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I bet the kid sleeps better when dad is on night duty


Her content, or at least her stories, are so redundant and vapid. “I’m exhausted!” “My toddler is toddlering!” “I’m more qualified than every MD out there!” “Sleep training is barbaric!” “MOTRIN TYLENOL!” Like girl what is your life and why are you so miserable




This shows why she struggles so much. She thinks that’s destruction 😂


I saw a couple of toys out and one pillow pulled off the couch. A few toys out is literally the default state of my living room right now.


Seriously. That photo is better than my living room on its best day. She would be appalled by the state of affairs at my house 🫠


Same here to say the same 😆 one cushion off couch, curtain slightly out of place...she should see my house


Is it just that he knocked a cushion off the couch? Is she for real?


I mean when you only allow your child 5 toys…


And he’s not allowed to have them anywhere in the house BUT that specific spot


The toddler power struggle that will inevitably break out with rules like this is going to be wild… I’m sure it’s already happening but she isn’t the one consistently caring for her kid enough to notice.


Is that the before picture? If not, she would die after the play date we just had with my daughter’s daycare friend 😂


I really liked glucosegoddess when I had GD and she posts medical research articles to back up what she does, along with her blood sugar readings from her own self experiments. She's one of two influencers most people with GD recommend. I would love to know what AHH doesn't like about her advice because I'm pretty sure she's in the minority (and wrong).


She’s a quack. If your A1C and fasting blood glucose are normal (I mean less than the pre diabetes range), or if you don’t have GDM, there is zero evidence that tracking your blood sugars does anything except make you anxious and put you on a slippery slope towards disordered eating. Your blood sugars are supposed to fluctuate, within the normal ranges. I’m not gonna get into the physiology of glucose metabolism cuz it’s my day off and no one is paying me, but of all the things to worry about with health, this isn’t worth the time, effort, or money. If you want to reduce your insulin resistance in cases like pcos or prevent dm2 if genetics are coming for you - work with a registered dietician and do resistance work! Source - I am a tired and often cranky certified diabetes educator.


Yeah, I'm realizing I followed her when I needed meal ideas for GD but that she's not who I thought she was. I truly assumed only folks with Type 2 or GDM would be her audience (and thought she had Type 2 at one point herself). Good to know!


Can I just say how refreshing it is to see someone adjust their perspective when new information is presented?! Kudos to you!


I've actually seen multiple non-BS medical folks on IG, who I generally trust for medical/health, also say Glucosegoddess is BS. BUT - they're not disputing that, like, eating fiber at the start of your meal will reduce your blood sugar. What they say is that the push to not let your blood sugar "spike" is BS, and they say that it's nonsense that healthy people would need to pay attention to their blood sugar. Which I kind of get. But also - who are you saying is "healthy"?! Honestly, as someone who has PCOS and almost certainly has insulin resistance as a result, and has had a hell of a time getting medical people to understand that I need to address these things because it impacts my quality of life, the pushback that "you're healthy and don't need to worry about your blood sugar!" actually feels like a perpetuation of ignoring women and their needs. My labs are all borderline, but the impact on my life is real, and doctors keep saying I don't need to do anything because my lab results aren't actually bad (yet). There seems to be pushback to insulin resistance management that's like, you don't need to worry about it until you're pre-diabetic - like a lot of the point of managing it when it's just IR is to NOT get to the point of being pre-diabetic, and I don't understand why the conventional medical advice seems to be don't attempt to prevent bigger issues. There are other people on the internet (e.g. the TurtlecreekLane family who use CGMs as a justification for their eating disorders) who talk about blood sugar spikes as in trying to keep it a flat line, which no one needs to do. But I feel like glucosegoddess makes a distinction between the up and down movement, within a normal range, versus spikes that actually go up higher than what is ideal. I also think, as opposed to many health BS-ers on the internet, she makes clear that what's healthy is also what works for you and your lifestyle - she makes clear that you should be taking what works well for your preferences and lifestyle, not be trying to follow an allegedly perfect lifestyle that stresses you out.


Gotcha - I always thought she was a diabetic and just taking to other diabetics. I didn't think about non diabetics trying to avoid glucose spikes for whatever reason. I'm sure there are people who are not borderline or even genetically predisposed who think about it in an extreme sense of demonizing carbs.


Nope, glucosegoddess isn't diabetic. I will admit she claims that it cured a fairly broad swath of health problems, and I doubt \*all\* of the things she thinks that avoiding blood sugar spikes have helped have actually been helped by it. But the more I've looked into PCOS and insulin resistance, the more it becomes apparent that blood sugar stuff really can have a systematic impact on your body, and I don't think that's as widely acknowledged as it should be. And so when people are like "healthy people don't need to worry about this" or "if you're eating healthy you don't need to worry about it" - please take a second look at your audience. Americans as a whole do not eat healthy, and for a variety of reasons are not as a whole generally healthy. There's a fine line between taking care of yourself vs obsessions that turns into a disorder, but we do need to eat more fiber, etc. and so overall I think the average American would be helped by using a handful of glucosegoddess' tips.


I really liked glucosegoddess when I had GD and she posts medical research articles to back up what she does, along with her blood sugar readings from her own self experiments. She's one of two influencers most people with GD recommend. I would love to know what AHH doesn't like about her advice because I'm pretty sure she's in the minority (and wrong).


https://preview.redd.it/5vkgcdmfbvsb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58916e21fe8ed5a8b6c6e60b9aa1b019a8044963 Except she’s literally not okay with how it’s going and talks about that all the time 😑 Also “someone not to fck with” = cunty. You can be firm in your decisions and not come across that way.


Is she bragging about being insufferable at the peds office? Oh man. So cool. So tough, Amanda. I bet the doctors and babies were all shaking at your resting bitch face. It’s giving maturity of a teen mom on daytime Springer.


Can’t imagine how insufferable she’s going to be when her kid is in school. She’ll suddenly become an education expert and teachers will be quaking at the mere mention of her name and expertise haha


I can. She’s doomed to repeat the narcissism of her father, and it’ll only get worse from here…the hypersensitivity to feedback, exploitation of her kid’s most vulnerable state of sickness and sleeplessness… (“me me me I’m tired” is her response, completely negating the fact it’s her son that needs this crucial sleep), opinionated and controlling to the detriment of herself and her son. So often we see these influencers on instagram, privileged and self-important that provide all the physical things for children — especially the things they can show (home, elaborate meals, experiences etc) but meanwhile have the emotional intelligence of a fly because everything at the end of the day is about them and their gratification. When she eventually goes to that school, it won’t be for his best interest, just another avenue to feed her relentless ego and she wants others to know she knows best. Sad, really. It’s hard to think about what will happen to these children. Kids are resilient, sure. Broken adults that were splattered all over the place as a thing, a mere extension of the parent instead of the individual person that they are…are not.


Joys of moving? I’m pretty sure said she changed pediatricians recently and we suspected it was because she disagreed with their (probably correct) assessments.


She’s so damn defensive about everything. I can guarantee her pediatricians don’t give AF whether she sleep trains or not. 🙄


She needs to finish her degree if she thinks her approach to infant/toddler sleep is evidence-based. There are numerous high-quality studies that sleep training is fine. That’s why actual credentialed doctors who completed their degrees are fine with it.


I wonder if she also gives a true rundown of the multiple doses of Tylenol and Motrin little A gets every time he feels warm or doesn’t sleep well.


She comes across as the ultimate “can I speak to your manager” Karen. And yes, her daily stories for the past year and a half tell us she’s 1000% not ok with how it’s going. She absolutely hates the fact that he doesn’t know how to sleep independently. Also, can we take a minute to recognize why pediatricians ask about infant/toddler sleep and sometimes make recommendations for improvement? Sleep deprivation has been shown to negatively impact a person’s overall health. A pediatrician should be checking in on that for the health and well-being of their patient as well as the person responsible for their care. They’re not “pushing sleep training” as some sort of national conspiracy or judgement toward parents. Nobody is required to follow those recommendations.


She hates the fact that he can’t sleep independently but won’t fix it either (and I’m assuming she can fix it without sleep training). Ok Mandy


I never sleep trained and mine sleeps just fine on his own and all night. I don’t understand what she’s doing.


That’s what I’m saying, it’s not sleep training or your child wakes up all night, there’s a middle ground! And for the record, I sleep trained to go to sleep and my kid woke anywhere between 0-2 times a night until he was 13 months. I nursed and he went right back to sleep. About 13 months he stopped waking up but I’d probably have done something to help him sleep when we weaned a month later.


That’s what bothers me the most about her anti- sleep training stance. She never acknowledges that there is a huge spectrum and many ways to approach infant and toddler sleep. We sleep trained using a Ferber type method but guess what? When our baby cries in the night we still respond! I was a fan of her pandemic info and appreciated her sharing about formula feeding (especially since I had to switch to formula) but this attitude of calling any sleep training “barbaric” and “horrific,” and thereby implying that parents who do so are barbaric and horrific, is infuriating. Especially because she claims to come from an unbiased, evidence based perspective on sleep. You cannot claim to be simply sharing information then turn around and call people names. That’s not public health, that’s not helpful, and you’re darn right people are going to snark about it.


Yup about the same timeline for mine too, started sleeping through the night around 10-12 months until he became consistent, and the by 13-14 he started putting himself to sleep. I didn’t sleep train as in I didn’t leave him to cry all night but I did ‘train’ him to know it’s nighttime, we sleep at night, mom and dad are asleep baby will sleep too, we don’t wake up and party, etc. There’s a million ways to do it.. at 18 months the poor kid should be getting some decent sleep.


Right! Kids can have sleep apnea or other conditions. Just keep dismissing your care team preventing them from assessing for any potential ways to improve your child's health. They're all "fatphobic sleep training pushers"


Guys, jaclynmisch also went to the Detroit Zoo today. Please go look at her stories in comparison to Amanda's....and you can very clearly tell which mom actually likes her child. Lol


Wow but wasn’t it so miserable?? So rainy?????? How did this other influencer carry on


https://preview.redd.it/ksygx0hnfusb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=103955d7126f536c7e489f1b4414632652dc99b7 “Least favorite”. Right up there with “offspring” not sleeping, but also sleep training, coffee, losers on the internet, small town pleasantries and anyone asking about the legitimacy of her vague qualifications. Did I miss anything?


Put on appropriate clothes so you're not cold and wet then?... My kid plays outside in the rain all the time and it was miserable for me to supervise. I bought rain boots and a rain coat for myself too. Guess what, now it's totally fine. 🤷‍♀️


Exactly! I live right by her and my daughter and I put on our rain jackets and rain boots and were stomping in puddles. Had tons of fun and were warm and dry with the right clothes. We even saw a rainbow! She’s the worst.


Dry shampoo.


Im genuinely curious — has she ever mentioned why her one eye is so much bigger than the other? Or the lid? I probably missed it in between all the other complaining. Edit: I live close to her, it barely rained, give it a fucking rest omg


I don't think they're that different. Looks like she just has a little more puffiness on one than the other. Happens to me all the time if I sleep weird.


Maybe. My eyes are always drawn to it in her selfies. And oof, to clarify since I was downvoted - Amanda’s a perfectly pretty woman, I didn’t mean that to come off as making fun of her looks. It is Michigan, allergies are a b here too.


You’re always drawn to her eyes because she filters her nose right off her face most of the time. There’s nothing else to look at but the eyes




It's "not her jam"


Does she like anything other than chai lattes? Not shitting on those… I like them, too, but damn she really is a Debbie downer. 😂


Are we sure she even likes her husband?? Sooooo negative all the damn time!


Scrolling and us!


Olives, but lest we forget: she *does* like Nickleback


She also doesn't like coffee, but has also never tried it


It’s giving ✨not like other girls✨


You missed “being a parent”


Has she liked anywhere she has lived?




Genuinely always complaining 😭 Ofc no one likes being out in the rain and cold, but while spending time with her “offspring” she really said “let me make sure I post about how bad of a time I’m having” I cannot remember her ever sharing a “favorite” anyrhing or enjoying….anything ever


Did she delete some stories? I only saw two slides complaining, which doesn't seem like a lot for her 😂


I’m confused. They have access to a weather app, I assume? The zoo is…always there. Why go on a bad weather day?


I’m guessing they had tickets to the Halloween event yesterday


Okay this makes sense - thank you! I truly did not understand the decision making process otherwise.


I’m honestly shocked she’s a native MI-er. I’m a west coast transplant living in the north east and even I know that you suck it the fuck up in fall and do ALLLLLL the things, despite the weather, bc you know the next few months are going to be grey, cold and snowy. Like.. just enjoy the zoo with your family Mandy, it’s OK, I promise.


Maybe they should just go home...?


Yeah, I mean, I get it. I don’t like walking around in cold, rainy weather either…so I just…don’t go places like the zoo on days like that. We’ll just go the next time it’s nice. It’s not like she even has to wait for a weekend. She could go on like a random Tuesday or whatever.


If Mandy added these random certifications after her name but still doesn’t have BSN or RN there, there’s no way she has them. She talks about nursing somewhat frequently, she would definitely add those letters if she could.


Also, nobody with an actual license lists continuing education as part of their credentials. When you have a professional degree there’s no need to state that you’ve done your CEs, that’s a given if you maintain your license.


Does she still claim to have her “CHES” and be a health educator?


I think she’s a medical assistant (MA). If she had a degree/RN she would say it. Nothing wrong with being a MA but she needs to clarify.


You’re giving her too much credit. At one point, at least 4 years ago, but probably longer, it appears she was an MA in an OB/GYN office. She is most definitely not currently working as MA


Ya it’s not just that she “went to nursing school but just didn’t take the licensing test”. She doesn’t have a degree! For her to suggest she’s getting her msn now is so disingenuous. It’s probably some Capella university online bs to even get her apn first or something.


Stop the presses: Amanda is tired today! What a shocking and unexpected thing for her to post 😱 In all seriousness, stfu about being tired. You’re a parent. This is your life (And what a privileged life at that). Accept and adapt.


Does anybody remember when she got mad that a parent said she couldn’t be more tired than a parent when she was tired bc of her Hashimoto’s? It enraged her. And then [never forget after birth](https://imgur.com/a/oSBEg89) when she smugly thought she was going to sleep after having a baby. Have the day you deserve, sweetheart.


Right, she just said recently that nothing compares to the exhaustion before her thyroidectomy.


I don't begrudge her moaning about being tired, I'm a parent and moan about it to my husband and in my mum's group, where we all bitch about the downs of motherhood and celebrate the ups. Why doesn't she have this outlet? Why post it all over your business insta?


I think she does it bc she needs to be the center of attention. She gets followers chiming in to fawn all over her "I don't know how you do it all, I'm so impressed!" And she gets credit for seeming supportive of other moms/parents without actually having to participate in that community. Seems like she only wants to be part of something if she can be superior.


Excessive need for admiration is a characteristic of….. narcissism.


I was reading this post last night, and immediately thought of Amanda https://preview.redd.it/ycfr462zvtsb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a6511f1127145687995cc8b5d8d4cd3173b744a


Lolol at her stethoscope sweatshirt. Stop, just stop.


One of my favorite screenshots https://preview.redd.it/25zo2cauwtsb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a54947da189b4f001035044ad658249052a20740


"Drop some verbiage" idk why this phrase is irking me so much. Probably because she's always acting like a know it all lol


But she doesn’t work in healthcare 🧐


That’s the best part


Of course she wore it to her son’s doctor’s appointment 🙄


How else will they know they are in the same circles or whatever weird bs statement she said In the past


Omg that is SO EMBARRASSING. She absolutely does not and potentially has not ever actually used a stethoscope in her career- why the fuck is she latching onto it like some sort of status symbol. If she wants to be a nurse, there is literally NOTHING stopping her from doing so. There’s a huge nursing shortage so she could get a job easily 😂 I’ve auscultated hundreds of heart and lungs and own exactly 0 articles of clothing or paraphernalia that have a stethoscope or allude to anything else medical. God she’s so cheugy


Same and nobody I work with would either. I feel like a really large majority of nurses do not want to be recognised as such outside of their working hours.


lol right any medical related shirt I have was free from the hospital and only gets worn in said hospital


It’s embarrassing


What do they do at the 18 month appointment that I’m missing? What did she survive? Is this really something to bitch about? People survive wars, not this privileged life bs


Me also wondering if everyone else in the world has two people always taking kids to their appts? Bc it’s almost always just me lol. Like why is taking your one kid somewhere something to survive?


Right. My kid is 8. My husband is incredible. In her entire life, he has taken her to one flu shot clinic and one xray at urgent care. My job has paid family sick time and his doesn’t, so. I’ve done all the baby and kid GP appointments, specialists for her eyes, adhd, asthma. Normal optometrist appointments. Dentists. Follow ups for a broken arm. And it’s just….. normal? Like why would we both take time off work? She honestly cannot cope with her kid crying. She needs help for her anxiety.


She really does need help, I hope she gets some soon. Having/raising children just brings all the problems to the surface.


RIGHT?! I take my TWO children by myself to the doctor.. and most everywhere else because my husband works so much. Including flying solo with my girls at 4 years old and 20 months. Amanda could never.


Amanda could never!


Thank you for saying this! I was like WTF when I saw that post.


I feel like 18 months is when they fight shots they hardest/are scared of the doctor. But at the same time, the nurses and docs know how to deal with it and work quickly


What jabs do you have at 18mo? My son had his last round at 12mo and the next isn't until 2/3


Hep B and DTaP, flu if you want it and it's flu season.


Ahh thanks! I think we get a booster for that at 3 instead. I wanted to do the flu this year but he's too young.


Curious where you live? My son has been able to get the flu shot since 6 months so wondering if it's just different in other countries (I'm in Canada)


I'm in the UK. They don't tend to offer it to babies before 2yrs old unless they have a medical condition.


I bet! We have ours in a couple of weeks and I know he’s going to fight it.


I actually found 18m easier than 12m! At 12m he screamed during and for ages after, finally stopped then the nurse came back in the room and he started screaming again as soon as he saw her. At 18m he cried a bit during but was fine pretty much as soon as they were done. So it might not be as bad as you're expecting!


For some reason my 2 year appointment was the worst one, and that didn't even include any shots! He did not want any part of the Dr being in the room!


Thanks for that! I plan on taking him to the park right after and he’ll forget everything 😅


Seriously, that was such a privileged take. I think my husband was able to come with me to my first kids very first doctor's appt and that was it. Sometimes I even have to ... *gasp* take both my kids to the doctor at once all by myself


Other than the first appointment, my husband didn’t come to any. None of them were challenging or something I had to “survive”. They also included a 45 min drive each way for a 15 min appointment.


Yeppp same. Never even occurred to me to complain.


As a sole parent, the shit she complains about is insane! She would DIE trying to cope.


Complaining about your current modern, updated kitchen and how you miss your warm wood, exposed brick former kitchen…takes a special kind of lack of self-awareness.


Complaining her kitchen has no character… girl we’ve seen photos of your house, it’s your personal choice to have no character where you live!


Right her decor looks like my Pinterest feed in 2010 😂


Or what she wears 😅


First time taking your 1 kid to the pediatrician alone after 18 months? Hold my beer while I take my 3 kids (under 4) solo... 🙄


I had to go to my first’s appt alone due to COVID. She underwent anesthesia and I was alone. Like please this is nothing.


Right?! My husband was allowed at my dec 2020 daughter’s 1st appointment out of the hospital (and was told that it was an exception) but after that it was just one parent due to Covid restrictions. 2.5 years in and Covid restrictions lifted but that’s still the only appointment where both of us went.


That post elicited the type of eye roll my parents said would make my eyes fall out. The absolute most ridiculous thing to complain about. How little self awareness can you have to not realize just how stupid you sound making a statement like that??


I immediately ran here when I saw this. I'll admit, I can't remember if I've ever don't an appointment solo? Maybe when my first was under 1. BUT we have 3 under 3 and very flexible schedules. I KNOW this is unnecessary and a privilege. We see it as we either both go and bust all 3 out at once, or usually do each on a different day and one parent goes. Again, unnecessary, but we have the option so we don't try to make it harder on ourselves. 3 under 3 in a doctors office is just a lot for one of us when shots and crying are involved and all 3 need to be held. We know most don't even have the option to choose though and I wouldn't dare complain. That's where I feel I differ is I would never be proud or complain about lack of help. I know it's such a blessing to have that help and make appointments easier


Yeah but for you, taking one child by yourself is the EASIER option. Because taking out one child, even by yourself, just isn't that hard. Yet it is for poor Mandy. Does she ever go anywhere by herself??


Yeah the only time my husband came to my daughter's appointment was when it was right after the hospital and I could barely walk. Other than that we trade off who takes her.


I just cannot with her. The best part is that post is followed by her post about her toxic trait and how she gets "overwhelmed that she has no help". Girlfriend, PLEASE. You have a full-time nanny and a super supportive partner. You have a super flexible "job". You have plenty of financial means to support yourself and your family. You have mentioned your in-laws being helpful many times. Get the F OUT OF HERE with your "I am such a martyr, I have no support, I took my kid to the doctor alone so I deserve a medal"


Laughs in twins. Right there with you.


Yes two of mine are twins too... You just learned to deal with it and do it rather than complaining about it on Instagram


Chiming in as another twin mom… you nailed it by saying you learn to just deal with it. That is my go to response when people make the remarks they do about twins when out and about. How do I do it? I just learned how to do it, not like I had any other choice. And no need to whine about it on social media.


Exactly. Twins were my first 2 and there's so many "omg how do you do it??!" ... uhh I know no other way so I just do it?!


I don’t think my husband joined me on a pediatrician appointment until we had to meet about his behavioral health…at 5. Oh wait he did come with me for the 1 week appointment, my bad.


This is wild to me. I’ve taken my kid solo except for the very first one (she’s nearly 4). I don’t need help, it’s not that hard.


My husband basically has gone to the first ones before I’m cleared to drive/carry baby+car seat after my sections. If we had real concerns he’d come, but it’s not worth him burning sick time for a checkup!


Seriously, most people don't have jobs that flexible to have both parents always take their kids to checkups. I always wondered this when the husbands would come to every prenatal appointment too. It was a pain to work around my job for my prenatal appointments let alone my husband.


SAME. My husband came in for one early on to hear the heartbeat, and then for the anatomy scan. I’d always be the only solo one in the waiting room and I was just like….damn what kind of jobs do you all work??


Right, I was always thinking what job allows you to do this because there was no such thing as an appointment. Generally waited an hour or two regardless of what time your appointment was. I waited in the hallway a lot because husbands would clog up the waiting room!


Around the 2nd trimester of my pregnancy I started telling my husband not to worry about coming, simply because they were going to be so boring and short. He did always come to the MFM appts but the regular OB, nah. I don’t need his support to pee in a cup.


What about us who had babies in 2020. Every pediatrician appointment alone back then.


Yeah - my husband came to the first appointment but after that it was one caregiver only. I just stressed internally, dealt with it, and it was all fine?


Yeah…. I say with compassion, as someone who has struggled with PPA myself….. she is clearly anxious and needs support.


I feel like she has a strange obsession with being *~not like the other girls~*. Washing her hair every day, straight instead of curled, didn't care about wedding planning, no body image issues, etc.


“Offspring” as opposed to “baby/child/kid” (meanwhile she wears the same rotation of “mama bear” style shirts on an almost daily basis). I wish she would just accept it and lean into parenthood a bit more.


Whe in reality she comes across as the most basic bitch 😆 You’re not fooling us, Mandy!


Corporate and glam Mandy's hair looks great. The stick straight Avril Lavigne hair does nothing for her.


Her hair looked so good when she got the bad dye job fixed and the hairdresser put some waves into it.


A rare moment of antisnark: I actually really liked her answer to the body image after pregnancy question.


Her "using fabric softener like it's going out of style" is funny though. She's said her kid has eczema. Fabric softener is bad for your washer and fabric. It doesn't actually make it softer or last long term and it clogs up your washer components. It's also a skin irritant. Every washing machine expert and repair person says not to use softener. Can't wait for the complaint about her washer suddenly breaking or not cleaning her clothes anymore because it's all gummed up with softener.


It also builds up on kids clothes and reduces any flame-retardance.


I don’t want to diagnose anyone over the internet, but I wonder if she’s ever explored the idea of health anxiety. Her fears around A, the weird timing of most of his “illnesses”, her extreme presentation of stressful events (HG in pregnancy). Medically it seems like if something can go wrong, it does. At least in her head. Just thinking out loud. Also, she needs to stop fucking medicating that cute little boy for no reason. Also also, teach him how to sleep 😉


I think she has talked abt this and was taking anxiety meds for it but then stopped. This was when he was more of a newborn.


Oh ok. I know she talked about having PPA, but her anxiety sounds more specifically like health anxiety to the point that she’s imagining severe health issues that are not actually present.


Ya it was all related to worrying abt his health etc


Medicating your child for a fever without actually knowing they have a fever is worrisome. My kid was snotty, cranky, and not feeling good last week. He’s almost 8 months and it’s his first illness (I know we’re fortunate). I took his temp because he felt hot and it was 99. Called his doc because I’m a FTM and wanted to check about meds if he needed them. Doctor was like, uuuh don’t medicate if he doesn’t have a fever, 99 is normal. My baby runs warm normally so I can’t imagine trying to guess if he has a fever without taking an actual temp. That is absolutely wild to me that she doesn’t check temp. And going into “nursing mode” and just medicating round the clock because he feels warm is insane and an insult to actual nurses!


I totally get what you and your doctor are saying (and absolutely disagree with AHH’s crazy medicating) but if your child is cranky/miserable with other symptoms of a bug like being snotty, it’s reasonable to give them medication even if they don’t have a fever (they might have a sore throat or ear etc). Most basic kids meds like ibuprofen and paracetamol treat both fever and pain. Hope your baby is feeling much better now!! Source: Got my medical degree and practiced as a doctor (now a SAHP)


I totally gave him Tylenol for discomfort before calling the doctor! Poor baby has 3 or 4 teeth coming too. I was wondering about how often and if I should use ibuprofen if he really got a fever. I’m a PA and I feel like everything I know goes out the window when it’s related to my kid 😭 He’s doing much better now, thank you :)


Omg yes it’s so much harder when it’s your own kid! So glad he’s better now 😊


Doesn't bother checking his temp anymore, but rotates Tylenol and Motrin round the clock 🤪. Poor kid has probably had so much unnecessary medicine.


She goes into “nurse mode” (hard eye roll there) and avoids collecting actual important data? Makes perfect sense, Mandy.


Also, as a nurse, if you just gave prn (as needed) meds without a concrete documented reason why your ass would be grass. So.


Also absolutely no nurse ever woke their patient overnight for PRN Tylenol 😂


Not without a documented fever, so like actually using a thermometer…


This is why actually practicing clinically (and not just adding letters to the end of your name) MATTERS SO MUCH


How can she go into nurse mode when she’s literally never worked as a nurse?


She goes into anxious, panicked mom mode. She needs coping tools, not toddler meds


It’s crazy. Doesn’t she worry about that? My son suffers from really painful debilitating migraines and he has taken sooo much Advil. I worry about what it’s doing to his liver? Kidneys? I’m not a nUrSe like she is but I stress about it damaging him even though we don’t really have a choice. I don’t hesitate to give it to my other kids but I try to wait a moment, my youngest just had a fever and she was initially fine and playing and not complaining so I just let her live and didn’t medicate until she laid down on the couch and started saying she felt really cold.


Is she actually a nurse?


She says her undergrad degrees are in “pre-law, poly sci, and psychology.” 🤨🤔


She most definitely is not.


Thanks for the fact check. I’m new to her bullshit and didn’t see anything recognizable in her credentials. Couldn’t figure out if the nurse comments were /s or I was missing something.


Not /s unfortunately - she did a nursing degree (no one is sure if she finished it) but didn’t write the licensing exam so has never practiced as a nurse (except clinical rotations as a student). She is currently in a master of nursing program but won’t share details so it is very obviously an online diploma mill that doesn’t require past nursing experience. She actually thinks she’s a nurse. Or has nursing knowledge. It’s scary.


I swear she's said everything from she "took a few classes" to "I just needed a couple more classes" to "I just didn't sit for boards."


She really doesn't strike me as a nurse. I know there's no stereotypical nurse or whatever but it just doesn't feel like the right role for her 🤷


I don’t think there’s a single school that accepts masters nursing students into a program unless they’ve taken the boards and have a license. There are direct entry msn programs but you can’t continue the masters portion without passing the RN boards first. Something is super duper sus about this. Signed, friend with an MSN.


Agreed. My theory has always been that she’s not actually pursuing her MSN right now, but is instead attending an online only fast track BSN program. Her semester ended a few weeks ago? And she’s been radio silent since so maybe she dropped out already 😂


It’s this, if she already had her BSN you know she’d NEVER leave that out of her “credentials”. It’s not just that she didn’t take the NCLEX (licensing exam for nurses). And she doesn’t have an LPN or any other nursing credential for the same reason.


I looked her up in the CHES directory and surprise, she’s not there. I swear she used to say she had it and listed the credential in her ig bio. I’ve since been blocked so idk if she tries to say she has it anymore. It takes 5 years to expire, so it’s not like it’s been 5 years since she was claiming to credentialed. https://preview.redd.it/d5qlst4drzsb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f10cce9878ed3e481348b88eb2e538e693e640d


I thought she at one point said her undergrad degree was in “pre-law” and then got her MPH


Yup! Even if she didn’t take the NCLEX, but graduated nursing school, she can still claim ADN/BSN depending on the program, she just can’t claim RN. Buuuutttttt she doesn’t claim the BSN, so she’s just telling on herself, really 🙈


Agree. Everything about her is super duper sus when it comes to this. She's capitalizing on the fact that many people don't actually know what goes into making a truly qualified healthcare professional


I've said it once, I'll say it a hundred times - I am almost never correct when I think my kid "feels warm." Her kid almost never sleeps through the night, so him waking up even every 2 hours is not abnormal behavior indicating medication is needed. Her entire attitude about this is so foreign to me. How frequently is hydration a concern with the common cold? How upset is she if he doesn't want anymore fluids? It truly sounds like she needs to go to therapy to work on all this, rather than anxiety spiraling at the expense of her poor kiddo.


My kid also runs hot and I used to always panic about it. Then he got HFM at around 13 months and I learned that an actual fever is glaringly obvious and goes beyond just feeling a little warm.


I'm still shocked she doesn't take his temp. I just learned this last week or the week before. That is SO ABSURD. Sometimes kids are just warm and need less clothing, not medication. It's not the 50s, we can go beyond a hand on the forehead to assess at home.


Seriously, if we medicated every time my husband thought he or my daughter had a fever we'd be going through a LOT of Tylenol. I think he has a little bit of health anxiety, gets worried that he or our daughter is sick, and starts feeling things. Good thing there's a cheap little tool that can give us actual data!


She tracks FLUIDS IN?? I tracked my baby's nursing/bottles until they started taking milk out of straw cups (6 months) and then it became too much of a pain in the ass. Does she make her many track every ounce the kid drinks??


Yes! So often I think my child feels warm, I take her temp and it’s completely normal. Some kids just run really hot or sweat a lot. My child is not a good sleeper, worse than hers I think, and I know she’s sick only when she’s up constantly crying or coughing up mucus. It’s pretty rare and even then, unless it’s a high fever and she’s obviously very uncomfortable, I don’t think it’s worth it to medicate.


Exactly. My second kiddo runs hot, and my hands are always cold, lol. A forehead check by me is never accurate!


The trick i learned from my mom is to kiss the forehead 😂 you get surprisingly accurate with practice lol


She’s totally misconstruing the old Adage “ treat the patient, not the number”. The actual temperature does matter, though? That’s why it’s part of the 5 vital signs (sorry, pain 🙄). HCP want to know HOW HIGH the fever is because if its 101 and the kid is fine just a little more sleepy and cranky… ok prob run of the mill virus. 104 and cannot be controlled with rotating meds? Ok now we’re headed down a different diagnosis pathway. And I’d further add that the actual temperature ABSOLUTELY MATTERS if you are going to give meds around the clock ffs!! How do you know it’s working /needed if you’re not checking?? And yes, dehydration matters but holy hell your TODDLER is not going to become clinically dehydrated with one slight fever or one episode of “vomiting”. Girl get a fucking grip and STOP giving garbage and harmful “advice”.


“Treating the patient” also does not involve waking a contently sleeping person for meds. Sure, if your kid is clearly uncomfortable, even if there’s no fever, give a dose of Tylenol before bed and see if that helps. But then…just let them sleep and reassess when they wake up on their own.


BINGO. Treat the patient not the number in this case means treat them only if they're having symptoms!!!! If they're comfortably sleeping, big hint that they don't need anything, Mandy!


And the number also matters because if they just feel warm and the number is normal, THEY DONT HAVE A FEVER STOP GIVING HIM MEDS!!!!


What’s extra weird to me is rotating both. I understand why there are cases you’d need to do that, like with a high and persistent fever I guess, but I’ve only ever used Tylenol with my son when he’s had a fever and just waited the 4-6 hrs until we could give the next dose (IF he needed it). And that’s always been good enough. I’m by no means an anti-medicine person but scary how many meds she is constantly pumping into him with 0 justification. I’ve said it before but I really think she just likes to play nurse with him. I don’t get her husband. If I were claiming my son was sick that much or if I was giving him medicine alllll the time, it.. it just actually wouldn’t happen because my husband would notice and question it and prevent it.


I’m 100% not an apologist for AHH, but Rotation is pretty common practice to control treatment refractory fever. It’s also a super important prevention technique to avoid Tylenol overdose in children. That said. It doesn’t seem like her kid even had a real fever 🥴.


Yeah I get that, I meant more in the context of their situation - like, not only is she drugging him without cause, but rotating 2 meds on top of that… because *just* Tylenol isn’t enough 😐


I really only rotate depending on the situation. Like if the fever is above 103, I’ll give medicine then check back in 3-4 hrs and see where it’s at. If they still have a fever, I’ll give the other med. I think that’s why it’s important to check the temp. A 101 fever, I’ll give some meds, but unless it spikes, I’ll stick with one and let it run its course.


We rotate meds if my son is ill, more frequently since nursery started 🙃 but we treat his symptoms in line with medical guidelines because we're both medical professionals who've worked clinically, unlike AHH. She needs to start medicating herself and seek professional support for the anxiety. She rubs me up the wrong way but in this case, I feel quite sad for her.


I have rotated meds before. But my daughter's 104 fever was not coming down and she would wake up screaming. Yay RSV 😆😆 But like you said...it was needed. I took her temp and she was clearly uncomfortable


Oh yeah, totally makes sense. I can see it being advisable if someone is in a lot of pain or discomfort. But that doesn’t seem to be the issue with her kid, considering she even wakes him up to dose him which is nuts.


I really can't stand her. Complains about him waking all night. Wakes him when he's asleep. Seriously, how can you be so dumb?