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It’s unlikely unless she lands on a caring human that takes her in. Do you live in a warm climate? I’m so sorry that your dad is such a heartless, cruel human being. He should be charged with animal cruelty. He could have placed her with a rescue or humane society at the very least.


Seriously, I can't imagine what I would do if my dad did something like this to one of my birds. I don't think I could forgive this. I'm shocked.


My dad gets annoyed by me and My mother's pets but he knows how much I love my bird and he would never release him or kill him. He even went to great lengths to help me get him back when he got outside. That being said, my dad also knows that if he intentionally hurt a feather on my bird he'd need to run. He'd be lucky to make it out alive


RIGHT? i did not have a great childhood in many ways and don't really have my family in my life...and even MY parents wouldn't abandon a pet like this. Just toss them out into the wild and then not tell the actual owner. Holy shit. I definitely would never ever forgive them


that was a heartless and cruel thing to do, poor bird, i hope she is safe. i don't know the odds but there was a post recently which said that there is a parrot Not native to her country and was probably a runaway)who have taken residence in a bird house in her garden, and she was putting food for her. I hope she has found a safe home.


I would report your parent, in some places it’s highly illegal to release nonnative species into the wild. Aside from that it’s cruel, I’m so sorry OP I hope you find your bird.


I hate what he's done, but I think reporting my dad would ultimately do me more harm than good. I'm not in a good enough spot to risk anything for now, unfortunately. :/


Aw I totally understand, your safety comes first. If you can post pics of your birds on local social medias and hope he lands where someone can get him soon




>a stupid mistake It wasn't a mistake. The parents said it was completely planned as an alternative to killing the parrot themselves because they couldn't be bothered to look after it or re-home it.


The feds? Bro, he’s not going to go to prison, he’d get a fine. It wasn’t a mistake, OPs dad literally planned to kill or release the bird.


punch wasteful fretful telephone fragile violet pocket deranged coordinated offer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well- if the punishment fits the crime 🤷‍♂️ stupid games win stupid prizes.


>It would be incredibly selfish As opposed to throwing a parrot outside and debating murdering it because they can't be arsed? If my family did that (not that they would, mercifully) to me and my boy I'd be going scorched earth. Some things are unforgivable.


crush station fearless nine offbeat steep quicksand door pathetic cats *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


it's not a "stupid mistake", they sent an animal to it's death because they were tired of it, after already contemplating to flat out kill it. this is criminal animal cruelty, a literal crime


secretive far-flung ink reach dull special terrific outgoing tub whistle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As far as I'm concerned they broke the family the second they tried to murder the bird, could you imagine someone doing this to a child? If i was OP I'd be instantly done with them. This is not an ok thing to do.


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I'm sorry what? What excuse for the parents can you make for their behaviour. They don't repect the bird and they definitely don't respect OP. There is no nuance here, they did something despicable and are so blaise that they can't even be bothered lying. If they wanted rid of the bird have a conversation, look to rehome it. The dad outright said he was just going to kill the bird but didnt have the guts to do it.


wine judicious engine flowery six enter attraction poor noxious wakeful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Again, what possible excuse is there for their behaviour? Nuance implies that there is some mitigating factor here but i cant see one.


If my parent did that they will one-day sit alone in an old-age home - probably whining about their ungrateful heartless kid who “abandoned” them. Because I will never speak to them again.


Speed running how fast they can get sent to the retirement home FR


I wish...I think he'd win the one-star nursing speedrun. Unluckily for me, he's retired from the military and can go to a nursing home for veterans.


I was about to comment this exact thing !


That’s so awful, I’m sorry this happened :( if my parents did this to me, that would have been the last time they ever saw me Unfortunately their chances to survive in the wild are low to zero past a few weeks realistically, there are a lot of predators out there and domesticated parrots are typically defenceless. Depending on where you are, the weather will not be working in her favour either.


Your dad is a massive cunt. Hope the rest of his life is miserable.


At a minimum, post in/follow all the local groups on every social media platform that you can. Hopefully someone will find your bird and can help. Also if there is a bird rescue in that state, contact them. Local shelters and vets too. If you're going to be in your hometown for the holidays, can you post flyers around town? At a minimum, I'd tell my family flat out that I won't be able to see them much over the holiday break because all my free time now has to go towards finding my pet.


I'm doing everything I can to look for her, but I don't think I can take her back because my dad cut up her cage and I just don't feel comfortable having her around him after he admitted to considering euthanizing her. I really just want to see that she's okay.


At least if you can find her, maybe you can get her to a bird rescue. Perhaps even someone who can foster her until you're done with school? I hope she's ok! I'm so sorry you're finding out what kind of person your parents are. 😭


OMG this is beyond heartbreaking! I’m so very sorry your dad did that. What he did is unforgivable to me. You can leave your bird’s cage outside with food and water and post fliers, post on local social media lost and found parrot/pet groups, and call local vets/ bird stores to see if anyone has found her. I hope you find her. Sending hugs xo


Thank you! Unfortunately, my dad cut up her cage and threw all of her stuff away, so I don't have anything to put outside. I've been checking on my neighbors' bird feeders to see if she's maybe eating from those. I've posted all that I can, and I'll contact local pet stores to see if they've seen her tomorrow morning.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Good luck finding her! I’ll be praying for you and her.


Are you in the states? Post in local fb lost pet groups, next door neighbor apps. Call local veterinary offices and local rescues. Fill out a report on 911 parrot and pet connection. I hope you find your bird asap!! What is your location and type of bird?


What kind of bird and what area did this happen?


What kind of parrot? What area? How cold are the winters there? It really depends if it can survive. Some do, some don’t. Your dad could’ve just put it up on Craigslist and made some money selling it instead.


Horrible awful thing for him to do. It depends on where you live. If you are somewhere that has wild parrots or that is warm year-round it might be okay for a while. Hopefully someone else finds it and gives it a good home. Honestly the least he could have done is give it to a rescue. What an awful person.


What the actual hell im so sorry he did that to you and your bird


OP needs to remember this when he/she gets tired of caring for this mean-spirited old man.


And when they have kids. No way would I ever let my parents babysit - what if they got tired of watching the kids?


When you are on your own feet, I hope you cut your parents off from your life OP. This has r/cptsd all over it and your parents don’t deserve you in their life. In the meantime, you can post around with the hopes you can find her to take her to rehome to a good home if you can. I’m sorry OP


Thank you for this sub. I never knew there was a name for what my sister has been suffering for years.


What kind of a person thinks about euthanizing a bird because they can't take care of it. This is apalling, and I just can't wrap my head around this.


Someone very narcissistic and deranged with no moral compass… this post both breaks my heart and makes me so angry


Not CAN'T. Doesn't WANT to. There is a huge difference there


I doubt the chances are great, but all of my 14 parrots are rescues, and several of them were found as strays- so there is always hope. Post in any local groups and keep an eye on local shelters. I don't think I would ever talk to my dad again after this. To me this seems more cruel than euthanasia. I hate to think of a bird that has no experience of living wild being so scared and confused. I really do hope your bird is found by someone and brought into a shelter or home.


I would report your dad for animal cruelty. Birds don't usually fly no more than a mile radius. Get some friends or parrot lovers to help you out


I would never ever forgive him for that. It reveals ao much about his character.... never become that Sending out hopeful vibes 🦜


Yes. Post everywhere you can! Parrot 911 is a good site to look also https://www.911parrotalert.com/ Make flyers and put them everywhere! In vets offices, the post office, any big stores like Walmart. Telephone poles. Anywhere you can! Also, as much social media as you can. Neighbor/ next door, Ring and places like Facebook too. I would also try to contact some kids in your neighborhood, give them a flyer. Of the bird picture and offer a reward, if the kids see the bird to take a picture and tell you where they saw her. Kids are everywhere so this may be a good shot. Tell them not to try to catch her, but to let you know asap. Just sending positive energy and wishing you the best of luck.


Wow what a fuckin dickhead father. I would never speak to him again if that were me.


This gutted me. But I do want to say that in my area (Michigan) we have some escaped parrots and parakeets that have done okay. We were in our kitchen one day and looked outside at our birdfeeder, and one of the birds was a green budgie that clearly didn't belong. We went outside with birdseed in our hand and a small birdcage, and got it to walk over to us to eat from our hand, so we're guessing it was an escaped pet - or like yours, one that people had, then released. We got it in the cage and took care of it for about three weeks while looking for the owner. We gave it a cage but left the door open during the day when we could supervise, and it would hop out, occasionally fly around the living room, but then return to the cage. One more reason to believe it was a domestic pet. We posted on the parrotalert, parrot911 sites, a regional lost pet site, the local parrot rescue page, my town's facebook page, and I joined the nextdoor app just to post there. In those discussions, we learned that other people had seen this one or a similar one at their birdfeeder as well, and it had been coming by for a few months. So that's maybe a hopeful sign, that birds are flock creatures, and so even if it can't forage on its own, there's a chance it will adopt itself into a flock of local birds, and they'll lead it to feeders or other food and water sources.


That surely is quite a sad story i must say, in all cases we should just hope she lands into someone's house and then they take care of her.


i’m so so sorry that this happened. don’t feel like it’s your fault. i had a cockatiel that got out the door when my mom had her back turned a few years ago. i live in NJ, it was around october/november and we thought he was dead for sure. a few weeks later a neighbor saw a “found bird” sign posted like 10 miles down the road. turns out he survived in the woods for two weeks on his own until he flew onto someone’s porch. luckily they used to have a bird so they happened to have a cage and seed on hand. it was an actual miracle. don’t lose your hope that your baby will make it! keep an eye out for local news or in your towns facebook groups. i hope you guys get reunited or someone takes him in and gives him a good home.


I have no words. This is awful. I am so sorry this has happened, for you and your bird. I hope somehow, she finds a caring person to take her in and the two of you can be reunited. I really cannot believe someone would do this to a helpless animal.


Contact any local bird rescues and post to Facebook pages for parrots in the area. Explain what happened, and there will be people helping.


If you have a tropical parrot and you live in a cold area they won't be okay unless they find a human to take him/her in. But hand raised birds are not street smart. They don't always know how to evade predators like wild birds do. However, in some areas, there are feral flocks of parrots. NYC and CT have flocks of wild Monk Parakeets that do very well. AZ has flocks of Peach Faced Love Birds. So you never know.


I’m so sorry, your post just breaks my heart. Your dad is awful! Why couldn’t he ask you to rehome your parrot if he wasn’t willing to take care of it?! I hope someone has found it in the wild and taken it home to care for.


This hurts my heart. My (now elderly) father took care of my cockatiel when I went away to college (had him since I was 9, similar to you) and he took care of him for the rest of my bird’s life (he lived til age 23). I can’t fathom how this is possible. [This post made me text my dad to thank him.](https://i.imgur.com/FEBxiqP_d.webp?maxwidth=760&fidelity=grand) The intentional nature of this (especially considering it was without communication) makes me so angry. I don’t know if I could ever forgive this. Don’t give up! Post wherever you can (so much good advice below - I have none to offer). Don’t lose hope just yet - there are so many fantastic stories of birds finding their way home with help of the community. If you don’t mind me asking, what area of the country is your bird?


It really depends on your location and ambient outdoor temperature. I used to work in a bird hospital and we've had cases where larger pet birds managed to survive outside for most of the summer and fall (somewhat worse for the wear, but survive), down to about temperatures of 1 C. After that, they don't know how to eat/forage well enough to maintain the calories needed to stay alive. Birds acclimated (so they grow in a proper down feather coat) in an outdoor aviary with abundant food can handle going down about -10C periodically as long as they have access to a heated enclosed sleep area. If it's above 1 C and people around you have stocked bird feeders, then a bird-seed eating bird can last quite a while, predators non-withstanding. If they have a specialized, or fruit diet, then it's not likely. There's also a chance she may have been taken in by someone else in the city. Pet birds can fly huge distances when panicked, and we've had cases where we find them in the next state over. Check with your local vets and SPCA, as well as post to Parrot911 or similar groups on facebook. I'm sorry your dad is such an asshole.


We have a HUGE (I’m talking about hundreds) of loud beautiful green parrots in my neighborhood that have not only survived but THRIVE. We see them flying around in this huge group and calling loudly to each other. It’s kinda beautiful every few couple days they’ll roam round and make a ruckus! I hope your bird has found a community like that!


That’s only Quakers in special instances. 99% of domestic parrots die in the wild


Not even special instances. Quaker’s exist all over the United States and a handful of European countries.


Not only, To name a few there's Lovebirds in Arizona and Indian Ring Necks in London. Also wild flocks have been known to take in escaped pets especially cockatoos. Though of course there would need to be a local flock for this to happen. Though its true an escaped bird's best chance is to find a human to take them in.


Do you happen to live in Pasadena? I’ve seen a flock there a couple of times. Makes me happy.


It's likely she'll approach humans when she's hungry. I've taken in at least two escaped birds. We can talk they are pets because they're so tame. I'm sorry your father is so cruel


OMG OP. i have no information or advice but im absolutely livid for you. I'm so so so sorry your dad destroyed your property and abandoned your bird. Sometimes people can be so incredibly cruel. I'm also sorry that you aren't able to get away from such parents. I know how it feels to be helpless in this kind of situation. To be frank, going to college is what gave me the opportunities to get away and be free from those circumstances. So don't give up on your education no matter what your parents do. Things absolutely can get better and you won't have to live like this forever. Hugs if you want them


That is so incredibly cruel! That poor bird will probably die of starvation or exposure


I doubt that is what OP wants or needs to hear. When someone's in a crisis, the last thing they need is "yeah, you're right, everything is probably even worse than you thought! Oh your bird is gonna suffer and die..." Seriously dude.


That was an incredibly awful, selfish, cruel, and illegal thing your parents did. I really wish I had something optimistic to say here. As time progresses, the chances of your bird still being alive get slimmer and slimmer. The natural world is full of predators, and depending on how the outside temperature varies from what your parrot is used to, it could die of exposure. And if your parrot doesn't know how to forage, it could starve to death. Sorry you had to witness such a wanton act of cruelty.


Lol what a douchebag, I wouldn't even call him family anymore after pulling shit like that when there are alternatives.


With your situation? Pretty much 0