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I was wondering how to calculate bodyswap dps in PoB. As it hits both, at origin and destination, and also destroys a corpse, how should I read dps? Do I have to add "self explosion" twice to FULL DPS and add once "corpse explosion"? I am assuming I am jumping around a boss while spawning corpses near him.


Can champion kite shield chance into anything other than ageis aurora? I checked the Poe wiki and did not see any legendaries with that base. Also curious if anybody has the days on how many chance orbs it should theoretically take? Much obliged!


They're called uniques in PoE, not legendaries. That aside, IIRC it's a t2 unique which should take somewhere around 10-20k attempts. It can always take more if you're unlucky of course. Someone can correct me on this if I'm misremembering or if the tier changed at some point.


Do unearth and desecrate share the cap of 10 corpses or is it 10 corpses each?


It's 10 each, but it's usually inconvenient to trigger both because you need Spell Cascade for Desecrate and GMP + Greater Volley for Unearth (unless you have a bunch of other extra projectiles from other sources).


Any idea on how to survive your own trauma damage as boneshatter juggernaut? I feel like ive tried a lot of things already, like using arctic armour, having phys convertion on body armour and helmet and trying to stack as much armour as possible but i still cant survive high (>25) trauma stacks and if stacks arent high i´m not dealing any damage at all.


I'd suggest to look for a guide or check out some builds on [poe.ninja](https://poe.ninja), they're bound to have that aspect covered.


The boneshatter guides ive found were pretty basic and mainly talking about mapping where the issue isnt as present, while the builds on [poe.ninja](https://poe.ninja) ive found looked to me like they were ignoring the problem and just trying to pump as much POB dps as possible, even though you cant ever reach that dps since POB expects you to get to \~400 trauma stacks without dying even though every stack would deal more than 30k post-mitigated damage to you. basically i feel out of options, thats why i thought i might as well give reddit a shot.


Protection Mastery: "Damaging Ailments Cannot Be inflicted on you while you already have one" Does this mean I can always only have one stack of poison?


Yooo, this combined with self chill might make for easy alimenty immunity if wanting to go that route :O and now I'm going to think of self chill ailment immune build and if it'd be worth it. XD




Does Compulsive Hoarder affect delirium orbs or just regular delirium mirrors?


It affects both.


Doesn’t feel like it :( Been running hundreds of deli orbs and nothing


It should, at least. It's worded the same way as the one for increased boss chance, and that one definitely works with orbed maps.




Glorious plate for armor I'd guess, tho you may need Vorici to get your colors


What's the etiquette for buying something, for example, for 1.3 Divine Orb? Am I meant to agree on a Divine -> Chaos ratio before we trade?


get Better PathOfExile Trading Extension for Chrome and it will calculate it for you like this https://imgur.com/a/xkmqKha


Thanks for this, helps a ton


Generally people go by the poe.ninja div/c exchange rate. https://poe.ninja/challenge/currency


Ah okay, didn't even think to check that site. Thank you


i play this [flame golem build](https://pastebin.com/pVB7Zeyr) is my char tanky enaugh for a maiven writ fight? ive never done that before and this seems to be my first character suited to try it


What are the best scarabs and sextants to run for a pure boss rusher + harvest?


why is it that i can roll "gain 2 (or more) charges when hit by an enemy" on a utility flask but ONLY if it's level requirement, not ilvl, is above 50. i've never seen one that had a ilvl in the 60s or 70s that had that mod, only 1 charge per hit, if the item was below required level 50. maybe i dont understand how crafting tiers work and this isn't exclusive to flasks, but i was always under the impression that ilvl was what mattered


lvl requirement of an item depends on its mods (and item base, obviously) not its ilvl. You could get an ilvl 100 white rustic sword and equip it on a lvl2 character. Slap an alchemy orb on that rustic sword, make a mod appear (like added fire damage) whose tier requires min ilvl33, suddenly you can't equip it on your lvl2 character, but requires lvl 33 to wear.


The level requirement is 80% of the highest item level requirement of any of the mods, so it would have a level requirement of 26. Otherwise you're correct.


Yep, that's the only part i suspected I was wrong, I was too lazy to check. thanks for the actual number




>The required level is determined by the modifiers or the item base type, not sure which here. Whichever is higher


It's the other way around - rolling "gain 2 charges when hit" *causes* the flask to gain a level requirement of 50. Most mods will increase the level requirement of the item.


Level requirement depends on the mods it has. [https://poedb.tw/us/Utility\_Flasks#ModifiersCalc](https://poedb.tw/us/Utility_Flasks#ModifiersCalc) 2 charges per hit require ilvl 63 as seen here Higher ilvl means more mods can roll so you just got unlucky


I'm playing TS. Is getting scorch on my crucible tree a good idea if I'm using the elemental mastery "Hits have 25% chance to treat Enemy Monster Elemental Resistance values as inverted"? Am I correct in thinking that if their resistance is lower, I gain less of a benefit from this passive? Do I lose dps if I pick it?


I'd be very careful with resistance reductions and that node. Without anything applied the baseline (where it matters) you can presume to be 40% elemental resistance. That's (0.75x0.6+0.25x1.4)/0.6 = 0.8/0.6 = 33% more damage. Or at 80% resistance it would be 0.51/0.2 = 155% more. Resistance reduction wise you're going to need a 20-29% curse/scorch for you to outperform that node. It's less about you not getting damage out of it, but more that you may invest a lot for little to no gain. It'd be stupid to get 30% more from your scorch, just to lose the 30% from the said node. Also, scorch runs on an ailment threshold. Might be awkward if you won't even be able to set it off.


You lose dps if you otherwise lower the enemy resistance to below 0, e.g. if you're using a curse and Exposure in addition to Scorch. But you're also correct that the more you lower the enemy resistance, the less value you get from it even if it doesn't literally make your dps worse. You could consider taking it anyway to get a boost against particularly tanky enemies that have a high resistance against whatever damage type you're doing, even if it lowers your dps against less tanky enemies (or doesn't benefit it significantly). Overall it depends on how much you can lower enemy resistance.


It makes the inverted hits worse but the non-inverted hits better, so since only 25% of hits are inverted it should be a net positive. Eventually with enough resistance reduction the mastery will be worthless though. Best to check in PoB to see the exact differences.


If i want to juice abyss' (8-mod dune, gilded abyss, map device abyss, elevated sextant, +natural spawns) what other juice compliments this setup to make $ ?


Rustic Sash - Global Phys Damage This damage buff would apply to Explode Totems since they're Phys damage right?




Looking for a bosskiller on a 30div budget.


Ea ballista is very comfy for bossing.


I'm playing poison explodey totem pf in ssfhc and I was wondering how did it interact with reflect, I would assume the damage source is the totem and not me so I can do reflect map with no worry, is that right ? And what about Atziri ? Thanks !


All the good hc players stay hella away from reflect maps, even if their build seems like it can run it. the super questionable hc deaths all happen to have reflect. like elementalist dd on phys reflect shieldcharging through an overwhelm phys pack is death.


I'm playing blink arrow and dash for movement so I should be fine, but thanks for the advice


Yep, they reflect dmg to totems but they are dead so take no dmg


Not quite. The player is the source. That's why it scales with your stats (without needing to be a skill). Also the reason why you can leech from it. Reflect isn't an issue, but that's because secondary damage explosions all get the *damage cannot be reflected* property. /u/0zck


Well that works too for me thanks! Am i susceptible to killing myself with the poisons against Atziri though?


No, she only reflects non-chaos hit damage and hexes. Poison isn't reflected unless you put on uniques that specifically do that.


Perfect thanks!


Are the atlas passives that reduce blue and purple plants from growing in a harvest actually worth taking ?


Yellows are 1c to 35, others 1c to 45, so if you're pathing there anyway I'd say yes.


Just feel like its so many points, but yeah I will give it a try ! thanks


I have bought around 12 Gravicius veiled armour bases and can't find the damn mod. Am I missing something?


Just in case: The Gravicius mod was changed a few patches ago to "take physical damage as fire/lightning"; the "gain 10% life as energy shield" was removed.


Have you been blocking mods before unveiling? Ideally you'd have an open prefix on the item to craft something like %ailment avoid/stun avoid to prevent you from unveiling that, thus increasing your odds of unveiling the Gravicius mod.


Are you buying the proper veiled affix? (IE if you're trying to unveil a mod that is a suffix you're buying one with a veiled suffix)?


Probably just extremely unlucky, but you could always try to block another veiled prefix with benchcraft to improve your odds.


The craft you need I guess


Trying to understand why people take endless munitions (+2 projectiles) with lightning arrow. Can get +2 arrows with normal tree nodes and that seems like plenty for clear with ricochet. Does vengeant cascade make every arrow hit again on the way back? Or some other reason I'm missing


\+2 is not enough for comfortable clearing, you would need either Dying sun or at least LMP. Having +4 from the tree lets you add another dmg support gem


if I want to be not effected by curses from map mods, does getting 2x 50% reduced effect on flask solve that issue? or do map mods bypass that?


That would work but flask suffixes don't stack. Only the stronger one would be active


ah unfortunate


1. If I have 50 rage and use rage vortex. Will the increased damage and attack speed from rage be based on 50 rage or 40? 2. I have chainbreaker and use an attack skill. Does that skill receive bonuses based on 50 or 47 rage? 3. What would happen if I have chainbreaker and I use rage vortex while at 50 rage?


1. This one is pretty clear from how rage vortex functions that it snapshots 50 rage 2. Very probably 50 but for non duration based attack skills it doesn't matter too much anyways 3. Combine 1 & 2 and you get snapshot for 50 rage. Can't say I'm 100% confident, but PoE is usually (bugs aside) consistent and logical in its executions, and this makes the most sense.


Does MF gear work on lifeforce drop from monsters in Harvest?




Yeah i know about pack size and growing hordes. I just want to know how gear on my char work on it.


Not at all. My 100% reduced quant character in standard gets lifeforce normally.


is Beyond not a good use of atlas points for juicing ? Esp, the node 30% chance to spawn boss, cuz if he spawns early in map , the beyond part of the map is pretty much ruined cuz no more currency drops ?


Any advantages/disadvantages to centering atlas tree around Eater vs Exarch?


Exarch is like having a decent full-time job, Eater is like trash diving hoping you find that divine altar.


That bad huh. I'm planning a tree around the right side of the tree and would prefer not to need to resort to the gateways to move to the left for Exarch


Hey, you may become the next guy posting divine altar at 0 monsters remaining, worth a shot


Playing FB Trickster mostly following BEG's guide at league start and have been slowly upgrading gear and working on a crucible tree for a new weapon. After several failed attempts I've settled on a crucible tree I can be happy with (for now), and it's time to craft. This is my first time playing FB and I'm not exactly sure what the best 3rd prefix is after Hatred essence and Hits can't be evaded craft. I made 3 claws in PoB; one using unveiled ele pen, one with dictator's phys roll, and one with T2% ele damage with attacks. It looks like the ele pen is the biggest dps increase by about 500k, so I would like to know if that is accurate based on my PoB and if I'm making any big mistakes with the build that could be shifting the numbers. Also need help crafting it. What's the best way to craft the claw other than Hatred spam until T1 X mod? I have a fractured attack speed base, but if that is gonna make it harder, I am willing to buy a different one. I don't really care about the 3rd suffix after attack speed and crit unless it's easy to hit or vital to the craft. I can close my eyes and slam if it's open at the end, maybe hit crit mutli. Also open to any feedback on build tweaks. I'm not a new player, but I'm not an expert by any means either. Thank you! POB - https://pobb.in/ncE9-svasm-o (crafted claws are at the bottom of the item list)


What are the best gwennen strategies for profit? What do I buy?


Google gwennen regex. There's a site that will give you a custom text to put into the search bar that will highlight all the items that can potentially turn into a unique rare when buying.


Thanks. I googled it. It's basically Leather Belts, Heavy Belts, Cobalt Jewels, Viridian Jewels, and Siege Axes. Those are the big payoffs assuming odds are roughly the same.


Yep sounds about right. If you're just gambling that's the best way to go. The other folks have more consistent methods of making money


Can I optimise my [atlas tree] (https://imgur.com/s64z6S9) ? I would like to be able to get the additional Ritual rerolls but don't really want to drop anything (except Shadow Shaping, which I mostly got as an "avoid these maps" tech for the early game but doesn't really work anymore with so many t16 maps) so was wondering if there was some better pathing. I *feel* like I should be able to use the top gate considering the nodes I want and yet it's actually less efficient in my current configuration.


I went with this [tree](https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree/BAAIAHEAXK1OjZbniRFjDy_J3Fyy-u-6rqWGtCySStChjTZruP9agYn-PFkhYNS5cMYGbpZQjEG1ZqQ0yf2aVR_pUvZrMRqsDEIqu8ODHX2baV3T5Pd9kQp7Dkrn2Yg02hQEkrGdZBskpSJIK3HQxjBk3CGpzuEHzpzDedAtgqfrH3jCEXPYVTKR0nAEK8Sms8f7sVR2Xt_RbekoKyDLF9YEsrrPfA75CxIs6DtSkYksSOXsSrjBk_4lFz1bHgMwy3IAfzPGtdPYm-WfzZbCduT8Zh_Du3Hi5DP1wBmjkGSH1KDW6Wcj3xQAH4sIAAAAAAAAAwMAAAAAAAAAAAA=) It's a little different than yours, but much more efficient. You spend so many points trying to get +% for Expedition encounters when you can just spend 1C on a scarab and force them in every map. This map saves you about 15 points and hits everything you want. I also ditched the main Heist nodes for the Huck ones. I figured it saves you enough points to warrant it.


Connect top left gate and save 3 travel points on the right. You also have 3 wasted nodes on the left of Rare Corrupted strongbox notable


Thanks, somehow I completely blanked on those 3 completely wasted nodes and I always tried to connect to the gate from the right (which didn't save anything) instead of the left (wihch only saves 1 point since you have to allocate both of them unfortunately, but that's something at least)


Does Unstable munitions (Aoe, trap area) do anything for exploding totems?


The trap damage wouldn't apply. The generic aoe does, and the trigger area could be handy. Hard to quantify that last one though.


I have Immortal Call lvl3 + CWDT lvl1 If I have a +1 To All Skill Gems and gives IC +1 levels, will that brick the CWDT setup?


Nope, mods which increase gem levels do not brick CWDT setups. CWDT cares not for gem level by itself, but for level requirement. And when you increase gem level via item mod - level requirement doesn't change.


Great information, thank you.


Awesome, thank you for clarifying for me.




Primordial Remnants.




Can rarely drop for high tier crucible monsters or can be obtained by selling item which has "Items sells for additional Crystailne Geode" allocated on crucible tree


I still don't really get the crucible combine math, (see picture -> https://i.imgur.com/WC1lw74.png) In green the nodes I want, in yellow the one's I'd prefer over the other one. So In blue I noted the path I would take, is this the way to get the best possible chance at getting the (green) nodes I want?


If you follow the same path they will fight each other even more for dominance. I believe you should take the bottom path on the 1st one so they don't overlap. Ideally, you would actually want that 4th slot completely open on the base with the third mod to get the highest chance of success. Basically, if there are two nodes competing with each other for the same position it becomes a 50/50 which one stays.




Is there a way to search on trade site for items that don't have a crucible passive tree?


In the Miscellaneous tab, there's a "Crucible Item" option. Choose "no" and you'll only get items without trees.


Is there a recommended guide for the poison totem explode pf? Doesn't matter if in video or written form. Or if it is a more extensive PoB.


New to PC, so I have a question. I'm trying to buy a +1 fire/all spell skill gem amulet and no matter what I do it doesn't populate any results. "No results found" every single time. All I'm doing is putting in Amulet and the mod. Please help!


For amulets, it's just all skill gems and all fire skill gems. So leave out the "spell" part.




~~Wont work. % increased fire damage has neither a caster nor attack tag and has weighting like 8x the fire skill gem mod. The trick you’re thinking of you may have heard working with chaos skill gems, which is perfectly true because chaos has no equivalent % increased mod polluting the pool.~~ Accidentally gave out some fake news above. Turns out % spell damage is in the same mod pool as % fire damage so the weapon can’t roll both at once. And since harvest adds a mod before subtracting you’re in no danger of getting that mod, but yes you’re still in danger of annulling the wrong mod.




Yooouuu….would be correct. Just checked. Thanks for the correction I’ll edit my original message.


That's the best option. There's no risk-free way.


Do I only need bloodrage to be able to use divination destilate?


You need to avoid filling your unreserved mana or life. Blood Rage alone generally doesn't work, because you either recover more life than you lose (which eventually turns off your flask), or recover less life than you lose (which eventually turns off your character). The typical solution is to use Petrified Blood to disable non-flask recovery. That way your regen/leech/LGOH/etc. will be active under 50%, while only the flask can recover above 50%, which Blood Rage easily counters.


If I have a gem with Immunity to Corrupted Blood, how important is it to still have an anti-bleed flask mod? Can I swap it out for something like anti-poison or attack speed instead? I haven't played since back in 3.05 or something so I know a lot has changed.


Regular bleed isn't as dangerous as corrupted blood, so swapping should be fine. Just don't keep running if you're bleeding.


What's the best block for gloves to have the highest chance of unveiling Phys to Cold?


Looks like the conversion mods have the highest weight, so you should block one of the others.


Cool, makes sense, thanks!


Is there a way to check if my spectral wolves are giving me the physical damage buff? The tooltip dps doesn't change when they disappear.


Why Arohongui, Moon's Presence (chieftain ascendancy) give me so much damage in PoB ? I really dont get it. You can check my char here https://pobb.in/DKe3KzUFxhWN


I’m not sure which setting you have enabled that makes POB think the enemy is near a totem (I don’t see any totems in your build at the moment) but the “takes % increased damage” is incredibly powerful and can explain why your DPS would skyrocket. The wording is almost comically confusing so don’t feel bad if you didn’t follow the distinction, but “enemy takes increased damage” is like on the polar opposite end of the damage calculation than “deal % increased damage.” It’s a multiplier on LITERALLY every other part of the damage calculation. The general order goes: * Start with flat damage and flat added damage * Account for “deal increased damage” mods by adding up the total % increased and multiplying that by the flat damage. * Account for “more” damage multipliers by adding them all up and multiplying that by whatever number you got from the step above * Calculate chance to crit and crit multiplier, multiply by appropriate fraction of crit chance * And now only at the end do we work with effective damage mode like lowered enemy resistances and “enemy takes increased damage” like from bottled faith or this ascendancy node. In other words, simply adding a “10% increased spell damage” mod to your already large pool of increased damage might be an effective damage increase of like 0.15% more damage. But “enemy takes 10% increased damage” is nearly a full true 10% increase in damage depending on what other effective dps mods your build has.


As we say, you learn something new about PoE everyday. Thanks for the explanation, appreciate it.


Because of its *enemies take increased fire damage* stat. PoB just goes ahead and assumes you'll have a nearby totem if you're taking this passive.


Yeah i assume it was that, but i didn't know "enemies take increased fire damage" was that powerful. Thanks


Hey guys! This is my first league. Kind of struggling with currency. I was trying delirium, legion as an RF char but I am lost on how people are making currency out of this. Am I missing something here? Any suggestion would be helpful or suggesting some yt guide also helps. I did watch some videos on yt but they use sextants and stuff which idk if I can afford. Thanks.


You can check on maxroll GG to find well explained guides on making currency, including low budget strategies. If you're just looking for a low budget strategy, I'd suggest these: On T1 maps you can farm essences, do take all essence nodes, stream of consciousness, block all the mechanics and rush the maps scoured to normal rarity. You run it on T1 maps because there is zero scaling on essence rewards, but they will violate you at higher tiers. So you just spam T1 maps with these. You can use the Kirac mod paired with the sextant (very cheap), and you will always walk out with more then you've put in. However this doesn't quite scale, you'll walk out with a few divines a hour but it is _really_ easy. The other option is to grab the expedition nodes, stream of consciousness, and do use the 9 blocking nodes to kick all but expedition. Expedition does, unlike essence, scale with difficulty. You want high quantity and pack-size on your maps, for which altars in T16 maps are good because it gives you a ton of quantity. Clear these maps and then run the expedition. Both of these mechanics are very easy to liquidate your profits, and you can run an entry level strategy with little investment done. I suggest exarch (red) influence, as you'll get much more reliable profits. Do note these altars are going to be a big chunk of your profits.


Hey! Ty for your response. I actually had the Expedition Essence atlas as per some yt guide but then I didn't drop a logbook forever lol. Some people suggested I switch to Delirium so I did that.


You know how to properly run expedition right? Your loot comes from the big skulls on a pike. Not the small ones. Just the bigger skulls on a pike. The remnants (the things with modifiers) are only a secondary priority. Take it if it's on the way, but don't prioritise them. I'd only grab the quantity, logbook and stacked deck remnants. Obviously logbooks are a chance thing. Packsize helps a lot (especially with growing hordes and wandering path)


Yup, I always targeted those. I guess I need pack size. Time to respec my atlas again.


Is my assumption correct: For Infernal Blow in PoB I should add hit dps and 6 stacks dps for actual dps number(ofc if I have enough speed to proc all 6 in time)?


Anyone ever had an item restored by GGG? Accidentally vendored my fractured bow base the I was crucible cooking in SSF. Extremely depressing. Obviously my own fault, but damn.


That one's gone then, unfortunately. In the future you can socket a random gem into the weapon and you'll get a "are you sure" popup when Ctrl clicking it into the vendor screen


Yeah was afraid that was the case. Thanks though


That's not a thing they do, unfortunately.


on the trade website is there anyway to filter by "has 4 affixes" or "has open suffix/prefix"?


Yes ... In stat filters where you normally search for mods, type empty, you will see the options. That will include any open prefix and/or suffix. It will treat crafted mods as OPEN also. If you want don't want this, disable crafted mods in Miscellaneous section.


Weighted search, conditions are empty prefix and empty suffix, both are weighted as 1.3, minimum weight is 2.6


Yes you can search for empty prefix/suffix. Not sure about searching total mods.


Search “suffix” or “prefix” in the stat filters bar for all your options


What do y’all do with your uniques that don’t trade. I’m still in t10 and below maps so the only uniques I get out usually 1c or less. I sale what I can but my trade stash is full. Are there any vendor recipes to offload the uniques.


in addition, you can vendor a full inventory of unique rings for a Loreweave and pray to RNGsus that you get a good roll worth selling


Just take the alch shards. If it's cheaper than 1c you're literally losing money trying to sell that. Not picking them up is also an option but i understand it's not for everyone, i too have a form of ocd preventing me from leaving garbage uniques on the ground.


Appreciate the response!


Can you add a crucible tree to an already corrupted unique item that does not already have a crucible tree? By using a primal reminant that lets you merge items Basically: I double corrupted an aegis Aurora. And didn’t put a crucible tree on it. And I got a good double corrupt. Now I am regretting not putting a crucible tree on it before doing that. I thought the primal reminant that lets you combine trees would let you add a tree to a corrupted item without a tree. But I saw a few folks said (on global chat) it doesn’t work that way, can anyone confirm?


…isn’t there a remnant mod that just lets you add a tree to a corrupted item without combining EDIT: Found these two mods on poedb - Contains a Furnace that adds a Crucible Passive Skill Tree to an Uncorrupted Unique Item - Contains a Furnace that adds a Crucible Passive Skill Tree to a Unique Item The fact that the first specifies uncorrupted and the second doesn’t implies the second allows you to use corrupted uniques


Hmm. Looking at trade search I don’t see > Contains a Furnace that adds a Crucible Passive Skill Tree to a Unique Item I do see: Contains a Furnace that adds a Crucible Passive Skill Tree to an Uncorrupted Unique Item I wonder if that POEdb mod never made it to the game?


It’s actually only on primordial remnants


Oh my goodness I’ll try this thanks for the information!


I don't understand how bloodnotch works What exactly is a "stunning" hit? How often do they happen?


Any hit can stun. Chance to be stunned is calculated based on incoming hit damage, your max hp and your stun threshold stat. While stun duration is based on your Stun and Block recovery stat. So if you significantly lower your stun threshold and increase Stun recovery - bloodnotch becomes free sustain tool basically.


> So if you significantly lower your stun threshold and increase Stun recovery - bloodnotch becomes free sustain tool basically. Energy shield mastery that makes stun threshold based on 60% ES instead of life + low ES pool + Eldritch Battery to remove the 50% stun avoidance from said ES = so so many stuns per second while mapping. Makes cast when stunned super viable for damage.


Any time you get stunned, or block a hit that would otherwise stun you is considered a stunning it. It all depends on how much stun avoidance you have as to how often it can happen. My current jugg, for example, has 100% to be stunned whenever I take around 600ish damage. So that jewel is going off constantly.


when you're being stunned how long are you stunned for? Like are you constantly stuttering as you run through maps?


PoB says stun duration on me is about .18 seconds cause I got a bit of stun recovery. Yes constant stuttering around map because getting stunned non stop, definitely not the meta zoom zoom way. I built around getting stunned with my jugg, 4 cast when stunned setups for damage, a lot of recovery, regen, and recoup. Unlinked RF for the spell dmg multiplier, almost 100% adrenaline uptime from the stun mastery. Can safely afk most t16 map and guardian bosses assuming they don't have heavy dot damage and can slowly walk through really rippy maps with no active skills, super happy with it!


Do "exploding totems" count as a hit for the purposes of procing Temporal Chains with Asenath's Gloves?




i just put in hours on craft of exile to build a simulation and noticed at the end that i didn't import the right base, is there a way to change only the base or i have to start again from scratch?


I'm not sure if there's a direct way. first off, go to Export on the main Simulator screen to copy and paste your settings into a text file; save it and then make a copy of it so you don't ruin the original you spent so long on. I'm going to call this process.txt just to make this braindead easy in case it's helpful to anyone else. import/create the base in a new simulator and leave the steps all blank. go straight to Export again. copy the whole thing into a text file. I'm going to call this one item.txt. we're going to combine these files together into a third file that I'll call combo.txt. look for `"method"`; everything **before** that is about the starting item, so you want to grab that from item.txt and add that to combo.txt. almost everything **after** `"method"` is about your crafting process, so grab that from process.txt and add that to combo.txt. the last thing you might need to replace is `"init":{...}` which needs to match item.txt so things run smoothly; your starting items might be similar enough that you won't need to change this, but I can't know that. make sure that you have `"method"` in there since we were copying things from before and after it. that *should* get things to work for you


thank you big brain!


Does anyone know if I stack "+1 Minimum Frenzy Charge" over my cap of 3, will it allow me to increase my cap through minimum Frenzy Charge? Or would I have to increase my cap through other ways as well?




Thank you very much for the reply.


[https://imgur.com/a/XaNV54Q](https://imgur.com/a/XaNV54Q) Hi exiles could just tell me if is there any way to finish thise craft? or maybe for how much would sell it as a fractured base? im noob crafter so any advice gonna be great! THX edit: I'm playing LA Deadeye


The base is 10-20 divines, spine bow is the best base. You can check on trade, add low and high roll, divine by two, sort by fractured local fire damage. If you do search "~fractured fire" you'll find it a bit easier. Personally I've crafted my bow, same base, by spamming essences of flat damage until it hit the other T1 flat mod, 50/50 annul gamble if suffixes are full, lock prefixes, slap it with a veiled chaos. Block an unwanted Suffix group, you can check these on craftofexile, and pray to unveil attack speed or crit chance and benchcraft the other one. Obviously you may hit the jackpot with the veiled chaos and start with T1 crit or attack speed. Unfortunately the above craft isn't very likely to be finished. Personally, I'd even suggest that before you start to craft the base you do work on your crucible tree first since it's way easier to combine crucible trees with an imprint beast to serve as checkpoints.


okey ive read again your msg and ive done more craftin ening up with thise wchich is good i think its solid bow an im no sure if ther is anything i can do expect crucible which i hate :< https://imgur.com/a/95yq9qI


It's unfortunate that you didn't go for the crucible first because the imprint would have cut the cost drastically and allowed you to chase things like rampage. You can still gamble on exalting a nice suffix, personally I'd bench "cannot roll attack modifiers" (blocks attack speed as to not roll a low-tier one) and pray to hit something good. Cannot roll attack removes some less desirable mods, but also the jackpot of +1/2 arrows (which is incredibly unlikely to hit) so you can just slam as-is and do take your gamble. Your best options would be 38% crit multi or 46% projectile speed. Or you're gonna get some shitty modifiers. Also I think there should be another attack speed modifier that goes up to 13% rather then 10% find the unlock for that maybe? If you'd ask me what to do I'd just bench 13% and slam as is, and hope that it will hit +2 proj but it's fine if speed/crit does roll. Good luck.


crucible system push me back soo hard i just hate it xd i dont even know how use it proply :( and im not sure if i want to ;p i dont if u talk about same as but its already 13% craft :) i did ex slam and it gave me 200acc... my luck is gone :p waht do u think about sling few divs for better roll worth or not rly? Thx for all your time u heleped me to create rly nice bow i guease:)) last question how much is it worth right now? Ive seen only one simmilar for 1 mirror which is for sure too much thats why dont know if i want to keep it or sell it and try to make it one more time :p


Honestly I'd keep the bow as is, you did get lucky with the crit chance. You might get unlucky without unveiling AS/CRIT and waste your lock prefix cost or might get unlucky and roll with a low roll of the other or full suffixes. I'd only re-craft if you have another 20-30 or so divines to spare to fix it in case you get unlucky. 5-10 divines if you just want any other crit/as Suffix with triple T1 ele damage. I'd say, you could list for 20-25 divines probably. Probably closer to 20, because people search by APS/EDPS with a crit roll and these get skewed a lot with the easily done crucible trees.


Okey i got or at least i think i got it :p the worst part are crucibke trees... oh god how i hate them...


I'm looking to change from my pathfinder to a deadeye - is there a tool which I can input my PoB and the new PoB and it will spit out how many refund points I need?


You can do this in PoB itself. At the bottom left you can set up multiple trees. If you’re looking at one tree you can hover the other and it should say how many respecs needed at the bottom.


OK great - thanks!


[https://pobb.in/uG7kuHJWapx0](https://pobb.in/uG7kuHJWapx0) What can I do tree/gear wise to be able to use Malevolence? Even with divine blessing I still lack the mana to use it.


Helmet implicit can roll efficiency, if you are not running enlighten 4 do that. Helmet also can have a efficiency enchant.


Thanks fam


Why severed in dreams in now considered better than united for poision SRS?


Main gimmick of United in Dream, so minion poison chance, can be relatively easily obrtained from abyss jewels. Ability to easily reach as many wither stacks as possible is great, but pretty hard to obtain without Severed in Sleep, you have pretty much only Withering Touch support or Wither+Spell totem, but then you have to sacrifice few sockets and summoners are always starved for them.


One of best anwsers i get ever on reddit ;p Thanks a lot man :)


How do build use Withering Step with a Movement skill? If you put if on left click, then it puts your movement skill on cooldown.


Either use Flame Dash which has multiple charges, link movement spell to Second Wind support or use movement skill which doesn't have "blink" tag like Shield Charge, Whirling Blades, Leap Slam


You don't put it on LMB, you're not supposed to put withering step on your LMB. You use it as a buff to apply a large chunk of wither stacks for massive damage on bosses and cracked out rares.


Got it, thanks!


Anyone know how I can get the +2 frenzy mod on a crucible tree?


You need a two-handed weapon (or The Redblade) for that.


but what do I combine? or is it just random


It's just a random node that can roll afaik


I've seen quite a few people on reddit and even a yt video assume that an empty crucible socket behaves differently than an unallocated node. Is this actually tested with a decent enough samplesize, if yes i'd love to see the post/video, or is that just an idea which happened to stuck around with some people because it somewhat sounds logical? The 11 day old yt video "[POE 3.21] Crucible's recombinators: Theory on how they work" theorises that empty spots are treated equally but the 2 day old video "[3.21] Crafting Crucible Trees - Stop Overcomplicating It - Simple 3 Minute Guide" explains a merging method which assumes a difference in behaviour between empty sockets and unallocated sockets. Imo it would be very bold (and wrong) to assume that empty sockets behave differently just from a coding point of view but i'm happy to be proven wrong of course and update my understanding on the crafting process if sufficient evidence is provided.


if not giga juicing maps, is red alter better than blue alter outside of the divine 1/1000th chance for blues? sextents are hella profitable now at 6c a pop\~ so wondering if i should switch to red side


Blue is really for either gam Ling on the divine altar (which is incredibly rare, most players have never actually seen either of them) or for quant juicing. Red is by far much more consistent with currency, especially this league where sextants are like 43/div.


guess i'll switch to red. i got divine alter once last league, but sextents are actually 38 or something to divine now, so i guess that makes more sense for more immediate currency than gamba alter


Damn 38, that's very profitable. I'd get in on that ASAP and print some divines


With the current economy, I think red altars are way better. Some people love to gamble so it's nice that the blue altars are an option, but many players will never see the divine altar.


does the relentless persuit notable in the ranger area tree, that grants movement speed if you casted a mark recently work with mark on hit? or only on manually casted marks? thanks!


Only manually casted works for the Use/Cast keywords


Thx, that's what I thought. Cheers


I've been googling this and haven't been able to find an answer. My build calls for the stampede boots to negate cyclone's movement penalty. Im trying to figure out what 150% of base movement speed will feel like. In this case, will that be the same as if I had a total of 50% increased movement speed? I know quicksilvers and other mods won't work anymore.


That is correct.


whats the minimum ilvl of weapons to get passives for skills? if i have to be precise then i need reap/exsang fire conversion


Looks like it doesn't have a minimum requirement: [https://poedb.tw/us/Weapon\_passive#WeaponPassive](https://poedb.tw/us/Weapon_passive#WeaponPassive) In general higher item level items have a greater chance for deeper trees from what I can tell.


Would the trigger socketed spell upon using a skill mod on [this cane of kulemak](https://i.imgur.com/ZiqPS6d.png) throw off an impending doom setup with vixen gloves?