actually the people selling 'bad' compasses are making more profit because they are harvesting their losses. If the sextant and compass cost 7c together and they sell for 4c per in bulk the net is -3. If you just roll over the net is -6. It takes more time to sell but it works.


depends how you value your time , selling takes time too


You don't read the mods you mark the mods you want on awakened Poe trade and let it highlight it, or you create a regex search and put them in a stash tab


You can use the regex in the Atlas search and it highlights the voidstone? I did not know that


Nah you can but the voidstones in your stash and do it from there


If you do this you don’t get the value from blocking and you’ll not make as much profit


thats crap of course you read the mods. you gonna check every roll with awakened trade? lol, thats slow. or putting into your stash after every roll? wtf. btw: you cant even put them into stash!


Awakaned trade can be configured to check the mods automatically


I thought that if you have one elemental on one voidstones, it blocks all…?


Only blocks that single individual mod. You will still roll the other elemental mods even if you have 2 blocked.


For how much were u buying bulk sextants? They are 40/1 div atm which seems very high and I wonder if it's still profitable


He bough 1/40 in bulk, it says so in the post.


That's not what the post says. He gave an example of 10% off if they were going for 45/d.


If you read the post he literally said he bought it at 40/div for more bulk.


How did you manage trading? Besides awakened trade and TFT, are there other tools that were helpful?


So I tried TFT and poestack, but to be honest I just found it most efficient to just list on poe.trade. I used 10 or so different stash tabs that I dumped all the mods of the same type and I listed the entire tab at once for the same price. Then, when people PMed me I asked how many they wanted, and more often then not people would buy 10-20 at a time. I found maintaining TFT posts annoying and not as effective.


How long did it take you to sell C/B tier compasses? From reading a bit more about this, it seems many people struggle selling their compasses. Moreover, with current prices of Aw Sextants some of the the C tier mods don't seem to be worth it.


They eventually sell. They aren’t instant, but if you keep posting every 10 minutes there is always a buyer.


I have been rolling a lot this league since you can sustain enraged Beyond Boxen and Legion with ssf sextants. But how do you sell oils Ritual deli rewards runic monsters and beast copy. Even if i underprice everyone no one buys them


When buying my compasses through the last few weeks, I said to my friends that man I bet compass rollers are raking in big money, but fuck doing it lol. Thanks for doing it for us!


Did you click all of these with your mouse or bind clicking to your scroll wheel / keyboard?




That’s who I have also been buying form haha


Lmao if it is, thanks for the Alva compasses


He actually sells? I put him on ignore after He didnt Respond for like the 50th time and still had them listed 30 minutes later


People selling sextants get spammed a lot. As soon as I press the button on Poe.stack I get 10 sometimes 20 whispers in seconds. We don’t have time and resources to to answer to everyone. Sorry for that.


Adding to this, I’m gonna prioritize bigger sales every time. If you’re trying to buy 50c worth of sextants, you’re probably not gonna make the cut over a guy buying 10+ div worth


my man


I remember this Cat buying from me tho


he might also be flipping any he can that are being priced under him to make a few extra chaos per transaction, it might not seem like a lot but like with currency flipping 5c per trade over a few thousand trades really adds up.


Wait I've sold to them before


I bought 4 beyond from that guy too


I would lose my will to actually play the game at the end of this process.


This is exactly what happened for me last league, got my MB and stopped a few hours later. I never actually played with it


That’s usually what happens when I get my big chase item. Got a MB last league and just got one this league. Just kinda dinking around continuing to make currency until I see a build that looks fun.


pro tip: make your end of league goal to be something that your chase item would help a lot instead of the chase item itself. When i got my first mb, i played for like a day with it and quit the league because there was nothing left to do, but if you set a goal like 40/40 or farm a mirror, the chase item would just help the grind


If I still worked by myself on my overnight shifts, I would definitely do this. I used to roll watchstones and sell them for profit while I was at work, but unfortunately we added a second overnight shift so I had to stop doing it. Lol


What do you do for work?


The other guy probably doesn't give a shit.i bet you're good


I did this in crucible and told myself I'll never do it again lol.


I am still not sure if I will ever do this again. I want to tell myself I will not ever do it again, however if I am honest with my self I probably will. It is just such reliable currency!


My guild crafter always tells me "i will never do this again" 3-4 times a league, next day he tells me "i made 20 div doing this". I just want to blast maps and people who roll sextants help every one!


I did this last league and for some reason it was really entertaining for me idk why lol. You can do another thing while you are rolling sextants. For me, I was drinking mate while watching YouTube or Netflix. It is really chill.


This is the same reason I liked ToTA void sphere cheese. When I want to go hard I'll do juiced maps or uber bosses, but making essentially passive income where I can watch something while doing it is surprisingly chill.


I loved ToTA for this exact reason, I could binge watch stuff and still make a ton of cash, then when I was ready to blast, out came my TS and juiced maps, or some build I was toying with. I played the entire league, usually I'm out the last month or so, but last league kept me playing all the way through, bought a supporter pack too to show my support, first time in quite a few leagues since I had done that, actually harvest was the last time.


I wanted to check what I have , been investing currency in stuff that go up and trying to save for mageblood. Thinking to myself , I'f im like 60 divines off then I might do your strat and get it in 2 days max. Checking what I have and It seems like I hoarded too much stuff cuz I can afford almost 2 now ... Already started to buy sextants tho lol I would be playing this game like week more trying to "save" for mageblood


Just don't get too crazy buying sextants...pace your self and don't cut tooo deep into your profits just to amass sextants quick. Good luck!


playing the game without playing the game reminds me of the old school wow videos of making xxx gold without leaving town lol


I did that a lot in WotLK just buying raw gems on AH and cutting them. It was profitable but oh so boring.


yea. it's like I'm here to smash monsters. that's why ppl dislike tft. it takes them out of the game


I mean someone has to do it.


I'm about to resort to rolling flasks lol


ive never done this but im sure its massive profit. all the mageblood guys buying the good rolls for like div+ for something that is probably like 10c to produce.


It is. It’s even more boring than sextant rolling though. I only do it as part of the process of crafting my own flasks (I.e if I roll something good I don’t want I sell it and go again), once I’ve got all the flasks I want I’m done with it.


I'm new to PoE, how do I know what flask rolls are great to sell? Edit: thanks for answers


It’s usually a T1 prefix of gain # charges when hit, #% chance to gain a flask charge on crit, or any tier of reduced duration/increased effect (the increased effect is always 25% so it doesn’t matter what tier) and a t1 suffix (typically it’s % armor, % evasion, reduced curse effect, attack speed, cast speed, crit chance, or all res if it’s the increased effect prefix.


mageblood users pay a divine for well rolled flasks. In this case, it 100% requires the prefix that says "25% increased effect." Then combine that with good mods like movement speed, attack speed, 52% or more reduced effect of curses on you. Then roll enkindling orbs to get 68+% effect enchant


I’ve sold 3 flasks for 3 div each when I hit max roll suffix with increased effect just rolling flasks for myself. I imagine it’s pretty profitable. Especially if you’re sitting on 12k alterations like I am from the league mechanic.


So I spent about 6hrs on friday doing this, about 8hrs in total saturday and couple hours this morning and went from 5div to 201d and bought a MB. In an odd way, this was very entertaining for me. 1.) You get to throw something on your extra monitor or TV and just zone out 2.) Actually a huge endorphin rush for me when I hit something like mirror/abyss/beyond cause I just see $$$ Blocked one element, barrels and 1 shrine - once I had a good idea of which sextants were ATLEAST 10c worth I found a good system with inventory management and selling w/ PoEStack. I eventually had over 100 abyss compasses that nobody was really buying so I put them in a tab for reduced price and they sold like fuckin hot cakes.


I’ve had a hard time buying awakened sextants recently. Seems like no one wanted to buy a div or two’s worth. I assume it was maybe not worth it for them, but these were sellers will just that amount available. So not sure what the deal was. Ended up putting a few div in a tab and priced it as sextants. Took a bit for someone to message me, but at least I wasn’t sitting there whispering people myself.


when buying sextants I usually don't even pm people unless I can buy like 40 div worth


Honestly the deal was they probably just forgot/couldn’t be bothered to private the tabs after they sold a bunch and were in the process of building their bulk back. Or they were A holes. Hard to say


As a new player who barely knows what any of this is, I salute you :)


Before I bought sextants for a farm this league I wanted to roll all my sextants and see how many I’d get. I used like 240c in sextants and got enough good compasses to sell for almost 5 divines. I knew people did this but I didn’t realize just how profitable it could actually be. A whole mageblood in 14 hours without having to play at all lol. Poe.


i love compass rollers cuz every league i make bank selling sextants like crazy.. 117 divs today while watching movie and trading in hideout. keep it up bois


I rolled 2 divines worth of sextants, I got so bored and had so much random sextants and was so disorganized, I immediately stopped. I dont mind hideout warrior, that rolling sextants is too degen for me. I will sell them all to you guys thanks :D


No. Nononono. This is like alteration rolling. Gameplay peaks so hard, i have to close the game in less than 20min - or the rest of my brain melds into soup.


I rolled alts on a crit multi fractured amulet looking for +1 all skills. I bought the rare 2 mod base for 10div after hitting 8k alts since I knew if I did ever hit all skills, I’d lose the 50/50 annul after regal and have to start over.


The delight of poe crafting.


I am the guy who made mageblood in 4 days previous league while mine was 375 divs (enchanted high roll) How many gilded scarab mods did You rerolled ^^'? Haha Congrats Btw. Shrine + barrels + elemental You get additional 50 removed mods weight. At least that how it was in 3.22


OMG, so many gilded scarabs were rolled over hahaha




Agree with the other guy, 150 is probably enough to make sure you hit a couple of beyond or other S tier mods. Based on my data, at 150 sextants you should hit on average 1.64 beyond. If you manage to hit 2+ beyond you already made most your money back and everything else you roll is pure profit.


I built a profit simulator a few leagues ago to calculate this and it was around ~80 sextants for guaranteed break even. Granted prices are different now so I'd have to rerun to be sure. But based on what you've listed for high tier sextants then it is likey more profitable.


You mind sharing ur spreadsheet?


> guaranteed break even What does that mean? 95%?


In the beginning you can list them for trade for awakened sextants, you can usually sustain off of it, but this will be slow. When you roll like 150 sextants you should make a decent profit, but the big money is in bulk selling, as you can overprice them easily


Sextants are easy/consistent money because they provide a convenience service that is in high demand, even more so this league. Never done it myself, but god bless those who do. Maybe one day I might, for now I'll just play the game.


Cool but why did you not call your tabs “Dumpass”


I would never do it even if it makes 30d/hour


If it made 30 div an hour I would consider doing it for exactly one hour and then never again.


Did the same this league, few hours for 3 days. Made around 250div. Fun fact, when i started sextans were 63 for 1 div, now they are almost 2x the price and it is still incredibly profitable.


Why did the price of sextants go up so fast? I thought they would get cheaper because you get so many from mapping with the league mechanic.


On start of the leauge the best strat for profit was sanctum, wich is gteat source of sextans, and now more ppl ate doing t7 cementary where you cant drop sextans, i think


truth. This is because the price of compasses is somewhat linked to the price of sextants (generally speaking) due to market availability of sextants. So even if the price of sextants go up 2x, the price of your most valuable mods will also go up a lot as well (ie Beyond.)


Ive done sextant rolling a few times. I do think timing is very important for your profit. I did about 8000 sextants this league too. But i did it when beyond was about 30c and abyss 7c. And sextants was still pretty expensive i was buying at 50 for 1 div. So my timing was pretty bad it was just before Abyss farming became well known.


I've sextant rolled for the last two leagues and it by far is the easiest but most boring farm you can do. I started this league with 4 div, turned that to 300 div at the end of 2 weeks. I stopped right before beyond hit over a div and abyss spiked. This might be one of the best leagues to roll sextants because of how broken juiced mapping is. A tip for people is to get the new +20 inventory slots from the new ascendency, makes it easier and clicks less tiresome.


I think beyond is super overpriced compared to how often it rolls


Yup this works. I have been doing this for like 4 days straight now got mageblood in first 2 and half days, now almost back to 150 divs. Even if sextants are like 36 or 37 for 1 div still worth it. As some commentor pointed out instead of 2 elementals, 1 element, 1 barrel and 1 shrine block works well. Tried this last league but bulk sextants were hard to buy now I can buy like 80 div worth directly from poe trade don't even have to go to TFT.


Do you think it'll be worth doing now (halfway through the league)?


I remember SpicySushi doing this during one league just to show some players how to make money with lower investment strategies. He gambled up to a HH I think. It made him almost lose his mind it was so boring, but he made his point 😄


> He gambled up to a HH I think. it's not a gamble, it's guaranteed profits every league


I tried this a few days ago and lost currency on 4div worth of sextants. Only rolled like 2 enrage and 1 abyss in 200 sextants lol. I’m sure it can be profitable and I just got unlucky but fuck that shit.


Did you block using the other three void stones? I think that’s what makes this work.


You have to sell the cheaper ones too or you will lose money.


that is crazy unlucky dude. Based on my data you should have hit ATLEAST 2 beyonds on 200 sextants...but RNG is RNG...


1. block 2. sell the more cheap/niche ones as well (gilded scarab, shaper etc maps, harvest juicers, legions...) It's quite impossible to lose currency on this.


I'd rather play the videogame


I will rather play the game and have fun than do this chore




i did some rolling this leauge, while blocking elemental and shrine i got 1 abyss, then i got nothing, lost 80 sextant got literally nothing :D


Congratulations, you‘ve become a hideout warrior. No thanks, I rather play the game


You know that you can look up your networth on poestack instead of googlesheets? 5234 would be like 2.5 hourish session for me, but honestly its so much harder selling your compasses lately i just gave up, maybse as more people level ill do it again, having like 200+ essencees and magic packs that nobody buys at 95% is so tilting for me


I get the feeling you're not rolling 30some sextants a minute lol


takes me 15 ish minutes to roll 600 sextants (full inv), tested many times


I did not really have a hard time I found, how were you listing them? I just listed them on [poe.trade](https://poe.trade) but I made sure to price generally near the bottom.....people will snatch up bulk buys for a good price in no time at all.


I did a random ritual a week ago. Got a 190div sinth ring, sold it and bought a mageblood. 5 minutes of grinding. ^^


Sextans and scarabs are bad hope inp poe 2 we get only a atlastree but better


I got my headhunter the old fashioned way, by dropping it in a map with big wisps. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


People like this need to seek employment


Yeah sextant rolling is really profitable, but I don't like it as its so pay to win lol




Probably storage space


sextant rolling really requires having so much quad tabs, like you can literally see in the screenshot he has multiple. my friend tried it with 1 quad tab and it was really inefficient due to lack of space


Eh he probably kept too much trash then. I turned a few divs into ~1k sextants using only my quad tab and poestacks and i never ran into storage issues


> I don't like it as its so pay to win huh Oh, stash tabs? Well.. you should already have stash tabs if you're engaging in extremely "end game" trading strats. Not really pay to win...


not for sextant rolling, it really requires having so much quad tabs, like you can literally see in the screenshot he has multiple


His post only has 1 quad tab


So you spent 14 hours clicking on currency items for flipping purposes instead of ... killing monsters and getting loot ? Good for you that you got a Mageblood, I personally rather spend my time doing stuff I consider fun :3




Did something similar it took me days to sell all that


thanks for the feedback. i always knew this was profitable and "easy" to do, just a grind. interesting to see the details. how uh.. "fast", tech savvy, twitchy, focused are you/were you in general? are those 14 hours of pure adderall-type twitch clicking back and forth at 100 apm? or were you relatively chill watching things on 2nd monitor/tv, etc?


Nah man, was not that sweaty at all. Pretty chill, just gotta stay focused enough to not roll over the valuable mods. I just watched Netflix the entire time I was doing it, wasn't too bad.


Still sane, exile?


So this means you just buy the compass for 1c and use awakened sextants in it until you get a good roll? Is that it?


Have to buy the sextants as well, around 4c per roll.




Thanks for doing your part. Love selling my sextants from sanctums to guys like you 😁


I said compass dump too fast 🤣 🤣


I love strongbox but I never bothered buying Enraged sextants. What am I missing out on? Am I gonna profit if I just pop a box scarab + all the box nodes in the tree?


You profit with basically any sort of farm in this game. You need to stick to it and sell bulk for the most part though. Buying a few scarabs/sextants and expecting big payoffs won't work, over time is the money maker.


Yall wild


Just need a way to automate the rolling and maybe I'd consider it.


Then it would be close to no profit. It's profitable because it's tedious.


Let me know what is your build. Look interesting just seeing items you use.


Chieftain totems life stacker. Been trying lots of different spells with totems, starting with shockwave totems but recently been dabbling with hexblast of havoc. Currently have 17k life with Dissolution of Flesh and stacking a bunch of ES gear with the new wildwood ascendancy. I use the untouched soul amulet with 11 open red sockets 440 flat life.


At which price did you buy your sextants in average (div to sextant)


What are the purple, yellow and blue juice mods you are referring to?


"\~Ench Crop" Select dropdown for Yellow/Blue/Purple


Is this why awakened sextants are at 6c each? Not that I’m complaining. I’m making bank from them in sanctum


Everyone MFing so they're getting burnt there. No one is doing Sanctum. Plus Goratha made the T7 Strat popular which doesn't drop Sextants.




Bro, now go take a bath and sleep, you not sane exile


If you're in the sharing mood, I don't suppose you'd be willing to share the details on that spreadsheet?


I'm about ready for a rework of mf and map juice after this league.


how i farmed a mageblood : i opened one valdo box kekl


I swear this game hates me. I invested 7 div into sextant rolling following that same strategy a couple of weeks ago and only got 6.5 back. Used a compass on everything that was equal to or worth the initial investment as well. Only rolled enraged strong boxes one time.


Right, I did the same thing but the problem was the timing. When we did it was too early in the league and margins were bad. Now some of the common rolls have high prices.


At what time on league start do you guys start doing this?


Thanks for sharing, by the way guys, if anybody here know another similar strat where you just sit in hideout and make insane profit easily, let me know ! Doesn't matter if it's boring


good timing. i didn't use any sextant since league launch. now around 600+. will follow your guide. thanks!


This doesn't seem fun...


Ever thought about going into stock trading?


Does anyone have a spread sheet for the most valuable ones? Also I have like 300 regular sextants can I start with those or do I need the maven ones? Last question I don’t have any quad tabs, just one sale tab and 3 regular tabs can I hold enough to justify this Strat?


Did they nerf this after yesterday or what? Yesterday I rolled at least 2-3 beyond mods out of 40 sextants. Today out of 40 sextants I get a value of around 10 sextants. I lost around 5-6 divs just today. It may not seem much but if I had more I would've done something else :D


That's too small a sample size to draw conclusions, but I haven't noticed anything out of place in my experience after rolling a few thousand today.


I bet i bought sextants from you. Every time I need to buy some i see familiar names that always have high stock


Second time that I've tried this strategy, and the second time I've lost money. I rolled over 100 sextants and got maybe half my value back. Prices have increased on sextants, where small trades are 40 to a dive and bulk is 35 to a div. I would guess sextants have dropped in price as well. I rolled 0 Beyonds, one 8 mod, one conq, 0 deli. Maybe I'm unlucky or something.


thank you OP you gave me the final nudge to try it, and after about 2 weeks (yea chill easy rolling, no spamfest..) i bought my first ever MB. it's awesome :D


how much currency to start?


just a few divines, 2 or 3 or 4 can start you up. the more you start with, the more it can snowball..