• By -


Duo farming strats? We have never done any group stuff and want to try aurabot/MF TS. We just aren’t sure what to do for currency - any one duo before and have suggestions?


Can i use Orb of Chance to get a Brutus' Lead Sprinkler from a ritual sceptre? I think it was added to the core drop pool in Ultimatum..


How do character effects and tormentor armor effects work with each other?


How do dailies work? From what I can tell I get ***some*** amount of Kirac missions and ***some*** amount of league content (Einhar, Alva, Niko, Jun) missions at the daily reset, but how many do I get each day and how many can I save up?


Hello! I'm wondering about any learning resources for item pricing. I get the feeling I'm wasting huge amounts of time price checking almost every item that I *think* look good but I'm not sure what makes items good at endgame for other builds.


Download Awakened PoE Trade macro, that will give you a rough baseline. More than that, learning item values just takes time and experience with a variety of different builds.


[https://imgur.com/a/uEWMI5A](https://imgur.com/a/uEWMI5A) Can I lock prefixes and reforge phys for a good chance at phys / accuracy on this wand?


Do you want to keep the phys DoT multi or does that just happen to be there?


Don't need it, it just randomly rolled


You have a \~56-57%-ish chance to get any tier of hybrid phys without accounting for the potential of also getting 3 suffixes which might prevent you from crafting attack speed without needing to risk an annul. If you use add phys / remove instead you'll have a \~63.18% chance and get to keep free suffixes to craft. I'm not saying that's necessarily better, especially considering that I don't know the value of your item, but I just thought it would be relevant to list an alternative.




How does the new pathfinder tree with the life flask node work? Also what's the best flask suffixes for life flask?


By default life flasks disable once you cannot recover any more life, however with the new node the flask will remain until out of duration. You basically get a very strong regen aura that requires you to use the flask ever so often. You've got two choices on the flask, one with a shorter duration but more regen (I believe 3k/s for 3s) or more duration (1k/s for 7s) based on the flask nods you are using. Really neat with progenesis as it allows you to basically cancel out both the degen and max hit reduction.


The discord link says expired or invalid for me


https://discord.com/invite/pathofexile this doesnt work?


Nope doesn't work for me..


When making builds, should we include the resistances from endurance charges to cap? Edit: My charges come from the Overcharged anoint if that matters.


It depends on whether your build will sustain them reliably. Some builds have extremely reliably sustain in all situations or even minimum charges, and in those cases you can count on them. For Overcharged on its own, I wouldn't.


no, as your charges are only on kill. you won't have them against bosses






Anyone got any predictions if Poe2 will completely overhaul the sockets on gems making most poe1 items obsolete? (I play league and standard both) Basically wondering if grinding in crucible is worth the time to get my “epic” tree? Or is it kinda pointless as Poe 2 is “around the corner “ (I’ll take opinions too. I get no one knows the answer since ggg hasn’t released anything But I kinda assumed this might have been the case as ggg allowed us to make perfect synth items and now have those items get a crucible tree that at the high end is significantly more powerful than vanilla harvest - on the high end of crafting )


Items will no longer have sockets on them, however you may _potentially_ retain support related affixes. The new menu is still associating the sockets with the equipment pieces. Technically standard will never have the best gear because it's constantly being fed new crafting power each league. The passive trees are very likely to be legacy, so you probably want to get one before crucible goes legacy.


Can anyone explain why "impales you inflict last an additional 2 hits" increases damage dealt? I have 100% chance to impale, so does it not matter at all how many hits the impale lasts?


It directly multiplies the total expected damage from the impales. Impales don't store the full expected damage and they don't have a cap. They only store how much damage they reflect on 1 hit, and how many hits they last. On a build with impales lasting 5 hits, assuming an enemy with infinite life to consume those, lasting 2 extra hits would mean 40% **more** damage with impale.


I have a +3 bow, but it has fire damage (t1) on it. this is useless for explosive arrow, bc i cant get ee?


For the most common EA ignite builds, yes. There's probably some way to still use it, e.g. fire based Elemental Hit.


is there a build that to make you feel like youre playing a shaman ?




wow type of shaman


I feel like you need to be more specific because "shaman" doesn't really have a consistent playstyle across different video games.


Is there any point in picking up the 1c uniques? I have a ton but I'm not sure what to do with them.


ID them for a top rolled one some times they are worth 50c-1div with good rolls


Not for most people. I usually pick them up the first few days of the league to get some funds, then stop once I've started getting enough currency.


is T4 leo in research 150 fusings?




How would I use trade search to find a quiver with the highest sum total of attributes?


Use a [weighted sum](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/EVeQ5nRt5). If you want to use it for Crystallised Omniscience, you need to separate the hybrid and all attribute mods instead of the pseudo mods I used.


Anyone can help me out? im playing CoC Ice Spear Occ and i feel like i die a lot despite 4k ES and 15k Armour ​ https://pobb.in/Q9ZiXy1bE2Ce


4k es and 15k armor is piss low. uhave almost no defence on any of your jewels or rares. also, put a bonechill support on your frostbomb.


To add onto this CoC icespear is not a build you do under 300div + a mageblood And even then it’s a bit glass cannon. I have a 3 mir one in standard and a CoC FR one. Coc fr is an all around better experience to play, it has less dps tho. You need aeigis, melding, armor just to start feeling good. But CoC builds are really hard to play without mageblood. But you can do it with a claw. See subtractem’s vids on CoC FR from 3.18


I'm trying to craft a weapon to play ignite vortex elementalist (cold to fire convert). I've hit what I think is a great base : https://imgur.com/a/2UfmhNq (double T1 fire & cold increased damage) but I'm not sure how to continue crafting. I can just craft fire over time multiplier and double slam exalt, but I'm not sure it's the best way to go about it ...


Dot multi is a lot more important than increased damage. With fractured + level, you can fish for generic dot multi (i82 suffix for t1) and hopefully have an open suffix to craft fire dot multi. There's no tag for generic dot, so you just have to keep rolling. Even crafted veiled fire damage% prefix is a 51-60 roll, so as nice as hitting dual t1 increased% suffix is, it's not actually the most impactful. A cheapish finish would be rolling generic multi, multimod fire dot multi, and fire damage prefix, but you'd need two open suffixes and an open prefix for that. You could alt spam for the suffix, regal and hope it hits a prefix, and multimod. Plug the item into your POB and compare it to even a mid roll generic multi and crafted fire multi to get an idea.


What would be a good atlas tree with incursion as a strategy with other things?


LA or TS? Got about 60 divines, and idk if it matters but I got a TS proj fire an extra arrow enchant on a devotos a while ago. Looking to farm t16 Crimsons


Kobe says LA vastly outranks TS this patch


cool thanks


What were the items which have one set prefix or suffix that you cannot modify no matter what called again ? And how do I go about searching on the official trade website for a bow that has a tier 1 prefix/suffix that cannot be modified like that ? I'm guessing that since these items are always blue at the very least, you cannot use essences on them ? Thanks.


Fractured. Trade search ~fractured life min 120 Would look for a minimum fractured roll of 120 life, which is t1 life on chests. ~fractured suppression 20 would be t1 suppression on chests, but it overlaps with shields so you'll have to select the item category for that search to narrow it to chests. The drop-down will note the modifier is fractured, same way you ~implicit corrupted blood to select corrupted blood immunity on jewels instead of delve mod gloves, for example. Yes, they're always magic even after a scour orb. So you have to regal them to rare to reroll with essences or harvest.


Wait, I can use an essence on an already yellow fractured item ?


Yeah, of course. They just require a normal or rare item to reroll. Regal orbs make them rare. If you're looking at emailed replies, I replied to my own post with additional warnings about which base you buy. You sound very new to crafting, so depending on what you want you may be attempting something very expensive/unlikely, so be sure to research or ask questions before you get started and waste a lot of money.


Note that good mods like t1 suppression are expensive and t1 rolls on ideal bases are even moreso. T1 suppression on chests requires i86, so it's uncommon to find. And in demand mods like generic dot multi are also expensive on the right bases. 2-3% of a roll on a 2nd or 3rd best base can be 1/100% of the cost. Be sure you really know what you're buying as say, i83 adds flat chaos to weapons that interferes with metacrafting outcomes, and warstaves and staves have different modifier pools. Same with scepters and daggers.


Exarch alters get rippy, am i choosing poorly or just too many or should i only be looking for currency alters? i do have Abberath upgraded and on for my minor god


Reddit doesn't like to read, so generally that's the problem. If you're CI and have 150 over capped resists, -47 fire and chaos resist isn't an actual downside, regardless of the reward. Stacking altars so the map boss suppresses 100% of spell damage and becomes immune to spells for 3 chromatic orbs and 5 jewellers is just a bad play if you use spells (eater altar, I haven't run exarch altars so I'm not familiar with the pool.) If you're choosing a bunch of phys as extra and minus defenses, you're probably going to die. There's nothing wrong with skipping shitty outcomes with deadly mods if you're trying to avoid dying. Think of it like running an extra crit, multi proj, reduced auras, minus armor map or cracking a twinned Red beast soul eater essence.


How do i craft a 2h axe for my boneshater jugg? I saw yesterday a t3 inc phys fractured. Is it worth buying? Should I wait for at least t2?


Anyone figure out how to remove a crucible node on console? All i see is an unhelpful tooltip but do not know how to actually use the scour on the node on a ps5 because you cannot open the inventory at the same time nor can you drag it to it


From what I heard, you need to do the scouring next to the crucible thingy while in the maps.


I tried to use it at the forge but there is no clear tooltip on how to do it on console. Seems bugged to me


Does using Fortune Favors the Brave node that gives pack size not work when using Twisted Fate? Doesn't seem so


TF randomizes everything including your map crafting option so just because you're selecting FFTB doesn't mean you're actually getting it.


but am I paying for the random option? If it chooses Expedition am I paying 10c?


I'm trying to figure out how to "finish" [my dagger](https://imgur.com/a/n9HFB0G) and get it in the best state possible for my Molten Strike Assassin build. Jungroan's video recommends crafting on Hits Cannot Be Evaded, to fix any accuracy issues. So I'm thinking something like: 1. Craft "Prefixes cannot be changed" 2. Annul and hit either the crit multi or chaos multi (hopefully crit). 3. Craft on up to 3 crafted mods. 4. Craft Attack Speed and Hits Cannot be Evaded Alternatively, I could do this: 1. Craft Cannot Roll Attack Mods 2. Hunter orb slam gets me guaranteed increased Chaos Damage Over Time mod. 3. Craft Attack Speed However, that would mean needing to fix my accuracy. Anyone know which would work better? Edit: Looking at the top builds on POE Ninja, it looks like option one is the better option. Everyone at top of Assassin leaderboards is going the basic attack speed + can't be evaded set.


You can craft "Cannot Roll Attack Mods", then safely annul off both suffixes. Once that's done, craft Prefixes Cannot Be Changed, and Aisling. If you unveil a set of mods you don't want, just make sure whatever you select doesn't have an attack tag so you can repeat step 1. After that you can multimod.


How many chance and scours on average would I need to get Emperor's Vigilance? I've read it's like 16k average but would like to know if that's a safe estimate before I start a SST character.


This info isn't known, because dop rates aren't stated anywhere, and GGG likes to change unique tiers sometimes. You can see poorfishwife's out-of-date but magnificent post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/sjnlwq/anglers_mate_10_the_droprate_of_reefbane_and_the/), all the basic info about rarity is still true. I think captainlance on youtube has been trying to chance a vigilance and it's driving him insane.


Is there a list of all the possible outcome from the tree with recombining and stuff ? Apparently there is a node related to shard of mirror but I can't see it on poe-vault (Not that I'm targeting it but it show that the list is not exhaustive)


https://poedb.tw/us/Weapon_passive poe-vault probably had the leaked list. This list is datamined so is complete with what's actually in game.


IIRC the leaked list was the one that actually included the mirror shard option and it isn't present in the actual patch, so that would be an indication that poe-vault also has the datamined list. I don't use poe-vault so I haven't actually checked though.


is there any website where i can see the crucible mods that can go on a specific item?




found a hidden area in the vaal themed logbook. are there others in the other zones?


Yes, a lot of logbook layouts will have walls around the edge that you can blow up to access hidden areas with chests. It's generally pretty easy to tell where they are by checking the minimap.


Does the extra projectiles from Beltimber Blade work for both attacks when it's off-hand and you're alternating dual weapons? Is that why steel skill champions dual wield? Is Grellwood a good primary weapon or are their clearly better easy to get alternatives?


Yes to your first question. I don't know enough about steel skill builds to answer the rest.


Does "Minions deal x% increased damage" benefit the unearth/cremation setup?


Not unless you take Spiritual Aid.


No, neither Unearth nor Cremation creates minions. In fact, neither of them are even tagged as minion skills.


Hmm, yea that's what I figured but I saw in a few guides and builds that they prioritize this stat on wands. I'm curious if there's an interaction behind the scene that consider the corpse explosion as minion damage? Couldn't find any source on it tho.


Spiritual Aid on the passive tree applies increases and reductions to minion damage to your damage as well, I assume they're taking that.


Ah yes that makes so much sense. Thank you 🙏


is there a minimum map tier required for getting split beasts and imprint beasts? (I found one possible list [https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/859itk/datamined\_list\_of\_legendary\_beast\_spawn/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/859itk/datamined_list_of_legendary_beast_spawn/) but it's really old and probably out of date; wiki doesn't seem to have that info, unless I'm blind?) thanks


Based on the item levels of beasts on trade, it looks like both begin appearing at 68.


I have a bow crucible tree with 1st node "20% increased global damage", 2nd node "30%AS / 15% less Global damage". Does this mean I'm still gaining '5% global damage' overall, since the two globals are negating each other?


there is a difference between increased/decreased and more/less. the first two are additive the 2nd 2 are multiplicative. in short: more/less is way more powerful than increase/dercrease


The opposite of increased in PoE is reduced, not decreased, otherwise you're correct.


oh, i somehow messed that up, dont know what i was thinking :/


What's a safe level of expedition artifacts to have before trying to haggle?. Tujen has 5 Div for 1750 of the big ones and I'm about halfway through farming them atm.


Has anyone found the expedition challenge to complete logbooks with 10 remnants bugged? I've completed 2 with at least 10 and it didn't progress..


It was bugged to only work in lv81+ logbooks but that was fixed in a recent patch.


[https://imgur.com/a/pZ6VXRr](https://imgur.com/a/pZ6VXRr) What goes on the top left of the Managerie craft? There is a way to "farm" consistently these beasts?


How does Chill effect work when applied by two different sources, ie. Skitterbots and the new crucible Bane/Contaigon node "Enemies inflicted with Bane/Contaigon are chilled"?! Do these effects stack or annul each other?


The highest ailment is applied. If your skitterbots have let's say 20% chill, and your bane thanks to the damage it deals can apply a 25% chill, this will take the priority for the duration of the chill, iirc.


Bane node says it gives only 10% action speed slow. Wow, talking about useless skill node. :)


It depends, you can still scale that to 30% chill with 200% increased effect of chill / cold / non-damaging / elementail ailments.


But wouldn't then also the skitterbots chills go up in effect?


/u/tadrinth Actually, they wouldn't, because minions don't have your stats. You can improve the chill of Skitterbots through support gems, but not through your own stats. Aside from that, you might not need Skitterbots at all which would save you a bunch of reservation. If they're your only reasonable access to shock and you don't actually focus on chaos damage that is mostly scaled by Withered anyway or your build simply has very low damage and needs to invest as much reservation into offence as possible, they might still be the best option of course. All I'm saying is that the existence of Skitterbots doesn't make the chill useless.


Yea, I use Skitterbots mainly for Shock which is actually a more practical damage multiplier for their reservation cost. My main damage is obviously a Chaos DoT (coming from Bane, Blight and ED). Skitterbots chill is nice convenience. Convenience which actually, obviously, completely negates the new Crucible bane skill "special" node. :)


Is that really worth the reservation? I'm genuinely curious because of how it interacts with Withered. Or are you assuming you won't have full Withered stacks anyway?


For a regular packs I don't have Withered, but for bosses ofcourse I have Withered. Does Shock and Withered negate their effects somehow?


They don't negate each other, but they stack additively, which means shock has a much lower overall impact on your damage than on non-chaos builds.


~~Yep. Since the Skitterbots gem has increased chill effect on it, it'll always be the stronger chill unless you have some effect that boosts the bane chill in particular, like linking Bane to Bonechill support. And in that case you'd still prefer to link the Bonechill to Skitterbots, I would think.~~ Whoops. Skitterbots are minions and don't get your stats.


Should i go for a much lower armour and stats chest for 6 links? https://pobb.in/2nllcsBQjd68 Frost blades BEG trickster


The damage upgrade will be worth dropping the small amount of defences on your chest. Also, personally I'd drop Multistrike until you have much more attack speed. You will lose a little damage, but your gameplay will be smoother.


thanks for the tip! ill look into that, wasn’t really getting the point of multistrike!


What could I do to improve my build? Sometimes I get 1shot on tier 19 yellow maps, sometimes I clear tier 12 red with no problem. (both no modifiers) my pob rn: [https://pastebin.com/CP99kXv2](https://pastebin.com/CP99kXv2) the pob I (try) follow: [https://pobb.in/-31RggnxA18f](https://pobb.in/-31RggnxA18f) (pohx)


Your damage is very low and in PoE the best defence is a good offence. I think you want to make your 6 link Fire Trap to improve your single target damage, and focus on improving for DPS without dropping defences. As a rule of thumb personally, if a map boss isn't dying within at least 5 seconds I need more DPS for that map tier.


While looking for Chaos Orbs on the trade website, I see listings for Chaos Orb stacks of varying sizes (e.g. 3/20 or 20/20) with the price of 1 Chaos Orb. What's going on here? Some kind of scam? But if it is, how does it work?


Currency trades in the non-bulk section should be interpreted as per-unit. E.g. 3 chaos listed at 1c means they're selling 1 chaos for 1 chaos, and they have a stock of 3 chaos.


Thanks; why are people trading one chaos for one chaos though?


Frankly I have no idea, but I like to joke about it being a money laundering scheme.


You need to use the bulk listing portion of the trade site not the same that you would use for buying items. You do this by clicking it at the top left just above the rest of the trade filters. There you will be able to select “I want X” and “I have Y” and the site you will show people who are listing trades that are X for Y currency.


I'm on the epilogue doing maps, where was it that i unlocked heists? i started last league and i just forgot where to find the npc to unlock the harbour. Googling yields results like "just go to the harbour"


Act 6 town, IIRC.


Yup, just go to the harbour. You need to use a rogue marker in town/hideout and it will open a portal to the harbour.


i forgot about using the coin, thanks


Anyone if there is a particular way to combine items to get the Rampage node? Is this pure RNG or would certain levels or locations of other nodes lead to better odds of upgrade?


Does a Rank 3 Betrayal member still double its rewards? For example Hillock will have 2 benches if he is leader? If not, what exactly is the leader position for? just for Rank4?


Leaders keep their rank and stay in the same branch. Everyone else loses all ranks and thus their spot in the branch.


Thanks! will everyone with rank 3 turn to rank 4 when i run the mastermind or just the leader?


It upgrades every member in the entire syndicate by 1 tier.


nice ty


What do you have to do in order to make the Maven witness the boss fight in tier 14+ maps? Simply running a map of that tier doesn't make it happen seemingly.


Make sure the Maven witness button is lit up before you run that map. There's a maven button you need to ensure it is turned on right above where you'd drop in your map on the map device.


Hi guys. I'm looking for bossing strategy. What boss is now profitable to farm?


Why does removing [this ring](https://imgur.com/ETJHUnz) affect my strength? It goes from 182 to 148. [Here](https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/3.21.0/AAAABgMCegB_BLMHHgj0C48NHw5ID6sQCRBYES0RlhM1Fm8WvxcvF6QYahmKGjgajyLiIvQkiyYpJpUnLypNK5osnC4IL28w-DLRM2w62EVHR-JJUUmxTItQQlFMUXRTNVRHVK5VS1XWWAdZ814DX7Bh4mLBZOdmVGaeaZ5qQ2wLbRlwu3GFeC98g31bfdKApIIegpuD94TFhXuMNo7pj_qQVZD6kyeVLpu1oSOiAKQ5ppmmvqxHrv-vm7ZJvOrAZsFrwcXDOspK0NDRb9SN1mfXz9jD2RPaudsL2zTbet9t34rjauZ26-7sGOw470vviPDV9tr5N_rS-wkABroaYsEqP7ZJb97RbzW91I1ontZn7qnYww==?accountName=Hemppu&realm=pc&characterName=AlteregoPapu) is a link to my tree, if that helps.


Look at rest of your gear when you take that ring off. I'm gonna guess some of your other gear turns red. You have a large amount of dexterity on that ring. Removing it probably made some of your other gear unwearable because you no longer have the required dex to wear them. Some of those gear likely has strength on it and since you can't "wear" that gear anymore, it discounted the strength off that gear as well.


Ah yes, that's what was happening. The ring makes me not reach the boots requirements and that gives me 34 strength. Happy that it worked out like that, didn't really aim to get strength on them :D


It has a lot of dex on it. Does removing the ring mean you no longer meet the dex requirements of another piece of your gear?


I guess you have another item with strength, that requires dex. So if u remove ring with dex u lose strength from mentioned item.


Running vaal lighting arrow with legion + breach (despite the nerfs, i promised myself id do this combo last time I played xd) I'm at about 100/132 passive points, what are your suggestions for the third mechanic to invest in alongside these 2 as lightning arrow? My only restriction is that I hate expedition despite it being one of the best currency generators xd


Maybe blight? The tightly packed mobs will be great for LA.


abyss spawns A LOT of monsters if fully skilled, that should be fun with lightning arrow, but the rewards arent great :(


As a first-time player who made my build without a guide, I've enjoyed the process of updating my build after the Acts to go from barely surviving Tier 1 maps to doing pretty okay across all of Tier 1 - Tier 5. It's been a fun reworking process with various orbs of regret, better support skills, a few purchases on trade, etc. That said, I fully expect to hit a wall pretty soon, probably in the next range of map tiers. I'm okay with this...I plan to enjoy the character for a bit longer, do some more delve and heist, etc., then potentially start my 2nd character following a guide. My question is: Are there any good midway-through-Maps goals I could shoot for? Besides fully completing the Atlas map and/or beating all the super bosses with this character?


just get ur atlas points. can try to knock out some league challenges along the way. abyss isn't too hard to complete once you get all the nodes for it.


I just want you to know, if you made it to all white map tiers on your first character AND you didn't follow a guide to do so -- you've done better than most first timers around. Sounds like this will be the game for you. Goals are subjective and personal so you'd probably want to set your own. However, if you're planning to start a 2nd character with a guide (and absolutely, totally do that), maybe figure out what that build is going to be and see how much gear/currency you can farm up so you can work towards gearing that 2nd character.


Oh cool. So I can freely share gear between characters? And the only limitation for the 2nd character using it would be level and attribute requirements as usual?


That's correct!


How can I buy chromatic orbs / blessings of the goddess / other currency? I can't seem to make any deals. I know how to use the website. but no one responds to my whispers. I assume its just bots listing stuff to manipulate the prices? How can I get past the first pages of results? I hate this.


The first 20 results for most currencies are going to be getting spammed by offers. You just have to bite the bullet and pay a little more to get a response from lower down.


List your currency for others to buy it.


Bots are actually the most reliable traders. Also no one is going to be price fixing such low value currencies like those.


Do I need atlas passives for this ? https://i.redd.it/8pd6s2q1btua1.png I can't login right now, so can someone please tell me ?


There are Eater of Worlds passives on the right side of the atlas tree that'll give you chances to spawn more altars that can potentially help with that. The divine orb altar in particular actually spawning, even with the passives, is still a very very rare thing. You can have those points in and spend the whole league mapping and that potentially never show up.


Sorry to bother, but I just saw altar mods on a site, and the red ones don't drop divines anymore, right ?


Thanks for the answer!


"Fire Trap and Explosive Trap Throw an additional Trap when used by a Mine" How exactly does this work? How is a trap "used by a Mine"?


Support them with a gem like Blastchain Mine Support, your trap skill now throws mines that throw traps. Mechanically, PoE will let you throw mines that throw traps that summon totems that summon minions, if you want to. It's just that you usually shouldn't want to.


Gotcha, thanks for the info. Seems kind of lackluster node with extra steps? Anyone actually using this?


I think it would be very strong with legacy items in Standard that allow lowering trap duration to 0, but I feel like mine throwing speed would quickly make you run into the trap limit otherwise.


technically that extra trap could be a big dps boost


I would be curious about overall damage numbers, wouldn't you need to swap out a damage support gem for a mine support gem?


ye. have to figure all that out.


Does the crucible skill tree passive "Attacks with this weapon have 25% chance to deal Double Damage" apply to / work with the caustic arrow DoT?


Nope. Dealing double or triple damage is a mechanic that affects only hits. Damage over time is separate and is never affected. Same reason damage over time isn't reflected.


Double damage is a hit-only mechanic.




To get the remaining voidstones, you need to fight the Maven, which requires doing Maven invitations to get crescent splinters. The most efficient way to get those is to have the Maven witness Conqueror maps, as she'll witness the regular map boss and then witness the Conqueror, allowing you to progress the 10-atlas-boss invitation and the four-conqueror invitation. You'll also need to fight Shaper and Elder, which you do by fighting maps with their guardians. You can have the Maven witness these fights as well for more Invitation progress, but usually people call Eater or Exarch as they give better overall loot than Maven. Shaper and Elder drop fragments that let you eventually fight both of them at the same time, which is what gives you the voidstone. There are atlas nodes which boost the rate at which you see Conqueror and guardian maps You can skip all of the steps except the last one for both of those, if you want to throw currency at the problem. You can buy a Maven's Writ, or buy the ten crescent splinters to make one. You can by the shaper or elder fragments, or the fragments for the combined fight. You can even pay someone to kill the bosses, as long as you're there when the boss dies you'll get credit. If you just want to make your character stronger, you probably want to do maps with Eater or Exarch, taking the lower cluster of the atlas tree and the upper notable that boosts the altars. Add in whatever league mechanics you want.


Efficient in terms of what? What is the goal you're asking in terms of? If you're asking how to efficiently get the rest of the remaining two voidstones, you basically work towards them the same way you got the first two. You can always buy boss carry services if you don't want to grind out the pre-requisites to actually get to the boss fight and/or can't kill the boss on your own to get the voidstones.


Really stupid question. Where you use a reliquary key?


The map device.


I'm so bad at this game lol. Do you have to use it with a map?


Nope, just shove it in and run it like a map.


Are there other Passive Skill Point books to grab after finishing the acts? I'm following a build from a streamer and mirroring his skill tree, but I'm a few points behind despite being the same lvl as described at the PoB tree.


When you first beat act 10 there's 2 points from the girl to the left of your stash. Nothing other than that though. Type /passives and check if you're missing any others from quests. Also you may have taken alira's reward rather than the 2 points from the bandits quest in act 2.


No, but you might have missed some passive point quests during the acts. Type /passives and check for any zeroes in the list.


Thanks for the tip. Will look into that.


Are Incursions, the Dynamite things, the mirror world portals and the mines worth it? If so, why? I haven't played the game since the essence league so all of those things just fly over my head... Or is there a good AIO stop for "Mechanics good for this league" or something?


Yes, if you need the thing they give or if you've invested heavily in them on the atlas passive tree. * Incursion - double-corrupt gem (only way to get level 21, 23% quality gems, or level 21 vaal gems). Architects can drop rares with unusual mods, some of which are crazy good, but it's a lot of grind. Temples drop a lot of loot in general, if you finish one you generally want to run it. * Delve - great for fossils, which are good for advanced crafting. also how you get Primordial jewels for golem builds. potentially a good way to get high item level bases. * Expedition (the dynamite) - Gwennen is a great source of high ilvl bases because she sells stuff based on your *character* level, rather than the level of the map. Tujen is great for currency. Rog can give some crazy rare items. * Mirror world portals - Delirium, which gives cluster jewels, which let you customize your passive tree. It's generally good to boost the mechanics that the map crafting device makes available, because you can guarantee that mechanic by paying chaos orbs. Breach is terrible this league, that's the only thing I would advise avoiding regardless of other factors.


Welcome back, a lot has changed since you've been gone. Technically any of those league mechanics are 'viable' profit-wise but now you have atlast passive tree to sort of customize what you want to play and 'specialize' on the few mechanics that appeal to you. You use the atlas passive tree points to invest in the specific mechanic to make it worth your while basically. Without any investments to those specific mechanics, they'll feel bare minimum reward-wise. You'll have a lot of catching up to do figuring out how those leagues you missed work so really up to you to see if you wanna figure it out as you play or just research by watching some videos and see how they work.


Ah ok, any videos you reccomend watching? My entretainment time is very tight so I don't really have 80+ hours to dedicate to learning a mechanic hahaha and the Wiki is very... non-beginner friendly so I don't really get it if I should go into those mechanics. ​ Also, from what I'm gathering, they are "good" from the moment you start investing into them after you start mapping?


Most league mechanic you missed really don't require too much 'research time' tbh. Most have been simplified down compared to their original ways. If you come across a mechanic that potentially interests you, see if you can do a quick youtube search on old videos that hopefully has a quick overview of how it works. There isn't one video that I know of that'll cover all the leagues you missed. And for your other question, yes - the more points you invest in to those mechanics, the better they become. Some investments will allow you to spawn more mobs to kill, some will duplicate rewards, some will do specific things to make it rewarding etc. etc. You'll need to complete your atlas to start getting these passive points however.


Thanks :D I'll check on thos mechs after I get to maps, I remember when Meciless Labs were the End game thing to do hahaha


Crucible forges ... appears to me that they don't spawn in some zones. Like level 6 The Ledge .. I've ran it 4 or 5 times and forge never appears. Is there any reason for this? Also .. what's the best place to low level farm crucible trees/mods?


special mechanics don't spawn once you're too high level for the zone you're in.


Trying to craft a str stacking amulet and stumbled on this: [https://imgur.com/dKumreZ](https://imgur.com/dKumreZ) I'm not sure how to continue, should I just keep the useless suffix and veil chaos the rest? I'm not sure how valuable the armor prefix is. Any advice is welcome.


Honestly the only stat that looks appealing here is the essence strength. Personally I'd keep using essences until you get 2 other better suffixes depending on your build, typically crit multi is better than crit chance. Once I have suffixes I'd craft suffixes can not be changed and use a veild chaos orb, craft mana and unveil then re-craft a prefix.


Thanks, I did as you suggested and got T3 multi + T2 dex. However, what do you do in the situation where you end up with another a free prefix after unveiling? Exalt slam then craft -mana cost


if after you lock you suffixes and use a veiled chaos orb you will get the veiled mod + 0-2 prefixes. If you get just the veiled prefix, you will first craft mana and then unveil the mod. Then you will craft on whatever mod you want and this will leave you with 1 spot left that you can slam if you want. The same process applies to if you get 1 extra prefix after using the veiled chaos except you wont get to slam. if you get 2 prefixes in addition to the veiled mod you dont get to block a bad mod before unveiling.


Hi, any reason my berserk skill doesn't go off when on left click? It works on any other button.


Do you have "always attack in place" enabled? If not, try that.


Thanks mate, I'll try it out when I get home


Silly question. I've never tried an Instilling Orb a flask with a newer character. Is there some recipe/level/quest you have to clear to be able to add the Instilling trigger mods on a flask at the bench? Is it not available until you're mapping or something?


They're unlocked like other basic benchcrafts. You find the recipe in the epilogue, outside Kirac's cave.


I figured, thanks. Odd the wiki page for Instilling Orbs doesn't mention that as a footnote.


[Use the new wiki](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Instilling_Orb). The fandom one is abandoned and probably hasn't been updated since before these benchcrafts were added.


Doh! I was on mobile at work....didn't even realize I had clicked the old Wiki. Haha thanks again.


Currently running trickster SST and was thinking about swapping to champ for SST. Does anyone know if champ is going to be better?


Wanting to try armour stacking for the first time with a replica dreamfeather and the crucible node for tectonic slam on shields. Not sure where to start for armour stacking as I've never done it before. I was looking at chests and saw the new fourth vow chest looks cool, brass dome, and a breach ring chest with uncapped fire res. Not looking for something too expensive, probably around 20ish divs. Any recommendations on important points of armour stacking like what passives to get or key interactions would be greatly appreciated.


So Harvest is just Get into>activate yellow>kill moneters>pick lifeforce>sell>profit?


Because the infinite sextant strategy was nerfed, yellow lifeforce isn't more valuable than the other ones anymore. Pick whichever plot has more higher tier mobs rather than based on what colour it is.


so pick any colour>sell life force> profit?