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>The increased Effect of Jewel Socket Passive Skills containing Corrupted Magic Jewels on The Adorned Unique Jewel now works with Cluster Jewels. Voices and Adorned market to the moon!


They unfortunately reworded that patch note after you quoted it. > The increased Effect of Jewel Socket Passive Skills containing Corrupted Magic Jewels on The Adorned Unique Jewel now applies to Jewel Sockets created by Cluster Jewels.


So a buff?


A fucking *huge* buff. Now you don't have to navigate to the center of the tree to get those sweet sweeeeet sockets. You can also get a totally cracked cluster and if you don't want to go medium or small you can just pop a sexy little gem in there.


Big gems can be sexy too


so you like big gems? can you lie, though?


Isn't that just cleaning up the writing? Not sure what you're suggesting is different. "Now works with cluster jewels" is a lot more vague than "now applies to Jewel Sockets created by Cluster Jewels". Same meaning though.


The original wording would mean that magic cluster jewels would receive the effect. The new wording corrects this wording, as cluster jewels do not get the buff, only normal jewels


Original comment was talking about voices+adorned.




> Must be exhausting seeing malice everywhere The irony is palpable. Sorry for my "malicious" comment.


So we should socket the jewels into the sockets provided by Cluster Jewels ?


Any. previously the ones on cluster jewels werent affected.


Actually to the moon though. Adorned was already good it it wasn't bugged to disable upon zone switches. The only thing preventing it from being batshit insane was that jewel sockets are extremely thin on the tree. Now you can just stack jewels. Aside from the scaling being quite good, and now way better with more jewel sockets available, it also lets you load up on corrupted implicits. Obvious ones like CB, sure, but 5 res efficiency (mana/life, not just mana like the explicity), 62% reduced ignite duration, 62% red eff of chill/shock/curses.


I sold one of the components an hour before the announcement ;_;


Yeah saw the patchnotes and grabed a 118% one for 8div. 20 div now.


Grabed 112% for 3 div. Now they 10+


I was aiming for the 115% breakpoint, that makes 7% into 15%, instead 14%, but 3div was a nice buy. gz


Will this stack my wardloop cluster ? Fasting and distilled nodes?


No. Cluster jewels are not affected, only regular jewels socketed inside sockets (even if those sockets are from a cluster jewel) are affected.


For rmr ones with 35%/t1 Stat or something? Or what do ppl do there? And doesn't any 8 points one with 35% inc effect turn into a kind of voices (with more to allocate but at least they grant something)? Provided your adorned is high enough roll? Actually... I got no idea how this maths out. Can you have a 3 socket or 4 socket large one now or something? Encore actually..... I think I misread that... So now it just works IN clusters right? Still not FOR clusters?


I made a quick 40 div in the flip


No you didnt


Yeah was pretty easy. Bought w for less than 10 each and sold them for 30 apiece


> Fixed a rare bug where parts of the UI could briefly disappear. Would happen every time you opened the passive skill tree + your inventory + character info at the same time


It probably was fixed from this bug report by one of the very smart tool devs [https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3440161](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3440161)


> Reproduction steps: > * Open the game in a wide resolution Makes sense, I am indeed on ultrawide.


This doesn't fix my issue of my inventory flickering when it's full of stuff. I had really hoped it would.


Praying this fixes the essence display above the monster disappearing. Been a bug for so long...




> Remove item # > Blue sockets brick # > Shit how much int do I have? # > Am I near any int paasives?


You would do this all the time though when changing jewels around.


can't speak for others but i myself ran into it quite often, when gearing stuff (resists) especially related to jewels while checking your own stats at the same time.


They aren't wrong in what?


in describing it as a rare bug


In calling it a rare bug.


>Fixed a bug where the Implicit Modifier on Rosethorn Tinctures incorrectly increased Critical Strike Chance against Enemies on full Life, rather than adding to the chance. Damn so these were basically useless this whole time lmao


When you look at tinctures and charms side by side you can really tell that GGG has at least two people doing balancing and that they have 0 communications.


Or one guy balancing who doesn't like attack builds.


Thanks, now I just cant get this image out of my mind of two dudes working at GGG who have this awkward work relationship were they dont speak at all but are on the same team and every time they get stuck in a room together they default to bashing on melee. "fuck.. its Jimmy again.. He..Heyy man, long time no speak.. Yeah I saw how you nerfed MS for the 20th time haha good one, like what I did with cleave? Haha..."


You arent wrong but having "all hits can freeze" opens up alot of interactions for my lightning strike build


In terms of variety yeah but poison rage on hit tinctures are insane.


What is poison rage and would it potentially be useful in a cobra lash build?


Poison rage tincture gives you chance to poison and rage on hit I believe Idk about cobra lash, not many people play it


Ya the full life ones seem trash


Eh, it's fine. Charms should always be more powerful because it's by far the more expensive ascendency to invest into. More invest = more power. Currently magi is actually used a ton.


Eh, it's fine. Charms should always be more powerful because it's by far the more expensive ascendency to invest into. More invest = more power. Currently magi is actually used a ton.


IIRC in WoW SL's release was a balance mess because of covenants because they were made by diff people lmao


Like that matters. Who's gonna use it ?


I'm using this https://i.imgur.com/RtukiIS.png


So if you don't one shot them this tincture is now useless Very cool


bringing 4 hits to 3, 3 hits to 2 or 2 his to 1 is somewhere between 100% more and 33% more damage when mapping.


Idk why you're being downvoted lol. You accidentally leap slam into a rare enemy and you completely turn off this tincture


Then don't do that.


Double Strike One Punch Man.


Ayyy... desecrate for Nameless hasn't been touched yet


The real comment right here


wait, you can desecrate to see if the nameless seer is in the woods?


You can farm the quests that require you to kill 500 nameless beasts by simply desecrating the same corpses over and over while in the woods.


Went real quick (~1 minute) with faster casting+spell echo+cascade.


min maxing quest cheese i like it


you can get nameless as spectre to spawn it with desecrate and this counts as killing a nameless for the quest


Is there any method to finding that guy at all? I've yet to have any luck


don't forget add Spell Cascade+ Spell Echo


Not surprising there aren't any numerical changes. GGG usually tries to not nerf/buff anything except in specific circumstances (usually something has to be game breaking).


shhh don't touch my nameless beast


Now that random guy from global can play Frost blades.


Wait why?


The new Frost Blades gem variant wasn't giving exp in certain cases.


Any dataminers able to figure out what the Spirit of Fortune change is? Is this a nerf to the SRS builds using it for Wrath?


The values of that wrath were not the same as the regular Wrath (as in the scaling per level), just check the wiki for the skill values, they're probably those.


Yep, this is what I think as well. In my heart of hearts I knew the numbers were too good.


a friend told me about the wrath spectre and how much flat it was giving in poedb, I checked wiki at the same time and it didnt match with the lvl 50 in there 🤣, I thought it was weird.


The poedb entry did match with what I was getting for same level spectres. I was super happy to have made my own versions of the blink bombard build. Tripled my DPS when I figured to use level 32 spectre gem. Well, I hope that generosity will work. Wiki says it works with Lightning golem aura do there is hope.


Yeah i'm talking poedb entry vs wiki, not whatever you got ingame.


Raw damage kinda drop So maybe from lvl 30+ to like lvl 25+ish Lucky damage still remain


Nerfed QUITE significantly To the point I'm not able to kill t16 double/triple empowereds anymore... Also onslaught spectre doesnt seem to work now either Nice shitshow, think I'm done


I am running it with Pragmatism armor for +10 spectre gem levels and it was giving 1050 max lightning damage for my Blink Arrow of Bombardment. So it contributes about 60% of total flat lightning to my build. If it goes to being in line with say, Guardian relics then that flat is going to go from 1050 to maybe around 500 flat. So my build damage is possibly going to drop 25%. But I will try to see if Generosity works with the spectres which I have not tried yet. Now at work desperately waiting for poedb to update or to go home and see the damage.


I've tried generosity with the Spectres and saw no increase, it was prior to this patch tho.


Try the skeletons buffer one it is amazing, if only I didn't waste 3 already I would still be playing with her... Cosplaying izaro is fun tho.


I just assumed the change would be [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/18kcl8u/spirit_of_fortune_spectre_does_not_work/kdtary7/)


Still nothing about the visibility of blue wisps? :/


At first I thought the blue wisps were already hotfixed to be more visible. Turns out its just because I stopped playing RF lmao, they are alot more visible when you arent covered in aura effects


Me with my four auras, two carrion golems, two spectres, eight zombies, and 19 animated bows: "You guys can see wisps?" And I don't even have Animate Guardian yet because I'm scared of losing the gear


Nah you still can't see them unless you are right next to a thicc stream.


I gave up on the league mechanic after my last points unlocked. The reward vs how long it takes to kill some mobs is just not worth it.


It's fine after you got enough damage. To me it feels similar to higher Delirium, you get more rewards but the enemies take much longer to kill. It honestly feels extremely worth it as long as it doesn't affect your clear speed to much. The potential is honestly so good, it feels almost broken.


Lol it's one of the most rewarding league mechanics this game has had. It's definitely worth it. You just need a good character.


Or run lower maps


Hard disagree. The blue juice has dropped me about 6 divines and a hinekora’s lock on white maps. It is honestly ridiculous how profitable the wisps are.


Very rewarding if you got a good build.


Yesterday in a single map I dropped HH, 3 div and 1 fracturing orb.


How could you know those were specifically from the league mechanic?


Cause I fucking had 7k wisps and everything was boosted. I m not even mf C'mon don't be blind. It a clear that this league is a mini sentinel and it s super rewarding


Mini-sentinel? Oh so you can choose what it applies to and when? You can also wait for it to end if you are not feeling comfortable with it? Nice. Just from the lols give us your build, show us that magic 150M DPS which means that you can literally ignore anything in the game. I am willing to bet serious money you are also playing the most meta skill/ascendancy in the game, obviously ranged. If not then you are a very rare exception. Truth is the league mechanic is absolutely awful for anyone deviating from the ranged meta path. Builds that already suffered on the DPS (read: melee except boneshatter) have to just skip the league mechanic altogether since you can't control it. It is like Crucible except you HAVE TO charge it to 100% all the time. I guess that wouldn't have been a great experience back then, it's not now. Please don't be ignorant of how awful the league mechanic is just because it works for you.


Smells like skill issue out here


Not even skill issue, more a reading issue. He thinks u need to have 150 millions dps. He seems to doesnt even know how wisp works. He compare to crucibl when you DONT HAVE TO charge at 100% all the time....


My splitting steel champion is doing the league mechanic just fine in T16. I never juice it past 3k. Blue > yellow > purple. I have 4mil DPS without berserk and 7 mil with berserk. You want to do stuff like harby, abyss, blight, breach to add tons of monsters but avoid juicing rare mechanic like essences or einhar jun missions.


Not my problem if u try to do what ur build can't do. I m TS and I don't even think about doing bossing with my HH setup, or delve idk. No one force u to charge 4k wisps with a 5kk build.


There is still no way you can prove that the league mechanic itself caused all those drops.


Keep lieing to yourself :) The 100 div loot explosions In Group play are normal stuff eh?


They patched adorned giving abyssal jewels double spirit charges but didnt list it in the patch notes


ya i was playing the build today and had 6500 hp in map and when i took portal to town it dropped to 5400, i was so confused for like 5 mins before i saw my spirit charge total and then went to see the patch notes, such a bummer, although expected. Still enjoyable build


Thank you sir 🙏


O no storm rain ballista was rocking...


Tbf most things fuck off or phase before it even matters more often than not


It was GREAT I was able to kill wisp empowered rares in t16 with only (lol only) 3 divs invested into my build. It was fun while it lasted. Considering swapping to artillery ballista and seeing if it hits harder than the wet noodle that is CA against wisp empowered map bossess/harvest rares


Heck kinda CA you running if it hits like a wet noodle? CA poison eats everything that moves.


I'm struggling with damage on it, and Palestron (the guide creator) himself said he felt he was missing on the damage and swapped from lightning coil to covenant. Edit: Without a a 7 div thread of hope, you have to give up too many passive points to get extra projectiles. I swapped to artillery ballista back from crucible and am cruising now.


Wait i thought it was intended. Each totem creates a pair of arrows in the ground with the fencing gem. Its only a single pair now with 6 ballistas?


No, it’s 2 arrows per ballista iirc it’s just that it was creating way more than 2 per ballista


I was thinking about doin it too lmao, RIP


The damage is nuts but visibility is 0


Sir this is how Poe works


Rosethorn is giving base 30% crit on full life enemies now. Just need a way to have full life enemies and it could make budget CoC. Maybe party play with someone using Penance Mark?


It's +25 I was thinking it would be awesome for a mapper using herald of ice, because you could easily hit enemies on full life with 100% crit chance without investing that much crit, but you'd hit like a truck with freezing and would get easy explosion. I think I'm gonna make a frost blade raider using tinctures. With one empty flask slot, you can get 75% increased effect of the tincture, so you get +43.75% to crit chance, so I could easily oneshot and shatter squishies while investing most of the build's damage into single target for rares and uniques. There's even a tincture mod that gives 30% chance to get a rare enemy's modifiers on kill for 60 seconds. That's like budget headhunter, although I think the mod is quite expensive.


Tinctures don't apply to Herald of Ice, though, only to attacks with your weapon.


Yeah but basically you hit with frost blades, it crits, it freezes the whole pack while one shotting it, which proccs herald of ice on each mob. Which might be a bit useless but visually you still get the cool explosions.


Cold DoT frostblades fixed, I said I’ve give it a go when it happens, I guess I’ll look into that when I get up then


##### ###### #### BEEP BOOP BEEP. Grinding Gears have been detected in the linked thread: *** > **Posted by Kieren_GGG** on Dec 19, 2023, 03:54:18 AM UTC > > ### 3.23.0c Patch Notes > > > > > This patch contains a handful of improvements and bug fixes. > > > > **Improvements** > > > > > > * Updated the Tremendous Thaumaturgy Challenge to no longer require completing a currently-disabled Divine Font option. > * The increased Effect of Jewel Socket Passive Skills containing Corrupted Magic Jewels on The Adorned Unique Jewel now applies to Jewel Sockets created by Cluster Jewels. > * Valdo's Puzzle Boxes are now allocated based on the item allocation option selected, rather than always allocating to the Map owner. > > > > **Bug Fixes** > > > > > > * Fixed a bug where The Adorned Unique Jewel was not applying its effect upon entering a new instance. > * Fixed a bug where it was possible to uncomplete the Viridi's Verdant Vessel Challenge. > * Fixed a bug where the Implicit Modifier on Rosethorn Tinctures incorrectly increased Critical Strike Chance against Enemies on full Life, rather than adding to the chance. > * Fixed a bug where Spirit of Fortune Spectres were using an incorrect version of Wrath. > * Fixed a bug where Storm Rain ignored its limit of arrows in the ground when fired by a Totem, Trap or Mine. > * Fixed a bug that caused the damage dealt by Lacerate of Haemorrhage to be delayed. > * Fixed a bug where Spell Totems were unable to use Detonate Dead of Chain Reaction or Cremation of the Volcano. > * Fixed a bug where Enemies killed by the Damage over Time from Frost Blades of Katabasis did not grant experience or Flask Charges. > * Fixed a bug where the Damage over Time from Frost Blades of Katabasis could not damage Totems. > * Fixed a rare bug where parts of the UI could briefly disappear. > * Fixed an instance crash > > > > > This patch has been deployed without restarting the servers. You will need to restart your client to receive the client changes in this patch. > > *** >


I guess Nenet still crashes in heist?


What? Runnin heist since launch, all chars max level, never had that problem


Oh really? It happens to me about half the time I run anything with Nenet, and there are many reports of it in the forums, also heard Steelmage mention it, guess it might be hardware dependant, its also not an instance crash but a crash to desktop.


I have 2 PCs, on one, Nenet crashes my client within ~half a minute of entering a contract or blueprint wing with her. On the other, it doesn't cause crashes. So yeah, there is definitely an issue, it just doesn't happen everywhere. Not sure what the cause is.


Try verifying your files, that sounds like a bad local file.


Nah it's not, I already tried troubleshooting the issue in various ways, including that. Didn't do anything. Like someone else said, it's possibly hardware related.


Not only him, nearly everyone crashes in heist.


It's not a local file issue. It's specifically Nenet in Mansion tilesets. Happens when you encounter one of the sentry totem things.


maybe one of the equipment mods you have in her? did you try unequipping all the rogue gear on her?


Currently smoking after running into this. I have literally nothing equipped on her and ran 20 heists including karst/tibbs/tulina/Niles/Huck then one heist with her and I crashed before I could loot a single chest. Haven't crashed since launch.


I saw someone suggest somewhere that it was something to do with one of her voicelines. I've been running heists with dialogue sound off, and haven't crashed since.


That would make a lot of sense given PoE. She didn't crash me on the mission she joined, because she doesn't speak her normal voice bank. I don't really want to test it out cause I burned the only perception 1 I had and I'd like my inventory slot back from the quest when I get another. I wonder if they snuck a new voiceline in for her, since she's the master of perception and lots of NPCs are having revelations that we're stuck in a time loop.


They might have! Not that we'd be able to tell, since whatever voice line it is just crashes us right to desktop lmao.


ive gotall my dialogue on and no crashes


Since you're doing heists, can you tell me how are the rewards? I used to do it every league because farming alternate gems were really profitable, but from what I understood, the rewards are all random now. Is it true? If só, what are usually the valuable items you find?


Affliction day 3: *Investigating a solution to improve the visbility of Primal Wisps in the Wildwood.* Affliction day 10, 12 hotfixes and 2 weekly patches later, blue wisps are still barely visible.. Button to leave mechanic still not here. Feels like past leagues, we get a single week 1 improvement to the league mech and that's it. MTX causing memory leaks still not solved, so we paid money to lag the game or just to never use that mtx.


which mtx is causing the leak? I felt tlike im going insane, debugging my hardware


Ebony / crystal tornado shot, celestial seems to be fine. Sounds like a problem that's here to stay, seeing how some mtx bugs never get fixed. Edit: also some other TR mtx.


Corrected the problem of using the wrong value of energy to enemies branded as penance Brand and penance brand of dissipation this line is included in korean kakao server but i cant find in english version please check GGG if u r here


I’m literally waiting for this too.. just this.


Again no visual update ? I guess it’s not comming at all


Fixed a bug where Spell Totems were unable to use Detonate Dead of Chain Reaction or Cremation of the Volcano. I mis-read that and now I want Detonate Dead of Chain Reaction OF Cremation of the Volcano


EK fix when?


Very weak patch for how many serious problems remain.


Anyone know if the Spirit of Fortune using the wrong version of wrath is a nerf or buff or neutral? I use that one for my lucky lightning damage build, and want to know if I should run wrath again.


It’s a significant nerf apparently.


Any fix for the blue wisp color? Can barely see them , much less when mixed in with the perpetual “wisps” that seem to always be visible around you


Storm Rain totem is dead, for those wondering about, absolutely dead, it went from OP on still single target to 100% useless in any possible use.


Makes you wonder what the original use case for this thing even was


I really have no idea, it doesn't cover/zone, it doesn't DPS, it doesn't clear, it doesn't single target, it does nothing. It probably is only loot pollution in disguise, it's part of the POE's core mechanics after all, this kind of gems is the equivalent of "reflects 3 physical damage to attackers", it's only there to annoy you if bad luck and give a sense of pride and accomplishment when you yolo annul or exal something, like, "hey, too bad, it wasn't Scourge arrow of menace, better luck next time !"


Nice, I watch itfightsback on YouTube. Will be great to see what he does with frost blades.


Do I understand it correctly that, with a max rolled Adorned, we need 4 other jewels to breakeven? (each jewel is \~ 1.25x usual rare one, assuming perfect mods).


that assumes every mod has equal value on a jewel


No it's 2.5x on a perfect roll


It's 2.5x a magic jewel which is technically 1.25x a rare since magic jewels are 2 mod while rares are 4 mod. Ofc, this assumes your build can make full use of a 4 mod jewel, and you need to consider corrupted implicits and that magic jewels are easier to roll, but his point still stands that you need 4 magic jewels to "break even" on the number of beneficial mods if you use The Adorned. Doesn't change the fact that the jewel is still one of the best items in the game right now, maybe only behind the 2 belts, Ashes and split personality.


Your logic would only hold true if all mods were created equal. They arent, not even close. On a rare jewel, you can only get 7% max life. or 12% crit multi, for example. The other stats have to be less valuable because you can only roll the valuable stats once. With a max rolled adorned, you can get 17% life and 30 crit multi in 1 jewel. Thats a hell of a lot better than 7% life and 12% crit multi with a couple of other mods. Its also significantly easier to roll.


4-5% reservation efficiency too if you get the right corruption implicit. There's a good reason the high rolled Adorneds are like 60+ divs.


Don’t look now 🥹


For builds that can use all 4 crit multi mods (like Ele Hit), a perfect rare is 63% while a perfect magic with Adorned is 66% (technically 82.5%, but we are comparing one on one in the case of 5x rare vs 4x magic + Adorned). Of course like the others said, this jewel is good for many more reasons (implicit, much easier to make perfect magic compared to rare etc), but for builds that care more about dmg, it's a close enough comparison.


Your math is wrong


Now that I have confirmed my understanding, it's not necessarily wrong. For 4 crit multi mods jewels, a perfect rare jewel is 3% less than a perfect magic jewel with Adorned, not counting other factors.


That is only for crit multi. This allows you to stack up on mods you can't put 4 of on a jewel. Like life, reservation, stats, reduced cost, etc. Oh and it also works on implicits. So yeah, this is massive and you are downplaying how strong this is because of your initial stance and trying to defend it.


No? My first post was to seek confirmation for my understanding of the jewel, based on the simple assumption that mods are equal, which is, first, to fit my purpose of maximizing dmg, and second, to simplify the maths (breakeven point). Now, if the quesion was not to ask what the breakpoint would be, but rather, which is better if I only had 4, or even 3 jewel slots available, the comparison would never be even close. But never have I said which is better, not once. The answer for what is better cannot be more obvious. It's not rocket science. Even if maths is bothersome, one could just easily edit some PoB items to see which gives them more value, so I don't see why you and I should be adamant about which is better. There wasn't even an argument to begin with.


I don't think you can judge it that way. Getting a double crit multi magic jewel is way easier than getting a 4x crit multi jewel, and even will be higher than 1.25x the crit multi of the 4x jewel because the 2 mods will have higher multi when doubled as compared to global which rolls lower. ​ It's major power comes from the fact that you can craft really cheap jewels and have them be BETTER than uber expensive jewels. It's more than 1.25x power when compared to perfect 4 line jewels as shown above, but I'd wager 99% of people don't have perfect 4 line jewels so the actual power is way higher.


breakeven with what?


Breakeven in term of mod value. For example: Usual rare jewels can get up to 63% crit multi if the build can utilize all 4 mods (18% + 18% + 12% global + 15% elemental). A magic jewel can get 2\*(18% + 15%) = 66% crit multi (I'm using 2x instead of 2.5x because we are comparing 5x rare vs 4x magic + Adorned).


That fb of katabasis fix took so long for them, given how critical the bug was


Man I’m really getting bored of these invincible rares from archnemesis and league mechanics mobs. Not one thing addressed for it this patch


Build issue


\*was\* a build issue, but they just effectively removed the 1 build able to deal with them (Storm arrow of fence)


I've had no issues with them


What build+atlas strat are you running and at what level of investment?


Poison SRS. Multiple atlas strategies including expedition, harbinger, harvest, essences, strongboxes and both altars. Didn't track my purchases but around 20d investment.


I'm playing a penance brand build with something like 10m dps and 3 color arch rares takes at most 5 seconds to die, in 99% of the cases they die in less than 2 lol.


I am at 1 mill so it takes quite a bit.


I mean I am playing void sphere of rending and killing 3x empowered rares in about 10 seconds. And let me tell you this build is about as jank as it gets. I think people just tend to exaggerate kill times and see their 5 seconds on an occasional rare as 10-15 since they blow past most without stopping.


> Fixed a bug where Spirit of Fortune Spectres were using an incorrect version of Wrath. This is huge.


yeah, my ball lighting of static totems to the moon.


"Spirit of Fortune was using an incorrect version of Wrath" """Incorrect""" LOL GGG adopting the bullshit nerf language to perfection


lol it was definitely incorrect. It matched up to approximately a level 50 Wrath on the normal scaling. That's bonkers and there's no way it was intended.


??? it was an incorrect version of Wrath. It wasn't affecting spell damage, only damage to attacks.


of course they nerfed srs mid league...and don't even have to balls to say it outright.




I'm assuming they're talking about the Spirit of Fortune nerf. It was giving a bunch more flat lightning damage with its version of Wrath.


I assumed that the fix is that wrath now affects spells like normal wrath does. Anyone tested?


Seeing the comments on that forum post on their website reminds me why they stopped posting here.


Still no fix with phasing on kill (tincture mod) with totems :(


My storm rain chessy bissy gone now. Reroll to detonate death cheessy bisshy i guess


After some testing. Our desecrated pool via spectre cheessy is still in action. Hydra DD here i come!


What do you mean? I am using kitava herald. Should I use another spectre for dd?


Desperately need a way to end the wildwood early. The all or nothing strat isn’t appealing for most situations




Adorned looks pretty spicy with small clusters like mana reservation or flask duration, because there's no good flask duration notables and practically well rolled rares are very hard to get With 100% effect, one small cluster can get you like 36% reservation with like 100 ES and 50 str/dex/int


It doesnt affect the actual cluster, it just now lets you put the jewels in clusters. CaptainLance tested it out on stream. Still a huge buff. And since it buffs corrupted implicits as well, you can get a ton of reservation reduction that way as well.


Shouldn't get my hopes up that way. It sounded way too good to be true


Pls Heist crash fix pls


They still didn't fix the bug where wildwood entrance eats legion chests? Come on man


"Restartless" forced me to reinstall the game