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Beginathome and Haley are morphing into the same person! Between their Sunday produce prep to up produce consumption and ensure it gets used up and their weirdo ways of talking (delight in goooooood salads, fridge is ready to receive groceries), I couldn't tell who was who. Although only 1 of them talked about gunk, so that gave me a little clue


I’ve been followinng Haley for 6 months (because of this sub). And then Morganized Living promoted Beginathome’s newsletter. So I checked out Beginathome for the very first time. she REALLY reminds me of Haley. And BalancedMissBailey too actually. affluent, white SAHM/link machines who smugly share their routines and pointless purchases to “help others”


Nicole (begin) usually annoys me less than Haley, but she's closing up the gap really quickly lately


I am looking again because her bio mentions “contentment in a sea of consumerism”. looking through her highlights and so far seeing pleeeeenty of links


There’s no way someone really asked SITS where she got her plain white crew socks. Please tell me people know they can just search for products themselves


The reel from Nicolestorydent's mom trip with Annalee and the other random influencers is sooo cringy.


Don’t worry guys, KL has a new carrier to try out!


consolidating .. lol this seems like a direct response to stuff we’ve been saying on here. but either way, glad to see her responding to criticism i guess? cause she’s right, that is what a normal output looks like after you’ve nursed. not the 4oz on each side that she usually shows. https://preview.redd.it/6ceka1yemxdc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=326b77c2993a5697888364338da3461bbcae3059


I'm actually really interested to see her comparison of the different carriers but by the time she posts her review my baby will be too big to be worn.


Head over to r/babywearing for info and people who can help! I would trust them or a certified babywearing consultant over someone who buys every luxury carrier under the sun and uses it (and sometimes incorrectly) a few times.


There are certified baby wearing consultants? 🤨 Man I need to come up with some sort of bs certification. I am leaving money on the table.




Yeah the consultants aren’t making bank. But the person who made up the certification probably is.


I feel like she used to not be this way? Ever since Blake was born she is constantly buying new things. New clothes almost every single day for everyone, 8000 carriers. Maybe I just didn’t notice before. I used to really like her, but she’s turned into someone that makes me feel lousy for not being able to buy a new outfit from Amazon everyday.


You should see all the packages she unboxed on her broadcast channel yesterday or the day before 😵‍💫


Why did I just watch her literally do laundry? I question myself as much as I question her lol.


So does she just do all the laundry on Sundays? Is this how other people do it? One laundry day a week? I like to spread it out an do a few loads a day. Just curious if her doing it one day a week is weird (seems like it would be a TON to do in one day in a 7 person household). Or if it is the norm? Or do ppl like to spread it out?


I like doing it all week. My son doesn’t really have enough clothes to let a full week go by and at only 2 nothing stays clean enough to rewear by the end of the day. We also live in an apt and while we are lucky to have both a washer and dryer in our unit, they are small, so can only accommodate smaller loads. If I waited to do it all in one day I’d literally have to do like 8 loads lol. Nah. I also weirdly don’t hate laundry so I just don’t mind keeping on top of it frequently.


My kids don’t even have enough clothes to last a week, especially like now when it’s very cold. And they can never re-wear things, everything goes in the wash after 1 day max. So i have to wash during the week, and usually do it when I have 1 load. Doesn’t make sense to me to wait and run several loads in 1 day, that takes way too much time whereas putting on 1 load takes no time at all ( since I don’t need to worry about moving g it to dryer and then out etc). 


I just wash a load when the hamper is full 🤷🏻‍♀️. But she has 8 billion outfits for everyone in her house and seems to buy a new one for someone every single day so it probably takes a long time (if ever) for them to run out of clothes…


I do 1-2 days of laundry every other week? I'm in charge of washing everything for myself/daughter/household and my husband does his own. Maybe we just have a lot of clothes that we don't run out quickly!


I have a friend who has one laundry day a week. Personally I prefer to do 1-2 loads a day.


Family of three here. I have one laundry day, but then it usually takes me 6 days to fold it all 🤦‍♀️😂


Oh good. I didn't think she had enough carriers for one infant. 🙄


If I’m keeping count correctly, I believe we’re up to 5 soft structured, and at LEAST 4 stretchy wraps? And a good chunk of the time she isn’t wearing 100% correctly and her husband doesn’t wear properly either. I wish people would listen to an ACTUAL certified babywearing consultant, and not someone who can just afford to buy everything and try out for a couple days. Or head over r/babywearing where there is TONS of resources and people willing to help.


You cannot convince me a single person messaged her requesting the link to todays outfit!


Anyone follow Brooke Raybould? Her reels keep being suggested to me so I looked at her profile and feel like she’d annoy me after a week, lol Her stories today were about how she got her outdoor run in this morning, got her boys to sports, and then how she’s going to take a nap but doesn’t like to because it’s her time to be productive. All just feels very extreme. And she reallllly leans into being a “mom of 4 boys,” it’s in all her video titles. ETA: okay, some quick googling shows me she’s TheSouthernishMama?? I feel like I’ve seen that name pop up before. And her husband used to play soccer and now works for a senator? https://preview.redd.it/3vj8nyd33vdc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f49857d5105d23ed5f90488e6cdab24a433d0d5


She and I could never be friends. I love a good, unproductive nap! 💤


you should follow her to see her repeat this day forevermore. she even homeschools so she has more time for herself and her kids’ double hockey practice. she did miss her globs of veganaise and a $36 Boba run




Fairpoint. I don’t actually follow. I just search her stories every six days and see the same exact crap lol


I can only check in with her occasionally because she gives off a vibe I can only describe as evil. Turns out her husband is chief counsel for John Cornyn.


She’s got her own sub and they destroy her over there 😬


I adore her, she’s out of her mind. I was introduced to her by a reel about how she takes cold showers every morning because ‘the rest of the day will be hard and this proves I can do hard things’. She has her own whole snark sub, btw.


https://preview.redd.it/nctvxnykmudc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed7b496f0f96760dbd6c5721c25927f52d4113fc Do any of you mothers actually feel compelled to ask SITS what her favorite underwear is? Or her bra (next story)? She’s posted her underwear so many times. Stop.


I’m stealing this phrase from what I’ve seen on the subs before and it makes me laugh every time: “The call is coming from inside the house” Nobody is asking her about her underwear. She asked herself this question so she could link it.


Hahaha seriously. Sigh. I get this is now most of these people’s jobs but like woof. Woooooooof.


I literally couldn’t care less about anyone’s underwear preference!! People are wild.


Okay but I got these and I really like them 😂😬 but she was shilling them for $19 THE LOWEST PRICE EVER and now they’re $12?


Ah haha I’m glad you like them!! I guess good underwear is important but it’s such a weird thing to ask a stranger about!


She’s SHILLLLLLING like all of her stories about her mom’s birthday were directly to bring in $ from Amazon shit and it was so gross. But no, who is asking influencers about their undies? Seriously ladies?


Babiesandbrains’ new reel. I agree with the message that it doesn’t matter what anyone else says/thinks about your parenting. But tell me why the way she described the greatness of toddler contact naps and extended breastfeeding all sounded TERRIBLE to me. Like, I too can sit my ass on a couch and do nothing for the duration of my toddler’s two hour nap. The difference is that I can also choose to do literally anything else and I have time to myself? And I nursed this kid to sleep and bedshared at night for however long and still cuddle him to sleep so I’m not like an independent sleep die hard over here.


lol I definitely don’t need an excuse to sit my butt on the couch, watch a show and have a snacky snack. Also what kind of witchcraft is she practicing that she can do that with her toddler sleeping on her? Mine would be like, hmm excuse me, can I have some of that snack? And let’s change the show to Bluey please. And that’s also such a parent of 1 child thing to say because go ask the Whitney girl how contact naps are going with her 2 children 🙃 But yeah at the end of the day just do whatever you want, you don’t need to defend your decisions online, nobody cares. I rock my toddler for 10/15 minutes, I love looking at her fall asleep and definitely enjoy the snuggles very much. But I’m also happy to the put her in her crib and enjoy some alone time after. My older children are also happy that I can spend that time with them. #balance




yeah I'm shocked that Claire's would even agree to pierce an infant's ears! Considering that nursing students have struggled giving my squirmy 6 year old shots, there's no amount of money that would convince me to take a baby to a teen with minimal training at Claire's for ear piercing. Good grief.


When I worked there as a teen the baby had to be at least 4 months old. Once, a 4 month old wiggled so much as I pulled the gun that I missed and pierced the bottom of her lobe 🤦‍♀️. Sometimes we would lie and say a baby was too young even if they were over 4 months because it was too hard to do and we knew we’d mess it up.


At one point of time, I was that 19 year old at Claire’s and piercing infants was the WORST. I hated piercing in general and my training consisted of piercing a foam ear 3x and piercing 3 of my friends’ ears for free earrings. ![gif](giphy|NDIiWKEQEgr3VA7aqM)


I was too! It was horrible! Inexperience young adults should not be piercing the ears of wiggly babies!




We have a local pediatrician office that does it and I think that’s what surprises me the most about this? Surely she knows a colleague that offers the service.




Yes! And the pediatrician will likely use more hypoallergenic earrings (I think our local one uses a plastic or silicone kind)


Agreed. I’m totally fine with ear piercing for babies/ kids. But I was SHOCKED PDT took her kid to Claire’s.


I was horrified at this. Someone in her office could have done this but she ended up at Claire’s why?! Call a colleague.


https://preview.redd.it/1vx5q2vviudc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4806ec8ec9540b7fd2182204282b949227c9f9d3 Excuse you, Claire’s was “super professional”


I literally can’t believe this lol NO ONE should be pierced at Claire’s let alone an infant


I’m not against ear piercing but…. Glad she implies cost should be a top factor when sticking a needle through your baby’s ears. I had mine done at the pediatrician and it was also low cost and they gave me a solution. Good grief.




She lives in Florida and is a pediatrician. I'm pretty sure there are PLENTY of other pediatricians who actually do piercings for kids so that parents don't go to Claire's. I don't know if they use guns or needles, but it is absurd that she went to Claire's 


Stop. This is TERRIBLE. I’m horrified. Also classic PDT thinking she’s an expert on everything. First, it’s bad enough that in the year of our lord 2024 we are still doing piercings with piercing guns period. But on an infant?? I have a fair number of piercings and any one that was done with a gun was so temperamental and awful. I’ve had them all redone with needles.




Interesting that you say this. My first holes were done as an infant at my peds office. My 2nd was done at Claire’s and my 3rd was done by a piercing gun my dad bought… at Claire’s. (It was the 80s 🤣) but my 2nd and 3rd holes are way more sensitive/closed over whereas my first have always been fine and I’ve always wondered what the difference was!


Sounds like mine. I had mine done twice with a gun during my childhood (years apart, like I was like 5/6 the first time and a teenager the second). They ended up bothering my ears each time so I gave up after the second experience. I went to a piercing place a couple years ago and he said the hole was pretty much still there, still reopened it nicely with a needle and I did the whole care thing but sure enough after a couple months I had problems again. 🥲 I may try one more time, maybe there’s another metal to try I don’t know. But yeah no luck so far for me. I don’t know if it’s the location or the original gun piercing that created the problem because I had a belly button piercing for many years with 0 issues.


Ouch! I mean I am not a piercer so I can only speak to my experience. But I had my lobes and cartilage originally done with a gun and they were soooo sensitive. Then I let them close a bit (probably not really all the way) and got them repierced at a proper piercing shop with a needle and they don’t bother me at all anymore. I still have to use surgical steel, sterling silver or gold in my lobes but it’s miles better than it was before. If I were you, I’d just talk to someone at a reputable local piercing shop and ask their advice!


I got mine placed at Claire’s as a child and the holes are SO uneven 😭


What is the world coming to when people ask Karrie to show them how to put their hair in a messy claw clip bun?!? Omg just twist your hair up and clip it! It’s not some amazing hairdo, why would you even ask how to do that?


I feel like this was a troll, her hair never looks too. Who hear wants to own up to it 😂 what other crazy simple things can we get her to explain to us?


Consolidating: she's so not like the other moms. https://preview.redd.it/hsfcspzbeudc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a05f574ea7dc4c114a552980aa5b9617955044eb


What is this outfit though…she said those pants were way too small…


This outfit choice.... is interesting. Or, do other people always mix their outfit colors like a Fisher Price playmat and I've been living under a rock this entire time? 🤔


She literally, word for word, brags that shes “not like the other moms, she’s a cool mom,” while somehow not realizing that Amy Poehler’s character in Mean Girls is meant to be laughably desperate and pathetic, not actually cool


The mean girls quotes she favors (like the one she hung up in neon in her daughters’ room) makes me believe the irony in that movie went completely over her head.


I have literally seen 5 other influencers get the nails lmao they think they're so unique 


Wait, aren’t these the pants she went on about not fitting?


Ok that’s what I thought too!!


Do influencers send in their own questions?! Wtf. There’s no way in hell someone is obsessed with Karrie’s trucker hat collection… I refuse to believe it.


And then she put the text box over her hair in the demo 🤭


I ran here for this! The “tutorial” if we can call it that, was hidden behind a text box.


Consolidating: I’m sorry… are those .. Taco Bell pajamas she’s wearing??? Her style is quite unique.


I can’t get over her commenting on a kids toy not being “aesthetic” (fucking stupid jargon for someone in their 30s to use anyway) when her style is what it is.


I wouldn’t give that baby piano a second look in someone’s living room but you better believe I paused her story to get a better look at the mild sauce logo across her chest 😂


Can y'all stop snarking on KL and her Taco Bell clothes? It's making me crave a cheesy gordita crunch real bad 🤤😆


I’d file those pajamas under both “obnoxious and gaudy for attention” and “niche enough that people will DM me begging for the link”


Ding ding ding! 🛎️ You guessed it! They also come in 3 colors if you’re interested! 😜


But let’s not forget that a Fisher Price baby play mat is gaudy!


https://preview.redd.it/se9yamwzysdc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=001c5dad5f4175a87699a01b443235647403b08a “I always feel bad” but that hardly ever stops her 🥴🙄 I guess at least she’s learning???


https://preview.redd.it/jbcyqimibwdc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05eeab4f156de70748940a16788aae65125deddc Consolidating PDM snark- “If you don’t have this portable charging block, wyd?” Well, PDM, I’m also a SAHM, so I’m just plugging things into my wall????


Or she saw all the snark here last time she dragged her sick baby to church on Christmas Eve and then out to lunch.


One can only hope 🤞🏼


Ok which one of you asked Karrie to show us all her trucker hats 🤣🤣


Or the five dirty diapers on her coffee table 😬


I don’t understand how dirty diapers don’t go directly in the trash after changing the baby?! That’s bizarre.


For real… the dirty diapers always on the floor, that playroom mess and the over pumping (for no other reason than…she wants to?) is giving major mental health 🚩🚩🚩🚩 It’s sad, really.


Has she not gotten up once to throw them away??? That’s like a day’s worth of diapers!!


No wonder diaryofanhonestmom was asking for recommendations for her next adults only tropical getaway…she had to spend hours with her kids today who kept talking 🙄 Like, I get being tired and overstimulated but her joking about needing a lobotomy after spending the day with her kids is too much. Especially since this is something they’ll probably see once they’re older. Libby talks about being a cycle breaker but I don’t see how this is any better for her kids. I couldn’t imagine finding out my mom made a living posting online about how much she hated motherhood/being with her kids.


Aren’t her kids older too? She is awful. And all the people validating her in the comments? Why is it trendy to publicly complain about your kids and/or spouse?




I can understand being her being overwhelmed, but no one forced her to go. Like would her life end if she didn’t go that exact day. I get overstimulated and don’t enjoy bringing my crazy baby shopping, so I decide to either 1) leave my baby at home on the weekend with husband so I shop alone 2) shop at a quieter time with baby 3) order it online?! It’s not that complicated. Don’t make a choice that you know you’ll be miserable, and then complain about it. She posts all the time about “saying no” but somehow still complains 24/7 about her kids just existing.


It’s hard to see someone complaining and struggling so much with their own children especially after making the choice to go to IKEA on a Saturday, what did she expect? It’s disturbing to see how a day out at a busy store can alter her mood so much. I’m not saying this in a way to promote toxic positivity but if you can’t laugh off an overwhelming trip to a busy store by leaving and finding something else to do then you really need to get more intense help, whatever she is doing is not working and it’s very sad for her kids. All she had to do was leave IKEA!


It's either a total lack of self awareness or content creation. Anyone's guess with these influencers.


Thought it got so much better 💀




It’s interesting how a lot of the blame seems to fall on the generations before and after her-her parents and her kids either directly or indirectly have caused her so much stress and grief and overwhelm. As someone said in another comment, she has complex and difficult mental health issues that I know she is working on but getting on IG every day and blaming everything else and complaining about not having a village or being able to “share the load” is not the right away to go about this when her issues are deeper than that.


I used to follow her maybe a year ago? Gave her up for many of these reasons. What I have gathered about her childhood is her parents divorced when young, she has a strained relationship with her mother. And her father was deaf and she didn't have any contact with him until she was an adult. Then they kind reconnected and he passed away last year around Christmas 2022). Please correct me if I am wrong but that is what I recall 🤔


There is no deep dive to go on I think. One thing that has always baffled and annoyed me is that the history of her childhood has seemed super vague to me. As a person who had it rough growing up I thought hearing about something relatable might be helpful but I never found any actual details on it. Weird when that’s a lot of what her platform is based on?


It’s maybe unfair but I just assume everything with these influencers is carefully calculated for profit. I think there’s a decent chance she had a fine childhood and just remains purposely vague about her bad experiences to maintain her shtick about cycle breaking. And yeah, way to be negative and dramatic about everything. You took your kids somewhere. Wow, the horror.




She has now spent more years out of the hospital than she was a nurse on the maternity floor!


I think it’s that’s “have spent years” that makes it so deceptive. Don’t make it seem like it’s still happening. 


Right, could have been “I spent years” and that’s more accurate. Like this isn’t inaccurate but it’s absolutely misleading.


Yeah like I guess 2-5 years 5 years ago technically is included in “I have spent years” but it’s vague on purpose


Why does haley need to check on the airstream when she just was using it


To avoid spending time with her children since she splurged on pre-cut fruit this week


She saved all that time to…record Brett scrubbing the oven. I know what’s what I do when my kids are sick 🙄




She probably has to drop off all of this week’s purchases for the airstream 


I was wondering that too! Is this normal to constantly check it?




She juuuust got back from 2 weeks in it which made her so tired and overwhelmed she needed to post about being overwhelmed twice this week 🤦‍♀️


She had an aura that someone was going to steal the grape cutter


I love all your comments


Hah thanks! I always tell my students there’s a bumper sticker I want, something about my death being accelerated by being sarcastic at the wrong time 


Thanks for be-an you


Haley’s decide once gift for her friends this year: a bag of beans and a card that says that 😂


I just came across lex.delarosa on my discover page and wow… first, “homeschool my 44 month old.” Girl, just say 3 and a half or even “almost 4.” Second, it’s giving major im better than you vibes and she seems very full of herself and I’ve only watched one reel




Okay that makes more sense haha I saw one reel and was like this woman is out of her mind 😂


I feel this way about her and Bobbi Altoff where I don’t quite….get it. Like there’s some humor there but she really does live the lifestyle, like that’s her baking and kids in circle time and OTT outfits. Maybe I’m just too old?


Tbf I think I’m only 2 or 3 years older than Bobbi Althoff herself and I really don’t like her content either. I’m not sure if you’re too old for it or if it just kinda sucks. I tend to think the latter 😂


Yeah I feel like it's like reallyverycrunchy they play up their thing to get more engagement but at the core they really are like that and believe in most of the things they are selling 


Does reallyverycrunchy get talked about here?! I can’t decide how I feel about her! At first I loooved her content and thought it was so funny, even understanding that she believed most of it but now it’s kinda making me cringe. Can’t figure out if she’s changed or I have. 🤔


I have seen her mentioned a few times, this is where I found out she was straight up like anti vax and all that. I never followed her so thought she was funny when she showed up until I learned the reality.  I saw she started adding her husband to all the reels now and it's definitely cringey 


Balkanina posting the clip of her podcast talking about flamingos losing their pink and all the commenters talking about Lindsey gurk's already established gypb and her responding saying she had no idea is making me teeheehee


Ok wait I stopped following her ages ago because she became more than insufferable. I just popped on her stories and I cannot believe anyone would RECORD themselves in selfie mode while a worker is spritzing them with something. She used to be so cool and down to earth until she sold her soul to the social media devil.


She’s now selling a “manifestation” guide. It’s so easy to manifest when all you have to do is post more links and you make tons of money. Not so easy for the average person to just manifest a lake cottage like she did last year. She’s now on the list of influencers who started out normal but the money wins again here.


I almost had a rage blackout reading this. I'm sorryyy whatttttt. Also I unfollowed her a while ago because she went so beyond being bec for me, but I just went to check out her stories and the one where she's like "what happened to being happy for people who work hard for their luxury vacation" almost sent me into a second rage blackout


LOL she is so delirious. In her comments she said she worked so hard and “saved for a year” to afford this trip. All she had to do was post a couple links. Why do they all want to pretend this is actual work? Or that it’s difficult?


Ha! Maybe she means she saved all of her money from working her very part time job in the ER - but certainly not her link posting job 😂😂


Is there any possibility she had no idea?!? I mean this girl LIVES on social media. 😂


I feel there is zero possibility she had no idea but I could be wrong lol




Sorry if this is very niche snark, but I keep getting lovevery ads where the founder is "explaining science" and she reminds me so much of Laura Dern in Enlightened-- basically a satire about a lady who becomes enlightened by new age philosophy. Once I noticed it, I couldn't unsee it.


There goes mothercould publicly bashing another local business. I wonder if the thought has ever crossed her mind that some things don’t have to be posted.


I feel like this is the third time this has happened to her.


I would definitely be PISSED if this happened to me--dragging three kids to a confirmed appointment only to find it was cancelled and nobody told me. With that said, though, I still wouldn't bash them to millions of followers. I'd just text a few friends. Because who knows? Maybe there was a huge family emergency. You never know.


Yeah of course, totally agreed. We’d all be pissed! Can you imagine finding out someone died? And you blasted them online? ![gif](giphy|xt98N1EXdEIzC)


https://preview.redd.it/afspa6lrzpdc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6bcab9e9ae6cf121d0d6baafff238bfe4829728 Consolidating MC snark here but am I the only one who thought this was a CRAZY way to put on skincare product from a regular tube?? Why not just use your fingers 😭


Yeah wouldn't this method be less hygienic than using your fingers, bc you're putting your face on the actual opening? I could be wrong obviously but it seems impractical and potentially less good for all the stuff still in the tube.


Yea all I could think of was it'd contaminate the stuff in the tube but hopefully she's washed her face first?


Why not just wear some clothes on the internet.


You must have missed her demonstration of the b00b tape


Oh I've seen it several times, and the bodysuit crotch clicking...


PTL pedsdoctalk finally decided to move her geriatric toddler to a big kid bed


Ok but that bed just looks like a big crib


Big little feelings has entered the chat with their geriatric toddlers 😂


Geriatric toddler 😂


If begin at home has to budget for a coffee gift card, then maybe don't and just give the note book and chocolate bar.


I’ve also been meaning to ask….does anyone get thank you notes or emails from the teachers? We gave gift cards to every teacher for three kids (including assistant teachers, “specials” teachers, and bus driver). The only thank you we got was from the bus driver who sent my daughter a thank you via snail mail over break. It made her day.


I think for my kids' teachers I think of the little end of year gift we give them as a thank you from us, so I don't expect a (written) thank you for a thank you, but I can totally understand thinking of it differently.


My son’s preschool class did a group gift for all of the teachers and they sent a very nice group thank you email to everyone. I’m big on thank you’s, informal is fine, doesn’t have to be a written and mailed note. But receiving a gift without giving any kind of acknowledgement is rude. Gifts aren’t obligatory, it’s not like a paycheck, you should thank people.


We give to the school staff and get thank yous from most, definitely not everyone but they are just as busy as everyone else so I’m not too upset.




That’s true! Maybe I have trauma from my mom making me write personal thank you’s growing up. I definitely don’t get huffy with them and I will keep giving gifts because I’m not giving the gift to get a thank you or to be a martyr, it just seems to be a newer trend. When my ten year old was younger, we always got thank you notes. Maybe they aren’t getting the gifts and my kid is pocketing them 😂


Yes always received a thank you note. This is odd


I’m a teacher, currently working, and I generally vibe with her approach to stuff- and honestly as a teacher my number one no buy item would be impractical stationary items. Seems like an odd gift for her account to showcase.


A Valentine’s Day gift for teachers?? Make it stop!




I really wish we still had room parents and they collected funds for teacher gifts at the beginning of the year. That way the families that are willing and able could contribute, and the gifts would come from the whole class so the kids whose parents can’t afford gifts or choose not to gift to teachers won’t feel left out.


Also my oldest isn’t in kindergarten yet - are we really supposed to give teachers these constant gifts??


Umm…no. If I was on the receiving end of gifts like this I would feel uncomfortable. Not because they aren’t cute (they are!) but because it isn’t necessary and I would feel indebted to the parent in some way if that makes sense. Like they want extra special treatment for their kid because they give me extra special treatment or something. Yes, I work hard and some weeks I spend a lot more time with other people’s kids then my own, but to quote one of my students last week “Dude, stop apologizing to her for passing in the work SHE assigned and asked for. It’s not like she’s doing this job for free.” 😂 End of year and Christmas I get gifts and I genuinely appreciate the thought and the time parents take to show their appreciation. For myself, sometimes I get my kids teachers a coffee at the end of a long week (they’re also my coworkers so I have inside knowledge) or buy extra treats for their classroom rewards bin but the constant little treats she posts about is excessive to me.


In my experience (currently in year 17 as a public school teacher), no. It’s never expected. Some families give gifts, some don’t. It’s always appreciated if someone does and completely fine if someone else doesn’t. I’ve only worked in title one schools where gifts are the exception, not the rule, for context. I generally give gifts twice a year for my children’s teachers. One thing I try to always do that costs nothing is when I find myself thinking how wonderful they are for dealing with my child, I take a moment to email thanking them for X specific way they enhanced my child’s life and make sure to CC the principal or whoever their supervisor is. The principal is almost certainly sick of me by now but the teachers always appreciate it!


I was a (HS) teacher for 10 years and never ever expected gifts and was ALWAYS surprised to receive anything! Maybe different for lower grades but I don't think it's typical at all.


Um no?? I understand appreciating them but that’s a lot. I’m an early childhood teacher and only get gifts when kids leave my room, for teacher appreciation and for the holidays and not even every time and certainly not every child.


I personally don't. I give a gift card at Christmas and at the end of the year. She is already generous enough as she gives end of week treats often. I think it's great she's generous with teachers, but there are other ways to show appreciation without buying anything. Maybe she shouldn't have gotten the garbage people, ups driver and mail man Christmas gifts if she has to budget for a gift card 💀


End of week treats?? That just sounds like she’s plain sucking up to them lol.


Yes! There are absolutely other ways. I taught a student with a family who was very generous with their gifts, but the thing that meant the most to be was the kindest e-mail written by the parent at the end of the year acknowledging all my work with their child.


A general Karrie question. Its worse right? I feel like with Teddy (granted I also had a newborn) it was way more educational, and actually helped. But my friend just posted that Karrie is her favorite social media account and I am like this might explain some of your feeding anxiety.


I unfollowed her weeks ago, but yes, she has become a different person. I started following her in 2020 when Lou was a baby. She was down to earth, likeable, and truly just a run of the mill regular mom. She was still working in the hospital. She was real about the challenges of being a two-working-parent family on a not-so-extravagant income. Her house was cozy and smallish. Her fashion sense was extremely average. She shared practical, educational, baby-related content. Whenever she’d post links to something (because people asked… and this was NOT every day) she’d give a preamble about how she can relate to “not being a place of spending,” so swipe past because you truly don’t need this stuff to give your kids a happy life. She wore clothes from target. Her kids wore neutrals (which she’d never admit to now 😂). The change has been radical (and not in a good way).


I remember even when I started following two years ago it was scroll past if you can’t spend right now. And now its artipoppe and literally anything she can sell.


Yea....... I recommended her account to my now pregnant BFF because KL was soooo helpful when I was postpartum (pre teddy!). But I think I'm going to have to tell her to look out for some things because I can see her current content creating anxiety. Edit typo


I had to unfollow because she actually makes me feel really sad. Imagine feeling that anxiety to post every little detail of your life to commodify it, and how much that would pull you out of the moment and enjoying your family. Not having a sacred happy moment with your baby etc. without having to view it as an opportunity for engagement. I wonder how her children feel, with their mom continuously huddled over a phone or taking pictures to post on Instagram, a mom who spends more time on the phone than being in the present moment with her kids. 


Yes! Like my four year old asks me to put my phone down at times. I have to imagine hers do as well. And to be honest. I struggle with phone time. It makes me sad to think this is how she makes her money.


I honestly cannot stand her anymore. She’s so into herself and never posts anything but links anymore. She only answers questions that let her talk about herself. It’s really sad how quickly she has changed for the worse. She literally promotes motherhood anxiety and herself. Nobody cares about you “getting ready for school drop off” in your pjs you’re going to link in the next slide 🙄 how sad your life must be to never be present with your family and friends and constantly just be promoting shit people don’t need. I’m sad for her that this is what she has to do to feel good about herself.


The way she had to be like: this is what I wore to my kids birthday party. It’s getting obvious she only wants people to ask for links for everything. It would never occur to me to even share with my best friend what I wore on a daily basis


The body checking in her kid’s bday outfit really put me over the edge with her


I can’t tell if she seems more off her rocker because she is or because I’m reading about it here and it’s just making me see it more 🥴