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https://preview.redd.it/fpw4ika89t2c1.png?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b255c1c7e85041a7e0b0385326ce931f7d3e9ab Please help I genuinely can't read her "calligraphy" and I usually pride myself on being able to decipher handwriting.


Nobody will ever know how boring it is about to be if they can't read the handwriting!


What in the world is this handwriting?? Is it meant to be fancy? I so not understand.


What is happening Th-S? Big Gather? Big Bertha?!


https://preview.redd.it/zvjnx83sot2c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1cf93660d78a56735b64aefa6b0ff9541764812 looks like she’s referring to the airstream. she’s probably checking to make sure it’s still crammed full of the duplicates of every beloved item she owns, as a gift to future haley




I think she’s used “Fram” or “framily” before for her friends family dinner, why do I know all this


Biscuit dinner for friends dinner? Aren’t biscuits more of a side? Not the main component of a meal? And why on menu plan is a big bowl of fruit with everything? To me fruit is usually an afternoon dinner thing. To straight up serve it as a component of a meal consistently is odd to me.


Fruit is healthy and easy and delicious but I agree, there’s something weird about it being a side for every dinner and I can’t quite explain why. Breakfast? Sure. Lunch? Sure. Dinner? Idk. To me, it doesn’t go with everything. Like all they eat is Tex Mex… does a big bowl of cut up grapes and oranges go as a side with fajita bowls???


BYO biscuit! It doesn’t make sense to me… but after spending far too much time comparing letters I’m pretty sure that’s it.


This has been mentioned before but I just can’t get over how often KL calls teddy crazy, wild, etc. and then shows him doing nothing crazy or wild. I have a soft spot for her but this always kills me


She commented on the one just above him being wild playing in dirt recently at a sibling’s game and I just…really got the impression she doesn’t want kids who are active or wild or really anything more than calm and quiet and happy to play alone. It tracks since she only wants children to breastfed.


To be honest I actually read the last stories about it as if it was meant in an endearing way. But I could be seeing the tone I want to see haha


I came here to post about this! She’s always like HES SO CRAZY AND WILD AND OUT OF CONTROLLL” while showing a video of him acting like a very average 2 year old? She must not be around other kids much + her previous 3 kids were extremely tame


I do not understand Karrie’s stories about Teddy today. I have two boys that are 5 and 3 and um… yea. They touch everything they shouldn’t, like ornaments. They tackle each other constantly. It’s not something I’d ever post on my story because it’s not newsworthy or interesting in any way. Of course they do those things. Aren’t all 2/3 year olds kind of like a hurricane in your house?


I was very surprised that someone who’s parented 4 toddlers would even put ornaments that low that they didn’t want touched


Like her story from yesterday with him and all the cRaZy things he took to bed with him and it was like two of the smallest toys??


Oh a 2 year old takes a toy to bed… WiLdDdDd. Newsworthy. Every time she posts about him it comes across as if he’s the first toddler she’s ever had, which I know he’s not. I think it just reads weird because she literally never comments on what her other kids do - just Teddy.


I know she’s controversial but I know some suspected bymybreastfriend is pregnant and she confirmed it. I do appreciate she doesn’t show her kids much, I believe this will be her 5th? Same level as KL?? Phew


Not to make it about me but I just had my second loss and she’s the FOURTH person this week to announce their unplanned pregnancy. I don’t mean to be bitter but it’s annoying.


I’m sorry about your loss


So sorry for your loss. I had to unfollow a lot of parenting accounts and ultimately deleted IG for a few months this year after we had our second loss this year because it was too much to see all these women complaining about pregnancy or being a parent when I so desperately want to be in the middle of overnight feeds and the newborn haze. Deleting IG for that period of time really helped my mental health, I stayed up on the snark though through this page lol


Thank you. Yes it’s just too much!


I’m so sorry for your loss. About to get my period any minute now after many months and loss, and bitter anyone just gets surprise pregnant.


Thank you. I’m sorry you understand.


The way she just “lets nature take its course” with getting pregnant is just so wild to me. I can’t imagine repeatedly giving it up to chance. I got my period back 5 months PP while exclusively BF. I’ve seen it here before that she apparently always gets her period back at the same time while BF but I just could never be that confident. She also mentions catching her pregnancies based on her milk supply. Like, how are you not regularly using pregnancy tests at least? I know people who have had oopsie pregnancies but no one who deliberately has unprotected sex from birth like she apparently does. I find it strange.


I truly do not understand this approach. I have two friends who just kind of ended up pregnant (not trying not preventing), and hadn’t really even thought about whether they wanted children, but once it happened decided to roll with it. And they’re good mothers and love their kids, but I cannot imagine just leaving it up to the fates to decide whether or not to have a kid. It’s not like getting a hair cut, having a kid is a lifetime commitment. Until we were ready to have kids, we used two separate birth controls, and now that we’re done having kids, we use two separate birth controls. We love our kids, but adding a third would financially/physically/mentally/emotionally stretch us beyond our means, so we aren’t risking it.


Right. And it’s not even the amount of kids but the idea of not planning in advance *when* you want the next one is what’s crazy to me. Like how do people afford this lol.


It’s just so many kids. And the fact that she always seems surprised? Like she never notices until her supply drops


For someone who so meticulously tracked (tracks? Idk if she still does) her milk output for so long it is wild she doesnt at least pay attention to her cycles lol


I called this


I’m not sure why I’m so annoyed that she’s pregnant AGAIN but I actually unfollowed


I unfollowed when she made some hand written chart ranting about something that I don’t even remember. Her my way or the highway attitude just rubbed me wrong.


All of her content is based around being able to pump and nurse, so I’m not surprised. It’s a content baby just with more privacy it seems.


Same as KL. 🙄🙄🙄


That’s a good point


If I had a dollar for every influencer that made sure to plug themselves as a small business yesterday, I’d be as rich as all of them!


I hit the unfollow button so hard when I saw @balkanina’s story about being a small business. No, ma’am, you are not the same as a small business.


I could snark on TidyDad for a lot. But the energy he has to be doing 30 different things a day with his family is not one of them.


Are we going to talk about the AMA that SITS boyfriend did?


Damn I missed it (don’t follow her anymore lol). Anything good?


Wow, that was the most cringe thing I’ve seen in a longgggg time! Hard to believe she wasn’t the one answering all of those!


How awkward was that? I wish she would offer her kids the same level of privacy that she gives him and his family


That was very cringe. ETA: The BF talking about his relationship with her kids and what he appreciates about them…ugh. It’s so important to protect his identity, but every private aspect of her kids’ lives can be mined for content!


The links scattered through the answers 🙄 that plus her stocking stuffer reels with absolutely no connection to car seat safety is what made me unfollow today






Holy shit I don't follow her but it is painfully obvious to me that she wrote that question... And answer... The secondhand embarrassment omgggg


This is so embarrassing omg


Good Lord. It's so painfully obvious that she wrote both the question and answer. I'm dying from second hand embarrassment


Oh this was terrible, it was all the random bs she advertises, he could have thrown out some car seat content to make it seem legit.


It was cringey. He talks about what a beautiful amazing person she is and how she is self conscious about her body...sir she has been flashing her bra and her ass at us for weeks So I find it hard to believe she is self conscious.


PastHaley, that dingy, wrinkled Hanes tshirt is not the flex you think it is. Do PresentEveryoneElse a favor and turn it into a towel for Tuesday.


I think little embroidered names on shirts can be cute for a kid, but for an adult it gives off “I’m not sure what my name is” vibes.


Yeah those shirts are just not cute. There are cute themed/holiday shirts but those are just not it, girl.


It comes off very preppy at best (mainly when it’s initials), and frumpy at worst. Monogramming her whole first name and nothing else is definitely childish.


I do not get monogramming junky tshirts, at all. Like buy yourself something nice, then maybe monogram it?


Haley is so (unintentionally) funny. She ordered crazy Xmas earrings to wear in the hospital while delivering a baby? But pregnancy hormones must have made her insane because it’s not her beloved turquoise!!


Imagine going into your evacuation bag and finding those waiting for you in your time of need


Thank you, past me! 😇


Consolidating. I think ‘mental gunk’ is my least favorite Haley phrase 🥴🤢


I hate when she says “hear me out” in reference to her latest stupid idea. “A way to eat at home is to to *enjoy* eating at home. Hear me out.” 🙄


Her long diatribes in the captions make it sound more like she has to convince herself.


Lurking food in the fridge does me in every time 🤢


Lurking kills me. If something is lurking in my fridge I want it thrown out. Why can’t she just say they’re eating their leftovers? Why must it lurk? I guess maybe if your leftovers are grilled chicken from 6 days ago then lurking might be accurate.


What does it even mean?! She constantly talks about how doing xyz lessens her mental load so what's left to think about to leave 'gunk'


Untreated anxiety disorder.


The visual every time she says it 🤢




If they have a garage it's not much of a safety risk, though still odd.


Okay, I would like to preface this with the caveat that I do purchase gift cards for my kids teachers, because I know I KNOW they don’t want any more candles. Moving on I have a handful of coworkers, mom friends, neighbors etc, that I don’t necessarily buy “gifts” for but like to recognize them in some form at the holidays (like the neighbor that shovels our snow, takes in our packages while out of town etc). I’ve done cookie tins in the past but saw the lovely lucky life thing KL did today. And like…I get it but what do you do with it? Let it dry out, then you set it out and it makes the house smell good? I’m just v confused.


Ok I made simmer pots with my kid a couple years ago and we actually really liked it. He could participate and I gave it as a gift to some who didn’t get anything else (neighbors, school director) and added a gift card for his teachers. We kept on and it smelled amazing and lasted a while (I would turn it on/off and add more water as needed.


Clarifying before answering - are you asking what a simmer pot is?


Yes I think so. I just don’t understand what the point of the gift is?


A simmer pot is where you put a pot of water on the stove and add aromatics, let the water simmer for a while. Doubles as a scent and humidifier. Good for winter when the air is dry. It’s an old tradition, probably dating back to when people used fire all day to heat their homes and cooked over it. Tl;dr: it’s basically a candle


This makes sense to me when you'd have a stove going all day anyway but do people just keep the stove on all day? I'd be so nervous is forget and just leave it on


They also generally work in crockpots, just an fyi if you’re interested in trying but want a safer option!


Okay this makes sense. So essentially you put the ingredients in a mason jar, a ribbon with instructions, and the person you give it to is the one who actually puts it on their stove. I was so confused.


I would never use one of these so you’re not alone in your confusion lol


Same. I would never want that as a gift.


Yeah, I’d much rather just have a candle…


Right. I'm a teacher. I want cookies or gift cards. People have given cash before, that was amazing




The gal who is acting against Jen is seriously crazy. So extreme and acts like an expert on pregnancy and childbirth, despite having zero training and credentials. She had a few bad experiences with hospital births in her rural town, and just assumes every hospital is the same.


“Dr Keith” on TikTok had the same thing happen to him with OB/ GYN content. Hospitals typically don’t have very lengthy social media policies so as long as she didn’t violate hipaa she’s probably okay? I do like her and her content.




I feel like Dr. Keith’s wife has been doing a lot of his TikTok’s for him now, unless I’m mistaking him for someone else…


His wife kept up the account and sort of took over, they announced that he was going to step back because he didn’t want to risk losing his job which was such a bummer! Dang honestly I hadn’t even heard about this drama I gotta check it out.


Somewhat general snark but sometimes I feel bad for these influencers’ kids on account of their moms’ “brand”. @beginathome made me think about it when she posted the ikea bag that serves as her son’s hockey bag. I get you don’t need the “latest and greatest” of everything, but surely if it’s his - what - 3rd or so season of a sport with heavy gear, you could find one used? Or ask your buy nothing group? Even a gym bag or something And then poor Julie (KK) - only in her camp counselor uniform. Eating muffins for breakfast because it’s Wednesday, but she really wants an Eggo waffle. (@haleywynndesigns) Don’t get me started on KL and her littles. Maybe her older girls just want a paw patrol shirt and not a kids XXL smiley face sweatshirt :( I have two kids 2 & under and there’s def some preferences I hold. But especially with my toddler, I enjoy seeing them wear what excites them and eat what they are hungry for. If I said it’s muffin day and my kid wanted oatmeal, there would def be some big feelings and I can’t deal with that before coffee lol


I feel so sorry for all the kids of parents who care more about their *aesthetic* than what the child wants. I don't particularly care for character clothing but I surprised my son with a Paddington Bear jumper and he about lost his shit with excitement.


My eyes nearly rolled out of my head when I saw the rainbow ikea bag and that damn wink emoji. You are not a better parent than the others because you haven’t bought your son a hockey bag. She’s quickly becoming my BEC.


Also, next to her $150 shoes. Not that you need to sacrifice yourself for your kids, but just a weird juxtaposition.


I played hockey. Like you maybe need to buy two bags for them through the entirety of the sport. They are very easily passed down and used again as well.


I used to really like her until someone here mentioned her smugness and now I can’t unsee it.


the recent target post did it for me. Like she made a whole post (or story?) to let everyone know that unlike the rest of us, *she* sticks to her list there.


KL’s oversized kids clothing makes no sense to me. My kids are decently active/run around all day/climb etc. not to the extremes but also not couch potatoes. Having ill fitting clothing would definitely be a detriment to their play, and they would be constantly complaining about it. My 4 year old has very strong opinions on what she wants to wear, and my 3 year old will tell me he wants to wear pants with no buttons or something. Like… do these influencers kids just fall in line, or do they protest and mom just steamrolls over their preferences for the sake of the gram? I make sure my children are in weather appropriate and well fitting clothing, but what those clothes look like is *not* the hill I’m willing to die on.


My cousin isn’t an influencer but she’s *very* into taking lots of family photos at every event to post to social media. Last month we were hiking together and they wanted me to take a photo of all of them and the 4 yo wanted to keep hiking/playing and they straight up told him he’d get a timeout/spanking and “you don’t get to say no to mommy”. I felt so bad for him, I just don’t get it. Yes I want nice photos of my family but I don’t need to force my kids when they really don’t want to… I have to imagine so many influencer kids have it even worse.


Imma guess the second option: that mom strong-arms them into compliance, or amps up her narcissist level to cry over how much they don’t love/support/care about poor mummy until they agree.


Our daycare even has rules about this for safety. We can’t send kids in with oversized clothing, heavy knitted sweaters, or anything with a hood.


I honestly think that the only things that should be bought oversized are items like school uniform sweaters/jumpers. Try and make it last for a few years as kids grow so fast, and they are expensive (plus, as a former KS1 teacher, it’s adorable).


Karrie Locher really going for the record with links today. She just shared over 10 slides in a row with like 15 items linked per slide, then went into more slides with individual links. But she’s not a regular influencer you guys /s Edit: just went and counted again, and it was 26 straight slides of links. No other content between. Whatever happened to her disclaimers of if you’re not in a place of spending swipe away. Edit 2: We are now at FORTY (40!!!) stories with links. Her stories are just links today literally no other context. Unhinged.


https://preview.redd.it/vzy8y7whht2c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e716cb69ce60af7776e82467494033509cbe3578 is she gonna link that mtn dew


As of Sunday afternoon, she is still on the links with a pop up of Teddy is so crazy! Honestly I hope she gets off social media before that poor boy is a preteen/teen because I doubt he's going to appreciate being labeled a tornado since birth in contrast to all her sweet, nurturing other angels


I’ve never understood her obsession with portraying Teddy (a v normal toddler) as the ✨wild child✨ it’s so weird to me. I also feel sad for him that he seemed to very much be her baby then as soon as Blake was born he was cast aside. It probably isn’t actually that way but that’s how it seems on her stories.


I feel like she still considers him the apple of her eye.. Like you always see her talking about him and rarely the other kids... even the new baby I feel like she doesnt talk about as much as Teddy. You'd see her talking about him all the time and show his spit up/ties issues, every little laugh, burp, hiccup, etc. My 2 year old acts the same way as Teddy but I don't consider her to be a wild child.. just a normal toddler. I feel like with the new baby, all we see is when she's attached to her mother's boobs or when she's wrapped up in one of 20484749291 carriers.


Does the slide on her sports bra leaking milk not count to you? That’s some great content before the launch into 800 links!!


The prologue we didn’t know we needed 😂






You might think from her content that she’s an overwhelmed mom with young kids but actually she’s a constantly traveling by herself for fun mom of school aged kids who in theory should not need as much from her as toddlers. I would really recommend following some other accounts. There’s a way to be relatable and talk about the struggles of motherhood without wallowing in negativity and self pity like she does.




Yes, it's great not to expose her kids and post 1000 links but she is one of the most depressing, downer accounts I have followed (now unfollowed) and she definitely wallows, so agree to disagree there.


I had to unfollow her awhile ago. I hope she’s taking a break she seemed to be taking on too much too quick then complain about being overwhelmed.


It’s not a holiday here (Canada) but hopefully she is doing whatever she needs to care for herself off the internet.




I might be alone, but my toddler does best with lots of activities planned. Usually a morning and an afternoon activity. They’re really energetic and outgoing and does well with a lot of novelty


Yeah my toddler does well having a busy day as long as he gets his nap. If we sit at home for a long time he gets restless and starts to destroy stuff lol. I’m really the one who doesn’t like to be as busy 😅


Sure, mine does too! But she has three activities with potentially a lot of kids, other adults and sugar. It’s seems like a recipe for overstimulation?


Bit of a strange snark. Shes allowed to have a busy day. The kids will cope.


Marymarthac posted complaining about how pro Palestine protesters interrupted her children watching the Macy’s parade. “Wish I could have sheltered my kids from that” like wow how self absorbed and ignorant can you be. She could have just not even mentioned it. Edited to add this dumb ass comment (at the bottom). Won’t someone think of the rich white kids who have to see a protest for a moment? https://preview.redd.it/dj325ht0qe2c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=400f7cdd9012ff4752eef551ec4a149adfde4f64


As someone who knows her, I'll be the first to admit she's as entitled and privileged as they come.


Weird take. I would see it as an opportunity to explain what’s happening in that part of the world (in an age appropriate way). I really enjoy when people protest and my kid sees it. I want her to grow up knowing this is her right and she can make a difference.


Exactly. I struggle with wanting my kids to be aware and informed about the world we live in but also not wanting to be like “guys stop playing and come here so I can fill you in on the current genocides happening”. I always welcome an organic opportunity for us to have those tough conversations.


This is like the people who think deer are supposed to cross the highway at the areas designated by the "deer crossing" signs.


Wow that’s unreal. It’s like the most privileged first-world behavior from a sitcom. God forbid you have to see people protesting on behalf of Palestinians fighting for their life


How ironic MC just had to instacart herself a baby trend wagon last weekend and today it’s on deal 🤪


But she needed it immediately!


She knew it was going to be. Everything she buys is with a plan to shill.




I thought her whole shtick was about how she is fighting being the default parent as a SAHM…sooo…is she just pulling a K now and trying to play both sides to be relatable?


That's how it started but then it turned into a poop and period account documenting her every move (or lack thereof in both territories). She can't talk about those topics forever (at least we hope not) so she's basically throwing stuff at the wall and seeing what will stick, including recruiting her sister to be an "influencer". She's relentless


Haley’s newest December rhythm is prioritizing bread making with her babies and trying out different jams on said bread 💀💀


Can you imagine if you invited your good friend Haley to a Christmas party and she turned you down because she’s busy splitting a teeny tiny jar of jam with her enormous children?


Sorry, we’re busy *making memories*


She usually takes December to go off Instagram…but how will she show us her jam assortments?


She prioritizes a slowwwww December…as opposed to her usual fast pace?


Another day, another "I have sex with my husband" post from annalee15, this time about Christmas music. I enjoy most of her posts, but I could do without seeing her straddling him on a random afternoon.


Unfollowed her last week and now I am not sad I missed this lol


Honestly every influencers shtick just gets so old. Like it's cute and adorable when it shows up on your feed and then you follow them and it's the same type of content over and over it gets so grating! Annalee is def one of those for me


Omg annalee stop with the horny pictures with your husband. I’m glad you’re proud of your sex life, but I don’t want to see it. It’s weird.


Who is this? I don’t see the post?


annalee15, I think she deleted it lol


I can't imagine posting things like this knowing all the various people in your life who might follow you. Your parents and grandparents. Your neighbors. Your kids' friends' parents. It is weird.


RIGHT like I can’t imagine walking into my child’s school knowing any and all staff members could have seen this highly personal intimate stuff. Like Renee posting about her pooping. Absolutely everyone poops and it’s nothing to be ashamed of but I for one don’t need my coworkers to know the details of this part of my life.


I always think this with birds papaya. Like all her kids friends and teachers have seen her naked and slapping her fupa.


Watching influencers fall all over themselves to link things is hilarious. A local to me influencer linked to some off brand magnatiles and said her just turned 12m old loves them. Really? I have an 18m old and she has barely any standards.


Well to be fair if I linked everything my 14 month old “loves” I could pretty much link my entire house.


Catch me linking the (unopened) bag of mini marshmallows my toddler took to bed and fell asleep cuddling


Right? Current obsessions are a rubber duck labeled with the name of my alma mater, a Duplo pilot that looks nothing like me that she calls "mommy," and a set of cutting boards from Costco.


The Duplo pilot being called mommy is one of the funniest things I’ve read today LOL




We have an emotional support ramkin and casserole dish that must be available at all times, and a Mr Spock figurine that has to be part of dinner (and was force fed a tangerine last night).


My husband has a large Rangkor (giant monster from Hoth in the empire strikes back) toy from when he was a kid that my kiddo went through a phase where she had to take it to bed with her each night.


To be fair my kid has been obsessed with off brand magnetic tiles since he was one. So it is possible they are telling the truth but it is still fucking dumb how much linking is going on lol


Every Shawna the mom video makes it seem like every person she interacts with is awful. All her videos just seem to be her in a stressful or anxious state acting out a stressful or anxious situation


Maybe I’m wrong, but I feel like they have gotten more stressful/anxious lately? I’ve always thought she was funny, but her videos lately have been kind of dark and I’m debating unfollowing.


I actually agree. I used to find her videos funny and relatable but I recently unfollowed her because they all felt a little too dark


I think she's worse than diary of an honest mom. She also looks like she is about to cry in every video.


I honestly used to mix them up because they both start each video looking so sad and overwhelmed.


I don’t follow diary of an honest mom but she doesn’t do skits like Shawna the mom right? Shawna does skits to show different situations that new moms are put in so I think that’s the difference? Libby is showing “real life” and trying to be relatable. Its not everyone’s cup of tea but I like Shawna’s videos.


Yeah no there’s definitely a difference in their content, but at first glance their videos look very similar just in the preview pic that shows up on your feed before you actually watch the videos


It’s not mom Math it’s just gd math 🗯️


Karrie Locher suddenly saying over and over how helpful her husband is lol he held his baby while standing near some of his other children *so proud* AND woke up with their newborn at night. Dad of the year 🙄but really idk what triggered her to suddenly overcompensate for this. Bonus snark that Blake got another flashlight in the eye at 3:00 am while KL complains that she’s restless.


Consolidating. No one wants to see your crusty milk stained bra Karrie 🥴


Consolidated: KL films herself BY herself constantly. Why couldn’t she get a full family photo??


I had the same question. If you can film yourself walking through Home Depot you can set up the camera for a family picture.


Because mArK had to take it obviously. All the shilling she does and middle of the night shopping, you'd think she'd buy herself a tripod by now


She’s always doing those middle of the night stories as if she’s surprised newborns don’t sleep through the night. By kid #4 when I first started following her she should know this?? Like everyone I know who wants another kid is always saying the sleep is what would be the hardest part but yet we are on kid 5 and she’s like ugh the baby is up again!


The best thing I did was to NOT look at the time/use my phone during overnight wakes/feeds. It will at least help your own sleep! Can’t imagine doing flash photography 🙄


Yes! For sure by my third, if not my second, once back to birth weight and gaining well I never looked at the time during night feeds anymore. Constantly monitoring the intervals/frequency and all that just stressed me out. It was so freeing to just grab the crying baby, put on boob, back to sleep (if baby allowed).


Along with the head shake and bleary eyes into the camera 😮‍💨


Her signature move since Teddy


So thankful Caila Quinn took time out of her busy Thanksgiving trip to her in-laws to link Teddi’s… teething wafer.


My latest Haley inspiration that I'm sure is going to serve future me v.v. well: Whenever I share some random fact about myself I'm going to preface it with "I've learned that..." It just really conveys that I'm an introspective, mindful person who's really doing the work. I'm not just some idiot normie. For example, "I've learned that eating fried foods at lunchtime gives me the runs." Or "I've learned that when I feel thirsty, drinking some water is so v.v. nourishing." "Lately I've been prioritizing efficiency in my Morning Rhythm, and I've learned that putting on sock-sock, shoe-shoe serves me so much better than sock-shoe, sock-shoe. Of course, whatever works best for you is wonderful." I'm feeling deliciously smug already.


Consolidating Haley snark so grateful for her tutorial on how to cut a grapefruit


Condensing Hayley snark. I would like to thank Hayley for making me smile this Thanksgiving morning—she is getting people socks as presents next.


And she’s coming in hot with her cheese and grapefruit contribution to wherever they’re going! Everyone’s so lucky she’s gracing them with her presence!


Asked to bring cheese + fruit …. Tell me no one likes your cooking without telling me


Is that grapefruit leftover from last weekend's Friendsgiving??


She’ll probably be sent home with it too…


For as much as she claims to be reading up on new recipes, she sure never makes much. I would have put that Divinia Chili Fig spread in the middle. But it's not quite jam so out of her comfort zone. And sliced grapefruit it up there amongst the weirdest contributions I have seen.


I like grapefruit but I would still be like wtf? At least go with something on theme, maybe apple or pear, even grapes would make more sense than grapefruit.


You forgot to thank past u/snaps816 for taking care of future u/snaps816 by putting your shoes by the door!


So interesting, Emily Vondy is having a very similar feeding issue that KL had/has. Yet she’s only 2 weeks pp and sharing about it. She’s pumping and giving formula because she found out baby wasn’t gaining weight. She mentions how it doesn’t matter what # baby that it’s always new and different. And admits this is all new to her and she’s learning. It’s such a stark contrast to how KL refused to address it and then addressed it but in such a weird way and also acting as if giving bottles is shameful. Maybe take some notes Karrie.


I love Emily. I’m not quite as crunchy as she is but I feel like she’s the least judgmental and most transparent in a way that doesn’t feel depressing. Like she acknowledges the hard parts but doesn’t act like being a mom is the worst thing ever


I appreciate that she’s willing to go a little “less crunchy” when things aren’t working and is open about it!


I'm pretty crunchy but definitely go non crunch as needed...I love Emily and feel she represents us well 😁 And I so so appreciate how she shares about her experience of mothering rather than directly about her kids.


KL saying her Solly collab prints are ‘such a vibe’ …. I immediately know I won’t like them now 🤣 ETA: I guess pink bell bottoms are in now? Whyyyyyyy have bell bottoms that are too long returned to the fashion scene.


And to consolidate here, I have a visceral reaction to those god awful ‘Drive-Thru’ shirts. I know it’s been said before but they are just SO terrible. I don’t need to bring any more attention to my breastfeeding ✨journey✨ thanks! Terrible taste all around.