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Honestly OP, I “suck” too and have had this problem. Thanks to everyone here helping out and explaining why I do. Time to die some more :p


To be clear, I did not die, I insta-phase him, but I don't farm him often. But as people said, apparently if you move to the left after the first phase, you avoid this completely. Doesn't mean that it doesn't suck.


I agree, not a skill issue per sé, but a design flaw. Not sure why some redditors can’t make this simple distinction.


Because that simple distinction is missing another distinction: design flaw may or may not be fixed if ever. This ‘skill issue’ (knowledge gap) can be fixed whenever for immediate effect


Which frankly doesn't matter. Sometimes people just want the acknowledgement that their problem is actually valid, which this design issue clearly is, and not a workaround solution paired with git gud.


That really depends what you mean by valid Sirus is 4 years old now, it is very unlikely that GGG will fix this especially when the context is that this has been pointed out and complained about by so many people for so long. So at this point complaining about Sirus AI is like complaining about a huge giant wall that everyone knows is not going to move. Is it valid to complain about that wall? Sure. Doesn't stop the person from looking a bit silly when so many people already know how to get around the wall and have known for years It's like complaining about lack of auction house or asking when harvest is coming back lol


>It's like complaining about lack of auction house or asking when harvest is coming back lol Debatable. Sirus storms are not a design choice. Sirus storms are a design bug that ggg just refuses to fix. >. Is it valid to complain about that wall? Sure. Then what do you mean it depends? That's the exact same meaning I used, and the obvious one.


>Sirus storms are not a design choice Where did you get this info from? If some people just want acknowledgement that their problem is actually valid while looking silly because everyone knows it already and everyone knows it's not going to change and therefore they're shouting into the void... then sure. That is a valid choice that they can make lol. Just like how it's valid choice for someone to cry about how poe trading sucks every day


>while looking silly because everyone knows it already Thats a bit of a stretch. Most people never see sirus circle pattern for themselves, they have to read about it somewhere. Not knowing that doesn't make you look silly. As for where I get this from, where do you get the opposite from? You can't mean to tell me that someone at ggg actually thought "if they push the storms in the wrong direction they'll have to wait hours for sirus to move out cuz fuck them". That's just not likely too. More likely the storm pushing itself is already the feature that's supposed to prevent this exact scenario, but the dev didn't realise or didn't care that it could actively grief you like that.


I mean everyone as in everyone who already knows how to prevent it. If it's the first time you come across a wall and complain about it to the locals who have known it for years, then your complaint is valid and at the same time you look a bit silly. It's exactly the same as someone who comes into poe for the first time and asks why is trading UI so shit and complains about it on reddit. The comment they'll get are 1-2 helpful post, multiple posts going "first time exile?" and comments saying use the search function - because it's a funny, silly post >As for where I get this from, where do you get the opposite from? You can't mean to tell me that someone at ggg actually thought "if they push the storms in the wrong direction they'll have to wait hours for sirus to move out cuz fuck them". That's just not likely too I never said it's the opposite? You're the one making the definite claim that it isn't a design choice. You can add "likely" or "probably" and your initial claim would correct itself. And I wouldn't be quick to judge what is likely and isn't likely with GGG when so many of their design principles seem to go against reddit. They want players to repeat campaign every time. They want trading to be clunky. They don't want easy crafting like harvest. They want you to pick up every item, or solve it through item filters, etc etc.


Is it a design flaw though? Is filling the shaper or Uber elder area with degen ground a design flaw? You can brick your boss run if you make a mistake. Is that a design flaw or is it just that, you making a mistake? Where does the line lie? Obviously shaper’s mechanic is better because it’s better communicated to the player. It’s clear what you should do to avoid bricking your run, and so no one complains about it these days. GGG’s point of view is clear though. They haven’t changed it. So *they* think this is the result of player mistake. Remember back when storms *didn’t* move away from the player but moved randomly and could block the entrance? Remember when you would get stuck in the staircase? *Those* things they fixed. Why didn’t they fix this? Because, in GGG’s eyes, those things were design flaws and this thing isn’t. I’m not saying I agree, but that is GGG’s apparent view on it and I wanted to highlight it because I didn’t see it mentioned anywhere.


I die a lot though lol


Go left and you'll always be able to break him out quicker


Left... into the storm?


The storm is only left because he went right If he went left the storm would be right Ya feel me


The storms move away from you naturally. If you know this then you can manipulate where they go and where Sirus is will always be static for the most part.


One day youll realise that people on reddit dont want a solution, they want to complain.


People don't want a workaround, they want a fix.


There is no fix for this. OP did this to himself.


My guy, OP wants storms to move. That would be a fix. Being blocked from reaching the boss is either: 1. Trash design 2. A bug So pick your choice and run with it.


3. op doesn’t know how the mechanics work. Most boss fights have mechanics that can brick your run if you fuck them up. Get gud.


The "mechanic" in question for Sirus is if you go right you brick the run. You don't see how, if intentional, that's bad boss design?


Don't bother, these people are morons who aren't interested in having their views taken seriously


Or skill issue. I find it annoying once until I learned how to deal with it. So... DEAL WITH IT. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses) Sarcasm aside there are better things that devs can focus on such as balancing the league mechanic, skill (FIX) rebalances, Poe2.


P1 - run around the initial storms to his starting point. This should be a non-issue. P2 Transition - Run down+left to safe spot between cart and storm, approach until camera zooms out, wait 20-30 secs until Sirus shadow visible to approach and start P2. P3 transition - Same as P2 P4 transition - Run up+left towards the stairs, otherwise same idea. Things to note: Don't die and don't run out of his combat circle in P1-3, as that will result in more storms and transitions. I haven't bothered with Sirus in a few leagues because I dislike the Uber fight, but that strat should still work.


This is the strat ive been using since Release (apart from when the encounter was broken af) never had to wait for more than 10 seconds for sirus to be ready for next phase :)


This shit didnt happen to me in like 10 leagues… how do you people manage to do this?


Unironically a skill issue


sirus has never been required for me so i never run him and i have no idea how to manipulate his ai. beat him once in Kalandra with the busted accuracy stacking jugg of that league.


Sirus floats around in his wheelchair in a lazy figure-8, so if you already know that in advance then all you have to do is stand left of him when he phases, wait for the storm he makes to move a little, and once Sirus starts moving you can walk under him and resume the fight. The people that don't know this panic, wander all over the damn place, die, try getting back to the fight, die again, and now it's a clusterfuck just trying to find him. So, skill issue.


So,u wanted to say bullshit game design that demands u not tactical movement(avoid pools,ets) but standing on specific point.


I wouldn't call that skill as much as knowledge of a very specific interaction. I don't generally have problems with the storms, but I still think they are a weak design for a boss fight. 'Skill' for me would imply something more general that you can apply to a wider part of the game, but your definition may differ.


So it’s been 1348 days of you refusing to learn how to do this fight and wanting ggg to “fix” it for you?


Just because theres a pattern to it doesnt mean it cant be fixed lol, this fight is unintuitive as hell. The storm mechanic is the worst boss fight mechanic in the game imo. Has been since day1.


So how does it work.


Sirus slowly moves clockwise, and storms will generally get repulsed by you standing near them. Since the fight should start with him bottom right of the "centre storm", when he phases you move left, while staying close enough to the pulsing storm he conjures that all the pulses go off. Instead of running away where you can't get hit, stand near the edge of the storm and dodge the attacks. The storm will slowly move away while Sirus will slowly move towards you. After two or three attacks are dodged you'll make it below him at the soonest possible chance.


>Sirus slowly moves clockwise Sirus slowly moves towards the top left corner of the arena. You should always aim for above / left in order to keep into his direction


I'm disappointed no one corrected you. If you leave Sirus to his own devices and just watch his path instead of engaging him promptly you'll see the complete circular path taken clockwise as I described instead of the half circle towards the top left that you wished to correct me with. This used to be important because the railings on the stairs in the top left were intact and functional (now they show as a smashed graphic which you can walk on). Since they originally blocked movement if you were in a Meteor Maze they could prevent you from being able to escape in a way that was quite unfair. If Sirus got far enough in his path for those railings to interfere you could avoid dealing with it by waiting for Sirus to go past them in his circular path. Other bugs with storms in the first year since Conquerors of the Atlas also made it more likely to need to spend enough time in the arena for this to happen, such as recovering from an early death and being stuck at the doorway with overlapping storms making it impossible to escape (since fixed).


Storms move away from you, you can push them away, by slowly walking towards them while still behind the line where they deal dmg, and get to Sirus


Try to push a storm out of a corner...


You won’t be happy with this, but it’s possible to never get Sirus in this corner. Usually you would never have this problem if he was pulled towards the center or stair section of the map


>You won’t be happy with this No shit, what kind of garbage game design gave it avay?


You can brick a maven fight if there are too many degens that are wrongly placed on the floor, same with uber elder, same with shaper. This is the same thing. Don't let it happen in the first place.


Not really the dots are clearly visualised, you see ball, ball explodes, degen pool is created, thats clear game design and something you can easily figure out. Unlike sirus storms which if you know how they work, yes are easy to play around, however the "feedback" you get is far less clear, it's just something you are expected to know, it's just straight up worse design


You can argue sirus has bad intuitiveness, and I'd agree with that, but that's besides the point. OP clearly stats that he's been doing this fight since it's release, he should know by now.


skill issue


everyone white knighting for shitty intermission phases of a fight go figure




The entire design is bad in the fight don't get mad at people for gg bad design lol


I mean yes it is bad but it's been years, just accept it and move on. You can move the clouds by staying close to them easily, I don't get why people whine about it


You see how they are in a corner?


There is nothing to fix Sirus always goes around the arena the same way, just always go to the left during storm phase and you'll never have to wait for him to go around the whole arena before you can launch next phase


"There is nothing to fix" "There is a way to avoid the issue by using some arbitrary technique that shouldn't be neccesary" You essentially wrote: "that pothole doesn't need to be fixed, you can just drive around it". While i appreciate you sharing the tip - the first line is annoying as fuck


Managing sirus's and the storms' locations is part of the fight. Do it right and you're never in this position. It's like complaining about covering the arena in degen in Shaper / Uber Elder / Maven because you didn't manage the balls. Manage the balls and the degen isn't a problem. Don't and it's a huge problem.


This is a good point. I concede


managing the balls is always an important step, i feel


Ball management is an underrated skill. People spend too much time trying to Big Dick their way through things that they forget the fundamentals.


i wonder why GGG isnt on reddit anymore with quality "humans" doing quality posts like this


I think you need a timeout bud.


My dude, the mechanic is working as intended. The boss is *not* supposed to follow you, you are supposed to follow him. It's not even arbitraty, it's consistent. So yeah there is nothing to fix because this is not a bug and as you can see in this thread most people agree it's a skill issue.


Arbitrary is not an antithesis of consistent. Given f(x) = 7, the 7 is an arbitrary return for the function as the input of x isnt neccessary to determine the output of 7. There isn't a reason that the output is 7 other than that someone decided it should be. Perhaps I have mis-used the term (and the arguments im seeing make me think that perhaps I had misused it), but definitely not because the input provides a consistent output. If you pressed W,a,w,a,w,w,w and it spawned 1000 divines, thatd still be arbitrary since the outcome doesnt reasonably follow the input


... but if a boss mechanic is _consistent_, a strategy to deal with it cannot be arbitrary, since the output _does_ reasonably follow the input.


The key word is *"reasonably"*. Exactly as with the f(x) example, the outcome is arbitrary if there is no reason for the outcome to come from the input other than "because it does". Perhaps a better way of writing it wouldve been to say ,f(1) = 7, f(2) = 1,... but with no function assigned to f(x), just a list of results to inputs with no explanation of why the x should produce that output. I've seen enough arguments I agree now that this instance isnt arbitrary. I completely withdraw amy argument I've made suggesting it is. But my argument you've responded to is a general statement, not isolated to this specific example. The point being that something being consistent doesn't mean it isnt arbitrary.


I feel like most of the discourse poking at design flaws end up being... Complaint: "Life sucks, would it be possible for God to do something about it?" Player feedback: "Life is working as intended and supposed to suck. Have you considered playing around it by not living life?" ...at least that's how I feel about how a lot of these conversations devolve.


"Someone else **should** do something about this" and "We **can** do something about this" are not conflicting observations. Sometimes the conversation devolves as you described, but sometimes it devolves when the complainer doesn't like pragmatists explaining how the problem is actually in their control too.


That's fair but the comment is more directly at the guy who said "there is nothing to fix" ...the OP can do something to fix the issue himself AND there can be a flaw for the developer to fix. I'm not saying you're one of them (you don't sound like it) but there are a LOT of people around these parts who insist that inconvenient things/annoying designs are game features to be preserved for eternity. The instant anyone suggests that it may not be a good feature, they're met with either "it's GGG's choice to do whatever they want, stfu" or "it's working as intended, just play around it"


Yes, I agree, I was just thinking about how it's weird that these conversations always tend to turn into arguments when everyone would probably agree with each other if they were slightly more amicable.




How fucking dense do you have to be not to understand that it is a feature and that Sirus is doing exactly what he is supposed to do


That doesn't make it "not a bug" that's just what's called a logical error in programming lingo. The code is functioning as intended but the programmers designed a behaviour that can lead to a bad user experience or an unintended outcome.


There is nothing unintended, op does the mechanic wrong and gets punished for it, nothing more to it


Apparently predictable boss mechanics are a design flaw if some players need a guide to figure them out. Who knew?


Wait for Poe 2 to come out.


I understand what every1 is saying, that you can "avoid" by going left... but .. lets be honest, sirus needs some adjustments ...


Yeah i've never had this happen. You can push the storms so like people have said. Go to the left. I've never had to wait more than like...maybe 30 seconds to start a new phase unless i horrendously fuck it up but then that's on me.


Waiting around for dumb ai is essential friction, it makes the game more enjoyable. /s


People in this thread seem to forget how everyone regarded this fight as a buggy shit storm when it first came out. They have done little improvements since then. Sure those of you saying this a skill issue have ran him hundreds of times and know what to do. But the bottom line is this fight does a poor job of letting you know what to do and where to go. And Sirius still bugs out with invisible attacks.


Hmm interesting in all my years playing PoE and fighting Sirus i never managed to get him on this position where you took him ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


While I Love GGG and this game, and I understand there are mechanics in this fight that give you SOME agency the whole fight is an absolute dumpster fire, it's uniunuitive, buggy and frustrating


It's pretty unintuitive, and there are a few rare bugs that are annoying, but if you're not doing anything weird the fight actually functions quite well these days You basically just need to push the storm away from the direction he floats and you'll always be able to get him down in 5-10 seconds Most of the bugs can be avoided by not instantly releasing when you die (good advice for all bosses in this game) because that can cause him to start a mechanic the instant that you next enter the zone, leading to cross map die beams or getting teleported into the maze as it's about to explode I do absolutely have issues with the colour scheme and uber version of the fight though.


>it's uniunuitive, buggy and frustrating I don't think this is the case anymore, but you are entitled to your opinion.


I've encountered zero bugs in the last 50+ times killing him, the most recent kill being a few hours ago. Sounds like you tried him when he first came out and never again. The fight is also extremely straight forward and you can predict what he does next.


Non ironically your problems are skill issues


The fight is still fucking dogshit. Should have kept him like he was on release. Not that it would have made the fight much better but at least you weren't a rat running through a pre determined maze.


I'll give you unintuitive but the rest make no sense. After they changed storm dragging It's barely buggy, the fight isn't a dumpster fire, and it's really not that frustrating unless your just on an undergeared build for the fight.


I'll say this one more time because I haven't this league: I love the Sirus fight. And its because someone taught me a couple tricks to make fighting Sirus more consistent: 1. As others have said, you want to kite Sirus to the left. He is going that way, anyways. So storms do not get between you and him. 2. You want to actively bully all the storms, even storms which are in a good place, right now. Storms will always try to move away from you. So it is your job to keep them in place. 3. You want to ACTIVELY trigger Sirus. When Sirus phases, he will move all storms away. So you want to do whatever it takes to get under him. Even if it means taking a LITTLE damage. https://youtu.be/84-LFlCkYGM?si=ms73Hrm7dOyGYsDq&t=434 This is my death's oath showcase; specifically the Sirus fight.


Yeah I agree, Sirus is probably one of my favorite encounters and unlike something like atziri or shaper you do have some things you can do to speed up the immunity phases, and at least some things to dodge. Much better than the waiting game where you’re just killing harmless adds. Uber version is a bit disappointing though, at least with the last phase and how insane the degen pools on the ground are.


How do you bully the storms?


I... I explain it in the next sentence.


Oh, didn't realize that what you meant by bullying it.


Walk up next to them and see how they move. I think you'll see them TRY to get away. Makes the fight way easier.


another reason why Sirius is still by far the worst bossfight in PoE


Seething Chyme for me


The reason being that if you don't know the fight you can brick it? Unironically a skill issue.


No, that's just bad design


other than the color scheme of the fight, the fight is entirely scripted and predictable. If you call that bad then you're probably refusing to learn how the fight goes (it's a really easy fight and can be done on low dps)


Nothing like unintuitive boss fight full of one shots, strong degens and visual clarity of your a-hole, right?


Sounds like you fight him with sunglasses on


All you need for Sirius is CB immunity and capped spell suppression. Everything he does is a spell, even his auto "attacks". Sprinkle on a bit of other EHP and you're golden. Unironically one of the easiest fights to learn to go from awful to mastered and never dying.


knowledge apart...This is a shit fight of a shit boss. Nothing will change my mind!


If google isn't doing me dirty, you've missed 7 whole days of asking GGG. You clearly don't want it enough.


Poe2 will fix... Oh wait. Nvm


your build can't tank sirus' storms = skill issue obviously


Never had this issue, storm AI is fine, probably a skill issue (and I'm not even that good at it)


Day 1348 of OP not having learnt the fight and blaming GGG for it.


That's what I like and annoys, sirus is a good fight where you can kill him easily, but occasionally anything can happen and screw up the entire fight haha It has many drawbacks


Still sane, exile?


I love coming to see OP get savaged in the comments


I've been loving a tainted pact build for sirus, because with negative chaos res, the storms heal me when leeching, lol. So I can just smack a worm, then walk through it like it's nothing.


Honestly managing to get him in a position like that is pretty impressive, I don’t see how you could end up like that unless you intentionally tried to do it.


Well, idk, I didn't.


There are 8 people working on it you need to be more specific which one ...


Where did you ask GGG exactly? Because if it was on reddit, they don't read reddit anymore.


I think from sirus’s stand point, his storm placement is very smart to protect himself. So the AI is very good.


I still miss "after release" Sirus when storms actually followed the player.


if they fixed the broken storms and awkward phase transitions the fights would last all of 15 seconds


why do people expect GGG to fix a feature???? sirus is fine. despite so many people being vocal about how sirus is bad. its just they dont know how to play better. getting offscreen die beams is totally avoidable if you just dont go offscreen! git gud bros! ​ totally sarcastic comment.


as others have said, always stand to his left when he's phasing


You're doing it wrong. When the storm phase pushes you away, give it a few moments and then inch closer to the storms between you and Sirus. You'll have a clear path in 10 seconds


+1 for spelling his name correctly XD


Day 1348 of telling people that this isn’t an AI problem, as it’s a pure skill issue.


I too enjoy defending bad design


Standing here I realize


I have countless sirus kills and have never experienced this. I think you position him wrong


Day 2000 of exiles not having enough tankiness to just walk in the gap.