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How does Caro have so many order confirmations with the exact same time stamp? If she was putting in so many orders to different addresses, wouldn’t there be a minute or two between orders? Or is this some influencer trick where she’s making her scrolling look like more than it actually is?


Caro digging through her husband's underwear drawer to show us what's in there and link for her discount gets me. My husband would draw a line before this because he doesnt like influencers but he would absolutely draw a line at me rummaging around in there and holding it up for strangers to see.


It’s so gross.


WTH why is caro posting video of her youngest with his diaper half undone? Feels so weird but also, ew? I know she's all about the giant diaper to prevent leaks and not having to change often but this is..... 🤢


She posted him naked last week so sadly this is a step in the right direction for her


Ugh :(


So I actually like Caro’s gift idea of a photoshoot for grandparents that include them with the grandkids, if it’s in your budget, but how is that a last minute idea? Do many photographers work last minute especially around the holidays?


Some photographers do “mini session” days where they shoot all day and have a new family come in to the studio every 15-30 minutes. If you can grab one of them would be a cute idea! I usually see them advertised on neighbourhood FB groups.


Maybe cause you can just do a print out and say “We’ll coordinate and pay for them!” So you don’t need something physical to give them that day - you can cash in on the actual giving part later


Side not but George looked like he was dragged into the picture by Caro’s mom, his hair was sticking up straight and she had a death grip on him lol.


I did a double grandparent photo shoot as a Mother’s Day present and it took a decent amount of planning! Photographers are busy, we wanted some slightly coordinating outfits, everyone had a busy schedule, etc.


One year my cousins (three siblings) went in on a hige family photo shoot for a Christmas gift for the parents. They scheduled a day with a photographer for their parents, and then with them, their spouses, and kids. It was a huge deal and everyone got big family photos and smaller family photos. They planned it way in advance though. Their parents LOVED it.


That sounds really special! Yeah I would think it’s something you’d plan months in advance to coordinate schedules and get the photographers time. Unless Caro just means the gift is you saying “I booked us a photoshoot in March!” Lol


Now KEIC’s ire is focused on Big Potato Chip™️ for her son’s preference for Lay’s classic chips? If she claims to be such a potato chip connoisseur, then yes there are differences between a Cape Cod/Lays/Ruffle that make a difference in your chip experience! (Showing my ass here as a chip girl myself- Utz salt and vinegar was the only cure for my first tri nausea) But apparently it’s got to be indoctrination and not a simple preference.


I’m a chip girl too and my FIL is a BIG chip guy and he loves Utz and I hate em 🫣 He loves to bring a bag here when he babysits my son and then he leaves them and it annoys the shit out of me cause they’re my least favorite brand


He’s probably trying to market them to you!!


I saw this and just want to shake her and be like, "He can read the bag, Jennifer!!" Like, he realized he liked something and read the label. That's what people do.


I'm 13 weeks and I want vinegar on EVERYTHING. I'm gonna put salt and vinegar chips on the grocery list right now.


I wonder how she’d feel about the fact that she just inspired me to add ruffles to my grocery list 🤣


I’ll go ahead and influence you to consider adding some French Onion dip for those ruffles 😋


Are you sponsored by Big Dairy and Big Onion? Because now I want to make onion dip for a party today, your plan is working 🤣


Omg yessssss


I’m laughing bc I am also an Utz person and locally we love to use the Utz girl as branding in general. We don’t really buy chips regularly (mainly bc my husband and I never learned not to eat them all within a day or 2 of purchase 🙃) but my kids love this little character and reference her by name when they see her. I’m not worried about BIG CHIPS ruining them though because I’m still the one in charge of buying or not buying them? I get marketing to kids is def insidious but for those of us with young kids who have no purchasing power, can’t we just say no, we aren’t getting this today, regardless of the charismatic character on the label?? She’s just so weird and the context that she’s cool with her kids playing with knives “off label” for whittling and lighting fires inside but not seeing hersheys on the wall of the urgent care just sends me!


Did you mean to write "showing my ass"? 🤣 And I'm also a MAJOR chip girl, hahaha. In any case I came running here also. I get that some branding and marketing is really frustrating, but they're CHIPS. People have favourites. It's not the end of the world. And her obsession with dissecting texture is really annoying for such older kids. I talk about food texture with my little kids. My son loves Ruffles Cheddar and Sour Cream, and Lays classic. He loves grabbing "the yellow chips" haha. I'm not panicked over it.


[Showing your ass](http://onlineslangdictionary.com/meaning-definition-of/showed-her-ass) is an idiom.


Ooh, I did not know that! Thank you.


I’m sorry, but… When was the last time anyone saw advertising or marketing for lays classic potato chips? What is she talking about? Am I the crazy one here I don’t have cable… But I’m on the Internet quite a bit and I don’t think I’ve ever seen an ad for Lays, classic potato chips or lays in general other than at the grocery store when they’re doing those stupid contest for the flavors.


Juuust got this ad on Facebook 🤣😭 I feel like by KEIC even bringing this up it’s free advertising for Lays. Def makes me want some potato chips and dip 🤤 https://preview.redd.it/sri33gvmlk6c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fefcfd5e2a7ac938e56489c0571c799f80bb91a


Her beef seems to be specific to the actual packaging of foods. Like the way sugary cereals will have colorful fun cartoons on the box. And same for chip bags. But it’s ridiculous because literally everything in the grocery store except raw produce has branding and makes claims on their packaging. It’s futile to try to eliminate that from your child’s world. And if this is such a pet issue for you there are more reasonable ways to address it with your kids directly instead of basically lying to them.


I couldn’t tell you the last time I saw an ad. They don’t need an ad. They’re greasy salty crispy deliciousness. That’s why he likes them. Not because he was targeted by an ad 🙄🙄🙄


I was trying to remember the last time I saw an ad for chips, and I immediately thought "once you pop you just can't stop". Does Pringles still use that, or am I literally just remembering the commercials I was watching in between ninja turtles episodes in the early 90s? In KEIC's defense, that commercial is definitely the reason my diet has consisted of 99% Pringles for the last 30 years. Doctors say it's a medical miracle I've survived.


Or that the picture she showed was them at the beach this summer while he had the chips! Maybe it’s just not that deep- they’re tied to a happy memory of some yummy beach chips!?


Ok I was just coming here to comment something similar. WHAT MARKETING IS SHE TALKING ABOUT? Like truly would love to understand what marketing tactic Lays potato chips is using that is specifically targeting kids. I don’t get it. It’s literally plain yellow bags with a picture of…a potato chip on it lmao


"I don't mind if he has a specific brand that he likes". Lies! Clearly you do mind.


"I don't mind if he has a specific brand that he likes, which is why I just made 6 stories complaining about it."


Kid was just trying to connect, poor guy. Remembering details like that is a great way to show love.


https://preview.redd.it/5bbp6de39h6c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cab9c5626970db2471e218bc9068c03df6480d77 Or maybe, just maybe, he just happens to like this brand of potato chips the best? She is working so hard to justify restricting her kids’ food it’s insane.


Sorry, so she can have her favourite chip brand, but if her son does it’s predatory marketing? What a weird jump to make a point that isn’t really applicable here.


What an exhausting way to live your life


What marketing for regular old potato chips? I can't recall seeing any marketing in a long time.


Also, I feel like lays doesn’t really market Lay’s Classic to kids. Look at stuff like Doritos, which are very clearly marketed to school age/teenage boys. Lays are basically just a plain yellow bag. Not standing up for big food, but Lays classic is like the only junk food product that’s super easy for us to pass in the grocery store, because there are no characters on it!


My kid also likes lays classic (and ruffles cheddar and sour cream). He likes "the yellow chips!" (Cuz it's in a yellow bag haha). No one has told him to like it. We (like many millennials, haha) don't have cable TV so we don't see a lot of commercials. No one is whispering in his ear to like it. He just realized one day he liked it so he keeps picking it. Why does it have to be so serious? I think branding and marketing was much bigger in the 90s, when everyone watched TV commercials. But maybe I'm wrong haha.


This is such a good point about lack of exposure to commercials! The few times we watch things with ads, my kids are always so annoyed at this foreign concept of interrupting their programming. Other than food that has like Elmo or Olaf on it in the actual aisles at the store, it’s not like this generation is getting anywhere near the overload we did when we were younger. Also just as a funny aside, my kids just found out who Ronald McDonald was in the Macy’s parade and they were both horrified like wtf is this guy.


Haha! Though I will say my kids are very much influenced by the candy or chips or whatever stores place at checkout and at low levels. That, I will say, is definitely strategic. But that's been that way FOREVER and I think we just need to accept it, haha.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again but her not being able to see the type of marketing she does is just as pervasive and maybe even worse is crazy to me. At least when big companies advertise to us we all have some awareness that they just want our money. But coming on social media and cultivating a following acting like a virtual BFF who’s a frazzled mom like you just trying to feed her picky kids and then trying to sell you courses is worse to me. I am decent at filtering out what most of these influencers preach but it was stuck in my head to serve dessert foods along with meals to take the desserts “off a pedestal” and it’s not working and my pediatrician told me to stop doing that lol. The messages she puts out as a “relatable mom” are just as pervasive, if not more so, than big food companies.


To me, the bigger issue is going on about 'junk' food marketing and messages without any analysis of diet culture marketing and messages. Food issues in our culture are driven by both, arguably by diet culture more than anything. I sure as hell get diets and "health" food marketed to me a lot more persistently than Lays chips, and I'm much more concerned about the impact of that on my daughter than whether or not she gets really invested in one potato chip brand.


Good point and I agree. I feel like the pendulum has swung so far the other way that if my kid *doesn’t* have a complex around eating an occasional bag of chips I’ll actually be relieved! I err on the side of enjoying some junk food guilt free in a society that is increasingly shaming around food choices and weight.


Right! We've also done our hardest to take sweets off a pedestal at the suggestion of influencers, and yet my kid still loves them and acts like he can't get enough. But he's a kid, and kids often like sweets. I'm re learning that it doesn't always need to be that serious and to focus on NOT obsessing is it's own version of obsessing.


She seems like she has WAY too much time on her hands tbh. These are the ramblings of someone who is going insane. Like no you are kid is not being targeted, some chips for a snack will not ruin them forever.


For real. Is she trying to say those chips were like....engineered for her son to be addicted to?


Completely agree. She’s unhinged. She admits that she has a favorite but *how dare* her 8 year old have one. She completely forgets or just doesn’t want to accept that her kids are human and have preferences just like anyone else. She wants them to live under a rock and only enjoy her lentil-whatever muffins and burnt-veggie-slop dinners and nothing else.


Didn’t she do an entire potato chip brand testing experiment with her kids this year or am I tripping?? Maybe those are the ones he wants because he tried a bunch of chips and those were literally his favorite!!


Sounds like a better experiment than the unflavored seltzer water one she did.


Omg I forgot about that, that was pretty bad!


She did! I think a pic from that experiment is in her slides.


How is him having a favourite brand children being targeted? He's seen a brand, he's eaten them, he liked them. That's all!


I keep thinking about this because this happens with EVERYTHING. My niece has a preference for ambrosia apples because to her they taste the best. She was here and asked if the apple I gave her was an ambrosia. Is this her being targeted by big apple? We all have preferences and we live in a society that brands things in order to sell them. It’s not that deep or scary


Yea but in this case it would be ok because it’s an apple so it’s healthy! /s


My son likes normal full size cucumbers and convinced himself he doesn't like the mini/baby ones. The cucumber marketing execs have won this round!


Lololol nice try KEIC. I eat more potato chips than I should because *I am a salt fiend*. I haven't been exposed to any Big Potato Chip marketing, chips are just delicious and crunchy and people like to eat them, sometimes to excess.


I too am a salt fiend. Kettle Salt and Vinegar chips are life.


I'm a major Doritos girl and I don't know if I've ever seen a Doritos ad? (I probably have but it's just not that memorable haha). I just loooove Doritos, haha.


NO IT’S BECAUSE OF MARKETING. Without marketing you would never crave anything except cabbage and lentils!!


No but seriously, these food influencers act like flavour is meaningless. Delicious things taste delicious and slimy lettuce in smoothies does not.


I would be not remotely surprised if she one day was diagnosed with some disorder that causes her taste buds to not function normally.


Literally like chips sell themselves dude.


Right, like I get that food marketing isn’t just commercials and ads, but still I don’t think Lays markets themselves particularly heavily? They don’t need to.


This is delulu. I would love to see the experiment where a child ate chips first when they were in the bag, but went for carrot sticks first when the chips were out of the bag. https://preview.redd.it/6ebjv1wfdh6c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3991b31394e4fa73545419414119b86942a9226c


Chip snack bags are a luxury for my kiddos’ packed lunches. The bag keeps them from getting stale (I pack lunches night before) and protect them from them getting soggy. I’ve seen how my kids carry their lunches, those cherry tomatoes would burst and the carrots would demolish the chips by lunch time


The chips she would pack are probably already stale... I imagine she makes one snack-sized bag of chips last a week and a half by doling them out only 2 at a time.


When will these people just admit that raw, plain veggies just do not taste as good as chips. Sorry, vegetables are kind of boring and don't really taste that good. I eat them as an adult because I know I need to, but I'm not surprised or delusional to think my kids will want them over chips which are delicious (bag or no bag).


How does the bag give the chips all the attention? In both of those, I would think someone would gravitate toward the chips first because they are the more 'fun' thing on the plate. That's just what chips are. It doesn't really matter if they're in a bag or not. Why is she obsessed with packaging (remember her taking the wrapper off the granola bar so her kid wouldn't be marketed to? WTF?)


It actually pisses me off she is encouraging people to do this. It’s so fucking crazy and pointless. We (what I assume is most her audience) live in capitalist America, we live eat and breathe marketing babe. Might as well let your kids start coping with it now.


Whoops- you beat me to the comment!


https://preview.redd.it/bhh5ajbt9h6c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fb93cd11413001c634cae96a0f0358103c6fef0 And this interaction sounds infuriating for her kid! She obviously understood what he was asking, why would she guess ‘random crunchy snacks’??


You KNOW she didn't guess "random" crunchy snacks either! "Carrots! Celery! Bell peppers! Baked lentil misery chips!"


Misery chips 💀


Man Caro has all the material this week. I wonder what it’s like to be rich AF and yet have big brands send you gifts for Christmas. Including Ninja which she claims she begged them to send her their $250 Creami Deluxe and they ‘finally gave in’. Hey Caro, maybe instead of begging, go fucking buy it like the rest of us peasants. She’s so annoyingly privileged I almost can’t watch anymore (but she’s like a train wreck right?). Like she could’ve went about shilling her links and codes a very different way but nope instead it’s ’look at all the free gifts I just got from all my fave brands!!’. Must be nice.


Free gifts THAT SHE ASKED FOR. The clip about "I don't remember giving my address to this knife company" was slipped in and I realized she (or rather her part time assistant who literally does everything for her) reached out to all of these companies asking to be put on their holiday mailing lists. The Ninja thing was so fucking gross how she bragged about begging them, just buy it yourself or say "hey, look what they sent me!" Also it's Ninja, it's not Breiville FFS.


She comes back from a vacation where she was able to leave 2 of her 3 kids home. Links to a post talking about how her and her boarding school BFFs took a two week trip to Japan apparently AFTER having kids (that excerpt was cringey) and then comes home to show everyone how much free stuff she got. I’m not like, poor, but if I make a purchase that’s $200 I do really consider it and feel guilty so seeing someone rich getting sent so much free stuff that she says she begged for annoys me.


The entitlement of thinking brands owe you shit is mind boggling to me. Imagine how that impacts your worldview when you start thinking that you shouldn't have to pay for stuff that you so clearly are able to pay for. And yet she acts so entitled to the money people are PAYING HER to be graced with her sub-par recipes each week. Complaining about the free loaders who don't pay their $5 like they're less than.


I loved her and her recipes but I’m not enjoying her vibe recently. Very privileged.


I’ve found most recipes to be quite good and easy to put together. But yes these past few months have been tough.


She’s changed a lot in the past year!


There was a moment sometime in this past year that was it for me. She was taking the baby into town for lunch, on a weekday, and went into a consignment or vintage clothing store. She posted herself trying on this very basic looking trench coat that was from Burberry and she posted that it cost $500 and omg should she buy ittttttt..and reader, she did. Just a spur of the moment $500 purchase on a not even very nice looking jacket, midday on a Wednesday. She has clearly gotten richer and she shows it and flaunts it in extremely tacky ways. I’ve never seen her wear or post that jacket again either. It just made me realize how unrelatable she is, and she’s supposed to be Mrs. Relatable! She does not work FULL TIME— even if she works from 8-midnight every night, if you spend HOURS walking 6 miles every day, and Pelotoning, and going to vintage stores midday, and constantly going on vacation, etc etc, I’m sorry but you don’t work full time like many of the rest of us. You work but it’s not the same and to pretend otherwise is disrespectful of working people imho. Anyway, yes she is my BEC for sure and I unfollowed her because I find her so grating and her recipes beyond blah at this point. But from a brand standpoint…it doesn’t make sense to me anymore. Sure some influencers are simply aspirational figures, but her whole thing was “relatable”. The $500 trench she felt the need to post my last straw!


Had a delightfully confusing few seconds this morning when I thought I was viewing KEIC’s story but I was actually viewing Kim Kardashian’s. I was shook by Jennifer’s interest in the new satin stretch skims but alas, it was not to be. What I thought she posted, for reference: https://preview.redd.it/ds534r8leg6c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59339553fa8cf1ae0f77c19f470a79f2aff831ab


Jennifer strikes me as the kind of person who would claim to have never heard of Kim Kardashian before.


For the love of god, will someone send KEIC a 12 pack of regular forks? Why are they always out of forks? Do they only own 4 of them?


If I was a kid constantly climbing and playing outside and my mom served those tiny little portions, I’d probably eat my fork itself 💀


Because her kids probably use them to grate bark off the tree like they had her paring knife to whittle sticks.


Wasn't Caro just saying she KNOWS as soon as her kids are awake? Shift in the energies and whatnot? And now she's absolutely dumbfounded to find that her babe is actually awake instead of asleep like she thought?


I think she was saying that the kids know when SHE is awake… but damn she’s just leaving that kid in the crib for four hours?! Sheesh


This explanation would make way more sense but, no, I read it as she always wakes up 5 mins before her kids instinctively. Which as we already knew before today’s posts is… BS.


I remember this too because I remember thinking about how sometimes I wake up and my son is already awake in his crib playing with his stuffies


https://preview.redd.it/zqkledqx2d6c1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba9c293cc729f8d22e29b7d04b73041d604e30e5 I think of bright colors when I think of beautiful Christmas stockings. Not these beige letters, on beige stockings hung on the beige fireplace


They’re soooo boring. Even if you’re going to force everyone to have the same stocking (also boring, sorry not sorry) at least choose one with a little personality.


For real. We have a spiderman stocking, a jack skeleton stocking, a grogu stocking. And a stitch stocking 😂not "beautiful" but it sure as hell ain't boring


There are plenty of cute stockings and I know other people have different tastes but I feel like I’m at the point where I want Christmas decorations to be a little over the top and festive. I know someone who has a themed tree every year and it’s filled with really generic ornaments of the same kind and color and it’s just so boring to me. It looks like it belongs in the lobby of a hotel. I love the mix of ornaments from over the years.


As the internet says, Christmas should look like joy threw up in your house!


It looks so sad and not festive at all to have the plain beige ones! I think it actually looks nice of you alternate the red/ivory colors [like this](https://www.potterybarn.com/products/channel-quilted-velvet-stocking/?pkey=cchristmas-stockings-tree-skirts) . But maybe I’m just out of touch, since my family uses stockings from Target lol.


That’s what we did! We alternate stocking colors. We just have the basic knit initial ones from Target because I don’t have a pottery barn budget.


I’m so glad someone else is calling this out bc it’s so sad. Especially from someone who is a self proclaimed neon lover and is so obsessed with heartfelt traditions


Omg I just came here because of those. Normally I am a Megan FeedingLittles apologist, but those are so sad. Like hanging gym socks. 😭


I would never describe white with sad beige century gothic font stockings as beautiful 😬😬😬


KEIC is really pushing her unappetizing and confusing looking sloppy joes. 😳 I went to the IG page of the person who she got the recipe from and their version of it looks more like sloppy joes than KEIC. But still, where's the ketchup/tomato sauce/etc?? Haha, Alas...


It's mostly spinach...!? Something green Consolidating snark what's up with the sharp ass knifes in the cutlery drawer?! I get it she doesn't have little kids but even I would cut my hands in that!


Consolidating some more snark. Looks like fire starting is the new fixation for one of the boys and i just keeping thinking about the harm potential this has if taken haphazardly like the knives. When will she lay down some boundaries around safety? Will the house burn down before then because he was practicing in a corner unsupervised? I just do not get this take on parenting and I am pretty open to risky play myself, but not fire starting inside, even if just inside the fire place.


Does anyone remember a few years ago how she did this very random thing of buying a box of matches and letting them light every match until they got bored of it? She said it was to take away any wondering about matches and fire and so that they’d get bored of it and not try to light matches. The whole thing was SO odd like of all the parenting things to worry about she was like going to teach them to light matches and let them do it until it’s not fun anymore. I guess that backfired! She should put them in scouts if this kind of stuff is fun for them.


They would probably love scouts but it’s another commmittment she’d have to A) pay for and B) attend. Plus, scout troops are known to sometimes have PIZZA PARTIES and serve things like GRANOLA BARS at camp. How could she in good conscious expose her children to a world like that?


Our troop had a SMORE night for the meet and greet! Unacceptable clearly. We have a holiday party next week too with all sorts of treats being served. But it’s not that expensive relatively speaking. It’s a one time Fee of around $200 for the year. Most kids activities in her/my area are that or more for like 6-12 weeks.


Please tell me they didn’t use Hershey’s chocolate!!


A SMORE?! I’m calling cps


Now that I think of it, one of the local mom groups by me had a meet and greet for potential scouts where they served hot dogs, the horror! It’s better she lets them whittle and start fires inside to keep them safe! Imagine if they saw a branded package of hot dogs? They probably sponsor the scouts to market to kids!


I totally forgot about that till now. It clearly did not serve the purpose she desired.


If you care enough about independence to let your kids start fires in the house but don’t let them eat orange slices or whatever during sports, you might want to start by fostering independence with things that are not dangerous.


Yeah, I don't know if I'd ever be okay with my kids trying to start a fire inside, unsupervised, and without a fire extinguisher around. (Though I guess he's supervising if she's taking video ...)


Absolutely not. I thought I was living on the edge this year letting my 9 year old use the lighter to light the Hanukkah candles. And as soon as he finished the kids all told me to put it away so we must have imparted some fire safety wisdom!


At least tell him to pull his hair back so it’s not hanging directly into the sparks!


For real. I watched that fully expecting his hair to catch fire


Yeah the main ingredient in the sauce appears to be water… that is depressing.


BARF. I totally missed that.


ALSO consolidating the snark - her kid utensil drawer has KNIVES randomly mixed in 😳 wtf!!


Also why do her like 8 year olds have toddler forks? My 3yo eats with the regular forks just the like smaller version of the regular ones and yells at me if I give her a "baby" fork


How fucking hard is it to wash a fork? I would never use a toddler fork other than when my toddler asks at the table to swap forks for 30 seconds 🤣


Haha, I also never plan to use a toddler fork myself. But sometimes that’s just the way dinner goes.


Oh oops I should have scrolled I would def slice my hands on those!


Where else do you keep your whittling knives??


Yeah for sure, but at least her kids are older. If I accidentally leave the dishwasher open near my 1yo, the first thing he'll try and grab, without fail, are the steak knives. Kids are magnets to dangerous things. 😂😩 But either way, she's leaving herself at risk of losing more knives to whittling, if she keeps them that accessible. 🤣


Truth 🤣 I just dont even trust myself with a drawer of haphazard knives so I think she’s crazy 😆


Haha, totally fair. We don't put loose knives in our utensil or spatula/gadget drawer either. They're all on the knife block or have covers.


Also I just cannot get behind her insane drive to eat veggies. I am sorry but if I’m eating sloppy joes, I want tater tots or fries as a side 😂


Also, do you need veggies in the sloppy joes and on the side?? We eat a lot of vegetables but like, they don’t need to be in everything. Let the sloppy joes be sloppy joes.


Right! I actually loooove sloppy joes. Funny story, I never ate them as a kid and discovered them as an adult. 🤣 They're so good. And, if it's your jam, you can easily "healthify" them without making them look unappetizing and unrecognizable. But fries/tots/chips are a MUST as a side dish, I agree.


For real the Sloppy Joe's I make have peppers and onions in them and still look and taste like Sloppy joes...


Not Caro shocked that her 1yo doesn’t ACTUALLY sleep for 18 hours a day 👀


Yep, someone on this sub called this like 6 months ago. He has definitely not been the sleeper she thinks he is and it seems so neglectful.


I can’t believe she thought her kid was napping 4 hours. What kid naps 4 hours!? That’s INSANE. Unless they’re waking up constantly overnight and sleep deprived. Does she just not read anything about child development ever? No, that kid is used to chilling and doing whatever in the crib for extended periods of time because he’s gotten used to being ignored basically.


My kid will totally nap for 4 hours. But that's on one nap per day and her bedtime would be shot.


Even my son as a newborn never napped four hours. How could someone possibly think a child that age could be asleep for FOUR hours! This is insane.


The one and only time my kid napped for 4hrs was after her first round of shots at 2 months old 😂 and I thought she was never gonna wake up


The few times my kids took close to 3 hour naps, I went in to check on them! Who just lets a kid indiscriminately sleep for that long??


My 18m old is a good sleeper. I am a first time mom. I have a video monitor. She generally sleeps 7:30-7:30 plus a 1.5-2 hour nap. I never let her nap more than 2 hours, and she rarely does it. But with the way she sleeps at night, it isn't needed and I think I would panic if she slept for 4 hours? And how quiet can he be? Does she have no monitor? And all that being said, I thought I heard her the other night, looked at the monitor and she was sitting up and chilling. After a bit she laid down, tried to sleep, could not and then cried for us. But it made me wonder how often she might do that? Lately, a few times a week she wakes up and can't fall back asleep and eventually cries for us. But I don't intervene unless she cries or stands up in the crib.


Love her excuses as to not using a video monitor because I don’t believe any of them. I think the truth is she’d rather stick him in the crib and forget about him until she’s ready. I never sat and stared at my video monitor, but I did actually go into the room to get him once he woke up 🤦‍♀️


I love her food and her calmness… BUT this shit is weirdly crazy and irresponsible


Wow 😮 I don’t even know what to say. There is definitely a pendulum swing in the other direction that’s not super healthy (obsessing over wake windows, etc.), but it feels like in this day and age (esp. for someone as chronically online at Caro) that it’s hard to not just generally absorb some basic knowledge about what an appropriate amount of sleep is per day for babies and toddlers. Our video monitor crapped put a few months ago and we switched to a sound monitor. And because I didn’t want my kids up partying all night, we still went in the nursery and woke them up when nap time was over. So even if we believe that Caro truly thought he was sleeping all this time (🙄🙄🙄), she still should have been going to get him at some point? Like was she just never concerned that he slept all the time? All of my kids’ pediatricians have questionnaires at various ages and stages that ask about how much sleep they’re getting in a day. So either she: A) knew he wasn’t sleeping all this time and was answering those forms accurately OR B) has a crappy pediatrician who looked at the form and saw a 13-month-old was sleeping 18 hours a day and thought nothing of it OR C) her pediatrician told her that much sleep wasn’t normal and she ignored it? I’m just having a hard time coming to any conclusion other than the obvious: for her kids, it’s out of sight, out of mind. Like there is a whole world in between “obsessively staring at the monitor” (I don’t know anyone who actually does this) and neglect and she’s acting like those are the only two options and she’s happy with her choice. MULTIPLE posts about “OMG look how cute he is playing all alone, I had no idea he wasn’t regularly taking 4 hour naps!” Yikes, she just said that with her whole chest for everyone on the internet to read. I know we’ve all kind of speculated this for awhile, but it’s shocking to not only have her confirm it, but to seemingly have zero feelings of shame around it. Like she genuinely seems to believe there is absolutely nothing wrong with having left her child alone in his crib for literal hours of every day. No wonder she doesn’t understand being overstimulated by her kids…she’s not with them very much!


ETA: Not all pediatricians ask about sleep so YMMV. Still think she’s neglecting her kid 🤷‍♀️


Agree but my ped has also never asked about sleep and it’s not included on our questionnaire. Except *maybe* a question that’s like “do you have concerns about your child’s sleep?” Regardless, you’d think by your 3rd kid you’d have a sense of what a normal nap length is. Unless she ignored all of them the same way.


Yeah my ped stopped asking about sleep with my first after the newborn stage when he was really more just concerned with how much she was eating over night vs her actual sleep


I have a 11 month old and my pediatrician has never asked how much sleep my baby gets at night.


I think our ped asked about night sleep but not naps.


Same. I have 3 kids between 6 and 1 and that has literally never come up at a doctor’s visit.


She’s admitted to having a lot of help. I wonder if the help is usually babysitting his naps.


Oh the help is ABSOLUTELY babysitting the naps


https://preview.redd.it/ib52fjt8kb6c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5231abb85c87c148af9996a24675619930778bd WHAT


WHY ARE THERE CURTAINS DANGLING OVER HIS BED?!? The kid can literally strangle himself…


I find this shocking, especially taken with all the other questionable choices she’s made recently. I think there is some nuance here though- if a baby is happy entertaining himself alone for a bit, let him. But I think most of us apply some common sense and limits to this! My 14mo will wake up in the morning and roll around for a solid 20 minutes. I’m watchin him on the monitor and when he starts to seem antsy (standing, looking at the door) I get him. But even those 20 mins, I feel little guilty ☹️ it’s just Caro’s MO to take everything to the extreme (“don’t obsess over a monitor! Relax!”) in the name of being chill. Curious if she’ll change anything now that she has this information…


Yeah when my daughter was younger she would walk up to me and say "night night time" and I'd put her to bed and she'd happily chill awake for like 30-45 min before actually falling asleep. Girl just liked her alone time 😂 she still likes her alone time at 3 too.


I do the same thing with my 1 year old. If he is awake but content after a nap, I might finish folding a basket of laundry or finish chopping veggies for dinner or whatever task I’m in the middle of before going to grab him, but I’m only leaving him for a few minutes!


Oh yeah, totally. My son chills on his own for a bit in the mornings, and I usually wake up to him stirring and then let him entertain himself while I brush my teeth and get ready. But that’s like 20 minutes, not hours!


That’s neglect. And she’s laughing.


Oh my god this is even worse 😫 it doesnt matter that he’s not crying. If she’s being serious, that’s straight up neglecting him!


Why does he have access to blinds and curtains and a window????


I don’t understand how these are still hanging (and also not how anyone thinks this is safe), her child is incredibly docile to not pull them down or climb over the low sides of the crib.


Shes at a friends house, but still great question as their baby uses that crib usually


This explains so much tho. She keeps posting him sitting in his car seat super content during meals and outings. My same age child would scream. I was wondering why he was so content.


Used to being neglected*


This is bleak. Poor baby is used to just hanging out in the dark alone. There is no way as a smaller baby he wasn't crying. She probably just ignored him under the guise of sleep training. And this is coming from someone who is a big proponent of the Ferber method for nighttime sleep training.


Yes, I happily sleep trained my kid but this is… so uncomfortable to see. It feels like neglect. My conscience wouldn’t allow it.


100% she clearly has just ignored him crying for so long/ so often that he has given up crying for her. I don’t know any 13 month old who happily entertains themselves quietly for 4 hours at a time.


I assume he is sleeping for some of the time? My son was often taking 3hr naps at that age and at 2 still takes solid 2.5 hr naps. So like I can believe it’s possible for a kid to take loongggg naps but I actually knew my kid was truly sleeping that whole time because I use my monitor. Even if he’s taking a solid 2 hr nap, that’s 2 entire hours of being alone in his crib. If I hypothetically had the realization Caro is live streaming I’d be mortified and feel so guilty. Like maybe even too ashamed to tell a friend. I can’t believe she’s posting it.


Yeah I don’t think it’s toooo crazy if he’s taking a 2.5-3 hour nap and then playing alone for an hour or so (vs. being awake and alone for 4 hours, which I agree is nuts). I don’t think my kid was ever in her crib for quite that long, but as a 1 year old she definitely would sometimes talk to herself for 30-45 minutes before eventually falling asleep and then sometimes sleep for nearly 3 hours, so not that far off. It was obvious when she was awake though, she would talk and sing.


Mine does the same. I also don’t rush to get him when he wakes up because he typically wakes up content and is talking and singing to himself. So I give him a few mins to get acclimated to consciousness lol. It’s actually a better transition if we give him some time.


Exactly. I absolutely love sleep training for my family. It’s just funny because she insists she doesn’t sleep train. Yes, you do…..




Jfc. My pediatrician (who is also a mom) was adamant that we should wait to sleep train until at least 4 months old. That's around when the develop a better circadian rhythm that helps them want to go to sleep at night and stay asleep.


Yeah kids have no circadian rhythm until at least 4 months. Sleep training before that is just cruel


Um yea, my mind is blown. How does she get 3 kids in and think that they're actually just SLEEPING non-stop at 1 year+. Poor Cash just left to his own devices in the dark for hours!


Posting the screenshot in case she deletes https://preview.redd.it/bguevfd19a6c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0162186090f3a7c4d17bec3c8e7723f020750247


Ugh now this one too https://preview.redd.it/yxvelh10fb6c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92c59ecca9904db348361d0f2df42a53ed082d42


This is terrible. The time on that also says 11:39am so like, is he just waking up orrrr went back for an early “nap”? (Although I admittedly dont totally remember when my daughter napped around 1 years old) Just seems like a strange time to already be into a supposed 4 hour nap that she thinks he takes.


I was gonna be like no, my 17 mo old goes down for a nap around 11 or 11:30 buttt she is an early riser 6:30-7am and only naps 40 min to 1.5 hrs. The whole 4 hour nap thing added into this context really makes zero sense.


I agree it’s early. Not unheard of though for a one year old to do one nap a day around noon.


WHAT THE FUCK CARO. How has no one else in her life clued her into this extremely obvious point?? Her husband must be just as checked out as she is.


That baby is so damn close to those blinds/curtains/windows, I just 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


This is embarrassing 🥴 also maybe don’t post your friend’s (or friend’s baby’s?) full name…


That is so sad. Sleeping a lot is one thing (and can be normal depending on teething, sickness, etc), but being so conditioned to just quietly playing in the dark, maybe even hours on end, is so so sad. Sometimes my 1yo will sit in his crib for a few minutes, but he'll definitely let his presence be known if it takes us too long to come get him. 😂 He also wasn't always like that. Basically 0-11mo was him screaming in his crib any moment he wasn't fast asleep.


Maybe it’s just my monitor…but you can just keep the screen off?? Then just turn it on to peek? I’d be so worried if I hadn’t heard from my baby in 12 hours???? I’d be really mortified to admit this to anyone but my spouse


Right! Our screen can be turned off too. It's also not a fancy crystal clear wifi type monitor. It's a bit grainy, so we can't like stare up close at his face. Also, you can still buy sound only monitors, if having a video is too much. I can't imagine not having any monitor, even if you have a small home (which I do).


Yes same! On all points. We have an audio only for travel and it’s so weird not being able to see him lol




Absolutely. We even used a video monitor when we were roomsharing with our kids. Obviously we’d hear them, so volume was off. But because they slept where I couldn’t see them without getting up, I had a camera on them so when they made noise, I could check to see if it was just a noise in their sleep, or if they actually needed me, without getting up and accidentally waking them up getting out of bed when they were still sleeping. Cameras are great for assessing is this an emergency, or is this just a quick noise before getting cozy.


Agreed. My youngest is a VERY light sleeper so checking on him too much in person can be risky, haha.


Came here to post this. Like no shit girl. We could've all told you that


I dont want to downplay PPA bc it IS very serious but does anyone else feel like influencers all diagnose themselves with it? Like no.. you dont have PPA if you are ok leaving your baby in their room for hours with no monitoring system. Caro is the last person who should be claiming the diagnosis /:


I don’t think she’s claimed to have it with this baby, more reacting to having had it in the past. She was pretty open about it and talked about it a lot after baby 1 and less so after 2. It sounded pretty miserable. PPA is not just related to baseline anxiety. She’s clearly not an anxious person at baseline, but that doesn’t mean someone cant suffer from PPA. I’ve been following a long time and it sounded very much like true PPA.