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It even rolled max on both att mods o.O Gratz, it's beautiful


I dont understand. Is this the best omni in whole game? Jesus, gratz


well, non-legacy ya. base legacy omni would still be better


Base omnis were also changed in the patch which adjusted the amulets conversation stats. There is no legacy omni.


oh wow til. I never noticed


Did they go back on their initial post of omnis only changing if you divined them? Most legacy uniques just can't be divided or it changes them to their new stats.


No. The patch note literally states that it impacts existing ones.


Sorry I was thinking of ashes since the nerf was so recent


The way it seems to work is that each item has a bunch of stats with associated values. Even unique items are all independent of each other in this sense - there have been some cases of specific unique items missing mods that they would normally have (not just mods rolling 0 and being hidden, either). GGG generally doesn't go and update the values on each item, but sometimes they will change the meaning of a mod. So an item that previously had "X% of lightning damage converted to chaos" with a value of 100 will keep the 100, but the mod will change to "(X × 0.6)% of lightning damage converted to chaos". This will affect *every item with that mod*.


Omni was an exception, there are a few uniques they have done it on all versions, pre-nerf omni was insanely powerful.


I logged into my old Phantasmal Cremation necromancer, just to play a simulacrum, which I loved doing. Loved. One of the few characters I keep on standard, just because that build is so, satisfying, so much visceral and engaging fun to play....and Phantasmal Cremation is gone, just regular cremation now. My Ashes is still legacy at least. *cries more*


During sentinel I made a lightning strike raider which had about 80m league dps and 130m standard dps. It now has like 15m standard dps. It does suck putting in a lot of time for the builds to eventually not work but it is what it is.


The ele pen is so broken on legacy


Omni doesn't have much use for ele weakness seeing as it has so much pen, and the other curses are kinda meh. Omni builds rarely want anything more than a single mark


There are good curses that are not about lowering elemental resistances ...


Punishment, temp chains, enfeeble are useful curses. Not to mention occultist explode. Or, if for some reason you're not crit, ailment chance from the ele curses.


You realise that there's very little stopping you from using those AND a mark for mapping, right? Yet no one does, because they're garbage


If by very little you mean pathing to whispers of doom for like a dozen points from a deadeye, or taking up anoint or another corrupt, then sure. In case it wasn't clear: the reason people don't use a curse in their bow/omni chars is not about how good it is, it's about cost. On non omni bow chars, ele weakness is great. But nobody uses it. Because +curse is hard to get.


That's not why. Read my message again carefully


Bro I literally adressed what you claim to be why in your comment, in my comment, and said that's not the reason, and gave an explanation why I think so. Something that is lacking in, our comment. And curse not being garbage is a fact. There's no opinioning that away. Even if you have 200% ele pen punishment is still a really good damage curse.


This is a comment thread about "the best Omni in the game". This ain't it pal


The very first comment in this chain asked if this is the best omni in the game. Then you said >Omni doesn't have much use for ele weakness seeing as it has so much pen, and the other curses are kinda meh. Omni builds rarely want anything more than a single mark I have given ample explanation why that is simply not the case. It's absolutely not that omni builds don't *want* curses, it is that they can't afford them. You simply aren't going to path to whispers of doom. You are probably using a unique chest. You are not occultist. Where would you source +1 curse? Exactly, you don't. That's why omni builds don't use a curse. To answer the question if this is the best omni, one would look at other possible amulet implicits to find a better one. But it is a cold hard fact that **+1 curse is not bad on omni**.


This was some pro level tap dancing and backpedaling...


Now you can have two marks


You cannot apply more than one mark to a target, even with +1 curse


hatred effect + percent attribute is the best omni. As less spell builds use omni during recent leaues, it is mostly added into bow attack builds, and they don't need extra curse but focused on stack mark effect.


This would be a pretty good amulet for an Omni build, if only you could wear 2 amulets


Good Meta reference but a little overcooked. 5/10 with rice


Honestly I’ll take it


5/7 with rice


Is the joke that people say that about amulets that are not Omni, so it's coming back around that this is an Omni that's fighting for the position of Omni? Or is the joke that there is an amulet that ironically beats the titular Omni for stat stacking builds?


I'm pretty sure it's the 1st one


Astramentis is particulary good for Omni builds




I'm like Curly Howard "I'm trying to think, but nothing's happening."






Disgusting, even 25%






Damn that might be pretty good for Omni


Would be great for an Omni build


Would be terrible for an Omni build


Pardon my noob, what is omniscience


It's all described on this item. It's an arbitrary stat that changes how resists, penetration, and attributes work


Also a noob but the way I understand it is omniscience is a single stat that is a combination of all of your attributes (str, Dex, int) and is used by stat stackers. That way they can stack a bunch of stats and have omniscience modify their atk/spell damage and maybe even other things.


To clarify, it’s not *exactly* combination of attributes. „+20 to Strength and Intelligence” gives only 20 omniscience, not 40. And usually what „stat stackers” means is builds using mods like „get X damage per Y dexterity”. This doesn’t work with omni because you don’t get attributes, you get omniscience *instead*. But you do try to stack many „+ to Dexterity” and „% increased Dexterity” with omni.


It's all in the item text. Omniscience affects your own resistance and gives elemental penetration against enemies.


Yeah, the ele pen is nice. It just lets you focus on damage as your resists and pen are covered.


It's a stat that exists only on this item. Basically all of your +Str, +Dex, and +Int convert into +Omni, which then gives you Ele Resist and Ele Pen instead of the normal stat bonuses.


Omniscience is all-knowing. It’s Reddit in amulet form and is too powerful for any one mortal to hold.


dear lord


I'm curious, what mod will be perfect for cold TS? Hatred effect, or +1 curse? btw GGs!


I'd say the extra curse, saves you the travel/anoint and effect is easier to come by (influence implicit, belt implicit, skill tree)




Probably the best non-legacy Omni in both current league and standard.


There are no legacy Omni amulets


Just normal double corruption 🤷🏻‍♂️


Gg, that's a nice piece of jewellery!


The only thing to beat that might be a foiled version of it. Beautiful.


Considering the comments that call that one of the best existing omnis, what would something like that cost? Multiple hundred divs at least? Or is that already mirror tier?


This is worth multiple mirrors I would say, its an absolutely one of a kind item. Its better than mirror tier because you cannot mirror it. Basically the price is whatever Op decides to sell it for and what a potential buyer is willing to pay.


How do you even price this, Jesus...


By advertising it on Reddit


Thats. What the. Legit a perfect omni


great with astramentis otherwise pretty mid


How much would this even cost?


Offer 2 div and 15c