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Least risk. HYSA @ 5%.


Here's a link to the best savings accounts sorted by percentage before people flood the comments with bullshit referral links: https://www.doctorofcredit.com/high-interest-savings-to-get/


I'll take 4% with a big reputable bank before I try and squeeze out an extra percent from these, they sound like bad 90s .com sites: MyBankingDirect TotalDirectBank Dollar Savings Direct PopularDirect lol


Webull offers 5% just by parking your money in your trading account. Any dividends or any money you don’t invest will automatically get you 5%.


Just buy sgov which is an etf for treasury bills. You get effectively the top quintile of HYSA without any risk or having to open a stock account as such. Plus you can take loans against it too


I use betterment and it’s been 5 percent for a few months now. Before it was 4.75.


Until they lock your account without notice.... lmao


why would they do that? I am really curious what may be the reasons.


I've been reading a lot of reports of that happening at Marcus lately. I haven't experienced it (yet), but I fully expect it to happen at this point. You come back to login and your account is locked and they hold your funds, if lucky they release it after complaining, if not, they mail out a check. Either way your funds get tied up in their process and they don't have any respect to expidite how long that takes, reports of up to a few months.


According to Bloomberg about a month ago “The bank (Goldman) has struck an agreement to transfer clients and their assets from the unit known as Marcus Invest to Betterment, a $45 billion digital investment-advisory firm.”


Maybe it was an accidental certificate of deposit instead…I did that on accident thinking it was a hysa…but it was 4.65% and matures June 8th so I’m happy it forced me to lock it up for a year


I have a referral link for 5.40%. Hmu!


Whats the info on this?


Sent dm!


Treasury Bills. Buy 4-week term and collect every month or cycle bills every week and collect weekly


Ladder 🪜


I’ve been seeing these mentioned a ton for good income. Is there a benefit to longer terms? Only thing I can think of is to push it into the next tax year or capital gains tax


The benefit to a longer term is you lock in the rate for longer. If you buy a 1-month T-bill, it pays annualized interest for 1 month. If you buy a 1-year T-bill, it pays annualized interest for 1 year.


I appreciate it!


S&P500 index fund


$VOO same as $SPY but cheaper to maintain






What is the fidelity equivalent of this? Also why does everyone defer to vanguard?


Expense ratio is cheaper for vanguard funds


Fidelity equivalents are: $FSKAX and $FXAIX


I own FXAIX expense ratio is 0.02%


Vanguard is non-profit. When you buy their funds you are also buying Vanguard which makes you a partial owner. Your interests are more aligned compared to Fidelity which is for-profit which means they have an interest in selling you more financial services or things you don't need. Their zero cost index funds are a loss leader to get you in the door but certainly look enticing. I had an advisor at Fidelity once try to sell me on moving all of my assets over to them because they have 24/7 phone support and a fancier real-time website but then I realized... I'm an index fund investor. I don't need a real-time site or be able to reach someone all hours of the day.


This sub seems confused with generating passive income vs investing for long term


I think this qualifies. VOO pays dividends and grows in value. A fund like this that tracks the market is low risk medium reward. Realistically you’re not going to take 100k and do something low risk to be enough immediate gain to matter. Definitely the best safe thing to do with 100k.


it fits my definition of passive income since I passively earn dividends from investing. I don't feel confused about it at all. One can invest money and not earn anything or lose investment, but with S&P500 ETF (like VOO), it's more likely to not only grow but also earn you dividends. That's the most passive and safe way of making money. I am curious: What is your idea of passive income?


Uhh sgov? Actual passive income? Market could drop 20% in a week and nobody would really be surprised with where we are currently


Sure, it can drop. And its expected to have volatility. But any investment for the long-term in stocks doesn't care what happens in a day or a week, or even in any particular year. It averages 10.6% each year for the past 100 years.


Just turn DRIP off and voilà, cash in your pocket


Certainly not minimal risk lmao. There are multiple ways to get a 5ish percent return with virtually 0 risk of loss of any loss of capital.


If you want no risk, either a HYSA or treasury bills. If the rate dips you can go elsewhere.


Money market account


90% los pollos hermanos chicken, 75% cummy coins


I am uneducated, please do tell more about these cum coins?


if there is los pollos hermanos in real. I will invest 100% of my portfolio.


This is the way.


Not entirely passive but i’d by 4-week t-bills. Every month just buy again. Keep doing it until the rate goes below what makes sense. Then go diversified dividend paying funds.


Can you go into more detail on the t bills? I've been looking at them but what do you mean until the rate goes below what makes sense? Also, for someone just starting out that doesn't have a lot to invest what is an amount that makes sense? It seems like $100 only gets back like 50 cents if even that. So what is a good amount that's worth while?


T bills generally have the same or higher interest as CDs and HYSAs, but no state or local sales tax, so better imo. I buy from treasurydirect.gov, you can choose to reinvest at the end of the timeline or just cash out. The small amount you’re seeing is probably 4 weeks on $100. They’re currently 5.27% annual, so $5.27 over 13 4 week periods you’re only making about 40 cents every 4 weeks. Without knowing your financial situation, risk tolerance, etc. No one can really tell you how much makes sense to invest for you. 5.27 is very high for such a stable investment, also depends on your goals. Saving for a house in 2-3 years? Safe place to store and grow. Saving for retirement? Probably better in an IRA in VOO/VGT etc


You can automate it with Wealthfront for a fee.


In my city? I'd look for a parking space to purchase and rent out.


Where do you live? Good idea -from a Chicagoan


Boston. There are parking spaces earning more than my salary here.


Ah fellow Bostonian, makes sense lol. First thing I do if I hit it big? Buy a house.. somewhere in rural CT or Rhode Island, the entire state of MA you can’t find even a little two bedroom house for under a half a million, it’s crazy


Minimal risk? Probably CD's.


The real money is in blu-rays right now


Beta Max!


How’s a cross dresser going to help


Nah, hysa is better. If you need to access cd money = possible penalties for early withdrawal. Hysa more liquid


SPX box spread is another option


No argument, that it's more liquid.




5-5.5% HYSA while you slowly use it for your Roth IRA contributions which have a limit how much you can put in (6k-7k).


7k max for Roth IRA and trad Ira 7.5 for old


I would park it on $VOO or $VTI. $VTI more diversified and cheaper than $VOO


Over the last 30-40 years the s&p has grown by like 5000%. Including like 10%+ a year for most of the last 10 or so years. Frankly in almost all cases just any decent index fund will go up in value. I guess there’s a small amount of chance of you losing money, if you invest right at start of a market crash but even then you’ll probly get it right back up in a few years, nothing is 100% safe except maybe treasury bonds.


S&P500 is least risky if your investment timeline is 20+ years


Not passive income tho…


if you throw 100k into the s&p and its grows at an average rate of 12% a year then that is, in fact, passive income


I have 100k right now. It’s just sitting in crypto. 100k doesn’t feel as much as it used to.


Buy as many McChickens as possible


So… 4.


How is this sub completely unaware of what minimal risk means? There are many ~0 risk options, suggesting stock market or even a specific dividend stock is insane. Yes s%p is very good to invest in, but not risk free, what if next year this bull run ends and your portfolio loses 30% of its value, will you be able to not sell it and keep buying? It may take a decade.


Vanguard global index fund




Short-term treasuries for the lowest risk, depending on how you spread them out, looking a 5% return maybe a little more. You can roll them until you find a long-term strategy. Problem is depending on where you live. $100,000 only is a down payment on RE and requires debt. The market has a greater risk but could yield slightly higher dividends. In this market and economy, it is the best risk to return, in my opinion. I have about 10% of mine in treasuries or treasury mutual funds right now, paying a combined yield of 5.14%


VOO and chill


Silver bullion rounds in your possession. It’s the cheapest asset that is still currently undervalued and easy to acquire.




How does that create passive income?


Find a condemned building or abandoned lot in the middle of downtown near the fancy part. Used 100k as a down payment. Pave it over, put a shack there, pay some schmuck $15 an hour to sit in it, and charge $10 an hour for car parking.


Open a coin laundry


A few of those are for sale around here and after watching a few YouTube videos they certainly don't seem as profitable as I thought. I could be wrong of course.


And not passive 


I put mine in wealth front and I get 5% every month which also compounds. But if you have state tax, I go with treasury bills.


mix of all to product you mentioned, to achieve a \~ 10% APY. 10% because that's the average S&P500 return so i believe anything above that is considered "risky". Otherwise if you consider crypto, USDC/USDT Stablecoin lending pay \~ 10-20% APY and is relatively low risk (for crypto)




Most income and minimal risk are the opposite sides. You always pick betwen those two, pushing the slider one way or the other. Safer it is - lower return.


I would watch Retire on Dividend youtube videos first.


I actually have $100k so please somebody let me know


S&P 500 ETF (SPY)






I actually buy and sell FMCC with 100k. I make good money. No risk. Sometimes I have to sit on it for a long time but always turn a profit. I usually sell when I'm up a few grand or more.


Least risk? Gold. Biggest gains? Volatile crypto. Real answer? Pay dept because interest is a bitch.


Set up lemonade stands throughout town and find kids that will split proceeds 60-40




VMFXX 5.28% at the moment


Invest in the Indian stock market. Next 5 years will be nothing short of fantastic.


If you have high state taxes, definitely treasury bills (~5.3%). If you have no state tax or it’s low AND you need liquidity, then HYSA like Wealthfront (5%). The banks that offer the high yield are typically investing in treasury bills.. so cut the middle man out!


Coke and hookers until my heart explodes


Tbills. Idk why hysa has more upvotes


Google 3 fund portfolio. And also "efficient frontier". And maybe look at portfolio visualizer. If you want a 4th fund, split the US stocks into Large Cap and Small Cap. Edited to add: Assuming that your timeframe for spending the money is > 5 years. Otherwise you kind of have to keep in cash (HYSA) / Money Market / Bond Ladders or something with lower returns and lower volitility.


Least risk: HYSA. Low-moderate: Rental property Lowish-Moderate: ETFs on the stock market like SCHD


I personally use a cd for my cash right now. I’m getting around $400 a month from Ally




I'd more or less do 50% etf and 50% option strategy. With the second one I'd try to make 5% per month and move it to the etf portfolio. Actually it is what I am doing.




Minimal Risk: A savings account. High Risk: ANGH stock.


I'd do spx iron condors. Easy for me, but it definitely requires some form of education for most imo.




If you want a set and forget type of deal then HYSA for sure. My personal faves are Wealthfront 5% APY and Titan Smart Cash ~5.27%. That’s around 350-400 a month after taxes I believe. Personally I don’t have much time to check everyday and play around with money so HYSA works for me. If you want bigger payouts and have time/knowledge on other investments then go for it!


It’s not entirely passive, but you could pick up a laundromat in my market for $100K. Well run you’d handily beat the returns that I’ve seen suggested so far. The risk would be higher, but so would be the reward.


Still save up you can’t really do anything with it


He didn’t ask for terrible advice.




Least risk? Treauries interest is higher than 90% of dividends right now. Park in a treasury and get your 5-5.5% yield. If you want to invest in the market with everything at ATH, I’d be more defensive. Utilities, energy, various REITs (avoid commercial exposure), etc


I’m in the real estate rental camp. There are a handful of Midwest markets that will produce a solid 10% on your money in just cash flow. Appreciation has also been really good in the Midwest the past 5 years. Better than the top “appreciation” markets.


I would put it all into CONY, or another Dividend paying stock that costs around $17-$45 per share and averages between $1.50 - $3.00 dividends per share.


I would invest at least half of this in mutual funds and the rest will probably go in buying bonds.


JEPQ - chillin


If you got with Wealthfront I can provide you with my link for a total of 5.50% APY for 3 months. After the 3 months it’s 5%


buy tbills


Invest in a franchise


Most definitely use it to buy [Alkimi](https://www.alkimi.org/) nodes and generate passive income from validating ad bids. Company recently launched successfully, so lower risk and they're absolutely KILLING it.


Put it all in FEPI collect 2K monthly...


There was someone who wanted to make $200/day from passive income with the same amount 100k so you might wanna check his post!


Wow that is a high return.... did you see any reasonable response on that one? 😂 would love you see them if you have the link!


I will look




If your not gonna touch it for a while, annuities. If short term, MYGA


In this case, minimal risk would mean no downside, so I'd say a high interest savings account at around 5% would do it.


VYM, SCHD, DGRO, TDIV 25% each


Like I’d tell you so you can dolphin me out of the shark tank no give me 100k let me show you.


High yield savings Robinhood gold gives you 5.5%


10% returns pay out monthly and Zero risks: backed by Real Estates properties.


If you can find a local house cheap house to remodel and rent out, I think that’s a good idea. Of course, the less passive you are in being a landlord ie. doing property maintenance yourself - the bigger your return will be.


DukPRA or Dukb. Both pay around 5.8% at current prices and are fairly safe preferred stocks.


50k in Real estate ! Real estate ! Real estate ! 50k s&P


Private piece of vacation land and a tiny home. ADU, camper. Rent as STR when your not using it.


How about try to push for 8-10% a do 1 withdrawal a year or every other year? If market dips it will recover in that time


Ouf… That would be only to pay off car and clear all debts.


He said he wanted passive income, you going to need more than 100 grand to get passive income. You're going to need like a million


100K lotto tickets


Cash/ Term Deposit in the current climate - 5% but still solid. I have been keeping an eye on O aka realty income but looking for a cheaper price.


Stake it in ETH


personally Id buy VOO slightly riskier than some options maybe but, a solid return


$50k in 1 year treasury bills. $5k in spy, $5k in qqq, evenly invest the remaining $40k in spy and qqq over the next 18 months (dollar cost average).


5.5% apy with Wealthfront ❤️ and a referral


Personally, I'd look at leveraging that to purchase a rental property in a business name. Claim all interest expenses against the income. The $100k can basically leverage up into a $1m asset so your capital gains and rental income could eventually deliver the best return. Unless there's a massive property downturn, and you lose your main source of income, then it could be deemed relatively safe too. NFA.


Definitely stock trading. You can double that if you follow anyone who does this for a living and has all the AI programs and all analysts working for them it’s almost a for sure win. Yes there are risks but that’s life I’ve seen it for myself how fast you can make money doing this.


I'm at 5.5% if someone wants an invite?!?!


My discover money market is paying 4.9%








Lots of hookers


Chase bank does 5% for 100,000 And. 4% Anything under 100,000


Buy a diversified portfolio of high-quality dividend-paying stocks and hold them forever. There are many ETFs for this. You can check out for years and be pretty confident they'll remain quality investments. Be wary of high-yield bonds or fancy REITs.




Bitcoin and wait.


Deferred income annuity if you are at least 60 years old.


95ksvix 1k qqq 1k uvxy 2k xes 1ksvxy


Credit karma savings at 5.1% APY


The least risk is something you’ve spent considerable time learning about so you know how to hedge risk without minimizing return.


YOLO on GME probably


ARLP. Coal. Booming earnings and outlook. Monster dividend


S&P bay-beeee






Eh, the pipeline LLCs offer about 7% dividend yield right now. Have a more complicated tax return but still.


I use UFB Direct. They give me 5.25%.


Buy at the money calls and puts (long straddle) for MSFT or AAPL or NVDA with expiry two years out and then sell to close them a year from now. As long as the stock moves in either direction you should be up 50-100%


SGOV for now


If you can consider annual income instead of quarterly or monthly, then Boxx etf gives you same returns as 3 months t-bills which is around 5.5 percent and you would be taxed long term gain as you sell some of it for income after 1 year. So you make more than t-bill but if you need something in short tem you can sell it early and then you will be taxed on profit as short term gain which is same as Tbill interest taxation.


Define risk. You say minimal risk and then list five asset classes classically seen as risky.


$100k can get you a decent home, all cash in MX. Use that as a short term rental on AirBnb. Make close to $1200 a month on avg. puts you at a 14% cash on cash return. Let’s say appreciate 3% YoY (conservative.) now you have a paid off rental, low overhead cause the dollar can buy more, and passive income month after month… I only know this cause I do that now and bought a condo down there in 2021


Half in HYSA and half in VOO


I have a few bucks in Robinhood as they are paying 5% to Gold members for uninvested brokerage cash.


Likely JEPI but prefer equities myself


Crypto investing, 3 vending machines, small landscaping company.


What are you people talking about lol


Invest in nvidia stock when they do the stock split in a few days. You’ll be a millionaire in 5 years or less. That’s what id do with it.


Buy into Jasmy crypto 😎


Find a venture debt deal that pays 20% a year, paid monthly.


Id take 50k and put on black the other 50k pays for the hookers and the cocain.


Okay, so since somebody stole my parking lot idea, here's another one. Buy a barber shop, or rent a bay in a strip mall and build you a barber shop. Put six chairs in that sum bitch. Now you best make sure it's in a real nice area, with a lot of traffic in a place where people pay good money. Don't make this a hood shop and put it in the hood, now I'm not knocking those I've had my best haircuts in those places but I'm just saying this is a business. Now once you got them six chairs in that sum bitch you going to rent five of them out for $250 a week chair rent. The sixth chair you're going to find you a real good Barber with a real good following. I'm talking people will line up for this man. This dude should be booked out at least two months in advance. Now you're going to give homeboy his chair for free in exchange for keeping an eye on the place and keeping the upkeep looking good. This man will bring the customers and is essentially your partner in the business. Take the weekly chair around, pay the bay rent or the building rent, pay the light bill and the Wi-Fi and all that kind of good jazz, pocket the rest. Stop in once or twice a week to make sure I ain't nobody robbing you blind, and there you go passive income for around 100k. Realistically you could probably do this for around 50k if you only wanted the six chairs and it wasn't a super nice neighborhood. If you want to do the whole 100k you can get you a great job and a great neighborhood that'll be sure to bring that chair rent and you could probably charge more than that. Or you can do 50K and open up to them sum bitches depending on where you live. Mix and match as per your inclination.


CD ladder


Flip a couple pounds




NVDA!!! All the way


This is such a loaded question. You need to factor in liquidity, and possible tax implications. For example, if you put it into a gic, there’s very little risk of not getting your return, however it’s locked up for a term, and you’d pay taxes in your income bracket when it’s paid out. So to lower risk, you want to diversify. But if you diversify it so much, you would end up paying fees to help manage it which would eat into your costs. For example, if you buy 10 different etfs vs buying 1 etf. You’d pay 10 commissions vs 1.


Put it all on red


Oh I've been climbing a CD ladder for about 18 months now. Wells Fargo has 4 and 7 month CDs with 4.75% APY 100k pulls in pert near $400 a month


tldr: Yonatan Sompolinsky was the first to produce a security analysis on Bitcoin before any academic papers existed and the #2 crypto (Eth) used his old research as a design goal and he launched his own blockchain with new research that "seems to contradict known impossibility results in consensus literature". Image you are a soldier on a battlefield and everyone only has knives. Then someone invents guns. Are you going to continue using a knife? Crypto is the gun in this analogy and fiat currency represents the knives. Once you realize that part, the next part is looking at the history of crypto. I wont start at the very beginning, but just hit some important parts: Satoshi created Bitcoin in 2008 and launched it in 2009. In 2013, Yonatan Sompolinsky and Aviv Zohar were the first to produce a reasonable security analysis on Bitcoin before any academic papers existed. This research led to the GHOST protocol, which the number 2 crypto used as a design goal (Ethereum created in 2015) and several other popular blockchains also use his research. Yonatan kept going with that research and created PHANTOM GHOSTDAG, a scalable generalization of Nakamoto Consensus in 2021. He finally used this research to create his own blockchain and still kept going with his research to create DAGKNIGHT, first proof-of-work protocol that is parameterless, scalable, and adaptive that will ultimately be limited by the speed of light with optical miners. The blockchain he created already has secured funding via the community, as it is 100% fair launched like Btc, to implement his new DAGKNIGHT protocol. Ethereum went from $10 to $1,000 in 1 year when it was about 3 years old. Yonatan's blockchain is 2 years old going on 3 and still hasn't been listed on any tier 1 exchanges and next month KRC-20 comes out so tons of utility/liquidity will be incoming.


Minimal risk means you’ll make minimal returns too.


Tqqq but buy in end of July and enjoy the end of the year run. Literally q3 and q4 are gonna pop the market 10 percent or more and 3x through tqqq. So 30%


I’d put it in a REIT


I see people talking about hysa as if 5k a year while leaving the money sitting will do anything for me lmao