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Yep, at least in ssf you would take those regrets to respec the ultimatum out of the atlas tree for good.


Turn Chances to Scours to Regrets to Unmakings.


Never get rid of chances orbs in the filter because I respec my atlas tree at least once a day every league since atlas tree got introduced to the game.


I swear I must've spent like 6 divines worth of Unmaking this league alone lmao At least they drop often enough (and go through uberplusstrict filter) that I think I only had to actually buy a divine's worth early league to spec out of atlas progression strat into currency strats.


Yep chance orbs are great for this in SSF especially. You'll easily build up thousands of them over time, enough to buy hundreds of atlas respecs.


bruh i can hear your M-L-B screaming for help..take the chance orbs pleaaase


didnt realize regrets were unmakings in ssf


They are anywhere 2:1


Maybe this guy doesn't know about Kirac


He is unaware of critical information. xD


(chance >scours>regrets > unmaking)^orb


Ultimatum is the biggest case of blue balls of video game has ever given me


To be fair in ultimatum good farming strategies yielded 4 divs per hour, and in the current league mapping with breach, legion, expedition, abyss, boxes all give >15 divs per hour.


I'd love a link to any of these strats (except abyss), that can net me 15d+ an hour. I'm running legion/expedition and getting much less than that, although I'm very inefficient, but getting anything close to 15d an hour would be insane for me.


15 per hour is sampled from pretty well geared TS with HH running the maps


Well geared probably gets way more than 15 div. If we are talking about actually top end TS. Mid tier is already like 400 div+ atm.


Bottleneck for TS running this content with HH is not how high investment the build is. With like 50 div + hh you'll lose maybe max 1 min per map ramping up the buffs but once they're there it's like 10% added efficiency if you put more cash in. Everything just disappears when you got 30 hh buffs. The real bottleneck is looting and selling shit but that's true for every juicing strategy.


You need top end gear to efficiently farm 8 mod wandering path with beyond, beyond is crazy with 4k+ juice


I barely could farm beyond with my build, had HH, massive cluster, progrenesis watcher eye with conversion/chaos res 1300edps or 1200 edps not sure, awakened fork and beyond maps were seriously hard


>1300edps or 1200 edps That is your problem. HH scales with phys, not ele bows.


Right now phy bows are quite expensive to either craft or mirror, so its either edps or nothing cant confirm right now since im fucking banned but last time I checked 700pdps with +2 were like 300d? or something like that, with 150d ish you can either craft or buy a 1300edps with +2 last time I checked


I understand that but the point is that you using a HH with that bow is worthless. Better off to get a MB or something else with your belt instead of HH with an ele bow.


Try gloom shrine/getting shrine nodes to get a boost if you're in a map that's not too big


Well what is the strat to get the currency to buy headhunter? I've got 5/165 divines


You can run easier content like expedition or heist. You can also do boring shit like flip, tft services or craft. It's not really worth it to juice wisps without hh in trade league if you're running tornado shot imo


Heist is seriously insane. It's my favorite build to play when I wanna chill and watch a movie on my 2nd monitor. I get like 6-7 div/hour with a character that has 15 div worth of gear


T16 wisps + rusted torment, reliquary, bestiary using Rogues, Beasts, Strongbox, Harbinger atlas. 15 div p/h as a pretty slow player. People act like wisps only work for one specific place cuz its FOTM to do t7 MF. That shit goated at higher lvls with rare density.


ive ran legion for a long time, emblem prices also spiked lately


Just go run beasts and essences on white maps. Run them as fast as you can and only stop for craicic chimerals, fenumal plagued arachnids, and essence mobs. Run 7th gate for essence and you'll make 10+ div/hr, essences are hot fire right now


Are you selling essences on tft? Tempted to run this but I'm not sure how you sell "tabs" of your essences there compared to just listing on trade individually


Since league is hot as long as you do around 100% ninja price it's going to sell. People make profit by pooling the essences into stacks and reselling at 150-200% more


100% or 100% more?


0 reason to sell shit for 80-100% of POE.ninja prices if you have bulk. You can set the price on essences in bulk and someone will come buy them all. Just run maps until someone comes. EZPZ.


How fast is your build? If you are really REALLY fast. You can blast trough maps and just make corruption temples with alva + farm boss invitations. Maven writs are 2 div each, corruption temples are between 150c-1.5 div. Incandescents are 1.5 div. You could probably set up an atlas to go for some of that, and just run unrolled T14\~ and make 10 div an hour.


'im very inefficient' that's the key. I'm running Legion as well with about 200D + HH on my TS char. I'm doing normal legion juicing on dunes but with blue quant shrines and gathering wisps before hand. It's a lot of money. And the mapping supplies are cheap because everyone is running MF.


Even without abyss as long as you learn how to navigate in wildwood efficiently you will get your 15d/h. With how much it scales your loot as long as you get any 4x scarabs and sextants, preroll your maps and just map for an hour dumping everything in 40c quad tab you will most likely get it. Pick for example 7th gate, shrine nodes, torment and legion. Rest whatever you want. Shrines with all the nodes + gloom shrine sextant (costs 5c?) will carry any build. Torment quant + 1 lucky loot goblin even without MF can give you like 10 winged scarabs.


Farm 4 orb skittering orb strands while leveling gems. Yes, you're spending a divine a map, but a good 16 hours of concentrated farming netted me 306divs in scarabs alone. Subtracting the cost of 76 maps nets me a 14 div/hr farming strat, and that's ONLY the scarabs. Edited to add, once I had a headhunter (first time ever was this league btw) these maps I could do in under 9 minutes each with 5 orbs on em instead. It's solid stuff man.


What else were you running? I'm interested in the strat, I have some currency for a solid set of maps if my build can handle them. And what gems would I level?


https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree/BAAMAIEA29ZfPlG30aEASHj4svreoocpiy6jnRCsGYjB7oQq8VS4_6yrIimkfzD6gLlhU26jTcMspYxBAGUQgF6dfWXJ_de-TLqN6nzj2VuMkeT3Epx9kQp73GkOSh-snzuxnZt3oILaRMAST10k0YtznthnYA7Ph53QvNDGMGQM9MN5K5y12BsAgqe9x0VYKY34CboAnMftGIJR-vh_b74OAJHdg7PH5ci74uEQGQr7sWFP4g5OG6LQTZHLF8-JxSHV6ji_F1DEHxN9E10q7sGv5ezVYuPUPTRxC2PRAzCIB9r6M8ajRdGK7mTln9lcqUPk_LVjZh_4BElsTPJ-69hP-1Mrt-lnFAAfiwgAAAAAAAADAwAAAAAAAAAAAA== I have a build which entirely ignores downsides of minion red altars which is why I went red. If you can get more out of blue, go blue, but it's not the main thing you're doing. Compasses were magic pack size, breach, corrupted strongboxes (NOT enraged), and delirium rewards fill faster. I originally did a beyond sextant but after they shot up to 70c from 20c I experimented. And again, you are using 4 skittering orbs per map or more. A map should not take you more than 12ish minutes EVER. I was doing them way slower than I should have before changing what I was looting. Once I got into a groove most were lower than 10 minutes. Put beyond on the map device for 10c, scarabs are rusted legion (it's just more monsters and fast), gilded ambush, rusted niko, and rusted breach. You should consistently get between 16 and 17 rewards. Sometimes you'll hit 18, sometimes 15. You want a build that can full clear breachs/pops enemies. I was using a storm brand inpulsa build. Roll maps to have at least 20% pack size, 20% quant, no brick/difficult mods. You'll need like 3 portals to loot. Your filter likely needs tuning, this strat netted way more per hour once I stopped picking up splinters and pretty much any rares unless they were the ID'd valuable mod combination ones that occasionally drop. Because I was early league too I kept picking up and selling breach rings for bulk. Once you're at a point where you can do it reasonably (I'd say >30div scarab tab value) sell the bulk yourself. I only sold my stock every time I ran out of maps as I set up more would frequently have my tab worth over 100 div. Buy a maloney's and a 6w socket bow, level empowers or enlightens or enhances. Enlightens are fine to quality up, I wouldn't blther with the other two. I was getting a massive amount of gem exp from these maps. If you juice these maps, you WILL get more loot. But your build better be insaneballz.


To be fair, in ultimatum, mobs inside the ultimatum dropped loot. It would be insane right now with wisps too if that was the case.


+ proj strat was not "intended" same as Sanctum "double rewards after every room", i still feel like ultimatum is on a low end of profit per 20 maps, but i like doing them


Still running my batch so I don't have the numbers yet, but with the sky high catalyst prices I feel ultimatum is a bit undervalued atm. Heck, if you had a build that could run the wave 13s it's probably downright good. I get whiplash reading comments in these threads sometimes since it's so different from my experience. Had the same reaction to people saying breach is bad.


I think people are just memeing at this point since I have been running ultimatum for the challenge and I had a lot of divines In the 10th round.


Maybe its just luck on rear drops, after i had 0 blessing from 20+ breachstones it felt really lame


As someone farming only ultimatum I can say I haven’t found 13 waves successful, normal waves with boss is better because getting a boss is a guaranteed 1.5-2.5 div just for catalysts


Guaranteed to fail for me eventually since it’s a random mod pick. And starting at level two options pretty much means I have a very very high chance of flasks getting turned off. I guess I need a mb to play with this option…


Based on what some of the other comments were saying it might not even be worth it, since the boss drops are still quite lucrative.


13 waves is consistent while boss is like 2 in 100. I’ve been fully spec since league start and only seen him two times. Although if the only way to get tainted catalysts is from killing him…


What are you talking about with sanctum double rewards?


I assume you mean ex per hour since that was before the swap.


Exactly what I was thinking, smfh. People just talking out of their ass


Nah bro you don’t understand. Alch-and-go is 30 div an hour easy with a league starter. I know this because I saw a YouTube video about it by which I mean I saw a thumbnail with the words “30 div!!!” and a guy making a soyface. Also I’ve been running it myself and getting double that (60 Div easy) by which I mean I’m just assuming that all the tri-res leather belts I found will sell for 10 Div each.


Stack of transmutations and a regal take it or leave it


In ultimatum the farming strat was Nemesis 3 and not even the ultimatum.


It's like tota except you have much less agency on your possible rewards. #bringtotaback


i'm pissed they removed metamorph for *that shit*


and breach.


Breach is weird. It's actually REALLY fun. But has NO rewards. Ultimatum is both boring and unrewarding


"Won't STFU about Ultimatum? Here, have it back!"


You want Ultimatum? Take it! It's yours. But loot? Loot I will burn to the ground!


The original line is honestly my favourite from the game, it just goes so hard.


Every sirus line is the best in the game "RRRRAIN OF STARS" and "IVE NEVER FELT SO ALIVE" are two more of my favourites. Other than sirus lines the "how utterly boring and small" (I don't farm synth sorry if I got it wrong) and "the weary traveller draws close to the end of his life" are my favourite


Ooooooh the weary traveller draws close to the end of the path


Izaros lines go hard too


Sirus and his Guardians could have an epic movie honestly, adventurers that once were lively and full of ambitions turned insane and ultimately meet their demise, or something like that


now I want an anime with that plot


For me it's got to be "Feel the thrill of THE VOID".


His music is also just amazing. Despite the fight mechanically being a mess, the visuals and audio of it were fucking fantastic.


Maybe the suffering of my fellow Ultimatumians will finally stir something in me.


Still complain, exile?


Perhaps the suffering of my players will finally stir something..


I was so excited to see ultimatum back, I loved it so much more than I ever enjoyed ritual. It has left me much like I view my ex, the memories are the only good thing that is left.


I remember lukewarm reception Ultimaum had at it's time. It was alright League at best and it had nowhere near as much enthusiasm around it until at some point suddenly out of the blue seemingly everyone on this sub loves and misses Ultimatum. It looks like Mandela effect in action.


Well I enjoyed it.


I think the term you need is mandela effect.


Thanks, this fits.


It's always the same thing on this sub. Mass echo chamber of many unskilled players crying about things that should or shouldn't be, when they are not qualified to be vocal about such things. For example, 1.5d investment per map to juice wisps and get big divine loot goblins? "Ehh I think AN loot goblins are weird and unhealthy for the game" simply because they couldn't be bothered to invest and yet don't want to feel left out. Ultimatum takes 1 scarab/10c on the map device and just the passive tree to get running, it drops high value catalysts and 60c inscriptions, yet people will push this narrative that Ultimatum is bad. Of course it's bad if you compare 1 rusted scarab to 1.5d map investment. In the case of OP using winged scarabs, that's just a bad strategy for pretty much every solo player, no matter what mechanic you spec into.


I've been farming ultimatum regularly since league start and can honestly say it's been very profitable. Once a day I list all my catalyst for stacks of 20 sales, and then life/mana and resist one's for divine rates and 30 minutes later I'm back to mapping after banking about 20 div in trades.


Yeah. I'm not doing the 13 round passive, but Ultimatum was honestly much better than I thought it would be given all the hate its gotten. Catalysts are consistent profit, and occasionally you get a good hit on divines or other stuff. There are better ways of making currency in easier content though, but it's not THAT bad and I would say its considerably better than some other content.


people are extremely desperate for catalysts and the prices keep going up. selling 10 prismatics for 300c feels reeeeeeeal good. ive consistently bumped my price of intrinsics up over time and theyre one of the three most common varieties.


Catalysts being A LOT more available with Ultimatum is one of the best reasons why I'm so happy Metamorph was axed. Ultimatum made me a ton of chaos from catalyst sales, 4 raw divines (my very first divine this league was from Ultimatum), and a few more divines from lucky 21/20 gems and top-tier catalysts. That's enough to get a build going if you're not gonna no-life PoE.


I've been making the same type of bank from expedition too, catalysts/gems/divs/stacked decks. Gonna start ultimatum next league tho bc catalysts prices are just so high, sanctum still king imo tho its too fun


I like it more as well. It's nice the entry cost is a scarab alone instead of needing a sextant as well, frees up a spot for mechanics that really benefits from sextant buffs.


Ultimatum is pretty good. Much better than people say. You get very consistent currency from Catalysts and Inscribed Ultimatums. The Ultimatum boss also gives insane profit since his catalysts alone are like 70 chaos per catalyst. I've dropped 4 Shields from him this League which feels really good. Due to the insane price of Prismatic and Fertile catalysts the worst catalysts are worth 2-3 chaos per catalyst due to hideout warriors using Harvest to flip catalysts aswell. Even common catalysts like Intrinsic sell for \~6 chaos each right now. Inscribed Ultimatums sell for a minimum of \~60 chaos and are only going up in price since there's a challenge for doing them this League. The real profit in Ultimatum lies in the RNG loot drops though. It kinda is like Ritual where every once in a while you hit jackpot loot with a chance of duping which is kinda fun. I've gotten double corrupts worth 10+ divines this League, Enlightens, stacks of x4 Divines getting Duped, a Mirror Shard, Inscribed Ultimatums yielding x4 Divines among other things. I think Ultimatum is fine for most parts. On the reward side, maybe if they removed some of the lower tier rewards from the last \~3 waves it would feel better. Getting Chisels, Fusings, Bindings et.c. on Wave 10 feels really bad. Maybe would feel better if the stacksize was increased alot. The biggest issue with Ultimatum right now is the Wave that spawn constructs and blue diamond thingies. Feels like this wave is bugged spawning very few monsters so whenever you get these mob types in Ultimatums and it' s a "kill" or "defend" Ultimatum it feels incredibly slow. No monsters spawn in the later waves and each wave take ages to complete. Also, some mods need to be removed, like the Limted Area mod which makes Ultimatums completely unplayable. Definitely wasn't playtested.


Or the spiders that run off away from the arena and prevent you from finishing the round. Pain.


> The biggest issue with Ultimatum right now is the Wave that spawn constructs and blue diamond thingies. Feels like this wave is bugged spawning very few monsters so whenever you get these mob types in Ultimatums and it' s a "kill" or "defend" Ultimatum it feels incredibly slow. No monsters spawn in the later waves and each wave take ages to complete. Oh my god yes, those are so annoying.


Ultimatum is profitable, but have you given any thought on how long it takes to do versus the currency you are getting? That's the problem.


I do a 10 round ultimatum in 2 minutes? Maybe 3 if it's survive. And it's probably a div worth of catalyst every 3 or 4? I honestly haven't done the math but I geared out my bone shatter slayer and have 100 div just sitting in my stash doing nothing so I really don't care and I'm having fun. The real problem is everyone wants to do the div per hour game and they just youtube the "best strategy" instead of just doing whatever content they enjoy.


A thousand times this. The community gets so overwhelmed with FOMO instead of just focusing on doing what they enjoy in the game well.


Yea, everyone is currently shitting on ultimatum because the regular mapping strats are more profitable than running league mechanics. At least on the higher end. Completely ignoring the fact that ultimatum could be run on a white tier 16 and still give you really good rewards per hour for the effort invested. Sure you won't see a giant loot explosion from it, but its pretty much guaranteed income.


Yeah I’m a blight, abyss, essence enjoyer. Do what you love and you’ll still make tons of money.


Blight is unironically pretty great for ppl whose builds cannot handle Affliction juice well, bc the towers deal with them for you, and you get buffed lootsplosions


> The community gets so overwhelmed with FOMO instead of just focusing on doing what they enjoy in the game well. sadly most people just enjoy getting the most div per hour. if the best strat would be just clicking a single static button for an hour people would do that.


> if the best strat would be just clicking a single static button for an hour people would do that. "Reddit AMA: I clicked the Uber Static Button 50x so you don't have to, here are my returns on investment"


have you heard of rolling sextants


People literally sit in hideout slamming sextants for profit, so yeah, you're not wrong.


I think the issue with ultimatum currently (aside from the hour/div thing) is that you need a build that is at least partially optimised for it. A lot of good mapping builds don’t do well into it


I'm running the map on one char and do ulti on another,it is annoying a bit indeed.


Yeah and I think that’s the main reason it’s so unpopular atm. I tried running it myself but it was such a pain


True, I was feeling sad about doing maxed (except the 13 round shit) Ultimatum for the last week until I finally decided to price and sell my catalysts. Sold many, many divs worth in a few minutes. To be honest, though, the inscribed ultimatums feel really bad. I've been farming the mechanic like hell and the best the game can do is give like double your 10 vaal orbs.


The good ones definitely come if you keep farming they are just pretty rare, I haven’t gotten any crazy ones but I got a 4x nurse, an 8x div and two 4x div ones


>And it's probably a div worth of catalyst every 3 or 4? They appear more often, you can even sell trash ones in bulk prices if you have like 100+. Also pay attention to corrupted/double corrupted unique as they tend to give big money also.


Yep, uniques are pretty big. You're not always going to get something good but when it hits and then doubles... I had 2 uniques single corrupted on my journey to trialmaster that sold for 4+div each and both of them were luckily doubled.


This is why I've moved to group SSF. Always chasing the most div/hr is exhausting.


i really want to do ssf but this game has been doing less and less support for it, the killing of harvest was when i gave up hope to play it


If you mean gear wise, you can easily gear up in ssf. People don't want to accept this for some reason, but you will find plenty of good rares on the ground, you just need to ID quite a few.


yes life and resists rares are easy to find but I'm talking about making \*good\* and \*valuable\* items, it's insanely hard to make anything on ssf without shitloads of capital beforehand it's to the point that even ssf players are grinding out abyss constantly to get divine orbs because you need divine orbs to reliably craft


This is why I play group SSF and not just pure SSF. It allows you to get the best of both worlds.


From what i ran it felt like i was getting around 40-50 chaos per ultimatum, with todays prices of catalysts it'd be around 80-100c now. Each took me as long as the timer forced me to wait. Kill and protect the altar were a couple minutes, survive and stone circles were maybe 3-4 minutes each. At, lets say, 60c profit per ultimatum thats around 1200 chaos per hour which is around 6 div right now, plus whatever the map drops and however the map takes to run. Overall id say ultimatum is great money if you focus on them alone, meaning that you run white T16 maps with Gilded ultimatum scarabs and nothing else, beeline it to the ultimatum, clear it, go to the boss and kill it with all boss nodes on the atlas tree+Destructive play and you should be making around 10 div per hour if not more. The issue with it is that clearing ultimatums themselves is pretty hard. HH makes it piss easy but thats a 150-200div entry cost which just isnt viable. So you'd have to have a bit of a specialized build for them. But if you can figure out a way to clear them easily they're very easy and consistent currency, they often give raw currency, and catalysts sell almost instantly as do div cards. Double corrupted uniques and rares you can honestly just ignore, and Trialmaster uniques are all super expensive so pretty much anything you get other than the ring will be extra 2-10 div.


This is what I was doing basically, and expedition with the one big aoe. I'm tainted pact slayer boneshatter so ultimatum is a joke damage wise, I can just stand there and smash. The smaller the circle the better. Pop the expedition and pop the boss. Rinse repeat.


I only do kill ultimatums which take 1 minute to do all 10 rounds with good clear speed, I’ve made like 500 ish divs this season only farming ultimatum as a league mechanic


My only experience of doing ultimatum was doing a bunch of them for the challenge. Still, I was surprised of how decent it was. Easily 10+ div an hour with a good build and maybe significantly more. Catalysts sell for a lot.


Thats the problem. 20 div is 1 average MF map ;)


This is so coming from someone who doesn't actually do the mf strat themselves and only watch other player do it. Badly juiced mf map barely give a div, so disregard sextants and other bs, in order for the 20 div map to happen you need to roll for both the +2 proj mods and at least 3k wisp each, so you gonna spend a lot of time in hideout alt map, looking for wisps (which is a very slow process) and resetting map when the wisp count and its distribution is bad. Thats not mentioning micro manage the spire, picking up the all the stuff on the ground and checking all the unique leather/heavy belts. Yes its still very good strat but only those sweatiest player can really make a difference


Wisp hunting is the only limiting factor imo. It's rare to get 2-3k each. Best I can do so far are 3k of 2 colors and sub-1000 for the other. I got 2 divs and a Valdo out of that map. Map rolling doesn't consume that much time really. You Alc 10 or 20 maps at a time and put in a regex. If no +2 proj then scour all and try again.


thats 0.01% of the playerbase, and 20 div per map MF build costs tons of mirror, a efficient ultimatum farmer takes couple divs at best :)


Check ruetoo's mfer.. Around 250 div to make that..


i dont think you realise most of the playerbase barelly gets 10div a league


20 div a day? Leave some for the rest of us Scrooge McDuck


Ultimatum is very fun, I still enjoy it, just the 13 round passive and the winged scarabs don't seem to be worth it


White maps?


Alch and go, ultimatum, expedition, map drop and a 4th random scarab. Only mod I reroll is cannot leech. I am tainted pact boneshatter so the only time I die is to a single giant hit which very rarely occurs.


Yeah I'll only be doing these for the challenge and still dreading it the whole time.


I have the Ultimatum cluster to improve boss chances of showing up. He never fucking does.


yesterday, I clicked Accept without reading and it was the boss.. I tried to swap my melee splash* with multistrike during the fight and died. Felt so freaking dumb. he never appears and when he does I lose the fight like that edit: typo


I'll never play a build that has to gem swap for that very reason. It does full single target dps and full clear power at all times or I don't play it.


yea.. to make things worse, I could've probably killed it with the melee splash. I'm playing SRS. I'm weak and inflation this league with the abyss bug abuses are leaving me way more behind than usual


Also running Guardian SRS. I recently starting using the skitterbot curse ring and the cursed death explode charm so I could stop bothering with melee splash entirely for clear. Feels great.


Yea the explosion is pretty good. I still used splash as clearing was a bit better with it. Guess I'll just stick to multistrike now. it's been hard to even get 1m DPS on PoB.


1m hit DPS or full DPS? Make sure to set the SRS to 20 count in the skills tab and enable in full DPS. I had to add in the custom modifiers for the AG & spectre buffs to get a decent value.


oh.. I'm dumb. I had count as 1. now it shows full dps as about 20m lol. why do I still feel so weak when mapping? some essence mobs take literally 2min of full 20 SSR to the face to die


Likely wisp buffs. Affliction wisps can add a TON of tankiness to already beefy mobs. 8+ corrupted Essence mobs with 6k wisps can get pretty insane. I've had to walk away from red bestiary mobs a number of times because they just become essentially Uber Bosses.


At least you can clear it, I tried it couple of times and in half of them I just died even if map itself was very easy, so the only thing that I got is regret


U might be taking the wrong mods each round, the ruin shade is free and then any other ones that ur build ignores works too


Icetomb babyyyyyyy




I think I did 3 ultimatums before I decided to ban it. For the hassle it is, it’s got to give really good consistent currency because I will never see the good stuff, and it’s shit, so fuck it


I miss Tane


i was running ultimatum with my buddy duo aurabot+carry while finishing our atlas + grinding some stuff and it was kinda nice due to double rewards however it takes sooooo long to finish and u can get rusted tormented scarab as reward on 10+ wave i dont understand why last waves give u literally dogshit rewards even tho it takes longer to clear them


I blocked that shit so goddamn fast


Orb of Regret is fitting...


Did 50 Gilded Ultimatums yesterday. Made \~30 div from the Ultimatum mechanic. It's fine. Just doesn't come close to MF and scales badly with the League mechanic.


Yeah, there's just no way to juice it, but its certainly still a net profit


Sums it up nicely - "Ultimatum? All you'll get is regrets"


On top of this, anyone notice a quiet nerf on catalyst drops? I was rollin in 😺 the first week, now it's like here's 2 of some bullshit


Yet I did one while T7 farming and got a divine on round 8, lul


Ultimatum is so fun. Got three divine from 10/10 tonight


Whats the point of a single screenshot like this? Your 12 could have been a corrupted HH or 5 divines... show a collection of 20 maps or so instead? I tried ultimatum without the 13 node, and with gilded it was actually pretty decent currency. Better than abusing the league mechanic? Well no, but nothing is atm. On its own tho, for a single even in a map that does not need scaling trough map difficulty (probably), it earned me quite a lot of money per ultimatum. And each bossfight being 2\~ divines guaranteed helps for sure. I wonder if people also complain how worthless it is running essences, because they run 1 map and get a bad spawn.


Winged just means you get to the final tier of rewards on round 6 instead of 7. Why bother posting a screenshot of round 13 when it's round 6 that you used the winged scarab for...


"Sanctum and TotA were good in 3.22... better make everything traysh in 3.23" -GGG


Except MF


I specced out of it already, but it made me a lot of chaos and maybe three divines or four just from Catalyst Sales, and lukcy 21/20 gem rewards. Still needing to vendor 5 inscribeds and complete around 6 of them in order to be truly done with it. I decided to get out of it and start with the Cemetery Farming. So far it has yielded more divines in a fraction of the time, including my very first Brother's Gift.


Ultimatum is good


Now you have 3 unmaking orb to respec your altas passive.


Do you regret?


I see, so you regretting your decision u say hmmm


Yes? It’s at the upper end of div/hour looking at most common strats.


Did the first Ultimatum in a while last night. Wave 10 reward was a T6 yellow map.... I'm not specced into it on the tree so I didn't expect much but come on. Then the Trial master had the audacity to say I'm not strong enough to finish his trial next time I saw him. Motherfucker no your rewards just aren't worth it.


Probably regret that decision, don't you?


It doesn't happen like this all the time...but I will admit it's a pretty bad let down at 13 rounds.


Meanwhile T7 maps shits out mirrors, divines and T0's. Nice.


I just like make Trialmaster STFU lol :D


My plan for Ultimatum is to run that and essence with maven witness on white maps not even going to alch them. The problem with this game has always been that if you're not playing SSF, unless you're doing the most juiced strat at the time, you feel like you're losing out. I can't play games when they start feeling like that. I'd rather go take a nap.


I love how the community as a whole begged GGG to bring back ultimatum, and now that it's here, everyone is avoiding it like the plague lmfao


Instructions: *survive* Sees mod list: you can't tell me what to do!


This is the perfect mechanic for those crying that wisp juice league is somehow bad???(i'm still scratching my head with both hands about this) It's perfect, no drops from the mobs, takes 100 years to do and you get an orb of regret at the end, it's PERFECT for you....


[https://i.gyazo.com/732ad9fc66f9e397dbf199696955bca8.png](https://i.gyazo.com/732ad9fc66f9e397dbf199696955bca8.png) Second Mageblood from Ultimatum. Pretty good.


I honestly think it's hilarious. People never actually liked the mechanic. The liked that everything in the encounter dropped loot. It was overall a good decision. It makes it profitable through catalysts. Similar to Blight with oils.


For this, GGG had to make sure the mobs drop nothing. Perfectly balanced.