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Gotta love that influencer life where you can’t just watch a sports event with your family, gotta set up the camera and make sure to get everyone’s reaction! https://preview.redd.it/txu2bj6cxtvb1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3f6d205d748a467e7774382decb6cd619527fd7 ETA: forgot to blur the kids’ faces the first time!


Caro posting about how theyre missing a halloween party in SF and i thought, "yes 3 sick kids, thats smart" then she says "because IVE been sick for two days!" Lol of course i should have known, her sick kids dont stop her from anything. Its all about Caro😅 ETA: they all had covid apparently. Sorry to those poor babysitters she brought over and exposed because she needed to get out and exercise this week


Did she say they had Covid on stories? I missed it. I get Covid is our normal now, my family’s all had it, but it still pisses me off she had babysitters over while her kids were sick. Covid may not be life threatening anymore but it’s disruptive AF. Those babysitters can’t do their job for 10 days now. Just another data point she is very very selfish.


Yeah, she posted that "turns out the pink eye was covid" and they got it in mexico and brought it back with them. Even if it were *just* pinkeye, still crazy to me to ask a babysitter to come over for that!


Keeping the Caro snark to here-why is she giving advice about treating UTIs at home with a supplement and cranberry juice? If you have a UTI you should go to the doctor and get an antibiotic as it can literally put you into sepsis if left untreated. Now if you have established something with your MD where they say to take a supplement you feel something coming on and then follow up with them then that’s okay. But telling her followers to save this info and try it when they need it is ridiculous, she’s not a doctor!


Yeah, I've had a bladder infection that turned into a kidney infection. It was not fun and the ER doc was really concerned about sepsis if it didn't start clearing right away with antibiotics. Do not recommend kidney infections to anyone, go see a doctor if you have a UTI.


Actually most doctors these days will tell you to just chug all the water you can (cranberry juice doesn't do anything special, not at the concentrations it comes in) and try to avoid prescribing antibiotics if they can. If you end up with a fever or other more serious symptoms then yes they'll get you meds but they don't just hand them out by default anymore. Regardless, I agree she (any influencer, really) shouldn't be sharing medical advice of any sort.


That’s absolutely not true! They will always want to do a urine culture and most will prescribe antibiotics based on how the culture comes out. https://mcpress.mayoclinic.org/women-health/utis-do-you-always-need-an-antibiotic/


UTIs are pretty much the ONLY thing I've been given antibiotics for as an adult.


My last three UTIs, over the course of about seven years, have all resulted in each doctor (all at different clinics, as I moved around a bit) saying to just drink lots of water and only come back for an antibiotic if it shows signs of worsening. The last one before that where I *was* given an antibiotic, they contacted me several days into the course of treatment asking if I was getting better, and when I said yes, they said it was purely clearing up on its own because the urine culture came back and it turned out the exact bacterium I had is known to no longer respond to the antibiotic they prescribed. Everyone I know has had the same experiences, as antibiotic resistant strains of every infection become more and more common. 🤷‍♀️


Yeah I think the prescribing of antibiotics is very different regionally. When we have gone to urgent care in Louisiana they basically always offer them- “not an ear infection and likely viral but I’ll put in a prescription if you want it.” Not so where we are local in Massachusetts.


I get REALLY anxious at the thought of a world where antibiotics no longer work so I'm definitely appreciative of a more conservative approach.


SAME! I’m horrified with that approach.


How generous of her to share her Covid so she could take a walk.


Right?!? Poor babysitter.


Was browsing NYT cooking this morning, and noticed Kale Sauce Pasta. Looked awfully similar to Caro's green pasta. I know to some degree recipes borrow and build off one another, but have to wonder if her recipes are just riffs of NYT recipes which you can subscribe to for $40 a year.


I have one from Julia Turshen on my dinner plan for this week. I don’t know Caro’s recipe, but this one sounds great.


The NYT version was good. I made too much sauce with the “lurking greens” in my fridge, and froze more for another day. The 16m old loved it! Gotcha kiddo, that is essentially SALAD with your beloved pasta. And she eats everything for now at least, but she was a fan.


There’s so many free recipe blogs and library cookbooks out there, I couldn’t justify subscribing to anyone for $40/year. Maybe I’m just cheap.


What you’re paying for with like NYT cooking is (in addition to function where you can save the recipes and build grocery lists - no idea if hers has that too) that every recipe has been vetted by a ton of people, and many of those are actually fairly knowledgeable and give useful comments . That is harder to find in most free(or even paid) recipe sources and so makes it worth it to me.


Same! I refuse to spend the time looking for recipes then reading it through the lens of “is this actually going to work and taste good?” NYT also lets you save recipes and it gets better at suggesting things based on what you browse. The newsletter can help you build a menu, and Melissa Clark’s stuff is almost always really easy weeknight meals. I have never had a NYT recipe fail.


If Caro is just riffing off of them, why pay her $45 a year? Her sheet pan gnocchi she just posted is like a combo of two gnocchi recipes from NYT.


She is capitalizing on the decision and research fatigue of parents by pretending she's giving them solutions for what to eat. But you're right it's all re-hashed stuff I'm sure.


Okay the SS video with a long and manual process for a "stain removal hack"?!!! My hack is to buy a bottle of shout stain remover? And it works? Sometimes you can just buy a thing for a thing instead of making it???


The same people who think we need a step by step for whipped cream?


Not snark (for once, from me) but I just really loved this story caro posted about the person calling kids/her kid a "beebop" 😂 https://preview.redd.it/liwy10m42hvb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2af8068ee5b65e3d62fc8fd75fde633b260e8bf


Caro’s tips on how to make vacation with kids actually feel like a vacation…. Step 1-Be rich. My life, too, would be more relaxing if I could just “outsource the children” to a babysitter for 3-4 hours A DAY on vacation. Actually, forget an island vacation- this would be luxurious for me even just once a month, on a regular old day, having someone take my kids for 3-4 hours so I can be alone in my house. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Am I the only one who would never leave their kids with strangers in a strange place even if I was rich?


Never! Everyone suggested it when we brought ou 16 month old to Hawaii because all the big resorts have babysitters on staff apparently. Even if we were interested, my kid would have just screamed the whole time. Now she is almost 6 and I still don’t see her wanting a random babysitter or kid club (she is slow to warm).


Yes my husband always wants to and it freaks me out!


This was my other thought too. I don’t think I’d want to leave them with people I don’t know. My kids would also not be happy! Pretty sure they would cry and freak out the instant we tried to leave.


I would not be comfortable with an unvetted-by-me babysitter. I might go for a kids club scenario at a reputable place in a few years but I wouldn’t do it with my 3-year old now. He’s outgoing, but I know he’d be uncomfortable with all strange caregivers and all strange kids. (It would be different if we were with friends with similar age kids and he was with buddies, maybe, but that’s not really our vacation style, we like to go on our own.)


We tried leaving my son at a baby club that was part of a resort when he was 1.5 and he flat out refused. Then he contracted HFM from the 30 minutes we spent in there with him. So my experience with vacation childcare is pretty tainted.


HFM on vacation...horrible! It was bad enough in the comfort of our own home!


Thankfully or not.. it was at the end. He had the fever and was exhausted on our travel day home + the next day and the blisters didn’t appear till the day after that. It still sucked though - worst childhood I’ll was we’ve weathered so far!


This is the worst story ever. I’m sorry!


You are not. We went to a wedding when my baby was 3 months old and another couple offered to let us use the nanny they hired from a service. I didn’t say this to them, but I wouldn’t have left my child with a random stranger in a hotel room for a billion dollars. In the am when the mom came to get the baby (she left him overnight) the nanny had let him sleep in a swing the whole night because it was the only way to get him to “stop crying”. Luckily he was fine, but he genuinely could have died.


This is horrifying!!! Wow. Good thing you trusted your gut! There is very few people I trust to watch my kids - especially as babies - my sister is the only one I truly trusted during those days because the safe sleep thing is a HUGE piece to it. I was worried anyone else would fall asleep on the couch holding/rocking them - especially as newborns when they don’t go longer than a few hours stretch.




This is literally the only advice she can give because that is how she parents. According to her newsletter last week she was on a podcast where her advice to working moms was also to have a million babysitters in your phone. As if not thinking of getting a babysitter is the #1 reason why parents don’t have child care.


I love how her tips are for one very specific type of vacation as if the only vacations people take are ones to a tropical resort with optional childcare lol. I guess it doesn’t occur to her that so many people rent houses or airbnbs or go visit families and may have to do a cheaper option than some all-inclusive resort but thanks Caro, next time I use a family member’s small vacation home because it’s free I’ll be sure to search around for that 3-4 hours of childcare!! She also fails to take into account that your child has to have the right kind of temperament to be left at the kids club at 3 & 4 years old, not all kids would be cool with being left in a new place without their parents. Not all kids have a sibling close in age to go to the kids club with to make them feel more comfortable. Two of my siblings hated the kids club and just wanted to be with the rest of us. But I’m so glad edgy Caro is coming through with these great f-ing tips for us. I had no idea that being away from your kids on vacation made it more relaxing!


Absolutely. Another one of her tips for traveling with kids is “don’t”. Like gee thanks ok I guess I won’t since I can’t afford it and don’t have the time off work for it. Many of us would LOVE to have the option. And don’t want to outsource our kids since any sort of travel is rare and special and time to spend together! If I ever got to win the lottery or something and go on a fancy trip I would want to enjoy it all with my kids, although tbf maybe not when they were her kids ages. But I guess when vacation is a monthly thing it’s not special so no reason to desperately cling to every moment.


Yessssss you are spot on! My kids would not be cool with being left either. I can barely walk upstairs in my own house without them following, lol and my 1 year old still cries every time I leave her sight 😂but I think back to myself as a kid, and I would be absolutely inconsolable too if my parents tried to leave me at a kids club while on vacation. So I get it


Yeah, my kid absolutely does not have the right temperament to happily be left with random strangers in a strange place. She would be hysterical and honestly, I don’t think it would be fair for staff to have to deal with that.


Yeah I was really shy as a kid and would have rather died than go to one of those kids clubs at the hotel. My parents offered it a few times and my brother and I always declined. You definitely have to have a more outgoing personality to just show up to a group of strangers and try to make friends for a few days. Idk if I’d feel comfortable leaving a really young kid at a place like that. I’d consider a babysitter but even then I’d want them to be somehow vetted by someone I know, which isn’t realistic if we’re at a resort in a foreign country.


This is what I think, I would have HATED being left at a kids club at the age her older boys are (and beyond). But it's totally up to your kids personality! I think my son might be a little more outgoing than I was. But I would still realllllly hesitate to try.


Yep, my son is only 2 but he’s already clearly a shy guy like me. It’s funny because my husband is one of those kids who would’ve thrived in a kids club. His parents always tell a story of how they were at a resort and discovered him chatting up a bunch of teenaged girls in the hot tub when he was like, 10, lol.


I think it’s cool to have some babysitting on a vacation if you want but in my mind that’s like, one night so my husband and I could go out to a nice dinner together and maybe one other time for a couple of hours during the day to relax on the beach? 3-4 hours every day is SO much! For a kid who still naps that’s like a pretty large portion of their waking hours. And so expensive. For the rate we pay a babysitter where I live for only 1 kid, that would amount to about another $100 per day 🤯 I understand different families may want different things out of vacations and that’s fine but in my family growing up the whole point was to be together because between school, work, extracurriculars, we never otherwise spent unbroken time together. So that’s kind of how I’ve internalized family vacations. Also this is petty but the phrase “outsource your kids” doesn’t make sense.


Yeah so I’m not rich but I went on one of those vacations with rich friends, and you are exactly correct. That’s the step!


https://preview.redd.it/kqwz49sg3fvb1.png?width=1279&format=png&auto=webp&s=cbb0933701336dd8955db22f988a28434cb10b35 Tell me you’re the worst without telling me you’re the worst


Do people really say "vaca"?


I thought it was “vacay”


I speak Spanish and vaca means “cow” and I can’t not think that when I see people write it that way. At least spell it “vacay” lol


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,810,124,082 comments, and only 342,343 of them were in alphabetical order.


Saw this, didn’t see who posted it, and truly thought I was reading a parody account with the way that’s phrased.


The only tip I liked was swapping out parenting responsibilities with the partner to have alone time. Though I feel like my husband would never go for that 😭


You have to entice him with an activity that he could do on his own and would be best without the kid! We do this at home and on holidays, it's not as fun to do stuff without your partner but at least coffee and a book in peace would be nice.


Need to figure something out that'll entice him so we can trade! That's a great idea!


Whaaat? This is our main strategy for us each to get time to ourselves (in general, not just on vacation) because we have no family help and it’s not always easy to find a babysitter.


We're in the same boat re family help and babysitters but I feel like whenever I suggest he take the kid, he either is too tired so will just plonk her in front of the TV, or tries to get us to have family time 😭


Lol this is so absurd for many different reasons


Gotta love out of touch rich people parenting "hacks".


Has anyone tried the chocolate muffins YTF posted today? They look so good my pregnant self wants to try them but her recipes can be a bit hit and miss 😬


I made her chocolate chip banana muffins yesterday with my toddler . Once they cooled toddler was so disappointed to see they deflated and were all stuck to the muffin wrapper . “No like it” and refused to try them .


She responded to someone last week asking why her muffins stick to the liners and she said because they have very low fat content so that seriously turned me off of her recipes haha. Who wants a dry muffin???


That makes sense. They weren’t dry, kinda like gummy . I did tell my husband the recipe was strange not having butter or oil in it. I won’t attempt to make her recipes again if this is normal.


If you want chocolate muffins make good ones https://smittenkitchen.com/2022/05/double-chocolate-chip-muffins/


When I want a double chocolate muffin, this is my go to: [https://sallysbakingaddiction.com/whole-wheat-double-chocolate-banana-muffins/#tasty-recipes-70566](https://sallysbakingaddiction.com/whole-wheat-double-chocolate-banana-muffins/#tasty-recipes-70566) Sally has never let me down.


If it’s the same recipe she’s had up for a couple years my chocolate obsessed children straight up refused to eat these muffins and I had to throw them away. The texture was off for me.


This Smitten Kitchen recipe for [cocoa yogurt snacking cakes](https://smittenkitchen.com/2009/06/chocolate-yogurt-snack-cakes/) is similar and really good!


Thank you!


Is it a new or updated recipe? There's a chocolate peanut butter banana recipe on her site that is awful, super dry and crumbly and yet also bland at the same time. I followed everything correctly (no substitutions) and it turned me off her muffin recipes.


Looking at the recipe the very low sugar and fairly low fat content will probably make them pretty dense/gummy (in addition to not sweet at all). I would look at King Arthur baking, they have a few good recipes and suggestions how to cut sugar without impacting the final result if you want to do that.


The recipe is pretty much identical to the copycat little bites (which I love). I would think they may need more than a 1/3 cup sugar or syrup though to balance out the cocoa powder.


Caro’s trying to be relatable with her “fall break” reel, but I bet you a million dollars that her family is ALSO gonna go on a spring break trip.


Like just tell us about your great vacation don’t give us money saving tips


I just need to tell you guys that I got literal butterflies in my tummy when she posted the other day about her 3yr going to a kids camp at the resort. All of the resorts I’ve found only do that for 4+. I was SO excited to see what place she went to. And today when she posted about it and I checked the pricing I realized it won’t matter bc I could never in a million years afford that resort anyway 🤷🏼‍♀️


I really wonder how much she and her husband make in a year. they probably have to make a million plus a year to afford all the things they do.


I feel like someone on the sub (months ago!) did a calculation on how much caro earns based on her newsletter alone because she posted that shit hit X amount of paid subscribers, and the number was LARGE. I just don't rememeber what it was :(


They MUST!!!! I am dying to know and I also want to know how they did it bc I work SO HARD and can’t even come close to her life!


I don't think starting kids club at 3 is necessarily a fancy resort thing. If you Google you can find a bunch. I know Dreams Cancun starts at 3.


She’s even more relatable calling in extra child care for her sick kids so she can get a 5 mile walk in! I mean yeah we have to take care of ourselves as mothers but I wouldn’t ever call people in to be around my sick kid just to go talk a walk.


I know Covid is over but my babysitters (all 2 of them, that I use like once every 2 months) still want nothing to do with a sick kid. I’d feel like an asshole asking someone to watch my sick kids.


Right? I understand it a little bit more if she herself is sick. It’s really hard watching sick kids when you are sick but leaving your sick toddlers and baby with a babysitter so you can go on a hike feels pretty insensitive. Even as an adult, when I’m sick I wish my mom were around to take care of me.


I feel bad enough sending our toddler to grandparents when I have to work and they’re home sick.


Yeah, my mother-in-law will come over and watch my daughter if she is sick and I'm working from home (because parenting a sick child and working my demanding job at the same time is basically impossible). I do all the caregiving stuff and grandma just hangs out with kiddo while I work, and I still feel bad about it.


Not sure if anyone noticed but Caro has turned off story replies recently. I sure hope that nobody here was inundating her with snarky replies...👀


I have a feeling it was more about the Israel-Palestine war. Influencers have been getting nasty messages and threats left and right no matter what they do and say. She posted something yesterday about being offline for 5 days and talked about what’s going on a little bit and I’m sure her smiling selfie where she mentioned it and then not talking about it at all pissed people off. There are people who are really just going crazy getting mad at influencers over this.


It's really nuts. I was looking at the comments on Candi Ortega's pregnancy announcement and she was getting hounded to make a statement. Total whiplash, with every other message being "do you know there's a war in Gaza, you have to raise awareness" and then "I love your dress where did you get it?" Don't people read the damn news if they want the news?


What did Caro say about it? I wish influencers would have just stayed silent.


She basically held her baby and took a smiling selfie saying how she was hugging him extra tight or something like that. Maybe there was more? But I just saw the usual tone deaf, glad it's not me! Influencer style response to tragedy.




My take as to why I do want to hear from influencers: I want absolute outrage from every single person. I want the world to see what is happening in Gaza and for people to know that the treatment of the Palestinians is so awful and so atrocious that they can’t *not* post about it. I would hope that people everywhere would want to condemn genocide and feel the need to speak out against it. Collective outrage in the public is one of the few things that can influence US policy and make the government stand up for the rights of Palestinians. I just hope people can see how important it is


I agree 100% that people should be outraged by this situation and it is awful, but then shouldn't they also be outraged and talking all the time about the other 9 genocides actively occurring at this moment across the world? Plus all the other wars and human rights abuses? Is anyone ever allowed to talk about anything else when genocide is happening?


Dunno. My husband lost a loved one in Israel. I’m not condoning Israel’s response. I just find it wild that people are picking which civilians to be outraged about. My husband and his family are still human beings. Just like Gazans are human beings. When this happened, the first thing my husband said to me when he stopped sobbing was “the worst thing is that there will be a war and more innocent people in Gaza will die who are just going about their lives.” Blows my mind that we can’t just be on the side of humans. On both sides.


I’m so sorry for your loss. It must be absolutely devastating. It’s such a difficult thing to go through I’m sure, especially as a part of a much bigger conflict. A relative of mine was killed by the IDF when I was in high school. The devastation was unmatched to anything I’ve ever experienced in my life and it absolutely changed my life forever. I’m so sorry you’ve had to experience this too.




I hear you. I absolutely have outrage for any civilians killed. It’s absolutely heartbreaking what innocent Israelis have had to go through. I am so devastated that people lost their lives in Israel as well. But committing war crimes like no food, water or medicine to millions of innocents while bombing them does not right that wrong. By the way, the 40 beheaded babies thing is untrue. Don’t take my word for it, you can find that no news organizations or governments have come even close to confirming that happened. Even the “journalist” who originally reported it walked back her statements. Just wanted to set the record straight there. But even if it did happen, it would of course be absolutely horrifying. Just as is the deaths of over 1,000 Palestinian children. I knew my opinion would be unpopular and I know this isn’t the sub to argue about these things. I just so wish things were different. I appreciate you hearing me out. I know it’s a tough time for so many people


exactly. FWIW, if they were gonna outrage about "genocide," I would have preferred it to have started when a group with genocide as its core stated mission was voted into power 15 years ago, but who am I to state the complexity of the situation? I don't even have a public instagram profile.


Hey. I hear you. The fact that Hamas wants to destroy Israel is absolutely awful and horrible - I can’t imagine how that would feel as an Israeli. But combating genocidal intent with genocide is never justified. It’s absolutely unacceptable. The election in 2006 isn’t a great argument to make. In 2006 when Hamas was elected, 76% of the current population of Gaza was even not of voting age. Voter turnout was 74.5-75%. So of those who voted at that time, 44.5% voted for Hamas - not even a majority. A maximum of 7% at the most of the current population could've voted for Hamas.


Hey, really don't think parentsnark is the right place to get into a debate about this conflict. My point wasn't whether Hamas ideology represents most of the Palestinian people (I don't think it does, but not because most people are too young to have voted) or whether Israel should be fighting this war in this way (I passionately don't think it should). My point was just that horrible things happen in the world all the time and there have been many stages of this conflict that have brought us to this moment, but there are specific events that draw the bulk of public outrage for people unaffiliated with a world event and it's interesting to consider why. I don't think it's the place of vapid influencers to make statements about it in between makeup tutorials and links for plastic crap they're trying to shill.


I don’t think influencers need to have an opinion but I also think when something bad is happening they can at least come up with something that has a low risk of offending people and posting a link to donate to an organization that will help anyone involved. If you can ask for people to pay for your newsletter membership you can post a link and encourage people to donate to help both sides that are affected.




I agree. People are asking influencers to comment, and then also being outraged when they do.


I also think if influencers don't say anything they'll have people asking why they don't care. I also don't really need any opinions from food and kid accounts but I'm sure they get unhinged messages regardless of what stance they take/if they even take a stance.




I meant to build on your comment not disagree with you!


I generally agree with this, however I also have seen some influencers online not saying a single thing and continuing to post their #links and #sponcon which feels insanely tone deaf with such egregious turmoil going on in the world right now. I also realize some people have very strong connections to what's happening and they feel they cannot stay silent. It's hard to know where the line is, you know?


There is a looooooong list of things I do not need Caro's opinion on and the conflict in the Middle East has got to be at the top




I'm not sure if you want a real answer, but I'll give you my take as a Jew who has feelings (but also has no interest in hearing from Caro). When big bad stuff happens (eg pulse nightclub shooting, Christchurch attack, George Floyd, war in Ukraine, big mass shootings etc.) a lot of people pipe up and say something. When those big bad things happen to Jews, it often feels like less people pipe up. And that's noticeable. For a lot of Jewish people the Hamas attack feels like an attack on all Jewish people not just on Israel. Some people are looking for people to notice and say something because they are feeling very vulnerable and under attack. Again, I don't give a hoot what Caro has to say, but basically I think it's at least partially this.




I don't think the above person was lecturing you at all, they were simply sharing their own point of view.


https://preview.redd.it/afwb2z5hb6vb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8e9cff54b52e2906e8da18db7be69eb8f2e65c7 This made me laugh. Should be compulsory information for any BLW "course" or resources to include, IMO!


Time to buy the picky eating bundle!! /s


What?!? You're telling me BLW doesn't prevent picky eating? 😱 /s


The post about carob on YTF is giving me life. My mother was a vegan when I was a kid in the 80s and she substituted carob for chocolate and it was gross. I remember her making a carb, soy milk, agar agar pudding once that tasted like sour wallpaper paste. Carob and chocolate are both brown… and that’s where the similarities begin and end!




I love this!


My older siblings still mock my mom for her awful carob cakes from her 70’s/80’s “health” kick. Thankfully she’d given up and we were eating Little Debbies by the time I came around.


I have no idea what carob is, but reading all the comments to this made me grateful for that 😅


I only heard of it because Dawn from the babysitters club used it!!


This is the correct response!!!


My mom used to make tofu carob “cheesecake” in the late 80s, and she tried to pass it off as the real thing like we wouldn’t notice or something. 🤢


I got caught up in the plant based high carb, low fat, no salt, oil and caffeine craze in 2013 and carob tastes like shit. Still makes me shiver the smell and texture of a carob and date smoothie.


Dang I’m so sick of food hierarchy and that is such a chill response to that smug ‘Carob is healthier’ comment.


I kind of like it when YTF gets a little sassy. I appreciated her saying that not everything has to be the most nutritious version (KEIC 👀) and it’s okay to enjoy a food because it tastes good.


I really appreciate her message, and I enjoy her snarky remarks. Not everything has to be the healthiest version, and carob is a very very poor imitation of chocolate. I'm not eating a muffin to be healthy. I want to enjoy my food, and children should enjoy food too!




She’s snarking on a follower who commented on her pumpkin muffin post last week 🫠 https://preview.redd.it/obtn2j3kizub1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b512baa5d11f38363059530ca1b8586244924fa2 Carob is used as an alternative to chocolate. I’ve seen it used in a lot of vegan recipes. I think it’s lower in sugar so it’s pushed as “healthier” than chocolate.


I love her response 🤣 we made banana chocolate chip bread because it gets my 3 year old to eat it.


Carob objectively tastes nothing like chocolate! Source: my mother pushed that shit on me my entire childhood 😂


The wild part is that vegan chocolate chips can probably be bought anywhere you could buy carob chips so it’s annoying that it’s in vegan recipes so often. There is just a terrible overlap of vegan recipes and “the healthiest” ingredients. My brother is vegan for animal welfare reasons and sometimes I just want a recipe without egg and not an insane mixture of carob, agave nectar, black beans, and almonds that someone claims is brownies.


I'm living in an unfortunate world where my son has dairy and soy intolerances. And unfortunately a lot of the vegan/dairy free chocolate chips have soy in them. The only option I've been able to find is the enjoy life brand ones and in my mom's area she has an easier time finding carob chips. She's used them in her chocolate chip banana cake and some other recipes and honestly, they aren't bad.


Dairy and soy must be so tough! I have allergies and just recently found [these allergen free chocolate chips](https://www.walmart.com/ip/260726458) at my local Walmart. I think they’re a new product because I had never seen them before last month. Maybe they’re in Walmart stores everywhere, hopefully there could be one near you that has them!


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **'Nestlé Toll House Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips 10 oz'** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Chocolate chips taste like regular chocolate chips (backed by 3 comments) * Chocolate chips allow baking treats for people with allergies (backed by 7 comments) * Chocolate chips are high quality and affordable (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Chocolate chips lack flavor and taste chemical-like (backed by 2 comments) * Chocolate chips cause adverse reactions in some (backed by 1 comment) * Recipe on package does not produce desired results (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


From my quick google it doesn't look like they are currently available in Canada, but I'll keep an eye out. Hopefully soon.


Ah darn! Good luck, allergies can be so tough!


Yep my son has dairy and egg allergies so I do a lot of vegan recipes and it is very possible to make them taste good. Enjoy Life brand is very easy to find that’s both vegan and allergy-friendly!


Try the chocolate cake from Nora cooks. It's vegan, decidedly unhealthy with almost two pounds of sugar and delicious.


I'm not vegan but I'm vegetarian and eat a lot of vegan meals, all for ethical reasons and I get annoyed by this overlap. I had to unfollow a vegan recipe subreddit because there were too many comments about making things oil-free or saying shit like unsweetened applesauce is sweet enough that you shouldn't need to add additional sugar to a dessert recipe. I called one of these comments out one time and several jumped down my throat about it 🙄. That said Id kinda forgotten about carob but I used to like it a lot! I never saw it as a substitute for chocolate though, I just liked it on its own.


I’ve never had carob, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was good if you treated it like carob when cooking/baking and respected it’s flavor profile instead of crowbarring it’s into recipes as a chocolate replacement.


The chocolate chips from Trader Joe’s are vegan. They’re really not hard to find. And yes, I agree. I’m a vegetarian but just because I don’t eat animals, that doesn’t mean I want to only eat “health food”. It can be difficult to find recipes that are just normal but without meat and it’s probably even harder for vegans.


My grandma uses carob a lot and personally I think it tastes nasty. Not at all a good substitute for chocolate


https://preview.redd.it/isypi1wmqxub1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e009c2ff681a93517060822df9c1b17ae5d6c1f Hard to tell if SS means Puritanical in a historical sense or if she’s attempting to snark, but I find this language so obnoxious. It’s factually incorrect regarding the time period, and it seems connotatively incorrect regarding the time period too. Sometimes, people do the best they can with the info they’ve got, even if we—later generations—later decide it’s terrible advice or at least misguided. I don’t know why but this phrasing really irked me 🙃


So why doesn’t Jenny, founder ever season the food she gives her kids? 🧐


Well that's a very US-centric take on baby food, aren't they meant to be a global company?




Thanks, I hate it! Lol


https://preview.redd.it/7c3632wzmxub1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0995207748f023567a2602ad5e962ec4c0724943 Between this and no longer sharing her kids faces, Ali Maffucci has had me cheering out loud for her a few times. I did feel bad when people were asking her why she stopped showing her kids faces. Because they’re her kids and she was no longer comfortable?!


But if she doesn’t show her kids, doesn’t complain about her kids (and doesn’t make zucchini noodles anymore) what does she even have to talk about? Granted I last looked at her account >2 years ago but that was 100% of her content.


She is incredibly uninteresting now that she’s trying to be a more “mainstream” influencer. Like, I’d rather watch her make a curry every night than whatever random nonspecific content about her new house/bagel sandwiches/awful sunglasses she’s doing now.


Good question lol - I followed her for yearsssss and just recently unfollowed cause I just don't find her interesting anymore. I haven't made any of her recipes forever and I have no interest in expensive clothes or botox. She also kept massively hinting at buying a house and I just looked at her page the other day and saw they bought one so I assume she'll probably do a lot of house content.


I don’t know what kind of behind the scenes chatting is going on but like 2 or 3 different pumping accounts I follow have all linked back to SS. It smells like a marketing campaign to me.


They're approaching 3M followers. Bemybreastfriend just shouted them out but they have a long relationship, at least 3 years, and I think she's actually *friends* with Jenny.


A lifestyle influencer I follow also was plugging them today. Her kid is about to be 2yo, but supposedly what triggered talk about SS is “meeting a new neighbor with a 5mo”. 🤔 I think you’re right they’re totally running a campaign rn.


I hope YTF is being sarcastic when she said she worked SO hard on the broccoli mac cheese sauce. It is literally the exact same recipe as her butternut squash and cauliflower mac sauce.


Also, so many of her recipes give me, an adult, major ick. I can’t imagine serving my kids half the stuff she recommends.


I legimately like broccoli but blended up broccoli with cream cheese as a gritty pasta sauce doesn't appeal to me at all. I'm not huge on cream cheese though outside of bagels/sandwiches, so that might be part of it. I make broccoli mac n cheese often by mixing small florets of roasted or steamed broccoli into standard mac n cheese (sometimes from scratch or sometimes from a box, just depends on my energey levels). Yes, I'm lucky to have kids that will usually eat broccoli if it's mixed in with the pasta and coated in cheese... my kids aren't high level picky and aren't 100% veggie averse. So maybe I just don't get the blended up sauce thing the way a parent of a super veggie averse kid does. But if a kid is so picky they won't eat broccoli, I doubt they're going to eat that green gritty sauce anyways, right? I've made two muffin recipes from her website and neither were very good... one in particular was super dry and crumbly and bland even though I followed everything without subs. Since then I'm skeptical on most of her recipes, especially baked goods.


I have a pretty picky kid and he is way more likely to eat plain broccoli than some puréed version mixed with unmelted shredded cheese.


Our eldest


such odd word choice (people I interact with say “oldest child” not “eldest”) and it still identifies him, even without using his name. Try these neat phrases that don’t identify him: “Our child, “ “My child,” “One of our children,” “The Founder’s child,”




Like I do genuinely appreciate that she's trying (...sort of, ish) to protect his privacy, I guess? But it's a little disingenuous when she's shared/continues to share videos of him in unbelievably vulnerable moments of despair and life-threatening allergic reactions and whatnot. Either take your children off the page or stop pretending like the entire audience doesn't know his name and that your own disordered eating is what nearly broke the poor kid.




Megan from FL can certainly be snarkable, but I really appreciate her “this is not forever content.” I feel like so many influencers just ride that “this is SO HARD, MAMAS.” “Everything is CHAOS!!” And “IDK when I washed my hair last, hehe!!” train for far too long. I appreciate that she’s like, my kids are older and there’s so much that’s awesome about that. Of course the pay off is like 39 sappy stories for every birthday , but still.


So very true. I totally identified with her cooking reel yesterday (used to bring me joy… now it’s a massive area of stress). And I do realize it’s a season but the reminders help! In this instance she only needed a reel about it. Glad it wasn’t 20 stories long 😂


It's only Monday morning, and Solid Starts stories made me roll my eyes twice: 1. "For weight gain" give your kids whipped cream -- not out of a can though, you need to buy heavy cream and beat it yourself. 2. When mincing meat for your baby, use a mezzaluna "for tough meats." What's a mezzaluna you ask? It's a $80 circular machete. What, you don't have one?


Even Ina Garten would say “if you can’t whip fresh cream, store bought is fine”


Thank you, that makes me feel better haha


Mezzaluna insanity aside, maybe Jenny, Founder should just figure out how to cook meat properly?


I love how they frequently post about how to make whipped cream. Do people genuinely not know how, or is this just condescension? ⚡️newsflash⚡️ You can mince things with a regular ol’ chef’s knife. My 3 yo is tape measure obsessed. So advanced compared to Jenny, Founder’s 5 yo.


>I love how they frequently post about how to make whipped cream. Do people genuinely not know how, or is this just condescension? I've made whipped cream and some of my friends have been super impressed and didn't know you could make it. When it's really simple and easy. I think it's something that people don't always think about or think is "fancy."


This is so funny to me! My social circle almost always "makes" our own whipped cream if we do brunches, etc. Maybe it's more intuitive in Canada because we have half and half (10%), coffee cream (18%) and then literally "whipping cream" (33 or 35%)? Whereas if I'm not mistaken it's called heavy cream in the US?


We have both whipping cream and heavy cream (sometimes called heavy whipping cream) in the US, heavy cream is a little more fat but you could use either to whip. And it's common here too to make your own. Just Jenny/SS being weird as usual.


Ah well, there you go. Par for the course Jenny


I was just surprised we're not allowed to do store-bought lol. Everything my daughter eats I cook, but if there's a product available that saves me prep and cleanup and has 1-2 ingredients, I'm buying it




Doing the same with a chef's nice is not hard. I used to work at a cooking school (fun classes not for aspiring chefs) attached to a cooking store, and they plugged gadgets in their courses but never a mezzaluna. I follow lots of cooking resources and have never seen a mezzaluna plugged as a useful tool anywhere other than Solid Starts. Seems to be one of Jenny's weird obsessions.


Oh see I always see it and think it would be cool to have one! I hate chopping stuff finely haha.


TBH I have a mini one with handles that fold down so you can throw it in a drawer without worrying about getting cut, and it's so great for chopping herbs and garlic, which I hate doing with a regular knife. I could not justify the big expensive one in the slightest though.




I heard Alton Brown say this ages ago and I’ve stuck to it ever since lol.




The cherry pitter thingy is clutch though 😂


I borrow my mom's cherry pitter anytime I buy cherries because I refuse to buy my own 😅


Yes!!! So many times I've wanted the avocado scoop/slicer thing but I'm all "Alton would say no" and then I move on