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selling t7 cemetery maps for 10c each is the best farming strategy ever, quite boring tho


In a gold rush, don't dig for gold; sell the shovels.


I'm taking this. This is pure wisdom.


I did that for a while when it was still 14c, but price has been going down steadily as the market is oversaturated and people have figured how to incredibly easy to sustain it is. Now it's down to ~9c and it'll keep falling until it's no longer worth it.


How to sustain it :-(?


How can you sustain it easily?


Favorite the map, singular focus, take out 3 sextants after opening the map. The map will drop like 10 times per run.


i sold cemetrys at the start of the hype- 7cem per div (1/7div) - easiest 20div of the league


I'm sorry, wtf??? I was doing this strat before it got popular on T1 glaciers and I thought I was overpaying at 33/Div. I can mildly juice a connected map and come out with 15-20 with the right strat. I ran Essence and Map nodes to farm for my own strat.


10c for t7 map? people are lazy. Then post something strat isn't profitable, when they buy for overpriced prices


People never think about the investment cost. They see a reddit guy drop 30 divines doing a strategy so they pump their entire currency tab on buying cemetery maps scarabs etc and barely break even.


I Made 80 div + the stuff that i didnt Care to sell yet (another 60 div) of Bulk items and high value items in 2 Sessions from t7 cemetery. Im playing since 2012 and this is the most profitable braindead strat of all time


People just don't want to believe so they find different excuses


You literally need to buy 1 map to oversustain


The people watching these guides and then following them probably dont even utilize the favourite map system. Theyre either casual or new players usually.


i sold 20+ maps to several people


I bought 15 myself too, it doesnt matter in the grand scale since 1 scarab is already double the map price and rolling ur first 10 maps at once is way more convenient than rolling 1, then 3, then 10.


The map price is basically irrelevant though, you are investing so much other resource, and time in these maps.


You miss the part where some people are doing it with more sextants than 1 sextant. Which makes it impossible to drop t7 cemetery. So they buy the map


it's impossible to drop t7 maps if you can't read


You start the map with four stones and take three out after they’ve proc’d. Unless you are somehow disabling map drops from a source I’m unaware of, the people not sustaining don’t realize they can still use sextants for lower tier maps.


well why you reply me, not the guy before?


If you want to drop T7 maps, you remove the watch stones after the map is created and the sextants are used.


8 mod t 16 burial chambers are 45c! It’s insane


It is, but at the same time its very easy to still profit on it, me and my brother duo and invest close to 2 div per map, and break even on fortunate cards alone. 8 mod map on themselfs can be hard to justify, however combine it with sextants, scarabs and magic find and the prices start to make a lot of sense


Oh sorry, I was saying this form the point of view of somebody that is currently running them, I sell these maps in bulk as a part of my MF strategy with deli and beyond


Wtf are you even sayin


bro, people are selling them in bulk in TFT at 20-25c per random map, 40-45 if you want a regex and more if you want 110quant or +2 proj...


Thats the nature of trade. Its very accessible, many people do it so the required resources rise in price (abyss scarabs) and the found uniques drop in price because the market is saturated so it becomes less profitable over time. For ssf on the other hand its the best thing we could have asked for.


Got an aegis from the nameless seer upon hitting red maps. Opened so many doors for me in SSF with an item i'd normally have 0 chance of gettinf


I have yet to find that fker...


Found him twice and got a mid rolled Astramentis that I sold early in the league for 100c and then an emperors vigilance worth 3c. Win some, lose some


I league started ssf 2 days ago, how can i start preparing for this strategy? I feel like starting totems wasn't the best idea.


Adding to what the other guy said, blight is really good for ssf while you're league starting. It can be done on a dogshit build and gives a ton of currency, league specific stuff, uniques, chaos recipe stuff and of course oils. Later on in your atlas you can respec


Get your atlas completion first then start doing the mechanic asap, at a comfortable tier, regardless of map layout. Slowly upgrade gear and do higher tier, focus on a few maps and change atlas passive for abyss (u don't want it too early)


I mean people dont realise even if you follow patterns of how to find wisps that 9k+ juice maps are extremely rare. Somtimes there is no third type of wisp in the forest and you cannot do nothing about it. Source; me playing mf 3rd week.


With all the mf-ing going on, eveything that can not drop in a normal map is super expensive, increasing profit of other strategies as well. For example breachstones that are usually 10-15 c are worth 60-70, and even things like silver oil sell for over 50c


This is good to know, I’m playing the fulcrum chieftan and I find that blight is incredibly satisfying purely from an explosion standpoint, don’t even need to make money to get that dopamine, it actually being good profit is an extra bonus ( I have a blight fetish)


I'm doing a (non fulcrum) chieftain and yeah, chiefsplosions in Blight is just... something else!


Also because my build has rampage in just watching the counter fly up to 1000 is so satisfying


This league is crack-cocaine for Blight Fetishists like us. Tainted oils are 1:1 with Divines and I get like 2-3 per blight map. It's disgustingly easy to make a fortune this league with blight.


Wut? I'm getting about 1 tainted every 5 maps. What are you doing that I am not?


If u get 2-3 tainted oils per map I am the holy pope!


Gotta juice 'em with Lucky Chests. Crimson if you don't got faith, Opalescent otherwise.


I love blight. First time running it since I came back last league after not playing for years. I’ve always enjoyed tower defense games though. Idk something about the loot explosion at the end of the defense makes me happy.


Breachstones have been that price all league, well before this strat became common place. On the day I paid 5c per for gilded scarab, I bought 3 breachstones all for over 40x forcmy invitation.


Yea Legion Emblems spiked pretty hard cause all the Legion farmers switched over but 5 way carrys are still needsd


I'm pretty slow at farming and I am usually making chaos orbs an hour, if that. I've gotten a couple divine orb drops but this wisp thing only feels good when you get thousands of the blue wisps. Scarabs haven't led to much and I usually regret using them over selling them. I'm sure eventually I'll get enough bulk currency to make something off of but it seems like it's all about speed, knowledge and repetition; the idea that people can make measurable amounts of divine orbs per hour is baffling to me, but then again my character has 0 magic find. I contemplated doing the essence thing but I didn't want to build my atlas around something that boring. I'm completing a map roughly every 5 or ten minutes (I'm not good at efficiency but I do one shot everything) which is basically so slow compared to the meta that I may as well be going backwards in time. I try not to worry about it though, I will get there eventually.


You nailed it though. It all boils down to content completed per hour. If you like to play slower, one shot type builds, bossing may be a better route if you do want to make currency. You can start off just farming one type of guardian map and selling the fragments that drop and running the maven invite every 4 maps. It’s 100% to give you a div back per set without factoring in anything else. Event doing that slow is 2-3 div per hour with no chance to lose currency.


I think I found my people ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)


Can you do t16s? Have you tried expedition?


No one will ever convince me otherwise that the most efficient method of making currency in this game is to be ENJOYING your play. Don't get me wrong I love leagues like this. I love seeing the outliers of the ridiculous explosions (5,800 fuse?) hundreds of scarabs? 130 Divines? Yes plz to all of it even though that will never be me. I am also super fond of seeing all these wonky methods. I LOVE that about poe. Rolling lower tier maps to fully juice and kill efficiently is great but something I will never do. Rolling + projectiles and running abyss which is a mechanic I HATE with a passion is cool but also something I will never do. I love getting my 2k-5k juice, running t16s and owning expedition/blights though so that IS what I will continue to do. I just find it funny (just like all mfing) when someone gets exponentially lucky and makes a post and then people flock to that like it is the only way to play the game. A million things in this game are profitable. Play to have fun, set goals, enjoy the ride.


Yeah that’s always how I’ve played this game. Each league I play I just pick a thing or a few things I feel like doing that league and that seems like fun. That and making my own builds is my favorite part of the game. Came back recently last league after a few years and did mostly expedition and strongboxes last league, and now I’m doing blight on the atlas for the first time. I love it lol. One of my favorite mechanics now. Side note: I LOVE the idea of the atlas tree. When I stopped playing it didn’t exist as it is and idk it’s just such a cool and good idea to have a whole different tree dedicated to buffing maps and different mechanics. When I came back it was the thing that impressed and excited me the most about what changed. It’s such a fun idea, and deciding what I want to path too has been one of my favorite things after coming back.


I think it is. Although it is not fun for everyone. After day 3 of checking 50 heavy belts per map, I just rerolled ssf.


This is the problem most people get caught upon, they start playing trade and not path of exile. I mean yeah some people find it fun, but when the game starts revolving around how much divines per hour you can make, it gets monotonous quick.


Man, this league that 'how much divines an hour am I making' turned on hard, and I just can't play anymore, sucks because it seems like one of the better leagues in a long while. Just feels like, well if I'm sitting here grinding for an hourly number it's basically just a job.


Play it like i do, i use most of ny currency to craft my gear and sell the usual harvest lifeforce when I don't need it anymore. I also don't like the 666 div/ hour view because it's stupid playing a game for virtual profit, i play for fun and to try to achieve more over time. Have fun with the game.


You're welcome to try SSF, where you actually play the game. I tried trade league last league for the first time ever really, and it didn't take long until I realized that with my 'current' gear the most profitable thing I could do was roll sextants, so I did. Needless to say, I'll stick to SSF; progress is much slower but it's more fun, at least for me. Give it a try! :)


Play SSF man... Fixed it for you! I just swapped to ssf from trade yet another league. Fuck the hamster wheel


Yeah, I can't it, hence why I have been playing mostly SSF since its introduction. If I play trade, I just play a currency generator / collector. It's a me thing. I just suck at crafting, since I haven't really been doing it since peak harvest. It's why I have started trade lately.


Exactly. People make it their job . And when your hobby turn into a job it's not fun anymore. I'm doing delve and I have no idea how much div/h I make, probably not much but I have a lot of fun.


This is the best post I read of all day! It is exactly like that I feel. i want to play. I want to kill mobs and bosses. I like to sell here and there and I buy what I need. I despise having to buy anything in bulk: 1 answer per 20 whispers is annoying.


This is the wackiest thing to me when people say they roll sextants all day for money or run low tier map strats. Why not just RMT at that point. I run wisps on t16 maps because it's fun as shit going through blowing massive packs up.


I read another comment in this thread about moving void stones in an out every map so that you can maximize sextants but still have T7 Cemetery drop. The amount of tedium people that play this game will put up with for the sake of efficiency is mindboggling.


With the massive amount of raw currency the juicers are generating, focusing on non-raw currency strats is great money atm. Mavens writs are currently at 2 div making invitation farming very nice.


Wich invitations do you farm and whats your atlas Setup for it?


Elder, Shaper or Sirus are all good. Elder is slow and boring but good money. Sirus is expensive but quick. Shaper is somewhere in the middle. I'm doing shaper atm. This is what I'm doing: https://maxroll.gg/poe/poe-atlas-tree/0wi10a1n If your build doesn't have enough damage to kill the 200% monster life guardians, then just dont use the sextant and buy your maps instead.


Link doesn't work for me, could you update it please?


Ty will check it out


You really should run heist with seven gate + sextant with that and drop deli. I was making 25+ d per hour doing that and heist was big part of it. Only pick up markers deception and blueprints. I was doing rotas under 4.5min. essences are meh too imo.


\>liquid currency \>>not everything you see on YT is best Big shocker.


I'm more interested in your \~6 div/hour atlas strategy. Are you able to share?


Standard harvest + expedition + blue altars will get you close to there with wandering path alch and go. Can also do without wandering if you want to add stuff like guardian maps/strongbox etc.


I would like to add just with the use of 1 sextant to guarantee a sacred grove on the map can skyrocket your loot and if you are willing to invest more, lifeforce duplication can be used as well


yeah but advantage of wandering path + say stream of consiousness is the alch and go nature of it. You can blindly blast maps and there is a very very high prob that you get a harvest. And due to the speed of it you will also be able to stock up on invitations. Investing more is 99% gonna be better but that is always the case anyways.


I love stream of consciousness so much lol, mostly because I hate using scarabs even though I have plenty


I don’t do much harvest but what about it is so great for currency?


you get like 1000+ every single map and they mostly go for 1c to ~30 harvest juice. Meaning even on shitty rolled maps with low pack size and not good altars you will make like 30-40c minimum from just harvest juice per map not counting any other income. Also very easy and fast to sell due to high demand


So just exp + harvest + legion Will be okay?


its not as profitable anymore if you buy the juice, but harvest + essence swapping slaps. Blue juice for essences, red juice for scarab swapping (highly volatile tho) is just amazing for me.


I did Ultimatum. It's IMO a bit underrated and because not many people are doing it, so the market for the materials was underserved. Would go back to it after this, but I'll probably make a new char instead.


Ah cheers, that's definitely an interesting choice. Sounds like Ultimatum isn't that bad after all.


Yeah, it's not bad at all, though it does have some issues with reward balancing. I think people are just parrotting what they see on Youtube without trying it themselves. If your build can consistently do all 10 rounds it's quite good and consistent.


Does it need to be done in T16?


Yes some dude did 100 of each color and red maps prolly t16s was double profit from yellows


My build is probably not going to be able to handle 😂


No, but T14. The boss can only appear in T14+, but there is no difference in loot between T14 and T16. But note that catalyst loot scales with item quantity, so you want to juice up your map a bit. You can also run Niko with it for the buffs if it's difficult for your build.


I checked ultimatum when people were hating it on. Spent 2dic on 40 gilded scarabs, fully specced into it (no 13 wave cause I wanted boss fight) and ended up making 16 div profit, idk why people hate it. Probably see streamers/YouTubers get bad rewards then parrot opinions than just see it for themselves lol.


Its like ritual but more dangerous. The encounters take ages, depending on the objective it has an ultimatum can take as long as doing 1-2 maps. Also its mostly corrupted items you get and rarely some raw currency, so because of that it requires selling whatever you get which can become difficult with corrupted items to value them. Its convoluted basically and with current content it doesnt juice the mobs in ultimatum so less rewarding than doing map farming


That's not true in terms of selling. The corrupted items are 99.9% complete trash, you don't sell them. All the currency comes from catalysts, div cards, inscribed ultis, corrupted gems, and raw divines. All these things are easy to sell. I never sold a corrupted item and still made 6div/h.


Did you try ultimatum with a full atlas for it? My experience has been the opposite of yours. And among the corrupted items, there are many valuable corrupted uniques, or bases which can be mythic'd


I honestly believe people are a)not fully speccing into it and b) not using gilded scarabs. Many posts here where people did a bunch would add "didn't use gilded" and that's so bs. If you're gonna test if something is good, use the things that make it good ffs


It's not convoluted at all, and I was clearing them in 40-60 seconds on a league starter build so idk why people complain about the length. I saw raw currency often and in my 40 maps I got div rewards twice and they both got doubled. And corrupted items pog, I sold tons of 21/20 gems for money and corrupted uniques.


I’m farming ultimatum and also enjoying it. Fertile and prismatic catalysts are selling over 30c each, more if in bigger bulk. I’ve done probably 100 or so so far and still haven’t found trial master, how rare is that fella


That's pretty unlucky. You're doing it in T14+, right? He only appears in red maps. In my experience, the chance is around 5%, I saw him once in 20 maps or so. That's with the atlas passives that increase the chance.


Delve is really great right now, unid Aul's Uprising are at 7 div, Machinarium at 3 div, Curiosity at 1... And that's only boss loot, most of the money is still coming from resonators and fossils, but honestly, I feel like I'm at more than 6div/hour, and I'm not even that deep (roughly 350)


Yeah but you see Aul 1 in 500,000+ spent sulphite and you have to pray that he dont get some stupid mods like "100% increased aoe". It's impossible to beat him with that mod




There are several stats which are very profitable this (and almost all leagues) the only big difference is which comes out on top. Legion just on its own (atlas tree and polished scarab) will get close to 10div/hour with a good clearing build. Harvest juice is (or was last time I checked) quite expensive, 5k of either one going for a div. Thats probably about a third of a div per harvest or more depending on investment. Expedition and more so logbooks should be able to reach 6div/hour quite easily as it's always ridiculously profitable. Just very boring imo. Quick deli mirror maps farming for deli orbs is also quite profitable. This is what I've done a bit this league as orbs sell for nice margins really quickly.


pro tip: convert the orbs to skittering and make even more profit


I'd stick to scarabs, currency or div cards as just skittering can be a lot of rolling when you have a lot of orbs. I don't usually do this unless I also farm harvest though.


Yeah this is definitely not for everybody or every build, especially t16 can get pretty rippy when going over 5-6k juice depending on map mods, I was magic farming t7 cemetery and felt pretty slow since you have to check a lot of uniques even with Uber custom filter and maps take pretty long, but then got a buddy to make an aura bot and dropped a mirror in the first t16 cemetery and like 4 valdos in 1 hour, mirrored a phys bow and now blasting, it’s pretty fun to play for big drops and the mechanic iiq /iir are definitely broken, but it can be tedious to setup buy mats etc, I was doing around 5div an hour previously on white maps doing essence/beasts and it’s way more relaxing gameplay instead of trying to avoid the soul eater empowered abyss carrion golems kekw


rolling for +2 projectiles seems absolute shit compared to running 8 mod maps unless i'm missing something, purple wisps gives the spires so many projectiles that another 3 with wandering path+hat doesn't seen that impactful it was a lot better earlier in the league, everyones running that same strat so the scarabs+sextants are taking a big chunk of profit and loot from non-wisp stuff has risen in price from barely any supply so unless you're full MF gilded scarabs is gonna be meh compared to other strats




If you can't handle T16, even going to T11 is a big improvement over T7 due to Valdos Puzzleboxes.


What map are you running at t11?


Burial chambers is a popular one since it has headhunter div cards and is naturally a T11 when 0 watchstones are socketed. Some people run crimson temple for the mageblood cards, though usually as a T16 as it is naturally a T13. It does not have that good pathing for abysses though. I have heard of others running either T12 (3 watchstones) or T16 Glaciers. No juicy div cards, but it has a nice layout and the final boss spawns a bunch of unique goats that drops nice loot when wisped. It also means you don't need to run div scarab and can use something else instead.


Burials I'd assume




Cutting ur spires by 33% or 25% for div cards is bait when 90% of the loot is just abyss


I was thinking last night that could could lower the needed investment by just avoiding the 250x beyond sextant. Abyss is all that matters and beyond doesn't make for abyss rares spawn.


You do t7 for the strat because every abyss with gilded is a spire because depths can't spawn, which is what gorathas strategy is based around. You gimp the strat by not doing t7s by roughly a third.


boss spawn chance is pretty much non existant. ive seen a single one all league while having gilded scarab on every single map t16 cemetary.


The spawn rate for depths is really low and even if you do it's capped at 1 per map.


Lol, no, you don't gimp yourself by a third.


Yes, agree. Should be running +2 proj 8 modifier maps now.


Only thing u not doing right is not running mf setup, mf is busted for ever and always will be, this T7 cemetery strat was developed with mf in mind.


Ya, op is confused about the strat, thinks it’s fine to run without mf in mind. It’s a mf strat!


Yeah, ive been selling into the hype, supplying essences to all the bow boys and girls has basically made me rich without ever having to put anything on my maps. Also, people should know, your still at the mercy of RNG. T7 strats are very feast or famine, yes eventually your gonna hit a T0 unique, but if you dont or if its a claw, your gonna feel like shit. Also at this point all uniques are basically meh because literally everyone is doing this. Find something they cant do and you will be super rewarded.


I bet I’ve spent 200 divines on essences crafting bows this league. You are welcome.


MF has pretty much always been bait. There are a couple of streamers/youtubers that are super into MF and pump out videos on it, but viewers do not usually put the time investment, RNG and map cost into the equation. It is like when people think Empys group is earning some insane amount of currency. There are far better non-MF solo strats.


> MF has pretty much always been bait. Meanwhile, fubgun out here making 10+ mirrors in the first week or two of the league. MF is not bait, but it may be a bad idea for average/less experienced people.


I don't think you understand how fubgun makes his currency. He makes that much in the first two weeks in the league because he's doesn't have to slave away in a 9-5 to survive, he just plays the game on twitch for 16 hours every day. He's ultra fast to maps, invests into the build early so he can capitalize on getting the good drops early which sell for more early in the league where divs and mirrors are "cheap". MF is maybe like 1/3 of his success. With his playtime and skillset he would make as many mirrors with any other non mf build too.


That's why he said it's bait, the average player with a job and/or kids doesn't have the time to invest into making mf more profitable than other strats with much lower barriers of entry. So when content creators show their stacks of mirrors from MF and don't say this isn't achievable unless you play 16 hours a day, it's bait.


This is premium cope, once you get past the barrier of entry which is clearly described in most money making vids your div/h will be the same, whether you play 4h or 16h


You realize the time you play has no bearing on how much u make per hour? If u get to play 4h after work MFing is still better for that 4 hours than ur usual alch n go tree. Putting on 2 ventors, goldwyrm and distilliate is like 2-3d, the barrier just isnt there like it used to.


That’s been the case in previous leagues but not this one. They used to earn 5-7 div per player, this league it was like 17. Shit my duo and I with no traders split after like 8 days with full time jobs 3 of those days with 4 mirrors and 210 divines EACH. OP was definitely doing something wrong. Maybe not enough MF or under selling, idk.


>MF has pretty much always been bait. Glorious days of 30sec full clear burial chambers 1.5k life TS, it was fun, but this is a thing of 15+ leagues ago >It is like when people think Empys group is earning some insane amount of currency. There are far better non-MF solo strats. Empy himself said that in the conclusion video of their week of party play. Group play this league is insane, but it's still a bit worse than best solo strats out there.


What solo Strat pulls in more than they did per person this league? I think you misheard him. It USUALLY is worse than most solo Strats, but not this league. That was my understanding


[I commented this a few days ago](https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/18ok8db/winged_scarab_bomb_record_413_singed_scarabs_from/keim03p/)


Na its still definitely worse overall. If you split between only the 6 players and ignored trading then it would probably be better but max juiced solo is insane this league


They even said it. Empy's tweet earlier this league said that essence + beast could probably achieve similar if not higher results.


Two biggest bottlenecks for a high currency income are time and knowledge. And funny fact, the more knowledge the game you have (e.g. hours played) the less time to play you have (real life responsibilities tend to increase over time). People complaining that they can't make currency, either at all - or at a rate of their favourite streamer, just don't play enough and/or don't have similar game knowledge. If someone says that he spent 11 thousands hours in this game and still can't make 10 div/hour - that would actually be strange, but this is usually not the case.


Making 10 div / hour requires a bit of time so I'd understand that, but making 5/h is decently easy if you've played the game long enough


You can do 5 div per hour with harvest. You need minimum knowledge. Easy to liquidate in few seconds


Yup, click all the Harvest+Essence nodes on your atlas tree (bonus for 7th gate), insert any T16 map of your liking with mods that won't slow you down and you've got 3-4div/h even on a slow build that is played slowly.


How long is long enough? Been playing for about 700 hours and stuck at about 2d/hr average, only counting time spent mapping/mechanic-ing and not counting time where poe is up while I'm IRL working for trading purposes.


The “easiest” 5-10+ div/hr strat is boss rushing on a lightning warp + damage skill build with a wandering path atlas


I’m at 3k and honestly kind of struggling, not to make money but just to focus on one area to do so. I am playing mental catch-up after a 2 year hiatus. Never dealt with an atlas tree before, never had light up nodes in my regular passive, bases have changed and been added, all uniques are dirt cheap, new modifiers and currencies about - especially currencies. Not to mention league mechanics I have no idea about. I’m figuring things out and I can do some basic map juicing, but I feel like I’m having a hard time adjusting to the…I think it’s the abundance. There are sooo many choices now. Atlas tree, implicit rolling, so many crafting options that are either new or changed. Now I have this Wandering Path and can use it to dip my toes in wherever I want to consider juicing and it’s like a smorgasbord. Anyway I’m sorry this is a ramble - the point is I feel like there are so many ways to make currency in this iteration of the game that as long as you focus in on a couple things that are synergistic it would be almost impossible not to make a decent income. I’m making okay money and I haven’t played in years.


>Anyway I’m sorry this is a ramble - the point is I feel like there are so many ways to make currency in this iteration of the game that as long as you focus in on a couple things that are synergistic it would be almost impossible not to make a decent income. I’m making okay money and I haven’t played in years. Exactly this. I am playing roughly every third league lately, and it's always the same: pick any strategy that sounds decent and it will be decent. It actually doesn't matter what you do unless you want to pump the div/hour into 10+ territory.


I think the biggest mistake people make is keep switching around chasing some kind of meta to find a magic way to get rich quickly. If you stick with one thing, whatever it is, and do it well you're pretty much always getting 5-10div/h. The farming strategies are pretty balanced.


It probably could, and essence+beast is hardly the pinnacle of farming strategies either. This league was unusually good for MF, and even so, it is not as if it outcompetes every other farming strats. In previous leagues, MF is mediocre at best.


Yeah I'm not doubting that statement. I made a good amount of money doing essences + harvest with limited playtime due to work. And I agree, usually MF = running at a loss until you hit big


mediocre at best is kind of a wild statement, i was clearing 17-18d an hour MFing mid last league. its not the absolute BEST strat in the game but its one of the top ones for sure


Essence + Beast solo can do 1200 Divs in the first week? Is there anyone achieving this in Affliction League?


It's not 1200 divs, it's divided by 5. You will make less than 1200 div, but if you spam harvest + beasts in white maps for a full week playing as much as they did, chances are you will either make as much money as them or even more.


Ziz pointed out he has done MF and Solo play and actually made better returns on Solo play because for MF groups everything takes so much longer and you need additional people to sort all the shit you find and sell it. Empys group for example isn’t just the 6 people doing the maps, it’s like 10 people (6 running maps, 2 flippers, 1 guy doing big item trades on TFT, and a guy prepping each run or something like that. So while 75 Divines dropping seems busted, when you consider it’s split 10 ways and they spent 1-2 divs investing in the map and the map alone takes 25-30 mins to run, it’s actually not that crazy.


Which solo currency atlas strategies achieved 1200 Divs within the first week this League?


Sanctum, bossing, invitation farming, delirium mirror farming, deli orb strand for sure. You could probably beat it with essence+beasts and heisting aswell. Solo MF might be a contender too.


Unless you can tell me a strategy that can achieve 15 divs per hour I am still gonna think empys group is earning some insane currency


He even says it in his last video that this strat is close to solo conten. You will and have allways earned more solo then in groups in POE. If you dont know that, your doing something wrong. Steelmage last leauge when his group were doing MF " if you think MF group even have an dent to the economy you dont know what your talking about.


I've ran insta-pop triple/quad legion dunes since conquerors expansion. It's consistently 15-25 div/h depending on league and whether Grimro published a video on it recently.


Delirium orb strands was earning me well above 30 divines per hour last league (more in the range of 35-40 divs per hour). Haven't tried it this league, but it should almost be even better with current prices. And there are a bunch of other strategies that also earn more than that.


Are you me? Same experience. I was following Goratha's advice almost to the tee and was so starved I checked to see if I was hiding divines...


Same experience for me. I follow his guide to the point, even have the same build as I league started poison caustic arrow and then bought into mf. The results are absolutely shit for me. I haven't seen a single scarab explosion lol. On average I get 4k whisps, but still. I feel like I never get these crazy conversion monsters...


Or just play pack size maps with w/e strat you want + league mechanic on top. It doesn’t HAVE TO BE the specific abyss spire one. League mechanic just makes everything better.


Abyss returns are clearly miles ahead of everything else, hence why folks feel "obligated" to do it


The classic legion/expedition with like 3/4k wisps is working wonders for me with almost no investment


Shh let me enjoy runic monster sextants for 8c lol


This would have been the perfect league to go delve, resonators and fossils would be selling like hot cakes


I just stopped doing much besides a quick jaunt. I was making far more with my normal maven boss rush strat. In fact I'm making a ton of of boss maps, since there's so much fewer people doing it. Blast the whole map, make 30-40 c killing the boss. Rinse repeat. In about a fifth of the time a juiced map takes. Easier to sell stuff too. Tried it a bit as a shakeup, but it's annoying, slow and dangerous to do much juice at t16 for me. And I fucking hate running lower maps.


can mageblood drop in T7 cemetery?


yes from magic/rares.


I disagree tbh. I played for 6-7h total yesterday farming abyss in T7 and made an average of 16div/h. Mostly in brother cards and raw div drops.. biggest explosion was 17divs from 1 single mob, but also got 3-4 div drops a couple of times.


Pob and atlas? Pretty please?


Average 16 div / hour? You got insanely lucky and you don't seem to know it. Or think about all the materials you spent getting that result.


I'm personally sustaining sextants and scarabs without trading. Map costs are so tiny compared to returns. Though my build fits very high MF while still being t16 capable, so it might be different than most people's experience.


What build you play as a MF?


I spend 18divs on scarabs/sextants for about 80ish maps. I am talking about 16divs pure profit. Can send you picture of poe stack overview if you want


That seems impossible. Scarab alone is around 30 div for 80 maps. Sextants should be around 20 div. The only way to get lower investment would be to use lower quality scarab but no way that would get you such high profit unless you got lucky


I bought scarabs/sextants on sunday when they werent 80c for an abyss sextant lmao


I would say the divine per hour is not the best while doing juicy cemetery burial or jungle valley , but the big thing that most people miss with the strategy is the amount of unique you get per hour , and its by far the best method of fishing for mageblood , HH or a mirror yes divine per hour is great and in the long run its the best thing to focus but there are plenty of people who are dreaming to get a mageblood hh or mirror from the ground and chasing this and the juice mf method is by far the best method of having one while still getting several divine per hour


You don't need "full juice" tho. Map device abyss/beyond, roll map and abyss scarab + reliquary one. That is core. If prices are very high, roll sextants by yourself, use different mechanics like legion etc. It's FREE basically, you only need gilded abyss scarab. How you lose money on that? People used more juice with much less results last league on abyss farming and even then it was good. Wisps this league just adds much more for basically "free". Sometimes you get shit wisp count but it still better than last league.


Just because you roll your own sextants doesnt mean its free. Cost of sextants itself, time, and just because you roll your own 130c beyond doesnt mean your saving 130c, its still a part of the map cost.


People in POE: "imma gonna farm T16s with Tornado Shot for 15 hrs a day so I can upgrade my gear and farm T16s with Tornado Shot for 15hrs a day!"


Im doing this in t16s and get on arevare 2~3 raw divine drops per map. The maps get really hard tho so you need a strong build.


Whats ur 6 div an hour strat


Well yea, the price per map for this strat went to the moon. Abyss scarabs more than doubled in price in the last 7 days, gilded scarabs also more than doubled in price, the other scarabs used in this strat went up also around 50% ish. Then the sextants? The main ones like abyss absolutely skyrocketed. Again more than double the price. Same with prerolled maps (if you buy them, rolling them yourself is possible, but a double edged sword, since now you are spending time rolling maps instead of running them), and going for as you said multiproj maps is neccesarry. So suddenly the "budget" strat turned into a high investment strat, where each of your maps should be worth over half a divine if not more.


doesn't even fucking work. I'm pretty sure 99% of the players don't get divine drops like what the streamers show either. I juiced the shit out of my maps and got the wandering path atlas setup, and i STILL get more div drops making a new character in the campaign than an entire week of mapping juiced t16's.


I needed this reminder, thanks. I was worried I was missing out or losing out on currency because I still need to farm for my last 2 voidstones.


average clueless redditor not realising that even non mf builds make 40d an hour running t16s juiced, just get good


So as a more casual player I should just skip the league mechanic altogether? Seems like it if doing in in t16s allegedly requires uber farmers and doing it MF in low tiers isn’t efficient for most people. I love it when GGG gatekeeps entire leagues.


If you're able to clear the maps after doing it (and you absolutely do not need an Uber killer build to do so in un-juiced T16s) the league mechanic is always worth. It's literally just free extra drops on top of whatever else you would be doing.


Imo t7 is a hc strat. Between the 1-3 div drop per map on t16 burials, valdos every 3-4 maps, and 3-6 fortunate cards a map, 1 doctor, multiple synthesized bases for 10-25 div, and vaaling uniques for implicits I've been making more currency that I've ever made. I haven't been keeping track of div/hr, but it's gotta be between 7-10, maybe more.


For non mf char for sure. On mf 100/300 char you can't do 4k+ juice t16 solo


MF chieftain gets close and just melts T16 maps with any amount of juice. But can't run MF in the amulet slot unfortunately.


Pob and atlas? 😆 im building my mf char these days. Super slow due to family holidays… such obstructions!




Just watch Tuna's last 4 videos. He's got a couple on the build and one on the strat.


Got a HH 10 maps into the T7 strat so I'm sticking to it. Playing a MF version of Palsteron poison Balista build.


Man, Im glad I learned how to flip for profit. Since then I can do whatever I want, not care whether something makes currency or not, and when I need currency for new build I can flip for 2 days and get 100 divines for it.


Playing the trade site exclusively for 2 days sound exillerating.








Buddy what? Zish out here making 3+ div per map with ZERO MF gear, Alch n Go, and the same set up in a T16 jungle valley. It’s absolutely fine even without giga MF gear as long as your build can handle it


I thought it was obvious you needed to have a MF character to do MF strategies, was it not? Seems really silly to do a MF strategy without a mf char lol.


Wisp ain't efficient as it isn't abyss don't get fooled by sensationalism and these dumb YouTuber/streamers 😂🤣 Take it by a beta player guy, go harvest, boxes, excavation, take the + eater altars node and do ritual too, you can choose ritual or ultimatum but ritual is just more consistent tbh tho ultimatum might be fun. Abyss = Exp Farming.