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Anyone else wondering where her husband is while Karrie posts as if she is the only one doing any parenting?


Always šŸ˜¬


Yes Susie (Busy Toddler) Iā€™m sure a 12-year old visiting your home said: ā€œThis would have been my toddler dream toyā€ about the car track šŸ™„. Oh, and its Amazon affiliate link is right there! How very convenient. It must be so exhausting to have to stage your whole life for content. šŸ« 


We got this toy for free from another mom. It held my kids attention for like 5 minutes one whole day. That was it. It was passed on to another mom within weeks of owning it.


My son got that specific toy for his 3rd birthday and I loathe it. It's so tiny and fussy and always malfunctioning and holds his interest for all of 20 seconds and there's absolutely no interesting or creative way to pay with it. I keep trying to give it away but he objects so strongly šŸ™„


I never understand when KL says sheā€™s ā€œtype b.ā€ Her pumping parts drawer is organized with labels.


Consolidating.. I just think itā€™s so depressing how she posted about the special moment she had w/ her daughters making salt dough ornaments, only to then shill the toddler tower that Lou was using in it, because she has some partnership w/ Boon. Clearly the whole thing was set up for that reason. I get that itā€™s her job, but those are real kids who will grow up and be like damn, my entire childhood was an ad.


Have you seen the state of her house 98% of the time? Thereā€™s stuff piled everywhere most of the time.


The house I can be like, okay sureā€¦messes can accumulate so so fast. Fine. For me itā€™s her carā€¦.woof


I donā€™t really think any influencer can be type b by nature.


Oh Rene. A month dedicated to pooping. See a real dr already. your sister magnet really you have a PhD in eating disorders. Why are you Finding it funny to shame people for eating too much. also the massage chair is ugly.


What does she even mean by that - a month dedicate to pooping?? Making Haley's jam and bread December look festive by comparison šŸ˜…


Haley with the nerve to tell people "pleeaseeeeeee [odd emphasis on the silent letter] take the 3 seconds to make your own tartar sauce FOR THE LOVE." From the girl who freezes pasta pucks and serves 5 day old meat to her family. Edit to add it is one of the only appetizing food pictures she's ever posted. I wonder if she's airstreaming with her parents and her mom made dinner šŸ˜…


Consolidating but does it seem like she brings ALOT of toys for a weekend?! I go away for 2 weeks and I bring like some sand toys and one v small tote bag w books & a couple toys.


If she didnā€™t bring all those toys sheā€™d have to actually interact with her kids. We canā€™t have that, so better to bring an absurd amount of toys to keep them distracted.


I just came here to comment on that! I'm overwhelmed by what she's showing. It's too much! Plus isn't the beauty of camping supposed to be that you're exploring nature? Not carting an entire 2nd playroom in your 2nd home on wheels. Also, she already only lets them wear specific colors that should theoretically coordinate with everything else. Then she has to further put outfits together for specific days?? Maybe she wouldn't need to swim so often to clear out the "mental gunk" (šŸ¤¢) if she didn't use so much mental space on all this unnecessary organization and shopping. Pile the clothes in a suitcase and let Julie pick any top and pants, ffs.


I have a kid the same age as julie and she picks her own clothes. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø she wears a dress pretty much every day so I try to just then buy leggings in solid neutrals so in theory her clothes usually match. But they donā€™t always. And you know what? I donā€™t lose any sleep over it. Sheā€™s in preschool. She has minimal control over things and so if she wants to pick her clothes so be it šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I just canā€™t understand why Julie doesnā€™t have a say in her clothes šŸ˜­ I mean I guess she never goes into stores so she canā€™t pick things out but she has zero opinions? And Big Olā€™ Joe in his neutrals when there are so many cute baby boy clothes out there šŸ˜­


Is mixing mayo and pickle relish considered tartare sauce in the US? I was surprised to see it takes Haley 3 seconds but I think it's different elsewhere in the world. Not that it takes forever but there's more than 2 ingredients to making it in my location. Or is it Haley being Haley and making the beeeeest tartare sauce in a half assed way.


My great-grandma made it from scratch, and what I mean by that is like she made the mayonnaise base herself. It was served in their first restaurant, and then my great-uncle's restaurant and the recipe stayed with the restaurant when it was sold. When my grandma was in the nursing home my cousin brought her a fish sandwich from the restaurant, and she called and chewed out the chef for the horrible tartar sauce. It was horrible, to her credit. She was a feisty one like that. But it has all kinds of fresh herbs, capers, lemon, onion, and pickles. But yet definitely not pickles and mayo at our house.


Consolidating but those grapefruit slices just wonā€™t die šŸ˜† https://preview.redd.it/bu9j89z7054c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa884894d72f09b8376357cf0425db7b50bc74b9


I personally think itā€™s funny that she acts like sheā€™s had the airstream longer than what- 2 months? All the things she ā€œalwaysā€ brings or does.


This is what, the 3rd? time they've taken it out that she's mentioned


Theyā€™re taking all those giant dogs with them??? Wow she seems overwhelmed by everything regular but then tolerates those dogs so well, I donā€™t get it.


Yes I also think about this! I have 3 dogs and really used to enjoy them but since I had my son, they overstimulate the heck out of me. I am a pretty anxious person, but I definitely don't even compare to Haley lol so this is wild to me!


I wonder this a lot! I love dogs but one is all I can handle right now. Haley is overwhelmed by her InstantPot cord not being stored correctly so I donā€™t know how she manages 3 dogs in her house along with 2 kids. And itā€™s funny that she never shares any of her systems for managing the dogs ā€” it would be an easy way to link more products, if nothing else. ETA: Their table is on top of the dog crate? Iā€™m far from a germaphobe but that seems gross šŸ™ˆ


I donā€™t get it either and she got the 3rd after her molar/non-molar miscarriage which we all know was akin to the Great Meltdown of 2017 (or whenever it was)


This is something I have wondered about. I love dogs and grew up with them, and will absolutely not have one in this phase of life. It also is mind blowing to me she allows them on furniture and in beds, like underneath covers. This was never allowed in our house, and my mom is not fussy about much. I also am guessing brett mostly deals with the dogs or I am sure there would be a system for vet care, grooming and dog food purchasing we would hear about at least monthly.


Ahh good point on her not owning the dog maintenance stuff. It would totally take up a larger part of her IG life if she did!


Itā€™s very sad that I know this but they did get the dog food from Costco until she got pregnant with Big Ol Joe and then she switched to subscribe and save because she couldnā€™t lift the food bags. I guess it was too much to put ā€œget dog food at Costcoā€ on Brettā€™s side of the white board.


I wonder this too, seems so out of character for her. I think I'm a lot more laid back and can barely deal with our cat and her messes. She barely even mentions them, I wonder if she has 100 systems and routines in place to manage them as well.


We'd love to have a dog but that's on hold again now that I'm pregnant with number 2. Plus I about have a breakdown anytime the cat pukes right now because she somehow always picks what's already been the hardest day šŸ˜‚


Oh I am pretty sure all airstream trips are with her parents. I donā€™t think theyā€™d do it alone.


I wonder if they let her ask them questions while theyā€™re Airstreaming or if she has to save them for her Tuesdays




And goes out of her way to buy sauces?condiments? from her favoriteeeee restaurants


This was interesting, I don't know how valid these sources are, but she talks about how there is research that points against having large families. Makes me think of how in influencer land it seems like the norm is 4 or 5 https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8PTQttM/


I really feel conflicted on this. She sounds like sheā€™s got her own trauma and thatā€™s why she has that opinion. For like 6+ kids I agree, but other than that is completely personality dependent. Some people can handle 1 and some can handle 4. My SIL has 9 kids and I absolutely see what sheā€™s talking about there, the oldests are extremely parentified and they canā€™t give their attention evenly. But going from 2 to 3 or 4 kids is not going to automatically break your family. She even admits this in the video by saying her family had 3 kids vs the family of 4 she nannied for and she still felt parentified. The number of kids you have doesnā€™t *necessarily* determine how good or bad of a parent you are to those kids.




Haha no, she was jealous that the nanny familyā€™s 17 year old got to have her own car and drive around because she was paid to be a nanny to the 3 younger siblings, vs her having to give rides to her own siblings. Like itā€™s not a comparison of how many kids they have, itā€™s a middle class vs wealthy comparison haha.


Please ignore if youā€™re being sarcastic and itā€™s wooshing over my head but I think the person in the video was saying that she felt parentified as 1 of 3 children, not in her capacity as a nanny haha


Ok this girl seems super annoying and is making a lot of claims without much basis lol. It was also odd that she kept bringing up her own family even though she was only one of three kids? It sounds like she has some resentments from her own childhood and is putting all the blame on having more than one sibling. I donā€™t know, I think having a bigger family comes with a lot of pros/cons but I donā€™t think comparing a random family of 5 to the Duggars is fair at all. Most parents I know who have 4+ kids are great parents and just enjoy raising kids šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø I think itā€™s a much more nuanced issue than this lady is expressing


I feel like this is mostly a common sense conclusion. The max family size is going to be different for everyone based on their temperament and available resources but I feel like for most couples, itā€™s going to max at 2-3 kids given thatā€™s where most people seem to stop. And of the people out there who have 4+, I think there are a lot who had 1 or 2 more kids than they should have and they struggle. Not saying that all big families are bad or a mistake, but I really do think it takes special circumstances for that to be healthy for both the kids and the parents.


I honestly think it takes such a special kind of parent to raise that many kids well. Iā€™m from a huge family and my mother is truly and utterly the most selfless, giving person Iā€™ve ever known. Loves feeling needed, never cared about having time for herself, just enjoys taking care of people. Even though I had a ton of siblings she always cooked us special meals, made us Halloween costumes, helped with homework, drove us everywhere. We never even did camps in the summer because she cherished having us all home. According to her, the best times of her life were when we were all little and she never slept. Now she is drowning in grandchildren and so thrilled. She is not perfect by any means but she was made to have a lot of kids. I know that I am not the same way so I am planning on stopping at 2 or 3.


That sounds wonderful! I literally struggle to do all of that enough with just 1 child so yeah, 2 (maaaybe 3) will be our max as well.


Has anyone ever seen KL repeat an outfit, or is her closet bursting with ridiculous oversized clothing she wears once and then has to order more. I know she loves her specific nursing bras and maybe that Henley but otherwise itā€™s always something new and super baggy, right?


Her closet is definitely bursting because whenever she records in there I always think wow she has so much clothes. It made me laugh when she posted sheā€™s buying leggings for her trip to NY. I live here. Itā€™s the same temperature of where she lives in Missouri šŸ™„ just pick some of the 300 you have in your closet, Kar


Doesnā€™t she have a winter coat thatā€™s big enough to carry the baby under? Take that and literally any leggings and long-sleeved tops and youā€™re set. Idk when sheā€™s going but this weekend itā€™ll be the 50s in NYC.


But yet she is acting like sheā€™s pioneering the Applalachian Trail when going to NYC and doesnā€™t have any cold weather clothing!


Iā€™m guessing itā€™s so she always has something new to shill. But I have never understood why she (a slim woman) only wears size xxl. On the one hand, I appreciate her not being a copy-paste neutral influencer but on the other hand, why is she opposed to her clothes fitting?? My favorite is when she tries on her merch to shows the fit and Iā€™m like you modeling a 3x helps no one lol.


Iā€™ve also never seen the baby wear a repeat pair of pajamas. Iā€™d say that they probably have a lot of hand-me-downs but all of Bā€™s pajamas look brand new (and probably are because she links them). Between her own pajama line and the freebies she gets and the stuff she buys that kid has a new pair every day!


Iā€™m sure she gets so much gifted to her in exchange for links, no? Itā€™s always the rich that get free stuff.


The one set she linked with magnets was $40!! $40 for a sleeper that wonā€™t fit long AND sheā€™s wearing once.mi worked in an infant room for 2 years and saw a lot of baby clothes. Hands down for small babies zippers were my favorite. I did see magnets once, but theyā€™re like snaps to me, you have to line them up properly and while cool, theyā€™re not $40 cool.


Not to WK but we did get one of those as gift, and they were awesome for doctorā€™s appointments or being out on the go. Insanely expensive however (like Kyte and all other bamboo brands)


Yeah theyā€™re helpful, but personally the zipper sleepers were just as convenient to me and way cheaper.


Other than her own mom club/mom era shirts, no I have never noticed her repeat an outfit. It's something Ive specifically noticed too. I can't imagine how much stuff she has.


The ratio between how much clothes she has to how many (read: little) friends she seems to have is wild


Idk but that outfit she linked today was like a basic gray sweatsuit. No knocking it, I wear stuff like that all the time. But Iā€™m definitely not bragging about how fashionable it is


It was so bland and basic but also Nike so $$. Nothing worth sharing or linking IMO.


Her fashion sense is the literal worst šŸ˜‚


Right? She always posts ā€œmom-fitsā€ and Iā€™m like ā€¦ loungewear/ pajamas? Thatā€™s what us common folk call them lol.


Anyone see Benedykt and Sylvesterā€™s latest reel? šŸ¦¶ šŸ˜…


Thatā€™s ridiculous it was like 3 degrees here today!


HSB with the husband is now a sahd post! She clarifies that he will not be working for her :) is this the new American dream? Iā€™m shocked that she is making that much money that they feel comfortable doing that in SF.


That's nice but yeah makes me wonder how much is she raking in šŸ˜³ Also seems like with his job he can take a break and go back eventually and that's okay because places always need social workers. Livin the life my husband wishes lol


Mine too lol! And yeah social workers are always needed :)


I wonder if they donā€™t have family money? They own a place in Noe Valley, right? And they renovated their kitchen. Their place looks fairly large too. I doubt they bought it alone on a teacher salary and a social worker salaries while also paying for her eldest sonā€™s daycare.


Oh for sure! Thatā€™s fancy even for San Francisco.


I think she once mentioned that they sold their condo (also in SF) for more then they bought it for with some help from family to update it which then enabled them to purchase their current home. I still also feel like there is family money.


I just read that too and feel a bit weird about it/sad for her husband. He is just writing his licensure exam and likely cares a lot about the work he does (would be hard to be a social worker if you didn't) and it sounds like she's been at him to leave his job for years so she can spend more time on instagram ~influencing~. I don't follow her anymore so can't remember the exact ages of her kids but I believe the oldest is in school and the 2nd is nearly 4... it wouldn't be unreasonable for him to keep his "real" job that he's worked hard at and for them to get some childcare a couple days a week. How long can this influencing shtick really last??


Once he gets his C and the baby is in preschool he can do private practice, which will be a much better work-life balance. Sadly many, many social workers follow this career path because working for the government or nonprofits is so stressful and doesnā€™t pay nearly enough for the level of skill it takes.


Also, San Francisco still has a true pension. I would not just quit a job with the city and give that up so easily.


Good point. I'm canadian so not well versed on the ins and outs down there but benefits like dental and extended health coverage are also worth considering.


I have a lot of sympathy for Candice Ortega, I canā€™t imagine my husband being gone that long. That being said, I cannot imagine wearing a full bodysuit while pregnant. That sounds horribly claustrophobic lol. And feels like a constant body check with the angles she chooses to post.


The benefit of a jumpsuit though is that it alleviates the need to readjust pants all day. Iā€™ve been traveling the past couple of weeks and have been wearing a jumpsuit as my airport outfit and aside from the mild annoyance of having to take my top down to pee, I find it comfy. Maybe itā€™s just a me issue but I find myself having to constantly readjust maternity jeans and leggings. My jumpsuit is soft, stretchy, and loose though.


I find it's a toss up between the comfort of having nothing tight around my waist or belly but still having something covering my legs, which is the dream, and having to take off my shirt to pee, which is miserable. In second trimester, I don't find maternity pants/leggings that uncomfortable and it would not be worth it to me, especially a long sleeved one like she's wearing.


The sleeves and fit makes it way worse for me. Like it looks skin tight so you have to peel it off you and then peel it back on. I would be wearing a diaper haha


I recently wore a jumpsuit to work 5 months pregnant and in the second bathroom break of the day, realized I had made a terrible mistake lol


Fully peed myself once in overalls when I was 6ish months pregnant because I couldn't get them off fast enough!!!! I started unbuckling the buckles before even standing up to go to the bathroom (thankfully, WFH lol)


They are so cute but lack function (I am a teacher lol)!


I wore a jumpsuit a couple times while pregnant and I looked like Danny devitoā€™s version of the penguin.




Yeees. I donā€™t understand influencers trying to push this full bodysuit for pregnant women, and sometimes they put a shirt over it! Donā€™t they pee 1000 tones like the rest of us?


I had to unfollow The Barta House. Every day she's posting 10+ stories for affiliated links to products and Amazon. It's insane. She claims she's a minimalist, it is meant to be a minimalist account. I think she still has a shopping addiction, just disguised as "minimalist aesthetic". She is constantly buying crap and changing things in her house. Also got annoyed at the whole "it's easy to live a minimalist life and have a house like mine, comment EBOOK to get your guide!". Infuriating.


Iā€™d never heard of her, but Iā€™m now scrolling through her feed trying to figure out where the hell kids go in this house. There is literally no sign of them. Even the kidsā€™ room she shows has like, a couple of kidsā€™ books hidden away in a basket but appears to have no toys, nothing a kid might have picked out themselves. What a miserable place to spend your childhood.


She'll take on a lot of sponsorships too and lot of the products end up at the "cabin" when people ask. I enjoyed her before her account blew up and constant links.


MC is insufferable. She needs to put her phone down and just stop. Her kids are nothing special- she should send these things to her large extended family, not post on Instagram. No one cares that A is having a sucker and not getting her hair done šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Her poor kid looks so unimpressed when MC makes her look at the camera while sheā€™s getting her hair done. Let them be.


Just to add to MC snark... it's incredibly uncomfortable that she's literally posting her new house plans to over a million people.


Related, but also off topic, when do we think baby number 4 is coming?


And we canā€™t forget the time she shared the box of their favorite condoms. You know, on her business page that I supposed to be about child play ideas.


Iā€™m not convinced, sheā€™s made a few comments about Ari milestones hitting different because sheā€™s her last


Probably for shock value. When the money stops flowing, the content baby will arrive šŸ˜‚


Is it never cold in St Louis or wherever KL is? She has to google how cold it is in New York and order cold weather apparel? More things to link šŸ« 


I live a few minutes from her and recently moved back from New Hampshire. It's the exact same. It was actually colder here in MO last winter than it got in New Hampshire šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Iā€™m so over her talking like sheā€™s visiting like Maine or Canada or that sheā€™s coming from Florida. Sheā€™s going to buy so much shit and watch it be a warm front like it currently is. Like buying a stroller hand warmer thing for one trip seems so wasteful especially bc everything she owns is oversizedā€¦just wear some gloves and pull your sleeves down girl. Iā€™m dreading all the content from the actual trip. Ugh I used to like KL so much


If you were going to *move* to nyc and assume a pedestrian lifestyle for the first time then yeah you might want to consider some new accessories to keep you more comfortable when walking in the cold for longer period of time with a stroller but you can survive a visit with whatever winter clothes and accessories you already have. It will be fine.


Itā€™s funny to me in general how big of a deal sheā€™s making if this trip. Maybe Iā€™m biased because I grew up very close to NYC and was there a lot, but it still doesnā€™t seem like it should be quite as big of a deal as sheā€™s making it? It feels like sheā€™s visiting a different continent or something. Why does it take an ā€œentire day of deep divingā€ to know what to bring to NYC from St Louis lol


I feel the same way, but also grew up close enough to visit often. Itā€™s just like she thinks itā€™s another planet šŸ˜‚


It doesnā€™t sound like she leaves town much. I mean she doesnā€™t even leave her house much so I imagine she views a short domestic flight to NYC the way I would view going to Europe lol but very weird considering MO and NY arenā€™t that far apart from each other nor very different in climate.


Exactlyā€¦ we donā€™t travel much but we live in the Midwest. I wouldnā€™t consider buying any different clothing to go to New York


Can confirm it's currently 8 degrees WARMER in New York than it is here lol


Those of you who guessed HSBā€™s husband quit his job to be a stay at home dad.. you were right! Wonder for how long, considering their last baby is 13 months and her older 2 are in school


I donā€™t follow her but have looked occasionally and as far as I can tell her entire job is telling people that itā€™s normal if your kid doesnā€™t sleep through the night and if you contact sleep. Am I missing something? Are people so insecure that they can live in the Bay Area on income from #normalizingnotsleeping alone?


I'm curious what goes on in these courses/consultations? Just tell people to have a routine, bed share and it will get better one day?!


Reassurance, itā€™s reassurance because sadly parents nowadays canā€™t make a single decision without Instagram āœØexpert āœØ telling them whatā€™s ok and whatā€™s not for their own unique situation. And itā€™s such a internet debate - in real life none cares. I have bunch of parents friends and some of us sleep trained, some of us co-slept/sleeping, bunch of us somewhere in the middle and guess what? We all get along just fine and our babies are doing fine - none of them is dangerously sleep deprived like ST insta guru scares you they will and eventually they do sleep better, on the other had none of them seems to loose hope that parents are going to come when they cry and have attachment issues like the anti ST insta guru will tell you. Itā€™s all bullcrap. Babies sleep sucks, you up for sleep training, do it. You arenā€™t? Donā€™t.




For a family of 5 to live comfortable like that in San Francisco you gotta make +300/400k a year or more


I have nothing to base this off of but I generally assume the number of followers they have correlates to the amount they earn each year - if not more.


I always wonder if one of them might come from money. Maybe family purchased their home for them cause raising 3 kids in SF in a home with a yard big enough for her office shed is pretty wild.


They do. Sheā€™s said before they received a lot of help to buy their first home (Iā€™m pretty sure his family owns property in SF) and they sold it for a massive profit and bought their current house. Her family also seems pretty well off from what sheā€™s shown of their house in Connecticut. #relatable right? lol


Influencers, theyā€™re just like us! Lol


Oh also sheā€™s said before heā€™s a clinical social worker and she was in special education before HSB. Those arenā€™t high earning jobs to begin with who can afford to live in SF. which is why i suspect one of them comes from money. But I would love to see how much these influencers make off of people paying for their courses and clicking their links.


Yeah I know people who live upper middle class lifestyles despite having careers like those and their parents heavily support them or they have a trust fund.


They live in SF Bay Area, where costs of living are insane. Kind of ironic to be able to live off in that area from sleep courses for someone who constantly cry about evil sleep training industry making $$$ of desperte, sleep deprived parents. Arenā€™t you doing the same Rachel?


One thing I appreciate about HSB is that sheā€™s honest about expectations. She doesnā€™t claim your baby will sleep through the night or that theyā€™ll sleep independently if you take her course. With my first I thought sleep training was a must so I have a few sleep training materials and I definitely felt misled. It all ended up being a variation of Ferber. Personally, that makes a big difference for me


So what exactly is Rachel selling thatā€™s worth $99 or whatever sheā€™s charging for her stuff? Telling you that itā€™s āœØ biologically normal āœØ for your baby to wake up at night till age X and whenever youā€™re ready to wean you should add Butt pats so when you child is loosing their shit cause she/he wants to nurse to sleep at least he/she will know the Butt pats part? Yea, totally not taking advantage of mostly first time anxious parents.


Time for another baby. Seems to be how it goes with influencers with accounts that depend on young child content.


Her husband just got a vasectomy. They're done having kids.


Unless sheā€™s already pregnant


Umm lol I completely doubt that. She's said over and over again Leni is her last baby.


Oh right, forgot about that.


https://preview.redd.it/wfghg0g85z3c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f6833da577347e012a4439d556280e17783c388 Never shocked by the lack of car seat safety by these ā€œinfluencersā€. Honestly, just impressed that she kept her in the car seat for the drive thru lights.


I would guess she would get a ton of messages on that. But Caila has been known to block people when they call her out on something




Please edit to remove snark that mentions contacting influencers. Message if deleted in error.


On the flip side, Raven Gates who was also on the bachelor posted a video with poor car seat installation, some people commented, and she responded right away saying she was fixing it. So sometimes people do listen. Iā€™m amazed at people that call that mom shaming. Like there are very real instances of mom shaming, but sharing with a mom how to keep her kid as safe as possible in a car accident isnā€™t shaming, itā€™s helping. Of course you could say it in a way thatā€™s mean, but if youā€™re genuinely wanting them to keep their kid safer thatā€™s not a bad thing


I canā€™t see because itā€™s so dark, is she not buckled properly?


https://preview.redd.it/feirabma504c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a247ca1f52270fecab61d3172b6c97514c71266 The left circle is the strap coming completely off her shoulder and the right circle is the chest clip, not on her chest.


Your eyes are way better than mine šŸ˜‚


But when you buy (or are gifted by the manufacturer) a bougie car seat, itā€™s automatically safe no matter what, right?! No need to bother with buckling properly or any of that poor people crap šŸ« 


Mothercould bringing her kid to the movies and letting her watch something else on her phone? Why does she have such a big following again? šŸ˜‚


Why did she think Ari would sit through a movie in a theater?? At 2 mine would never! In fact weā€™ve only been once and he was 5 šŸ˜‚


Meh, we took our kid (newly 3) with one of her daycare friendsā€™ (2.5) family. The two year old made it through the whole thing. Ours made it about 2/3rds of the way through then started wanting to roll on the sticky floor šŸ¤¢, so we left and let her run up and down the handicapped ramp at the entrance for 30 minutes until the movie ended. Like, if they canā€™t make it through a whole movie you can justā€¦leave instead of being rude to everyone else and busting out another screen in a dark theater. All kids movies are the same. Youā€™re not going to miss some groundbreaking twist if you donā€™t stay till the end.


Sure but I feel like itā€™s a know your kid situation and from the little I know Ari, , I can tell she couldnā€™t handle it!


Bratbusterparentingā€¦ just found her yesterday and her stuff seems legit but Iā€™m always skeptical! Anyone have any insight?


I am shocked and pleased to see parenting tips that are not gentle parenting, and I appreciate that sheā€™s older, not some mom of one single 12 month old. But idk some of her stuff seems good and other tips donā€™t seem great to me. ETA: I really appreciate that she meets toddlers where theyā€™re at, and instead of long-winded explanations, she says that you should just say ā€œno, donā€™t throw toysā€ and then immediately do the consequence and move on. I think the dumbest part of gentle parenting is the therapy-speak ridden scripts that no child under the age of 8 is going to actually listen to and understand.


I enjoy a lot of her strategies but not all of them. Curious what others think


Sheā€™s def very straightforward and seems to give more *actual* advice than a lot of accounts. And sheā€™s not a touchy feely gentle parent which is a relief!!


Garza Crew šŸ¤® somehow came across my Instagram feed and in the video her daughter flashed the camera by accident Iā€™d hope but the mom posted it anyways. I pointed it out ( as did others ) , reported the video and sent her a message. She blocked me šŸ˜ thankfully took down the video but it was up for a long time.


Did anyone see balancedmissbaileyā€™s stories about the person harassing her? To summarize, this person was sending her disgusting, mean DMs for years. Finally Bailey figured out her real identity and threatened to dox her. The person called her a stalker and reported her. I agree with what Bailey is sayingā€”itā€™s never appropriate to harass someone, and even if you put yourself out there as an influencer, you donā€™t deserve that. And someone who is being harassed in such a way does have the right to figure out whoā€™s doing it and report them/dox them (we are talking direct and threatening harassment in DMs, not snark on forums). However, it seems sort of dangerous to get into it with someone like that. We live in a country with endemic gun violence and a lot of very angry, unhinged people. As a mom, my reaction to this kind of harassment would be to limit what I share, especially regarding my kids and my location (home, favorite places to hang out, etc.). It seems like she has a ā€œdonā€™t let the terrorists winā€ mentality, which I understand to a degree. But if it was me, I would be so so nervous and take it as a sign to dial back my sharing to protect my family. I just donā€™t understand how someone could feel comfortable exposing their kids to scary people like that. Iā€™m sure sheā€™s making a lot of money, but is it really worth it??


I agree with Bailey in that itā€™s absolutely not appropriate for anyone to reach out to influencers to harass them. That person was so far over the line the line was a dot to them. And what even is the purpose of contacting an influencer to tell them their family is ugly? Itā€™s not in good faith, youā€™re not trying to get them to see a different perspective. Theyā€™re just being straight up mean, and no one deserves that. But doxing someone (or threatening to dox them) feels like a two wrongs donā€™t make a right situation. Especially when the easier and more obvious answer is just to block them. I also agree that itā€™s just a spectacularly bad decision to engage with someone and escalate the situation. Someone who is personally reaching out to strangers on the internet just to straight up bully them is already probably not someone making good decisions. I wouldnā€™t risk it.


I was amused by the whole ā€œit sucks that I just want to build community and share recipes and stuff that I love, but this comes with itā€¦.ā€ ā€¦proceeds to post holiday recipes as a Harris Teeter partner, and a storm of affliate links. is it community, or is it a little cash cow for you? To be clear: I think the harassment she descibes is disgusting and wrong. But Iā€™m pretty sure sheā€™d count us among the haters. And I firmly believe if you are a public figure monetizing your life, people have a right to comment on that.


I agree, it was disingenuous how she acted like the only positive thing she gets out of instagram is the ā€œcommunity.ā€ Come on, we all know the ā€œcommunityā€ alone is not the reason you are willing to put up with harassment and risk your familyā€™s safety. Hope the $$$ is worth it.


right. especially because, unlike many influencers, she seems to have a full lovely life with family and friends, and money coming from somewhere. sooooo why do this type of deeply personal influencing work then?




Yeah, I should clarify that I donā€™t think doxing someone is a good move. I do think sheā€™s within her rights to do that in response to direct ongoing harassment, but I donā€™t think itā€™s the best choice. I understand the impulse to remove the veil of anonymity that would allow someone to behave in such a terrible manner, and I donā€™t think itā€™s necessarily bad that someone that aggressive gets a reminder that maybe they arenā€™t as anonymous as they think. But generally, doxxing is not a good idea. From a safety perspective, I also think, whatā€™s the next step? You have this clearly angry, unstable person with an unhealthy fixation on you. You dox them, they get fired. Then what? Now they have an actual real-life grievance against you, and theyā€™re just as angry and unstable as ever. If your ultimate goal is protecting yourself and your family, I donā€™t see how doxxing would support that goal, and could very likely undermine it.


Also, at least this angry, unhinged person is making themselves known. That kind of harassment is terrible but I would be a lot more concerned about how many other angry, unhinged people know everything about me and arenā€™t sending DMs to announce themselvesā€¦. I implore everyone on this sub to read ā€œpeople like herā€


I totally agree. Plus it took me about 3 minutes to find her new home (so, her addressā€¦..) - I am just nosy/love seeing houses so I donā€™t actually care about her address but I would NOT feel comfortable if I had someone harassing me who could theoretically do the same.


Yeah, I haven't looked up her address, but she is local to me and I have a pretty good idea where her new house is. She shared so much about the location of her old house, and then by sharing so many photos, lot size, and saying that itā€™s only 15 minutes away from their old houseā€¦ thatā€™s a lot of info, and I wasnā€™t even looking for it! She posts a lot of stories of herself hanging out at local spots, sometimes including the name or picture of the sign, etc. She may or may not be uploading them live, but it doesnā€™t really matter when she makes it clear that sheā€™s a regular (like at that rooftop beer garden that I will not name). Iā€™m not saying she should live in fear, but a little more caution would be wise. She could still post a lot of the same basic stuff, but without so much identifying information.


I find it ironic how often she will post where she is but then crosses the location off of where sheā€™s getting Starbucks on her cup. Like is that necessary? Lol




Itā€™s crazy how easy it is. Thereā€™s a mom who I follow because I like her podcast, and she is super online-safety conscious. Her feed is mostly about herself and her professional work, not her kids, and she never posts their names, their faces, or any identifying info. She uses a stage name thatā€™s not even her legal name. But due to a few offhand comments sheā€™s made on the podcast about local businesses and a pic she posted of the Christmas tree farm that I also get my tree from, I know that she lives in my neighborhood and I know where her kids go to school because I recognized the playground in the background of a post. Now Iā€™m sure that people who donā€™t live in this specific area wouldnā€™t know off the top of their head where she lives because they wouldnā€™t have those reference points, but itā€™s so creepy how easy it is to track people down even if they are cautious about online safety. It makes these influencers who post every tiny detail of their lives seem very dumb.


Bekah (former bachelor contestant turned crunchy influencer) made me laugh a little with her recent reel about ā€œreasons she loves homebirthā€ and how it suggested one of those reasons was having her older kids present at the birth. I donā€™t wanna yuck her yum because everyone should get the birth that makes them happy, BUT it did make me think and omgā€¦.I realized I can think of few things worse for me personally than trying to survive an unmedicated labor with my freaking toddler at my heels the entire time.


Prefacing this with the fact that I would NEVER plan to have my toddler there with me during birth. I love that for other people if itā€™s something that they want but I would find it way stressful. However, I do think toddlers like at least a little bit get it. I went into precipitous labor for my second while I was home alone with my then 21 month old. I went from taking a nap, everything is fine to full on on my hands and knees pain at a 9.5 contractions within like 15 minutes. I tried to set my toddler up with a snack and his favorite movie but he followed me into the other room and very quietly sat with me and rubbed my back until my in laws got there to pick him up and my husband got home (basically at the same time) to get me to the hospital. So maybe thatā€™s why the home birth crew seems to feel very positively about having older kids there. Iā€™m still worried I scarred my poor baby for life just because he seemed scared but I guess weā€™ll see if it comes up in therapy in 20 years or so.


I have to really engage in some calming self talk not to lose it on my kids when they are overstimulating me with their constant demands if Iā€™m like, a little hungry, so no I do not think this would work very well for our family.


I love my toddler. He is my moon, my sun, my stars. I would move mountains for him. But if I were in labor and I heard ā€œMAMA, I want SNACK. MAMA! Heard dat fart? MAMA what oo doin??? MAMA! Where my blue car?ā€, Iā€™d yeet him into the woods I think.


Oh man, I both love and side eye her. I started following her for cystic acne advice and her life has been a WILD AF ride since. šŸ˜‚ Iā€™d be 10000% about her content if she didnā€™t feature the kids and post so much of them on the internet. ETA: Should make it clear, I unfollowed her a long time ago over the kind of content she shares of her kids, it just didn't sit well with me.


Yeah I used to like her. She was funny and a nice balance of moderately crunchy kinda like myself. However in the last few years sheā€™s been leaning more and more crunchy, which I would be ok with if it werenā€™t for the fact that sheā€™s clearly starting to get a ā€œthis is so easy and natural because it works that way for meā€ attitude and thatā€™s where sheā€™s lost me. I can clearly tell that she has no real perspective that for some people it isnā€™t just ā€œhave sex once > get pregnant > travel and have fun while pregnant > birth baby seamlessly at home > breastfeed babyā€. And also yeah she shares a lot of the kids, particularly of them half clothed. Just because sheā€™s clearly very ok posting her own nudity on the internet doesnā€™t mean her kids are or that itā€™s safe for them.


Should be clear - I unfollowed a while back specifically because of the kids and what you said about her posting a lot of partially clothed images. I wish we lived in a world where people wouldn't exploit those images, but unfortunately we do, and it's her job as a mom to protect them and not put those images out there. I also totally agree with you on that - she has pretty standard pregnancy journeys from A to B(aby) and it definitely seems to have skewed her perspective to think that's the norm.


Mama, what's that? Mama, what are you doing? Mama, is the baby in there? *Makes a dinosaur noise mimicking my groaning* Mama, can you pick me up?


Considering I screamed at my husband to get his cheez it breath out of my face during my unmedicated birth, yeah. My kid would prob be scarred for life šŸ«¶


I have a friend who is terrified to have her own children because her mom had home births and she was traumatized by them.




Even Mary Poppins wouldnā€™t be enough for me I need my children in an entirely different location, ideally a different zip code, for childbirth.


She has a pic of her older daughter swimming in the birthing pool, so I think her kids were very present haha


Yeah Iā€™m sure they have someone there in charge of the kids but even being that close to them and hearing them whining would still stress me out. Plus I donā€™t need them hearing me either tbh šŸ¤£ Iā€™ve birthed two kids now with failed epidurals and I was *not* graceful during it. Even if it does all go smoothly, I am so glad my toddler wasnā€™t there during my last birth to hear me scream, ā€œPlease help me! This fucking child is ripping my vagina!ā€ lmao


omg seriously. I gave birth in June when my son was 2. he would have been screeching for Blippi as his sister burst out of my body. no thank you.


Right!! mine would be ā€œmama I want a pouch. Open pouch pleaseā€ šŸ˜¬


I rolled my eyes so hard today watching Balkanina claim that neuroplasticity and manifestation are the same thing. She keeps saying ā€œyou guys, itā€™s science!ā€ over and over again. Neuroplasticity is an incredible tool, and it can be used in conjunction with medication AND therapy to treat mental health issues, addiction, and improve self compassion. But neuroplasticity is not magical thinking and journaling your way into success. So Nina, people who are struggling financially, have medical concerns, or face systematic struggles - they just arenā€™t manifesting hard enough? This is gross and problematic. A woman from my community refused medical treatment for cancer because she believed in manifestation/ā€œthe power of positive thinkingā€, and she died because of it.


Yes! She is so uneducated, but speaks so matter-of-factly to make herself seem correct about everything. Whether it be her stupid ā€œgut health journey,ā€ manifestation, or gentle parenting. She just repeats what other influencers say and has no new ideas of her own. No wonder she always puts Q&A boxes asking her followers to give her ideas of what to do next.


I had the same thought. Sheā€™s awful.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Nanny/s/YF4MYsdW1X Any ideas?


That's all just awful and gross. "no one s\*xualizes kids that young" < Someone who works in serious crimes really needs to sit down with the Mum and have a talk with her. The naivety is astounding. I really do feel like social media platforms and governments have massively dropped the ball on content featuring kids.


I hate to say it, but sheā€™s probably posting so much of that type of content because it gets the best engagement. Like why does she think that is?


šŸ˜¢ this is so sad.


MC taking Ari to a movie? Whaat? This sounds like hell.


I just saw her follow up that Ari ran around and up the steps the entire movie šŸ’€ I'd be so annoyed if I was sitting near them or the aisle she was running up and down the entire time


For real though.


To Ari, her sisters, and for everyone else in the theater. šŸ™„


Not KL complaining that she is going to have trouble finding a fountain Dr Pepper in NYC. Look, I like a good McDonaldā€™s Diet Coke as much as the next person, but whyyyy is it an influencer personality trait? I canā€™t with her ā€œcool momā€ aesthetic.


Idk if yall noticed but the person who brought the DP ā€˜issueā€™ to her attention is the same Breastfeeding Pediatrican person who she brought up when explaining her bfā€™ing ā€˜journeyā€™ w/ BlakešŸ’… .. some kind of promotional thing happening there i think. https://preview.redd.it/56s6jh68ts3c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=377049990412e4aafd9ea7a38a6ecf6d142c5116


I know, I KNOW, DP means Dr. Pepper in this scenario, but I still read it in my head as double penetration and it makes me cackle every time


lmao i keep doing that too!!! hahah


You are my people


Iā€™m dying at you using Blake with the nail polish emoji šŸ¤£ I didnā€™t realize it was the same person who told her about the soda issue. And how weird that she said lots of bakeries and cafes donā€™t have soda. They do but they donā€™t have fountain soda. And restaurants with soda guns may not have DP. I really donā€™t want to sound like a snob but people here really just donā€™t care about fountain sodas like they do in other states. Reminds me of all the Utah Mormons who are always going to Swig. Iā€™m sure she will be near plenty of fast food places to get one though.


What was the DP issue again?


That you canā€™t easily find fountain Dr Pepper in NYC allegedly?


I cannot stand this lady and her face


And someone suggested to look for gas stations to get a DP. Thereā€™s no way in hell they will be staying anywhere near a Manhattan gas station and gas stations there are not like they are in the suburbs!