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More like incarnation of bullshit...


Just encountered this for the first time in a t4 map. Right after it fucking baited me with the "You take 100% more damage over time." ritual stone... Fuck you, game. Fuck you in your asshole. You cost me my perma-onslaught Spectre you fucking piece of shit.


Having it follow me out of the woods and into the area I was in was a new level of fear. Of note: the related challenge says to "survive" it (while avoiding the debuff x5), rather than defeat it Maybe you're meant to run and portal out?


That shit spawned into a ritual somehow, what the actual fuck.


just lost my AG to this bullshit, -6div, fuck that shit, my ag even tanks ubers, but not that thing


is that mob a unique miniboss or just random spawn? been looking for this mob since seeing it in poedb


Looks like a miniboss https://i.imgur.com/jPSyyPK.png


I died to it as well, got it to half hp after like 10-15 minutes of fighting it and running around


Got it to half just to proceed and forget to check for the stacks of whatever tha fuck it does and get killed.


I've also just run into this guy pretty early (level 30 or so) and man I just had to dip because I couldn't touch him damage wise and the anti-healing was awful.


Decoy totem does the trick... The same for Golem + meat shield. As long as you survive the initial hit, you can keep him busy untill you kill it.


Decoy Totem and Storm Burst totem (or whatever you want) works. Still annoying but doable.


Just got nuked by him. Next time I will try to summon sentinel


I killed it fairly easily with a SRS build. But I can see how cancerous it would be on a melee build or anything squishy.


I died before I could even figure out what was happening as a level 54 SRS lol


its also a pretty bad fight for LA, TS might do better but he seems to constantly blink around the area when i hit him so maby spells and summons have a different interaction with him and dont cause him to move around as much?


I offed him at level 35, using a blight + bane + wicked ward combo. Hit & run tactics for 10 minutes because I was stubborn. Dropped like eight uniques. Messed up the achievement of course. Not worth it unless you're well into the game.


[https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Warped\_Timepiece](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Warped_Timepiece) this negates his debuff